Mayor Fritz stated there is a quorum present, called meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Alderman Ward 1 Christian Martin

Alderman Ward 1 Virgil Moore

Alderwoman Ward 2 Michele Stump

Absent Alderman Ward 2 Daniel Jacobs

Also Present: City Administrator Jerry Harman, City Clerk Barbara Hubbard, Deputy Clerk Laura Cather and Garrett Vanderpool with Vandernet

New Business:

Mayor Fritz asked to amend the Agenda moving item c sewer rate to item d and item d park engineering contract to item c.

IT RFP – Open sealed bids

1. Digital Waive received 5/17/2019 at 3:12 p.m.

2. Vandernet received 5/20/19 9:04 a.m.

3. Corp Business Systems received 5/20/219 10:02 a.m.

** See attached bids sheet for amounts**

Policy to sell Real Property

Mr. Harman asked to make a change to the policy. Due to our current Ordinances section 4 #5 would now say if all bids received or the lowest bids received are for the same total amount or unit price, the contract shall be awarded to a local bidder. Where there is no local bidder or all tied bids are from a local bidder, the award shall be made by a drawing of lots, to be held in public.

Alderwoman Stump approved to replace the Policy to sell Real Property with the old one. Seconded by Alderman Martin. Discussion followed. Vote by roll call.

Alderman Jacobs Aye Alderman Martin Aye

Alderwoman Stump Aye Alderman Moore Aye

Motion carried.

CFS Engineering Contract

Alderwoman Stump approved to approve the CFS Engineering Contract for Lakeshore Park. Seconded by Alderman Moore. Discussion followed. Vote by roll call.

Alderman Jacobs Aye Alderman Martin Aye

Alderwoman Stump Aye Alderman Moore Aye

Motion carried.

The Board agreed since CFS did the masterplan for the park and with the KABOOM grant we need to move forward using this firm. The awarded grant details the date of Park completion that must be met. The Board authorized Mr. Harman to sign the contract.

Sewer Rate Study

On May 17th Mr. Brown provided Mr. Harman with a new sewer rate analysis. Mr. Harman doesn’t think we should go with the second analysis he would like the Board to stick to the first one. Table A would need to be in place if we are going to get a loan to replace the grinder pumps. Table B would be in place if the City were getting the loan and we just raise rates. Alderwoman Stump asked how many grinder pumps the City currently has on hand now, Mr. Harman said around 40-60 approximately. To replace all the grinder pumps we would have to be placed out for bid. Alderman Moore and the Mayor would like table A, Alderwoman Stump, Alderman Martin and Alderman Jacobs would like to go with table B. They also would like to put it in our Ordinance or Resolution to raise the rates each year by a specified % to account for inflation. They talked about putting a tax on the April ballot for grinder pump replacement. The Board went over commercial property in length if a property only has one meter but several units each unit is charged a base fee. For example, Country Club plaza has seven units but is only charged 1 base fee. They want to treat Christian Associates like apartments. Churches, Resort 1 base fee, Apartments & Condos each unit has a base fee. Mr. Harman explained to the Board that Anchors point is not paying the City for sewer. Mr. Steed has no meter for the Kimberling Inn he claims the city had agreement with the previous owner which transferred to him when he purchased the Inn and the City sewer plant does pay him water in exchange. Mr. Harman wants to have a water meter put it so we can pay for water. At this time, we have 56 reduction meters for business he would like to have an audit done to find out where they are hooked up and what they are being used for. The next step would be for the City to have a public hearing on June 4, send customer notification on June 5 letting all citizens know about the sewer increase. We will send out the sewer bills on July 5 that will have the new rates applied. We can put info on the back of the June bill, send a separate letter, website and newspaper. Finally create a new ordinance to review rates every three years and in increase sewer rates annually by % to match inflationary rates.

Alderwoman Stump made a motion to go to Closed Session pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (3) personal information. Seconded by Alderman Martin. Discussion followed. Vote by roll call.

Alderman Jacobs Aye Alderman Martin Aye

Alderwoman Stump Aye Alderman Moore Aye

Motion carried.

Alderman Moore made a motion to open in open session. Seconded by Alderman Jacobs. Discussion followed. Vote by roll call.

Alderman Jacobs Aye Alderman Martin Aye

Alderwoman Stump Aye Alderman Moore Aye

Motion carried.

Alderwoman Stump made a motion to hire Randy Reed as the Public Works Manager starting salary $42,000 after 6 months he must have his CDL and upon a favorable review increase to $44,000. Seconded by Alderman Martin. Discussion followed. Vote by roll call.

Alderman Jacobs Aye Alderman Martin Aye

Alderwoman Stump Aye Alderman Moore Aye

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.




____________________________ Mayor Robert Fritz

City Clerk Barbara C. Hubbard


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