This history update is the third edition of the History of the Houston Branch-ASCE on the occasion of its Fiftieth Anniversary 1943-1993. The first edition: June 15, 1971 was printed by the Historical Committee: Lee A. Loggins, Chair, L.D. Snow, N. P. Turner, W. O. Swift, Jr., E. A. Vaubel. The second edition: August 1978 was printed by the Historical committee: Lee A. Loggins, Chair, W. O. Swift, Jr., Richard St. John, Hodge E. Mason. In this Third Edition, printed March 23 1993, we have added National Awards, Landmarks and Texas Section-ASCE activities and a few other new sections to the Houston Branch-ASCE History. A few of our records are still missing; therefore, we seek readers to supply additional information which can be incorporated in future editions and a Master Historical File. Our sincere apologies go to those for any omissions or oversights in the compilation of this Houston Branch-ASCE History. We thank the 1993 Houston Branch-ASCE leaders for their support and encouragement for this history update. This is the fourth edition printed in September, 2002. The main effort is to update the ASCE Houston Branch history from the third edition (March, 1993). The fourth edition was updated/revised/checked/printed by Janice Kruse, Larry Goldberg and Henry C. K. Chang, Chair of Historical Committee.



Foreword …………………………………………………………………………………………..1

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………2

Formation …………………………………………………………………………………………3

Resume of Houston Branch Meetings and

Houston Branch Member in the News ………………………………………………4

Listing of the Officers of the Houston Branch ……………………………………………….24

Texas Section Directors from the Houston Branch ………………………………………….31

Infrastructure Seminars ………………………………………………………………………..32

Houston Area World Records and

Historical Civil Engineering Landmarks ……………………………………………35

The Houston Branch Award of Honor ………………………………………………………...37

Houston’s Engineer of the Year/

Texas/Houston Young Engineer of the Year ……………………………………...38

National Conventions, Nominations, Officers and

Awards – Houston Branch-ASCE …………………………………………………..39

Texas Section/ASCE Awards, Officers and

Meetings – Houston Branch-ASCE …………………………………………………43

*Appendix/Constitution, By-Laws, Rules of Operation ………………………………………49

(Not included in this document)


At a meeting-on March 23, 1943-seventeen members of The American Society of Civil Engineers assembled, at the call of Mr. W. W. McClendon, to organize the Houston Branch of the Texas Section.

At that meeting a form of constitution was adopted, the territory to be served by the Houston Branch was designated to be Harris county and the seven adjacent counties, and the following officers were nominated:

President W. W. McClendon

Vice-President J. P. Turney

Secretary N. P. Turner

The directors of the Texas Section, at their spring meeting in April of 1943, approved the formation of the branch and the first official meeting of the Houston Branch of the Texas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers was held on May 4, 1943 at the offices of Haile & McClendon, Engineers, 2801 San Jacinto Street, Houston, Texas, with the following twenty-four members present:

J. P. Turney E. E. Pittman

N. P. Turner G. A. Bracher

H. R. Cogan Wm. E. White

Paul Hall J. C. McVea

E. P. Sellner Frank Baldwin

W. A. McCracken R. A. Rait

L. D. Snow W. M. Eliot

George H. Lacey Theo. A. Polansky

W. M. White R. S. Patterson

Peter Heidma Chas. R. Haile

A. P. McBrady Mason G. Lockwood

W. W. Washburn Frank Mumford

Regular monthly meetings were held and the Houston Engineers Club was selected as the regular meeting place. Organization progressed and the following standing committees were announced: Program, Public Relations, Publicity, Membership, and Attendance.

During this first year the Branch held ten meetings, two of which were business meetings, two were social and six were technical meetings. The programs were presented by members and, due to the world situation, dealt principally with post-war planning and collective bargaining. The Branch went on record to the Texas Section as being opposed to the formation of a union for Engineers but favored the formation of a Committee to study the welfare of the younger members of the profession.

Seventeen members of the Houston Branch attended the fall meeting of the Texas Section in Austin. At the annual meeting on March 7, 1944 the Secretary reported that a total of 216 had attended the ten meetings during the year.

Transportation of War Supplies Destined for Russia, by Enos “Bill” Cape; Construction Problems on the Katy Gasoline Plan, by H. N. Stamper, Water Resources in Texas by Paul Weaver; Industrial Hygiene by Otto Paganinne; a Report on the International Soils Conference in Holland by Raymond Dawson; and The Research Foundation at Texas A&M College, by Dr. A. A. Jakulla.


During 1949 the branch had five meeting programs which dealt with various projects and planning for the Houston area and one on the Shrimping Industry of Louisiana. There were three business and social meetings and a program on the AIMS and Objectives of ASCE was presented by Franklin Thomas, President of ASCE.


Lowber D. Snow was President of the Texas Section in 1950. The branch held four business and social meetings, one of which honored ASCE President E. E. Howard and Vice-President F. C. Scobey. A program on drainage plans for the Houston area was presented by the U. S. Engineers and another was presented by the Civil Engineer Reserve Corp. of the Navy outlining the activities of that branch of the service. There were three other meeting programs: The Manufacture of Portland Cement, Civilian Application of Bailey Bridges, and Professor Spencer J. Buchanan of Texas A&M presented “Effecting Economics, in Construction Cost through Good Engineering”. During 1950 Lober Snow, President of the Texas Section, and Earnest Howard, National President of ASCE, both Texas Ex’s, visited all ASCE branches in Texas.


In 1951 three technical programs were presented on astronomy, the Katy Gas Recycling Plant, and underground water for irrigation in Peru. The Houston Branch and the Texas Section hosted the National ASCE February meeting in Houston which was a great success with Robert J. Cummins as Chairman. Under the guidance of Lowber Snow, the new constitutions of the Austin, Corpus Christi, El Paso and Northeast branches were approved by the Texas Section. Warren S. Bellows was selected as Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1951.


The 1951-52 meeting programs featured five technical presentations: Current Construction for the Army and Air Force by the Galveston District corp. of Engineers; Building for Nations by U.S. Steel Company; Soil Studies for Offshore Drilling Structures by Bramlette McClelland; The Baytown Tunnel by the consultants; and the Welding of Multi-Storied Buildings by a representative for Robert J. Cummins Company. Robert J. Cummins was elected Life Member of ASCE in 1952.


The Houston Branch meetings in 1952-53 heard technical programs which dealt with: water resources; water treatment and waste disposal; the San Jacinto Dam, canals and pumping plants, and purification; concrete piles and atmospheric pollution problems in Houston. Student Chapter papers were presented at one meeting. There was one business meeting, the annual picnic was held at the Armadillo Club, and a field trip was made to Lake Houston. Mason G. Lockwood was President of the Texas Section 1953. Robert J. Cummins was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1953.


The 1953-54 meeting programs covered the following varied and interesting subjects: Results of Houston Traffic study by Eugene Maier, Surface Subsidence Due to Withdrawal of Ground Water by N. A. Rose, Ethics of the Resident Engineer in his Relations with the Contractor by A. J. Malloy, Discussion of Burma by H. R. Norman, The Air Base Program in France by Ross White, and Student Chapter Papers. The branch had its annual dance, annual picnic, field trip to San Jacinto Canal, and the annual business meeting and election of officers. Houston Branch was host to the Texas Section Fall meeting September 23, 24, 25. James R. Sims was elected Secretary of the Texas Section for 1953-57. Howard Tellepsen was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1954. Mason G. Lockwood was elected Vice President, Zone IV, 1954-55.


The 1954-55 meeting programs presented: Man with a Thousand Hands by Raymond Maney; Designing a Modern Toll Road by Al Bahn; Mission of the Second Hoover Commission and its Task Forces by Frank H. Newnam, Jr.; The Contractor and Engineering Specifications; and One Hundred Years of Railroading in Texas – Southern Pacific – by Lee Loggins. The annual field trip was made by special train to Southern Pacific Gravity Switching Yard. There were two business meetings, the annual dance and the annual picnic. The highlight of the year was the election of Robert J. Cummins as Honorary Member of ASCE on June 14 and the bestowing of the honor in New York during the annual meeting of ASCE. Mason G. Lockwood was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1955.


