Spring Training

-482600-57912000Introducing “Spring Training”149860026797000A Sunday School Enlargement CampaignMike TompkinsSunday School Enlargement CampaignCampaign GuideMeet Mike Tompkins Director of MissionsComanche-Cotton Baptist AssociationMike Tompkins, Executive Director of Comanche-Cotton Baptist Association in Lawton, Oklahoma was born near Edmond, Oklahoma, graduating from Deer Creek High School. Following two years in the United States Army, Mike attended The Baptist College of Florida in Graceville, Florida and Mississippi College in Clinton, Mississippi. Mike earned a Diploma in Theology from BFC and Degrees in Bible and English in Mississippi. Mike was ordained in 1968 in Tampa, Florida following his service in the United States Army STRIKE COMMAND, where he was stationed at MacDill Air Force Base and served as a Crew Chief on several Army Helicopters and Fixed Wing aircraft from 1966 through 1968, during the Viet Nam war. Mike has served as Pastor of churches in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Oklahoma. Mike is best known for his leadership training among the Pastors of his association as well as fellow Director's of Missions across the State of Oklahoma. But his passion is the work of Sunday School everywhere. Mike loves to develop leaders in the local church and considers his leadership training even more important when leadership training advances the work of Sunday School.Mike has personally written and executed Sunday School Enlargement Campaigns for years. The churches he has served have looked forward to the campaigns as a kick off of each new Sunday School year. Mike's Sunday School leadership staff and church members have energetically and enthusiastically embraced the challenge while working together just as the campaign requires. Two of Mike’s Sunday School Campaigns have been written and illustrated in The Sunday School Builder magazine of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Mike sold the rights to use one of his campaigns to the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. Mike has been encouraged for years to make these campaigns available to others who love Sunday School. Through the efforts of Mike has decided to do just that. Each of his campaigns is based on proven principles of Church Growth and will transform the Sunday morning congregation into a through-the-week workforce for the cause of Christ and Sunday School. As Pastor, you must be the vision-caster from start to finish. Your congregation will look to you for leadership above all others. If you possess vision and passion for growth through the Sunday School, you can successfully lead your church to significant increases in enrollment and attendance. Sunday School Enlargement Campaigns can be of great benefit. When effectively used;Promotes Prospect DiscoveryResults In Increased EnrollmentsLeads To Effective Ministry And EvangelismCauses Increased AttendanceRaises The Level Of Concern, Enthusiasm And Fellowship For SundaysDirects The Entire Sunday School To Think In Terms Of GrowthEstablishes Goals For Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance And TrainingBuilds Confidence, Encouragement And MoraleCreates Something To CelebrateOrganizes The Church To Work Together EffectivelyEnlists Every Member Of The Sunday School Team To Work TogetherUnifies Sunday School Team For Maximum ResultsMotivates Every Department Director And Teacher To Prepare And PerformBob Mayfield, Sunday School Specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma leads Oklahoma churches to adopt the five following priorities for every church. These priorities represent a worthy goal for every Pastor.FIVE THINGS PASTORS MUCH TO DO TO HAVE A GREAT SUJNDAY SCHOOLBE THE CHAMPION OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOLSOMEBODY HAS TO BE A CATYLIST TO START NEW GROUPSDEVELOP A CULTURE OF LEADERSHIPGET CONTROL OF THE LITERATURE AND HOW IT IS TAUGHTCREATE ALIGHNMENT; SUNDAY SCHOOL IS OUR PRIMARY STRATEGY.313690010731500Yours for a Growing Sunday SchoolMike TompkinsTHE CAMPAIGN IN ACTIONNAME OF THE CAMPAIGN“Spring Training”.............................when used in the Spring of the year.“Super Series of Sundays”………when used in the Fall of the year.BIBLICAL THEME OF THE CAMPAIGN“Do you know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” 1 Cur 9:24-25DATES OF THE CAMPAIGN:The Dates of Your Choosing. You will want to choose four or five of the least encumbered weeks possible for your campaign. Remember that your “Exhibition Rally Day” should be scheduled four weeks prior to the beginning of Spring Training. Your schedule should include at least ten weeks from the time the first public announcement is made about Exhibition Rally Day. You will need two weeks of intense publicity to hope for the best results for this special day. Pastors and Sunday School Leadership will need to allow at least four weeks prior to “Exhibition Rally Day” to become thoroughly informed and committed to the preparation necessary to have a successful campaign. The total number of weeks required to complete a campaign, including “Exhibition Rally Day” is ten weeks, if the campaignIs a four-week campaign. PHILOSOPHY OF THE CAMPAIGNSynergy is the principle that Sunday School Departments, working together doing the same things at the same time, can accomplish more than all of them working separately.It is commonly called....................Teamwork! T . . . together459676551435E. . . .everyoneA . . .chivesM. . .oreOFFICIAL LEADERS OF THE CAMPAIGNBASEBALL COMMISSIONER: The Baseball Commissioner and will give overall leadership to the contest, Interpreting rules and settling disputes, if any arise among the contestants.GENERAL MANAGER: Each Team shall choose a