NameDatePeriodPage#AP Human Geography Chapter 9 section 2 Text pages 273-276Where Are Cities Located and Why?Slide 1 Locations of CitiesPopulation – The number of people living in a or . In studying the size of cities and distances between them, urban geographers explored the trade areas of different size cities. Every city and town has a , an adjacent region within which its influence is dominant. The Population and trade area size to form a hierarchy of based upon these factors. The - holds that in a model urban hierarchy, the population of a city or town will be inversely proportional to its rank in the hierarchy. For example, if the populations in the largest city has 1 million people, the second city largest will have about (that is, half the population of the largest city); the third city will have (one-third); the fourth city ; and so on. The rank-size rule does not apply in all countries, especially countries with one supremely dominant city (often called a because it is much larger than all other cities within a country), such as Paris, France or Mexico City, Mexico.44634159271000Slide 3 Central Place Theory wrote the classic urban geography study, The Central Places in Southern Germany (1933), to explain where cities, towns, and villages will be located which laid the groundwork for . He attempted to develop a model to predict how and where central places in the urban hierarchy (hamlets, villages, towns, and cities) would be functionally and spatially distributed. This states that each central place has a surrounding region. This region was created because the town has a over certain goods at a given price and . regions exist because people will travel the distance to obtain goods or services and basic goods and services are available at levels.Slide 4 Central Place Theory ContinuedWhy hexagons instead of circles?Is this always accurate?Slide 7 Is Christaller’s Model still Relevant?To . Migration to major centers is still occurring and this is creating more active urban centers in many cities across the an area of the US experiencing population from retiring Baby Boomers and people seeking warmer, sunnier weather. The overall effect of all this movement was to create a changed urban hierarchy in the Sunbelt region. Central place theory would predict that some existing cities would respond by increasing their production of higher-order technological goods and services, increasing their economic reach and bypassing others. And this is what happened in . ................

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