



- the capital of the UK and England, the seat of the Monarch, the Supreme Court, the Government, the Parliament

- lies on the river Thames

- 7,000,000 inhabitants in the city, about 12,000,000 million in its conurbation

- consists of the City of London and and 32 boroughs

- an area of 1,580 km2

- the Prime Meridian runs across Greenwich (in the east of London)

- industry: London was an important port => a lot of products (wood, furniture, chemicals, food - beer, sugar, diamonds) exported; clothing, printing; from the 60s => big plants moved to the outskirts; new plants (paper-making, oil refineries, car industries); 25% of the financial transactions take place in London (NY 18%, Tokio 10%); the London Stock Exchange is the biggest in the world; postal services, gold, silver and platinum trade, art trade; a great importance of tourism; more than 50% of sea and air transport is centred in London

- transport: The Port of London declines (now developing into "The Metropolitan Water City" - shops, railway, London City Airport); some docks for oil reloading; riverbuses (on the Thames between Chelsea and Docklands and City Airport); 5 airports (Heathrow - the largest, Gatwick); railway - controlled by computers, rail connection to all parts of the island from 15 stations (Victoria, Liverpool Street Stations); underground = the tube - 273 stations, 420 km long; buses: the busiest place for bus traffic - Trafalgar Square (recently double-deckers, nowadays quick single deck Red Arrow Buses and Green Line buses); long distance buses = coaches (Victoria Coach Station)

- parts of London: (a) The City of London (headed by the Lord Mayor, the "square mile"): Central London - the most famous sights; the City - a financial district; the East End - immigrants, ethnic groups; the West End - Trafalgar Square, theatres, shops, restaurants; (b) Westminster - Buckingham Palace, the Government, the Parliament; (c) Southwark; other parts: Kensington, Knightsbridge, Chelsea

- places of interest: (1) The City of London: The Tower of London (built by William the Conqueror, till the 16th c. a royal home; nowadays a museum (the Crown Jewels (the Jewel House)); the prison (famous prisoners - Walter Raleigh, Guy Fawkes, Rudolph Hess); the White Tower (an arsenal of weapons); the execution block (Ann Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Thomas More beheaded); the Tower guarded by the Yeomen Warders (well-known Beefeaters); six ravens to protect the UK kept there); Tower Bridge (is raised in the middle in 90 seconds to allow ships to pass); St. Katherine´s Dock; St. Paul´s Cathedral (1711; the Baroque style; the largest church in the world after St. Peter´s in Rome; the Whispering Gallery; Sir Winston Churchill´s funeral, the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana in 1981; graves of Admiral Nelson, Sir Wren); the Monument (commemorates the place in Pudding Lane where the Great Fire started; 311 steps, 60 metre high); Lloyds; the Bank of England; the Stock Exchange; (2) The City of Westminster: The Houses of Parliament (1547 - the Seat of Parliament => Great Britain is the oldest democracy in the world; the House of Lords - a gothic hall decorated in red, the Woolsack (the seat of the Lord Chancellor) in the front ; the House of Commons - green benches, presided over by the Speaker; Big Ben (the name of the bell; the strike of Big Ben used by BBC as a time signal); Parliament Square (a lawn with statues of renowned statesmen - Churchill, Lincoln, Benjamin Disraeli); Westminster Abbey (the most important church in the country; from the 11th c. (founded by Edward the Confessor); the Coronation Chair; almost all coronations since William the Conqueror have been held here; graves of Mary Stuart, Elizabeth I., Charles II., Henry VII., Edward the Confessor; the Poet´s Corner (tombstones and monuments of John Milton, Walter Scott, Byron, Wordsworth, Shakespeare, several even buried here - Chaucer, Robert Browning)); Whitehall (Government offices); 10th Downing Street (the home of the Prime Minister); Buckingham Palace (1703; outside - the Changing of the Guard (they have red coats and black helmets of bear skin); the north wing - the Royal Family (the Royal Standard is flown when the Queen is in residence)); the Queen Victoria Monument; the Mall (expensive shops); Trafalgar Square (political demonstrations; Nelson´s Column (about 50 m high with 5-metre tall statue of Horatio Nelson at the top; two fountains, pigeons); the National Gallery (one side of Trafalgar Square; Vinci, Tizian, Rembrandt, van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Dégas, Renoir, Turner, Goya)=> near to it the National Portrait Gallery; Piccadilly Circus (the busiest and noisiest place in London, an entertainment centre; the Statue of Eros); the Millenium Dome; the London Eye (a rollercoaster)

- shopping: Oxford Street (the best-known - John Lewis, Selfridges, Marks&Spencer); Regent Street (Hamley´s - toys, Liberty´s - fine fabrics); Bond Street (Sotheby´s - the famous auction house, jewellery shops, antiques); Piccadilly (sportswear, menswear); Knightsbridge - the home of Harrod´s; Tobacco Dock (a vast complex of shops set into warehouse); Soho (metropolitan place); Chelsea (young fashion)

- sports: Wembley (football), Wimbledon (Wimbledon Tennis Championships), Ascot (horse-racing)

- schools: London University (the first to confer academic degrees on women - 1878), the Royal College of Art, the Royal Naval College, City University, Brunel University

- parks: London - famous for its parks and greenery (all major parks were once royal gardens): St. James´ Park; Hyde Park (with the Serpentine Lake (swimming, boating) and Rotten Row (horse-riding), the Marble Arch (former an execution place), the Speaker´s Corner (everybody can say whatever she wants, but mustn´t touch the royal family)); Kensington Gardens (the Albert Memorial - built by Victoria in memory of her husband Albert); Kensington Palace (a home for the royal family); the Albert Hall (a round concert hall); Regent´s Park (gardens, lakes, a zoo (1826; about 6000 species including a Panda bear))

- journalism - connected with Fleet Street, but nowadays most magazines have moved to the Docklands

- music: 6 orchestras; halls: The Royal Festival Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall, the Purcell Room, the Royal Albert Hall, Wembley Arena

- opera & ballet: the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (the home of the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet), the London Coliseum (the home of the English National Opera), the Sadler´s Wells Theatre

- theatre: Mostly in the West End, the area around Leicester Square; the oldest - the Old Vic, Aldwich; the National Theatre (a complex of 3 theatres); the Barbican Centre (the largest centre for arts and conferences in Europe, the Barbican Hall (the home of the London Symphony Orchestra); the Barbical Theatre; studio the Pit); cinemas: the South Bank Culture Centre has the National Film Theatre and the Museum of Moving Image

- museums and galleries: usually free of charge; the British Museum (including the British Library - the Magna Charta, manuscripts of Charles Dickens, Alexander Fleming, da Vinci), mummies...; S Kensington: the National History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science Museum; London Dungeon (a horror museum); Madama Tussaud´s (wax figurines - Jack the Ripper, Margaret Thatcher, Gandhi, Churchill, the Beatles, Elizabeth I., Martina Navrátilová); the Sherlock Holmes Museum

- environs: Greenwich; the Cutty Sark (a Victorian sailing clipper that carried tea from China); the Old Royal Observatory; the National Maritime Museum (former hospital for sailors), the Royal Naval College; the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew (18th c.); Hampton Court Palace; Windsor Castle (originally from11th c., but burned down; the largest inhabited castle in the world); Eton College (1440; famous students: William Pitt, P. B. Shelley...)

- the history of London:

- about 800 BC - the Celts settled here (old Celtic word "Llyndum - a walled place situated high")

- 43 - Roman Londonium established

- 12th c. - during the reign of the Norman kings (1st one - William the Conqueror) - the royal court moved here from Winchester, for ever

- growth, economic rise

- 1565 - the Royal Exchange in service

- 1665 - more than 75,000 people died from a plaque

- 1666 - the Great Fire of London destroyed 4/5 of the city (nobody died)=> formerly wooden town rebuilt with stone houses (mostly by Christopher Wren - about 50 churches, St. Paul´s Cathedral)

- 17th c. - Lloyd´s Insurance Company established

- 1694 - the Bank of England

- 1773 - the Londonpostal services Stock Exchange

- 1837 - 1901 - Victorian Age - the Houses of Parliament, the Crystal Palace, the Covent Garden Opera House; Victorian style of red brick=>belt of suburbs

- from 1836 - railway network

- from 1863 - underground network

- 1982 - the rescue and new development of the Docklands (East) - criticized





- the four countries: England (London), Scotland (Edinburgh), Wales (Cardiff), Northern Ireland (Belfast)

- total area: 244872 sq km

- population: 60,4 mil

- capital: London (7000000 inhabitants)

- 17% people below the poverty line

- life expectancy - men 76, women 81

- unemployment about 4,8%

- currency: Pound sterling = 100 pence

- languages: English, Welsh, Gaelic

- the highest point: Ben Nevis (1343 m)

- the lowest point: Fens of East Anglia (-4 m)

- about 800 islands

- geography: The prime meridian of 0° passes through the old observatory in Greenwich; no point in the country is more than 121 km from the sea; islands: the Isle of Wight (S of England), the Isles of Scilly (the extreme SW), the Isle of Man (in the Irish Sea), Anglesey (N Wales), the Channel Islands, Western Scotland: The Hebrides, the Orkneys, the Shetlands; The highland area: Scotland (Ben Nevis), Wales (Snowdon), the Pennines, the Lake District; the lowland area: midland, S and E England ("the garden of England"); rivers: the Severn and the Thames in England, the Clyde in Scotland; the climate: Temperate, determined by the Eastern Atlantic and the Gulf Stream, rain is fairly common throughout the year; woodlands occupy about 8% of the surface, most of Britain is agricultural land

- Protestant Church of England

- flag: ="Union Jack", England and Wales (the red cross of St George), Scotland (the diagonal white cross of St Andrew) and NI (the diagonal red cross of St Patrick). In its present form first appeared in 1801.

- other places of interest: Stratford-upon-Avon (the birthplace of William Shakespeare - his house was pulled down, there is the old grammar school he attended and the Holy Trinity Church); Kenilworth (a Norman castle); Warwick (castle from the 10th century, the home of the Earl of Warwick; Oxford (1st university); Cambridge (2nd university); Canterbury (the seat of the Archbishop, the 1st convent in England established here); York (the residence of the Archbishop of the Church of England, a superb Gothic cathedral called York Minster); Folkestone; Winchester; Hastings; Cornwall (situated on the Land´s End (SW, beautiful landscape); Stonehenge (8 miles North of Salisbury, from about 2,800 BC, two circles, two horseshoes and the Alter stone); Coventry (cars and bicycles); Liverpool (the Beatles, Steeplechase, football); the Lake District (Windemere, Grassmere glacier lakes, lake poets: William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge); Hadrian´s Wall (from between 122 and 126 AD); Edinburgh (annual Festival of Music and Drama, university); Loch Ness (a Loch Ness monster); Loch Lomond

- economy: A member of the G-7 countries; a well-developed agricultural system (wheat, barley, oats, hay, potatoes, sugar bets (flax in the NI) => cattle, poultry, sheep, pigs, horse breeding)=> the products feed 3/4 of English inhabitants; raw materials: Coal, iron, tin, zinc, lead, in the sea: Oil, natural gas; Export: machines (Rols Royce), chemicals, means of transport, Scotch Whiskey; import: foodstuff, machinery; services are growing; Manchester - textile, machinery


the 1st c. BC - the Britons (Celts by race, warriors, had druids)

43 - the Roman invasion began (druids massacre)=> Hadrian´s Wall and the Wall of Anthonius built

the 5th c. - invasions from Germany (Angles, Saxons)

597 - St. Augustine landed in Kent

800 - England split up into seven kingdoms

489-901 - King Alfred the Great protects England from the Danish and the Norsemen => feudalism arose

991 - Danegeld imposed (money for the Danes to go away)

1016 - the Danish King Canute ruled England (prosperity)

1042-1066 - the Anglo-Saxon King Edward the Confessor

1066 - William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy against English King Harold

1087 - 1100 - William II.

1100 - 1135 - Henry I.

1154 - 1189 - Henry II. (1st Plantagenet)

1167 - Oxford University

1189 - 1199 - Richard I. the Lion-Heart

1199 - 1216 - John I. Lackland - 1215 - the Magna Charta (or the Great Charter)

1272 - 1307 - Edward I. - Parliament formed

1377 - 1399 - Richard II. - roots of the struggle between York and Lancaster

1338 - 1453 - the Hundred Year´s War (wool export to Flanders; John of Luxemburg, Joan of Arc)

1348 - the Black Death

1381 - the Peasants´ Revolt (Wat Tyler)

15th c. - the Wars of the Roses - nearly 85 years, 1485 => the Battle of Bosworth => Richard III. killed, Henry Tudor became King Henry VII. (Tudors till 1603)

1509 - 1547 - Henry VIII. - the Anglican Church founded, had 6 wives, daughter Elisabeth I.

1536 - the Act of Union - merge of Wales

1558 - 1603 - Elizabethan Age (culture - Shakespeare, trade)

1588 - the defeat of the Spanish Armada

1600 - the East India Company formed

1603 - 1625 - James I. (a Stuart) - GB united

1625 - 1649 - Charles I. - struggled with Parliament

1649-1660 - the English Revolution

1653 - 1658 - Oliver Cromwell as the Lord Protector

1685 - 1688 - James II. - a great favour to Catholics

1688 - the Glorious Revolution (William III. and Mary II. king and queen)

1689 - power into the hands of the Parliament

1707 - Scotland joined

1702 - 1713 - the War of the Spanish Succession (Gibraltar)

1714 - 1727 - George I.

1715, 1745 - pro-Stuart uprisings in Scotland

1756 - 1763 - the Seven Years´ War => 1763 - the Treaty of Paris - GB got Canada, Florida, some islands and African settlements

1721 - 1742 - 1st Prime Minister - Sir Robert Walpole (two parties - the Tories and the Whigs)

1760 - 1820 - George III.

1776 - 1789 - the American War of Independence

1801 - NI joined

1803 - 1815 - the Napoleonic Wars (1805 - the French defeated by Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar; 1815 - the French defeated by Welington and the Prussian general Blücher at the Battle of Waterloo)

19th c. - the Luddites (Ned Ludd) - they destroyed machines

1846 - 1855 - the Chartist Movement (voting by ballot...)

1854 - 1856 - the Crimean War (fear of Russia)

1837-1901 - Queen Victoria

1914 - 1918 - WW I. (the immediate cause - the assasination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand; a League of nations founded

1939 - 1945 - WW II.

1945 - the Postdam Conference

1952 - Queen Elizabeth II. crowned

1973 - a member of the European Economic Community

1979 - Margaret Thatcher the Prime Minister

1982 - the War over the Falkland Islands with Argentina

1997 - Tony Blair the Prime Minister



a League of nations - Společnost národů

birthplace - rodiště

counteroffensive - protiofenzíva

druid - druid

El Alamein - Al Alamejn

flax (fleks) - len

the assasination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand - zavraždění Franze Ferdinanda

the Black Death - Černá smrt

the Crimean War - Krymská válka

the Glorious Revolution - Slavná revoluce

the Napoleonic Wars - Napoleonské války

the Peasants´ Revolt - povstání Wata Tylera

the Postdam Conference - Postupimská konference

the Seven Years´ War - Sedmiletá válka

the Sudetenland - sudety


the War of the Spanish Succession - Válka o španělské dědictví

the Wars of the Roses - Válka dvou růží

to massacre sbd - zmasakrovat koho




- the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canda and China)

- borders on Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, Canada, the Pacific Ocean

- has two distant parts: Alaska and the Hawaiian Island (SW of California)

- founded on 4th July 1776

- total area: 9631418 sq km

- population: 295,7 mil

- ethnic groups:

white (81,7%)

black (12,9%)

Asian (4,2%)

Amerindian&Alaska natives (1%)

Hawaiian&Pacific islanders (0,2%)

Hispanic group - numerous, but not an official ethnic group

- currency: US dollar = 100 cents ( 1 cent=penny; 5 cents=nickel; 10 cents=dime; 25 cents=quarter; 50 cents=a half dollar=a fifty-cent piece; 1 dollar=a buck

- capital: Washington (district of Columbia)

- consists of 50 semi-autonomous states

- administer 14 territories

- the highest point: Mount McKinley (Alaska; 6194 m)

- the lowest point: Death Valley (California; -86 m)

- a lot of national parks: Everglades National Park (beautiful swamps); Yellowstone NP (in the Rocky Mountains, est. 1872, the largest and oldest NP in the USA, about 3,000 geysers and hot springs; impressive valleys of the Yellowstone river); Yosemite Valley NP (in the Sierra Nevada; the highest waterfall in the USA - 739 meters, giant sequoias)

- Pacific Basin - disasters

- geography: The surface - the Appalachian Highlands, the Appalachian Plateau, the Mississippi Basin (the Interior Plains), the Cordilleras (the Rocky Mountains, the Great Basin (full of ranges and valleey - Death Valley), the Colorado Plateau (with the Grand Canyon); the Cascade Range; Sierra Nevadas (Mt. Whitney - the highest peak of the continental USA - 4,418 m); the Coast Range; the Great Californian Valley); rivers - the Mississippi (the 3rd longest in the world - 6,212 m long); the Missouri; the Hudson (connected with the Great Lakes); the Colorado; the Columbia, the Rio Grande; the Yukon (Alaska); the Great Lakes - L. Michigan, L. Huron, L. Erie, L. Ontario, L. Superior => together more than 250,000 km2; the Niagara river (part of St. Lawrence river) - connects L. Erie and L. Ontario and forms famous Niagara Falls (51 m high); the climate - varied (temperate prevails), differences between the climate on the Pacific and on the Atlantic coasts

- flag: 13 alternate red and white horizontal stripes as a symbol of original 13 colonies, 50 white stars in a blue area, nicknames: Stars and stripes; Old glory; In service since 1959 (last two stars - Alaska and Hawaii - added)

- economy: The biggest in the world; 30% of the world´s indutrial and nearly 20% agricultural production; a member of the G-7 and the NAFTA; raw materials (molybdenum, natural petrol, kaolin, natural phosphates, salt, natural gas, sulphur, coal, oil; arable land covers 20,7% of the whole land, only 2,4% of the population work on about 2 million farms, export=> corn, soya; export: Chemicals, lorries, cars (exports 42% of cars), aeroplanes, computers, machinery, paper, oil, consumer goods; the main trading partners: Canada, Japan

- other places of interest: Boston (= "the Cradle of Liberty", an old town); Cambridge (the seat of Harvard University); Plymouth (the place where the Pilgrim Fathers settled in 1620); Princeton (Princeton University where Einstein gave hic lectures); Philadelphia (the place where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed); St. Augustine (the 1st European settlement in North America); Miami (recreation center); NASA - Kennedy Space Center´s Spaceport at Cape Canaveral; New Orleans (the cradle of jazz, the flood in 2005); Dallas (Kennedy´s death); Houston (NASA); Chicago (gangsters); Detroit (car manufacturing - headquarters of Ford, Chrysler, General Motors); Pittsburgh; Niagara Falls (the American Falls - 51 m high; Horseshoe Falls in Canada - 49 m high); Mt. Rushmore (Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt); Las Vegas (1850s - occupied by Mormons; rodeo festivals, gambling); Los Angeles (Hollywood); San Francisco (the historical center of the Gold Rush); the Grand Canyon (the Colorado river, up to 1,7 km deep); Metero Crater; Monument Valley in Arizona (red stone spires and chimneys); Disneyland in LA

- new plant from the USA to Europe => corn, beans, potatoes, tobacco


35,000 ago - native tribes from Asia come to America at the site of the Bering Strait

1492 - America discovered by Christopher Columbus

1607 - built Jamestown in the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia

1620 - Massachusets Bay colony established (a basis of New England)

the 2nd half of the 17th c. - a triangular trade system

1651... - the Navigation Acts - some goods can be sold only to England

1675 - the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts => established fixed and high taxes on both exported and imported goods

16th DEC 1773 - the Boston Tea Party (10,000 pounds worth tea dumped into the sea)=> the War for Independence started - the redcoats (the British - more numerous, but worse in tactics) vs. the patriots (American militiamen - led from JUL 1775 by George Washington) => battles of NY and Saratoga

4th JUL 1776 - the Declaration of Independence

19th OCT 1781 - the British surrender at Yorktown

1783 - the US defeat the British, the Treaty of Paris

1788 - the new constitution (the bill of righs added in 1791)

1789 - the first constitution proclaimed

1812 - the War of 1812 - between the US and Britain (it harmed USA´s trade)=> between the USA and Canada => a disaster, 1814 - the Treaty of Ghent (the pre-war status quo)

1820 - the Missouri Compromise => a line separating the North and the South was drawn

1823 - the Monroe Doctrine announced (the USA won´t touch Europe affairs and Europe won´t touch America)

=> two major parties: the Whigs (a strong government), the Democrats (individual states)

the 1st half of the 19th c. - the Republican Party formed (concentrated abolicionists)

