




Proposal No.: BKZ1607










































The City of Dallas is seeking proposals from firms experienced in performing volunteer coordination services including background checks.


The City currently and in the past has successfully used volunteer services for recruiting and placing volunteers throughout the City departments for various job duties, special events, and emergency and disaster response. As part of the volunteer program, background checks are performed on each volunteer.


The primary objective of this project is to provide volunteer coordination services, including background checks, for a 36 month term. The volunteer services provider will make the general public aware of City volunteer opportunities available, recruit volunteers to fill the needs of the requesting City department, conduct background checks on all volunteer candidates and place qualified volunteers to assist where needed. Background checks for all volunteer applicants are required. Background checks will ensure the safety of the participant and those they are serving. The City’s objective is to enter into a contract with an experienced firm familiar with coordinating volunteer services and conducting background checks and all candidates.

Proposers shall submit a proposal for services that describes their ability to:

▪ Obtain small or large numbers of volunteers as needed

▪ Provide multiple volunteer groups simultaneously

▪ Coordinate job duties

▪ Provide volunteer training

▪ Manage and maintain a volunteer coordination program to supplement and support City services, and

▪ Perform background checks with all required certifications if applicable.

Proposers shall submit complete the attached price sheet indicating the tasks and deliverables stated as part of their proposal.

The Scope of Services herein will describe the expected activities to be undertaken by the awarded Contractor(s).

PROPOSAL AWARD METHOD: This contract will be awarded in its entirety to the Proposer with the highest ranking total for volunteer coordination services and background checks.

An evaluation committee will review all submitted proposals in response to this RFCSP. The established criteria will be used to measure the information in the proposal to determine the most advantageous proposal.

Each Proposer shall submit a proposal with all relevant, factual, and correct information for evaluation. If additional information is submitted with the proposal package, the Proposer should clearly reference it separately (see: Proposal Response Format and Content).

Failure to provide requested proposal documents may adversely affect your score. If the evaluation committee is unable to determine qualifications due to lack of documentation provided by the Proposer, the Proposer will receive few or no points for that evaluation criteria. The City may, at its option, require the Proposer to provide additional information after the proposal has been opened.

The City may elect to narrow the selection process to a shortlist of those proposals that best demonstrate the qualifications and approach to meet the City’s needs and requirements as described in this RFCSP.

Proposer shall submit a price on all line items on the pricing sheet or the proposal may not be considered for award.

QUALIFICATION OF PROPOSERS: The City of Dallas intends to enter into a contract for services with a qualified firm to perform volunteer coordination services and background checks. The City will thoroughly evaluate all proposals submitted. Selection will be based upon the listed criteria listed within these specifications the awarded contractor shall also meet the following requirements:

1) Proposers shall have resources adequate to deal with multiple requests from the City at any given time; this will include necessary staff, communications equipment, and expertise.

2) Proposers shall have provided volunteer coordination services for at least two (2) years prior to submitting a proposal in response to this RFCSP. Proposer shall provide at least three professional references.

3) Proposers shall have a proven record of providing volunteering services with municipalities. Proposer shall provide municipality reference contact information.

4) Proposers should be able to provide at least 1,600 volunteers annually.

5) Proposers should be able to provide at least 50,000 volunteer hours annually.

6) Proposers shall have a relationship with local media that has an audience of viewers and or listeners that can assist in promoting volunteer opportunities such as

a) Major newspapers or local community news papers

b) Major television stations

c) Major and minor radio stations

d) Social media outlets

Volunteer Opportunities and Recruiting Program should be advertised within Dallas.

DELIVERY OF SERVICE: Upon receipt of request for services the department requires a response time of 15-business days for volunteer services and 24 hours for background checks for this contract. However, the department may require a different response time for a particular job or event. If the Contractor is unable to provide the service at the requested time they shall notify the department immediately.

INSURANCE: The successful proposer will be required to purchase and maintain during the term of the contract, insurance as described in “Attachment 1 - Insurance Requirements” and agrees to the indemnification therein. Complete the Insurance Affidavit and return it with your proposal.