Programs for Houston Branch meetings 1957-58 were: Spanning Lake Pontchartrain by Ed Blaschke; The International Geophysical Year by Dr. Dale Leipper; The Mexico Earthquake by M. P. Field; Problems encountered by the Board of Water engineers by R. M. Dixon; The Functions and Operations of the Balcones Research Laboratory by Professor Neils Thompson; and Student Papers. The annual dance held at the Junior League and a business meeting was held for annual reports and the elections of officers. The Middlebrook award of ASCE for 1957 was awarded to John A. Focht, Jr., and Bramlette McClelland as co-authors of a paper “Pile Loading Tests, Morganza Floodway Control Structure”.


The 1958-59 meeting programs presented: New concepts in Water Pollution Control and Industrial Waste Treatment by A. W. Busch; Design and Construction of Pipelines Carrying Natural Gas and Crude Oil by H. C. Hughes; Jetty Design and Construction along the Texas Gulf Coast by Col. E. Q. Hauser; “Various Aspects of an Engineering Career:, panel discussions program for Junior Members; The Mayor’s proposed program for Development of the Lower Trinity Watershed by H. R. Norman; Development of an Iron Ore mine in Venezuela by Ken Lange. The fall dance was at the Junior League. The field trip was a cruise down the Houston Ship Channel to San Jacinto. Annual committee reports were presented and new officers elected at the annual business-dinner meeting. Noah Hull was named Engineer of the Year 1959.


Programs presented at the 1959-60 meetings were: Important Projects of the Houston Chamber

Of commerce by Mason G. Lockwood; Geological Conditions and Problems of This Area by Paul Weaver; Foundation Considerations Effecting Multi-Story Buildings, Layout and Design with a Clay Foundation by Bramlette McClelland; Existing and Proposed Expressway and Major thoroughfare System of Houston – panel discussion; Engineerings Great Challenge – 1960, by Dean LeVan Griffis; Some details of Operation of the Texas Section by I. W. Santry, President Texas Section; The Mayan Civilization of Central and South America by Dr. Cronies; Salt Water Conversion by Dr. Louis Koenig; and an Analytical Study of Rigid Space Frames Subject to Wave Loading by R. P. Leach. Frank H. Newnam, Jr. won the Arthur M. Wellington prize. Bramlette McClelland and John A. Focht, Jr. received the ASCE James Laurie prize. James Abernathy won the Daniel Mead contest at Branch, Texas Section and National levels. Mason G. Lockwood served as President of the Houston Chamber of commerce. James A. Cummins was elected Houston’s Young Man of 1960 by the Houston Junior Chamber of Commerce.


Dr. James R. Sims was elected President of the Texas Section. The Houston Branch meeting programs for 1960-61 were: Southwest Conference Football Highlights of 1959 and Outlook for 1960 by Jess Neeley; Water Needs and Water Reuse in Texas by Professor Earnest Gloyna; a look at European Engineering and engineering Education by Dr. James R. Sims: Legislative Needs of Houston and Harris County by Senator Robert W. Baker; Proposed Zoning Regulations for the City of Houston by Attorney Bertram Mann; and The History and Development of the Work of the Corp of Engineers on Civil Projects – Background of the Houston Ship Channel and Flood Control Work in the Area by Col. H.A. Brown; Master Planning of Proposed Intercontinental Airport - “Jetero” by panel of consultants; Soviet Approach to Urbanization Problems by Dr. Bates; and Designing with High Strength Steel by Dr. John B. Scalzi. The dance and the field trip were held in April and at the June meeting the annual reports of committees were submitted and officers elected.


Frank H. Newnam, Jr. was President of the Texas Section 1961-62. Houston Branch representatives were active in the Task Committee on Engineer – Surveyor Relations. The ASCE National Convention in Houston February 1962 was a great success with Bramlette McClelland as local Chairman. The program committee presented the following programs: The New Harris County Sports Stadium – panel discussion; Development of Texas Water Resources by John J. Vandertulip; Growth and Development of the Gulf Area by G. R. Walston; Primary Drainage System of Harris County by Robert S. Braden; Patent Laws and Other Legal Aspects of Engineering by Attorney D. R. Pravel; Architectural and Engineering Aspects of NASA Manned Spacecraft Center – panel; Relationship of Rice to the NASA and Mohole projects by Dr. Kenneth Pitzer; Committee reports were submitted and new officers elected at the annual dinner meeting. Professor L. B. Ryon was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1962.


Frank H. Newnam, Jr. was elected Director – District 15, 1962-65. The Houston Branch meeting programs 1962-63 were: Exploring the Crust of the Earth by W. J. Cromie; High Strength Bolting by Jim Sultis; Southern Pacific Railroad – Emergency Engineering by Lee Loggins; Houston’s Manned Spacecraft Center by Ron Jarvis; Expansion and Modernization of the Port of Houston by Travis Smith; Some problems in Structural Dynamics by Dr. Dana Young; the annual dance; Transportation Planning for Metropolitan Houston by Cooper McEachern; Embankment Slide-Waco Dam by Col. F. P. Koisch; Some Computer People, Related Facts and Fiction by Arthur H. Norris; Inspection trips to Armco – Sheffield – new 160” Plate Mill.


Programs presented at 1963-64 meetings were: ASCE activities by Willard E. Simpson, President of the Texas Section; Building of Oneida Lake Bridge by H.C. Pfaunkuche; Testing of Space Vehicles by Kent Strass; Where is Air and Water Pollution Headed by John B. Turner; The Engineer and the Challenge by Dana Price; Compatibility of Technical and Engineering Organizations and the Need for Each by Joe Rady, President of the Texas Section; annual dance; Ground Water in Texas with Special Reference to the Houston Area by Wm. F. Guyton; Professional Committees of ASCE by N.P. Turner; Field trip to Dome Stadium; annual business meeting with election of officers and talk by Dr. John J. McKetta, University of Texas, on “We Have Our Responsibility Too”. John A. Focht, Jr. was selected “Distinguished Engineer Graduate by the University of Texas for 1964”.


The 1964-65 meeting programs featured four Houston – Harris County problems and projects; Study of Land Use at Houston’s New Airport, by Frank H. Newnam, Jr.; Clear Creek Basin Study by N.P. Turner; Geology and Urban Development by Dr. Peter T. Flawn; and Resume of County Projects – Stadium, Prison Farm, and New Park. Ned V. Brookes gave a paper on Admixtures in Concrete and Dick Lewis presented a program on the Role of the General Contractor. The annual spring dance in April was a big success. Dr. James R. Sims presented a program on Civil Engineering Curriculum at Rice and William Rice gave an illustrated lecture on Mohole projects. The field trip was made to NASA. Frank H. Newnam was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1965.


The Houston Branch meeting programs for 1965-66 featured: Load Bearing Masonry by Clayton T. Grimm; The Bayshore Development by Dan Stauffer; Pipeline Flotation by John Freeman; Houston Expressways by William Ward and Oliver Stork; A Novel Method of Railroad Steel Bridge Replacement Under Traffic, by H. A. Hunt; ASCE activities, by Dr. James R. Sims, National Director and Noble Jones, President of the Texas Section; The St. Louis Arch by John Robinson; Legal Liabilities of Engineers by Attorney Richard Rorschach; and Houston’s Capital Improvement Program by E. B. Cape.


During 1966-67 The Houston Branch had ten interesting meeting programs: Lunar Exploration, by James A. Sasser of NASA; A Houston Major Sanitary Sewer Project, by E. B. Cape; Soil Engineering by Prototype Observations, by Ralph F. Reuss; Student Chapter Papers; New ASCE Developments, by W. H. Wisely, Executive Secretary ASCE; “C-A-V-E M-A-N” (New Computer Techniques), by J. R. Birdwell; Antotape Performance as Related to Various Applications, by L. G. Dameson; a joint special conference of ASCE and ACI on “Airport Terminal Facilities”; Study of Houston’s Municipal Water System, by Robert S. Braden; and Resume of Texas Water Plan and Galveston Bay Project, by Joe G. Moore, Jr., Executive Director Texas Water Development Board.


John A. Focht, Jr., served as Chairman of a Task Committee which worked with U.S.G.S. on the important releveling program incident to subsidence in the Houston Gulf Coast Area. The 1967-68 Branch programs featured: Houston Monumentation and Mapping Program by Pliney Gale; Galveston Bay Study by Col. Frank Bender; Design of I.H. 10 Highway Bridge over the Houston Ship Channel, by A. C. Kyser; Color Photography from Space, by John Kaltenbach; and Pipeline Safety Considerations, by Mr. Heineman. Bramlette McClelland presented Problems in Design and Installation of Heavily Loaded Piles in Offshore Construction. One program was devoted to Student Chapter papers. Jose Provincio gave a report on Water Supply and Drainage in Mexico. The Houston Branch hosted the Texas Section meeting in Houston, April 18, 19, and 20.


