Middle East Map - West

The Modern Middle East:

Political Map

Directions: Use your Across the Centuries textbook, pages 522 – 524, while following the steps below to complete your political map of the modern Middle East Region.

1. Label the following countries on your map:

Turkey Iraq Libya

Cyprus Saudi Arabia Sudan

Syria Yemen

Lebanon Oman

Israel Kuwait

Iran Qatar

United Arab Emirates Bahrain

Jordan Afghanistan

Egypt Pakistan

2. Use the atlas to identify the capitol of each country and label them on the map.

Add the following cities, also: Adding Capitals is OPTIONAL, but the following

Cities are not optional:

Medina Cairo Jerusalem

Istanbul Damascus Baghdad

Mecca Tehran Riyadh

3. Label and shade the following bodies of water on the map.

Gulf of Aden Red Sea Mediterranean Sea

Black Sea Arabian Sea Persian Gulf

Gulf of Oman Caspian Sea

4. Color blue the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, and the Nile River

5. Shade each country so that two neighboring countries are NOT the same color.

5. Answer the questions on the back of this page after you have completed your map.

1. What three continents do the countries of the Middle East Region occupy?

2. What country is the northern-most country of the Middle East?

3. What country is the western-most country of the Middle East?

4. What is the capital of Iraq?

5. Which country/countries of the Middle East is/are land-locked?

6. Why do you think it is important to most Middle Eastern countries that they are not land-locked?

7. The Middle East, for the most part, is a very hot, dry region. However, some of the Earth’s earliest civilizations developed here. In which two areas did they develop and why did they develop there? (Think back to 6th grade Social Studies!)

Map Grading Rubric

|Countries |All countries are accurately labeled |Missing 1-3 countries and/or 1-3 |4 or more countries are missing and/or|

| |on the map. |inaccurate labels on the map. |are inaccurate on the map. |

| |3 points |2 points |1 point |

|Cities |All cities are accurately labeled on |Missing 1-3 cities and/or 1-3 |4 or more cites are missing and/or |

| |the map. |inaccurate labels on the map. |inaccurately labeled on the map. |

| |3 points |2 points |1 point |

|Bodies of water |All bodies of water/rivers are |Missing 1-3 bodies of water and/or 1-3|Missing 4 or more bodies of |

| |labeled. Water is shaded. |inaccurate labels on the map. Water is|water/rivers and/or inaccurately |

| |3 points |shaded incompletely. |labeled on the map. |

| | |2 points |1 points |

|Presentation |Very neat and colorful. Shows good |Mostly/Somewhat neat and colorful. |Not neat or colorful. Does not show an|

| |effort and attention to detail. |Shows moderate effort and attention to|acceptable amount of effort or |

| |3 points |detail. |attention to detail. |

| | |2 points |1 point |

|Writing |Few spelling mistakes. Geographic |Several (3-5) spelling |6 or more spelling mistakes. |

| |features spelled correctly. |mistakes/features spelled correctly. | |

| |1 point |1 point |0 points |

|Questions |Each question is worth 1 point. Answer one using your map and map analysis skills. |

Total __________/20


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