Ch14 The HIGH MIDDLE AGES, the revival


1. Divisions of the Middle Ages:

a. 500-1000: E__________ Middle Ages

b. 1000-1300: H_________ Middle Ages

c. 1300-1500: L___________ Middle Ages

d. We are looking events in the H________ Middle Ages


a. T__________ almost died out. Manors grew or made almost everything they needed.

b. T_______ & cities shrank.

c. L________ & L___________declined.

3. About the year _________ was a turning point. T________ revived, t_________ & cities grew; l_________ & learning revived. ‘

4. By 1000, innovations had taken place in a______________:

1) ___ F________ System had replaced the 2 Field System

2) Heavy M___________Plow

3) H___________ collar and h___________ shoes.

5. Results of these innovations:

a. These innovations in agriculture led to more f_________.

b. More food led to an increase in p________________

c. The increase in p__________ along with the Cr__________ led to a revival of t__________

d. Revival of trade led to a revival of t__________(towns depend on trade.)

CH14, Sec 1, The Crusades:

N1: What about the Crusades? What were the Crusades?

SPIRIT1: The Crusades were a series of wars, 8 main wars and several minor ones, fought between 1196 - 1291 (about 200 years), fought by European Christians against Muslims of the Middle East.

N2: How did the Crusades start?

SPIRIT2: For many hundreds of years, the Middle East had been ruled by the Arabs. The Middle East included the land that is now Israel & Palestine, which was holy to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Sometimes Christians from Europe would go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and visit the holy places, especially Jerusalem and the places where Jesus lived. The holiest place of all to Christians was the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the church built over the place where Christians believed Jesus was buried and rose from the dead.

N1: Did the Muslims who ruled the Holy Land let the Christians visit?

SPIRIT1: For hundreds of years, the Arabs who ruled this land and freely let Christians visit. Then a new people invaded and took over, the Turks.

TURK: I am a Turk. My people originally came from central Asia. We were a tough nomadic people. We migrated into the Middle East, and settled. We converted to Islam. First we served as mercenary soldiers for the Arab Caliph of Baghdad.. Then we began to take over control. We took control of most of the Middle East from the Arabs. Then we began attacking the land of the old Byzantine Empire, and were threatening to take Constantinople itself. This is what happened:

BYZANTINE EMPEROR ALEXIUS: Help! The Turks are attacking my Empire, They are taking over Asia Minor! I fear they will try to take Constantinople itself! What will I do? My army is not strong enough to fight them! I am desperate!! I am afraid I will have to turn to my great rival, the Pope in Rome. We are both Christians, even though we practice different sects of Christianity: He is the head of Roman Catholic Christianity, and I, along with the Patriarch, am the head of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. I will send the Pope a letter. Take this letter, messenger:

MESSENGER: Dear Pope Urban II: Help! The Muslim Turks are attacking my land! Please send me an army to help me fight them! - BYZANTINE EMPEROR ALEXIUS.

POPE URBANII: A letter from the Byzantine Emperor Alexius! He wants my help! He wants an army to help him fight off the Turks. . . hmmmm. . . . I think I will try to help him.

CARDINAL: Why do you want to help Byzantine Emperor?

POPE URBANII: Well, if I help him, maybe he will be grateful and the two Churches, Catholic and Orthodox, will reunite, under my leadership . . . .. hmm . . .

CARDINAL: Any other reasons, Pope Urban II?

POPE URBANII: Well, yes. . . reports have come to me that the Turks, who now rule the Holy Land are preventing Christians from visiting holy places, like the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Reports have come that European Christian pilgrims have been taken prisoner, tortured & and even killed. I think Christians should rule the Holy Land. If we help Alexius defend the Byzantine Empire, we could also take control of the Holy Land.

CARDINAL: Any other reasons, Pope Urban II?

POPE URBANII: Yes, one more reason. There is too much fighting in Europe, especially the continual small wars. If the knights of Europe go off and fight the Muslim Turks, maybe there will be more peace at home in Europe!

CARDINAL: What will you do, Pope Urban?

POPE URBANII: I will go to a central place, Clermont in central France and give a great speech, urging the Knights of Europe to quit fighting each other and go fight the Muslims instead!