1861 - The Confederate States of America (the South) established

1861-65 - the Civil war => Lee vs. Grant, the North won

1866 - 1877 - the Reconstruction

1867 - Alaska purchased from Russia

1898 - the US defeat the Spanish in the war over Cuba, become an empire

1901-1909 - Theodore Roosevelt´s presidency

2nd APR 1917 - the USA enter WW I. (during Woodrow Wilson´s presidency => his well-known Fourteen Points)

1919 - the 18th Amendment prohibited alcoholic beverages (Prohibition)

1924 - the Dawes Plan

24th OCT 1929 - Black Thursday - the stock market crash in NY => Franklin Delano Roosevelt´s presidency => the First New Deal (public benefits and buildings), then the Second New Deal (allowed workers to unionize, the Social Security Act)

1941 - the Lend and Lease Act

7th DEC 1941 - the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

1944 - the USA took a part in operation OVERLORD

6th and 9th AUG 1945 - two atomic bombs thrown on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1945 - the United Nations Organization

1955 - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (the NATO) founded, the Marshall Plan

1950-1953 - the Korean War

1962 - the Cuban missile crisis

22th NOV 1963 - Kennedy assassinated

1964-1973 - the Vietnam War (seen as purposeless)

1974 - the Watergate scandal

NOV 1979 - 52 Americans taken as hostages in Teheran=> the 444 days long Iranian hostage crisis

1980 - Ronald Reagan´s presidency (he cut down taxes, the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars); 1986 - Iran-contra scandal (secret aid from the America to Nicaragua); a lot of meetings between Reagan and Gorbachev

1988 - George Bush´s presidency (the crisis in the Persian Gulf - operation Desert Storm)

1992 - Bill Clinton´s presidency (the youngest American president since Kennedy)

2000 - George Bush Jr´s presidency

2003 - the USA invade Iraq



crater (krejtr) - kráter

dime - pětka (desetipence)

geyser - gejzír

Krushchev - Chruščov

nickel - buro

sequoia - sekvoj

slaveholder - otrokář

the Central Powers - ústřední mocnosti

the Cold War - studená válka

the Cuban missile crisis - Karibská krize

the Marshall Plan - Marshallův plán

the Persian Gulf - Perský záliv




1) New York

- the largest city in the USA, an industrial port, lies at the mouth of the Hudson and East Rivers, 780 km2, about 18 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, racial mix: 43% white, 25% black, 24% Hispanic; 5 boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, Staten Island (Richmond))

- 1524 - Giovanni da Verrazano entered New York Bay (the Verrazano Narrows Bridge connecting Brooklyn and Staten Island)

- 1609 - Henry Hudson sailed up the river

- 1624 - New Amsterdam established, skins and tobacco trade (then flour), Manhattan bought from the Indians for goods worth 24 dlr

- 1664 - NY becomes a possesion of the English - the Duke of York

- 1789 - NY serves as the capital for 2 years

- 1807 - Robert Fulton launched the 1st commercially successful steamboat on the Hudson

- 1889 - the Statue of Liberty installed

- 1929 - the Wall Street Crash

- 1930s - the George Washington Bridge (over the Hudson River), the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building

- 1976-2001 - the World Trade Center

- transport: By sea - a great port (1818 - the 2nd biggest after Rotterdam), the Erie Canal - opened 1825, connects the Great Lakes and the Atlantic, airports: JF Kennedy International Airport, Newark International Airport, La Guardia Airport; trains: 2 Manhattan stations: Grand Central Terminal and Pennsylvania Station; underwater tunnels; subway - the largest urban transportation system in the world; local buses; yellow taxis = cables

- commerce: 1820 - the Stock Exchange started serving, Wall Street = a synonym for the financial world, stock markets: the NY Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange

- a lot of self-sufficient communitions: Chinatown, Little Italy, Harlem (African American Neighborhood), the Jewish Neighborhood, the German Neighborhood, the Latin Quarter (the French), Hispanic Harlem (unlike in London, ethnic groups aren´t dispersed all around the city, but concentrated)

- 1st streets - Broadway, Wall Street; then a grid plan for the development of the town was chosen=> 12 avenues (running North to South) and more than 200 streets (running West to East), Broadway is an exception, mid19 c. - the plan criticized=> Frederic Lan Olmsted designed Central Park

- the Brooklyn Bridge - joins Brooklyn and Manhattan; the George Washington Bridge - the only over the Hudson River

- skyscrapers: the WTC, the Empire State Building, Citibank, Flatiron Building, Woolworth Building

- Liberty Island - the Statue of Liberty (designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, 91,5 m high, the lady holds a torch and the Declaration of Independence); Ellis Island = Isle of tears, isle of hopes - a gateway for immiggrants; Wall Street - many banks (Citibank), formerly a defensive wall; the Federal Hall National Memorial (the site of G. Washington´s inauguration); City Hall (the Mayor´s office); Broadway (= so-called Great Light Lane - because of the lights) - theater ditrict (about 40 theaters - Lamb´s Theater, the Imperial Theater (musicals), Lyric); Park Row - the center of journalism (quite an expensive street); St.Paul´s Chapel (=the oldest church in NY - 1766); Washington Square (intellectuals, avant garde); Union Square - place for demonstrations; Madison Square - the Madison Square Garden (a great complex mostly for sports - the NY Rangers; the Empire Station Building (the largest until 1973, about 381 metres high, it cost 41 mil. dlr instead of estimated 60 mil dlr); the NY Public Library (rarities - a Gutenberg Bible); the Chrysler Building (306 m high, the Art Deco Style, architect Van Alen=> designed one-piece spire (the Vertex); the Grand Central Terminal (the Beaux Arts Style - from France); the United Nations Headquarters (a vast complex, Corbusier contributed); Times Square (a center for performing arts and welcoming the New Year); Rockefeller Center (a complex of 19 buildings, home for General Electric, Radio City Music Hall (Grammy Awards), travel agencies, luxury stores, restaurants, consulates, several theaters...); St. Patrick´s Cathedral (inspired by the Gothic Style); the NY Botanical Garden, the Bronx Zoo; Carnegie Hall (a great concert hall); Lincoln Center (postponed because of West Side Story) - NY State Theater (NYC Opera and NYC Ballet), Metropolitan Opera House; 5th Avenue=> a part called Museum Mile (the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum (Chagall, Picasso, Klee...; a wave of protests); Museum of Modern Art (functional objects (cars...), Picasso, van Gogh, Matisse, Warhol), American Museum of Natural History)

- shopping: 5th Avenue (Rockefeller Center and the Grand Central Terminal) - Saks, Lord and Taylor; Broadway; Madison Avenue

- parks: Central Park, Battery Park, East River Park

- sports: 2 stadiums: Yankee, Shea; Flushing Meadows Park on Long Island - tennis championships

- schools: Columbia University (1754), NY University (the largest private one in the USA)

- "the Melting Pot"=> because of its cosmopolitan society: More than 80 languages spoken, a lot of religious denominations: Mostly catholicism, the Jewish community=> the largest outside Israel

- newspapers: the NY Times, the Washington Post, the NY Post, the NY Daily News, tabloids: the New Yorker, Time, Vogue, People; TV stations: ABC, CBS

2) Washington DC (District of Columbia)

- the capital of the USA, situated on the Potomac River, the seat of the federal government

- 180 km2, a population of 623,000 (the metropolitan area about 3,750,000), racial mix 70% black/30% white

- the location chosen by George Washington, DC established by Act of Kongress in 1790 (the city first used in 1800), designed by Pierre L´Enfant (the French architect), helped by Thomas Jefferson, a grid scheme, streets and avenues named by the states of the Union and by symbols (Pennsylvania Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Independence Avenue, Constitution Avenue), 4 quadrants (NW, SW, NE, SE)

- 1910 - the Height Buildings Act - no buildings higher than 15 storeis

- 1976 - the Metrorail began operation

- a white-collar town (only 5% industry manufacturing, people work for the government (about 360,000), about 40% of the city´s land is federally owned, about 150 embassies, the seat of organizations - the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization of American States, the press - the Washington Post, the USA Today, National Geographic, International Wildlife, tourism - the 2nd largest industry)

- transport: Airports: Washington National Airport, Baltimore-Washington International Airport, Dulles International Airport; railroad station = Union Station; Buses - Metrobus; the Metrorail (Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow coloured links); taxis; the best is to go on foot

- the Capitol building (in Capitol Hill, the location chosen by L´Enfant in 1791, houses Congress from 1800 consists of: The Senate Building (N; 100 senators in a semi-circle at dark magagony desk - Democrats - right, Republicans - left), The House of Representatives (S; 435 members in a semi-circle - Democrats - right, Republicans - left, the building topped by the bronze Statue of Freedom;then some other buildings added: The Supreme Court (a white marble building), the Library of Congress (about 90 million items - the largest library in existence), Folger Shakespeare Library (the world´s largest collection of Shakepeare´s works)

- the Mall => the Smithsonian Institution (one of the biggest museum complexes in the world, est. 1846, founded through a bequest to the US from an English scientist named James Smithson, about 100 million objects, the National Zoo, the US Botanical Garden, the red sandstone Castle (a symbol), the National Museum of African Art, the National Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of American History, the National Portrait Gallery, the National Gallery of Art, the National Archives (the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights)

- the Tidal Basin - Japanese cherry trees (a gift from the Mayor of Tokyo)

- Washington Monument - the white marble obelisk, 8 windows, about 555 ft high

- Jefferson Memorial - inspired by the Pantheon, a bronze statue of Jefferson holding the Declaration of Independence

- Lincoln Memorial - inspired by the Parthenon, a marble statue of a seated Lincoln

- Arlington House - the home of Robert E. Lee

- NW corner of the Constitution Gardens - the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (black granite wall, the names of those 58,000 killed or missing in the Vietnam War)

- Arlington Memorial Bridge=> the Arlington National Cemetery (about 200,000 miitary personnel, W. H. Taft´s and J. F. Kennedy´s graves)

- the Pentagon - the largest single structure building in the world, the headquarters of the Department of Defense, 23,000 employees

- the White House - exterior walls made of sandstone, 1st president who lived here - John Adams, 1st floor - official rooms, 2nd and 3rd floors - the Presidential family, the Eclipse (the garden in front), the Easter Egg Roll

- shopping: Wisconsin Avenue, Connecticut Avenue, Watergate

- parks: the West and East Potomac Parks and Constitution Gardens

- culture: the JFK Center for the Performing Arts (4 theatres - the Opera House, the Concert Hall...), the National Theater, Ford´s Theater (Lincoln killed by the actor J. W. Booth in 1865)

- Georgetown University, the George Washington University

- Mount Vernon (16 miles S of Washington, former house of Washington)




***********************(1) Ireland*****************************

-total area: 70280 sq km

-population: 4000000

-capital: Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath; about 500000 inh.)

-national name= "Éire"

-an island in the Atlantic Ocean, separated by the Irish Sea from Britain

-the longest river: Shannon

-mild climate, often rains=>green grass ("Emerald Isle")

-resembles a basin

-consists of 26 counties, parliament (House of Representatives&Senate), the Prime Minister, the president

-official&compulsory language - Irish Gaelic, commonly spoken is English

-famous Ires: G.B.Shaw, J. Joyce, O. Wilde, J. Swift, S. Beckett, Yeats; U2, Sinead O´Connor

-17.3. - St Patrick´s Day (parades, concerts..) => now celebrated not only in Ireland, but worldwide


-originally Celts

-5th century - St Patrick brought the Christianity=>then it spreaded throughout Europe

-12th c. - invasions of Normans from England=>struggles, emigration to the US

-April 1916 - the Easter Rising - nationalistst proclaimed independence=> suppressed by the British

-1921 an independent Irish State formed (except the six Northern counties)=> struggles between Catholics (led by Sinn Féin) and pro-British Protestants

-1973 - a member of the EU

-1998 - the Good Friday Agreement (peace treaty)

-flag: Green - Irish Catholics, Orange - Irish Protestants (William of Orange), white - peace between them


the British Commonwealth of nations:

- nowadays an association of 54 countries with their dependencies

- the former British Empire

- great trade power

- types of countries:


*DOMINIONS: Canada, New Zealand, Australia

*COLONIES: Gibraltar, The Bermuda Colony

*DEPENDENCIES: Islands (Saint Helena)

- the history:

*17th c. - first colonies

*18th c. - Canada, Australia, Gibraltar, S Africa, but lost America

*19th c. - New Zealand, India (so many local languages that the unification under English is necessary), Africa

*1867 - Canada got a status of Dominion

*beg. 20th c. - Australia, New Zealand got a status of Dominions

*1920´s - liberation movement (Egypt, Iraq), after WWII. - India, Pakistan

*1960´s - a lot of African countries independent

English language

- the English language - a West Germanic language, originated in Britain, first Germanic invaders founded Old English, then it assimilated a lot of French words => Middle English, the 19th c. - Modern English formed

- English - influenced mostly by the Romans and by the French (words such as "bouquet", "beaurocratic")

- mother language in the UK, Ireland, Republic of Malta, on American islands, Australia

- official language: India, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, 18 countries in Africa, 13 countries in Oceania

- mostly used language in science, massmedia, computer language, sport, international conferences, professional literature

- the official language of many world organizations (FAO, IMF, UNESCO, WHO, OPEC, NATO, OECD)

- Čapek´s "robot" - commonly spoken in English

British vs American English


Br - US

caravan - trailer

caretaker - janitor

crops - grains

dustbin - garbage can

holiday - vacation

in the centre of the town - downtown

lift - elevator

lorry - truck

motorway - highway

pavement - sidewalk

petrol - gasoline

petrol station - gas station

policeman - cop

rubber - eraser

school report - report card

single ticket - one-way ticket

to queue - to stand in line

toilet roll - toilet paper

torch - flashlight

washbasin - washbowl


Br - US

body. body - bady

water: votr - vodr

dance: da:ns - dens


Br - US

colour - color

harbour - harbor

recognise - recognize

centre - center


The American don´t like using present perfect.

*Usage of prepositions:

Br -US

at the weekend - on the weekend

please write to me soon - please write me soon



fluent/ly - plynulý/e

interpreter - tlumočník

translator – překladatel




A) Great Britain

- the National Curriculum: three "core" subjects (English, maths, science), collective worship, religious and sex subjects (not compulsory)

- compulsory education from 5 to 16

- state (majority, maintained by Local Education Authorities - LEAs) and independent or private schools

- school year from early SEP to mid July (3 terms - autumn, spring, summer)

- pre-school education - nursery schools, play groups

- independent system => for children 5 - 13, the same schedule as for state schools; state system - for children 5 - 11

- from 5 - 7 - infant schools, 7 -11 - junior schools

- from 11 to 16 => secondary schools, most common=> Comprehensive schools; Grammar schools (focus on languages) they end with GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) => children can take up to twelve of those exams, results of schools displayed in league tables; some of private secondary schools are single-sex; Secondary Modern Schools (about 6%, more general, they prepare for home economics)

- post-16 education: They can go to work, continue in the six-form colleges (continue after GCSEs) or tertiary colleges (vocational - the General National Vocational Qualifications), study A levels (= GCE, free choice of 5 subjects, a bigger specialization, end at the age of 18) or International Baccalaureate (more subjects); Advanced Supplementary

- post-18 education (above GCE A level standard; exams - mostly interviews) => Further education => career based courses: motor mechanics, computing

=> Higher education - universities, colleges

- well-known public independent schools: Eton College (tailcoat), Winchester College, Rugby, Harrow (London), Westminster (London), St. Paul´s (London) - they bring up future Prime Ministers...

- GB - 89 universities (including the Open University - 1969, for adults) + 70 other HE institutions

- universities:

1) Oxbridge: Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews, Aberdeen

2) From the 19th c. (redbrick): London, Manchester, Wales

3) From the 20th c. (new): Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, Reading, Nottingham, Exeter, Sussex, Kent

B) The USA

- compulsory: 6 - 16

- the system isn´t very united at all (only some federal laws), all schools controlled by a local school board

- the majority - public schools (this means free, unlike in England), mixed schools (only some private and church are single-sex)

- school uniforms only at some private schools

- they receive grades from A (excellent) to F (failure)

- pre-school: Kindergarten, nursery school

- the age of 6 - 12 - grade school (each year from the 2nd grade - children take exams on writing, reading, maths)

- after sixth grade=> middle school or junior high => till the ninth grade

- the age of 15 - 19 - high school (they receive a high school diploma, they graduate), they continue:

1) At a university (they have to pass the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT, the national exam; reading skills, comprehension, basic maths)

2) At a community college (usually 2 years,vocatonal adn semi-profesional education; ends with Associate of Arts degree)

3) At Vo-techs - Vocational-technical schools (a specific job)

- best-known universities (usually private): Harvard (1636, Cambridge), College of William and Harry, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, College of Columbia (all from 17/18th century), an outstanding reputation - the Massachusets Institute of Technology (1861)

C) The Czech republic:

- compulsory attendance from 6 to 15

- nine-year state primary schools (or private schools, church religious schools, special schools)

- school year from 1st SEP to 30th JUN

- secondary schools (secondary grammar schools - 4, 6, 8 years, preparation for university or college education; secondary technical schools - chemistry, glassmaking, agriculture; art schools; business colleges; nursing schools; secondary vocational schools - apprentices)

- university education - from 3 to 6 years, e.g. School of Economics, Faculty of Law, School of Architecture, Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Medicine, Technical Training College, Teacher´s Training College, Faculty of Science, College of Agriculture; students have to defend a thesis; after 3 years - a Bachelor´s degree, after 4 or 5 years - a Master´s degree, another 5 years - a Doctoral degree; well-known universities: Charles University in Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, Palacký University in Olomouc, Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem



admittance policy - přijímací řízení

after-school activity - mimoškolní aktivita

agricultural school - zemědělka

aid - pomůcka

apprentice - učeň

apprenticeship certificate - výuční list

assembly hall - atrium

assistant - asistent

at a university - na univerzitě

at school - ve škole

attention span - doba pozornosti

Baccalaureate - bakalářská zkouška

blackboard - tabule

board of examiners - zkušební komise

boarding school - internátní škola

brain food - jídlo na myšlení

business academy - obchodní akademie

campus - plac pro studenty

candidate - kandidát

career - kariéra

chairman - předseda

civics - občanská nauka

classmate - spolužák

cloakroom - šatna

coedutional - studium pro obě pohlaví

colleague - kolega

compulsory/obligatory education - povinná školní docházka

conservatoire - konzervatoř

correspondence classes - dálkové studium

créche (kreiš) - jesle

curriculum vitae - životopis

dean - děkan

degree - titul

department - katedra

diploma - diplom

diploma thesis - diplomová práce

dissertation - doktorská práce

doctorate - doktorát

education - vzdělání

eg. chemistry teacher - učitel např. chemie

entrance examination - přijímačky

evening classes - večerní škola

exam on sth - zkouška z čeho

faculty - fakulta

farewell party - rozlučková párty

fee for tuition - školné

graduation ball - maturiťák

graduation ceremony - slavnostní ukončení studia VŠ

groundkeeper/caretaker - školník

gymnasium - tělocvičná hala

hall of residence/dorm - vysokoškolská kolej

in school - ve školních letech

instructor - instruktor

in the field of science - na poli vědy

lecturer - lektor

lenght of studies - délka studií

mark - známka

needlework - šití

nursery school/kindergarten - školka

on-the-job training - zaškolení při práci

optional - volitelný

oral exam - ústní zkouška

parent-teacher meeting - třídní schůzky

Physical Training - tělocvik

primary/elementary education - základní vzdělání

principal - ředitel

promotion - povýšení

qualifications - kvalifikace

rector(CZ)/ president (US)/Vice Chancellor (UK) - rektor

reunion - setkání po letech

secondary grammar school - gym

secondary vocational school - učnák

sex education - sexuální výchova

schedule (šeďjůl) - studijní program

scholarship - stipendium

Scholastic Aptitude Test - test obecných studijních předpokladů

school canteen - školní žrádelna

school of applied art - škola aplikovaného umění

school report, certificate / report card (US) - vysvědčení

School-Leaving Certificate - maturiní vysvědčení

school-leaving exam/graduation exam/maturita - maturita

slide/overhead projector - meotar/digitální projektor

snack - sváča

specialisation - zaměření

sponge - houba

staff - personál, zaměstnanci

staffroom (stááfrům) - sborovna

state examination - státní zkouška na VŠ

student cafeteria - mensa

subject - předmět

substitute for a colleague - supl

teach room - kabinet

teacher´s training college - peďák

technical training college - vysoká technická

tertiary education - vysokoškolské vzdělání

textbook - učebnice

timetable - rozvrh

to attend sth - navštěvovat školu

to be apprenticed to be - být vyučen čím

to be detained - být po škole

to be evaluated by sth - být hodnocen čím

to be free of charge - být zdarma, bez poplatku

to check sth - kontrolovat/opravovat co

to copy from sbd - opisovat od koho

to defend the dissertation - obhájit doktorskou práci

to dissect sth - pitvat co

to do well at school - být dobrý ve škole

to enroll at a univ - zapsat se na univ

to excel in - excelovat v čem

to gratuate from - vystudovat co

to cheat - podvádět

to keep sbd in detention - nechat někoho po škole

to pay attention - dávat pozor

to practice - cvičit v praxi

to promote sbd - povýšit koho

to requalify - přeškolit

to sample - vyzkoušet

to scold sbd for - zprdnout koho za co

to shirk school - ulejvat se ze školy

to stimulate - povzbuzovat

to take exams - skládat zkoušky

uniform - uniforma

workshop - pracovky

year/form/grade (US) – ročník




(A) Great Britain

- is a monarchy

- the monarch (Queen Elizabeth (*21st APR 1926; 1947 - Married Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh; the Queen since 1952, crowned 1953)) - reigns, but doesn´t rule, the country is in her name governed by the Government, the head of the Commonwealth (thus officially called "Elizabeth II., by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith"); in the Channel Islands and on the Isle of Man there are Liutenant-Governors as her representatives; in other countries of the Commonwealth the Queen is represented by Governor-Generals; she may exercise the power of veto (but she has never used it), she is the head of the Church of England, she opens and closes parliamentary sessions; she advises the Prime Minister (and meets him every week); Prince Charles, Prince of Wales is the heir to the throne (next successors are: Prince William of Wales; Prince Harry of Wales; Andrew, Duke of York; Princess Beatrice of York; Princess Eugenie of York; Prince Edward

