City of Laredo Health Department

City of Laredo Health Department


Provider Directory

Revised 02/2011

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|Service |Agency |Hours of Operation |Contact Person |Phone |Required Documentation |

| | | | | | |

| |Concilio Hispano |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Helen Stillman |(956)728-0440 |18 years and over |

|Substance Abuse Services |1205 E. Hillside |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78042 | |Jose Luis Manrique | | |

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| |South Texas Council on Alcohol & Drug |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Norma Gonzalez |(956)791-6131 |18 years and over |

|Substance Abuse Services |Abuse |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |2359 E. Saunders | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 7804 | | | | |

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|Substance Abuse Services |SCAN |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Humberto Peña |(956)728-9131 |18 years and over |

| |Serenidad Recovery Home (Males) |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |1002 Paseo de Tiber | | | | |

| |Rio Bravo, Texas 78046 | | | | |

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| |SCAN |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Humberto Peña |(956)791-7800 |18 years and over |

| |Serenidad Recovery Home |Monday - Friday | | | |

|Substance Abuse Services |(Females) | | | | |

| |1817 Patricia Lane | | | | |

| |Rio Bravo, Texas 78046 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| |Youth Recover Center |Residential 24 Hour Youth |Rudy Paez |(956)723-0200 |Referred – Youth |

| |Residential Treatment Program |Facility |Mario Gonzalez | |12-17 years of age |

|Substance Abuse Services |(Males & Females) | |Carlos Briseño | | |

| |402 River Hill Loop | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78046 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Twelve (12) Step |AA Miracle Group |8:00 p.m. |Father Daniel |(956)763-0807 |None |

|Program |102 W. Hillside |Monday-Friday | | | |

| |St. John Newman Church |6:00 p.m. | | | |

| | |Saturday & Sunday | | | |

| | |Open Meetings | | | |

| | |7:00 p.m. | | | |

|Twelve (12) Step |Al-Anon Serenity Group |Monday |N/A |(956)722-9001 |None |

|Program |4120 San Bernardo, Ste 3 |12:00 p.m. | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78041 |Tuesday & Thursday | | | |

| | |6:30 p.m. (Spanish) | | | |

|Twelve (12) Step |AA Gratitude Group |M,W & F |N/A | | |

|Program |4120 San Bernardo, Ste 3 |8:00 p.m. (English) | |(956)722-9001 |None |

| |Laredo, Texas 78041 |Monday-Friday | | | |

| | |10:00 a.m. (Sunday) | | | |

| | |12:00 p.m. (Open) | | | |

| | |Monday-Saturday | | | |

| | |9:00-10:00 a.m. | | | |

|Twelve (12) Step |Oasis Of Love – Drug and Alcohol |Tuesday, Wednesday & |Mrs. Garza |(956)740-7773 |Referral |

|Program |Support Group |Thursday | | | |

| |2103 Reynolds |7:00 p.m. Tuesday | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 |&Wednesday | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | Manuel Sanchez |(956)795-4905 |None |

|HIV |HIV/AIDS/STD Program |8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | | | |

|Prevention/OutreachCounsel|Laredo Health Department |Mon., Wed., Thur. & Fri. | | | |

|ing/ Education and |2600 Cedar |8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. | | | |

|Screening Services |Laredo, Texas 78040 |Tuesday | | | |

| | | |Manuel Sanchez |(956)795-4905 |Proof of HIV Positive Result|

|HIV Early Intervention |HIV/AIDS/STD Program |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | | |Proof of Residency |

|Services |Laredo Health Department |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |2600 Cedar | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | |Olivia Santa Cruz |(956)791-6131 |None |

|HIV |South Texas Council on Alcohol and |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | | | |

|Prevention/OutreachCounsel|Drug Abuse |Monday - Friday | | | |

|ing/ Education and |2359 E. Saunders | | | | |

|Screening Services |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|STD Services |Disease Intervention Specialist |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Ms. Rosa Fuentes |(956)764-6289 |None |

| |Dept of State and Health Services |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |1500 N. Arkansas | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78043 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|STD Services |HIV/AIDS/STD Program |4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. |Claudia Ramirez |(956)795-4905 |By appointment only |

| |Laredo Health Department |Tuesday | | | |

| |2600 Cedar | |Juan Mendez | |Picture identification |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 |1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | | | |

| | |4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. | | | |

| | |Wednesday | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | Fernandina García |(956)723-5519 |Family Income |

|STD Services |Laredo Family Planning |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | | | |

| |2000 San Jorge |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|STD Services |Gateway Community Center |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Mr. Miguel Trevino |(956)795-8100 |Proof of Residence |

| |1515 Papas |Monday - Friday | | |Proof of Income |

| |Laredo, Texas 78043 | | | | |

| |2007 S. Zapata Hwy. | | |(956)795-8101 | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78046 | | | | |