manager to provide leadership to the team throughout the entire competition.TEAM MEMBERS: Departments or Classes or other groups which make up a team shall be called a Team Member.UMPIRE CREW: The Umpire Crew could be made up of Pastor, Sunday School Director and5788025172085Outreach Director or Chairman of Deacons or any other key church leader. The Umpire Crew will make important calls or decisions as MUNICATING THE CAMPAIGNYour success will depend on quality and effective communications and enlistment Make sure your leadership is fully aware of the purpose, the schedule, the details, and the goals and rules of the Campaign. You may want to use the Spring Training Contract, which is written in such a way as to both advertise the Campaign and enlist member and prospects to make a commitment to be “On the Team”. SUNDAY SCHOOL or ALL-CHURCH WORKERS BANQUETThe campaign may be effectively communicated at a “Sunday School Worker Banquet” designed to recognize and encourage all Sunday School workers in a larger church or an “All Church Workers Banquet” in a smaller in attendanceChurch, This banquet may be scheduled approximately three to four weeks prior to the beginning of the Campaign kickoff. A “potluck” Sunday evening service may be scheduled in the Fellowship Hall with special music and three speakers. You may wish to ask the Discipleship Director to speak briefly, to announce upcoming classes and affirm the importance of the Sunday School campaign in building a great Discipleship program.You may also wish to schedule the Sunday School Director to speak, casting vision and inspiration and strongly affirming the importance of Sunday School and the upcoming Campaign. The Pastor will most definitely be the keynote speaker for this event, again, casting vision for the up-coming MITMENTS NEEDED FOR THIS CAMPAIGNThe Pastor’s CommitmentYour church must have the commitment and leadership of the Pastor for the campaign to be of benefit. Up front commitment to the event is an essential component of a successful Campaign. The Pastor’s leadership will set the pace, whether he wants it to or not. Your congregation needs to hear the Pastor’s excitement and commitment from the pulpit as he encourages his people to participate. God’s people must hear the pastor express his own expectations of success. There are three things necessary for the Pastor to be a successful leader.VISION: The Pastor must know where he is going and share his vision in a wide variety of ways. Vision for success comes only as the Pastor becomes familiar with the campaign and is convinced that the use of it will be a significant benefit to the church.PASSION: The Pastor must have be passionate and excited about the outcome, Passion, or emotional connection comes as the Pastor lives day by day with hope and promise of a successful campaign COMMUNICATION: The Pastor must be an effective communicator! Every Pastor loves to talk about those things he believes in and hopes for. He must be able and willing to inform, enlist, promote and be a subtle sanctified cheer-leader among key leaders. Sunday School Leadership Team CommitmentDivision Directors, Department Directors and Teachers must understand the Campaign, believe in it and be committed to lead their Departments or Classes in at least 3 weeks of hard work. Every member of your Sunday School Team must understand the philosophy and mechanics of the Campaign and be committed to do their very best leadership during these weeks.Sunday School Members CommitmentMember commitment may expect various degrees of participation but should seek to secure total commitment to succeed in reaching all goals.GOALS OF THE CAMPAIGNYou need a worthy goal for any event or Campaign. It will serve to motivate, to guide, to focus, and to support your celebration of success.. Typically the major goals will be in New Enrollees, Weekly Contacts, Weekly Attendance and Weekly Training as well as other goals to promote your own specific needs.59334401646555As you will see there will be a High-Level goal for the entire Sunday School, and class or department goals. While it is best if each class or department sets its own goals, sometimes they prefer you to do so. Never assume that your goals are approved by those who will be asked to reach them. Two weeks to a month prior to the first Sunday of the Campaign, allow the class or department leaders to review the goals and make whatever adjustment they wish, up or down. If class or department leaders are involved in setting the goals, they will be more motivated to work to reach them, and more excited when they do. The best goals are . . . . .SMART!S pacific........We will enroll 130 persons in Sunday School by date_____. M measurable....Make sure you can determine if you have made your goal.Atrainable....Don’t set a goal outside your capabilities.R realistic........Make sure achieving your goal is a “stretch” but not too easy..T timely............Know specifically when your goals should be reached.THE IMPORTANCE OF GOALS AND GOAL SETTINGThe foreman wrote a big “9” in chalk on the shop floor, “What is that?” the second crew asked each other as they punched their cards and stepped onto the concrete shop floor. The foreman smiled, but did not answer. He smiled the smile that says, “You’ll know soon enough.” That question was the buzz that night. The buzz got louder as the truth began to circulate. Someone talked to a worker from the day crew. “That nine is how many widgets the first crew got out the door.” The next morning there was a line through the “9” and next to it, a big, white chalk and “10”.Whatever gets measured, gets done, One of the best ways of rewarding is simple; to notice, to pay attention, to acknowledge. Counting is not about ego; it is