For Immediate Release: March 2, 2005

Media Contact: Kip Chase, 317-232-3396

Jobs Report:

Revised December and Preliminary January job figures released

Indianapolis, Ind.—Today the Indiana Department of Workforce Development released revised December and preliminary January 2005 payroll employment figures for the state.

Compiled in conjunction with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, payroll employment is calculated through a monthly survey of 7,500 Hoosier employers and is based on reported payroll figures. It is an estimate of non-agricultural jobs in Indiana businesses and does not include self-employed or agricultural workers. The survey is taken each month during the week of the 12th.

The nation’s preliminary seasonally adjusted payroll employment figure grew 146,000 jobs for the month of January, while Indiana added 15,300 jobs to the national total. Both the nation and Indiana grew by the same factor of 1.7% for the year.

Looking at revised December figures, the state’s seasonally adjusted numbers indicate that there were 2,943,600 jobs in Indiana, while the number of jobs revised for non-seasonally adjusted figures was 2,972,600.

Preliminary data for the month of January was also released. The state’s preliminary seasonally adjusted payroll employment was 2,958,900 jobs for the month representing an increase of 15,300 jobs over December data. Also released were preliminary non-seasonally adjusted figures. Preliminarily non-seasonally adjusted state employment for January was estimated at 2,913,600, down 59,000 jobs when compared to December’s non-seasonally adjusted total of 2,972,600.

Department of Workforce Development Commissioner Ron Stiver believes much more work is in store before Indiana’s job figures return to their highest level, “While we are pleased to see this preliminary growth in January jobs numbers, its important to realize that this is only one data point, and that much work lies ahead to recover the remaining 57,000 jobs lost from Indiana’s peak in 2000.”

Seasonally adjusted figures:

In January, Indiana reported 2,958,900 total jobs. The number is up 15,300 jobs from December’s (revised) 2,943,600 job number and up a total of 39,800 net jobs when compared to January’s 2004 mark. The job data does not indicate permanent growth in Indiana employment, rather it is an adjustment to two employee sectors from the December data.

December Revised and January preliminary payroll employment figures/add 1


Non-Seasonally adjusted figures:

In January Indiana’s preliminary non-seasonally adjusted payroll estimate reported the state held 2,916,300 jobs. The figure marks a decrease of 59,000 jobs from December (revised) to January, but an increase of 62,400 net jobs when compared to January 2004. These estimates reflect the new Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) structure that was announced by the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 2003

Using preliminary non-seasonally adjusted figures to look at the state’s industry sectors, Indiana’s retail trade services seemed to suffer the greatest. For the month of January, Retail Trade reported a decrease from December of 13,800 jobs as well as a decrease in 600 jobs from January 2004. Additionally, manufacturing and construction reported losses as well. Manufacturing non-seasonally adjusted payroll estimates reported a loss of 4,700 jobs compared to December (revised) non-seasonally adjusted data and construction jobs declined by 6,900 during the same period. Also, government sector jobs declined by 8,100 over the same period.

Non-Seasonally adjusted-Metropolitan Statistical Areas:

Looking at preliminary job numbers in the state’s Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA), the Anderson area saw an increase in 500 jobs in January when compared to January 2004 to reach an employment level of 44,700. The Bloomington area saw an increase of 1,000 jobs when compared to a year ago to reach an employment level of 81,100. The Columbus area reported a total of 42,000 employed, up 1,700 jobs when compared with reporting data a year ago. Also, Elkhart announced a total 129,300 people employed and was witness to gains of 9,000 jobs from January 2004.

At the same time, Evansville reported a drop of 600 jobs when comparing their January total of 174,900 to last year’s total 175,500. Fort Wayne’s MSA reported employee numbers to be 208,400 for January resulting in a net gain of 400 jobs from January 2004 reporting, while the Gary MSA reported a total of 272,000 jobs and added 6,000 when compared to January 2004 numbers of 266,000. Also, the Indianapolis MSA reported an increase of 23,300 jobs by announcing their employee number at 877,300. Kokomo reported an employee total of 47,700, indicating a loss of 1,000 jobs from their mark of 48,700 jobs a year ago.

The Lafayette MSA employment level was changed slightly by announcing a total of 91,300 jobs and an increase of 1,500 jobs from a year ago. Michigan City added 400 jobs to reach 45,900, while Muncie saw 1,500 fewer jobs from a year ago, posting a total employment number of 53,300. The South Bend MSA posted a total of 144,000 employed, leading to a increase in 4,100 jobs from January 2004 and finally, Terre Haute’s MSA remained virtually unchanged by announcing their January total employment number of 74,000 which was an increase of 700 jobs over last years numbers.

The Indiana Department of Workforce Development is charged with continually improving the Hoosier workforce by assisting companies to create new jobs and improve employee skills. The agency offers a variety of training and educational grants, partners with Indiana’s 27 WorkOne Centers, administers the unemployment insurance system, provides labor market information, assists employers with preparing workers for layoffs and closures and operates a statewide job placement service.

December Revised and January preliminary payroll employment figures/add 2

For more information on Indiana’s labor market, contact the Indiana Department of Workforce Development at 1-888-WorkOne, or visit the web site at workforce..

Technical Notes:

- Payroll employment is calculated through a monthly survey of 7,500 Hoosier employers and is based on reported payroll figures. It is an estimate of non-agricultural jobs in Indiana businesses and does not include self-employed or agricultural workers.

- The survey that calculates the payroll employment estimate is conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and is conducted during the week of the 12th of the month.

- In calculating employment figures, two different types of calculations are provided. The first, non-seasonally adjusted, provides information without taking into account the effects of seasonal trends. In calculating the seasonally adjusted information, employment that follows more or less a regular pattern each year, including holiday or summer employment is factored out of the estimate. The adjustments make it easier to observe the cyclical and other non-seasonal movements.

- For most accurate analysis, please use revised data sets and not preliminary estimates


|SEASONALLY ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT TABLES| | | | | | | |(employment | | | | | | |

|FOR INDIANA | | | | | | | |expressed in | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |1000s) | | | | | | |


|ESTIMATES -- JANUARY 2005 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|Supersector/Aggregat. |prev. mo | |year ago |month chg |year chg |month % |year % | | | | | | | |

|Total Nonfarm |2943.6 |2958.9 |2909.1 |15.3 |49.8 |0.52% |1.71% | | | | | | | |

|Total Private |1786.8 |1794.5 |1759.7 |7.7 |34.8 |0.43% |1.98% | | | | | | | |

|Goods Producing |724.3 |726.8 |716.5 |2.5 |10.3 |0.35% |1.44% | | | | | | | |

|Service-Providing |2212.0 |2224.5 |2186.1 |12.5 |38.4 |0.57% |1.76% | | | | | | | |

| Construction |149.3 |151.7 |146.1 |2.4 |5.6 |1.61% |3.83% | | | | | | | |

| Manufacturing |575.0 |575.1 |570.4 |0.1 |4.7 |0.02% |0.82% | | | | | | | |

| Trade, Transp, & Utilities |575.6 |579.3 |574.2 |3.7 |5.1 |0.64% |0.89% | | | | | | | |

| Information |40.4 |40.7 |41.3 |0.3 |-0.6 |0.74% |-1.45% | | | | | | | |

| Financial Activities |141.4 |140.6 |140.2 |-0.8 |0.4 |-0.57% |0.29% | | | | | | | |

| Profess. & Business Serv |269.6 |270.4 |258.8 |0.8 |11.6 |0.30% |4.48% | | | | | | | |

| Educ. & Health Services |374.3 |372.8 |364.8 |-1.5 |8.0 |-0.40% |2.19% | | | | | | | |