- the Parliament at Westminster: (1) The Sovereign (formally summons and dissolves the Parliament, an anual speech from the throne); (2) the House of Lords (= "the upper house") - red seats, about 666 - from 2004 - members; unelected, made up of hereditary and life peers (e.g. Paul McCartney) and peeresses (law lords - the judicial duties; Lords Spiritual (the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and 24 bishops of the Church of England) => law-making process; the head = the Lord Chancellor (also the head of the Judicial) (3) the House of Commons (= "the lower house") - a circle, an oval table; the Government party => on the right (of the Speaker), the Opposition - on the left; green seats; two parts: Government and Opposition MPs; elected by universal adult suffrage; consits of 650 Members of Parliament (MPs; 523 for England, 38 for Wales, 72 for Scotland, 17 for Northern Ireland); the chief = the Speaker (MPs need to catch the Speaker´s eye to be let them speak); law-making process;

- the Government => the Cabinet compound of the most important ministers (= secretaries) - e.g. the Chancellor of the Exchecker (finance)

- a general election - every 5 years (from 18 years, candidates from 21 years)

- best-known parties: the Conservative, Labour, Liberal and Social Democratic parties=> the leading members of future government are chosen by the Prime Minister; the second party forms the Opposition

- the British constitution is not written as a single document, formed by statute, common law, convention; it can be altered by an Act of Parliament

- "devolution" - Scotland its own parliament in Edinburgh; National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff; NA for N Ireland still under discussion

(B) the USA

- the US Constitution serves from 1788

- representational federal republic, 3 branches of power (the Legislative - both Houses of Congress; the Executive - the President and the Executive office); the Judicial (the Supreme Court and all other Federal courts)

- Congress - drafting and passing laws, handling matters of national finance, the defense of the nation (together with the President), regulating commerce, admitting new states) in Washington; the Senate - 100 Senators (2 for each state); 6-year terms (every 2 years one third is renewed), voted by popular vote; the official presiding officer = the Vice President; special duties of the Senate: Approving presidential appointments, trying a President who has been impeached by the House, ratifying treaties

- the House (of Representatives) - 435 Representatives (Congressmen and Congresswomen) per state based on a population; 2-year terms; duties: Originating all bills relating to taxes, impeachment; Republicans x Democrats

- a bill - must be made, discussed by a standing comittee, must pass both in the Senate and in the House of Representatives, the President may exercise the power of veto=> the bill sent back to Congress => Congress may override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both chambers

- the President - together with the Vice President - the only elected officials of the Executive branch; maximally two 4-year terms in office; at least 35 years old; must be born in the USA; must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years; the Commander-in-chief of the Army, appoints all ambassadors, ministers, consuls; the President´s personal staff (must be approved by the Senate) - the Oxecutive Office (14 cabinet departments - Dep. of State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development; Energy, Veteran Affairs; the head of certain department (called the secretary) advises the President on setting national policy), a number of independent agencies (the Central Intelligence Agency = CIA; the National Security Agency = NSA; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration = NASA)

- Electoral College (representatives of each state); each state its own governor (sometimes even constitution), the Federal Government decides mostly on financial and foreign affairs;

- the Judiciary, a three-level hierarchy: Federal district courts (94), US courts of appeal (13) and the US Supreme Court (made up of 8 associate justices and a Chief Justice (solves laws that go against the Constitution)); judges appointed for life by the President and confirmed by the Senate; a capital punishment still serves in some states of the USA



amendment - novela zákona

ballot - volební lístek

ballot box - volební urna

bill - návrh zákona

capital punishment - trest smrti

coalition - koalice

defense - obhájce

election pledge (pledž) - předvolební slib

extremist - extrémista

franchise (frenčajs) - volební právo

jury - porota

justice - spravedlnost

law-making body - orgán pro návrhy zákonů

left/right wing - levice/pravice

mayor - starosta

ministry - ministerstvo

moderate - střed

monarch/y (monárk/y) - monarcha/monarchie

municipal elections - obecní volby

oath - přísaha

political party - politická strana

solicitor/barrister - státní zástupce v UK

the Cabinet - kabinet

the Constitutional Court - ústavní soud

the Chamber of Deputies - poslanecká sněmovna

the electorate - voličstvo

the Senate (senit) - senát

suffrage (safridž) - volební právo

the Supreme Court - nejvyšší soud

the universal, equal, direct and secret right to vote - bla bla právo volit

to abstain from sth - zdržet se čeho

to declare an amnesty - vyhlásit amnestii

to grant a pardon - udělit generální pardon

to override sth - přehlasovat co

to ratify - ratifikovat

town council - městské zastupitelstvo

trial - soudní proces, slyšení

veto - veto




1) Canada

-the second largest country in the world

-the world´s longest coastline (243000 km)

-total area: 9984670 sq km

-population: 30,300,400 million (majority Europeans, 300000 North American Indians, 19000 Inuit); density: 3 people per sq km

-three quarters of canadians live in large cities

-lang: 70% English, 20% French, 10% billingual (more than 100 lang. spoken in all)

-capital: Ottawa (775000 inh.), other towns: Montréal (French speaking), Calgary, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver, Quebec (French speaking)

-currency: Canadian dlr

-it has 10 provinces (Newfoundland&Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunsvick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchevan, Alberta, British Columbia) and three northern territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories; the newest - Nunavut - April 1999)

-geography: 1) Great lakes: Shared with the US: Huron, Ontario, Erie, Superior; then Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Winnipeg; 2) Rivers: the St. Lawrence river (3669 m, the longest inner water system), the Winnipeg, the Saskatchevan, the Columbia, the Frazer, the Yukon, the Mackenzie (the longest); 3) Regions: A) the Pacific Coast - moderate climate; B) the Cordillera - Mount Logan (the highest - 6050m), the Rocky Mountains, the coast mountains, deserts, valleys; C) The Prairies - grain, potash, oil, petroleum; D) the Canadian Shield - Hudson Bay, ancient mountains, mineral resources (gold, silver, zinc, uranium); E) the Great Lakes - industry, fruit; F) the Atlantic Provinces - fishing, agriculture; G) the Arctic - hard conditions

-70% of Canada is wilderness


-writers: Saul Bellow (born), Ernest Thompson Seton, Stephen Butler Leacock (Literary Lapses)

-a member of the British Commonwealth

-constitutional monarchy, Senate (104 members according to provinces)+the House of Commons (295 members for 5 years), the Cabinet&the Prime Minister (considered advisors of the monarch)

-head - Queen Elizabeth II., her representative in Canada - Governor General (signs laws)

-party system

-education - big state support compulsory from 6/7 to 15/16 years, elected school boards/commissions; there are public/separate/private schools;

-economy: Member of the G7 countries; raw materials etc. (uranium, zinc, sulphur, nickel, aluminium, paper for newspapers, seal furs, timber, wheat, fish), developed agriculture, it is the 8th trading nation, about two thirds of work force work in services, quite low inflation, a member of NAFTA

-1st of July=Canada day, commemorates semi-independence gained in 1867 (celebrated by fireworks, parades, barbecues)

-thanksgiving (also USA)=>roast turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce


about 1000 - Icelandic Norsement settled on Newfoundland

1497 - John Cabot (Italian) discovered Newfoundland

1763 - the Treaty of Paris - the British have all the French territory east of Mississippi

1774 - the Quebec Act - the US respect French rights

1776 - Loyalists (loyal to the British Crown) came to Canada

since 1867 - not a British colony, but Dominion of Canada by the British North America Act (provinces: Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia)

important role in I.WW

1931 - the Statute of Westminster (Canada´s constitutional autonomy from Britain)

1980-1992 - unsuccessful referendums about Quebec´s autonomy

the first Prime Minister Sir John Alexander McDonald

-flag: From 1964, official Canadian colours, Maple (mejpl) leaf emblem, symbol of maple sap (a source of energy for aboriginal people), Canadian symbol for soldiers during the WWI. and WWII.

2) Feastdays



- about some important Czech, US and British feastdays

* 1st JAN - New Year´s Day

*3rd MON in JAN - Martin Luther King´s Day (1929-1968, civil-right campaigner, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964) /USA

* 14th FEB - St. Valentine´s Day (lover´s day, anonymous valentine´s card, typical symbols: Heart shape, pink, red colour, originally commemorates a Roman priest who helped Christians)

*3rd MON in FEB - The President´s Day (all US presidents are honoured) /USA

*1st MAR - St. David´s Day (the patron saint of Wales) /UK

*17th MAR - St. Patrick´s Day (the patron saint of Ireland) /UK

*1st APR - All Fool´s Day (jokes, tricks on people)

*APR - Easter (Good Friday - Jesus´ crucifixion, Easter Sunday - the Resurrection of Jesus, come from a festival celebrating the spring enoix, symbols: Easter dyed eggs given as a present; in the CR - thrashing with an Easterstick; in the USA - egg hunt - Easter Egg Roll in the front of the White House)

*23rd APR - St. George´s Day (the patron saint of England) /UK

*1st MAY - May Day (political public meetings) /UK

*2nd SUN in MAY - Mother´s Day

*4th MON in MAY - Memorial Day (dead in wars) /USA

*Spring Bank Holiday (Banks and shops are closed, families visit fairs) /UK

*SAT after 9th JUN - The Queen´s Official Birthday (Guards Parade) /UK

*3rd SUN in JUN - Father´s Day

*Summer Bank Holiday /UK

*4th JUL - Independence Day (parades, concerts) /USA

*12th OCT - Columbus Day (the discovery of America)

*31st OCT - Halloween (Celtic roots, commemorates ghosts and the dead; in the USA, in Britain only in the North and in Scotland, in Canada; parties, fancy costumes, children go along streets, saying "Trick or treat" (if they don´t receive sweets , they make a trick - for example soap the windows...; symbols: Pumpkins, ghost costumes...)

*5th NOV - Guy Fawkes Day (the Gunpowder plot - 1605 - Guy Fawkes with other catholics wanted to blow up James I. and the parliament) /UK

*11th NOV - Remembrance Day (WWII. dead) /UK

*11th NOV - Veteran´s Day (war veterans) /USA

*4th THU in NOV - Thanksgiving day (com. the Pilgrim fathers) /USA

*30th NOV - St. Andrew´s Day (the patron saint of Scotland) /UK

*24th - 26th DEC - Christmas

*31st DEC - New Year´s Eve (Londoners - gather at Trafalgar Square, sing Auld Lang Syne (euldlengsajn), celebrate with fireworks...)

- Christmas in

A) the Czech republic

- baby Jesus brings the presents

- a star is put on a top of the tree

B) the United Kingdom

- Father Christmas brings the presents

- 24th = Christmas Eve (children prepare some biscuits and a glass of milk for Santa/Father Xmas, they hang stockings on their beds and await presents)

- 25th = Christmas Day (children unwrap presents, the Christmas dinner is served (usually roast turkey with chessnut stuffing with potatoes, pudding, families visit each other...)

- 26th = Boxing Day (servants such as postmen, newspaper boys, milkmen... receive boxes with presents, nowadays money); public pantomime performances (fairy tales)

- traditional food: Christmas pudding (a mixture of every considerable kind of sweet food - nuts, chocolate, candys...boiled, prepared several weeks ago and kept in a fridge, there can be a coin, a thimble and a ring in it as a symbol of wealth, work adn wedding); mince-pies

- an angel is put on a top of the tree

- they don´t put any fruit, sweets or sparklers on a tree

C) the USA

- Santa Claus brings the presents

- they put chains of popcorn on their trees (a symbol of Pilgrim poverty)

- an angel is put on a top of the tree

- a lot of people, families gather together

- they decorated whole houses



April fool! - Apríl!

artificial tree - umělý stromek

bake sweets - cukroví

bonfire - sváteční oheň

candle - svíčka

carp - kapr

carol - koleda

chain - řetěz

chestnut stuffing - kaštanová nádivka

chimney (čimny) - komín

Christmas - Vánoce

conifer - jehličnan

cranberry sauce - brusinková omáčka

crucifixion - ukřižování

dried fruit - sušené ovoce

Easter - velikonoce

Easter bunny - velikonoční králík

Easterstick - pomlázka

fir tree - borovice

garland (gálend) - girlanda

glassballs - skleněné koule

gold pig - zlaté prase

ivy - břečťan

jack´o´lantern - Halloweenská vyjebaná tykev

lights - světýlka

mass - mše

mince-pies - koláčky s mletým masem

mistletoe - jmelí

nameday - jmeniny, svátek

patron saint of - svatý patron čeho

pudding (padink) - pudink

pumpkin - tykev

reindeer - sob

Ressurection - zmrtvýchvstání

ribbon - mašle

slay/sledge - saně

sparkler - prskavka

spruce tree - smrk

star - hvězda

stocking - punčocha

straw decorations - slaměné ozdoby

suet (su:it) - luj

to celebrate/celebration - oslavovat, oslava

to commemorate - připomínat (koho důležitého)

to feast - slavit, hodovat

to make a toast - připít si

to ring a bell - zazvonit zvonečkem

to thrash with a cane - seřezat proutkem

to wish sbd Happy Birthday - přát komu šťastné narozeniny

turkey - krocan

white sugar icing - posyp moučkovým cukrem

wipping days - pomlázka (u nás)




-total area: 7686850 sq km

-population: 20000000

-racial mix: About 98% white, 228000 Aborigines

-capital: Canberra

-the smallest continent

-the sixth largest country in the world

-flat with some exceptions (Ayers Rock - best known)

-geography: Three main parts: the Great Western Plateau & the Central-Eastern Lowland & the Australian Cordilleras (East to Tasmania, the Great Dividing Range); 1) the highest mountain - Mount Kosciusco (kasiusso); 2) Deserts: the Gibson d., the Great Sandy d, the Great Victoria d.; 3) Lakes - Lake Eyre; Lake Gairdner, Lake Torrens; 4) Nearby islands - King Island, Flinders Island, Mellville Island, Kangaroo Island, Groote Eylandt; 5) Mountains South) - the New England Range, the Blue Mountains, the Australian Alps (Mt Kosciusco); 6) Rivers (South) - the Murray and the Darling rivers; 7) Surroundings - Torres Strait (85 km, divide between New Guinea), the Gulf of Carpentaria (North), the Great Australian Bight (South), the Great Barrier Reef (the biggest coral reef on the Earth); 8) Nature - kangaroos, koalas, eucalyptus trees, dingos, platypuses, Tasmanian devils); 9) A summer breeze known as "doctor"

-the driest continent, the lowest rainfall rates

-originally a penal colony

-the authority of the British monarch, federal government, governor general (Sir William Hayden), Senate (78), HoRepresentatives (148), Prime Minister, Cabinet, compulsory voting, each state its own: Constitution, governor, ex, leg, jud, legislative assembly; parties: the Liberal P, the National P, the Australian Labor P, the Australian Democrats

-education: Not unified system; Correspondence school&School of the Air (radio, TV), school year - JAN/FEB - DEC; The University of Sydney, the Australian National University

-70% of the population in large cities (Sydney (the Opera House), Melbourne)

-other big cities: Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Newcastle, Gold Coast

-about 200 languages spoken (main English)

-6 states and 2 territories (parts)=> New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australia Capital Territory

-currency: Australian dlr

-26.1. - Australian Day (comem. 1788)

-end of April - Anzac Day (reminds Australia´s and New Zealand´s soldiers, who died in the WW I and II.)

-Sec Mon in June=> Queen´s Birthday (except W Australia, that celebrates it in late September)

-literature: Thomas Keneally (1982 NP; Schindler´s Ark); Andrew Anton (Banjo) Peterson - typical idioms and rhytms; Patrick White (stories of first settlers: The Aunt´s Story, NP, The Eye of Storm)

-economy: Highly developed, agriculture: Sheep, wool, wheat; mineral deposits: Bauxite (1st in the world), uranium, coal, copper, nicle, gold, iron ore; great export, nuclear energy is prohibited; problems with UV rays=> sheep go blind


-original inhabitants: Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders (came about 40000 years ago)

-13the c. - Marco Polo believes in the existence of Terra Australis Incognita

-1606 - A. discovered by Europeans (Jansz, Luis Vaez de Torres, Abel Tasman)

-1770 - A. mapped by James Cook=> South Wales a British colony

-1788 - 11 ships brought about 1500 mostly prisoners into Sydney Harbor

-1850 and 1890 - gold rushes (overlanders - cattle chases)

-1868 - an end of the transports

-1901 - the Commonwealth of Australia founded, 6 colonies born

-flag: Royal blue, TL - Union Jack; BL - seven-pointed star (symbol of six parts and the whole territory), the rest (the right side): a picture of the Southern Cross constellation (visible only from the S hemisphere)=>1 small five-pointed and 6 seven-pointed stars

***********************New Zealand*****************************

-total area: 268680 sq km

-population: 4000000

-capital: Wellington

-beautiful scenery (fjords, volcanoes, caves, glacial lakes, sandy beaches...)

-consists of 2 islands:

A) the Northern Island - the majority of inhabitants, mild climate, economic potentials, Wellington, Auckland (the biggest city), the Taupo (the largest lake)

B) the SI: Southern Alps (300 miles long; highest point: Mount Cook - 3754 m), many glaciers

-constitutional monarchy, single-chamber House of Representatives (3-year terms), the Prime Minister, governor general, two major parties: National&Labour

-economy: Agricult: Sheep, cattle=>meat, wool, butter, cheese; good mineral resources

-74% of people of European descent, 13,5% the Maoris

-famous people: Ernest Rutherford, Richard Pearse (1903 - 140 m with his monoplane)

-bird species: albatross, kea, kiwi, tui, weka, kakapo

-6.2. - Waitangi Day

-Anzac day


-800 - first settlers (from Eastern Polynesia)=> ancestors of the Maoris

-1642 - discovered by Dutch Abel Tasman (mapped by James Cook)

-Southern Island - merged by the British

-1840 - Treaty of Waitangi (signed by the Maoris, NI becomes a British colony)

=>wars between the Maoris and the British=>

1870 - Maoris crushed

1947 - New Zealand formally independent (but still a member of the Commonwealth)

flag: Royal blue, TL: Small Union Jack, 4 five-pointed stars (the Southern Cross constellation - visible only from the S hemisphere)

________________________10_english_literature_my favourite_authors__________



1) Old English literature (7 - 11th c.)

- all written in Anglo-Saxon language, connections to Denmark

* The Song of Beowulf (about 700; about 3000 lines; brave life of a pagan hero; King Hrothgar, Grendel, Beowulf, Grendel´s mother, a dragon)

§ Caedmon = a poet, the oldest known author

§ King Alfred the Great (849 - 901) - chronicles

2) Middle English (11 - 15th c.)

§ John Wycliff

§ Geoffrey Chaucer (1340 - 1400) :

* Canterbury Tales (collection of poems, 23 tales, about 17000; one or two tales in prose; frame story; trip from Southwark (London) to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury; an inkeeper sugests narrating stories)

3) the Renaissance (16th c.)


§ Sir Thomas More:

* Utopia (1516)


§ Philip Sidney:

* Arcadia (the first pastoral novel)

§ Edmund Spenser (long, complicated sentences)

§ Sir Thomas Wyatt

§ William Shakespeare: Sonnets


§ William Shakespeare

§ Christopher Marlowe (one of the founders of blank verse; parts of Henry VI.)

* The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

* The Jew of Malta

§ Ben Johnson

§ Thomas Kyd

4) the Baroque

§ John Donne (metaphysical poetry)

§ John Milton:

* Paradise Lost

* Paradise Regained

5) the Rise of the Novel (17th c.)