about caring. Jesus taught us that a shepherd who had one hundred sheep and lost one would leave the ninety-nine? Maybe he had just happened to notice that Sally Sheep was missing. Or, maybe he counted. The simplest way would be to count. Counting is not an impersonal expression of bureaucracy or greed. It is an expression of caring. GOALS TO BE REACHED DURING THE CAMPAIGNWEEKLY ENROLLMENT GOALS Weekly Enrollment Goals are met when pre-set weekly enrollment goals are reached or exceeded. Persons should be enrolled anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances as long as the person consents to being enrolled. WEEKLY CONTACTS GOALSWeekly Contacts Goals are met when pre-set weekly contacts goals are reached or exceeded. Persons may be considered contacted when the contact is done anywhere, anytime, as long they are invited to attend Sunday School on the next Sunday Morning. Contacts may be made personally, by phone, letter, post card, email, text-message.WEEKLY ATTENDANCE GOALSWeekly Attendance Goals are met when pre-set weekly attendance goals are reached or exceeded. Attendance shall be counted so long as persons attend any organized Bible study to include Homebound visits in which the Sunday School lesson is provided.WEEKLY TRAINING GOALSWeekly Training Goals are met when pre-set weekly training goals are reached or exceeded. Training Goals will be considered reached when persons are involved in any group church activity in addition to Sunday School; etc, Discipleship Training, Prayer Meeting, Youth or Children’s Activities, in addition to Sunday School. Every week of the five-week Spring Training Campaign, Departments and Classes will work to reach or exceed Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. What follows are some suggestions as to how to set these goals. ENROLLMENT GOALS MAY BE SET IN THE FOLLOWING WAYThe First Inning Enrollment should be the current enrollment plus 2, adding 2 additional enrollees each week of the Campaign. For Example;If the Preschool Department has a current enrollment of 35, the First Inning Enrollment Goal would be 35 plus 2 to make it 37. Then add 2 each week of the Campaign.1st Inning Goal2nd InningGoal3rd InningGoal4th InningGoal5th InningGoal3739414345CONTACTS GOALS MAY BE SET IN THE FOLLOWING WAYContacts Goals will be the number currently Enrolled plus 10%, adding 2 additional Contacts each week of the Campaign. For Example;If the Preschool Department has a current enrollment of 35, the First Inning Contacts Goal would be 35 plus 7 to make it 42, Then add 2 each week of the Campaign.1st InningGoal2nd InningGoal3rd InningGoal4th InningGoal5th InningGoal3941434547ATTENDANCE GOALS MAY BE SET IN THE FOLLOWING WAYDetermine the current % of Enrollment in Attendance for the entire Sunday school. If the % of Enrollment in Attendance your Sunday School is 47% consider setting the Attendance Goal at 47% for each Department or Class plus 2 for September 7th , and add 2 per Sunday for the remainder of the Campaign. For ExampleIf the Sunday School is averaging 47% of your enrollment in attendance and the Preschool Department has an enrollment of 35, the First Inning Goal Attendance Goal would be 47% of 35 which would be 16 plus 2 to make it 18. Then add 2 each week of the Campaign.1st InningGoal2nd InningGoal3rd InningGoal4th InningGoal5th InningGoal1820222426TRAINING GOALS MAY BE SET IN THE FOLLOWING WAYUse a % such as 50% of Sunday School Attendance Goal to determine the weekly Training Goals. Training Goals may be met by participating in any other activity of the church on any day of the past week to include Prayer Meeting, Teachers and Officers Meetings, Youth Activities, Visitation, Small Group Bible Study or anything of a spiritual nature. For Example;If the Sunday School is averaging 47% of your enrollment in attendance and the Preschool Department has an enrollment of 35, the First Inning Training Goal would be 47% of 35 which would be 16. 50% of 16 is 8 plus 2 to make it 10. Then add 2 each week of the Campaign.1st Inning Goal2nd Inning Goal3rd Inning Goals4th Inning Goal5th InningGoal1012141618553339090805GAINING COMMITMENTSEnroll new members as they unite with the churchEnroll persons anyplace, anytime, under any conditionsEnroll friends, neighbors and co-workersEnroll the lost and the saved, churched and un-churched.KEEPING SCORE IN THE CAMPAIGNEach week, or each Inning of the campaign, both the Saints and Angels may score runs in the following ways.The Following Earns One Run EachOne run is earned each week when Enrollment Goals are reached.One run is earned each week when Contact Goals are reached.One run is earned each week when Attendance Goals are reached.One run is earned each week when Training Goals are reached.The Following Earns Two Runs Each:Two bonus runs are earned each week when your entire team reaches or exceeds their Training Goals. Two bonus runs are earned each week when anyone on your team comes in a baseball uniform.The Following Earns Three Runs Each:Three bonus runs are earned each week when any of your team members enrolls additional persons in Sunday School. Your team earns one additional run for each person enrolled over the weekly enrollment goal.The Following Earns Four Runs Each:7522210297815Four bonus runs are earned each week when your team reaches all four goals, Including Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training. AWARDS OF THE CAMPAIGNMOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARD Most Valuable Player Award will go to the Youth or Adult Department with the best overall performance throughout SPRING TRAINING. ROOKIE OF THE CAMPAIGN AWARD: Rookie of the Year goes to the Preschool or Children’s Department with the best overall performance throughout