| Leisure and Hospitality |275.1 |279.7 |272.0 |4.6 |7.7 |1.67% |2.83% | | | | | | | |

| Other Services |110.4 |111.0 |108.4 |0.6 |2.6 |0.54% |2.40% | | | | | | | |

|Government |425.2 |430.0 |426.4 |4.8 |3.6 |1.13% |0.84% | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|2005 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |Running | |

|Supersector/Aggregat. |JAN |FEB |MAR |APR |MAY |JUN |JUL |AUG |SEP |OCT |NOV |DEC |AVG | |

|Total Nonfarm |2958.9 | | | | | | | | | | | |2911.0 | |

|Total Private |1794.5 | | | | | | | | | | | |2487.0 | |

|Goods Producing |726.8 | | | | | | | | | | | |727.9 | |

|Service-Providing |2224.5 | | | | | | | | | | | |2183.1 | |

| Construction |151.7 | | | | | | | | | | | |152.0 | |

| Manufacturing |575.1 | | | | | | | | | | | |568.8 | |

| Trade, Trans, & Utilities |579.3 | | | | | | | | | | | |570.5 | |

| Information |40.7 | | | | | | | | | | | |40.8 | |

| Financial Activities |140.6 | | | | | | | | | | | |140.9 | |

| Profess. & Business Serv |270.4 | | | | | | | | | | | |259.4 | |

| Educ. & Health Services |372.8 | | | | | | | | | | | |366.9 | |

| Leisure and Hospitality |279.7 | | | | | | | | | | | |274.3 | |

| Other Services |111.0 | | | | | | | | | | | |106.3 | |

|Government |430.0 | | | | | | | | | | | |424.0 | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|2004 SEASONALLY ADJUSTED EMPLOYMENT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|(revised) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |12 MONTH | |

|Supersector/Aggregat. |JAN |FEB |MAR |APR |MAY |JUN |JUL |AUG |SEP |OCT |NOV |DEC |AVG | |

|Total Nonfarm |2909.1 |2905.0 |2916.8 |2929.6 |2924.7 |2928.2 |2941.3 |2930.4 |2938.1 |2944.9 |2946.2 |2943.6 |2929.8 | |

|Total Private |1759.7 |1761.6 |1767.0 |1773.8 |1772.5 |1774.9 |1783.1 |1777.7 |1781.8 |1784.1 |1786.1 |1786.8 |1775.8 | |

|Goods Producing |716.5 |714.3 |717.1 |720.3 |721.1 |721.2 |718.6 |719.7 |721.3 |724.9 |724.0 |724.3 |720.3 | |

|Service-Providing |2186.1 |2185.0 |2192.0 |2198.8 |2196.8 |2200.4 |2211.7 |2203.7 |2212.3 |2212.4 |2214.8 |2212.0 |2202.2 | |

| Construction |146.1 |144.8 |147.0 |148.5 |148.8 |148.7 |149.0 |147.3 |147.9 |149.5 |149.6 |149.3 |148.0 | |

| Manufacturing |570.4 |569.5 |570.1 |571.8 |572.3 |572.5 |569.6 |572.4 |573.4 |575.4 |574.4 |575.0 |572.2 | |

| Trade, Trans, & Utilities |574.2 |574.8 |575.9 |576.9 |577.3 |577.4 |579.4 |578.2 |576.1 |575.6 |575.7 |575.6 |576.4 | |

| Information |41.3 |41.1 |41.1 |41.2 |41.1 |41.2 |40.9 |40.6 |40.3 |40.4 |40.5 |40.4 |40.8 | |

| Financial Activities |140.2 |140.2 |140.1 |140.0 |140.1 |140.0 |140.0 |140.0 |139.7 |139.9 |140.5 |141.4 |140.2 | |

| Profess. & Business Serv |258.8 |260.5 |262.3 |264.8 |264.9 |266.1 |268.6 |268.5 |268.5 |269.9 |269.7 |269.6 |266.0 | |

| Educ. & Health Services |364.8 |364.9 |366.0 |367.1 |365.3 |366.4 |368.6 |366.0 |371.7 |373.5 |374.3 |374.3 |368.6 | |

| Leisure and Hospitality |272.0 |271.8 |273.1 |274.8 |274.9 |274.8 |275.8 |274.7 |275.6 |274.5 |275.2 |275.1 |274.4 | |

| Other Services |108.4 |108.3 |108.5 |109.0 |108.9 |109.0 |109.8 |109.7 |109.9 |110.3 |110.2 |110.4 |109.4 | |

|Government |426.4 |423.4 |425.0 |425.0 |424.3 |425.5 |428.6 |426.0 |430.5 |428.3 |428.7 |425.2 |426.4 | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|NOTE: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|Seasonally adjusted supersector | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|employment will not add to Total | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|Non-Farm employment due to | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|difficulties in seasonally adjusting | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|employment for Mining & Natural | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|Resources. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|Employment for this sector is | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|included in the Total Non-Farm | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|employment. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

|Statewide Employment | | | | | | | |


|Total Nonfarm |2,913,600 |2,972,600 |2,851,200 |-59,000 |-2.00% |62,400 |2.20% |

|Total Private |2,484,800 |2,535,700 |2,424,500 |-50,900 |-2.00% |60,300 |2.50% |

|Goods Producing |718,500 |730,200 |703,200 |-11,700 |-1.60% |15,300 |2.20% |

|Service-Providing |2,195,100 |2,242,400 |2,148,000 |-47,300 |-2.10% |47,100 |2.20% |

|Private Srvc Provide |1,766,300 |1,805,500 |1,721,300 |-39,200 |-2.20% |45,000 |2.60% |

| Natural Res & Mining |6,800 |6,900 |6,800 |-100 |-1.40% |0 |0.00% |

| Construction |140,900 |147,800 |131,400 |-6,900 |-4.70% |9,500 |7.20% |

| Construction of Build |39,900 |40,100 |36,800 |-200 |-0.50% |3,100 |8.40% |

| Heavy and Civil Engin |13,700 |16,200 |12,000 |-2,500 |-15.40% |1,700 |14.20% |

| Specialty Trade Contr |87,300 |91,500 |82,600 |-4,200 |-4.60% |4,700 |5.70% |

| Manufacturing |570,800 |575,500 |565,000 |-4,700 |-0.80% |5,800 |1.00% |

| Durable Goods |419,000 |422,000 |412,800 |-3,000 |-0.70% |6,200 |1.50% |

| Primary Metal Manufac |48,200 |48,800 |48,700 |-600 |-1.20% |-500 |-1.00% |

| Iron and Steel Mills |19,300 |19,500 |20,000 |-200 |-1.00% |-700 |-3.50% |

| Foundries |14,500 |14,700 |14,500 |-200 |-1.40% |0 |0.00% |

| Fabricated Metal Prod |59,600 |59,600 |57,500 |0 |0.00% |2,100 |3.70% |

| Machinery Manufacturi |44,400 |44,600 |42,900 |-200 |-0.40% |1,500 |3.50% |

| Engine, Turbine, and |10,800 |10,800 |10,500 |0 |0.00% |300 |2.90% |

| Computer and Electron |21,100 |21,000 |21,200 |100 |0.50% |-100 |-0.50% |

| Semiconductor and Oth |5,300 |5,300 |6,100 |0 |0.00% |-800 |-13.10% |

| Electrical Equipment, |14,200 |14,200 |14,700 |0 |0.00% |-500 |-3.40% |

| Transportation Equipm |140,800 |141,400 |137,800 |-600 |-0.40% |3,000 |2.20% |

| Motor Vehicle Manufac |13,000 |13,000 |13,100 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-0.80% |