Frank H. Newnam, Jr. served as National President of ASCE in 1968. The Houston Branch heard five meeting programs about Houston subjects in 1968-69 as follows: Future Water Supply, Freeways and Other Highway Planning, Industry, Energy Control Center and One Shell Plaza. One program dealt with Lime Stabilization, and one with Environment. Professor Lyman Reese presented “The Role of ASCE in Engineering Education”. Joseph B. Dannenbaum was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year for 1969.


Dr. James R. Sims was elected Vice-President – Zone IV (Now III) for 1969-71. The Branch’s fall meetings opened with a program on football. John Breen of the Houston Oilers talked about Professional Football and the 1969 prospects for the Houston Oilers. Other meeting programs were: Applications of Experimental Stress Analysis to Structural Engineering, by Dr. Ardis White; The Houston Traffic Study, by a panel of outstanding experts; Caisson Construction, by Frazier Kahn; The Apollo Program, by Don Green of NASA; Modular Building Systems by M. D. Reifel; Applications of the Sonic Hammer in the Permafrost Areas of Alaska, by Robert W. Huck; The Pampered Shape – Armco’s New Structural Wide Flange Rolling Mill by Robert E. Portek; and The Story of the Manhattan and the Northwest Passage, by Stanley Haas. Student Chapter papers from Rice, Prairie View and University of Houston were heard at one meeting. A program on Current Trends in Education was presented by Paul C. Hassler, Jr., President of the Texas Section and Frank H. Newnam gave comments on the Office of ASCE President. John A. Focht, Jr. served as Vice-President of the Texas Section. N. P. Turner was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1970.


The Branch was very active in all levels of the Society in 1971 when Houston was the home of the Texas Section President, John A. Focht, Jr., The Section Vice President for Professional Affairs, Jose J. Correa, Vice President Zone III, Jim Sims, and retiring Past President of the Society, Frank Newnam, Jr. Plans were started for hosting the 1972 Annual Meeting of ASCE with the appointment of a Convention Committee: Chairman, Jose Correa; Vice Chairmen, Richard H. St. John, W. O. Swift, Jr., Don Avilez, and Frank Marshall. Life memberships were presented to Walter P. Moore and James G. Little. Programs included, “Sea Level Canal Location Across Central America”, “Bayport”, “5,000 Years of Engineering”, “Valdez, Alaska”, “Wave Forces on Offshore Structures”, Student Papers, “Goals of the Texas Section – 1971”, “Trends in Marine Transportation”, and “Houston Designs Tomorrow”. The directory at the beginning of 1971 listed 631 members.


President Tony Wenzel led Houston Branch during 1971-72 and Dale Thompson arranged for the following interesting programs: Advanced Technology Challenges Future by Dr. Richard Downs of NASA; Twenty First Century Airport – Dallas-Ft. Worth by Earnes Dean; Large Diameter Tunneling by Bruno Spinitelli; The Houston Oilers by Dan Downs; Construction Management by Charles Thompson; Houston Transit Action by Tom Tyson; Student Papers by Rice, University of Houston, and Prairie View; Report on Activities of The Texas Section of ASCE President E. Sokolowski; I.H. 610 Bridge over Houston Ship Channel by Neil Joyner and Tom Snow; and New Towns by John Turner.


The highlight of 1972-73 for Houston Branch was the National Convention at the Rice Hotel in Houston. Branch President Don Van Sickle led the branch through a successful year with the following programs: We Can Make Tomorrow by Ted Mean; The National Convention; The need for Texas support by Ray Lemmon; Trans-Alaskan Pipeline by C. W. Lubbosk; Preparing Environmental Reports by J. M. Heckard; Engineers Week Shrimp Boil; Activities of The Texas Section by ASCE President J. Naismith and Student Papers Contest; Houston Intercontinental Airport by Wm. Breckley; New Orleans Superdome by Mark Carrigan; Modification of Upper Buffalo Bayou by Bob Braden, and installation of officers.


Notable accomplishments of Houston Branch President Ardis White and his staff during 1973-74 were: Publication of Houston Branch Directory; Review and revision of the constitution of the branch; Preparation of draft of a set of Rules of Operation for the branch which defines the responsibilities, duties, and tasks for officers and committees; Active participation in the Offshore Technology Conference; The nomination of Nathaniel P. Turner for Honorary Membership in ASCE and his election to that position; and Pliny Gale brought to a conclusion the activities of his committee on subsidence. An increase in attendance of regular meetings was brought about by the following interesting programs: Mass Transit For the Houston Area; Seadock – Proposed Deepwater Oil Unloading Facilities for Texas; Allen’s Creek Nuclear Energy Generating Station; The Space Programs and Energy Resources; The State of The Texas Section and Society Report by the President of The Texas Section; A 150-year History of Public Transportation; Student Papers Contest; Water Supply For the Houston Region; Overflow of the Forties Field Development Project in the North Sea; Why Downtown – A 33-Block Downtown Development Project. Life membership was presented to M. A. Dillingham.


President Fenley Ryther, Jr. directed the Branch during 1974-75 with the following meeting programs: Houston by Louie Welch, President Houston Chamber of Commerce; City of Houston Sanitary Sewer System by Joe Johnson; and Tony Wenzel report on the Texas Section meeting in Amarillo attended by over one hundred from Houston Branch; Offshore Structures by Bramlette McClelland; Development of Alaska Prudhoe Bay Oil Field by Richard D. Goff, and President Ryther acknowledged the presence of Dick St. John, President of the Texas Section and Ed Sokolowski, National Director; ERTS I – Investigations at Johnson Space Center Land Use, Coastal Zone Inventory for Agriculture, Forestry, and Earth Resources Disciplines by Dr. John A. Dornbach of NASA Johnson Space Center, and President Ryther announced that San Jacinto Branch had been dissolved and would be absorbed into Houston Branch; Growth Faults and Their Relation to Geologic Structure by John McCrevey, also Glenn Spencer presented a resolution on subsidence to the branch and President Ryther announced consideration of Technical group meetings following regular meetings; Student Paper Contest – University of Houston and Prairie View – winner John Lutton of University of Houston and the technical program by Marla Moody on Wave Equation Analysis for Driven Piles; Subsidence In The Houston Area by Frank Marshall and Tony Wenzel report on Texas Section Meeting at San Antonio. Life membership certificates were presented to Bill Cape, Hank Norman, Eugene Quiriconi, and Herbert Shilstone; The State of The Texas Section by Dick St. John, President of the Section – and Joe Hicks reported on successful O.T.C. in Houston and President Ryther announced that University of Houston placed second out of 35 entries in concrete canoe race at Kansas State; and Transportation Concepts For The Houston Area by Ron Holder and Ned Walton.


President A. C. Burkhalter, Jr., provided able leadership for the Houston Branch during 1975-76. The following meetings were presented: A slide presentation on Landmarks in Civil Engineering and Bicentennial Happenings by Scotty Scott. President Burkhalter announced that, since Tony Wenzel is Texas Section President-Elect, he will resign as State Director and Ted Ryther will be State Director; also, a letter from President of Texas Section, Dick St. John, to ASCE National Headquarters inviting them to have the April 1982 National Convention in Houston was read; Zone Penetometer Testing For Foundation Design and Construction Control. Dick St. John reported on Texas Section Fall meeting in El Paso. The Galveston Seawall has been selected as one of five Texas ASCE historical landmarks; Deepwater report for Galveston – by Gene Poe and technical program – Design, construction and Development of Water Wells; There’s A Giant In Your Life. Tony Wenzel reported on the Texas Section Executive Conference in Ft. Worth; Private and Governmental Roles in Flood Plain Management in the Houston Area was subject of panel discussion by Fred Farmer, Bill Hamlin, Don Van Sickle and Bob Smith. Technical program was on Use of CPT Data for Pile Capacity Design; Historic Civil Engineering Landmarks in Texas by Joseph Minor included discussion of five landmarks: Waco Suspension Bridge, Franklin Canal at El Paso, Paddock Viaduct at Ft. Worth, Galveston Seawall, and Alamo Portland Cement Plant at San Antonio. Technical program was, Use of Shallow Foundation Design by Larry Nottingham and Engineering Reports by Larry Rabalais; State of the Texas Section by Raymond Goodson, President of Texas Section. Student papers were presented and the winner was Cecil Webster of Prairie View and second place Pat Shelvin of University of Houston; Pneumatic Capsule Pipelines by Bobby Freeze and M. R. Carstens. The Technical program was Responsibility for Design and Construction of Temporary Shoring by Dr. Louis Tompson and Control Systems for Wastewater Treatment Plants by Dr. John Andrews. President Burkhalter reported that Tony Wenzel had been elected President-Elect of the Texas Section.