SPRING TRAINING. GOLDEN GLOVE AWARD:Golden Glove Award goes to the Youth Department with the best overallperformance throughout SPRING TRAINING.MANAGER OF THE CAMPAIGN AWARD:Manager of the Year award goes to the manager of the winning team.DEVELOPING THE CAMPAIGNOne of the most fun aspects of an enlargement Campaign is developing the theme within each Department or Class. Many Department or Class leaders will work hard at taking the Campaign to a higher level by doing creative things to increase the visibility, motivation and promotion of the Campaign. The extent to which each Sunday School Department is willing develop and personalize the Spring Training theme is wide open.Departments or Classrooms may be decorated to look like a baseball dugout, a baseball diamond or Clubhouse.Youth or Children’s Departments or Classrooms may wish to decorate your walls with the pennants of Professional Baseball teams and pictures of famous players.Youth or Children’s Departments or Classes may wish to plan a display of Baseball memorabilia owned by its members.Youth or Adult Departments or Classes may wish to plan a trip to see a Semi-Pro or Major League game in a city near you as a means of promoting Sunday School Attendance.Departments or Classes may wish to use a sound recording of “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” to signal time to begin.Departments or Classes may download music from the internet used during major league baseball games.Departments or Classes may write and request an autographed picture of a Professional Baseball player to be used as a promotion if anyone knows one who would cooperate.Youth or Children’s Departments may wish to engage in an inter-department promotion by allowing each class to adopt the name of a Professional Baseball Player, and post a picture, learn his stats and write to him sharing the testimony of each child who wishes to do so.You may wish to lead you’re Youth, Children or Young Adult Departments or Classes agree on a competition between departments by assuming the name of a professional Baseball Team and compete throughout the five-week period.You may wish to lead any number of Department or Classes to agree to a “good-natured” competition with any other Department or Class in your Sunday School. Done in the right Spirit, these kinds of extra-curricular promotions can be lots of fun and very productive.Departments or Classes may wish to make up a “Roster” (Class Roll) with each inning clearly indicated with a challenge to be in the “Dugout” when each inning begins.Departments of Classes may wish to make a Team Picture on the first, last or each inning of the Campaign.Departments or Classes may wish to select a “Fan of the Week” and at the end of the Campaign a “Fan of the Game.”Departments or Classes may wish to select a “Player of the Week” and a “Most Valuable Player” for the entire five innings.DISABLED LISTThose who are on the prayer list will appear on the Disabled List during the game.TIMELINE GUIDE FOR PLANNINGThings To Do As Soon As PossiblePASTOR AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR LEADS THE CHURCH TO MAKE A DECISION TO GROWPastor and Sunday School Director may want to present a formal motion as follows;"We, the Pastor and Sunday School Director make a motion that Sunday School be recognized and adopted by this church as our primary strategy to;Connect People with Jesus, and personal salvation,Connect People with Truth, and personal discipleship,Connect People with Community, and personal fellowshipConnect People with Ministry, and personal service. The reason for this motion is necessary is that, when a church has been on plateau or in decline for any period of time, it has essentially made a decision not to grow. To reverse that decision and launch a new day, the church is being asked by its leadership to make a clear and conscious decision to grow. As a result of a formal decision to grow is a part of the official minutes of the church and can be referred to when needed.PASTOR LEADS THE CHURCH TO USE A growyoursundayschool CAMPAIGNSunday School Campaigns designed by are only one component of re-launching Sunday School growth, but they are a very important component. My goal is to design the campaigns with all component parts prepared for the church with the least possible editing necessary. 9 Weeks Prior To The Start Of The CampaignSET DATE FOR "RALLY DAY""RALLY DAY" will occur four weeks prior to the start of the Enlargement Campaign. SET DATES FOR "ENLARGEMENT CAMPAIGN"Select 4 or 5 of the least cluttered weeks possible on your church Calendar, Set date to train Sunday School Director and Outreach DirectorSet date to train Department Directors and TeachersSet date for Sunday School Leadership or All Church Workers BanquetPLAN EARLY AND THOROUGHLY TO LEAD 'RALLY DAY" AND CAMPAIGNRead the Campaign Guide and Study the Timeline Guide to become familiar with the materials, philosophy, strategy and preparation required for a successful "RALLY DAY" and "ENLARGEMENT CAMPAIGN."SETTING HIGH ATTENDANCE "RALLY DAY" GOAL"RALLY DAY" deserves a worthy High-Attendance Goal without being so high that it cannot be reached. Make sure this goal is reachable so that your leadership will be leadership will encouraged and motivated and not intimidated.Following Rally Day, there will be four additional weeks of preparation followed by four or five weeks of Enlargement Campaign in which you will work together to reach and exceed Campaign Goals. On the last Sunday of your campaign, you will arrive at High Attendance Day. All throughout the campaign, the importance of this day must be promoted and plans must be made for a very special day in your churches life.Set a High, but Reachable Goal for this Sunday. You may wish to combine this Sunday with a special emphasis such as Re-Union Day, Roll-Call Day or Friend Day or Sunday School Revival. 