Corpus Christi Junior High Homework Page

-333375952500Name-Date-Class Period-Ch. 21-1 & 21-2 ReviewUse your notes and pages 662-674 in your book to complete the following questions.1. ______________________________________ was the name was given to the time period from 1870-1900. It was called this because _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.2. ______________________________________ was the practice of politicians giving government jobs to loyal supporters. In 1881 President ________________________________ was killed by ______________________________________, a loyal supporter who was angry he wasn’t awarded a government job.3. The labels ______________________________________ and ______________________________________ were given to Americans who worked to make changes to the U.S. in areas such as education, tenement conditions, working conditions etc. in the early 1900s.4. The ______ Amendment gave the voters more power by allowing them to ____________________________________________________________________________.5. People like Jacob Riis were given the label __________________________ for trying to expose the bad parts of American society to the people of the nation in hopes of getting them to work for change.6. The book ______________________________________ by ______________________________________ opened the eyes of Americans about the unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry.7. Progressives felt improving education would help society. Their work led to the opening of the nation’s first kindergarten programs in the city of ________________________________ and state laws being passed requiring students to attend school from 1st through 6th grade.8. Progressives wanted to give the American people more governmental power. As a result, voters’ rights were expanded to include the power of the __________________________, which is the ability to propose a new law by collecting signatures on a petition and voting on it if enough signatures are collected. The ability to ____________________ a government official during the middle to term was also added. This would allow voters to remove a poorly performing official from office. 9. In the late 1880s and early 1900s children often had jobs. Two typical jobs for kids of that era were ______________________________________ and ______________________________________.10. The tragic fire at ______________________________________ in 1911 led the government to pass laws to improve safety standards in factories.11. To help those injured on the job, reformers pushed for states to pass ______________________________________, which would guarantee lost wages to workers hurt on the job. 12. Labor unions worked hard to improve working conditions during this time. The American Federation Labor believed in _________________________, which is an economic system in which private businesses run most industries. A new Union formed in 1905 known as ______________________________________, believed in _____________________________, which is a system in which the government owns and operates a country’s means of production. ................

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