CONTRACT: The successful proposer shall be required to execute the form as attached to these Specifications in “Form Contract”. The form may be tailored by the City Attorney’s Office to meet the peculiar requirements of this procurement; all proposers, however, are expected to calculate and submit their proposal on the basis of the requirements contained in the form contract attached as well as the Specifications. Proposers should review the form contract carefully and seek private legal advice if there are questions about the legal effect of any of the provisions. No exceptions or modifications to, or substitutions for, this form contract will be accepted or permitted; any attempt to except to, modify or substitute for the City’s form of contract as contained herein may render the proposal non-responsive.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Any information deemed confidential, shall be clearly noted as such on each page or pages. Efforts will be made to keep the marked information confidential, however, the City cannot guarantee it will not be compelled to disclose all or part of any public record under the Texas Open Record Act. Proposals will be opened by the City so as to avoid disclosure of contents to competing Respondents, and kept secret and confidential during the process of negotiation. Trade secrets and confidential information contained in a proposal are not open to public inspection (bid pricing, however, is not considered to be confidential under any circumstances). Bidders who include information in a proposal that is legally protected as trade secret or confidential must clearly indicate what information constitutes a trade secret or confidential information by marking that part of the proposal “trade secret” or “confidential” at the appropriate place. The City will not be responsible for any public disclosure of the trade secret or confidential information if it is not marked as provided above. If a request is made under the Texas Open Records Act to inspect information designated as trade secret or confidential in a proposal, the bidder shall, upon request, immediately furnish sufficient written reasons and information as to why the information designated as a trade secret or confidential should be protected from disclosure, in order for the City attorney to present the matter to the Attorney General of Texas for final determination.

SERVICE WARRANTY: All services provided under this contract shall be warranted to be free from defects in workmanship, planning and materials which affect the integrity of the service. The warranty shall be for the customary warranty period. If the service project fails and is believed to be the awarded Contractor’s responsibility, the City of Dallas shall give a written notice for additional service. The Contractor shall make corrections at the Contractors expense in a manner mutually agreed upon by the City and the contractor. The warranty will begin upon the City’s acceptance of the service provided.

ENVIRONMENTAL: Recognizing the importance of exercising positive environmental stewardship, The City will purchase environmentally preferred products whenever feasible and require Contractors and consultants to use recycled and other environmentally preferred products whenever feasible. Some environmental attributes to be considered are level of recycled content, less hazardous or non-hazardous ingredients, energy saving features, water conserving features, non-petroleum based products, materials that can be recycled, and end of life disposal.


APPROVAL BY CITY COUNCIL AND OFFERING OF CONTRACT: Contract award shall be subject to approval by the Dallas City Council. The City of Dallas will require the Contractor to sign the necessary contract documents prepared by the City Attorney’s Office prior to going to Council.

ADDENDA AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: Requests for interpretations and explanations to the specification in this RFCSP are encouraged and shall be directed to the buyer only, any contact with the department(s) could cause the proposal to b e deemed non-responsive. All questions and responses to both the pre-proposal conference and written questions will be sent to in the form of addendums as clarification, interpretation or changes to the RFCSP. Any verbal explanations of instructions will not be binding on the City.

It may be necessary for the City to request supplemental information from individual Respondents after proposals have been submitted and reviewed. Such information will be requested in writing to the specific Respondent and will be used by the City in evaluating the proposal and will not be shared with other Respondents during the evaluation and award process.

Addendum/Addenda to the RFCSP shall be provided on-line at .

All Proposals shall be addressed to:


Volunteer Services with Background Checks

Attn: Doug Shelton

1500 Marilla St., Ste 3FN

Dallas, TX 75201

Any proposals received after 2:00 p.m. Central Time on the indicated due date will be considered late and non-responsive and returned to the applicant unopened. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals or waive irregularities.

If the proposer does not ask questions or clarify any assumptions, the City will assume proposer(s) understand(s) the City’s requirements and that the proposer’s offering will meet those needs at the price stated.


Prior to the pre-proposal conference and after the pre-proposal conference, all inquiries and requests for information regarding this RFCSP shall be submitted in writing to:


Volunteer Services with Background Checks

Attn: Doug Shelton


All requests for information shall be submitted prior to the established RFCSP cutoff date and time. The cut off time for questions is one (1) business days after the pre-proposal meeting. Requests for information will not be honored beyond the established timeframe to allow sufficient time for distribution of the requested information to proposers. Responses provided will be written and will be issued via Addendum. Addenda will be made available electronically on the City’s procurement website: . No proposal negotiations, decisions or actions initiated by any proposers as a result of any verbal discussion with any City employee shall be binding upon the City of Dallas. Only proposers submitting a proposal will be notified of any communications after the proposal closing.