The highlight of 1976-77 was the Annual Fall meeting of the Texas Section – held in Houston and co-hosted by the Houston branch and the Texas Section. Frank Marshall, Jr., President of Houston Branch, served as chairman and Frank Newnam as Vice Chairman in arranging for the meetings. The programs were excellent, the sessions were well attended, and the entertainment was great. It was a successful meeting with our Tony Wenzel as President of the Texas Section. During the year, the Branch had nine regular meetings with the following programs: Flood Control District Construction and Maintenance Programs; Structural Considerations For One Houston Center Office Building; Evaluation of Soil Aggregate; Coal Slurry Pipelines of The Future and Their Place in Supplying Future Energy Needs; Houston Water System Planned For the Future Energy Needs; Houston Water System Planned for the Future; The 1976 Relevelling Update For Houston Area; People Mover for Downtown Houston; Construction of Santa Barbara Channel Platform in Water 850 Feet Deep; The Activities of The Texas Section by Tony Wenzel, President of the Texas Section and member of Houston Branch; Student Paper Contest; Solar Energy From Space; Progress With Marine Geotechnical Engineering Problems; Opportunities From the Energy Crisis; and Experience in Vacuum Filtration of Lime Conditioned Activated Sludge. Tony Wenzel presented plaques to Ed Morse and Joe Hicks (deceased) for their work as chairmen of the Survey and Mapping Division. Life membership certificates were presented to Milton Eliot, Douglas Faith, Harry Bovay, Harry Frankman, and Jack Malloy by President Frank Marshall, Jr. The five Founder Societies presented its most prestigious John Fritz Medal to George R. Brown for his outstanding achievements in engineering, construction, management and public service. Jose Correa was elected President-Elect of the Texas Section. Bramlette McClelland was elected National President of the Association of Soil and Foundation Engineers. James R. Sims was named Houston’s Engineer of the Year 1976.


President Robert McBride led Houston Branch during 1977-78 and Jim Chapman arranged for the following programs: Underwater Photography and Technology – a Last Frontier; Construction Projects on Construction Products by Bill Clements of Armco Steel Co. followed by the Technical Program – Interactive Computer Graphics by Jim Bridges – there was a moment of silence for L. D. Snow, E. B. Cape, and W. B. Joseph who recently passed away; Fixed Offshore Platform Concepts by Jim Gamel followed by the Technical Program – Discussion of Major Design Consideration For Offshore Jackup Drilling Rigs by Ralph Sale – and President McBride reported on the ASCE Council of Presidents and the ASCE National Convention in San Francisco which was attended by twenty members from Houston and where Bob Collie was installed as Chairman of Professional Activities Committee; The Christmas Dinner Meeting, with the wives present, was entertained with Christmas music by the Robert E. Lee High School forty-five member choral group, after which President McBride shared his heritage by reading “Cajun Night Before Christmas”; Practical Fabricator Applications on Theoretical Design of Steel Structures by E. W. Miller followed by Technical Program – Construction of the Cognac Platform in the Mississippi Delta in Water 1050 Feet Deep by Gordon Sterling; State of the Texas Section by Charlie Moore, President of the Section followed by the Student Paper Contest which was won by Robert Oliver of Prairie View with Billy Cook of University of Houston second; Construction of Tucemen Airport in Panama by William E. Ferra; Water Supply and Waste Management in Space by Richard Sauer of NASA followed by the Technical Program – Nuclear Power, Life Membership Certificates were presented to Paul Hall, Howard Tellepsen, Virgil Walston, George Mayfield, Fred Lee and Alva Learned and it was announced that Robert Collie, Jim Sims, Robert Rait and W. O. Swift received the Texas Section Award of Honor at the Spring Meeting in Corpus Christi; Twenty Year Plan For Construction of Our Highway System by O. F. Poorman, followed by the Technical Program – Guyed Tower in Water 300 Feed Deep in the Gulf of Mexico by Lyle Finn; Energy Outlook For the United States by George Shaefer of Exxon – New officers for 1978-79 were installed by District 15 Director Richard Vaughn – The Houston Branch Award of Honor as presented to Robert Collie and it was announced that Harry Bovay had been elected to membership in The National Academy of Engineering, the nation’s top recognition for Engineers.


President Cecil Allen led the Houston Branch during 1978-79 with the following highlights: George R. Brown received the National ASCE President’s Award and Dr. A. S. Veletsos received the Newmark Medal, Jose Correa was President of the Texas Section, A. C. Burkhalter, Jr. was V. P. – Professional, R. R. McBride was State Director and Stan Sarman and Tom Rolen were Section Directors at Large, the Branch and Dr. Jerry Rogers hosted 400 attendees (including 50 from the Mexico Section) at the February National ASCE Specialty Conference of the Water Resources P.M. Division: “WATER SYSTEMS ‘” at the University of Houston which reconvened in Mexico City at the Mexico Dept. of Hydraulic Resources with field trips of two hydraulic labs, three eminent Japanese civil engineers visited including Dr. Toshio Asama – Honshu-Shikoko Bridge Authority, Dr. Akio Nakase – Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dr. Yudio Aita – Mitsubishi Industries – Hiroshima Shipyard, Branch member C. R. Coneway won the Texas Section Mead Paper Contest, and 120 attended the June Branch Awards Dinner. J. R. Collins invited the following monthly Branch Presentations with two double speaker meetings: Houston Today and Tomorrow – Chamber of Commerce, Houston Sewage Treatment & Conveyance Facilities, Offshore Foundations, Jan. 20 Tax Limiting Proposal, Spring Branch High School Bell Choir, Houston Activities of the Texas Turnpike Authority, Dhahran-Saudi Arabia University of Petroleum & Minerals, Faulting in S. E. Harris County, Student Paper Contest, Tax and Utility Mapping for Houston, and the May 22 Harris County Bond Election.


Houston Branch President James Chapman led the Branch in 1979-80 with the following achievements: A. C. Burkhalter was appointed Chair of the Fall 1981 Section Meeting in Houston, C. Rick Coneway won the Zone III Daniel Mead A. M. Award and presented his paper at the National ASCE Convention in Atlanta, the Branch worked with ECH on the first critical issues conference on Flood Problems in Harris County on Feb. 20 during National Engineers Week at the Houston Public Library, Branch members participated in the Tri-Sectional Meeting in Mexico City in February and Ray Lester and Stan Sarman hosted 37 students from Monterrey Technical Institute at the University of Houston in March, Branch members worked the ASCE booth at the Water Pollution Control Federation National Conference and the Offshore Technology Conference, 64 attended the Branch Members/Student Picnic at Memorial Park with keg donated by Dick St. John, and the University of Houston ASCE Student Chapter received a National Commendation Award. Tony Wenzel received the Houston Branch distinguished service award at the June 17 Branch Awards Dinner. Tom Rolen and Doug Diehl organized the following Branch meeting speakers: History of Houston/Chamber of Commerce, Shell’s Cognac Project, ASCE Professional Conduct Hearing/Mock Trial, Human Side of the Space Program by former NASA Astronaut Walter Cunningham, Professional Liability and the Civil Engineer, Technical Writing, Employment Conditions for Civil Engineers, Effects of Subsidence on Stream Hydraulic Characteristics, Engineering Challenges by Section President John Haynes, Student Paper Contest, ASCE National Issues by president-elect Nominee James R. Sims, Texas Commerce Tower Foundation Excavation, Copy Industry and Kwik-Kopy.


During 1980-81, President Stan Sarman reported the following achievements: meeting attendance increased by 30%, an ASCE Student Club was created at Texas A&M University-Galveston, Robert M. Collie was elected as a National Honorary Member, John Michelson led a Branch Committee to review the HCFCD Flood Control Improvements and outline of the Stormwater Management Design Criteria, the Branch/Student Chapter Picnic was hosted at the University of Houston, and the Branch Awards Dinner in June had 154 attendees with 19 of the remaining 35 Past Branch Presidents. Dr. Eugene Zwoyer, Executive Director-ASCE, was the speaker, Dr. James R. Sims received the Houston Branch Award-of-Honor, and the University of Houston ASCE student chapter received a certificate of commendation. Kent Merritt and Bryant Marshall organized the following Branch programs: Edge of Crisis of the SDHPT, Growth Faulting Along the Upper Texas Coastal Plains, MTA Planning, Hurricane Frederick, Texas Commerce Tower Design & Construction, Hazardous Wastes Resource Conservation & Recovery Act, Texas Section-ASCE Status by President Dr. Harry Coyle, The Future of Houston by Louis Welch, Houston Chamber of Commerce, Proposed Flood Control Project on Buffalo Bayou Downstream of the Reservoirs, National ASCE Activities by Dr. Eugene Zwoyer.