§ John Gay:

* The Beggar´s Opera (play)

§ Daniel Defoe:

* Robinson Crusoe (1719; inspiration in Alexander Selkirk´s story; not a novel - the hero doesn´t develop; symbolizes a rise of burgeosy (buržoazý))

§ Jonathan Swift:

* Gulliver´s Travels (1726; Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Lagado, Houyhnhnms, Yahoos)

§ Henry Fielding:

* The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749; the 1st English novel)

* Joseph Andrews

6) the Romantic period (1760 - 1837)


§ Robert Burns:

* Poems Chiefly in Scottish Dialect (A Red, Red Rose, Auld Lang Syne)

§ William Blake

* The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

* Songs of Innocence

- Lake poets (lived in the Lake District): William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge

§ George Gordon Byron:

* Childe Harold´s Pilgrimage

* Don Juan (the longest English satirical poem)

§ Percy Byshe Shelley:

* Prometheus Unbound

§ John Keats: Best known for his odes


§ Ann Radcliffe: Gothic Novels (the first horror stories)

§ Jane Austen:

* Pride and Prejudice

§ Sir Walter Scott:

* Waverly

* Ivanhoe

* Rob Roy

§ Mary Shelley:

* Frankenstein

7) Victorian Period (1837 - 1901)

§ Charles Dickens (his father sent to a prison for debts; reflection of his life in his books - poor orphans...)

* Oliver Twist

* David Copperfield

* Little Dorrit

* The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club

§ Emily Brontë

* Wuthering Heights (vůdring hajts; Heathcliff (hýtklif); relationships compared to weather changes)

§ Charlotte Brontë:

* Jane Eyre (she is well-educated, becomes a governess, meets a blind man; importance: The first heroine, and a figure od a well-educated woman)

§ William Makepeace Thackeray:

* Vanity Fair

* The Book of Snobs

§ Thomas Hardy (naturalism (nejčuralizm), no happy ends, pesimistic, dark countryside and relationships):

* Jude the Obscure

* Tess of D´Urbervilles

§ Robert Louis Stevenson:

* Treasure Island

* The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (good and evil)

§ Conan Doyle (characters of Sherlock Holmes and Edgar Wallace):

* the Hound of Baskerville)


§ Elizabeth Barret Browning

§ Robert Browning


§ Oscar Wilde (1856 - 1900)

* The Picture of Dorian Gray (novel)

* The Happy Prince (fairy tale)

* the Importance of Being Earnest

* An Ideal Husband

* Lady Windermere´s Fan

8) British literature (20th century)

§ Thomas Stearns Eliot

* The Waste Land

§ Rudyard Kipling:

* The Jungle Book (Mowgli)

§ John Galsworthy:

* Forsyte Saga

§ Joseph Conrad:

* Lord Jim (plays with language)

§ Herbert George Wells (sci-fi):

* The Time Machine

* The Invisible Man

§ Aldous Huxley:

* Point Counter Point

* Brave New World (future of mankind)

§ Robert Graves

§ George Bernard Shaw:

* Saint Joan

* Mrs. Warren´s Profession

* Pygmalion (Elise, cockney)

§ David Hebert Lawrence (working class´s author; sex themes):

* Lady Chatterley´s Lover (lady + gardener)

§ Graham Greene (catholic, detective stories):

* Our Man in Havana (entertainment)

* the Power and the Glory (novel)

§ George Orwell:

* 1984

* Animal Farm


§ Virginia Woolf:

* To the Lighthouse

* Orlando

* Flush

§ James Joyce:

* Ulysses

> ANGRY YOUNG MEN (criticism, campus novel)

§ John Wain:

* Hurry on Down

* Winter in the Hills (1970)

* Pardoner´s tale (1978)

§ Iris Murdoch

§ Doris Lessing

§ John Braine:

* Room at the Top

§ Kingsley Amis:

* Lucky Jim

* Jake´s Thing (1978)


§ John Osborne:

* Look Back in Anger

§ Samuel Beckett:

* Waiting for Godot

9) Contemporary British novel

§ C. P. Snow

* Strangers and Brothers

§ William Golding:

* The Pyramid

* Lord of the Flies (1954)

§ John Fowles:

* The French Liutenant´s Woman (a love affair)


§ David Lodge:

* the British Museum is Falling Down

* Changing Places

§ Malcolm Bradbury:

* Eating People is Wrong

§ Martin Amis

§ Salman Rushdie:

* The Satanic Verses


§ Muriel Spark

§ Margaret Drabble

§ Beryl Bainbridge

Nobel Prizes: R. Kipling (1907), W. B. Yeats (1923), G. B. Shaw (1925), J. Galsworthy (1932), T. S. Elliot (1948), B. Russell (1950), W. L. Churchill (1953), S. Beckett (1969), E. Canetti (1981), W. Golding (1983)



shrine - hrob světce

inkeeper - hostinský

novel - román, kdy hrdina/ka prochází vývojem

________________________11_american_literature_my favourite_authors__________



1) Puritan literature

- mostly documents

§ Thomas Jefferson:

* Declaration of Independence

§ Benjamin Franklin

§ Thomas Paine:

* Common Sense

2) 19th century


§ Harriet Beecher-Stove (she):

* Uncle Tom´s Cabin (slavery)

§ James Fenimore Cooper (the Leather-Stocking Tales):

* the Last of the Mohicans

* The Prairie

* The Pioneers


§ Ralph Waldo Emerson

§ Henry David Thoreau:

* Walden; or Life in the Woods

§ Nathaniel Hawthorne (social criticism)


§ Herman Melville:

* Moby Dick (= The Whale; captain Ahab (ejhab))

> HUMOR - the Gilded Age:

§ Mark Twain (= Samuel Langhorne Clemens; life on the river; "only innocent, unspoiled children are to be appreciated):

* Huckleberry Finn

* Tom Sawyer

* The Prince and the Pauper (tale)

* A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur´s Court (humorous book)


§ Henry James

§ Daisy Miller


§ Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 49; journalist; inventor of detective stories (with Mr. Duppin) and his tales of terror)

* The Raven (Nevermore)

* The Pit and the Pendulum

* the Gold Bug

* The Murders in the Rue Morgue

§ Walt Whitman (patriotism)

* Leaves of Grass (rhe Preface to it=> message to American literature)

§ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Indians and religion):

* The Song of Hiawatha

§ Emily Dickinson

2) 20th century


- muckrakers (deep social criticism): Frank Norris, Stephen Crane

§ Jack London (the struggle for survival):

* the Call of the Wild

* the White Fang

* Martin Eden (autobiographical)

§ Upton Sinclair:

* The Jungle (slaughter houses)

§ Theodore Dreiser:

* An American Tragedy

* Sister Carrie


- lost generation (war affected them => they needed adrenaline - visited bullfights, drank a lot, hunted in Africa)

§ Gertrude Stein

§ Ernest Hemingway (commited suicide; short style - short descriptions, little adjectives; thoery of the ice-berg (author knows a lot about the setting, but the knowledge is behinded):

* The Sun Also Rises (= Fiesta; description of the feeling of lost generation; story of friends going to visit bullfights)

* A Farewell to Arms

* For Whom the Bell Tolls (Robert Jordan, a teacher, the Spanish Civil War)

* The Old Man and the Sea (" a man can be destroyed, but not defeated")

§ Francis Scott Fitzgerald:

* The Side of Paradise

* Tales of the Jazz Age

* Tender is the Night

* the Great Gatsby (about american dream=> poor boy on sec. school - falls in love with a rich girl=> then returns as a rich man, but is killed)

§ John Doss Passoss

§ William Faulkner (problems of the South):

* The Wild Palms

* Absolom, Absolom!

§ Sinclair Lewis (social satire - provincial towns, 1st American Nobel Prize):

* Arrowsmith

§ John Steinbeck (California):

* Of Mice And Men (Lenny, George; soft fluffy things)

* East of Eden

* Grapes of Wrath (horrible situation of workers)

* Travels with Charley in Search of America


- unlike Russians - the American wrote about psychology of soldiers

§ Norman Mailer:

* The Naked and the Dead (soldiers)

§ Joseph Heller:

* Catch 22 (satire)

§ Jerome D. Salinger:

* The Catcher in the Rye (the Bible of teenagers)

§ Saul Bellow

§ John Updike:

* Rabbit Run

§ Irwin Shaw

§ Alex Haley

* Roots (Kunta Kinte)

§ William Styron:

* Lie Down in Darkness

* Sophie´s Choice (Stingo, Sophie, Nathan)

§ Truman Capote

* In Cold Blood

§ John Irving:

* The World According to Garp


§ Jack Kerouac:

* On the Road (stream of consciousness)

§ William S. Burroughs:

* Junkie

§ Allen Ginsberg:

* Howl and Other Poems

§ Lawrence Ferlinghetti


§ Robert Frost

§ William Carlos Williams

§ Robinson Jeffers


§ Eugene O´Neill:

* Mourning Becomes Electra

* Desire Under the Elms

§ William Saroyan:

* Papa, You´re Crazy

§ Tenessee Williams

* Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

* A Streetcar Named Desire

§ Arthur Miller:

* Death of a Salesman

§ Edward Albee (absurd drama):

* Who´s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

* The American Dream


§ Ray Bradbury

* Fahrenheit 451

§ J. R. R. Tolkien:

* Hobbit

Nobel Prizes: S. Lewis (1930), E. O´Neill (1936), Pearl S. Buck (1938), W. Faulkner (1949), E. Hemingway (1954), J. Steinbeck (1962), S. Bellow (1976), Isaac Bashevis Singer (1978), C. Milosz (1980)



pauper - chuďas

muckrakers - kydači hnoje




- area of 78864 km2

- population about 10,295,000

- CR borders on Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Poland

- mineral deposit

- industry

- landmarks, tourists´ atractions (castles, spas, lakes, caves...)

- sources of energy

- some world-known personnel (Kafka, Hrabal, Komenský, Lendl, Navratilová, Hašek (Dominik, Jaroslav), Jágr, Purkyně, Heyrovský, Čapek (ROBOT), Kundera, Čáslavská, Zátopek, Železný, Wichterle, Baťa, Hus, Freud, Havel, Sv. Vojtěch, Jan Nepomucký, Miloš Forman)

- selected history

- system of government (3 branches, president - 5 years; senators - 6 years, deputies & municipal elections - 4 years; ministries: Interior, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Justice, Industry, Commerce, Agriculture, Finance, Transport, Labour and Social Affairs, Education, Culture, Health)



amendment - novela zákona

anthracite (entrasajt) - antracit

ballot - volební lístek

bill - návrh zákona

Bohemia (bohýmija) - Čechy

burnt at a stake (stejk) as a heretic - upálen na hranici jako kacíř

coalition - koalice

Cyril (sirel) - Cyril

election pledge (pledž) - předvolební slib

extremist - extrémista

flowing into - tekoucí do

franchise (frenčajs) - volební právo

Charles University - UK

law-making body - orgán pro návrhy zákonů

left/right wing - levice/pravice

lignite (lignajt) - lignit

mayor - starosta

Methodius (mifoudijus) - Metoděj

ministry - ministerstvo

moderate - střed

Moravia (morejvija) - Morava

municipal elections - obecní volby

national revival - národní obrození

normalization - normalizace

oath - přísaha

Přemysl the Ploughman - Přemysl Oráč

re-catholization - rekatolizace

Salonika (selonika) - Thessaloniky (Soluň)

Sámo´s Empire - Sámova říše

Silesia (sajlísija) - Slezsko

Slavonic tribes - slovanské kmeny

the Baltic Sea - Balt

the Battle of the White Mountain - bitva na Bílé hoře

the Black Sea - Černé moře

the Bohemian-Moravian Highland - ČM vrchovina

the Cabinet - kabinet

the Civic Democratic Party - ODS

the Constitutional Court - ústavní soud

the Czech Forest - Český les

the Czech Kingdom - české království

the Czech lands - České země

the Czech-Moravian Communist Party - KSČM

the Czechoslovak Republic - Československá republika

the Danube - dunaj

the Eagle Mountains - Orlické hory

the Elbe - Labe

the German Occupation - německá okupace

the Giant Mountains - Krkonoše

the Great Moravian Empire - Velkomoravská říše

the Green Party - strana zelených

the Hapsburg dynasty - Habsburkové

the Holy Roman Empire - Svatá říše římská

the Hussite Movement - husitské hnutí

the Chamber of Deputies - poslanecká sněmovna

the Church council in Constance - Kostnický koncil

the Jagiellonian dynasty - Jagellonci

the Liberal Social Union including the Agricultural Party - KDU-ČSL

the Luxembourgs - Lucemburkové

the Moravian Plain - Moravská pánev

the North Sea - Severní moře

the Oder (eudr) - Odra

the Ore Mountains - Krušné hory

the Ostrava Coal Basin - Ostravská uhelná pánev

the Přemyslid dynasty - Přemyslovci

the Roman Catholic Church - Římskokatolická církev

the Senate (senit) - senát

the Social Democratic Party - ČSSD

the Sokolov Basin, the North Bohemia Coal Basin - pánve...

the Soviet Union - SSSR

the splitting of the republic - rozdělení republiky

the Supreme Court - nejvyšší soud

the universal, equal, direct and secret right to vote - bla bla právo volit

to abstain from sth - zdržet se čeho

to declare an amnesty - vyhlásit amnestii

to grant a pardon - udělit generální pardon

to ratify - ratifikovat

town council - městské zastupitelstvo

velvet revolution - sametová revoluce

veto - veto



the Jizerské Mountains

the Morava (river)



King Jiří of Poděbrady

the Shetlands

the judicia




* basic facts

- the capital of the CR, the seat of the President, government and parliament, the political, economic and cultural centre

- 500 km2, about 1,2 mil inhabitants, it still grows, has 15 administrative districts

- the oldest parts: The New Town, The Old Town, The Lesser Town, Josefov, Hradčany, Vyšehrad

- important junction, Ruzyně Airport, trams, buses, the metro

- industry: Engineering (ČKD Works, Tesla, Motorlet ), confectionery (Orion), chemistry, textile, breweries - Smíchov Staropramen, film industry (Barrandov)

* the history of Prague

- the prophecy of Libuše

- 6th c. - Slavs came to the Prague valley

- 9th c. - Prince Bořivoj founded a castle on a headland above the Vltava valley

- 10th c. - Vyšehrad built

- 1344 - an Archbishopric established

- 1346-78 - the reign of Charles IV.

- 1348 - laid a basis for the New Town, Charles University founded

- 1420 - the battle on Vítkov Hill

- 16/17 c. - the reign of Rudolph II.

- 8th NOV 1620 - the Battle of the White Mountain

- 1621 - 27 representatives of the uprising executed

- 18th c. - the centre of national revival

- from 1918 - the capital of the country

- 8th MAY 1945 - the Prague Uprising

- 9th MAY 1945 - freed by the Russians

- 1968 - the Prague Spring

- 17th NOV 1989 - the Velvet Revolution

* sights, important buildings

- the Prague Castle (three courtyards, over 700 rooms (the late Gothic Vladislav Hall - the election of the President, the Spanish Hall, Rudolph Gallery); St.Vitus Cathedral (founded by Charles IV. - the present cathedral by Matthias of Arras and Petr Parléř, finished in 1929, parts: the Gothic St.Wenceslas Chapel (semi-precious tones), the coronation chamber (coronation jewels - St. Wenceslas Crown, the sceptre, the orb), the Royal Crypt (sarcophaguses of Czech kings and queens); the Convent of St. George (from 993, nowadays a gallery); the Royal Summer Palace Belvedere (Italian Renaissance); the Singing Fountain; the Basilica of St. George (Romanesque architecture); the Schwarzenberg Palace (graffito-decorated, military history collection); the Archibishop´s Palace, the Sternberg Palace (seat of National Gallery); Černín Palace (the seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

- hundreds of church spires

- the Strahov Monastery (a museum of Czech literature) =>

- the Petřín Obervation Tower (built in 1891 as a small copy of the Eiffel Tower) =>

- the Golden Lane (Franz Kafka)

- the Lesser Town (poetic quarter - crooked streets, ancient houses and gardens; the Lesser Town Square - St. Nicholas Church (Dientzenhofer) =>

- Charles Bridge (14th c.; 520 m long, 30 sculptures mainly of Baroque origin (Brown, Brokoff) =>

- the Faculty of Arts, place for demonstrations, the State Library

- along Charles Street => the Old Town Square (the Rococo Kinský Palace, the house At The Stone Bell (medieval, tower-like), the Old Town Hall (horologe=astronomical clock with the statues of the 12 Apostles, a skeleton, a cock, a miser); the Týn church (Brahe buried in 1601); the John Huss Monument; the Bethlehem Chapel) =>

- along Paris Street => the Jewish Town (a few synagogues (the Old-New Synagogue) and the cemetery)

- along Celetná street => the Powder Tower, the Municipal House (the Smetana Hall - the Prague Spring Music Festival)

=> along the Na příkopě Street => Wenceslas Square (750 m long boulevard with dep. stores, banks, shops, restaurants...; the upper end - the Neo-Renaissant National Museum; the St. Wenceslas Memorial (bronze statue by J. V. Myslbek)=>

- along Národní Street to the Vltava river => the Neo-Renaissant National Theatre => along the Vltava river => Vyšehrad (mostly ruins; the Rotunda of St. Martin - 11th c.; the Slavín Cemetery; the Žižkov Tower (the highest point); the dancing house)

- the House of Artists (Rudolfinum)

- the St. Agnes Convent (National Gallery)

- Zbraslav Monastery (Přemyslid kings buried)

- Troja (Baroque Chateau, the zoological garden)



apostle - apoštol

Archbishopric - arcibiskupství

AT the Prague Castle - na Pražském hradě

enclosure - oplocený pozemek

fortification - pevnost

Golden Lane - Zlatá ulička

horologe (horolodž) - orloj

Charles Bridge - Karlův most

Charles University - Karlova univerzita

church spire - kostelní věž

national revival - národní obrození

Prague Spring Music Festival - festival Pražské jaro

St Vitus Cathedral - katedrála sv. Víta

the Habsburgs - Hbsburkové

The Lesser Town - Malá strana

The New Town - Nové Město

The Old Town - Staré Město

the Old Town Hall - Staroměstská radnice

The Old Town Square - Staroměstské náměstí

the Powder Tower - Prašná brána

the Prague Castle complex - komplex Pražského hradu

the Prague Castle/the Castle - Pražský hrad/Hrad

the Prague Uprising - Pražské povstání

the Přemyslid dynasty - přemslovská dynastie

the Rotunda of St. Martin - rotunda svatého Martina

the St.Wenceslas Chapel - kaple svatého Václava

uprising - povstání

Wenceslas square – Václavák




- lies between the Izera Mountains and the Ještěd Ridge, in Northern Bohemia

- on the Nisa river

- about 100000 inhabitants, 6th largest city in the CR

- a sport centre

- the 13th century - founded as a refreshment center for merchants on the provincial trail from Bohemia to Lužice

- 1352 - the 1st mention (about paying churchscot)

- during the Hussite Movement - LBC burned down

- the Biberštejn´s domination

- the Redern´s domination - the emperor Rudolph II. granted the city emblem with the Redern´s symbol - silver wheel, Liberec promoted to a town

- the Battle on the White Mountain => Albrecht from Wallenstein (velnstejn) came, transformed LBC to a great factory producing cloth, founded the New Town with wood-frame houses (Větrná street)

- after Wallenstein´s death - the Swedish wrecked the town

- 18th century - centre built up with classisist brick houses

- 19th century - "The Golden Age" - boom of industry and architecture - LBC the 2nd largest city after Prague

- the beginning of 20th century -a lot of villas, churches, public buildings

- German majority (only 7% Czech minority)

- the centre of Henlein´s political party

- supplies of granite

- a lot of sights (the town hall built in the Neo-renaissant style - a copy of Vienna hall), the F. X. Šalda Theatre, the Sokolovské, Benešovo square, St Anthony´s Church (1587, valuable altar with Bohemian patrons), St. Cross´s Church (most valuable Barogue building, name because of the former town plan; plaque column in the garden by Mathias Braun; the Wallenstein houses (the oldest houses in LBC - 1681; the Šolc house (1771, cloth merchant Bedřich Šolc - nowadays quarters of Administration of protected landscape area of the Izera Mountains), the Neo-Renaissant spa building (1902, decorated with Poseidon and his wife...), on the Benešovo square - "The Post Café" - Neo-Rococo style (gorgeous mirrors, golden stucco))

- the botanical garden (1876; famous for orchids), the ZOO (1919; the oldest in middle Europe, a lot of endangered species, white tigers); the hotel with restaurant on the Ještěd´s summit (straight circular hyperboloid; TV transmitter; 1012 m; landmark of LBC; Karel Hubáček - awarded the Perret Prize), cable railway

- transport: Buses, trams, taxis

- centres: Swimming pool, theatres, cinemas, two houses of culture, the Babylon centre (with Lunapark and Aquapark), football and hockey stadiums, the arena, the Izera Mountains (cycling, hiking, downhill and crosscountry skiing)

- two private and two public grammar schools



altar (oltr) - oltář

churchscot - papežský desátek

provincial trail - místní stezka




- kinds of weather

- what we do, wear in each season (21st March=>21st June=>23rd September=>21st December)