All inquiries shall be directed to the buyer assigned to this procurement. Inquiries are not to be directed to any consultant of the City or City staff member. Such action may disqualify proposers from further consideration of this RFCSP.

During the initial review of the RFCSP and preparation of proposals, proposer(s) may discover certain errors, omissions or ambiguities. If this is the case, or if the meaning of any part of this RFCSP is unclear, proposer(s) shall submit written questions to the buyer in time to allow the City to answer the questions and distribute written responses to all proposers before the RFCSP due date and time.

The Business Development and Procurement Services Department will make all necessary arrangements for direct contact with other City departments, if required.

LATE AND WITHDRAWN PROPOSALS: Proposals received by the City after the time and date will not be considered. Electronic or faxed submissions will not be accepted.

REJECTION OR ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSALS: This Request for Proposals does not commit the City to award any contract. The City of Dallas reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive technicalities or irregularities, and to accept any proposal it deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to reject specific elements contained in all proposals. The City of Dallas shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any firm responding to this RFCSP.

DISQUALIFICATION OF PROPOSERS: Proposers may be disqualified for non-compliance with any requirements but not limited to the following reasons:

1. Reason to believe collusion exists among the Proposers.

2. The Proposer is involved in any litigation against the City of Dallas.

3. The Proposer is in arrears on an existing contract or has failed to perform on a previous contract with the City of Dallas.

4. Lack of financial stability.

5. Failure to use the City of Dallas approved forms.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The Proposer acknowledges that the following section of the Charter of the City of Dallas prohibits certain transactions between the City and its officers and employees, to wit:

CHARTER XXII Sec. 11 FINANCIAL INTEREST OF EMPLOYEE OR OFFICER PROHIBITED - No officer or employee shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with the City or be financially interested, directly or indirectly in the sale to the City of any land; materials, supplies or services, except on behalf of the City as an officer or employee. Any violations of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and any officer or employee guilty thereof shall forfeit his office, or position with the City. Any violation of this section, with knowledge, expressed or implied; of the person or corporation contracting with the City shall render the contract involved voidable by the City Manager or the City Council. The alleged violations of this section shall be matters to determine either by the Trial board in the case of employees who have the right to appeal to the Trial board; and by the City Council in the case of other employees. The prohibitions of this section shall not apply to the participation by city employees in federally funded housing programs, to the extent permitted by applicable federal or state law. (Amend. Of8-12-89, Prop. No.1; Amend. Of8-12-89, Prop. No. 15).

INDEMNITY: The CONTRACTOR agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, lawsuits, judgments, costs, and expenses for personal injury (including death), property damage or other harm for which recovery of damages is sought, suffered by any person or persons, that may arise out of or be occasioned by CONTRACTOR'S breach of any of the terms or provisions of the contract, or by any other negligent or strictly liable act or omission of CONTRACTOR, its officers, agents, employees, or sub-Contractors, in the performance of the contract; except that the indemnity provided for in this paragraph shall not apply to any liability resulting from the sole negligence or fault of the City, its officers, agents, or employees and in the event of joint and concurrent negligence or fault of CONTRACTOR and CITY, responsibility, and indemnity, if any, shall be apportioned comparatively in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without waiving any governmental immunity available to the City under Texas law and without waiving any defenses of the parties under Texas law. The provisions of this paragraph are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and are not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity.

PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: The City will hold a pre-proposal meeting for interested proposers concerning the specifications of this solicitation. Proposers are encouraged to attend the pre-proposal meeting to discuss any questions with the user department’s representative(s). This will be the only contact between the proposer and the department during the bidding process. After the pre-proposal meeting, all correspondence shall go through the buyer.

If the proposer does not ask questions or clarify assumptions, the City will assume the proposer(s) agree(s) with, and understand(s), the City’s requirements.


All Addenda and any additional applicable correspondence (general information, questions/responses) to this proposal will be made available “exclusively” through the City of Dallas website for viewing/retrieval. Contractors are solely responsible for frequently checking the website for updates to the solicitation.