| Motor Vehicle Body an |39,300 |38,700 |34,700 |600 |1.60% |4,600 |13.30% |

| Motor Vehicle Parts M |76,400 |77,300 |77,800 |-900 |-1.20% |-1,400 |-1.80% |

| Other Motor Vehicle E |11,300 |11,500 |12,100 |-200 |-1.70% |-800 |-6.60% |

| Motor Vehicle Transmi |20,900 |21,200 |21,800 |-300 |-1.40% |-900 |-4.10% |

| Aerospace Product and |6,900 |6,900 |6,700 |0 |0.00% |200 |3.00% |

| Furniture and Related |26,700 |27,000 |27,400 |-300 |-1.10% |-700 |-2.60% |

| Office Furniture (inc |8,600 |8,700 |8,900 |-100 |-1.10% |-300 |-3.40% |

| Miscellaneous Manufac |29,400 |29,400 |28,300 |0 |0.00% |1,100 |3.90% |

| Medical Equipment and |16,800 |16,700 |15,800 |100 |0.60% |1,000 |6.30% |

| Non-Durable Goods |151,800 |153,500 |152,200 |-1,700 |-1.10% |-400 |-0.30% |

| Food Manufacturing |31,900 |32,200 |31,600 |-300 |-0.90% |300 |0.90% |

| Chemical Manufacturin |32,600 |33,000 |32,900 |-400 |-1.20% |-300 |-0.90% |

| Pharmaceutical and Me |19,500 |19,900 |20,000 |-400 |-2.00% |-500 |-2.50% |

| Plastics Product Manu |36,000 |35,900 |35,300 |100 |0.30% |700 |2.00% |

| Rubber Product Manufa |7,800 |7,900 |8,600 |-100 |-1.30% |-800 |-9.30% |

| Trade, Transportation, |573,900 |590,600 |566,600 |-16,700 |-2.80% |7,300 |1.30% |

| Wholesale Trade |118,600 |119,800 |116,100 |-1,200 |-1.00% |2,500 |2.20% |

| Merchant Wholesalers, |73,600 |74,200 |72,000 |-600 |-0.80% |1,600 |2.20% |

| Merchant Wholesalers |37,000 |37,700 |37,100 |-700 |-1.90% |-100 |-0.30% |

| Retail Trade |329,100 |342,900 |329,700 |-13,800 |-4.00% |-600 |-0.20% |

| Motor Vehicle and Par |42,200 |42,900 |41,800 |-700 |-1.60% |400 |1.00% |

| Automobile Dealers |27,200 |27,400 |27,500 |-200 |-0.70% |-300 |-1.10% |

| Building Material and |29,100 |29,200 |28,400 |-100 |-0.30% |700 |2.50% |

| Food and Beverage Sto |51,300 |51,700 |51,100 |-400 |-0.80% |200 |0.40% |

| Grocery Stores |43,000 |42,800 |43,000 |200 |0.50% |0 |0.00% |

| Health and Personal C |20,900 |21,000 |20,600 |-100 |-0.50% |300 |1.50% |

| General Merchandise S |74,100 |80,800 |76,000 |-6,700 |-8.30% |-1,900 |-2.50% |

| Department Stores |30,000 |34,100 |31,100 |-4,100 |-12.00% |-1,100 |-3.50% |

| Other General Merchan |44,100 |46,700 |44,900 |-2,600 |-5.60% |-800 |-1.80% |

| Electronic Shopping a |4,600 |4,500 |4,400 |100 |2.20% |200 |4.50% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |126,200 |127,900 |120,800 |-1,700 |-1.30% |5,400 |4.50% |

| Utilities |14,500 |14,500 |14,300 |0 |0.00% |200 |1.40% |

| Elec.Pwr Gen Tran Dis |10,500 |10,600 |10,400 |-100 |-0.90% |100 |1.00% |

| Transport & Warehouse |111,700 |113,400 |106,500 |-1,700 |-1.50% |5,200 |4.90% |

| Truck Transportation |49,800 |50,600 |46,400 |-800 |-1.60% |3,400 |7.30% |

| General Freight Truck |37,800 |38,400 |36,200 |-600 |-1.60% |1,600 |4.40% |

| Warehousing and Stora |20,000 |20,300 |18,900 |-300 |-1.50% |1,100 |5.80% |

| Information |40,400 |40,600 |40,800 |-200 |-0.50% |-400 |-1.00% |

| Newspaper, Periodical |13,200 |13,200 |12,800 |0 |0.00% |400 |3.10% |

| Telecommunications |15,300 |15,300 |15,800 |0 |0.00% |-500 |-3.20% |

| Wired Telecommunicati |9,300 |9,300 |9,800 |0 |0.00% |-500 |-5.10% |

| Financial Activities |140,100 |141,400 |138,600 |-1,300 |-0.90% |1,500 |1.10% |

| Finance and Insurance |104,100 |104,900 |104,200 |-800 |-0.80% |-100 |-0.10% |

| Credit Intermediation |53,000 |52,900 |52,200 |100 |0.20% |800 |1.50% |

| Insurance Carriers an |43,600 |44,000 |44,500 |-400 |-0.90% |-900 |-2.00% |

| Insurance Carriers |26,500 |26,800 |27,200 |-300 |-1.10% |-700 |-2.60% |

| Real Estate and Renta |36,000 |36,500 |34,400 |-500 |-1.40% |1,600 |4.70% |

| Real Estate |22,800 |22,200 |21,400 |600 |2.70% |1,400 |6.50% |

| Professional and Busin |262,600 |270,300 |248,900 |-7,700 |-2.80% |13,700 |5.50% |

| Professional, Scienti |88,400 |88,200 |89,200 |200 |0.20% |-800 |-0.90% |

| Management of Compani |27,100 |27,400 |26,600 |-300 |-1.10% |500 |1.90% |

| Administrative and Su |147,100 |154,700 |133,100 |-7,600 |-4.90% |14,000 |10.50% |

| Administrative and Su |143,100 |149,700 |126,800 |-6,600 |-4.40% |16,300 |12.90% |

| Employment Services |78,200 |81,900 |65,800 |-3,700 |-4.50% |12,400 |18.80% |

| Educational and Health |374,000 |379,600 |365,300 |-5,600 |-1.50% |8,700 |2.40% |

| Educational Services |63,000 |67,600 |61,100 |-4,600 |-6.80% |1,900 |3.10% |

| Colleges, Universitie |35,000 |37,400 |33,500 |-2,400 |-6.40% |1,500 |4.50% |

| Health Care and Socia |311,000 |312,000 |304,200 |-1,000 |-0.30% |6,800 |2.20% |

| Offices of Physicians |45,900 |45,600 |45,200 |300 |0.70% |700 |1.50% |

| Medical and Diagnosti |4,700 |4,700 |4,600 |0 |0.00% |100 |2.20% |

| Hospitals |99,000 |99,100 |97,600 |-100 |-0.10% |1,400 |1.40% |

| General Medical and S |92,800 |93,000 |91,900 |-200 |-0.20% |900 |1.00% |

| Nursing and Residenti |65,500 |65,900 |64,800 |-400 |-0.60% |700 |1.10% |

| Social Assistance |42,800 |42,900 |41,200 |-100 |-0.20% |1,600 |3.90% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |265,700 |272,900 |255,000 |-7,200 |-2.60% |10,700 |4.20% |