- problems of environment, nature and their sollutions

* disappearing islands - Kiribati, Tuvalu

* Easter islands tragedy

* Australian sheep

* the greenhoue effect

* global warming

* loads of waste

* nuclear weapons and waste

* the ozone hole

* smog

* acid rains

* rain forests

- some tree, animal, plant species



abound - hojný

abyss - propast

adder - zmije

aerosol - sprej

almond - mandle

alternative sources of energy - alternativní zdroje energie

Antarctica - Antarktida

arable - orný, úrodný

arctic - arktický

ash tree - jasan

avalanche - lavina

badger - jezevec

bare - pustý

bark - kůra/štěkat

barometer - barometr

barren - neplodný, neúrodný

bear - medvěd

beaver - bobr

beech tree - buk

bellow/under zero/freezing point - pod/nad nulou/bodem mrazu

biogas - bioplyn

bird - pták

birch tree - bříza

blackbird - kos

blueberry - borůvka

boar - divočák

booth - budka

bough/brange - větev

boulder - balvan, valoun

breed - rozmnožovat se (zvířata)

breeze - vánek

brood - šlechtit, chovat/sedět na vejcích, dumat

brute - zvíře, hovado

cabbage - salát

cadmium - kadmium

camomile - heřmánek

car, lorry exhausts - výfukové plyny

carbon dioxide - oxid uhličitý

carbon monoxide - oxid uhelnatý

carp - kapr

cat hair - kočičí chlupy

catalytic converters - katalyzátory

cereals - obilniny

clam (klem) - škeble

claw - dráp

clear sky - jasné nebe

clearing - paseka, mýtina

cloud/y - mrak/čno

cloud/y - mrak/mračno

cloudburst - průtrž mračen

clump of trees - skupina stromů

coal-fired power stations - tepelné elektrárny

coastal - pobřežní

coconut - kokos

cod - treska

concentrated - nahromaděný

concrete blocks - betonové krychle

cone - šiška

conifers - jehličnany

cool breeze - chladivý vánek

copper - měď

core - jádro, jádřinec

corrosion - koroze

crab - krab

cranberry - brusinka

crayfish - rak

crop - úroda

crow - vrána/kokrhat

cuckoo - kukačka

daffodil - narcis

date - datle

dawn - svítání

desulphurisation - odsiřování

dew (dju) - rosa

ditch - strouha, příkop

domestic heating - domácí vytápění

domestic rubbish - domácí odpad

dove - holubice

downpour - slejvák

drained - vyschlý, vysušený

drought - sucho, pustina

dusk - stmívání

dust/y - prach/prašný

earthworm - žížala

ebony - eben

economical/economic - šetrný, úsporný/ekonomický

eel - úhoř

elm tree - jilm

emerald - smaragd

emissions - emise

end-of-pipe systems - odsiřovače (v komínech)

environment - ŽP

environmentally friendly - šetrný k ŽP

estuary - ústí řeky

eucalyptus - eukalyptus

falcon - sokol

famine - hladomor

fang - tesák

farmland - orná půda

fawn - fauna

ferns - kapradiny

fertile - úrodný

fertilizer - zúrodňovač

fig - fík

fin - ploutev

fir tree - jedle

firewood - topné dřevo

flea (fli) - blecha

fog/gy - mlha/vo

fossil fuels - fosilní paliva

fragrance - vůně

freight - doprava, náklad

frost - mráz

frozen - (z)mražený

full moon - úplněk

fumes - plyny

gas-fired plants - továrny na plyn

global warming - globální oteplování

goose/geeze - husa/y

green belts - městská zeleň

guinea fowl - perlička

gull (gal) - racek

hare - zajíc

harmful - škodlivý, zhoubný

hawk - jestřáb

heavy rain - silný déšť

hedgehog - ježek (Komárková)

herring - sleď

high/low pressure - vysoký/nízký tlak

high/low sun - slunce vysoko/nízko na obloze

hog - vepř, prase

horseradish - křen

humane - humánní, lidský

hyena (hajjína) - hyena

chemicals - chemikálie

cherry - třešeň

chip - tříska

chirp - cvrček

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - freony

icecaps - sněhová pokrývka

icy - ledový, pokryt ledem

in captivity/in the wild - v zajetí/přírodě

in the twilight - za šera

Indian summer - babí léto

industrial - hospodářský

interior - vnitrozemský

It´s raining cats and dogs/it´s pouring down with rain - lije jako z konve

it´s slippery - je kluzko

ivory - slonovina

kernel - zrno

landfill - skládka

landscape - krajina

landslide - sesuvy půdy

lavender - levandule

lawn - trávník

leaf/leaves - list/í

lemon - citron

lentil - čočka

light rain/fog/wind/sun - lehké: Děšť, mlha, vítr, slunce

lightning - blesk

lizard - ještěr

lobster - humr

locust - kobylka

louse/lice - veš

low-sulphur coal - uhlí s nízkým obsahem síry

mackerel - makrela

magpie - straka

mammal - savec

man-made - člověkem vyrobený

maple tree - javor

mare - klisna

marine - mořský, námořní

meadow - louka

mean - prostředek

mercury - rtuť

methane - metan

moist - vlhký

moose - los

moss - mech

mud - bláto

mushroom - houba

mushrooming - houbaření

mustard - hořčice

nature reserves - přírodní rezervace

nest - hnízdo, hnízdit

nettle - bodlák

nightingale - slavík

nitrogen oxide - oxid dusnatý

oak tree - dub

oasis - oáza

octopus - chobotnice

of organic origin - organického původu

oil spills - ropné skvrny

onion - cibule

orbit - oběžná dráha, orbita

otter - vydra

overcast - zatažený

owl - sova

oxidant - oxidant

partridge - koroptev

pasture - pastvina

pastureland - pastviny

paw - packa

peck - zobat, klovat

peninsula - poloostrov

perch - okoun říční/bidýlko/sedět, trůnit

pesticides - pesticidy

pheasant - bažant

pike - štika

pine tree - borovice

pip - pecka, jádro

plaice - platýs

plant - rostlina/továrna, podnik

plant/flower - rostlina/květina

plum - slíva

pollen - pyl

pollutant - znečišťovatel

pollution from - znečištění čím

pond - rybník, rybníček

pool - kaluž, tůň

poplar tree - topol

potato beetle - mandelinka

prawn - garnát

precipice - propast/záhuba, zkáza

primeval forest - prales

pulp - dužina

pussy - kotě

radioactive substances - radioaktivní látky

radish - ředkev

rainfall - srážky

rainfall rates - srážkové úhrny

rare - vzácný

raspberry - malina

raven - havran

ray - paprsek

reeds - rákosí

reindeer - sob/i

reptile - plaz

ripe - zralý

roe buck - jelen

roe deer - srnec

root - kořen/odmocnit

rosemary - rozmarýn

sage - šalvěj

salmon - losos

sap - míza

sardine - sardinka

sawdust - piliny

sea level - hladina moře

seed - semeno

sewage treatment - čističky odpadních vod

shell - skořápka, lastura

shrimp - kreveta

silage - siláž

skate - rejnok

skyline - horizont

slush - břečka

smoke, smell - kouř, smrad

snail - hlemýžď

snow flake - sněhová vločka

soil - půda

solar radiation - sluneční záření

soya - sója

sparrow - vrabec

spruce tree - smrk

squirrel - vavruška

stalagmite/stalagtite - stalagmit/stalaktit

stem - kmen, stonek/zarazit, zastavit

storage - skladiště

stork - čáp

strawberry - jahoda

stream - potok, potůček

strong sun - silně hřející Slunce

strong thunderstorm - silná bouře

strong wind - silný vítr

stunted - zakrslý

sturgeon - jeseter

substance - látka, substance

sugar beet - cukrová řepa

sugar cane - cukrová třtina

sulphur dioxide - oxid siřičitý

sunrise - východ Slunce

sunset - západ Slunce

swallow - vlaštovka

swamp - bažina

swan (svón) - labuť

tangerines, mandarines - mandarinky

tempest/storm - bouře

thaw (fó) - obleva

the balance of species - rovnováha druhů

the greenhouse effect - skleníkový efekt

the lungs of our planet - plíce Země (pralesy)

thermometer - termometr

thunder - hrom

tide - příliv a odliv, proud, tok

to absorb - absorbovat

to be fitted with sth - být vybaven čím

to be sorted out - být tříděn

to bite - kousat, štípat

to blaze - plápolat/ žár, požár

to buzz - bzučet

to clean sth up - vyčistit co

to compost sth - zkompostovat co/kompost

to contaminate sth - kontaminovat co

to contribute to sth - přispívat k čemu

to convert into - přeměnit v co

to curse sth - klítn, nadávat na co

to damage the environment - poškozovat ŽP

to decay - rozložit se/rozklad

to defrost - rozmrazit

to die out/extinct - vymřít

to discharge sth - vypouštět co

to drizzle - mrholit/mrholení

to dump - složit (uhlí)/zahodit, vyhodit/skládka

to flare - plápolat

to form - utvořit, zreagovat v co

to freeze - mrznout

to gather - těžit

to give sth out - vylučovat, vypouštět co

to hail - kroupit/kroupa

to hiss - syčet

to chop down - pokácet

to implement - uskutečnit, realizovat

to install - instalovat

to litter - odhazovat svinčík/svinčík

to melt - tát

to mine - těžit, těžba, důl

to plant - sázet

to pollute - znečišťovat

to rear - chovat

to reclaim sth - zúrodnit, rekultivovat co

to recycle - recyklovat

to run on sth - jezdit na co

to spin a web - uplést síť

to surge - vzdouvat se/příboj

to take measures - provádět měření

to turn into sth - změnit se v co

to wave - mávat, vlnit se/vlna

tropical fish - exotická rybka

tropical rain forest - tropický deštný les

trout - pstruh

tulip - tulipán

tuna - tuňák

twig - větvička

ultraviolet rays - ultrafialové paprsky

unleaded petrol - bezolovnatý benzín

urban regeneration - obnova měst

varity - odrůda

viper - zmije

vitally important - životně důležitý

vulture - sup

walnut - vlašský ořech

warthog - prase bradavičnaté

wasp - vosa

waste disposal sites - smeťáky

waste materials - odpadní látky

water falls - srážky

water vapour - vodní pára, výpary

watercourse - vodní tok

waterways - vodní cesty

weather forecast - předpověď počasí

whiskers - vousy

widespread flood - mohutná povodeň

widespread fog - hustá mlha

wild-rose bush - růže šípková

wilderness - divočina

willow pussies - kočičky

willow tree - vrba

wolf - vlk

woodchuck - svišť

woodpecker - datel

x degrees - x stupňů Celsia

yew tree - tis

yield - sklizeň, úroda




- situations in a shop (buying, checking...)

- what we can buy in each shop (about 10 items)

- what we wear if it´s summer/winter, on special occasions, when sporting, relaxing

- types of neckline: With collar, collarless, high, low, oval, polo neck, tie, V-neck, boat neck

- cuts of sleeves: Raglan, inset, dropped shoulder, batwing

- patterns: Flower, geometric, striped, checked, dotted, spotted

- traditional clothes



accessory - příslušenství, doplněk

all-purpose dress - oblek pro každý případ

appearance - vzhled

apron (ejpran) - zástěra

article - artikl, položka

auction - dražba

axe (eks) - sekyra

ball - klubko vlny

bangle - mašle

barber´s - holičství

bead (bi:d) - korálek, kulička

bedsheet - prostěradlo

bell-shaped skirt - zvonovitá sukně

bin - plechovka

blazer - blejzr

blouse - blůza

body care - autoklempířství

bookshop - knihkupectví

bouquet/bunch of flowers - kytice

boutique - butik

bowl - mísa, číše

bowler hat - hučka, klobouk

bra - podprsenka

bracelet - náramek

braces - šle

brooch (breuč) - brož

broom - koště

brush - štětec, štětka

butcher´s (bučrs) - řeznictví

cape - pláštěnka

cardigan - svetr na zip

cash dispenser - obchodní pokladna

casual clothes - hadry na doma, volné oblečení

claw hammer - kladivo s jednou stranou na hřebíky

clothe - hadr

clothes - oblečení

clothes made to measure - oblečení na míru

coat - kabát, plášť

collar - límec

comb - hřeben, česat

comfortable - pohodlný

commodity - komodita, předmět obchodu

confectioner´s - cukrárna

cordurdy trousers - manžestráky

costume - převlek

crowbar - páčidlo

curler - natáčka

cut - střih

dairy products - mléčné výrobky

Delikatessen - lahůdkářství

denim - džínovina

department store - obchodní dům

deposit for bottle - záloha na lahev

discount - sleva, srážka

DIY shop - udělej si sám, obchod pro kutily

dress - oblek

drill - vrták/vrtačka

dry-cleaner´s - čistírna

dyer´s - barvírna

ear muffs - klapky na uši

earring - náušnice

ether - éter

evening gown - večerní šaty

fabric (febrik) - tkanina

Fabric/Dress materials - obchod látkami

fancy dress parade - maškarní bál

fashion - móda

fashion designer - módní návrhář

fashionable/unfashionable - v módě/nemódní

felt-pen/marker - fixa

Fishmonger´s - rybárna

fixed price - pevná cena

florist´s - květinářství

Fruiterer´s - ovoce

Furrier´s - kožešnictví

garish - křiklavý, výstřední

garment - část oděvu

Gift shop - dárkové zboží

goblet - kalich

Goldsmith - zlatník

grocer´s, grocery - potraviny

guarantee certificate - záruční list

Haberdashery - galanterie

hair-dresser - kadeřnictví

handcuff - manžeta

hand-sbd-down clothes - hadry předané někomu po starších sourozencích

hardware shop - železářství

hat - klobouk

Hatter´s - kloboučnictví

Health Foods - zdravá strava

heavy boots/court shoes - těžké/slušné boty

heel-bar - švec

Homewares - domácí potřeby

hood - kapuce, karkulka

chain - řetěz

checkout counter - pokladna

chemist´s, drugstore - drogerie

Ironmonger´s - železářství

item - položka

jacket - frak, sako

jeans (P) - džíny

jewellery - šperky

jigsaw - puzzle

jumper - svetřík, halena

khaki - maskáčová barva

laces - tkaničky

Launderette - čistírna

laundry - špinavé prádlo

linen - plátno

lining - podšívka

man-made fibres - umělá vlákna

marble - kulička, korálek

mascarn - řasenka

masquerade - maškaráda

match colours - barevně sednout

midcalf lenght - po lýtka

mittens - rukavice

muffler - šála

necklace - náhrdelník

neckline - výstřih

needle - jehla

night gown - župan

off-lineer - obchod drinky

One Hour Cleaning - rychločistírna

optician - optik

overall - overal

Paints - barvy

paper clip - sponka

parade - přehlídka

patch - záplata

pendant - přívěsek

pharmacy - lékárna

pin - jehlice, spona

plane - hoblík/hoblovat

pliers - kleště

plimsolls - tenisky

pneumatic drill - zbíječka

precious stone - drahokam

price range - cenová relace

purse - dámská peněženka

pyjamas - pyžamo

queue - fronta

raincoat - pršiplášť

rake - hrábě

rasher - plátek

ready-made clothes - konfekce

receipt - účtenka

rope - lano

rouge (růž)/lipstick - rtěnka

rubber/eraser - guma

rubbers - gumáky

ruler - pravítko

savings bank - spořitelna

saw - pila

scarf - šátek

scissors (P) - nůžky

scourge - metla

screw - šroub

screw-driver - šroubovák

sheet - list papíru

shirt - košile

shoe - bota

shop assistant/shopkeeper - prodavač/ka

shorts (P) - kraťasy

silk - hedvábí

skirt - sukně

slacks (sleks) - tepláky

sledgehammer - dlouhé kladivo

sleeve - rukáv

socks - ponožky

spade - lopata

spanner - francouzský klíč

spending spree - tah po krámech

spikes - sportovní boty

sporran - irský měch

stand - stánek

stationer´s - papírnictví

stitch - steh

straw hat - koupací čepice

subdued - nenápadný, tlumený

suit - oblek (pánský, dámský)

suspender belt - suspenzor

suspenders - podvazky

sweater (svetr) - svetr

swimming trunks - pánské plavky

tailcoat - frak s tučňáčím výstřihem na zadku

tailor - krejčí

tar - dehet

tie / bow tie - kravata / motýlek

tight-fitting - pevně obepínající

tightrope - provazochodecké lano

tights - punčochy

to be out of date - být mimo módu, neaktuální

to be reduced - být zlevněn

to be slovenly in dressing - oblékat se lajdácky

to be well-dressed - dobře se oblékat

to buy sth on purchase - koupit co na splátky

to coat - natřít/nátěr

to crochet (kroušei) - háčkovat

to drop the price - slevit

to embroider - vyšívat

to exchange - vyměnit, směnit

to knit - plést

to lean on a stick - chodit o holi

to look like/looked/looked - vypadat jako, vyzerat

to pay in cash - platit hotově

to pull sth on - obouvat co

to put on sth - obléci co

to queue (UK)/to stand in line (US) - stát frontu

to sew (seu) / sewed / sewn - šít, sešít, ušít

to smart up - upravit se

to suit sbd - být někomu, padnout někomu

to take sth off - svléknout co

to wear sth /wore/worn - nosit něco

to weave - tkát, plést

track suit - závodnické oblečení

trademark - obchodní značka

trousers - kalhoty

T-shirt - tričko

turpentine - terpentýn

umbrella - deštník

underpants - spodky

uniformity - uniformovanost

Universal Store - smíšenka

vending machine - prodejní automat

vest, waistcoat - vesta

waist-lenght - po pás dlouhý

waistline - pas

wallet (volit) - pánská peněženka

warehouse - skladiště

washable - omyvatelný

washing-up liquid - čístící prostředek na nádobí

Watchmaker´s - hodinář

Wellington boots - gumáky

wig - paruka

wire - kabel

woolen hat - čepice

worn out - obnošený

Wrap up warm! - oblékni se teple

žebřík - ladder




- how does it go in fast foods and in restaurants?

- meals on special occasions (feastdays...)

- typical British and American meals

Typical English breakfast:

1) Orange juice

2) Cornflakes

3) Ham&Eggs

4) Beans&sausages, fried tomatoes

5) Toast and marmelade

6) Tea or coffee with milk

Sometimes elevenses (cup of tea, biscuits)

Lunch: Usually cold, loaded with vegetables:

Sandwich, bread and butter, biscuits, fish and chips

Dinner = the main meal (three-course meal):

1) Starter - alcohol; salad

2) Potatoes, rice, vegetables

3) Dessert

- the US:

after breakfast: Elevenses

lunch: usually hamburger, hot dog

- Scotland, North England:

- 17-18 - they have high tea (fish, ham, sausages, eggs => then biscuits, bread, cup of tea)

- evening - supper (more biscuits, cocoa, milk, sandwiches, tea, cheese, cakes, bread&butter...)