COMMITTEE SELECTION: The City will appoint an Evaluation Committee to review all Proposals andconduct interviews if necessary. , The Evaluation Committee will consist of City of Dallas technical and management staff, and others as designated by the City. On the basis of the evaluation criteria, the City will determine which proposal(s) are best qualified for the award of the contract.

NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE HIGHEST RANKED PROPOSER: The City expects to immediately begin negotiations with the highest ranked Proposer. If an agreement cannot be reached with the highest ranked Proposer, the City, at its discretion, may elect to terminate negotiations and begin negotiations with the second ranked Proposer.


COMMUNICATION: In order to provide the customer service required for this service contract, awarded Contractor shall respond quickly and clearly. This is essential for the City. Contractors shall answer written correspondence from the City within three (3) working days; Contractors shall have a company employee (not an answering service or answering machine) answer the phone during normal business hours, or provide either an alternative contact number or cell phone number. Phone messages shall be returned within two hours during regular business hours. The Contractor shall be responsible for all direct correspondence with the Owner and shall not delegate communication responsibilities to anyone including sub-contractor, consultant, or manufacturer. All information required to be submitted shall be the direct responsibility of the Contractor.

EXPLANATIONS OR CLARIFICATIONS: Requests for explanations or clarifications may be emailed to the assigned buyer within the Purchasing division. The email shall clearly identify the solicitation number. Any material information given to one proposer concerning a solicitation will be furnished by an Addendum to all Proposers who have been issued a solicitation. The provisions for this proposal are intended to ensure a fair and equitable review process so that there is no actual or potential situation where one proposer secures or attempts to secure an unfair advantage over another proposer or creates a situation where there is an appearance of impropriety in contacts between the proposer, its agent or consultant and City officials.


Based on prior history and current projections the City estimates the volunteer services for the next 36 months will require the following:

• Seven-thousand background checks are estimated for the next 36 months. The fees for background checks up to 7,000 shall be included in the volunteer services over all fees. If the background checks exceed 7,000 prior to the end of the 36 month period, a separate fee shall be given (see pricing sheet). No guarantee is given during the term of the contract for the number of services provided or background checks performed. The City will not be responsible for any anticipated profit or losses, by any proposer based on the estimated goal.

INVOICE REQUIREMENTS: In order to be in compliance with these specifications the awarded Contractor shall have received a City of Dallas directive, Delivery Order (DO) or invoice prior to performing any services unless instructed otherwise by the City’s program representative. The invoice shall reflect pricing on the Contractor’s Best and Final pricing sheet. The City of Dallas is not liable for any service in which an order to proceed was not first obtained.

Invoices submitted for payment shall have the following information:

• Contractor’s name and company address

• Name and address of the department receiving services provided

• Date of the completion of the service

• Delivery order number that authorized the service

• A detailed description of each service provided

• Unit cost and extended cost of each line item

• Total cost of the order

• Name of the volunteer

• Name of department the volunteer worked for

• Number of hours the volunteer worked

All original invoices are to be sent to: City of Dallas Accounts Payable, 1500 Marilla Room 3EN, Dallas TX 75201, and a copy, clearly marked “copy”, sent to the department making the service.

Invoices submitted without this information will be returned to the awarded Contractor, and payment will not be made until required information is provided on the invoice. Payment shall be made after services have been provided. Payment shall be made only for services indicated on the final pricing sheet.

The awarded Contractor will invoice the City monthly for all work completed within the prior month using the City of Dallas directive, Delivery Order (DO) or invoice that authorized the service. Invoices shall list specific services rendered; the invoice shall reflect the price(s) agreed upon at the final negotiation of the proposal.


Proposal Response Format and Content - Proposals shall be structured and formatted as follows:

• The Proposal

• Table of Contents

• Transmittal Letter

• The cover letter on company letterhead shall provide a summary of the information presented in the Proposal. On (1) page, to include introduction, cost and summary categories.

• Include an offer to negotiate indicating the respondent’s understanding and agreement to comply with the terms of this RFCSP and all related addenda, and stipulating that the proposal set forth remains effective for a minimum period of 150 days and that the proposer’s organization agrees to be bound by the proposal included in the original proposal submission without modification unless they discuss with the buyer.