Going into the year, two of President Tom Rolen’s primary goals were to have a more active branch and increase branch membership. Approximately 100 people from over 50 companies, agencies, etc. participated on various branch committees during the year. The branch overall grew by approximately 11 percent.

The branch held nine meetings using various formats which proved very successful as evidenced by a 20 percent increase in attendance at meetings. Representatives from the branch continued their efforts in preparing for the national convention scheduled to Houston in 1983. The branch was honored by visits from the presidents of both the Texas Section and National ASCE. At our annual awards meeting, five life members were recognized and Jose J. Correa was presented the Houston Branch Award of Honor.


During 1982-83, the Houston Branch celebrated its 40th Anniversary with National ASCE President John Wiedeman and Mayor Kathy Whitmire participating in the June Branch Awards program. Bob Rait reviewed the 1943 formation of the Houston Branch. John Focht III received the Houston Branch Award-of-Honor. Highlights for the Branch year under the leadership of President Dr. Jerry Rogers were the creation of the first technical groups in Geotechnical and Water & Drainage Engineering, over 200 attended the Houston Infrastructure Awareness Seminar organized by Ray Helmer plus, two other continuing education courses in Construction Management & Load & Resistance Factor Design for Steel Structures raised almost $4,000 in new Branch revenue, business cards were added to an improved Branch newsletter by Billy Cooke and Secretary Leo Garcia, and Stan Sarman and Tom Rolen directed Branch planning for the 1983 National ASCE Convention in Houston. The Houston Branch actively supported the Regional Mobility Plan and the Hardy Street Tollway. Not counting the 200+ at the Infrastructure Conference, Branch attendance was increased about 25% with nine meetings at Rice University and five double speaker meetings at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. through the speaker series well organized by David Collins. Topics included: Future of Public Transportation in Houston by new MTA/Metro G.M. Alan Kiepper with 217 attendees, Dutch Cone Penetrometer Techniques, Houston Environment in 2000, Chamber of Commerce Flood Control Committee Film and HCFCD, NASA Space Shuttle and Sky Lab Slides, Houston High Rise Building Design, High Technology Project Management, Preview of 1983 Offshore Technology Conference, Texas Section ASCE Highlights by President A. C. Burkhalter, Pile Capacity Predictions by National ASCE VP John A. Focht, Jr., International Construction Management, Texas Coastal Hurricane Preparedness Program, and National ASCE Activities by President John Wiedeman. Drs. Mike O’Neill and James Nelson hosted the 1983 National ASCE Specialty Conference on Electronic Computation at the University of Houston.


President J. R. Collins led the Houston Branch during 1983-84 when Houston hosted the National ASCE Annual Convention. The Host Co-Chairs Stan Sarman and Tom Rolen and over 200 Houston Branch members working on the convention received many congratulatory letters from across the country. Toys and clothes were collected in December for under-privileged children in the fourth ward and were distributed by the Anchor House. The Houston Branch formed a SAGE Committee to make recommendations on organization, services, growth and financial requirements. Jim Rutherford chaired an Ad HOC Committee for the WRI/CRSI slab-on-grade and PTI design methods of the Houston Building Code which were unanimously approved by the Construction Industry Council. People-to-People International and 12 engineers from South Africa were hosted by the Houston Branch. Deede Murrell worked out arrangements with HISD to select minority students for the UTEP summer institute. Maureen Sullivan increased branch newsletter business cards to 15.

An electrical blackout cancelled the September meeting, but other monthly programs at HESS included soil-foundation-structure interaction, ACI code revisions by Dr. Richard Furlong, Mexico City Metro by Sergio Gonzalez – Karg, water conservation through reuse, municipal pipeline rehabilitation, Sagemont STP instrumentation, METRO – Houston Region, Texas – Section – ASCE, communication skills, new HCFCD design manual by Steve Fitzgerald, hydrology and flood insurance, officer awards/installation by National ASCE President Russell Stearns, and the Second Houston Infrastructure Seminar organized by Ray Helmer and Houston Branch members.


During 1984-85, Joe F. Skelton presided over the Houston Branch, including an early spring start when the President was transferred to Saudi Arabia. A “Service, Activities and Goals Evaluation (SAGE)” of the Houston Branch led to the following Branch changes: revised Constitution with three Vice Presidents and stronger emphasis on technical committees, four general Houston Branch meetings and six dual technical sessions, companies sponsored the socials, and the Houston Branch meetings were moved to the Marriott-Brookhollow (N.W. Highway near 610 Loop) to a location closer to the majority of the membership. There were three continuing education/awareness seminars. The Houston Branch successfully sponsored Judge Jon Lindsay for the National ASCE Civil Engineer in Government Award, presented at the Annual ASCE Convention in San Francisco where former University of Houston Civil Engineering Assistant Professor and Space Shuttle Astronaut Dr. Jim Van Hoften was also honored.


During difficult economic times, President Ray Lester, the Houston Branch officers and committees maintained membership, high technical/professional activity levels and implemented the SAGE goals. The Branch supported UTEP’s summer institute for minorities and the international Offshore Technology Conference. The Third Annual Houston Infrastructure Seminar had the theme: “Wastewater, Hazardous Waste and Pollution Abatement.” The average attendance rose to 122 at Branch meetings.

Programs included Houston Aviation Department, Teas Water Commission, geotechnical engineering, Houston water master plan by Mike Marcotte, materials engineering, Rice University President George Rupp, METRO, CADD Management, consulting services and management, Houston traffic and transportation, Mexico City earthquake, USGS and flood studies, National ASCE, supercollider, Texas Dept. of Transportation, land surveyors board, and ASCE-PAC by Harold Loyd.


During 1987-88, D. Wayne Klotz led a most financially successful Houston Branch year when over 500 people attended 8 different continuing education programs and 9 technical committees conducted meetings. The Branch emphasized public information with public testimony and resolutions in favor of major projects and bond elections, and TV and radio interviews supporting civil engineering and assistance to public officials. The Houston Branch hosted a successful fall Texas Section meeting with over 600 attendees with over $11,000 surplus turned over by Co-Chairs Ron Grimes and David Collins to the Texas Section. With Galveston Corps of Engineers, Port of Houston Authority, and Harris County officials, the Houston Ship Channel was dedicated as a National Civil Engineering Landmark with 200 attendees with Bill St. John’s leadership. The Houston Branch received a permanent appointment on a Harris County Flood Control Task Force from the County Judge. The first HOUSTON BRANCH OUTSTANDING CIVIL ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD was presented: the Texas Turnpike Authority bridge (longest concrete arch bridge) over the Houston Ship Channel.

Monthly programs included state highway commission, HCFCD, Lotus programming, water supply, TWDB by Louie Welch, waste treatment, Albuquerque surveying, Baytown cable-stayed bridge, subsidence and flooding, architecture, computer practices, geotechnical engineering, NASA, METRO, construction, professional liability, TWC, and the Texas Section-ASCE by President Mal Steinberg.


During 1988-89, Ronald T. Grimes presided over very active technical committees with an average attendance of 131 at Branch meetings. An HISD mentor and coloring book program was supported by Branch members as were Christmas gifts for Anchor House. The HOUSTON OUTSTANDING CIVIL ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD was given for the Sam Houston Tollway/I-10 Interchange in a fault area. The annual Houston infrastructure seminar was on Resource Recovery and Quality in the Constructed Project.

Monthly Branch meeting programs included EPA, geotechnical engineering, Texas water and drainage, materials, environment and construction, supercollider, geographic information systems, structures, drainage by Steve Johnson and Roy Dodson, Texas transportation, Texas High Speed Rail by Hank Johnson, Consulting practice, and Space Center Houston by John Walsh.