| Arts, Entertainment, |39,500 |41,000 |38,000 |-1,500 |-3.70% |1,500 |3.90% |

| Amusement, Gambling, |33,500 |34,100 |30,300 |-600 |-1.80% |3,200 |10.60% |

| Gambling Industries |15,100 |15,100 |15,300 |0 |0.00% |-200 |-1.30% |

| Accommodation and Foo |226,200 |231,900 |217,000 |-5,700 |-2.50% |9,200 |4.20% |

| Food Services and Dri |207,100 |211,800 |198,700 |-4,700 |-2.20% |8,400 |4.20% |

| Full-Service Restaura |93,200 |95,300 |89,500 |-2,100 |-2.20% |3,700 |4.10% |

| Limited-Service Eatin |94,500 |96,600 |91,600 |-2,100 |-2.20% |2,900 |3.20% |

| Other Services |109,600 |110,100 |106,100 |-500 |-0.50% |3,500 |3.30% |

| Repair and Maintenanc |26,100 |26,300 |25,900 |-200 |-0.80% |200 |0.80% |

| Personal and Laundry |27,200 |27,300 |26,600 |-100 |-0.40% |600 |2.30% |

| Religious, Grantmakin |56,300 |56,500 |53,600 |-200 |-0.40% |2,700 |5.00% |

|Government |428,800 |436,900 |426,700 |-8,100 |-1.90% |2,100 |0.50% |

| Federal Government |35,900 |36,000 |36,500 |-100 |-0.30% |-600 |-1.60% |

| Department of Defense |7,700 |7,700 |7,600 |0 |0.00% |100 |1.30% |

| US Postal Service |15,300 |15,400 |15,500 |-100 |-0.60% |-200 |-1.30% |

| State Government |114,600 |116,000 |113,800 |-1,400 |-1.20% |800 |0.70% |

| State Govt. Education |73,700 |74,900 |71,900 |-1,200 |-1.60% |1,800 |2.50% |

| Local Government |278,300 |284,900 |276,400 |-6,600 |-2.30% |1,900 |0.70% |

| Local Govt Education |152,600 |157,300 |151,600 |-4,700 |-3.00% |1,000 |0.70% |

| Hospitals |27600 |27700 |27000 |-100 |-0.40% |600 |2.20% |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Anderson MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |44,700 |45,600 |44,200 |-900 |-2.00% |500 |1.10% |

|Total Private |37300 |38200 |36700 |-900 |-2.40% |600 |1.60% |

|Goods Producing |8800 |9000 |8700 |-200 |-2.20% |100 |1.10% |

|Service-Providing |35900 |36600 |35500 |-700 |-1.90% |400 |1.10% |

|Private Srvc Provide |28500 |29200 |28000 |-700 |-2.40% |500 |1.80% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |1600 |1700 |1500 |-100 |-5.90% |100 |6.70% |

| Manufacturing |7200 |7300 |7200 |-100 |-1.40% |0 |0.00% |

| Durable Goods |5600 |5600 |5800 |0 |0.00% |-200 |-3.40% |

| Motor Vehicle Parts M |3500 |3800 |4000 |-300 |-7.90% |-500 |-12.50% |

| Trade, Transportation, |8700 |9100 |8700 |-400 |-4.40% |0 |0.00% |

| Wholesale Trade |1200 |1300 |1200 |-100 |-7.70% |0 |0.00% |

| Retail Trade |5600 |5900 |5800 |-300 |-5.10% |-200 |-3.40% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |1900 |1900 |1700 |0 |0.00% |200 |11.80% |

| Information |600 |600 |600 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Financial Activities |2100 |2000 |1900 |100 |5.00% |200 |10.50% |

| Professional and Busin |2700 |2800 |2600 |-100 |-3.60% |100 |3.80% |

| Educational and Health |7800 |7900 |7700 |-100 |-1.30% |100 |1.30% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |4,700 |4,900 |4,700 |-200 |-4.10% |0 |0.00% |

| Other Services |1900 |1900 |1800 |0 |0.00% |100 |5.60% |

|Government |7400 |7400 |7500 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-1.30% |

| Federal Government |300 |300 |300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |1700 |1700 |1700 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Local Government |5400 |5400 |5500 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-1.80% |

| Local Govt Education |2600 |2700 |2700 |-100 |-3.70% |-100 |-3.70% |

|Bloomington MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |81,100 |79,400 |80,100 |1,700 |2.10% |1,000 |1.20% |

|Total Private |56000 |57400 |55000 |-1,400 |-2.40% |1,000 |1.80% |

|Goods Producing |13300 |13700 |13000 |-400 |-2.90% |300 |2.30% |

|Service-Providing |67800 |65700 |67100 |2,100 |3.20% |700 |1.00% |

|Private Srvc Provide |42700 |43700 |42000 |-1,000 |-2.30% |700 |1.70% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |4000 |4200 |3800 |-200 |-4.80% |200 |5.30% |

| Manufacturing |9300 |9500 |9200 |-200 |-2.10% |100 |1.10% |

| Durable Goods |7000 |7100 |6900 |-100 |-1.40% |100 |1.40% |

| Trade, Transportation, |12600 |13000 |12700 |-400 |-3.10% |-100 |-0.80% |

| Wholesale Trade |2000 |2000 |1900 |0 |0.00% |100 |5.30% |

| Retail Trade |9000 |9400 |9200 |-400 |-4.30% |-200 |-2.20% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |1600 |1600 |1600 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Information |1300 |1300 |1300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Financial Activities |3100 |3100 |2800 |0 |0.00% |300 |10.70% |

| Professional and Busin |5600 |5800 |5500 |-200 |-3.40% |100 |1.80% |

| Educational and Health |9400 |9500 |9400 |-100 |-1.10% |0 |0.00% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |7900 |8200 |7600 |-300 |-3.70% |300 |3.90% |

| Other Services |2,800 |2,800 |2,700 |0 |0.00% |100 |3.70% |

|Government |25100 |22000 |25100 |3,100 |14.10% |0 |0.00% |

| Federal Government |500 |500 |500 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |18100 |14800 |18000 |3,300 |22.30% |100 |0.60% |

| Local Government |6500 |6700 |6600 |-200 |-3.00% |-100 |-1.50% |

| Local Govt Education |3500 |3700 |3600 |-200 |-5.40% |-100 |-2.80% |

|Columbus MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |42,000 |43,100 |40,300 |-1,100 |-2.60% |1,700 |4.20% |

|Total Private |36500 |37400 |35000 |-900 |-2.40% |1,500 |4.30% |

|Goods Producing |15900 |16300 |15100 |-400 |-2.50% |800 |5.30% |

|Service-Providing |26100 |26800 |25200 |-700 |-2.60% |900 |3.60% |

|Private Srvc Provide |20600 |21100 |19900 |-500 |-2.40% |700 |3.50% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |1600 |1700 |1400 |-100 |-5.90% |200 |14.30% |

| Manufacturing |14300 |14600 |13700 |-300 |-2.10% |600 |4.40% |

| Durable Goods |12200 |12400 |11700 |-200 |-1.60% |500 |4.30% |

| Trade, Transportation, |7000 |7200 |6900 |-200 |-2.80% |100 |1.40% |

| Wholesale Trade |1000 |1000 |1000 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Retail Trade |4200 |4400 |4200 |-200 |-4.50% |0 |0.00% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |1800 |1800 |1700 |0 |0.00% |100 |5.90% |

| Information |500 |500 |500 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Financial Activities |1600 |1600 |1600 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Professional and Busin |3700 |3800 |3500 |-100 |-2.60% |200 |5.70% |

| Educational and Health |3400 |3500 |3500 |-100 |-2.90% |-100 |-2.90% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |3100 |3200 |2600 |-100 |-3.10% |500 |19.20% |