. . . Medieval Sourcebook:

Urban II (1088-1099):

Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095

“ Oh, race of Franks, race chosen and beloved by God, well known for your devotion to the catholic faith and the honor of the holy church! To you our discourse is addressed and for you our exhortation is intended. We wish you to know what a grievous cause has led us to your country:

From Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople a horrible report has been brought to our ears, namely, that a race from the kingdom of the Persians, an accursed race, a race utterly alienated from God, a generation which has not entrusted its spirit to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulated them by the sword, pillage and fire! They have taken Christians as captives into their own country, and some they have destroyed by cruel tortures! They have either entirely destroyed the churches of God or appropriated them for the rites of their own religion. They destroy the Christian altars, after having defiled them with their uncleanness. . . . . When they wish to torture people by a base death, they perforate their navels, and dragging forth the extremity of the intestines, bind it to a stake; then with flogging they lead the victim around until, the viscera having gushed forth, the victim falls prostrate upon the ground! Others they bind to a post and pierce with arrows. Others they compel to extend their necks and then, attacking them with naked swords, attempt to cut through the neck with a single blow. . . . The kingdom of the Greeks (Byzantine Empire) is now dismembered by them and deprived of territory so vast in extent that it could not be crossed in two months. . Who should avenge these wrongs and recover this territory, if not you? You, to whom God has given remarkable glory in arms, great courage, bodily activity, and strength to humble the hairy scalp of those who resist you.

Let the deeds of your ancestors inspire you to manly achievement. Recall the glory and greatness of Charlemagne and of your other kings, who have destroyed the kingdoms of the pagans, . . . . .

Do not let your possessions or worry for your family keep you from going. The land in which you now live is shut in on all sides by the seas and surrounded by the mountain peaks. It is too small for your large population. It does not have enough wealth. It furnishes scarcely food enough for you to eat. This is why you murder and wage war against other Christians and frequently you die from wounds inflicted by other Christians. Therefore let hatred depart from among you, let your quarrels end, let wars cease. Enter upon the road to the Holy Sepulchre; seize that land from the wicked race, and take it for yourselves. The Scripture says that the Holy Land, which "floweth with milk and honey," was given by God to the children of Israel. Jerusalem is the navel (center) of the world. It is a land that is fruitful above others, a paradise of delights. . . . This royal city, Jerusalem, therefore, situated at the centre of the world, is now held captive by His enemies. . . From you Franks especially she asks for help, because, as we have already said, God has given you above all nations, great glory in arms. Accordingly undertake this journey for the forgiveness of your sins, with the assurance of the imperishable glory of the kingdom of heaven.

KNIGHT 1: Incredible speech! I’m going! I’m going to sew a cross on my tunic and go!

KNIGHT 2: What’s your reason for wanting to go on Crusade?

KNIGHT 1: I want to be forgiven for my sins. The Pope promised forgiveness of sins if we went, and that we would go immediately to heaven if we died on Crusade. What’s your reason?

KNIGHT2: I want to be forgiven of my sins, but I want to gain land and wealth. The Pope suggested said the Holy Land was a rich land where we could increase our wealth! How about you? What’s your reason?

KNIGHT 3: I want adventure. I’ve never been more than a few miles from home. I want to see new lands . . . Who’s that man over there? He looks very strange!

PETER THE HERMIT: I am Peter the Hermit. I plan to go all around and urge peasants to take up the cause and go on Crusade!

SPIRIT1: Pope Urban’s speech, which was obviously biased and wildly exaggerated, had an enormous impact on the listeners. It stirred their hearts in a way that nothing else had ever done. Remember, they were very naïve. They saw things in much simpler terms than most of us do today. In fact, this speech started what was a mass migration of the people of Western Europe toward the Holy Land!!

SPIRIT2: In 1095, right after Pope Urban’s speech at Clermont, but before the first official Crusade got organized, Peter the Hermit led a rabble of thousands of peasants toward the Holy Land. Many were armed with nothing more than their farming tools. When they reached Constantinople, Emperor Alexius was horrified! This was not what he wanted! He didn’t even want them to come into his city. He sent them on across the strait to Asia Minor. There, most of them were slaughtered by the Turks. This is often called the “People’s Crusade”. It isn’t considered one of the main Crusades.

SPIRIT 1: There were 8 main Crusades. The official “1st Crusade” set out soon after the “People’s Crusade”. Unlike the “People’s Crusade”, it consisted of thousands of well-trained French knights. Let’s interview some of the leaders of the “1st Crusade to find out what happened:

COUNT RAYMOND: I and other French noblemen led the 1st official Crusade. We marched across Europe toward Constantinople! The Emperor Alexius in Constantinople was glad to see us, but also suspicious and afraid that we might capture and plunder his city instead of protecting it. After many discussions and negotiations, we passed through Constantinople and on into Asia Minor.