• The Proposal shall include a statement accepting the terms, conditions and requirements of this solicitation or noting any exceptions taken to any specific term, requirement and /or conditions listed in these specifications or the sample contract.

• The Introduction section should present an overall description and understanding of the services to be provided within the RFCSP

• Include Firm's name, address and telephone number.

• Include company name, address, signature, email address and telephone number of the person(s) authorized to represent the proposer.

• Include the name, addresses, and telephone number of a single contact person for all correspondence and notifications and its legal counsel regarding this Identify project management plan to include staff hierarchy & level, proposer oversight etc.

• The Proposal should provide descriptions of similar and recent services provided.

• The original signature of a partner, principal, or officer of the respondent with a statement that the signatory is authorized to submit the proposal.

• Identify the primary contact person and include staff hierarchy & level, proposer oversight etc.

• Scope of Services

• Price Sheet

• Business Inclusion and Development (B.I.D.) Plan Forms and any additional City forms.

• No modifications or addenda will be accepted after the proposal submission date and time unless requested by the City.

• Only type written proposals will be accepted. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted

• The original proposal shall be clearly marked “Original” and signed in ink, by hand, in the space marked Authorized Signature.

• Each copy shall be clearly marked “Copy”.

• Briefly discuss any current or prior litigation within the past 10 years involving municipal projects, specifically identifying any litigation with the City of Dallas. In addition, any expert opinions, expert witness testimony, reports, or other services prepared for any party involved in litigation or a claim against the City of Dallas should be indicated and briefly explained.

• Additional Requirements:

Proposers are expected to examine this RFCSP in its entirety. Failure to do so will be at your own risk.

The City of Dallas may, during the course of the evaluation process, request additional information to supplement information provided.

Sealed Packet Instructions: Proposal Packet Submittal Requirements: All original documents submitted shall have a wet signature. Below are all the documents to be submitted in response to this RFCSP.

• Signed “Proposal Signature Sheet”

• Pricing Sheet(s) - Paper Submittal

(All documents listed within these bullets, listed above, below and within these specifications shall be included with packet at the time of the proposal closing date. Please submit proposal in a sealed envelope plainly identified by proposal number and title).

• Submit the original proposal, seven (7) additional identical copies and one (1) disc or flash drive with the following:

• Proposals are to be typed and prepared on one side of 8-1/2" x 11" paper

• B.I.D. forms, City forms, and information listed above.

• An example invoice shall be attached to the proposal.

• Individual sections of the Proposal should be separated by tab dividers.

• Clearly mark proposal with the proposal number and title of the proposal

• Any Additional Required information requested within these specifications

There is No limitation on the content of the Proposal it is intended that these instructions allow any pertinent data or information to be submitted.

Evaluation Criteria

A comprehensive, fair, and impartial evaluation will be made of all proposals received in response to this RFCSP. Each proposal received will be analyzed to determine overall qualifications under the RFCSP. An Evaluation Committee comprised of City staff will determine the responsiveness and acceptability of each proposal and recommend award be made to the firm whose proposal is determined to be in the best interest for the City of Dallas. Final selection will be approved by the City Council.

Evaluation for selection of the proposal(s) shall be based on the following criteria, which are valued as displayed in parentheses:

• Cost (max - 40 points):

➢ Cost of Services

• Capability and Expertise (max - 30 points):

➢ The capability and resources of the firm to provide the service being requested

➢ The firm’s capability and expertise to provide the service being requested

➢ Effectiveness of past involvement with public

• Overall Approach and Methodology (max - 15 points):

➢ Overall presentation of services

• Business Inclusion and Development (B.I.D.) Plan (max - 15 points):

It is the policy of the City of Dallas to involve Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises to the greatest extent feasible on the City’s construction, procurement, and professional services contracts.  The City and its contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of contracts.  In consideration of this policy, the City of Dallas has adopted the Business Inclusion and Development Plan (BID Plan) for all City of Dallas contracts. The information shall be submitted with the proposal and shall include:

1. Submission of an Affirmative Action Plan and/or Policy.  If your company does not have an Affirmative Action Plan the Business Inclusion and Development Staff can provide the Affirmative Action Requirements (BDPS-PRO-204) which will serve as a template to be utilized for this criterion.