David L. Collins presided over the following Houston Branch highlights for 1989-90. The office of Secretary-Treasurer was split into two separate offices with amendments to by-Laws/Constitution Approved by the Editor Cynthia Kelsch. A new logo for the Houston Branch was submitted by Wayne Klotz. The Houston Branch-ASCE averaged 115 attendees at meetings. The Continuing Education Committee held seminars March 15 on Bank Stabilization and Erosion Control and April 27 on Dispute Resolution. On October 9, 1989, the Texas Section: Bob Patton, Houston Branch: David Collins, hosted a New Orleans reception for incoming National ASCE President John A. Focht, Jr.

The Branch programs/speakers included: September: Enlargement of the Houston Ship Channel by Ned S. Holmes, Chair, Port of Houston Authority; November: Bullwinkle – World’s Largest Offshore Platform by Kris Digre, Shell Oil Company, Houston Airports by W. Buddy Barnes, City of Houston, National ASCE by John A. Focht, Jr., Fugro-McClelland; December: Texas Water Commission/Water Supply and Conservation by J. O. Houchins, Austin; January: $9.2 Billion Eurotunnel by Art Arnold, Bechtel – San Francisco, Wetlands/Compliance Rules, Kevin Morgan, Galveston Corps of Engineers; February: OSHA Regulations/Employee Rights by Bevil Hart, Supercollider Project by Dr. Priscilla Nelson, U.T. Austin; March: Houston Water Master Plan by C. J. Smith and C. F. Settle, City of Houston; June: Houston Branch Awards Dinner and National ASCE Developments by John A. Focht, Jr.; June: Houston Annual Infrastructure Seminar: Redirections for the 90’s chaired by Mike Lacy, August Continuing Education Seminar: University of Houston: Concrete for Offshore Platforms.


During 1990-91, President Tom Ramsey presided over 18 committees and a well-organized Board. There were new primary and secondary education committees and two new $250 Houston Branch ASCE Scholarships awarded to our local university students. The 10th Annual Houston Infrastructure Seminar featured: “Investing in Our Quality of Life.” There were two other continuing education seminars: Concrete for Offshore Structures and Hazardous Waste Remediation.

Monthly program highlights included the Greater Houston Partnership (President Jim Kollaer), a November 20 reception for Section President D. Wayne Klotz, meteorology forecasts and response time (Dr. Neil Frank – Channel 11), Anchor House Christmas presents, Astronaut Mary Cleave on space travel and future NASA projects at the University of Houston, Houston Mayor Kathryne J. Whitmire, Harris County Commissioner Jerry Eversole, and many other technical sessions.


President Steve Neely led the Houston Branch during 1991-92 with the following highlights: David Collins won the 1991 Citizen Engineer Award for Zone III. Bramlette McClelland received the Houston Branch award of honor for his many years of past service. An annual College Scholarship Fund was established and two scholarships awarded. Forty Branch volunteers participated in the Volunteer Home Repair Program – the first community service project organized by the Younger Members Committee. Three successful seminars were sponsored with total attendance over 200; Surviving Toxics in the 90’s; Containment Liner Technology and Subtitle D, and Channel Erosion Control. Twenty-nine technical sessions were held as a part of the monthly meetings, which attracted between 100 to 140 per meeting.


President Martha Ferrero Juch organized a leadership workshop for officers and committee chairs on June 20 to prepare for the 1992-93 Houston Branch year. On June 24, ASCE held a seminar on “Successful Project Initiation”. ASCE, TSPE, ACME and SAME hosted a luncheon July 21 for Mayor Bob Lanier with over 300 attendees. On September 30, the Houston Branch Historical Committee with Chair Stan Sarman, Jerry Rogers, Martha Juch, and Rich Patrick and the Texas Section successfully hosted the dedication of the San Jacinto Monument as a National Historical Civil Engineering Landmark. The San Jacinto Museum of History Association, Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., and Port of Houston Authority were co-sponsors with a six-foot monument cake and the National Landmark plaque being featured along with battlefield park and basement foundations tours. Chair, Gary Struzick and the Houston Branch hosted the Texas Section with Cynthia Kelsch and Jerry Rogers working the auction. The University of Houston Student Chapter organized the Steel Bridge Building contest and a Friday evening cookout. On November 14 the Branch Younger Members Committee won second place in the Clean Houston Can Competition co-sponsored by A. Busch and ASCE-Houston with an eleven-foot replica of the San Jacinto Monument Constructed in two hours from Budweiser beer cans. On November 19, the Houston Branch Transportation Committee and I.T.E.-Texas hosted 120 attendees at the University of Houston Hilton Center for a talk by Tom Larson, Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration. In January, the Houston Branch-ASCE and four TSPE chapters hosted a joint meeting with 180 attendees where Astronaut Bonnie Dunbar (Ph.D.-University of Houston) presented National NSPE President Jones with a TSPE pin carried into space on a recent shuttle mission. Starting in December by decades, the Houston Branch honored Past Presidents each month with marble and brass paperweights commemorating the 50th Anniversary (1943-1993). On March 23, 1993 the 50th Celebration with Chair, Rich Patrick was held at the Medallion Hotel with a champagne reception, an anniversary dinner, music from several decades, photographs of selected civil engineering projects since 1943, and Harris County Judge Jon Lindsay reviewed 50 years of civil engineering in the Houston region. Other Branch highlights included the Houston Branch Newsletter (Editor Andrew Paderanga) won a Zone III Daniel Mead Award, David Collins, Judge Jon Lindsay and Jerry Rogers received Texas Section awards and Jerry Rogers served as District 15 Director on the National ASCE Board.

Monthly Branch speakers included Houston Controller George Grenias, geophysics along the Gulf Coast with ACI, municipal storm water management, Galveston Bay, METRO construction, recycling in HGAC, G.I.S. at A&M, Clinton’s environmental policies with December entertainment by the Harbor Light Choir and gifts to Anchor House, METRO planning, Houston’s water transmission program, public infrastructure construction management services, effective job search preparation, land surveying standards, nondestructive testing, ACI code changes...

1993- 1994

President Gary Struzick led the Branch in 1993-1994 with excellent year. The seminars included An Update Environmental Issues in Transportation dated January 25, 1994, Moving Up - Taking Control of Your Engineering Career Seminar dated March 18, 1995 and Pavement Management and Rehabilitation Seminar dated May 18, 1995.

Monthly Branch speakers included Doug Williams, Executive Assistant to Mayor Bob Lanier, spoke on Re-Structuring of the City of Houston Departments., Douglas W. Wiersig, Executive Director of the Traffic Management Center, spoke on Greater Houston Traffic Management Center., Dave Peters, Technical Director and Chief Engineer for the City of Houston Greater Houston Wastewater Program, spoke on New Technology in Investigation Soil Characteristics for Tunneling Projects., Tom Wussow, Vice President/Manager of Friendswood Development Company, Commercial Division, spoke on Lessons learned During the First 30 Years of Friendswood Development., Others events included:

The Branch and Texas Section hosted the 1994 Zone III Younger Member Conference dated March 25-26, 1994.

The Houston Branch honored Stanley J. Sarman as 1994-1995 President of the ASCE Texas Section at Branch Meeting dated November 15, 1994.

1994 - 1995

President Rich Patrick led the Branch in 1994-1995 with marvelous achievement. The seminars included Ethics and Continuing Education Seminar dated March 16, 1995, Moving Up - Taking Control of Your Engineering Career Seminar dated March 18, 1995 and Pavement Management and Rehabilitation Seminar dated May 18, 1995.

Monthly Branch speakers included Alan C. Clark, Manager of Transportation and Air Quality programs for the H-GAC's, spoke on Transportation Planning Activities., Peter Ravella, Director of the Coastal Management Program, spoke on Coastal Management Program and the Coastal Coordinating Council, Ronald J. Neighbors, General Manager of the Harris Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, spoke on GPS Program for Tracking Ground Subsidence., Rick Baudoin, Program Administrator for Architectural Barriers of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, spoke on Texas Accessibility Standards., John B. Stokes, Director of Transportation Planning and Development in the Houston District of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), spoke on TxDOT New Consultant Selection Process., Jim Box, Chair of the Developers Council of the Greater Houston Builders Association, spoke on Land Development Issues in Texas., Loyd Smith, Director of Traffic Management Planning and Development at METRO, spoke on An Overview of Houston's Multi-Agency Regional Computerized Traffic Signal System., Charles A. Parthum, ASCE National President-Elect, spoke on The Evolution and Management of the Civil Engineering Profession.

Others events included:

The Branch hosted the award presentation for the 1995 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (OCEA) by ASCE National to Shell Offshore for the Auger Tension Leg Platform.