- differences between the Czech (we call English dinner a supper) and the British cuisine

- healthy food

- jam vs. marmelade (limes)

- division of soups:

1) Bouillons

2) Clear soups (beef, chicken, vegetable, with liver-balls)

3) Thick soups (celery, cauliflower, tomato, potato, fish, cream of mushroom, tripe)

- manual - how to prepare some meal



almond - mandle

aperitif - aperitiv

apple strudel - jablečný štrůdl

apricot - meruňka

astew - dušený

bacon - slanina

baking tin - plech na pečení

barbecue - bárbekjů

basil - bazalka

batter(U) - lité těsto

beef - hovězí

beverage (beveridž) - nápoj

bitter - hořký

blackberry - ostružina

blood sausage - jelito

blueberry - borůvka

boar - divočák

bouillon - bujon

box of chocolate - bonboniéra

braised liver - dušená játra

bread dumpling - houskový knedlík

breadcrumbs - strouhanka

breakfast - snídaně

broccoli - brokolice

brunch - americká, britská obědosnídaně (víkendová)

Brussels sprout - růžičková kapusta

bulb - cibule od čehokoli/žárovka

bun - houska

cabbage - salát

cacao - kakaový prášek

cakes - palačinky

camomile - heřmánek

can - plechovka, konzerva

canapé - jednohubka

caraway - kmín

cari - kari

carrot - mrkev

casserole - anglický eintopf

cauliflower - květák

celery - celer

cider - jableční víno, jablečný mošt

cinnamon - skořice

clam - škeble

clove (kleuv) - hřebíček

clove of garlic - stroužek česneku

cocktail - koktejl

coconut - kokos

cod - treska

cognac - koňak

cook - kuchař

corkscrew - vývrtka

cottage cheese - tvaroh

counter - přepážka ve fastfůdu

courgette - cuketa

crab - krab

cranberry - brusinka

crayfish - rak

croissant - loupák

cucumber - okurka

currant - rybíz

custard - krém, pudink

cutlet - porce masa, plátek

date - datle

dessert, pudding - dezert, pudink

dinner/supper - večeře

disgusting - nechutný, odporný

dish/course - chod

dissolve - rozpustit

dough - těsto

doughnut/donut - kobliha

dried fruit - sušené ovoce

eel - úhoř

elaborate meal - složité, složené jídlo

fig - fík

fillet of plaice - plátek platýse

flavour - šmak

food poisoning - otrava jídlem

foodstuff - suroviny na jídlo

fruit - ovoce

fruit dumplings - ovocné knedlíky

gammon - uzená šunka

garnish - obložit, příloha

gellied (dželýd) pork - tláča

ginger - zázvor

ginger bread - perník

goulash - guláš

grapes - hrozny

grate on a grater - roštovat na roštu

gravy - masová vlastní šťáva

grease - omastit

guinea fowl - perlička

hare - zajíc

hazelnut (heizlnat) - lískový ořech

herb tea - bylinkový čaj

herring - sleď

horseradish - křen

hot dish - teplý pokrm

hot chocolate - kakao (nápoj)

chef - šéfkuchař

cherry - třešeň

chestnut stuffing - kaštanová nádivka

chilli powder - čili

chop - kus masa s kostí

ice-cream - zmrzlina

ice-lolly - nanuk

jacked potatoes - brambory na loupačku

jam - džem

jelly - želé

knead (nyd) - hníst, válet

lager (lagr)/pint/half - pivo-0,5l/0,6l/0,3l

lamb - ovčí

landlord/landlady - hostinský/hostinská

lard - sádlo

lasagne - lazaně

leek - pór

lemon - citron

lentil - čočka

lettuce - hlávkový salát

lid - poklice

light/dark/draught beer - pivo světlé/tmavé/točené

lime - vápno/citrus

liver-balls - játrové knedlíčky

lobster - humr

lunch - oběd

macaroni - makaróny

mackerel - makrela

maize (UK)/corn (US) - kukuřice

malt(U) (mólt) - slad

maple sap - javorový sirup

marmelade - marmeláda

marzipan - marcipán

mayonnaise - majonéza

mince - namlít

mincer - mlýnek

mitmeat - maso na hamburgry

mixture - směs

mug - hrníček, šálek

müsli (mňůzli) - müsli

mustard - hořčice

mutton - jehněčí

nectarine - nektarinka

noodles - nudle

nourishment - potrava

nutcrackers - louskáček

nutmeg - muškátový oříšek

nutritious - výživný

omelette (UK)/omelet (US) - omeleta

on the rocks - (alkohol) s ledem

onion - cibule

oyster - ústřice

partley - petržel

pasta - těstoviny

pastry - moučník, cukroví

peach - broskev

peanut - arašíd

pear (pér) - hruška

peas - hrášek

pepper - paprika

pheasant - bažant

pickles - kyselé okurky, cibulky, nakládaná zelenina

pie - plněný koláč

pike - štika

pineapple - ananas

plain yoghurt - bílý jogurt

plates made of china - porcelánové talíře

plum - slíva

plum brandy - slivovice

poppadoms - indický chléb

pork - vepřové

porridge - ovesná kaše

pot luck - překvapení pod pokličkou

potato pancake with garlic - bramborák

poultry - drůbeží

prawn - garnát

preserved - zavařený

pressure cooker - papiňák

pumpkin - tykev

punch - punč

radish - ředkev

raisin - hrozinka

raspberry - malina

raw - syrový

recipe - recept

risotto - rizoto

roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut - vepřo-knedlo-zelo

roe deer - srnec

roll - rohlík

rosemary - rozmarýn

rumpsteak - biftek ze zadního hovězího

sage - šalvěj

salami - salám

saltcellar - slánka

sardine - sardinka

sauce - omáčka

scrambled eggs - míchaná vajíčka

seafood - produkty moře

semolina puree (pjuarej) - krupicová kaše

shrimp - kreveta

sirloin steak with cream sauce - svíčková

skate - rejnok

smoked - uzený

soft/hard boiled eggs - vejce naměkko/natvrdo

soup ladle - sběračka

soya - sója

sparkling wine - sekt

sparkling/mulled wine - šumivé víno/svařák

spice - koření

spinach (spinyč) - špenát

spirit - alkohol

sponge - piškot

sponge cake - bábovka

sprinkle - postříkat, pocukrovat, posolit

starter, course - předkrm

still/fizzy water - neperlivá/perlivá voda

stove (steuv) - kamna

strain with a strainer - cedit na cedníku

straw - brčko

strawberry - jahoda

sturgeon - jeseter

sunny side up - volské oko

syrup - sirup

tangerines, mandarines - mandarinky

tasteful - chutný

tasteless - bez chuti

tasty - chutný

teetotaller - abstinent

tender meat - jemné maso

tin/bottle opener - otvírák na konzervy/láhve

tinned - ve formě na pečení

tip - spropitné

to be loaded with calories - být narván kaloriemi

to eat out - jít jíst ven do restaurace

to grill - grilovat

to peel sth - oloupat co

to serve sth - servírovat, poskytovat co

to smack - mlaskat

to squeeze sth - vymačkat co

to starve - hladovět

to stew - dusit

toothpick - párátko

topping - topink

trifle - vaječný sladký nákyp

tripe soup - držkovka

trout - pstruh

tuna - tuňák

under-done steak - krvavý stejk

upset (eg. tomato) - zkažené (např. rajče)

utterly/absolutely delicious - totálně výtečné

veal paprika - telecí na paprice

vegetables - zelenina

vegetarian - vegetariánský, vegetarián

venison - zvěřina

Vienna steak - vídeňský stejk

vine - víno (hroznové)

vinegar - ocet

vineyard - vinice

vintage (vintydž) x - ročník x

vitamins - vitamíny

waffle (vofl) - vafle

walnut - vlašský ořech

whipped cream - šlehačka

whisk - šlehat

white/brown bread - bílý/černý chléb

white sugar icing - posyp moučkovým cukrem

wine - víno (alkohol)

wooden spoon - vařečka

yeast (jíst) - kvasnice, droždí




- about Shakespeare´s life

- about his works

- about my favourite S. play

- why he was famous in his days (thrilling stories, understandable for everyone, prestigious plays)

- why he is famous nowadays (close themes, thrilling stories, all kinds of plays)

- some of his colleagues playwrights (Marlowe, Kyd, Ben Johnson)



- born April 23 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, died 1616 in the same town

- father John - a successful merchant (a glovemaker)

- the age of 7 - WS started attending local grammar school

- the age of 18 - married Anne Hathaway (26, already pregnant)=> after 6 months - daughter Susanna born, after 2 years - twins (Judith and Hamnet - died 11) born

- 1592 - WS appears as an established actor and playwright

- 1594 - joins the Lord Chamberlain´s Men as a leading actor and dramatist, by 1599 - with 6 members owners of The Globe (open to the sky)

- 1597 - bought himself a new mansion - New Place (the sec. largest in Stratford, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 2 barns)

- big profits, king´s support

- 1612 - WS returns home to Stratford

- 1613 - The Globe destroyed by fire

- the King´s Men (renamed) continue in the Blackfriars (indoor theatre, allowing scenic effects)

- spends the rest of his life with family and visitors

- 23. 4. 1616 - dies after entertaining Johnson and Michael Drayton at New Place

- buried at Trinity Church in Stratford


- 37 plays

- adapted a lot of older plays

- historical plays: Richard III., Henry IV., Julius Caesar, Anthony and Cleopatra

- tragedies: Macbeth, Othello, King Lear, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet

- comedies: As You Like It, The Taming Of The Shrew, The Merry Wives of Windsor, A Midsummer Night´s Dream, Twelfth Night, The Merchant of Venice

- romances: Pericles, The Winter´s Tale, The Tempest

- sonnets (close to the speech; dedicated to men), longer poems

3) Quotations from Shakespeare:

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. (Hamlet)

My kingdom for a horse! (Richard III)

The evil that men do lives after them. (Julius Caesar)

To be or not to be? (Hamlet)

I saw the handkerchief! (Othello)

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. (Henry IV.)


A) Romeo And Juliet: Families of Montague and Capulet; Verona; Romeo, a Montague, Juliet, a Capulet; secret wedding; Tybalt - Juliet´s cousin; Mercutio (Romeo´s friend) dies => Tybalt killed; Paris; the Friar Lawrence; potion => Juliets seems dead; Mantua

B) Hamlet

C) King Lear: 3 daughters; Cordelia; Lear goes mad; C. marries the King of France; helps father; Cordelia and Lear imprisoned by sisters

D) Macbeth: Scottish soldier; prophecy; Lady Macbeth; killing present king Duncan, Banquo (fellow-soldier); Birnam Wood came to Dunsinane=>Macbeth defeated

E) Othello: Moor and Venetian general; Iago; Desdemona; Cassio (liutenant); Emilia



against sbd´s wish - proti čí vůli

despot - despota

in grief - ve smutku

moor - maur

prophecy (profisi) - věštba

reconciliation (rykansyliejšn) - usmíření

sexual jealousy - milostná žárlivost

to banish/ment (benyš) - vyhostit/ění

to be put to death - být odsouzen k smrti

to be resolved on sth - být rozhodnut udělat co

to drive sbd away from home - vykázat koho z domu

to stab sself - probodnout se

to strangle - uškrtit

unjustified - nespravedlivý

vendetta - vendeta, nenávist mezi rodinami

vengeance (vendžeans) – pomsta




- the parts of human body

- what do the typical English look like?

(red-haired, mixed origin, freckles...)

- typical illnesses, psychological diseases

- the system of health service, an appointment with your doctor

- healthy lifestyle and civilisational diseases

- first aid



(elastic) bandage (bendydž) - (elastický) obvaz

(nervous) breakdown - (nervové) zhroucení

abdomen - břicho

accident - nehoda

acne - akné

ambulance (driver) - sanita (saniťák)

an appointment - prohlídka

angular/coarse face - hranatý/drsný obličej

ankle (enkl) - kotník

anorexia - anorexie

antibiotics (entibájotiks) - antibiotika

apple - ohryzek

artificial respiration - umělé dýchání

auburn - kaštanový

backbone - páteř

bandy-legged - kozonohý

barefooted - bosý

beard - bradka

belly - bříško

big toe - palec u nohy

bile (bajl)/gall - žluč

bladder - měchýř/žlučník

blind in the eye - slepý na oko

blocked nose - ucpaný nos

blonde - blond

blood - krev

blood pressure - krevní tlak

bone - kost

bottom - hýždě

brace - ortéza/rovnátka

breast, chest - hrdník

broad shoulders - široká ramena

built - postava, vzrůst

bulimia - bulimie

bunch of fives - pěst (k útoku)

bust - poprsí

calf - lýtko

cancer - rakovina

chain smoker - kuřácká továrna

complexion/fair complexion - pleť/světlá pleť

concussion (konkašn) - otřes mozku

constipation - zácpa

cough (kof) - kašel/kašlat

cough mixture - přípravek proti kašli

cream - mast

cream - mast

cross-eyed - šilhající

crutch - berle

curly/wavy hair - kudrnaté/zvlněné vlasy

dandruff - lupy

deaf - hluchý

diabetes (dájabýtis) - cukrovka

diarrhoea - průjem

diet, to be on a diet - dieta, držet dietu

disaster/disastrously - neštěstí, katastrofa/nešťastně

dishevelled - rozcuchaný

dislocated shoulder - vykloubené rameno

doctor - doktor

dumb - němý

dwarf - trpaslík

ear - ucho

ecsema (eksima) - exém

elbow - loket

enchanting smile - odzbrojující úsměv

extract - extrakt, výtažek

eye - oko

eyebrow - obočo

eyelash - řasa

eyelid - oční víčko

faint/shrill/husky/harsh voice - mírný/pronikavý/chraplavý/drsný hlas

fair/blond hair - světlé vlasy

fatty meat - tučné maso

fever - horečka

fiber - vláknina

fist - pěst

flesh - lidské maso

forehead - čelo

fracture - zlomenina

freckles - pihy

fringe - ofina

full-figured - plnoštíhlý

General Practitioner - praktický lékař

German measles (mízls) - spalničky

gigantic (džigentyk) - gigantický

giggle (gigl) - hihňat se

good/poor appetite (epetajt) - (dobrá/malá) chuť k jídlu

gore - sražená krev

grim - ponurý, zamračený

grin - úšklebek

gums - dásně

hangover - kocovina

head - hlava

headache - bolest hlavy

health center - zdravotnické centrum

heart - srdce

heart attack - infarkt

heart-stopping smile - srdcervoucí úsměv

heel - pata

hiccups - škytavka

hips - boky

hobble - kulhat, pajdat

hooked nose - hákovitý nos

hospital - nemocnice

hunch-backed - hrbatý

hygiene (haidžín) - hygiena

hypochondriac - hypochondr

cheek - tvář

chicken pox - neštovice

chin - brada

chuckle - chichot, tlumený smích

illness/disease - nemoc, nákaza

index finger/forefinger - ukazováček

influenza, flu- chřipka

injury - zranění (menší)

insomnia - nespavost

instep - nárt

interruption - interrupce

intestines - střeva

jaundice (džondis) - žloutenka

jaw - čelist

joint - kloub

kidney - ledví

lame in a leg - chromý na nohu

limb - úd

limp - kulhat, kulhání

lip - ret

lisp - šišlat

little finger - malíček

little toe - malíček u nohy

liver - játra

lungs - plíce

marrow - morek

medicine - léčivo, léky

middle finger - prostředníček

moustache (méstáš) - knír

mouth - ústa

mumbs - příušnice

muscle - sval

nail - nehet

neat - vkusný, úhledný

nimble - mrštný, hbitý

nose - nos

nosedrops - kapky do nosu

operating theatre - operační sál

pain - bolest, bolet

painkillers - analgetika=léky proti bolesti

pale - bledý

palm - dlaň

patient - pacient

performance - operace

permed hair - trvalá

pharmacy - lékárna

pills - prášky

pimple - uhrák, pupínek

plump - buclatý (i obličej)

pony-tail - ohon

postmortem - pitva

proportions - proporce

protruding cheek-bones - vyčnívající líce

rash - vyrážka

recovery - zotavení

rheumatism - revmatismus

rib - žebro

ring finger - prsteníček

rotten tooth - zkažený zub

seasick - mořská nemoc

shapely - pěkných tvarů

short-sighted - krátkozraký

sideburns - kotlety

skeleton - kostra

skin - kůže, povrch těla

skull (skal) - lebka

slender - štíhlý, útlý

sling - převaz zlomené ruky (přes rameno)

slouch - hrbit se, krčit se

snub - skoba nos

soft face - jemný obličej

sole - chodidlo/podrážka

solemn/poker face - důstojná tvář/tvář karetního hráče

sore throat - bolest v krku

sore - bolavý

sparkling - jiskřivý

spectacles - brýle

spine - osten/páteř

spleen - slezina

spotty - poďobaný

stitch - steh

stomach ache - bolest břicha

stoopy - skloněný, shrbený

stout - podsaditý

straight hair - rovné vlasy

stroke - mrtvice

sunburnt - úžeh

surgeon - chirurg

surgery - chirurgie

sweat (svet) - pot, potit se

tanned - opálený

thermometer - teploměr

thigh - stehno

throat - hrdlo, krk

thumb - palec

to be unconscious - být v bezvědomí

to be vaccinated - být očkován

to be wounded - být raněn (krvavě, ve válce)

to black out - omdlít

to bleed - krvácet

to blow a nose - smrkat

to bruise - odřít/odřenina

to die over/of sth - umřít na co

to drown - topit se

to fall asleep - usnout

to have a running nose - mít krvácení z nosu

to hurt - poranit, ublížit

to hypnotize - hypnotizovat

to check-up - prohlédnout

to mumble - mumlat

to plait - plést/cop

to puff - blafat (z cigára)

to put a plaster of Paris - dát sádru

to put up/lose weight - nabírat/shazovat váhu

to recover/to get over sth - dostat se z něčeho, vyléčit se z čeho

to rub eyes - mudlat si oči

to shave - holit se

to shiver - chvět se

to sip - lokat, srkat

to sneeze - kýchat

to snore - chrápat

to sprain - vykloubit, vykloubení

to stagger - potácet se/omráčit/rovnoměrně rozdělit

to stammer - koktat, zadrhávat/koktání, zadrhávání

to sting - dát žihadlo, uštknout

to strip to the waist - svléci se do půl těla

to take a temperature - změřit teplotu

to take/feel sbd´s pulse (pals) - naměřit někomu puls

to twist an ankle - vykloubit si kotník

to vomit/to throw up - zvracet

to wink - mrkat

to wipe a nose - utřít si nos

toe - prst na noze

tongue (tang) - jazyk

trunk - trup

upright posture - vzpřímená pozice

upset stomach (stoumak) - zkažené břicho

vaccination - očkování

waist - pas

waiting room - čekárna

weak - slabý

wrinkle - vráska

wrist - zápěstí

X-ray, to X-ray sbd - röentgen/prohlédnout někoho röentgenem




- progression of one´s life from parents over childbirth to a death

- wedding traditions and superstitions (civil wedding/church wedding; the bride has to have sth new, old, blue and borrowed)

- funeral (superstitions - one should be buried 6 feet under ground)

- reasons for getting divorced (high phone bills, boredom, problems with living and finding a job, drunkard, home violence...)

- problems of old people (loneliness)

- advantages and disadvantages of being the only child

- generation gap, problems of young people

- reasons for and against maternity

- my daily programme => originally! (Žahour...)



adultory - nevěra

amount - suma, částka

bachelor - svobodný mládenec

best man - svědek

birth - narození

birthday card - narozeninové přání

bride - nevěsta

bridegroom - ženich

bridesmaid - družička

canopy - baldachýn

cemetery - hřbitov

ceremony - ceremoniál

coffin - rakev

companion/ in arms - společník/ spolubojovník

cousin - sestřenice/bratranec

cremation - kremace

descendant - potomek

engaged - zasnoubený

engagement - zásnuby

fee - poplatek

fiancé (fijonsej) - snoubenec

fiancée (fijonsej) - snoubenka

first name - jméno

funeral - pohřeb

gambling - gemblaření, hraní hazardních her, automatů

generation gap - generační problémy, mezera

get-well card - přání brzkého uzdravení

godfather/godmother - kmotr/kmotra

grave - hrob

graveyard - hřbitov

great-grandma - prababička

honeymoon - líbánky

childbirth - narození dítěte

childhood - dětství

christening party - křtiny

I will! - manželské "ano"

illegitimate children - mimomenželské děti

imprisoned - zatčený

juveniles - mládež

love at first sight - láska na první pohled

maiden name - rodné příjmení

marital status - rodinný stav

marriage - manželství

marriage certificate - manželská smlouva

maternity hospital - porodnice

maternity leave - mateřská

mortury - márnice

mother-in-law/father-in-law/son-in-law/daughter-in-law - thýně/tchán/zeť/snacha

mourner - truchlík

nappy - plena

nephew - synovec

niece - neteř

orphan - sirotek

out of work/jobless - bez práce

permanent adress - trvalé bydliště

pocket money - kapesné

pram - kočárek

present adress - přechodné bydliště

relative - příbuzný

riddle - hádanka

savings - úspory

scandal - skandál

sibling - sourozenec

silver/golden/diamond wedding - stříbrná/zlatá/diamantová svatba

single - jediný, samostatný/svobodný

spinster - stará panna

stepchildren - nevlastní děti

stork - čáp

suicide - sebevražda

sum - suma

surname - příjmení

surrogate mother - náhradní matka (která odnosí dítě)

sympathy - soustrast, sympatie

testify - závěť

the only child - jedináček

to be bad influence on sth - mít špatný vliv na koho

to be born in the sign of - být zrozen ve znamení

to be broke - nemít prachy

to be called after - být pojmenován po kom

to be christened - být pokřtěn

to be made redundant - být propuštěn

to be married to sbd - být oddán s kým

to be on the shelf - být na ocet

to be relate to sbd - být něčí příbuzný

to be sbd´s age - být něčí věku

to bet - sázet

to be the very image of - vypadnout komu z oka

to be well-suited - hodit se k sobě

to be widowed - být ovdovělý

to break/split up with sbd - rozejít se s kým

to breast-feed - kojit

to bury - pohřbít

to commit suicide - spáchat sebevraždu

to deliver a baby - obdržet dítě

to die from - zemřít na

to divorce from sbd - rozvést se s kým

to fritter money away - rozfofrovat peníze

to marry sbd - vzít si koho

to obey (obej) - poslouchat, dodržovat

to overdose - předávkovat se

to retire - odejít do důchodu

to save - spořit

to walk the dog - dojít s čoklem

toddler - batole

tomb (tumb) - hrobka

twins/triplets/quartaplets/quintaplets... - 2 až 5čata

un/faithful - ne/věrný

wedding - svatba

wedding reception - svatební hostina

widow/er - vdova/vdovec

windfall - peníze z nebe

youth - mladá, mládež




- basic facts about my school attendance

division into:

1) Blue collar jobs (wage, paid for performance, hour, usually in cash)