2. The Ethnic Workforce Composition Report (BDPS-FRM-204)

3. Submission of documentation showing the RFP/RFQ Contractor’s Affidavit History of M/WBE Utilization Form (BDPS-FRM-205) on previous contracts on the form provided.

4. Firm (s) Team make-up includes a significant number of diverse M/WBE firms in meaningful roles on the project.  Please submit the RFP/RFQ Contractor’s Affidavit Type of Work by Prime and Sub-consultant Form (BDPS-FRM-206)

a) The name, address and telephone number of each M/WBE; (b) the description of the work to be performed by each M/WBE; and (c) the approximate dollar amount/percentage of the participation.

5. Evidence of acknowledgement of the City’s Business Inclusion and Development (BID) Plan, signed Business Inclusion and Development Affidavit (BDPS-FRM-203) that demonstrates intent to comply with the policy and evidence of M/WBE inclusion to meet the BID goal for the project.

Assistance in preparing the Business Inclusion and Development (BID) forms may be obtained by contacting Resource Link team member, Laura Hurtado, at 214-243-2130, or by sending an email to laura.hurtado@.

Please be aware that the City of Dallas may use sources of information not supplied by the proposer concerning the ability to perform this work. Such sources may include, for instance, current or past customers of the organization; City of Dallas records; current or past suppliers; articles from industry newsletters or other publications or from non-published sources made available to the City of Dallas.

Disciplines currently identified for this proposal are background checks, advertisement, advertisement supplies, City representation, transportation and fuel; other disciplines may be listed at a later date. Please note the cost of sub-vendor participation shall be included in the total cost of the proposal.



Successful proposer shall be able to provide the following four key areas of service for volunteer coordination services:

▪ The ability to promote volunteer opportunities with the City of Dallas through public outreach, and other recruitment sources including but not limited to:

• Recruit and place volunteers within City Departments as requested.

• Support City staff in engaging volunteers during the planning phase associated with a disaster response.

• Have an existing database of volunteers that has the following basic information: the interest of the volunteer, the number of hours they are willing to work, and where they are willing to work.

• Coordinate the placement of volunteers from the Community Service Restitution (CSR) Program.

Conduct criminal background checks for each volunteer prior to placement in any City department. Please note: Background checks done by an outside agency for the vendor shall have a current State of Texas Certification License (Class A) issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Please note: C licenses are also acceptable. The turnaround time for background checks are 24 hours with the exception of Friday’s; Friday’s background checks are due the following Monday.

The background checks will be priced accordingly. The estimated total of background checks is 7,000 for the term of the contract. The fee for background checks under the count of 7,000 shall be included in the contractor’s volunteer service fee. For background checks that exceed 7,000 within the 3 year contract a separate fee shall be given. All volunteer candidates shall be fully screened by the agency prior to being placed with the City. The complete background check shall contain the following search types:

▪ SSN Validation

▪ 7 year address history

▪ Unlimited County Criminal Searches for all counties resided in going back a minimum of 7 years

▪ National Criminal Database Search

▪ 50 State Sex Offender Search

▪ Shall include primary name searches as well as any AKA’s

▪ Provide Training Opportunities for volunteers and coordinators in City Departments.

• Conduct semi-annual meeting with City of Dallas department volunteer coordinators on how to manage volunteer programs, based of the following:

• Responsibilities of departments, including department coordinators.

• Procedures for requesting volunteers including information regarding volunteer experience/ capabilities, duties. Please note: Staff member shall provide work direction, and any other pertinent information.

• Any procedures for City staff outlining work rules, reporting, and appropriate work assignments.

• Information required from volunteers, including application, requested background checks, waivers, indemnity statements.

• Risks associated with using volunteers including getting input from Risk Management and City Attorney.

• Reasons by which persons would be ineligible to volunteer.

• Coordinate training sessions for CSR’s with City Departments who utilize them.

Additional Responsibilities

• Represent the City Of Dallas in the volunteer community.

• Review yearly performance of Volunteer Program with City Management and Human Resources’ Director.

• Provide requested reports, analysis, and/or briefings for the City Manager and Department Directors.

• Provide regular press releases to the Public Information Office on Volunteer Program on a quarterly basis.


Tracking and Reporting of Performance of the City of Dallas’ Volunteer Program.