COUNT BOHEMOND: We fought many battles against the Saracens (our word for the Muslims) . It was a long hot march toward the Holy Land. Our wool and leather clothing, and our heavy armor, caused us to suffer severely from the heat. We often lacked enough food and water because we didn’t have enough pack animals to carry sufficient supplies. Still we were full of hope and enthusiasm.

COUNT GODFREY: We pressed on, fighting battle after battle, and winning many victories. Lucky for us, the Saracens (our word for the Muslims) were disunited at that time and were fighting each other!

COUNT BOHEMOND: Our toughest battle was the battle for Antioch, a city north of Jerusalem. We laid siege to it and after 8 months, we broke through the walls and got inside. Then another group of Saracens came, surrounded the city, and laid siege to us inside the city! We thought all was lost! Then a monk found a stick he believed was the “holy lance”, the lance which was used to pierce the side of Jesus on the Cross. The men believed this, and it gave them greater strength and confidence. We beat back the Saracens, kept control of Antioch, and headed on to Jerusalem.

SPIRIT 1: Now let’s hear what the Muslims have to say about what happened in Jerusalem.

MUSLIM1: Finally, the “Crusaders” reached Jerusalem. First, they took off their shoes and marched around the city 7 times, like Joshua in the Bible. Then they got wood and built huge siege towers, and laid siege to the city. They finally captured Jerusalem, which is holy to us as well as to them.

MUSLIM2: When the Crusaders entered Jerusalem, they slaughtered thousands of people, including Muslims and Jews. It was a sad day. They set up 4 small countries, which they called the “Crusader States”.

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1. The Crusades: series of __ main wars (1196-1291) fought by European Christians against Muslims of Middle East.

2. Original main purposes: to protect the B___________ Empire & gain control of the H_____

land, especially city of J______________.

3. How the Crusades began:

a. T________ took over most of the Middle East (including Palestine) from the A________, began preventing Christian pilgrims from visiting holy places, & began attacking the B_________ Empire.

b. The Byzantine Emperor A________ asked Pope U_____ II for help.

c. Pope U______II gave stirring speech at C_______ in France, calling on the knights of Europe to fight the T________.

d. Motives of Pope included: getting control of the H_______ L_______ in Christian hands; possibly reu__________ Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Churches under the Pope, lessening of violence and w__________ in Europe.

e. Pope told knights to wear a c______ and that their sins would be f_______ if they went.

f. Motives of the Crusaders included: Sins would be f___________; Gaining w_________ & l___________; A____________

4. 1st Crusade – only really successful Crusade

a. P________Crusade went first, led by P_______ the Hermit. It was a mob of peasants. Almost all were killed.

b. The main 1st Crusade consisted of well-trained Fr_____ Knights came next. They fought many battles, captured the “Holy Land”, including J___________ , & set up the 4 Crusader states: County of Edessa; Principality. of Antioch; County of Tripoli & Kingdom of Jerusalem. Crusaders slaughtered many of the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

* Between 1st & 2nd Crusades, the Turks recaptured the County of Edessa.

5. 2nd Crusade, led by French King, failed.

6. 3rd Crusade.

a. S_________ united the Muslims and they retook J___________from Crusaders.

b. King R__________ of Eng. (also P_____II of France & Fred_____ Bar_____ of HRE) tried to regain J__________. King R_______fought Saladin, won some battles, but could not regain J____________.

c. S__________ & King R_________ made a tr__________. Muslims kept J______ but allowed Christian pilgrims to enter safely. Christians kept several cities on the coast. This treaty lasted only a few years.

7. 4th Crusade: Christian Knights never fought Muslims or reached Holy Land. Instead, (for various reasons) they destroyed Christian town of Zara (Zader) & sacked the city of C_________________!

8. Ch__________’s Crusade: thousands of ch_________ headed for Holy Land. Most

died or were kidnapped and sold into slavery.

9. 5th Crusade failed.

10. 6th Crusade – HRE Fr_________II made agreement with a Muslim leader and this Muslim leader gave him control of J____________in return for help in another matter. But this treaty lasted only 15 years. Muslims regained J___________ again.

11. 7th Crusade-King (Saint) L________ IX of France landed in Egypt, was captured & ransomed

12. 8th Crusade-King (Saint L________IX of France landed on N. Africa, got sick & died. Christian Europeans gave up.

13. “Reconquista”: During this same period of time, Christian rulers in S_________ gradually re-conquered S_________ and pushed the Muslims out. This was complete in 1492.

14. Long term results of the Crusades: People from Western Europe gained a great amount of k___________________ from the Muslims they came in contact with. Monarchs in Europe tended to g________ power, while the nobles tended to l________ power; European countries became more centralized. Increased tr__________ within Europe and between Europe and countries to the East.


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