2) White collar jobs = professions (salary sent to their account)



absolute fortune - celé jmění

accountant - účetní

actor - herec

after-school activity - mimoškolní aktivita

agricultural school - zemědělka

aid - pomůcka

air traffic controller - letový dispečer

ald age pension - starobní důchod

A-levels - britská matura

annelise - analýza

annual income - roční příjem

apprentice - učeň

apprenticeship certificate - výuční list

architect - architekt

artist - umělec

assembly hall - atrium

assistant - asistent

at a university - na univerzitě

at school - ve škole

attention span - doba pozornosti

au pair - ó pér

bankrupt - krach

barber - holič

blackboard - tabule

board of examiners - zkušební komise

boarding school - internátní škola

boss - kápo, šéfik

bricklayer - zedník

business academy - obchodní akademie

bussiness card - navštívenka

butler - komorník

campus - plac pro studenty

candidate - kandidát

career - kariéra

cashier - pokladník

chairman - předseda

civics - občanská nauka

civil engineer - stavební inženýr

classmate - spolužák

cleaning woman - uklízečka

clerk - úředník

cloakroom - šatna

colleague - kolega

compulsory education - povinná školní docházka

conservatoire - konzervatoř

convent - ženský klášter

cook - kuchař

correspondence classes - dálkové studium

craftsman - řemeslník

crop - úroda

curriculum vitae - životopis

dean - děkan

decorator - malíř pokojů

degree - titul

department - katedra

diploma - diplom

diploma thesis - diplomová práce

dissertation - doktorská práce

doctorate - doktorát

driving lesson - jízdy

dustman - popelář

earning - příjem

editor - redaktor

education - vzdělání

eg. chemistry teacher - učitel např. chemie

employee/employer - zaměstnanec/zaměstnavatel

entrance examination - přijímačky

entrepreneur - podnikatel

environs - okolí, prostředí

espionage - špionáž

estate agent - prodejce nemovitostí

evening classes - večerní škola

expense of - náklady čeho

experience/d - zkušenost/ný

faculty - fakulta

family allowance - rodinné dávky

farewell party - rozlučková párty

farmer - farmář

fire fighters - hasiči

fisherman - rybář

fitness centre - posilka

founder - slévač

geisha - gejša

graduation ball - maturiťák

groundkeeper/caretaker - školník

gymnasium - tělocvičná hala

hair-dresser - kadeřník

hall of residence - vysokoškolská kolej

hay - seno

haystack - kupka sena

headquarters - vedení, ústředí

hospital nurse/male nurse - sestřička/bratříček

chemist - chemik

chief - náčelník, šéf

chiropodist (kiropodyst) - pedikér

in school - ve školních letech

instructor - instruktor

in the field of science - na poli vědy

incapacity benefit - invalidní důchod

interior designer - bytový návrhář

interpersonal skills - komunikační schopnosti

investment - investice

jobless - bez práce

joiner - truhlář

judge - soudce

laboratory - laboratoř

laboratory assistant - laborant

lawyer - právník

leave - dovolená

lecturer - lektor

lenght of studies - délka studií

line of business - druh byznysu

loan - půjčka

locksmith - zámečník

log - poleno, kláda

lumberjack/woodcutter - dřevorubec

make a row - hádat se

manager - ředitel, vedoucí

manual laborer - práce rukama

mark - známka

miner - horník

monastery - klášter

mugger - přepadávač

nanny - chůva

needlework - šití

newsagent - kamelot

nun - jeptiška

nursery school/kindergarten - školka

occupation - zaměstnání

on-the-job training - zaškolení při práci

optional - volitelný

orator - řečník

overtime hours - přesčas

paramedic - záchranář

parent-teacher meeting - třídní schůzky

pharmacist - lékárník

Physical Training - tělocvik

plumber - instalatér

politician - politik

porter - nosič, vrátný

possesion - majetek

postman - pošťák

priest - kněz

principal - ředitel

private property - soukromé vlastnictví

programmer - programátor

promotion - povýšení

psychoterapist - psychoterapeut

qualifications - kvalifikace

rector(CZ)/ president (US)/Vice Chancellor (UK) - rektor

removal man - stěhovák

reunion - setkání po letech

sailor - námořník

salary - plat (např. úřednický)

secondary grammar school - gym

secondary vocational school - učnák

servant - sluha

sex education - sexuální výchova

shareholder - spoluakcionář

shepherd - pastýř

shop assistant - prodavač

scholarship - stipendium

school canteen - školní žrádelna

school of applied art - škola aplikovaného umění

school report, certificate / report card (US) - vysvědčení

school-leaving exam/graduation exam/maturita - maturita

sickness benefit - nemocenská

singer - zpěvák

slide/overhead projector - meotar/digitální projektor

smith - kovář

snack - sváča

social benefit - sociální výhody

specialisation - zaměření

sponge - houba

spy - špión

staff - personál, zaměstnanci

staffroom (stááfrům) - sborovna

stockbroker - makléř

student cafeteria - mensa

subject - předmět

substitute for a colleague - supl

surveyor - zeměměřič

systematical/ly - systematický/y

tailor - krejčí

teach room - kabinet

teacher´s training college - peďák

technical training college - vysoká technická

tertiary education - vysokoškolské vzdělání

thief - zloděj

tightroper - provazochodec

timetable - rozvrh

to attend sth - navštěvovat školu

to be apprenticed to be - být vyučen čím

to be broke - být na mizině

to be detained - být po škole

to be hard up - být ve finanční tísni

to be on strike - stávkovat

to be well-off - být zámožný

to burgle/burglar - krást v bytě/bytový zloděj

to check sth - kontrolovat/opravovat co

to collect/harvest - sklidit

to copy from sbd - opisovat od koho

to defend the dissertation - obhájit doktorskou práci

to dismiss/to give a sack - propustit koho

to dissect sth - pitvat co

to do well at school - být dobrý ve škole

to enroll at a univ - zapsat se na univ

to excel in - excelovat v čem

to go bankrupt - zkrachovat

to gratuate from - vystudovat co

to hold post/position/office - zastávat úřad

to cheat - podvádět

to invest - investovat

to keep sbd in detention - nechat někoho po škole

to pay attention - dávat pozor

to plough - orat/pluh

to practice - cvičit v praxi

to promote sbd - povýšit koho

to requalify - přeškolit

to scold sbd for - zprdnout koho za co

to shirk school - ulejvat se ze školy

to slaughter - porazit

to stimulate - povzbuzovat

to take exams - skládat zkoušky

to work a private person - makat pro soukromníka

to work for a firm - pracovat pro firmu

trade union - odborový svaz

traffic warden - dopravní strážník

truner - soustružník

vicar - farář angl. církve

volunteer - dobrovolník

wage - výplata (např. dělnická)

waiter - číšník

well-paid - dobře placený

widow´s pension - vdovský důchod

workshop - pracovky

year/form - ročník




- types of houses

- typical look of an English house

- compare living in a flat/house

- compare living in a town/the country

- equipment of rooms



answer-phone machine - záznamník

appliance - přístroj, spotřebič

armchair - křeslo

artificial light - umělé osvětlení

ashtray - popelník

balcony - balkón

banister - zábradlí

bar of soap - mýdlo

basement - suteren

bath - vana

bath towel - ručník

bathroom - koupelna

bedroom - ložnice

bedsheet - prostěradlo

bed-side table - noční stolek

blocks of flats - paneláky

boiler - bojler

bookcase - knihovna

bowl - miska

brick - cihla

bungalow - bungalov

bunkbed - patrová postel

burglar alarm - poplašné zařízení

caretaker/janitor (US) - domovník

ceiling - strop

ceiling light - stropní osvětlení

cellar - sklep

cellar - sklep

central/district heating - ústřední/dálkové vytápění

clockface - ciferník

clothes stand - stojan, věšák

comb - hřeben

cooker - vařič

cooperative house - činžovní dům

corner - roh

corridor - chodba

cosmopolitan - kosmopolitní

cosy - útulný

couch - gauč

cuckoo clock - kukačky

cup/mug - šálek, hrnek

cupboard - kredenc

curtain - záclona

deep freeze - mrazák

deep frier - fritéza

detached house - samotný rodinný domek

dining room - jídelna

dishwasher - myčka

doormat - rohožka

drapery, drapes - závěs/y

drawer - šuplík

electricity - elektřina

entrance - vchod

fireplace - krb

flat - byt/plochý

floor/ground - patro

folding couch/daybed (US) - skládací postel

food processor - kuchyňský robot

fork - vidlička

french windows - okna od podlahy ke stropu

fridge - lednice

frying pan - pánev

furniture/to be furnished - nábytek/být vybaven nábytkem

gaming club/room - herna

garage - garáž

gas, water bill - účet za vodu, plyn

glass - sklenice

groung floor - přízemí

guest - host

hair dryer - fén

host/ess - hostitel/ka

housing association - bytové družstvo

housing estate - sídlák

housing shortage - bytová nouze

chair - židle

chandelier - lustr

chest of drawers - komoda

chimney - komín

in the centre of the town/downtown - v centru

jaccuzi - bublinová koupel

kettle - konvice, kotlík

kitchen - kuchyně

kitchen spoon - normální lžíce

kitchen unit - kuchyňská linka

knife - nůž

lamp (lemp) - lampa

latchkey - klíč od domovních dveří

laundry - prádelna/špinavé prádlo

lift/elevator(US) - výtah

light bulb - žárovka

lino - lino

litter, rubbish, garbage (US) - odpad

living room=alounge - obývací pokoj

lodger - podnájemník

lodgings - podnájem

loft/in the attic - půda/na půdě

loo/toilet/public conveniences - wecko/záchod/veřejné záchodky

luxury - luxus

magazine rack (rek) - zásuvky na časopisy

manor house - rozlehlé sídlo

mansion - venkovské sídlo

matress/mattrace - matrace

mezzanine - mezipatro

microwave oven/oven - mikrovlnná trouba/trouba

mirror - zrcadlo

mixer - mixér

mortgage - hypotéka

mural - nástěnný

neighbour/hood - soused/ství

notice board - nástěnka

oil/coal stove - naftová/uhelná kamna

on the outskirts/uptown - na okraji města

overcrowded - přelidněný, přeplněný lidmi

pantry - spíž

parquets - parkety

phone book - telefonní seznam

pillow - polštář

plate - talíř

plug - zátka, čep/zástrčka

plywood - překližka

pot - hrnec

powerpoint - zásuvka

prefab - panel, byt

prefabricated house/block of flats - panelák

printer - tiskárna

pulley - věšák

push-button entertainment - zábavná elektronika

registration number - číslo popisné

remote controller - dálkový ovladač

removal man - stěhovák

rent - nájemné

rocking chair - houpací židle

rolling pin - váleček

roof(top) - střecha

rubish bin - odpadkový koš

rug - kratší koberec

rural - venkovský

saucepan - rendlík

semi-detached house - domek pro 2 rodiny

shelf - polička

shower corner - sprcha/ sprchový kout

skyscraper - mrakodrap

socket - zásuvka

sofa - pohovka

spare room - místnost pro hosty

staircase - schodiště

step - schod

stool - stolička

structure - budova, struktura

study - pracovna

suburbs - předměstí

table - stůl

tablecloth - ubrus

tea spoon - čajová lžička

tea towel - utěrka

tenant - nájemník

terrace - terasa

terraced house - spojený domek

terry towel - froté ručník

text processor - word

three-storeyed - dvoupatrový

tidy - uklizený, uklízet

to do the laundry - prát špinavé prádlo

to leave the door ajar - nechat dveře dokořán

to make the bed - ustlat postel

to move - stěhovat se

to pull down a building - strhnout budovu

to reside - sídlit

toilet seat - prkénko na záchodě

toothbrush - zubní kartáček

tumble dryer - bubnová sušička

vacuum cleaner/hoover - vysavač

vase - váza

Venetian blinds - žaluzie

villa - vila

waffle iron - formy na vafle

wall unit - nábytková stěna

wallpaper - tapeta

wall-to-wall carpet - koberec přes celou místnost

washbasin/washbowl(US) - umyvadlo

washing machine - pračka

wasted-paper basket - koš na papír, odpadky

wooden spoon - vařečka

workshop - dílna

yard, back yard – dvůr




-three most typical hobbies in the UK:




-what can we collect?

-what are young boys´ and girls´ typical hobbies?

-danger hobbies=> experimenting, explosives, beating and bulying, extreme sports, sitting in front of a PC all days...

-difference between sports x games; indoor x outdoor sports; individual and team sports

-examples of winter and summer sports

-sport equipment

-the importance of sports, your opinion, what sport do you like?



acrobatic - akrobatický let

apparatus - cvičebná nářadí

aquatics - vodní sporty

archery - lukostřelba

athletic event (ivent) - atletická disciplína

backstroke swimming - znak

balance beam - provazochodecká tyč

bar - laťka

basket - koš

bat - tenisová pálka

belly flop - placák, skok na placáka

billiards - kulečník

block - blok

boat - člun, loďka

boat house - loděnice, hausbót

boating man - vodák

bob sledge - bob

bobsledging - bobování

body building - formování postavy

breaststroke s. - prsa

butterfly - motýlek

canoe - kánoe

casual clothes - pohodlné, volné, sportovní oblečení

coach - trenér

court - tenisové, volejbalové hřiště

crawl - kraul

crosscountry skiing - běh na lyžích

cue - tágo

curling - curling

curling stone - kámen na curling

darts - šipky

defense - obrana

diving - potápění

diving board/springboard - odrazový můstek

downhill skiing - sjezd na lyžích

fan - fanda/vějíř

fencing - šerm

figure skating - krasobruslení

football - fotbal v UK

football boots - kopačky

free/spare time - volný čas

games - kolektivní sporty (ty sporty, co se hrají v týmech)

goal - branka

goalkeeper - brankář

goggles - sportovní brýle

golf club - golfová hole

hand stand - stoj na rukou

head stand - stojka

helmet - helma

high jump - skok vysoký

hockey stick - hokejka

hoop - obruč

horse race - koňské dostihy

horsewoman - jezdkyně (na koni)

hurdle race - překážkový běh

champion - šampión

ice hockey - lední hokej

ice rink - ledová plocha

jockey - žokej

judo, karate - džudo, karate

kit - souprava

knee-bend - dřep

knee-pad - chránič kolene

lacrosse - lakros

laurel - vavřínový věnec

lawn tennis - tenis na trávníku

leisure activity - odpočinková aktivita

leotard - gymnastický dres

life guard - plavčík

line - lajna

long jump - skok daleký

marathon - maraton

mat - podložka, rohožka

match - zápas

modeling - modelářství

mountaineering - horolezectví

net - síť

nine pins - kuželky

oar - veslo

offense - útok

opponent - oponent

paddle - pádlo, pádlovat

parachute/ist - padák/parašutista

participant - účastník

piked shoes - tretry

pilot - pilot

plimsolls/sneakers - tenisky

pole - hůlka

pole vault - skok o tyči

puck (pak) - puk

push-up - klik

rapids - peřeje

raquet - raketa

Ready-steady-go! - Připravit-pozor-start!

referee - fotbalový rozhodčí

reverse - záloha

rider/driver - jezdec

rings - kruhy

running - běhání

saddle - sedlo

sand - písek

sauna (saune) - sauna

scuba diving - potápění s bombou

servis - podání

shot put - vrh koulí

sit-up - sedleh

skates - brusle

ski jumping - skoky na lyžích

skittle - kuželka

snowboarding - jízda na snowboardu

soccer - fotbal v USA

speedskating - rychlobruslení

spike - hrot, bodec

sport dress - sportovní dres

sport facility - sportoviště, sportovní vybavení

sports - sporty

sprinting - sprint

squash - skvoš

stadium - stadion

stamp book (1st class, 2nd class) - knížka na poštovní známky

starting line - startovní čára

steeplechase - Velká pardubická

symbol of 5 rings - symbol olympijských kruhů

t.: Hammer - vrh kladivem

t.: Javelin - vrh oštěpem

throwing: Harddiscus - vrh diskem

ticket - vstupenka

tie - remíza

to do crosswords - luštit křížovky

to drop to xth place - spadnout na x-té místo

to equalize - dopadnout nerozhodně

to lean forwards - předklonit se

to sail - plachtit se

to toss a coin - hodit si mincí

top-level sportsman - vrcholový sportovec

triple jump - trojskok

trophy - trofej

umpair - rozhodčí u volejbalu, tenisu... (ten, který sedí na vyvýšené sedačce)

walking - chůze

wallbars - žebřiny

warm-up exercises - zahřívací cviky

wax - vosk

weight lifting - zdvihání činek

wire mask - šermířská helma

wrestling (resling) - wrestling

x-metre run/walk - chůze/běh na x metrů

yachting (jótink) - plachtaření

yoga – jóga




- differences between travelling by car/bus/train

- advantages and disadvantages of having your own car

- means of transport:

by air: Airplane, chopper/helicopter

by land: Cycling, skateboard, on foot, underground, to ride sth, car, train (dining car, sleeping car...) , bus, motorbike, trike, scooter

by sea: Ferry, submarine, hoovercraft, raft, canoe, speedboat, yacht, windsurf

- description of travelling by plane (buying air ticket, to be there several hours before, use a trolley for luggage, to go to the check-in desk, to check in (passport, ticket), 20 kg suitcase, to receive a boarding card (seat, gate), go through passport control and screening (security check), go to departure lounge (with duty free shops and departure boards - delays..), on a plane=> there are cabin crew - flight attendants=>shows what to do in danger (exits, rescue masks), pilots, you can buy refreshments, must fasten seatbelts, use overhead compartment for hand luggage, should chew a chewing gum, you can buy some newspapers, use air conditioning; you must switch off electronic appliances, mustn ´t smoke, you need to have a landing card somewhere (with a purpose of visit)

- description of my holiday, trip...



aboard - na palubě

abroad - do zahraničí

acommodation - ubytování

air conditioning - větrání

aisle - ulička (v dopr. prostředku)

art capitals - hlavní města umění

automatic car - auto s automatickou převodovkou

B´n´B (bed and brakfast) - penzion s polopenzí

backpack - ruksak

berth - přístaviště/flek/lůžko ve vlaku

boot - bota/kufr u auta

brake - brzda

buffet car - jídelní vůz

camp - tábor, tábořit

capsule - kabina

car-park (UK)/parking lot (US) - parkoviště

carriage - kočár, povoz, vagón

cart - povoz

clutch - spojka

cockpit - kokpit

commuter - dojíždějící

connection - spoj

conveyor belt - posuvná lišta na zavazadla

corner/window seat - okno v rohu/u okénka

cottage/hut - chata

couchette - lehátko ve vlaku

crossing - přechod, přeplav

crossroad - křižovatka

custom official - celník

customs - hraniční přechod

customs inspection - celní kontrola

descent - klesání, pokles

destination - destinace, cíl cesty

door-to-door transport - doprava ode dveří ke dveřím

driving licence - řidičák

duty free shops - hraniční bezdaňové obhody

en-suite room - pokoj s koupelnou

exotic - exotický

express train - express

ferry - trajekt

flight attendant - letuch/letuška

front/rear - přední/zadní

fuel - palivo

fuselage - trup letadla

garbage bin - popelnice

gasoline (US) - benzín

goods - zboží

guest-house - penzion

harbor - přístav

hiking - pěší turistika

hitch&hike - stopovat

chambermaid - pokojská

check-in desk - odbavovací přepážka

cheque for - šek na

in reverse - na zpátečku

inquiry about - dotaz, vyptávat se

jet plane - tryskáč

junction - křižovatka, uzel

leeway - ztráta času/manévrovací prostor

locomotive - lokomotiva

lorry (UK)/truck (US) - náklaďák

lounge - hala

mail van - poštovní náklaďák

motorway (UK)/highway (US) - dálnice

non-smoking compartment - oddělení pro nekuřáky

occupied/vacant - obsazeno/volno

on horseback - na koni

overdue - zpožděný, opožděný

overseas - za moře, do zahraničí

passenger - pasažér

path - stezka, cesta

pedestrian/passer-by - chodec, kolemjdoucí

petrol - benzín

petrol (UK)/gas (US) station - pumpa

public transport - veřejná doprava

rack - police na zavazadla

rails - koleje

railway station - nádraží

return ticket - obousměrná jízdenka

roundabout - kruhový objezd

rush hour - dopravní špička

seat - sedadlo

seatbelts - bezpečnostní pásy

security - bezpečnost

sidecar - sajtkára

sidewalk(US)/pavement(UK) - chodník

single ticket (UK)/one way ticket (US) - jednosměrná jízdenka

slippery - kluzký

slope - převýšení/pokles

souvenir - suvenýr

spare wheel/tyre - náhradní pneumatika

speeding - rychlá jízda

steam - pára

stearing wheel - volant

subway - podchod

suntan - opálení Sluncem

supersonic - nadzvukový

tent - stan

the rear of - záď (např. letadla)

the seaside - moře, u moře

the tube - londýnské metro

ticket collector - průvodčí

timetable - rozvržení

tractor - traktor

to break the speed limit - překročit povolenou rychlost

to bump into sth - narazit do čeho

to cash cheques - proplácet šeky

to commute - dojíždět

to depart - odjet

to fasten - upnout si, zapnout se

to fine, fine - pokutovat, pokuta

to flow - téci/plavit se

to have a puncture - píchnout gumu

to have a skid - dostat smyk

to hold up/got stuck in a traffic jam - zůstat v zácpě

to keep the change - nechat si drobné

to land - přistát

to land up in a ditch - skončit v příkopě

to navigate/navigation - navigovat/navigace

to overlook sth - přehlédnout co

to overtake - předjíždět

to put sbd up - nechat koho přespat

to run sbd over - přejet koho

to set off on a journey - vydat se na cestu

to slope down - svažovat se

to sunbathe - opalovat se

to wander - putovat, bloudit

to wreck - ztroskotat/vrak

tour agency/ tour agent - cestovka/ cestovák

track - trať

traffic jam - dopravní zácpa

traffic lights - pouliční osvětlení

traffic signs - dopravní značky

trail - pěšina

train conductor - strojvůdce

trolley - vozík

tunnel - tunel

under the stars - pod širákem

vacation - prázdniny, dovolená

van - náklaďák

vehicle - vozidlo

visa - vízum

visitor - návštěvník

wagon - vagón

wanderlust - chuť dálek




-description of visiting theatre and of the theatre itself (places to sit: the stalls, dress circle, upper circle, gallery, in the box (for VIPs))

-differences between theatres and cinemas, my personal preference and opinions

-commercials and advertisement

-danger of some programmes (violent films, soap popperas..)