| Other Services |1300 |1300 |1300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

|Government |5500 |5700 |5300 |-200 |-3.50% |200 |3.80% |

| Federal Government |200 |200 |200 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |500 |800 |500 |-300 |-37.50% |0 |0.00% |

| Local Government |4800 |4700 |4600 |100 |2.10% |200 |4.30% |

| Local Govt Education |1800 |1700 |1600 |100 |5.90% |200 |12.50% |

|Elkhart MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |129,300 |130,300 |120,300 |-1,000 |-0.80% |9,000 |7.50% |

|Total Private |120900 |121800 |112200 |-900 |-0.70% |8,700 |7.80% |

|Goods Producing |69100 |69200 |63300 |-100 |-0.10% |5,800 |9.20% |

|Service-Providing |60200 |61100 |57000 |-900 |-1.50% |3,200 |5.60% |

|Private Srvc Provide |51800 |52600 |48900 |-800 |-1.50% |2,900 |5.90% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |4600 |4900 |3800 |-300 |-6.10% |800 |21.10% |

| Manufacturing |64500 |64300 |59500 |200 |0.30% |5,000 |8.40% |

| Durable Goods |54800 |55000 |50900 |-200 |-0.40% |3,900 |7.70% |

| Transportation Equipm |30800 |30900 |28100 |-100 |-0.30% |2,700 |9.60% |

| Motor Vehicle Body an |25300 |25200 |22600 |100 |0.40% |2,700 |11.90% |

| Furniture and Related |3800 |3700 |4000 |100 |2.70% |-200 |-5.00% |

| Trade, Transportation, |17800 |18400 |17200 |-600 |-3.30% |600 |3.50% |

| Wholesale Trade |6300 |6400 |6000 |-100 |-1.60% |300 |5.00% |

| Retail Trade |9300 |9700 |9200 |-400 |-4.10% |100 |1.10% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |2200 |2300 |2000 |-100 |-4.30% |200 |10.00% |

| Information |900 |900 |900 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Financial Activities |3100 |3000 |3000 |100 |3.30% |100 |3.30% |

| Professional and Busin |8700 |8800 |7500 |-100 |-1.10% |1,200 |16.00% |

| Educational and Health |10400 |10400 |10000 |0 |0.00% |400 |4.00% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |7000 |7200 |6500 |-200 |-2.80% |500 |7.70% |

| Food Services and Dri |6100 |6300 |5600 |-200 |-3.20% |500 |8.90% |

| Other Services |3900 |3900 |3800 |0 |0.00% |100 |2.60% |

|Government |8,400 |8,500 |8,100 |-100 |-1.20% |300 |3.70% |

| Federal Government |300 |300 |300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |300 |300 |300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Local Government |7800 |7900 |7500 |-100 |-1.30% |300 |4.00% |

| Local Govt Education |5300 |5400 |5100 |-100 |-1.90% |200 |3.90% |

|Evansville MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |174,900 |178,700 |175,500 |-3,800 |-2.10% |-600 |-0.30% |

|Total Private |157500 |160700 |157700 |-3,200 |-2.00% |-200 |-0.10% |

|Goods Producing |46500 |47500 |46900 |-1,000 |-2.10% |-400 |-0.90% |

|Service-Providing |128400 |131200 |128600 |-2,800 |-2.10% |-200 |-0.20% |

|Private Srvc Provide |111000 |113200 |110800 |-2,200 |-1.90% |200 |0.20% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |11100 |12000 |11500 |-900 |-7.50% |-400 |-3.50% |

| Manufacturing |35400 |35500 |35400 |-100 |-0.30% |0 |0.00% |

| Durable Goods |19800 |19900 |20100 |-100 |-0.50% |-300 |-1.50% |

| Trade, Transportation, |36500 |37600 |36500 |-1,100 |-2.90% |0 |0.00% |

| Wholesale Trade |7400 |7400 |7200 |0 |0.00% |200 |2.80% |

| Retail Trade |19900 |20800 |20000 |-900 |-4.30% |-100 |-0.50% |

| General Merchandise S |4200 |4500 |4200 |-300 |-6.70% |0 |0.00% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |9200 |9400 |9300 |-200 |-2.10% |-100 |-1.10% |

| Transport & Warehouse |7300 |7400 |7200 |-100 |-1.40% |100 |1.40% |

| Information |2900 |2900 |3000 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-3.30% |

| Financial Activities |6600 |6500 |6400 |100 |1.50% |200 |3.10% |

| Professional and Busin |16400 |16900 |16100 |-500 |-3.00% |300 |1.90% |

| Educational and Health |25200 |25400 |25000 |-200 |-0.80% |200 |0.80% |

| Health Care and Socia |21600 |21600 |21200 |0 |0.00% |400 |1.90% |

| Hospitals |8600 |8500 |8300 |100 |1.20% |300 |3.60% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |16100 |16500 |15600 |-400 |-2.40% |500 |3.20% |

| Food Services and Dri |12,400 |12,700 |12,100 |-300 |-2.40% |300 |2.50% |

| Other Services |7300 |7400 |8200 |-100 |-1.40% |-900 |-11.00% |

|Government |17400 |18000 |17800 |-600 |-3.30% |-400 |-2.20% |

| Federal Government |1200 |1200 |1400 |0 |0.00% |-200 |-14.30% |

| State Government |3900 |4100 |3800 |-200 |-4.90% |100 |2.60% |

| Local Government |12300 |12700 |12600 |-400 |-3.10% |-300 |-2.40% |

| Local Govt Education |7200 |7400 |7200 |-200 |-2.70% |0 |0.00% |

|Fort Wayne MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |208,400 |214,800 |208,000 |-6,400 |-3.00% |400 |0.20% |

|Total Private |188100 |192000 |185900 |-3,900 |-2.00% |2,200 |1.20% |

|Goods Producing |47400 |48100 |46300 |-700 |-1.50% |1,100 |2.40% |

|Service-Providing |161000 |166700 |161700 |-5,700 |-3.40% |-700 |-0.40% |

|Private Srvc Provide |140700 |143900 |139600 |-3,200 |-2.20% |1,100 |0.80% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |10700 |11400 |10600 |-700 |-6.10% |100 |0.90% |

| Manufacturing |36700 |36700 |35700 |0 |0.00% |1,000 |2.80% |

| Durable Goods |27500 |27700 |26900 |-200 |-0.70% |600 |2.20% |

| Computer and Electron |3900 |3900 |3700 |0 |0.00% |200 |5.40% |

| Transportation Equipm |6200 |6200 |6200 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Trade, Transportation, |44900 |46700 |45700 |-1,800 |-3.90% |-800 |-1.80% |

| Wholesale Trade |11900 |12100 |12200 |-200 |-1.70% |-300 |-2.50% |

| Retail Trade |23500 |24800 |23700 |-1,300 |-5.20% |-200 |-0.80% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |9500 |9800 |9800 |-300 |-3.10% |-300 |-3.10% |

| Information |3400 |3400 |3600 |0 |0.00% |-200 |-5.60% |

| Financial Activities |13100 |13000 |13200 |100 |0.80% |-100 |-0.80% |

| Professional and Busin |19300 |20100 |18500 |-800 |-4.00% |800 |4.30% |

| Educational and Health |32500 |32700 |31800 |-200 |-0.60% |700 |2.20% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |19200 |19700 |18500 |-500 |-2.50% |700 |3.80% |

| Food Services and Dri |16600 |16800 |15900 |-200 |-1.20% |700 |4.40% |

| Other Services |8300 |8300 |8300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

