Monday, November 16, 2009

(7:30 PM)

Draft meeting summary

1. Call to Order

Chairman Folkerts called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All Board members were present.

Prior to the start of the regular meeting the clerk read the motion to convene a closed meeting to discuss a student matter pursuant to Virginia Code 2.2-3711 (A) (2). Mr. Wilson moved approval of the motion. Ms. Morris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Gorsuch moved to certify the closed meeting held prior to the regular meeting. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

James K. Polk students Helen Tariku, Tyra Symathong, Destiny Stephenson, Alexander Torres, and Megan Schaedel led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Moment of Silence

The Board observed and moment of silence and remembered former Board member Gia Adams and her family.

4. Adopt Meeting Agenda

Mr. Wilson moved adoption of the meeting agenda. Ms. Maness seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5. Communications & Addresses to the Board

Two members of the staff and community addressed the Board.

6. Chairman's Report

Chairman Folkerts reported that Ms. Gorsuch will represent the Board at the City strategic planning meetings on goal number 4 relating to children and youth in Alexandria.

Mr. Williams reported that the City Council decided on a 4-3 voted not to include changes to the City charter in the legislative packet. The City has the authority to change the date of the election from May to November.

Ms. Gorsuch requested information on the School Board’s status from July 1, 2012 to the election in November 2012.

7. Superintendent's Report

Dr. Elizabeth Hoover updated the Board on Blackboard and the STAR student information system. She noted that ACPS is working with the vendor to review some problems with STAR that ACPS staff is experiencing. She discussed the Blackboard expectations for ACPS staff.

Board members requested information on staff training, parent accounts, ability to get real time data, new IT staff model, staff training on Blackboard, assistive technology for special education students, access for all students, and teacher accountability.

Superintendent Sherman reported on high school models he visited during a Superintendent’s Round Table conference he attended in Philadelphia and suggested a future visit.

Superintendent Sherman noted that $400 per person was paid by ACPS for the nine staff members and one Board member going to China in early December the rest of the funding is provided by the College Board.

8. Approve minutes of November 5, 2009

Ms. Campbell moved to approve the meeting minutes of the November 5, 2009 meeting. Ms. Gorsuch seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Peabody was out of the room.

9. Consent Calendar

Mr. Wilson moved approval of the consent calendar. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Peabody was out of the room.

The consent calendar consisted of three appointments to the Budget Advisory Committee:

Appointment of Kentdrick Barnes as Student Representative to the Budget Advisory Committee

Appointment of Anival Herman as a Student Representative to the Budget Advisory Committee

Appointment of Charles Dervarics to the Budget Advisory Committee

Old Business and Action Items

10. VASS Report Update

Dr. McCleod updated the Board on the follow-up meeting with the VASS committee members and members of the oversight committee that included a breakthrough thinking process with Betsi Shays. The committee will meet again January 15 to determine the purpose of the committee and continue the breakthrough thinking process.

Dr. McCleod discussed the implementation of the VASS recommendations including the

broad objectives of the special education work plan, inclusion practices, response to interventions, standards based IEP, professional development, paraprofessional academy,

comprehensive Autism program, career transition program for secondary students, and graduation diplomas.

Board members requested information on implementation of the VASS report recommendations, evaluation process of restricted classroom placement, timelines, teacher training for co-taught classes, and staff accountability. Board members requested a copy of the special education plan.

11. VSBA Policies and Resolutions Revisions

Mr. Peabody moved approval of the revisions to items 3.4 State Funding of Education and 4.26 Funding Formula Impact to the VSBA policies and resolutions. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Peabody moved approval of item 4.XX – Uniform Grade Point Average Computation Standards. The motion passed 5 yes (Peabody, Folkerts, Williams, Morris, Maness) 4 no (Wilson, Gorsuch, Campbell, Carter).

12. Education Plan Update

Dr. Sherman, Ms. Byess, and Ms. David provided updates and metrics to the education plan including the objectives for the seven priority areas, metrics for measuring progress, achievement targets for 2009-10 and 2010-11, planning process, division and school level objectives, curriculum content, customer satisfaction survey, intervention plans, and connecting all to the budget cycle. Another update will be presented December 17.

New Business

13. Presentation of FY2011-2015 CIP

Deputy Superintendent Margaret Byess presented the proposed FY 2011 CIP budget that includes needs-based and resource-constrained projections, classroom needs, modular construction, eco-friendly proposals, enrollment projections, physical building capacity, current program and enrollment requirements, long-term planning outlook, current fiscal environment, FF&E, buses, major initiatives, and EMG consultant report on the aging facilities needs assessment.

The Board asked what guidance ACPS has received from the City, available stimulus funding, and what public private partnership options are available.

The Board will hold a CIP work session December 10 and a public hearing December 17.

14. Announcements by Board Members

Ms. Campbell reported on a field trip to Mark Twain Middle School in Fairfax County to view their AVID program.

Ms. Campbell invited everyone to attend the Mayor’s Unity Breakfast, November 25.

15. Future Business Dates

November 18, 2009, 7:30 p.m., PTAC Meeting, Charles Barrett

November 18-20, 2009, VSBA Convention, Williamsburg, VA

November 23, 2009, 5:00 p.m., City/Schools Meeting, City Hall

November 25, 2009, 7:30 a.m., Mayor's Unity Breakfast, Hilton Mark Center

December 3, 2009, 7:30 p.m., School Board Meeting

December 10, 2009, 7:30 p.m., School Board CIP Work Session

December 15, 2009, 8:30 a.m., Legislative Breakfast, Arlington, VA

December 17, 2009, 7:30 p.m., CIP Public Hearing & School Board Meeting

December 23, 2009 - January 1, 2010 - Winter Break

16. Closed Meeting & Certification of Closed Meeting

The closed meeting was held before the regular meeting.

17. Adjourn Meeting

Ms. Campbell moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Gorsuch seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.


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