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|Tuberculosis Screening and|TB Clinic |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Ms. Veronica Dominguez |(956)795- 4943 |Referral |

|Treatment |Health Department |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |2600 Cedar | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| |Immunization Clinic |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Blanca Gonzalez |(956)795-4947 |17 years & younger |

|Hepatitis A & B |Laredo Health Department |Monday - Friday | | | |

|Immunizations |2600 Cedar Ave. | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Hepatitis C |HIV/AIDS/STD Program |8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. |Manuel Sanchez |(956)795-4905 |If criteria is met |

|Screening & Testing |Laredo Health Department |Tuesday | | | |

| |2600 Cedar |8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 |Wednesday | | | |

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|Hepatitis C Follow-Up |Gateway Community Center |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Mr. Miguel Trevino |(956)795-8100 |Proof of Residence |

| |1515 Papas |Monday - Friday | | |Proof of Income |

| |Laredo, Texas 78043 | | | |Established Patient |

| |2007 S. Zapata Hwy. | | |(956)795-8101 | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78046 | | | | |

| |The Texas Liver Coalition at St. |8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. |N/A |1-800-725-4837 |N/A |

|Hepatitis C Services |Luke’s Center for Liver Disease 6620 |Monday - Friday | |(832)355-5119 | |

| |Main Street Suite 1505 | | | | |

| |Houston, Texas 77030 | | | | |

| |The Alamo Medical Research |8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. |Mary Knox |(210)253-3426 |N/A |

|Hepatitis C Services |621 Camden St. Suite # 202 |Monday-Friday | | | |

| |San Antonio, Texas 78215 | | | | |

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|Parental Services and |Maternity Clinic |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Deborah Coussoulis |(956)795-4652 |Need to register with the HD|

|Pregnancy Test |Laredo Health Department |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |2600 Cedar | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Parental Services and |Mercy Ministries |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Martha Martinez, RN |(956)718-6810 |Proof of Residence |

|Pregnancy Test |Women’s Health |Monday – Friday | | |-Water, Light or Gas Bill |

| |2500 Zacatecas | | | |Picture Identification |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 |Pregnancy Test | | |Proof of Income (Income Tax |

| | |8:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. | | |of Previous Year) |

| | | | | |2 Recent Check Stubs |

| | | | | | |

|Pap Smears |CPRIT |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Noemi Cain |(956)523-7840 |Referral |

| |Laredo Health Department |Monday – Friday | | | |

| |2600 Cedar Ave. | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Fernandina García |(956)723-5519 |Family Income |

|Pap Smears and Pregnancy |Laredo Family Planning |Monday - Friday | | | |

|Test |2000 San Jorge Ave. | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | |5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. |Patricia Valdez |(956)795-4907 |SS#, Birth Certificate, |

|Pap-Smears |La Familia |Friday | | |Utility Bill, Proof of |

| |Laredo Health Department | | | |Income, Be an Established |

| |2600 Cedar Ave. | | | |Patient |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | |8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. |Diana Amaro |(956)727-0722 |Work with Medicaid Patients |

|Pap-Smears |Nueva Vida Maternity Clinic at |Monday-Friday | | |and accept Cash Payments |

|Pregnancy Tests |Doctor’s Hospital | | | | |

| |801 Corpus Christi | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Pap-Smears |Gateway Community Center |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Mr. Miguel Trevino |(956)795-8100 |Proof of Residence |

| |1515 Papas |Monday - Friday | | |Proof of Income |

| |Laredo, Texas 78043 | | | |Established Patient |

| |2007 S. Zapata Hwy. | | |(956)795-8101 | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78046 | | | | |

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|Mental Health Services |Border Region MHMR |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Oralia Garcia |(956)723-2926 |None |

| |Community Center |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |1500 Pappas | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78042 | | | | |

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|Mental Health Services |TAMIU |Monday – Friday |N/A |(956)326-3120 |By appointment only |

| |Community Stress Center |By appointment only | | | |

| |1319 Corpus Christi | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78043 | | | | |

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|Mental Health Services |Laredo Medical Center |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Sergio Rodriguez |(956)796-3657 |By appointment only |

| |Pastoral Care Services 5th Floor |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Counseling Services for |Casa Misericordia |24 Hour Facility |Sister Rosemary |(956)712-9590 |None |

|Men |1000 Mier | | | | |

|(Domestic Violence) |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Mental Health Services |Psychotherapy & Counseling Associate |10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |Dr. Henry Carranza |(956)796-9335 |Fee |

| |1115 Chihuahua, Ste. A |Monday - Saturday | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Shelter for Domestic |Casa Misericordia |24 Hour Facility |Sister Rosemary |(956)712-9591 |None |

|Violence | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Shelter for Men |Salvation Army |24 Hour Facility |Sgt. Greg & Stephanie |(956)723-2349 |Men Only |