|Government |20300 |22800 |22100 |-2,500 |-11.00% |-1,800 |-8.10% |

| Federal Government |2300 |2300 |2300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |2100 |4400 |4300 |-2,300 |-52.30% |-2,200 |-51.20% |

| Local Government |15900 |16100 |15500 |-200 |-1.20% |400 |2.60% |

| Local Govt Education |9300 |9500 |9200 |-200 |-2.10% |100 |1.10% |

|Gary-Hammond MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |272,000 |279,000 |266,000 |-7,000 |-2.50% |6,000 |2.30% |

|Total Private |231100 |237500 |225900 |-6,400 |-2.70% |5,200 |2.30% |

|Goods Producing |55200 |57300 |53900 |-2,100 |-3.70% |1,300 |2.40% |

|Service-Providing |216800 |221700 |212100 |-4,900 |-2.20% |4,700 |2.20% |

|Private Srvc Provide |175900 |180200 |172000 |-4,300 |-2.40% |3,900 |2.30% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |17700 |19000 |16000 |-1,300 |-6.80% |1,700 |10.60% |

| Construction |16900 |18400 |15500 |-1,500 |-8.20% |1,400 |9.00% |

| Manufacturing |37500 |38300 |37900 |-800 |-2.10% |-400 |-1.10% |

| Durable Goods |29900 |30200 |30000 |-300 |-1.00% |-100 |-0.30% |

| Primary Metal Manufac |18700 |19000 |19400 |-300 |-1.60% |-700 |-3.60% |

| Iron and Steel Mills |17200 |17400 |18000 |-200 |-1.10% |-800 |-4.40% |

| Trade, Transportation, |58,800 |60,800 |57,800 |-2,000 |-3.30% |1,000 |1.70% |

| Wholesale Trade |9900 |10200 |9700 |-300 |-2.90% |200 |2.10% |

| Retail Trade |34200 |35700 |33800 |-1,500 |-4.20% |400 |1.20% |

| General Merchandise S |6700 |7600 |6600 |-900 |-11.80% |100 |1.50% |

| Other General Merchan |3400 |3600 |3400 |-200 |-5.60% |0 |0.00% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |14700 |14900 |14300 |-200 |-1.30% |400 |2.80% |

| Information |2400 |2400 |2500 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-4.00% |

| Financial Activities |10200 |10200 |9700 |0 |0.00% |500 |5.20% |

| Professional and Busin |22400 |23000 |22000 |-600 |-2.60% |400 |1.80% |

| Administrative and Su |12900 |13300 |12100 |-400 |-3.00% |800 |6.60% |

| Employment Services |4900 |5000 |4000 |-100 |-2.00% |900 |22.50% |

| Educational and Health |39800 |40200 |39300 |-400 |-1.00% |500 |1.30% |

| Educational Services |6500 |6600 |6500 |-100 |-1.50% |0 |0.00% |

| Health Care and Socia |33500 |33700 |32800 |-200 |-0.60% |700 |2.10% |

| General Medical and S |11200 |11100 |10800 |100 |0.90% |400 |3.70% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |30200 |31200 |28600 |-1,000 |-3.20% |1,600 |5.60% |

| Arts, Entertainment, |8600 |8900 |8400 |-300 |-3.40% |200 |2.40% |

| Food Services and Dri |19900 |20500 |18800 |-600 |-2.90% |1,100 |5.90% |

| Other Services |12100 |12400 |12100 |-300 |-2.40% |0 |0.00% |

|Government |40900 |41500 |40100 |-600 |-1.40% |800 |2.00% |

| Federal Government |2100 |2100 |2100 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |4,500 |4,600 |4,300 |-100 |-2.20% |200 |4.70% |

| Local Government |34300 |34800 |33700 |-500 |-1.40% |600 |1.80% |

| Local Govt Education |18500 |18800 |18200 |-300 |-1.60% |300 |1.60% |

|Indianapolis MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |877,300 |891,600 |854,000 |-14,300 |-1.60% |23,300 |2.70% |

|Total Private |762400 |775600 |739200 |-13,200 |-1.70% |23,200 |3.10% |

|Goods Producing |152800 |155000 |147100 |-2,200 |-1.40% |5,700 |3.90% |

|Service-Providing |724500 |736600 |706900 |-12,100 |-1.60% |17,600 |2.50% |

|Private Srvc Provide |609600 |620600 |592100 |-11,000 |-1.80% |17,500 |3.00% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |51700 |52900 |47000 |-1,200 |-2.30% |4,700 |10.00% |

| Construction |50300 |51400 |46200 |-1,100 |-2.10% |4,100 |8.90% |

| Sp Trade Contractors |32100 |32900 |30400 |-800 |-2.40% |1,700 |5.60% |

| Manufacturing |101100 |102100 |100100 |-1,000 |-1.00% |1,000 |1.00% |

| Durable Goods |63200 |63500 |62100 |-300 |-0.50% |1,100 |1.80% |

| Primary Metal Manufac |3300 |3300 |3200 |0 |0.00% |100 |3.10% |

| Transportation Equipm |18900 |18900 |19300 |0 |0.00% |-400 |-2.10% |

| Motor Vehicle Parts M |11600 |11600 |12000 |0 |0.00% |-400 |-3.30% |

| Aerospace Product and |5100 |5100 |4900 |0 |0.00% |200 |4.10% |

| Non-Durable Goods |37900 |38600 |38000 |-700 |-1.80% |-100 |-0.30% |

| Chemical Manufacturin |17100 |17400 |17500 |-300 |-1.70% |-400 |-2.30% |

| Trade, Transportation, |190100 |193200 |185700 |-3,100 |-1.60% |4,400 |2.40% |

| Wholesale Trade |45800 |46200 |45400 |-400 |-0.90% |400 |0.90% |

| Merchant Wholesalers, |30300 |30700 |30200 |-400 |-1.30% |100 |0.30% |

| Retail Trade |97300 |99300 |95200 |-2,000 |-2.00% |2,100 |2.20% |

| Health and Personal C |6300 |6300 |6200 |0 |0.00% |100 |1.60% |

| General Merchandise S |20,800 |22,800 |21,500 |-2,000 |-8.80% |-700 |-3.30% |

| Department Stores |8600 |9700 |9100 |-1,100 |-11.30% |-500 |-5.50% |

| Other General Merchan |12200 |13100 |12400 |-900 |-6.90% |-200 |-1.60% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |47000 |47700 |45100 |-700 |-1.50% |1,900 |4.20% |

| Transport & Warehouse |42900 |43600 |41300 |-700 |-1.60% |1,600 |3.90% |

| Information |16300 |16500 |16300 |-200 |-1.20% |0 |0.00% |

| Telecommunications |6700 |6700 |6900 |0 |0.00% |-200 |-2.90% |

| Wired Telecommunicati |4500 |4500 |4700 |0 |0.00% |-200 |-4.30% |

| Financial Activities |63600 |64000 |62900 |-400 |-0.60% |700 |1.10% |

| Finance and Insurance |47300 |47500 |47800 |-200 |-0.40% |-500 |-1.00% |

| Insurance Carriers an |24800 |24900 |25100 |-100 |-0.40% |-300 |-1.20% |

| Insurance Carriers |17500 |17700 |17700 |-200 |-1.10% |-200 |-1.10% |

| Professional and Busin |117900 |121000 |109200 |-3,100 |-2.60% |8,700 |8.00% |

| Professional, Scienti |39600 |40000 |39700 |-400 |-1.00% |-100 |-0.30% |

| Management of Compani |11400 |11400 |11000 |0 |0.00% |400 |3.60% |

| Administrative and Su |62200 |65600 |56200 |-3,400 |-5.20% |6,000 |10.70% |

| Employment Services |36100 |38100 |30100 |-2,000 |-5.20% |6,000 |19.90% |

| Educational and Health |104800 |106700 |107100 |-1,900 |-1.80% |-2,300 |-2.10% |

