Mr. Burgess' Grade 6 Class - Home

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For this task, you will be answering a series of questions from several different sites. Make sure you have clicked on the appropriate link for the question you are working on. Read carefully through the information as all the answers are there.

Start your Quest/search at the following Webpage:

The Three Levels of Government

1. Name the three levels of government.

2. Give at least one example of a responsibility for each level of government.

3. What type of system does Canada’s government have and how does it affect the powers and responsibilities and the government?

4. What are the three parts of Parliament?

5. Are Senators who sit in the senate elected by Canadian citizens or appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of the Prime Minister?

6. What is the major role or responsibility of the House of Commons?

7. Who is Canada’s Prime Minister?

8. Who is Canada’s Governor General?

9. What are the responsibilities of the Governor General?

10. What are the responsibilities of the Prime Minister?

The Canadian Electoral Process

1. Read the section Past the Post. After the vote, which political party usually forms the government.

2. Who becomes Prime Minister after the vote?

3. Name five registered political parties.

4. Are the votes of the public secret or public?

5. How old do you have to be to vote in Canada?

6. Why should I vote?

7. How long can a House of Commons or legislative assembly continue before the next election?

8. How much did the 1997 general election cost?

The Immigration Process

1. Name the six basic classes of immigrants.

2. List the requirements for people wishing to become a Canadian citizen.

3. Who cannot become a Canadian Citizen?

4. List the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens.

5. What are the three things that take place as you are working to become a Canadian citizen?

6. What is a Proof of Citizenship and when might you need it?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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