MINUTES OF PLAN COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF CUDAHY, WI HELD AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING ONJuly 12, 2016CALL TO ORDERMeeting was called to order by Mayor John Hohenfeldt at 7:45 pm.OPENING STATEMENTPrior to the meeting, notice was given to the community and posted in the appropriate places. Notice was also given to the news media that requested it, namely the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and . ROLL CALLThe following members of the Plan Commission were present for roll call: Commissioner Mike Nelson, Alderperson Justin Moralez, Commissioner Nick Gates, Commissioner Harry Savagian, Commissioner Jim Zsebe, and Alderperson Michele St. Marie-Boelkow. Also present was Economic Development/Inspections & Zoning Director Brian Biernat.Review and take appropriate action on the meeting minutes of June 14, 2016. Motion made by Gates, seconded by Nelson, to approve the minutes. All in favor.OLD BUSINESSNoneNEW BUSINESSConditional Use public hearing to review an application by the Federation of Balkan American Associates, Inc for leasehold and occupancy at 3244 East College Avenue to operate a principal retail physical fitness center with conditional uses as defined in Chapter 17.0316 C. CONDITIONAL USES of the official City of Cudahy Municipal Code. The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for the following activities:Commercial recreation facilitiesClubs of noncommercial natureSports leagues and tournamentsWeekend and afterschool activities and clubs (basketball, swimming, soccer, ping pong, chess, ect.)Birthday parties and other celebrations centered on use of gum, pool, and sports fieldsACT/SAT and other educational courses and instructionFitness, yoga, dance, music, and theatre classes and instructionSale of pre-packaged snacks and foodsCommunity celebrations and eventsSTAFF COMMENTS: Biernat presented the staff comment and introduced the conditional uses listed. Biernat stated that he finds all of the conditional uses compatible with the zoning language of the B2 District except the following: Birthday parties and other celebrations, community celebrations and events, and the educational courses. PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT: Mr. Adam Bardosy, Mallery & Zimmerman S.C., and Mr. Paca Ece, Federation of Balkan American Associations, took the podium to present the proposal. Bardosy read the applicant’s statement. PUBLIC COMMENTS:Dave Harenfield of Eagle, WI spoke in support.Kevin Johnson of Racine, WI spoke in opposition.Mary Ellen Lepak of Milwaukee, WI spoke in support.Robert Braun (address not provided) spoke in opposition.Aylin Birlik of Belgium, WI spoke in support.Selvi Arifi of Zion, IL spoke in support.Dale Putty of 3530 E. Plankinton Ave spoke in opposition.Elton Hoxhq of 6155 S. Creekside Dr spoke in support.Serder Bozdog of Franklin, WI spoke in support.Sharon Patrick of 3757 E. Ramsey Ave spoke in opposition.Patrick Hintz of South Milwaukee, WI spoke in support.Walid Sankari of Chicago, IL spoke in support.Mika Besic of Milwaukee, WI spoke in support.Wayne Goetz of 6248 S. Creekside Dr., Cudahy, WI spoke in support.Saif Tarawneh of Chicago, IL spoke in support.The public hearing closed at 8:37 PM.Appropriate action regarding an application by the Federation of Balkan American Associates, Inc for leasehold and occupancy at 3244 East College Avenue to operate a principal retail physical fitness center with conditional uses as defined in Chapter 17.0315 C. CONDITOINAL USES of the official City of Cudahy Municipal Code.Biernat made additional comments about the ability of the Plan Commission to render a review period of the conditional uses, meaning the conditional use permit has an expiration date and the applicant must seek renewal. He also asked the Plan Commission to request Code compliance for the educational uses. Alderperson Moralez gave a statement in support. Alderperson St. Marie-Boelkow gave a statement about the B2 Zoning District. Chair Hohenfeldt gave a statement in support.Motion made by Zsebe, seconded by Nelson, to approve the proposal with the condition that the building meet code compliant occupancy levels for educational courses. The motion carried 5-2 with Marie-Boelkow and Savagian voting no.Review the proposed certified survey map for 3450 East Armour Avenue submitted by Kathleen Molloy, owner. Motion made by Moralez, seconded by Gates, to approve the CSM as proposed. All in favor.ADJOURNMotion made by Gates, seconded by St. Marie-Boelkow, to adjourn. All in favor. ................

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