The Houston Branch honored Stanley J. Sarman as 1994-1995 President of the ASCE Texas Section at Branch Meeting dated November 15, 1994.

1995 - 1996

President Cynthia Kelsch led the Branch in 1995-1996 with magnificent performance. The seminars included Environmental Site Assessments and Liabilities in Real Estate Transactions Seminar dated January 18, 1996, Infrastructure Solutions with Permanent Concrete Pavement Seminar dated January 26, 1995. Texas Department of Transportation Metric Implementation for Roadway Design Seminar dated February 29, 1996 and WinStorm Seminar dated May 16, 1996

Monthly Branch speakers included Jerry Eversole, Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner, spoke on Current Harris County Engineering Issues., Mark A. Oliver, Vice President of Berg-Oliver and Associates, Inc., spoke on Are Wetland Mitigation Banks for Real ?, Andrew L. Sikes, President of Andrew Lonnie Sikes, Inc., spoke on An Overview of Orthophotography., Martha J. Wong, Councilmember of the City of Houston, spoke on Council's Competitive Services Committee., Gary Trietsch, District Engineer for the Houston District of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)., spoke on Formation of the Houston District's Consultant Pools., John Whitmire. Texas State Senator, spoke on the Accomplishments of the 74th Legislative Session of the Texas State Senate., A.C. Burkhalter, Jr., ASCE Zone III Vice President, spoke on ASCE 2000 - Our New Strategic Plan.

Others events included:

The first Annual Joint Engineering Society Meeting (ASCE, TSPE-three local Chapters) presented Rob Lanier, Mayor of Houston, as guest speaker at October 10, 1995 meeting.

A Past Presidents' Night was honored the Branch's past presidents (1946 - 1995) dated February 20, 1996.

A Panel Discussion on Continuing Professional Competency Requirement of the Texas State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers dated March 19, 1996.

The Houston Branch honored Frank H. Newnam, Jr. in celebration of his 50-year anniversary as the President of the Houston Branch.

Jerry Rogers had been selected as the 1995 Houston Area "Engineer of the Year."

Fred Hartman Bridge received the ASCE Texas Section Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (OCEA) Award and the National Award of Merit.

The Houston Branch was on the internet for the first time and offered a discounted service to Branch members for their own internet access.

A.C. Burkhalter, Jr. was elected ASCE Zone III Vice President (term from October 1995 to October 1997).

1996 - 1997

President Melvin G. Spinks led the Branch in 1996-1997 with outstanding accomplishment. The seminars included The New City of Houston Design Manual & Specifications Seminar dated October 25, 1996 and Implementing GEOPAK on TxDOT Projects dated February 27, 1997.

Monthly Branch speakers included Wendell L. Barnes, Deputy Director of the Engineering, Construction & Real Estate Group within the Department of Public Works & Engineering for the City of Houston, spoke on The City of Houston Standards and More., Robert G. MacLennan, General Manager of METRO, spoke on METRO Update: Mobility, Technology and Automation., William J. Roeh, Chief of the Plant Engineering Division, JSC, spoke on The Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory., Arthur L. Storey, Jr., Executive Director of the HCFCD, spoke on Harris County Flood Control Update: Opening the Federal Funding Floodgates., Keith E. Chapman, Deputy Director of Aviation for Planning, Design, and Construction, for the City of Houston's Department of Aviation, spoke on Intercontinental Airport Improvements Update., Barbara Litchfield, Principal of Litchfield & Willis, Inc., spoke on Careers in Civil Engineering - International and United States: Where Have All the Young C.E. P.E.'s gone ?, Terry Anderson, County Engineer for Harris County, spoke on State Legislative Issues Affecting Harris County: A Perspective on the 1997 Session., John W. Young, III, Executive Vice President of the Great Fort Bend Economic Development Council, spoke on Economic Development of Fort Bend County.

Others events included:

The 2nd Annual Joint Engineering Society Meeting (ASCE, TSPE, TexITE, ACME, SAME) presented Robert Eckels, Harris County Judge, on Current Status of Harris County at October 23, 1996 meeting.

The Branch hosted the Joint Convention of the Texas Section 1997 Spring Meeting and Water Resources Planning and Management Division's 24th Annual Conference on April 4-9, 1997. Three Continuing Professional Development Seminars were: Seminar 1 - Organizing and Writing Professional Communications. Seminar 2 - The Map Revision Process. Seminar 3 - Overview and Demonstration of HEC-RAS: The New HEC River Analysis.

Louis D. Spaw, Jr. had been recognized as the ASCE National Honorary Member from the Houston Branch.

Houston Branch responded to the emergency call from HISD by assisting in the organization of several teams in 126-school buildings inspection program.

George C. Love had been selected as the 1996 Houston Area "Engineer of the Year" and Melvin G. Spinks was named Young Engineer of the Year by the San Jacinto Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. Both were honored during the nationwide celebration of Engineers Week (February 16-22, 1997)

Houston Branch recognized the ABT Automated Bag Handling and Ship Loading Terminal, Port of Galveston, Texas, for the ASCE Houston Branch 1996 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award (OCEA).

The Houston Branch sponsored the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) by arranging and conducting tours of exhibition for Houston-area high students.

1997 - 1998

President Brock E. Miller led the Branch in 1997-1998 with excellent performance. The seminars included Geomatics Seminar dated November 15, 1997., GeoPak/Drainage Seminar dated March 5, 1998., Younger Member Management Seminar dated March 28, 1998., A career development workshop on "A Guide to Obtaining Your Professional Engineering License" dated June 9, 1998,

Monthly Branch speakers included Teresa Batterfield, Assistant Director of the Department of Public Works and Engineering for the City of Houston, spoke on Re-Engineering Wastewater Operation's Division., Robert Cuellar, Deputy Executive Director for Transportation Planning and Development for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), spoke on TxDOT's 80th Anniversary., Jon Lindsay, the Senator of the State of Texas - District 7, spoke on Current Texas Senate Bills., R. "Wayne" Smith, member of the Board of Directors of the Harris County - Houston Sports Authority, spoke on The Construction of the Downtown Stadium., John R. Speed, Executive Director of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, spoke on Changes to the Engineering Practice Act and the Licensing Process for Engineers in Texas., Peter Davis, II, Director of the Texas Turnpike Authority Division of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), spoke on Toll Rodes for TxDOT., David Schnurbusch, President of the Texas Section ASCE, spoke on Activities and Accomplishments of the Texas Section ASCE.

Other events included:

The 3rd Annual Joint Engineering Society Meeting (ASCE, TSPE, TexITE, APWA, ACME, SAME) presented a City of Houston Mayoral Candidate Forum on October 21, 1997. Robert Stein was the debate moderator for a panel of six candidates: Rob Mosbacher, George Greanias, Gracie Saenz, Lee Brown, Helen Huey and Jean Claude Lanau.

Martin Gonzalez was awarded ASCE National Newsletter Award., Jerry Rogers was awarded the William H. Wiswly Civil Engineers Award., Andy Veletsos and Walter P. Moore, Jr. were awarded the Honorary Membership.

At December General Meeting (December 16, 1997), the Christmas gifts from members/guests were given to the children of the Anchor House which the Houston Branch is sponsoring.

NASA Neutral Bouyancy Laboratory was awarded the 1997 Texas Section Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award Program (OCEA).

Dionel E. Aviles was selected as the 1998 Engineer of the Year and Alisa Acheson received 1998 Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award. Both were honored during the Houston Engineers Week (February 22-28, 1998).

A Buffalo Bayou Canoe Trip dated June 20, 1998 was organized by the Water and Drainage Committee.

The Pierce Elevated (Interstate Highway 45) was awarded the Branch 1998 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (OCEA) Award.

Dan Feldstein, reporter of the Houston Chronicle, was awarded the Branch 1998 Excellence in Journalism Award.

Two candidates for ASCE President-Elect Patricia D. Galloway and Delon Hampton were the guest speakers at Branch May 1998 Meeting (May 19, 1998).

Keli Musick, Chair of the Primary/Secondary Education Committee, was selected as "Excellence in Education Award" by the Engineering Science and Technology Council of Houston.

Martha F. Juch was awarded the 1998 Branch Award of Honor.

1998 - 1999

President Rich Squire led the Branch in 1998-1999 with the great achievements. The seminars included The New City of Houston Groundwater Plant Design Guidelines Seminar dated October 28, 1998 and Houston’s Infrastructure seminar dated December 10, 1998.