8 Weeks Prior To the Start of The CampaignDOWNLOAD, EDIT AND PRINT "RALLY DAY" MATERIALS. Do not leave this to the last minute. You will need to do some editing on most of the materials to personalize it and make it communicate your churches dates, goals, results, etc. Avoid the frustration and anxiety of putting off the collection of stats and goals and preparation of materials needed til the last Minute. Make an early assessment of needs, working closely with Sunday School Leadership and be prepared ahead of time for the best results. I have prepared each component of the campaign in editable WORD format and secure PDF. WORD is used rather than Publisher or Excel as WORD seems to be the most common means of offering the campaign for editing and use. When purchased you may download the component parts as many times as you like. I would encourage you to always save your work and leave the original document unedited in the event you may need it to start again. As you personalize the materials for your Church's Classes and Departments, feel free to make any adjustments to the materials needed to accomplish your personal goals.There is nothing sacred about the materials as they are written. I have found that almost everyone who uses growyoursundayschool Enlargement Campaigns will change some facet slightly, adapting it to their own use.I would caution that eliminating the emphasis on increasing new new groups, enrollment and the component of goal-setting will limit the success of the campaign. USING THE MATERIALS PROVIDED IN THE CAMPAIGN11 x 17 Promotional PostersThe 11 x 17 Promotional Poster is to be posted around the church two weeks prior to the beginning and during the campaign to communicate and promote High Attendance Day on the date of your choosing.Eye – Level StreamersEye – Level Streamers are approximately 4” by 14” Campaign Streamers to be Strategically placed around the church above doorways, in hallways, classrooms, at points where people congregate and at the end of hallways where it will catch their eye.Bible Book MarksBible Book Marks should be distributed on Rally Day and used throughoutthe Campaign. Campaign PostersClass or Department Posters are designed to publicize each week’s goalsas well as each week’s Class or Department progress. The Class or Department Goal is the same and can be down-loaded any number of times it is needed. It can be increased in size to accommodate the room size and use. Department officers along with Teachers and Class Officers will prepare displays for the Department Assembly Room and each Classroom. Campaign Goals and results may be written in the appropriate places on each Class – Department. Class Posters are designed to publicize each week’s Class Goals as well as each week’s Class progress. Campaign Goals and results may be written in the appropriate places on each Class – Department.Attendance Covenant CardsAn important and often overlooked feature of Sunday School Enlargement is to ask for a commitment of every member of your Sunday School to be in attendance every Sunday of the Campaign. This will be one of the greatest difficulties for some leaders, but will prove to bear the greatest fruit. Prior to the First Inning you may wish to use a SPRING TRAINING CONTRACT to secure commitments to be in attendance during Spring Training. The Covenant Card or Spring Training Contract might look something like the one illustrated in the file folder by that name. The Spring Training Contract should be promoted beginning proximately four Sundays prior to the beginning of the Spring Training Campaign. The Spring Training Contract should be used to enlist members at church on Sunday mornings, evenings and at prayer meeting. It may also be used to enlist prospects while out on visitation. Enthusiasm should be a predominant characteristic of the visitor at all times and especially when attempting to enlist members and prospects during Spring Training. Every Sunday School leader must communicate VISION with PASSION. People will follow your leadership if they trust that you know where you’re going and have the Passion to get yourself there and anyone else who chooses to join you on the journey. It may be very tempting to leave out this step, or any other. Beware! Every detail of this Campaign contributes to the whole. . The objective here is to get everyone currently enrolled in Sunday School to sign a contract to play along, plus 10% more. If you do that you will grow….guaranteed!LetterheadsCampaign Logo Letterheads may be downloaded and duplicated on your copying machine or taken to a local printer.Weekly E-Mail RemindersEach week from Rally Day throughout the remainder of the campaign you may wish to use weekly E – Mail reminders. If you have not yet done so, a mass E-Mail list should be developed including every member of the Sunday School, every member of the Church and every Propect. Advanced technology is a part of the lives of so many today. Take advantage of it. You may challenge your Youth to text-message on at least weekly basis to build attendance in their departments throughout the campaign.Weekly Reminder CardsWeekly reminder Postcards may be used. Following weekly visitation, the visitor may wish to write a personal note to those whom he or she visited, and drop it off at the Church office on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, the church secretary can stamp the cards and drop them in the mail so that the visited will get a second contact from the visitor sometime on Friday or Saturday. Spring TrainingOfficial Scoreboard SaintsInningAngelsBALLSSTRIKESOUTSHITSERRORSTHE OFFICIAL