▪ Provide quarterly reports to the Human Resources Department and City Manager’s Office on the overall performance of the program as follows:

• Track Department/Division usage of volunteers

• Track individual volunteers assignments by department and hours worked

• Provide annual report that includes overall performance, Department and Division usage of volunteers, number of volunteers and volunteer hours worked.

If requested, successful contractor shall facilitate informal information meetings with the Human Resources Department staff to review information gathered, discuss any issues, identify key contact personnel, and determine the steps needed to reach a successful program.

▪ Review and make necessary corrections to all reports prior to submitting to City.

▪ Conduct Executive briefings as requested.

▪ Act as Human Resources representative at public meetings and hearings as requested.

ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: During review of the RFCSP and preparation of proposals, Proposers may discover certain errors, omissions or ambiguities. If so, or if in doubt about the meaning of any part of this RFCSP, submit written questions to the designated purchasing agent at least 10 days before the opening date and time. This is to give the City time to answer the questions and distribute written responses to all Proposers. All communications about this RFCSP shall be directed through Buyer.

A Contractor shall not be allowed to take advantage of any error or omission in these specifications. The Contractor is required to review these specifications carefully and notify the City of Dallas Purchasing Department of any noted error or omission.


On November 10, 2015 the Dallas City Council passed Resolution 15-2141 which requires prime contractors, awarded general service contracts valued greater than $50,000, and first-tier subcontractors on the contract to pay their employees rendering services on the contract a wage floor of not less than $10.37 per hour.

Pursuant to Resolution 15-2141 the wage floor requirement for all general service contracts greater than $50,000 shall be effective immediately on all new contracts awarded after November 10, 2015. Vendors bidding/proposing on general service contracts shall take into consideration such wage floor requirements in their bid/proposal. The wage floor requirement for the City of Dallas’ general service contracts shall be derived from the most current Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage publication and shall remain fixed for the term of the respective contract. The City reserves the right to audit such contracts for compliance with the wage floor requirement as mandated by Resolution 15-2141. This requirement does not apply to construction contracts in which prevailing wage of employees is governed by the Davis-Bacon Act as defined in the Texas Local Government Code 2258, purchase of goods, procurements made with grant funds or procurements made through cooperative and/or inter-local agreements.

The purpose of this policy is to promote an acceptable wage floor for working families in the City of Dallas, increase the level of service delivered to the City through specific contracts and reduce turnover in such contracts thus maintaining a continuous and consistent level of service for vested parties.

The City Manager shall use the following definitions to administer the benefactors of the “wage floor” for purposes of the referenced resolution:

"City" means the City of Dallas, Texas.

"General Services Contract" means any agreement between the City and any other Person or business to provide general services through an awarded City contract valued greater than $50,000. A General Services Contract for purposes of the Resolution does not include (i) a contract between the City and another governmental entity or public utility, (ii) a contract subject to federal or state laws or regulations that would preclude the application of the application of the wage floor, (iii) or a contract with all services under the contract performed outside of the City of Dallas.

"Subcontractor" means any Person or business that has entered into its own contract with a prime contractor to perform services, in whole or in part, as a result of an awarded City general services contract.

"Employee" means any person who performs work on a full-time, part-time, temporary, or seasonal basis, including employees, temporary workers, contracted workers, contingent workers, and persons made available to work through services of a temporary services, staffing or employment agency or similar entity.

Wage Floor Reporting Requirements

Contractors awarded City general services contracts as described in the wage floor rate requirement section of this specification shall be required to provide the buyer the residential zip code and respective number of employees directly impacted by the wage floor requirement ten days after Council approval and on January 1st. but not later than January 31st. for the term of the contract. The Contractor shall submit the report to the contract administrator during the established period.

Wage Floor Compliance Requirements

Vendors submitting a response to a solicitation for general services must comply with the wage floor requirement to be consider responsive. The City may request of vendors, at any time during the pre or post award process, to demonstrate compliance with the wage floor requirement.  Vendors not compliant with the wage floor requirement will be deemed nonresponsive and will not be considered for award. Vendors awarded general service contracts must comply with the wage floor policy and reporting requirements for the term of the contract, failure to remain in compliance may result in breach of contract.

Please visit the City's procurement website, , to get registered or to update registration with the City. .


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