|Lunch |408 Matamoros | |Maxwell | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Homeless Shelter |Bethany House |7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. |Javier Garcia |(956)717-0882 |N/A |

|Bethany House |819 Hidalgo |Monday - Friday | |Ext. 23 | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Soup Kitchen |Bethany House |7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. |Ms. Hilda Barron |(956)722-4152 |None |

|Breakfast |819 Hidalgo |Monday - Friday |Manager | | |

|Lunch |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Runaways |SCAN Corazon Program |24 Hour Facility |Carlos Briseño |1-800-355-7226 |None |

| |1201 Corpus Christi | | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Medical Services for |Dr. Maurice Click |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Rosa |(956)794-8850 |Fee - Unless referred by the|

|HIV/AIDS Patients |1710 E. Saunders 6th Floor |Monday - Friday | | |EIP |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

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|Medical Services for |Dr. Fernando Sanchez |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Gladys |(956)722-0995 |Fee - Unless referred by the|

|HIV/AIDS Patients |108 Del Court #1 |Monday – Friday | | |EIP |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Medical Services for |Dr. Carlos Casas |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Sonia |(956)726-2429 |Fee - Unless referred by the|

|HIV/AIDS Patients |4151 Bob Ullock Ste.202 |Monday - Friday | | |EIP |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Medical Services for |Gateway Community Center |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Mr. Miguel Trevino |(956)795-8124 |Fee - Unless referred by the|

|HIV/AIDS Patients |2309 E. Saunders |Monday - Friday | | |EIP |

| |Laredo, Texas 78043 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Medical Services for |Dr. Luis Benavides |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Ricardo Salinas |(956)724-9091 |Fee - Unless referred by the|

|HIV/AIDS Patients |506 Gale St. |Monday - Friday |Arturo Lopez | |EIP |

| |Laredo, Texas 78041 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|HIV/AIDS Services in Nuevo|Secretaria De Salud |8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |Dr. Roman Castillo |01152 867 987 8636 |None |

|Laredo |Programa VIH |Monday - Friday | |(7129394) | |

| |Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Sexual Identity Issues, |PILLAR |By Appointment |Manuel Sanchez |(956)220-6100 |N/A |

|Bullying & Suicide |1502 Logan | |Arturo Diaz |(956)337-2881 | |

|Ideations |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Minor Emergency Clinic |Complete Family Care |9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. |Dr. Melchor Cardenas |(956)725-0300 |Fee |

| |904 Corpus Christi |Monday - Friday | | |No Appointment |

| | | | | | |

|Drug Testing |Hicks Chiropractic |8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |N/A |(956)791-8686 |Fee |

| |6202 McPherson Rd |Mon., Wed. & Fri. | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78045 |12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. | | | |

| | |Closed for Lunch | | | |

| | |8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | | | |

| | |Tuesday & Thursday | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Drug Testing |Laredo Examiners, Inc |8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. |N/A |(956)791-6992 |Fee |

| |802 E. Saunders St. Suite B |1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 |Monday - Friday | | | |

|Emergency Assistance: | | | | | |

|Rental Assistance & | | | | | |

|Utility Assistance |Community Development |8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |Ms. Garcia (will refer to |(956)795-2682 |Eviction Notice |

| |City Hall |Monday - Friday |appropriate agency) | | |

|Medication, Utility, | | | | | |

|funeral assistance |HIV Consortium |1115 Chihuahua |Maria E. Montemayor | | |

|Emergency Assistance: | | | |(956)796-9335 |HIV Positive |

|Medication, lab work |Webb County Indigent Program |8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |Linda Leal |(956)721-2300 |Low Income |

|Assistance |2600 Cedar |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

|Utility Assistance, |Catholic Social Services |8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |Rebecca Solloa |(956)722-2443 |Low Income |

|Immigration Assistance |1919 Cedar |Monday - Friday | | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

|Halfway House |DISMAS Charities |8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |Felipe Jaime |(956) 727-0552 |Ex-Convict |

| |6752 Gilbert Rd. |Monday - Friday | | |Federal Probation |

| |Laredo, Texas 78041 | | | | |

|Immigration & |Catholic Social Services |8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |Myrna Gonzalez, |(956)724-3604 |Consultation $50.00 |

|Naturalization Services |1919 Cedar |Monday - Friday |Immigration Attorney | | |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

|Mexican Passports |Consulado de Mexico |8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. |N/A |(956)723-0990 |Call Office for Information |

|Mexican Identification |1612 Farragut Street |Monday - Friday | | | |

|Card |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

|Emergency/Disaster |American Red Cross | | | | |

|Situations |1200 Washington |24 Hour Emergencies |Isela Sanchez |(956)726-4778 |N/A |

| |Laredo, Texas 78040 | | | | |

Revised 02/11


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