SPRING TRAINING SCOREBOARDThe Scoreboard should be made approximately 4’ x 4’ and placed in a prominentPlace either in a hallway or, if acceptable in the sanctuary to call attention tothe campaign. The Scoreboard lettering and numbers can be computer generated.The numbers reporting the weekly scores can be replaced on a weekly basis. The background should be black or white with yellow lettering which give the appearance of a lit scoreboard.USING THE MATERIALDEPARTMENT DISPLAYYour church may be organized by Departments or Classes. If your church is organized by Departments, you will have an open assembly area in which Classes meet together prior to going to their classrooms for class. If your church is organized by Departments, you will need a White Poster Board as well as one Class-Department Set for each Class in the Department. Department sign-up and progress toward the goal is symbolized on the department display as it is in the classes. Each week the Department reaches its attendance goal another portion of the color portion is added to the Department’s poster. NOTE: Class-Department posters are identical.CLASS DISPLAYSome churches will be organized by Departments with Classes in each Department. A class display should be prepared for each Classroom in advance of the opening afar of the program. The display, which may be arranged on poster board, will consist of a SPRING TRAINING streamer, one Class-Department set and an individual set for each member enrolled in the Class. The member’s name should be written in on his background card. If he signed his contract during the visitation effort prior to the campaign, the program theme should be on his background card (Item # )on the first day. Enrollment and Attendance Goals for the class will be written in on the Class-Department set. If a person enrolls on any Sunday after the campaign has begun, the person’s name will be written in on the Class-Department set, the program theme will be affixed and all Sundays thus far are affixed and he continues the campaign as though he has been there from the very first Sunday.On the beginning day, each person present who has not done so previously should be asked to sign a SPRING TRAINING CONTRACT. The teachers will distribute the covenant cards to those who have not signed and request that each person sign a card. All the cards should be taken up as soon as each member has had opportunity to sign.When an individual has signed a covenant card, the campaign theme is affixed to the individual background card which bears his name. A card will be prepared and added to the class display for each person signing a covenant who has not previously enrolled in the class. These individual cards plus a Class-Department report set will make up the Class Display. ALL-CHURCH DISPLAYThere are two options for an All-Church PLACARD DISPLAY. SPRING TRAINING may be reported each week by calculating runs earned by reaching Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. A Scoreboard is available along with press on numbers to be used for recording scores each week. 2.A large Poster may be assembled using CLASS-DEPARMENTS SETS to record the progress of each week of the SPRING TRAINING campaign. UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF "RALLY DAY""RALLY DAY" has the potential of raising the awareness of the up-coming Enlargement Campaign as well as setting the pace for work required and outcomes enjoyed. "RALLY DAY" can be a "shot in the arm" and "eye-opener" for discouraged and lethargic Sunday School workers.7 Weeks Prior to The Start Of The CampaignTRAIN CLASS AND DEPARTMENT LEADERSMake Sure Leaders Understand The Importance4 Of Working As A Team.Make Sure Leaders Are Developing Fresh And Real Prospect Lists.Make Sure Leaders Are Committed To Evangelistic Prayer Lists.Make Sure Leaders Are Approved And Committed To Reaching Their Goals.Make Sure YOU CAST YOUR VISION!!!6 Weeks Prior To The Start Of The CampaignINITIATE PUBLICITY FOR "RALLY DAY" Download, Edit, Print and Display "RALLY DAY" posters. Download, Edit, Print and Display "RALLY DAY" eye-level streamers.Download, Edit, Print and Display "RALLY DAY" Class and DepartmentGoals and Results Posters in Class rooms.Download, Edit, Print and Display All-Church Goals and Results PosterBegin advertising "RALLY DAY" in your Church Newletter and Weekly Bulletins and Webb-Site.KICK OFF SPECIAL VISITATION FOR "RALLY DAY"SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday..............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening.............Return personalized postcard to churchSecretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday.............Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.5 Weeks Prior To The Start Of The CampaignINITIATE "RALLY DAY" CONTACT BLITZCONTINUE PROSPECT DISCOVERYWork with each Class or Department as they continue to prospect, doing both "In-reach" and "Outreach" prospect discovery. Work had to find the un-saved and un-churched.SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday..............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening.............Return personalized postcard to churchSecretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday.......Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.4 Weeks Prior To The Start Of The CampaignIt’s "EXHIBITION GAME” RALLYBUILDING AND GROUNDSMake sure the building and grounds are clean and well prepared to make a positive first impression to the larger-than-normal congregation who will attend. Make sure the nursery area is clean and well-staffed.Celebrate the results of your efforts to reach Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals, if used in your campaign.Post "RALLY DAY" results Poster in a prominent place and announce the results from the pulpit or as soon as worship service is concluded.Take full advantage of "RALLY DAY" to launch the up-coming Enlargement Campaign.Guys, you've just set the pace for the weeks to come. Hope you did a good job!3 Weeks Prior To The Start Of The CampaignIt’s now three weeks to the start of the Campaign and you’ve got lots of work to do.Download and Edit all the “Spring Training” materials.Replace the “RALLY DAY” Posters with “SPRING TRAINING” Posters.Display “Spring Training” Eye-Level Streamers.Continue Special VisitationsSPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday…………….4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening..............Return personalized postcard to churchSecretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday…...........Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.2 Weeks Prior To The Start Of The CampaignPastor and Sunday School Leadership continues to be positive and visionary in leadership. Great things are about to happen. Guard against exhaustion by getting plenty of rest. Disengage at times to free your mind from the necessary detail work of leadership. SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday..............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening.............Return personalized postcard to church Secretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday – Saturday…….......Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning. 1 Week Prior To The Start Of The CampaignBe prepared to handle small issues which will crop up. Don’t allow anything to become bigger than it is. Pray that God will give you the ability to be kind, gracious, flexible and patient. Never forget that you are there to minister, and sometimes that means to the very people who are doing their best to cooperate with your leadership. SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday…...........4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening.............Return personalized postcard to church Secretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday..............Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.CONTINUE PROSPECTINGAll new enrollees count towards earning runs from this time on for the first Sunday of the Campaign.First Week Of “Spring Training”SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday..............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening.............Return personalized postcard to church Secretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday.............Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends tojoin you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.Second Week Of “Spring Training”SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday..............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening..............Return personalized postcard to churchSecretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday.............Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.Third Week Of “Spring Training”SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday..............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening.............Return personalized postcard to churchSecretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday.............Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for SmallGroup Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.Fourth Week Of “Spring Training”SPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday..............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening.............Return personalized postcard to church Secretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday.............Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.Fifth Week Of The CampaignSPECIAL VISITATIONSSuggested Schedule for Special VisitationsMonday or Tuesday...............4:30 pm - 6:00 pm..........Early Visitation6:00 pm - 6:30 pm..........Light Dinner6:30 pm - 8:30 pm..........Late VisitationWednesday Evening..............Return personalized postcard to churchSecretary to be mailed on Thursday am.Thursday - Saturday..............Use any form of Social Media to generate interest and invite friends to join you for Small Group Bible Study with you on the following interest and invite friends to join you for SmallGroup Bible Study with you on the following Sunday morning.Make it a great ending of a great month of celebrating Sunday school as the way forward, launching new heights in Sunday school enrollment and attendance. Hey guys, it’s been great fun. Make sure you do very good work in following up on those who have been reached during this Sunday School Enlargement Campaign. First Week Of Follow-UpWe enroll people so we can Evangelize and Minister to them. We remove them when we can no longer minister to them. The enrollment policy should also include appropriate follow-up. The 4 to 6 weeks following enrollment are critical to ensuring that the enrolled person becomes actively involved. Practical and effective ways to follow up include; …..Phone calls, …..Personal Evangelism, Baptism, Enrollment and Ministry Visits, and …..Snail Mail …..E-Mail …..Texting …..FACEBOOK …..Twitter …..Schoolfeed, etc. Studies show that 80 percent of those enrolled and followed up will attend. Second Week Of Follow-UpHow is the follow-up done best? Once a person enrolls, he should be assigned to a group, class, or department. Increasing one's enrollment will not affect Sunday school attendance, or the growth of the church, unless continual efforts are made to visit, invite, and involve persons who are enrolled, but who do not attend. How do we know we are enrolling enough new people? As a rule of