| Health Care and Socia |88500 |89000 |86900 |-500 |-0.60% |1,600 |1.80% |

| Ambulatory Health Car |31400 |31600 |30200 |-200 |-0.60% |1,200 |4.00% |

| Hospitals |30900 |31000 |30900 |-100 |-0.30% |0 |0.00% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |82600 |84800 |77600 |-2,200 |-2.60% |5,000 |6.40% |

| Accommodation and Foo |70700 |72700 |68100 |-2,000 |-2.80% |2,600 |3.80% |

| Food Services and Dri |64,200 |65,300 |60,800 |-1,100 |-1.70% |3,400 |5.60% |

| Full-Service Restaura |27700 |28400 |26700 |-700 |-2.50% |1,000 |3.70% |

| Limited-Service Eatin |29200 |29900 |28400 |-700 |-2.30% |800 |2.80% |

| Other Services |34300 |34400 |33300 |-100 |-0.30% |1,000 |3.00% |

|Government |114900 |116000 |114800 |-1,100 |-0.90% |100 |0.10% |

| Federal Government |13900 |13900 |14100 |0 |0.00% |-200 |-1.40% |

| State Government |29100 |29000 |29200 |100 |0.30% |-100 |-0.30% |

| Local Government |71900 |73100 |71500 |-1,200 |-1.60% |400 |0.60% |

| Local Govt Education |38800 |39700 |38300 |-900 |-2.30% |500 |1.30% |

|Kokomo MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |47,700 |48,700 |48,700 |-1,000 |-2.10% |-1,000 |-2.10% |

|Total Private |40300 |41300 |41200 |-1,000 |-2.40% |-900 |-2.20% |

|Goods Producing |17200 |17600 |17900 |-400 |-2.30% |-700 |-3.90% |

|Service-Providing |30500 |31100 |30800 |-600 |-1.90% |-300 |-1.00% |

|Private Srvc Provide |23100 |23700 |23300 |-600 |-2.50% |-200 |-0.90% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |1400 |1400 |1300 |0 |0.00% |100 |7.70% |

| Manufacturing |15800 |16200 |16600 |-400 |-2.50% |-800 |-4.80% |

| Durable Goods |15300 |15400 |15700 |-100 |-0.60% |-400 |-2.50% |

| Transportation Equipm |12800 |13000 |13300 |-200 |-1.50% |-500 |-3.80% |

| Motor Vehicle Parts M |12800 |13000 |13300 |-200 |-1.50% |-500 |-3.80% |

| Trade, Transportation, |7700 |8100 |7800 |-400 |-4.90% |-100 |-1.30% |

| Wholesale Trade |1000 |1100 |1000 |-100 |-9.10% |0 |0.00% |

| Retail Trade |5900 |6200 |6100 |-300 |-4.80% |-200 |-3.30% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |800 |800 |700 |0 |0.00% |100 |14.30% |

| Information |300 |300 |400 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-25.00% |

| Financial Activities |1600 |1600 |1600 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Professional and Busin |2900 |3000 |3000 |-100 |-3.30% |-100 |-3.30% |

| Educational and Health |3700 |3700 |3700 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |4500 |4600 |4300 |-100 |-2.20% |200 |4.70% |

| Other Services |2400 |2400 |2500 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-4.00% |

|Government |7400 |7400 |7500 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-1.30% |

| Local Government |6300 |6300 |6200 |0 |0.00% |100 |1.60% |

| Local Govt Education |2800 |2800 |2800 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

|Lafayette MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |91,300 |93,800 |89,800 |-2,500 |-2.70% |1,500 |1.70% |

|Total Private |64400 |65900 |63100 |-1,500 |-2.30% |1,300 |2.10% |

|Goods Producing |20600 |21000 |20200 |-400 |-1.90% |400 |2.00% |

|Service-Providing |70700 |72800 |69600 |-2,100 |-2.90% |1,100 |1.60% |

|Private Srvc Provide |43800 |44900 |42900 |-1,100 |-2.40% |900 |2.10% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |3600 |3800 |3300 |-200 |-5.30% |300 |9.10% |

| Manufacturing |17000 |17200 |16900 |-200 |-1.20% |100 |0.60% |

| Durable Goods |12800 |12900 |12600 |-100 |-0.80% |200 |1.60% |

| Non-Durable Goods |4200 |4300 |4300 |-100 |-2.30% |-100 |-2.30% |

| Trade, Transportation, |14300 |14900 |14100 |-600 |-4.00% |200 |1.40% |

| Wholesale Trade |1900 |2000 |1800 |-100 |-5.00% |100 |5.60% |

| Retail Trade |10500 |11000 |10400 |-500 |-4.50% |100 |1.00% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |1,900 |1,900 |1,900 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Information |900 |900 |1000 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-10.00% |

| Financial Activities |3700 |3900 |3800 |-200 |-5.10% |-100 |-2.60% |

| Professional and Busin |5000 |4900 |4500 |100 |2.00% |500 |11.10% |

| Educational and Health |8900 |8900 |8900 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |8200 |8500 |7800 |-300 |-3.50% |400 |5.10% |

| Accommodation and Foo |7500 |7800 |7400 |-300 |-3.80% |100 |1.40% |

| Other Services |2800 |2900 |2800 |-100 |-3.40% |0 |0.00% |

|Government |26900 |27900 |26700 |-1,000 |-3.60% |200 |0.70% |

| Federal Government |700 |700 |700 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |19600 |20400 |19500 |-800 |-3.90% |100 |0.50% |

| Local Government |6600 |6800 |6500 |-200 |-2.90% |100 |1.50% |

| Local Govt Education |4000 |4200 |4000 |-200 |-4.80% |0 |0.00% |

|Michigan City MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |45,900 |47,100 |45,500 |-1,200 |-2.50% |400 |0.90% |

|Total Private |38200 |39300 |37800 |-1,100 |-2.80% |400 |1.10% |

|Goods Producing |11600 |11800 |11100 |-200 |-1.70% |500 |4.50% |

|Service-Providing |34300 |35300 |34400 |-1,000 |-2.80% |-100 |-0.30% |

|Private Srvc Provide |26600 |27500 |26700 |-900 |-3.30% |-100 |-0.40% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |2200 |2300 |2000 |-100 |-4.30% |200 |10.00% |

| Manufacturing |9,400 |9,500 |9,100 |-100 |-1.10% |300 |3.30% |

| Trade, Transportation, |8,900 |9,200 |9,000 |-300 |-3.30% |-100 |-1.10% |

| Wholesale Trade |1,300 |1,300 |1,300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Retail Trade |5,800 |6,100 |5,900 |-300 |-4.90% |-100 |-1.70% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |1,800 |1,800 |1,800 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Information |700 |700 |700 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Financial Activities |1,300 |1,300 |1,200 |0 |0.00% |100 |8.30% |

| Professional and Busin |2,500 |2,600 |2,700 |-100 |-3.80% |-200 |-7.40% |

| Educational and Health |6,500 |6,600 |6,600 |-100 |-1.50% |-100 |-1.50% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |4,900 |5,300 |4,800 |-400 |-7.50% |100 |2.10% |