-addiction to TV

-differences between state x private channels, channels in the Czech Republic

-my favourite play and movie, my favourite TV programme, music band...

-how do we divide musical instruments? (wind=>brass/wooden; string, percussion)

-how do we divide newspapers? :

1)Serious=broadsheets - The Times, The Independent, The Guardian

2)Popular=tabloids - The Sun, The Globe



(to) tune - melodie/nápěv/ladit

admission - vstupné

advertisement - inzerce, reklama (v novinách)

album, record - album

allegory - alegorie

allusion to sth - aluze na co

anecdote - anekdota, vtip

animated cartoons - kreslené příběhy

applause - aplaus

article - článek

atlas - atlas

author - autor

backstage - zákulisí

backstage pass - propustka do zákulisí

balet (beljt) - balet

ballad - balada

band/group - skupina

banjo - benžo

bass (guitar) - basa (baskytara)

bow tie/tie - motýlek/kravata

box office hit - kasovní trhák

broadcast - vysílání

bugle - trubka

cable TV - kabelová televize

capo - kapodastr

carol - koleda

cartoon - karikatura, krátký komiksový strip

cast - herecké obsazení

clarinet - klarinet

classic - klasik, klasický

classical/serious music - vážná hudba

clothroom - převlékárna, šatna

colloquial/ism - hovorový/ovost

commercial - reklama (v TV, v rádiu)

communication - komunikace

compilation - kompilace

composer - skladatel

compositor - sazeč

conductor - dirigent

controversial - kontroverzní

cookery/cook (US) - kuchařka

costume - kostým

critic - kritik

crowd scenes - hromadné scény

curtain - opona/záclona

depict/ion - vylíčit/ení

digression - odchylka, odbočka

drum - buben

dubbed film - nadabovaný film

earplug - špunt do uší

edition - vydání

editorial - úvodník

editor-in-chief - šéfredaktor

encyclopedia - encyklopedie

entertainment - zábavné pořady

evening gown - večerní róba

exhibition - výstava

farfisa - farfisa

festival - festival

fiction - krásná literatura

fictitious - fiktivní

first-run film/premiere - premiéra

flute - flétna

folk literature - lidová literatura

foreword - úvodní slovo

frame story - rámcový soubor románů

fret - pražec

frontman - frontmen

furcoat - norkový kožich

gig - koncert, vystoupení

guiro - škrabka

guitar - kytara

harmonium - harmonium

harp - harfa

hit parade - hitparáda

cha cha - čača

chapter - kapitola

chime - zvonkohra, vyzvánění

choir - sbor

chord - akord

chorus - refrén

illegible - nečitelný

in advance - s předstihem, dopředu

interviewer/interviewee - zpovídající/dotazovaný

introduction - úvod

it reads well - čte se to skvěle

It´s worth reading - stojí to za přečtení

journalist - novinář

juvenile literature - knihy pro mladé

liaison - spolupráce

lonely heart´s column - seznamka

lottery - loterie

lullaby - ukolébavka

mass - mše

massmedium/massmedia - masové medium/média

measure - rytmus/míra, rozměr

memoirs - paměti

metaphor - metafora, metaforovat

mixed feelings - smíšené pocity

motif (meutyf) - motiv

musical - opereta

musical instrument - hudební nástroj

narrate/narration/narrator/narrative - vyprávět/ní/ěč/věcí

nickname - přezdívka

novel - román

oboe - hoboj

on TV - v televizi

opera - opera

organ/mouth organ - varhany/harmonika

orchestra - orchestr

paragraph - odstavec

pathos - patos

photographer - fotograf

pipe organ - kostelní varhany

playwright/dramatist - dramatik

plot - zápletka

poet/ry - básník/poezie

printing press - tiskařská dílna, tiskárna

props - rekvizity

publicity - publicita

puppet - loutka

quote/quotation - citovat/citace

reader - korektor

reel - filmový pásek

rehearsal - zkouška

reporter - reportér

rhyme - rým

role - role

rumba - rumba

satellite - satelit

saxophone - saxofón

scenery - scenérie

screen - plátno, obrazovka/odvysílat

scripture/s - skriptum/ta

self-deprecating parody - parodie sama na sebe

serial - seriál

session - shromáždění, sezení

setting - dějiště

shot - záběr

silent film - němý film

single - singl

sitar - sitár

sketch - skica

slow-moving story - pozvolna se odvíjející příběh

song - píseň

spy novel - špionážní román

stage - jeviště

standing ovation - ovace ve stoje

string - struna

stuntman - kaskadér

subtitles - titulky

synthetizer - syntetizér

table of contents - obsah

tale - pohádka

tango - tango

tenor - tenor/znění, smysl

the message - výklad, poselství

title - název

to act - hrát v něčem

to advertise - inzerovat

to applaud sth - nadšeně tleskat čemu

to be called out - být vyvolán na pódium

to be centred on the theme of... - mít ve středu téma čeho

to conclude/sion - shrnout/shrnutí, závěr

to contribute/contribution - věnovat/věnování

to enrich - obohatit

to entitle - nazvat, dát název

to film - filmovat

to give a vivid decription of... - dávat živý popis čeho

to give encores - dávat přídavky

to graduate - stupňovat se

to have an ear for music - mít hudební sluch

to hum - broukat si

to introduce - uvést, zavést

to make no demands - být nenáročný

to portray - zobrazovat, zachycovat

to publish - zveřejnit

to read music - umět noty

to retrospect - vracet se do minulosti

to ring - zvonit, znít

to ring string - brnknout o strunu

to shoot a film - vypustit film

to sing/sang/sung - zpívat

to tell a story - vyprávět příběh

to whistle - pískat, píšťalka

track - nahrávka, píseň

travelogue - cestománie

tremolo - tremolo

trombone - trombón

trumpet - trumpeta

tuner - ladička

typist - písař

un/readable - ne/čtivý

usher/ette - uvaděč/ka

verse - sloka

Viennese waltz - waltz

violin/violoncello - housle/violoncello

waistcoat (veistkout) - vesta k obleku

warning to motorists - dopravní zpravodajství

western – western


(un)disputed - (ne)korunovaný

abbey - opatství

abolition - zrušení

aboriginal people - původní obyvatelstvo

AD - našeho letopočtu

affair - aféra

agitation - agitace

air strike - nálet

ally - spojenec

ancestor (ensestr) - předchůdce

anthracite (entrasajt) - antracit

appointed for life - doživotně jmenován

arid/humid/semi-arid conditions - aridní/humidní/semiaridní podmínky

arsenal - arzenál, zásobárna

banner - prapor

Belgian - Belg

bicameral - dvoukomorový

breack - prolom

bunker - bunkr

but it wasn´t (until) ... that... - ale trvalo (do) ..., než ...

catapult - katapult

citizen - občan

clay - jíl

climate (klajmet) - klima

coastal - pobřežní

column - sloupec

combat - boj

constitutional monarchy - konstituční monarchie

contemporary - současný

coronation - korunovace

Creatia - Kréta

crest - pohoří, horský hřeben

crevice - puklina, štěrbina

dam - přehrada

Dane - Dán

decade - desetiletí

degree - stupeň

depth - hloubka

disarmament - odzbrojení

drained - vyschlý, vysušený

drift - proud

duke - vévoda

dynastic wedding - dynastický sňatek

dynasty - dynastie

earthquake - zemětřas

embassy/embassadant - velvyslanectví/velvyslanec

empress - císařovna

engineering industry - strojní průmysl

establishment - zřízení

excavations - vykopávky

fjord - fjord

foreign affairs - zahraniční věci

founder - zakladatel

founding member - zakládající člen

gang - oddíl, banda, geng

general - generál

geographical position - zeměpisná poloha

gipsy/Romany - Romové

glacial lake - ledovcové jezero

gold rush - zlatá horečka

house - rod (dům, sídlo, firma)

hurricane - hurikán

chilly - ledový, studený

Chinese - čínský

in a row - za sebou

in remembrance of sth - v památku čeho

in the ocean - v oceánu

instability - nestabilita

interior - vnitrozemský

international - mezinárodní

island/isle (ajl) - ostrov

Jew - Žid

kaolin (kejolin) - kaolín

lake district - jezerní oblast

latitude/parallel - rovnoběžka

layer - vrstva

legend - legenda

lignite (lignajt) - lignit

limestone - vápenec

loch - jezero (ve Skotsku)

lowland - nížina

map - mapa

maritime - přímořský

martyr - mučedník

mayor - starosta

megalith/ic - megalit/ický

meridian - poledník

metallurgy - metalurgie

might - moc

mild (majld) climate - mírné klima

mist/y - opar/mlžný

monarchy - monarchie

Mongolia - Mongolsko

moor - blata, vřesoviště

mountain range - pohoří

mudslide/landslide - sesuvy půdy

nation - národ

Norwegian - Nor

on the throne - na trůně

pagan - pohan

paper mills - papírenství

patron saint - svatý patron

peace treaty - mírová smlouva

peak/top/summit - vrchol

peninsula - poloostrov

Pennines - Apeniny

petroleum - ropa, nafta

plantation - plantáž

Pole - Polák

potash - potaš

princess - princezna

protectorate - protektorát

puppet government - loutkový režim

quarry - lom

rank - řada, šik

ration - válečný příděl

refugee - uprchlík

reign of... - vláda koho

republic - republika

rivalry - soupeření, potyčka

rugged - rozeklaný

rumours - ruiny

sandy - písčitý

sea level - hladina moře

sermon - kázání

shelter - kryt

Silesia (sajlízija) - Slezsko

slavery - otroctví

Slovak - Slovák

sovereign - suverénní

Spaniard - Španěl

spot/location - poloha

standing stones - vztyčené kameny

surface - povrch

Swede (swid) - Švéd

tax - daně

temperate - mírný

territory - teritorium

the Allies - spojenci (II.SV)

the Alps - Alpy

the continent - Evropa

the Crimea (krajmíja) - Krym

the English Channel - La Manche

The Gulf Stream - Golfský proud

the indigenous people - pův., domorodí obyvatelé

the Leaning tower - šikmá věž

the Mediterranean Sea - Středozemní moře

the poverty line - hranice chudoby

the Pyrenees (pyrenýs) - Pyreneje

the right of discovery - právo objevitele

the Ukraine - Ukrajina

throne - trůn

ti immigrate/ion - imigrovat/ce

tip - konec, okraj

to assault - přepad, přepadnout/útok

to be beheaded - být sťat

to be rationed - být na příděl

to be vital to sth - klíčový pro...

to bring about a revolution - projít revolucí

to confiscate - konfiskovat

to cover an area - zabírat místo

to crush - zničit, rozdrtit/potlačit

to declare independence - vyhlásit nezávislost

to die out by the sword - vymřít po meči

to discover sth - objevit co

to emigrate/ion - emigrovat/ce

to federate - spojit se, vytvořit federaci

to impoverish - zchudnout

to incorporate - zahrnout, začlenit

to inhabit/inhabitant - osídlit/obyvatel

to map sth - zmapovat co

to stand for in elections - kandidovat na koho

to suppress - potlačit

to take control of sth - převzít kontrolu nad čím

to verge - hraničit s

tornado/es - tornádo/tornáda

treaty - dohoda, smlouva

triumvirate - triumvirát

Turk - Turek

valley (veli) - údolí

volcano/es - sopka/sopky

war over sth - válka o co

withdrawal - ústup

x.century saw ... as ... - xté století našlo koho jako co

Zero meridian - Nultý poledník

zinc – zinek


(un)reliable - (ne)spolehlivý

admirable - obdivuhodný

affectation - přetvářka

ambition - ctižádost, ambice

appearance - vzhled, zjev

ardent - vášnivý, zapálený

ashamed - zahanbený

attractive/unattractive - atraktivní/neatraktivní

awful - hnusný

bad habit - zlozvyk

bald - holohlavý

bastard - hajzl, panchart

be fond of gossip - být drbna

beautiful - krásný

beggar - chuďas

bespectacled - obrýlený

blame - vina, hana

bold - troufalý, statečný

bony - kostnatý

bore/dom - nuďas/nuda

brave - odvážný

brilliant - skvělý, inteligentní, vyjímečný

buck teeth - zaječí zuby, hlodáky, předkus

bun - drdol

bustling - kypící

careful - pečlivý

casual - ledabylý, neformální

cautious - opatrný, uvážlivý

cheerful - veselý, rozjařený

classy - vytříbený

closed against - uzavřený před

clumsy - těžkopádný, nemotorný

common sense - selský rozum

composed - složitý

comradeship - kamarádství, soudržnost

conceit - domýšlivost, ješitnost

conceited - domýšlivý, ješitný

conceited - domýšlivý, ješitný

confidence - sebevědomí

consistent - zásadový

contented - spokojený

coolly - bohémsky, machrovsky

cross - mrzutý, nevlídný

cunning - mazanost, lstivost, prohnanost/ mazaný, lstivý, prohnaný

curious about sth - zvědavý na co

custom - národní zvyklost

cynical - cynický

daydreams - snílkovství

desperate - zoufalý

despise - opovrhovat

determined - odhodlaný

dignity - důstojnost

dis/obedient - poslušný

disabled - postižený

dogged - umírněný, zatrpklý

doting - přísný

dutiful - řádný, svědomitý

eager - horlivý, dychtivý

earnest - seriózní, vroucí

eccentric/ity - excentrik/čnost

egoistic - egoistický

elder - postarší, starší

embarrased - ztrapněný

embarrasing - trapný

emotion/al - emoce/ionální

energetic - energický

envy/ious - závist/ivý

excitement - vzrušení

experience/d - zkušenost/ný

famous for sth - slavný pro co

fascinating - fascinující

formal/informal - formální/neformální

foul - hnusný, sprostý

frantic - magor, šílený

frenzy - šílený, nepříčetný

furious - nasraný, rozžhavený doběla

fuss/y - povyk/zmatkář

fussy - tip top

generous - štědrý

glutton - nenasyta, hltoun

good-looking - dobře vypadající

good-natured - dobrosrdečný

graceful - půvabný, jiskrný

grand - velkolepý

grateful - vděčný

greed - hrabivost

grief-stricken - sklíčený

guy/bloke/chap - týpek, chlápek

habit - zvyk

handsome/pretty - hezký/hezká

handy - šikovný, zručný

happiness/happy - veselí/šťastný

hard-working - pracovitý

headlong - po hlavě, horempádem, ukvapený

hilarious - k popukání

homesick - stesk po domově

honest - čestný, poctivý

hospitable - pohostinný

hypocrite/isy/itical - pokrytec/tví/ký

charming - šarmantní

cheeky - drzý

childish - dětinský

im/patient - ne/trpělivý

impertubable - nenechávající se vyrušit

impudent - drzý, nestydatý

in a terrible mood - v příšerné náladě

in/ability - ne/schopnost

in/dependent/ce - ne/závislý/ost

indifferent - nerozlišený, indiferentní

indulgent - vlídný, shovívavý

innocence/innocent - nevina/nevinný

innovative - inovativní

in/sensitive - ne/citlivý

insulted - uražený

interest - zájem, záliba, koníček

interruption - přerušení

ir/resolute - nedůsledný/rázný

irony - ironie

jealous/y of sth - žárlivost/ivý na co

jolly - veselý, radostný

joy - radost

joyful - radostný, zábavný

keen on - nadšený z čeho

killjoy - kazišuk

kind/unkind - hodný/zlý

kind of sbd - hezké od koho

lenient - shovívavý

liar - lhář

light-weight, light-hearted - lehkovážný

likeable - sympatický

loveable - roztomilý

loyal/ty - oddaný/oddanost

marvellous - božský, velkolepý

mellow - vyzrálý

messy - nepořádný

mischievous - nezbedný, rozpustilý

modest/immodest - skromný/neskromný

moral - morální

naive/te - naivní/ita

nasty - nechutný, hnusný

naughty - ošklivý, zlobivý

nerd - ťulpas, podivín, blbeček

neurotic - neurotický

nice - hodný

noiseful - hlučný

numb - otupělý, necitlivý

obsession - posedlost

obstinate/stubborn - paličatý

opinion - názor

outgoing - družný

painful - bolestivý/trapný

peaceful - mírumilovný

perverse - zvrácený

plain - průměrně vypadající, nepříliš hezký

polite/impolite - zdvořilý/nezdvořilý

posh - nóbl

powerful - mocný, silný

prejudice - předsudek

pride - pýcha

prominent - prominentní, význačný

proud of - pyšný na co

punctual - přesný, dochvilný

punctual - puntičkářský

quarrelsome - hádavý, hašteřivý

queer - divný

querulous - nevrlý, mrzoutský

rabid - zuřivý, vzteklý (jako pes)

reckless - bezstarostný, lehkomyslné

reluctant - neochotný, zdráhavý

resent - odpor

resentful - zhnusen

reserved - rezervovaný

respected - respektovaný

responsible for sth - zodpovědný za co

reverend - reverend/ctihodný

ridiculous - směšný

rigid - nepoddajný, nepřizpůsobivý

rude to - hrubý, neslušný, neotesaný na

rugged - drsoň

sanity, in/sane - příčetnost, ne/příčetný

sarcastic - sarkastický

self-centred - sebestředný

selfish/ness - sobecký/kost

self-sacrifice - obětavost

serious - vážný

showy - okázalý

shy - plachý

silent/ce - tichý/ticho

simple manner - přirozené chování

sincere - upřímný

skill/ed - dovednost, zručnost/ný

skinny - vyzáblý, hubený

slovenly - lajdácký, ledabylý

sly - vychytralý, prohnaný

sociable - společenský

social climber - šplhoun

solitary/solitude - osamělý/samota

sophisticated - sečtělý, vzdělaný, oduševnělý

speechless - neschopný slova

spendthift - rozhazovačný člověk

spirit - duch, duše

spleen - splín, melancholie

spoiled - zkažený, rozmazlený

spontaneous - spontánní

steadfast - stálý, pevný, neochvějný

stern - přísný, strohý

stingy - lakomý, skrblivý

strenuous - usilvoný, snaživý

strict - přísný

subtile - jemný, subtilní

superficial - povrchní

sure about - jistý čím

sympathetic - sympatický

talkative - povídavý

tasteful - vkusný

tasteless - bez chuti

teacher´s pet - anální speleolog, rektální alpinista

tender - jemný, křehký

terrible/horrible - příšerný, úděsný

terrified/horrified - vyděšený

thick hair - husté vlasy

timid - plachý, nesmělý

tireless/ly - neúnavný/ně

to be choosy, particular about sth - být vybíravý v čem

to be penniless - být švorc

to boast - chvástat se

to break a habit - zbavit se zlozvyku

to exhaust/ion - vyčerpat/ání

to feel sorry for sbd - cítit soustrast pro koho

to go crazy - zešílet

to have a bad language - mít špatný slovník

to have a sense of humour - mít smysl pro humor

to have taste in sth - mít čich na něco, zálibu

to hesitate/hesitation - váhat/váhání

to humiliate - ponížit

to keep sth in order - udržovat co v pořádku

to neglect sth - zanedbávat co

to terrify/horrify - děsit

touchy - přecitlivělý/ choulostivý (téma)

trusting - důvěřivý

tycoon - mamonář, boháč

un/ambicious - ne/ambiciózní

un/concerned - ne/ustaraný

un/disciplined - ne/disciplinovaný

un/stable - ne/stálý

unscrupulous - bezohledný

ups and downs - dobré a špatné chvilky

upset - naštvaný, rozezlený

vain - ješitný, domýšlivý

verbosity - výmluvnost

vicious - zlomyslný, neřestný

vigorous - silný, energický

violent - prudký

virgin - panna

virtue - čest

virtuous - čestný, ctnostný

wary - obezřetný, podezíravý

weak - slabý

wealthy - zámožný, bohatý

weird (víjrd) - divný, tajuplný

well-behaved - dobře vychován

well-known - známý, slavný

well-read - sečtělý

wicked - zlomyslný, nemravný

wise - moudrý

wise/wisdom - moudrý/moudrost

wit/ty - vtip/vtipný, důvtipný

withdrawn - uzavřený do sebe


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