thumb, enrollment should be twice the number in attendance. "Enrollment is the base from which you work. Determine your attendance goal and then double that to get your enrollment Goal. Enrollment should be not more than twice average attendance and not less than 70 percent more than your average attendance. For example, if your present attendance is 50, your enrollment should be between 70 and 100. These enrollment goals alone will not increase attendance, but they are the place to start. The primary reason for focusing on enrollment is to help each class become more aware of the people they are responsible for and thus take action to care for and minister to them. Third Week Of Follow-UpWe enroll people so we can minister to them. We remove them when we can no longer minister to them. The enrollment policy should also include appropriate follow-up. The 4 to 6 weeks following enrollment are critical to ensuring that the enrolled person becomes actively involved. Phone calls, personal visits, and mail are practical ways to follow up. Studies show that 80 percent of those enrolled and followed up will attend. How is the follow-up done best? Once a person enrolls, he should be assigned to a group, class, or department. (Kirk Hadaway, a church statistician, said, "Increasing one's enrollment will not affect Sunday school attendance, nor the growth of the church, unless continual efforts are made to visit, invite, and involve persons who are enrolled, but who do not attend" (Church Growth Principles: Separating Fact from Fiction. Nashville: Broadman, 1991, p. 51).Fourth Week Of Follow-UpThanks for using a Sunday School Growth Solutions Enlargement Campaign. It is very important to me that I hear from you for, because the way I improve these campaigns is through your suggestions. Please hit the link below and fill out a form. I would like to hear from you. It is through your suggestions that I will be able to improve Sunday School Growth Solutions Campaign. Thank you and God bless! Watch for other Sunday School Growth Solutions currently under construction.SPRING TRAININGFAMILY PORTRAITALL ABOARDSUNDAY SCHOOL LAUNCHGREAT YOUR CHURCH ROUND-UPFABULOUS FALL FOOTBALLSUNDAY SCHOOL CHECK-UPGO FOR THE GOLDFAITH IN THE FAST LANESPRING TRAININGREADY FOR THE HARVESTMID-WINTER MIRACLE MONTHRUNNING THE RAPIDSFIVE FABULOUS SUNDAYS5,000 SHOT CLUBSUNDAY SCHOOL UNDER CONSTRUCTIONFISHERS OF MENHOLY HEROSHIGHER THAN EVER BEFOREJUMP STARTCOUNT ME INBASIC TRAININGTHE JOURNEY, Road trip to RevivalSUNDAY SCHOOL MONOPOLYSERVE OKLAHOMA76204318000“SPRING TRAINING” is a Baseball Game played between two teams, the SAINTS and the ANGELS, each team formed by an equal number of Departments or Classes, each of which may score Runs by Reaching or Exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. 7620635000“ALL ABOARD” challenges each Department or Class to advance, while “working on the railroad”, from “Grease Monkey” to “Engineer” by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. 76201968500“BASIC TRAINING” has a military theme which challenges each Department or Class to advance while “in the service of the Lord”, from “Private” to “Five-Star General” by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. 76202730500“SUNDAY SCHOOL CHECK-UP” has a Medical theme which challenges each Department or Class to “make and keep 4 or 5 appointments”, by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. 17145825500“5000 SHOT CLUB” is a Youth Sunday School Campaign which challenges each Youth Department or Class to “make 5000 shots “during the campaign by Reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance.171452730500“THE GREAT SUNDAY SCHOOL ROUND-UP” challenges each Department or Class to compete for ……..by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. -749304064000“MID-WINTER MIRACLE MONTH” challenges each Department or Class to Reach or Exceeding extra-ordinary Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals during one month of the winter. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. -781051079500“SUNDAY SCHOOL LAUNCH 2008” challenges each Department or Class to “lift off and reach new heights” by Reaching or Exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. -400054826000“LOOK ON THE FIELDS” has an agricultural theme challenging Departments or Classes to enjoy a great harvest by Reaching or Exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. -825502921000“SUNDAY SCHOOL UNDER CONSTRUCTION” challenges each Department or Class to advance while “working on the railroad” from “Grease Monkey” to “Engineer” by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance.-825503492500“FAMILY PORTRAIT” challenges each Department or Class to advance while “working on the railroad” from “Grease Monkey” to “Engineer” by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. -400051397000“COUNT ME IN” offers an opportunity for children to place a stuffed animal of their choosing on the ark by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. Following the campaign these stuffed animals may be donated to a Children’s Charity of their choosing. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. -685804000500“RUNNING THE RAPIDS” is a trip down the Colorado River, facing five challenges, one for each week. Negotiating Haystack Rock, Devils Den, The Great Divide and Crystal Rapids is challenging but possible by reaching or exceeding Enrollment, Contacts, Attendance and Training Goals. This is a fun and simple campaign which calls upon everyone to work and play at the same thing, at the same time, for the same reasons, resulting in exciting fellowship, increased enrollment and larger attendance. ................

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