| Other Services |1,800 |1,800 |1,700 |0 |0.00% |100 |5.90% |

|Government |7,700 |7,800 |7,700 |-100 |-1.30% |0 |0.00% |

| Federal Government |200 |200 |200 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |2,900 |2,900 |2,900 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Local Government |4,600 |4,700 |4,600 |-100 |-2.10% |0 |0.00% |

| Local Govt Education |2,700 |2,800 |2,700 |-100 |-3.60% |0 |0.00% |

|Muncie MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |53,300 |55,000 |54,800 |-1,700 |-3.10% |-1,500 |-2.70% |

|Total Private |40,600 |41,700 |41,600 |-1,100 |-2.60% |-1,000 |-2.40% |

|Goods Producing |8,900 |9,000 |9,600 |-100 |-1.10% |-700 |-7.30% |

|Service-Providing |44,400 |46,000 |45,200 |-1,600 |-3.50% |-800 |-1.80% |

|Private Srvc Provide |31,700 |32,700 |32,000 |-1,000 |-3.10% |-300 |-0.90% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |2,000 |2,100 |2,000 |-100 |-4.80% |0 |0.00% |

| Manufacturing |6,900 |6,900 |7,600 |0 |0.00% |-700 |-9.20% |

| Durable Goods |5,800 |5,900 |6,700 |-100 |-1.70% |-900 |-13.40% |

| Trade, Transportation, |9,000 |9,400 |9,400 |-400 |-4.30% |-400 |-4.30% |

| Wholesale Trade |1,300 |1,300 |1,200 |0 |0.00% |100 |8.30% |

| Retail Trade |6,600 |6,900 |7,100 |-300 |-4.30% |-500 |-7.00% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |1,100 |1,200 |1,100 |-100 |-8.30% |0 |0.00% |

| Information |400 |500 |400 |-100 |-20.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Financial Activities |2,100 |2,100 |2,100 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Professional and Busin |4,000 |4,100 |3,900 |-100 |-2.40% |100 |2.60% |

| Educational and Health |9,200 |9,400 |9,500 |-200 |-2.10% |-300 |-3.20% |

| Health Care and Socia |9,200 |9,000 |9,200 |200 |2.20% |0 |0.00% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |5,100 |5,300 |4,800 |-200 |-3.80% |300 |6.30% |

| Other Services |1,900 |1,900 |1,900 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

|Government |12,700 |13,300 |13,200 |-600 |-4.50% |-500 |-3.80% |

| State Government |8,000 |8,400 |8,400 |-400 |-4.80% |-400 |-4.80% |

| Local Government |4,400 |4,500 |4,400 |-100 |-2.20% |0 |0.00% |

| Local Govt Education |2,600 |2,700 |2,700 |-100 |-3.70% |-100 |-3.70% |

|South Bend-Mishawaka MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |144,000 |147,800 |139,900 |-3,800 |-2.60% |4,100 |2.90% |

|Total Private |127,000 |130,500 |123,700 |-3,500 |-2.70% |3,300 |2.70% |

|Goods Producing |28,400 |29,000 |27,200 |-600 |-2.10% |1,200 |4.40% |

|Service-Providing |115,600 |118,800 |112,700 |-3,200 |-2.70% |2,900 |2.60% |

|Private Srvc Provide |98,600 |101,500 |96,500 |-2,900 |-2.90% |2,100 |2.20% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |6,300 |6,700 |6,100 |-400 |-6.00% |200 |3.30% |

| Manufacturing |22,100 |22,300 |21,100 |-200 |-0.90% |1,000 |4.70% |

| Transportation Equipm |6,600 |6,600 |6,500 |0 |0.00% |100 |1.50% |

| Trade, Transportation, |27,800 |29,600 |28,000 |-1,800 |-6.10% |-200 |-0.70% |

| Wholesale Trade |7,200 |7,300 |7,200 |-100 |-1.40% |0 |0.00% |

| Retail Trade |16,200 |17,900 |16,800 |-1,700 |-9.50% |-600 |-3.60% |

| General Merchandise S |4,000 |4,300 |4,100 |-300 |-7.00% |-100 |-2.40% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |4,400 |4,400 |4,000 |0 |0.00% |400 |10.00% |

| Information |2,300 |2,400 |2,400 |-100 |-4.20% |-100 |-4.20% |

| Financial Activities |7,100 |7,200 |7,100 |-100 |-1.40% |0 |0.00% |

| Professional and Busin |12,100 |12,300 |11,500 |-200 |-1.60% |600 |5.20% |

| Educational and Health |32,100 |32,200 |30,500 |-100 |-0.30% |1,600 |5.20% |

| Hospitals |5,900 |5,900 |5,900 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |11,700 |12,300 |11,400 |-600 |-4.90% |300 |2.60% |

| Food Services and Dri |9,600 |9,900 |9,300 |-300 |-3.00% |300 |3.20% |

| Other Services |5,500 |5,500 |5,600 |0 |0.00% |-100 |-1.80% |

|Government |17,000 |17,300 |16,200 |-300 |-1.70% |800 |4.90% |

| Federal Government |1,300 |1,300 |1,300 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |2,400 |2,400 |2,200 |0 |0.00% |200 |9.10% |

| Local Government |13,300 |13,600 |12,700 |-300 |-2.20% |600 |4.70% |

|Terre Haute MSA | | | | | | | |

|Publish Industry Title |Current Month|Previous Month |1 yr Ago |Mo Chg |% Mo Chg |Yr Ago Chg |Yr Ago Chg % |

|Total Nonfarm |74,000 |75,700 |73,300 |-1,700 |-2.20% |700 |1.00% |

|Total Private |60,500 |62,000 |59,600 |-1,500 |-2.40% |900 |1.50% |

|Goods Producing |15,200 |15,500 |14,800 |-300 |-1.90% |400 |2.70% |

|Service-Providing |58,800 |60,200 |58,500 |-1,400 |-2.30% |300 |0.50% |

|Private Srvc Provide |45,300 |46,500 |44,800 |-1,200 |-2.60% |500 |1.10% |

| Nat. Res & Construct |3,100 |3,300 |3,200 |-200 |-6.10% |-100 |-3.10% |

| Manufacturing |12,100 |12,200 |11,600 |-100 |-0.80% |500 |4.30% |

| Trade, Transportation, |14,500 |14,900 |14,900 |-400 |-2.70% |-400 |-2.70% |

| Wholesale Trade |1,700 |1,700 |1,700 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Retail Trade |10,300 |10,600 |10,700 |-300 |-2.80% |-400 |-3.70% |

| Trans,Warehouse, Util |2,500 |2,600 |2,500 |-100 |-3.80% |0 |0.00% |

| Information |800 |800 |800 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| Financial Activities |2,700 |2,700 |2,600 |0 |0.00% |100 |3.80% |

| Professional and Busin |5,400 |5,500 |5,200 |-100 |-1.80% |200 |3.80% |

| Educational and Health |12,100 |12,300 |11,600 |-200 |-1.60% |500 |4.30% |

| Leisure and Hospitalit |7,000 |7,400 |6,900 |-400 |-5.40% |100 |1.40% |

| Other Services |2,800 |2,900 |2,800 |-100 |-3.40% |0 |0.00% |

|Government |13,500 |13,700 |13,700 |-200 |-1.50% |-200 |-1.50% |

| Federal Government |1,400 |1,400 |1,400 |0 |0.00% |0 |0.00% |

| State Government |4,600 |4,600 |5,100 |0 |0.00% |-500 |-9.80% |

| Local Government |7,500 |7,700 |7,200 |-200 |-2.60% |300 |4.20% |

| Local Govt Education |4,100 |4,200 |4,000 |-100 |-2.40% |100 |2.50% |


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