Monthly Branch speakers included Richard Vacar, Director of the City of Houston Department of Aviation, spoke on Overview of Houston Airport System., Jerry King, Director of the Department of Public Works and Engineering, spoke on Houston Infrastructure., Gary Trietsch, District Engineer for the Houston District of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) , spoke on TxDOT’s Houston District Today and Tomorrow., Frederick A. Perrenot, Chief Executive of Houston’s Water and Wastewater Utility, spoke on Public Utilities in the Houston Area., Charlie Savino, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Greater Houston Partnership, spoke on the Economic Outlook for Houston., Shirley Delibero, President & Chief Executive Officer of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, spoke on METRO: the Past, Present, and Future., John M. Koros, Environmental Services Manager for the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD), spoke on Green Sector Initiative for Flood-Wise Growth., Martha Juch, President of the ASCE Texas Section, spoke on the State of the ASCE Texas Section.

Others events included:

A.C. Burkhalter, Jr. had been selected as the 1999 Houston Area “Engineer of the Year” and Carol Ellinger had been selected as the 1999 “Edmund Friedman Young Engineer of the Year” award. Both were honored during the Houston Engineer Week (February 21-27, 1999).

A.C. Burkhalter, Jr. announced to seek the Presidential seat of the ASCE National.

The Houston Branch hosted Zone III Leadership and Younger Member Conference (February 5-7, 1999). The Conference presented Time Management, Financial Investment Basics and Career Paths.

A joint meeting with TSPE, ACME and SAME was held on October 20, 1998.

A designated “Student Night” with topic of “Options After Graduation – Graduate School or Work.” was held on April 20, 1999.

Wayne Klotz accepted as the chairman of the ASCE National Host Committee for the ASCE National Meeting held in Houston in October 2001.

Water Resources Technical Committee had a canoe trip along the Colorado River.

The Houston Branch co-sponsored annual Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) dated May 3-6, 1999.

The Primary & Secondary Education Committee visited Kennedy Elementary by building marshmallow bridge and structure.

1999 - 2000

President Janice Kruse led the Branch in 1999-2000 with marvelous accomplishment. The seminars included Applications and Design for Paving Grids in Asphalt Overlays dated October 21, 1999, HEC-RAS seminar dated February 10, 2000, Transition from Engineer to Manager dated April 15, 2000, Constructability Seminar dated May 10, 2000 and GIS Application in Civil Engineering dated May 17, 2000.

Monthly Branch speakers included John W. Johnson, Texas Transportation Commission Member, spoke on Driving Towards the Millennium: A Discussion on State of Transportation in Texas., Mike Strech, Assistant Director of the Harris County Toll Road Authority, spoke on Ongoing Activities and Future Planning Currently Underway at the Harris County Toll Road Authority., George A. DeMontrond, III, Chairman of the Houston/Harris County 2012 Foundation, spoke on the 2012 Olympic Games., Alan C. Clark, Manager of the Transportation and Air Quality Programs for the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC), spoke on Houston Region's Clean Air Plan., Major General Charles J. Fiala, Chief Operating Officer of the Americas Region, Brown & Root Services, spoke on The Kosovo Construction., Michael Surface, Chairman of the Harris County Convention Corporation, spoke on An Updated of the NFL Stadium and Status of Master Planning for the Astrodomain Area., Dr. Kent McLemore, Acting Assistant Director for the Houston Airport Systems (HAS), spoke on Houston Airport Systems' Ongoing Improvements., A panel of speakers of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Management Joint Task Force presented the Impact on the Houston Area Development and the Engineering Community., Charles Silver, Vice President of M. Silver & Company, Inc., spoke on Cultural Change in Conservative Industries., Ed Shackelford, General Manager of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCSA), spoke on the Long Term Water Supply Needs for the Community to Develop a Fair and Economically Feasible Groundwater Reduction Plan. .

Others events included:

A.C. Burkhalter, Jr. had been as a candidate for ASCE National President Elect

Steve Neely was awarded the Houston Branch Award of Honor at Houston Branch meeting June 20, 2000.

James E. Moffatt had been selected as the 2000 Houston Area " Engineer of the Year” and Brian Manning had been selected as the 2000 “Edmond Friedman Award.

2000 - 2001

President Larry Goldberg led the Branch in 2000-2001 with the outstanding accomplishments. The seminars included SWMM modeling Software dated April 26-27 2001, WinStorm 3.0 dated March 15, 2001 and Primavera Systems "Suretrak Project Scheduling Tool" on AEC Projects dated June 21, 2001.

Monthly Branch speakers included Dr. Robert Stein of Rice University and Dr. Richard Murray of University of Houston, spoke on Effects of the Presidential Election on State and Local Government., Peggy Thurin, Project Manager for the I-69 Corridor Study, spoke on I-60 Corridor Study., Gary Trietsch, District Engineer for the Houston District of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) , spoke on an Update on Transportation Issues for the Houston Area., Michael D. Talbott, Director of the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD), spoke on Flood Problems in Harris County., Thomas J. Rolen, Director of the Department Public Works and Engineering of the City of Houston, spoke on the City of Houston Public Works., Alan C. Clark, Manger of the Transportation and Air Quality Programs for the Houston-Galveston Area Council, spoke on Transportation and Land Use Interaction in Regional Planning., Eric Potts, Deputy Director for Planning, Design and Construction for the Houston Airport System (HAS), spoke on an update on the Houston Airport System Activities., Charles R. Savino, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Greater Houston Partnership, spoke on an Update on the Economic Outlook for the Greater Houston Area., Thomas J. Rolen, Director of the Department of Public Works and Engineering of the City of Houston, spoke on the New NPDES Storm Water Quality Program Impacts to the City of Houston.

Others events included:

ASCE National Civil Engineering Conference and Exposition had held at the George Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas on October 10-13, 2001.

Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Exhibit was open at College of Architecture, University of Houston from July 13, 2001 to October 11, 2001.

Thomas J. Rolan was awarded the Houston Branch Award of Honor at Houston Branch meeting September 18., 2001.

Elbert (Bett) W. Link had been selected as the 2001 Houston Area " Engineer of the Year” and Martin Gonzalez had been selected as the 2001 “Edmond Friedman Award.

2001 - 2002

President Chris Cotter led the Branch in 2001-2002 with the great achievements. The seminars included Storm Water Management Programs dated November 9, 2001, Hydraulic Engineering Center's Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) on February 14, 2002 and GIS on April 19, 2002.

Monthly Branch speakers included Harris County Judge Robert Eckels and City of Houston Council Member Carroll Robinson spoke on the Upcoming County and City Bond Referendums on October 16, 2001., Bryan Nash, Manager of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) program in Bosnia, spoke on USAID Infrastructure Reconstruction Program in Bosnia on November 20, 2001., Astronaut George Zamka spoke on the experiences with NASA on December 18, 2001., Bernard Koudelka, Director of Operations and Executive Director, spoke on Update on the Harris County Toll Road Authority System dated January 15, 2002., The representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) spoke on Tropical Allison Recovery Projects on February 19, 2002., Dr. Neil Frank, Chief Meteorologist for KHOU-TV, spoke on Hurricanes and Tropical Storms on April 16, 2002., John M. Sedlak, Vice President of Planning, Engineering & Construction with METRO, spoke on METRO 2025 Plan and On-going High Capacity on May 21, 2002., Eric Potts, Deputy Director of Planning Design and Construction for the Houston Airport System, spoke on Houston Airport Systems on June 18, 2002.

Others events included:

ASCE National Civil Engineering Conference and Exposition was held at George R. Brown Convenience Center on October 10-13, 2001.

ASCE kicked off 150th Anniversary Celebration. The celebration started with the Plenary Session of the Houston Convention and will continue throughout 2001 and 2002.

Melvin G. Spinks was awarded the Houston Branch Award of Honor at Houston Branch meeting June 18, 2002.

Arthur L. Storey had been selected as the 2000 Houston Area " Engineer of the Year”, LeAnne Napolillo had been selected as the 2000 “Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award and Burton L. Johnson had been selected as the 2002 recipient of the Yong Government Civil Engineer Award.

The 1st Houston Branch Annual Golf Tournament was held at Kingwood Cove Golf Club on May 4, 2002.


1943-44 President: W. W. McClendon

Vice-President: J. G. Turney

Secretary: N. P. Turner

L. D. Snow

1944-45 President: J. G. Turney

Ross White

Vice-President: Ross White

G. A. Bracher

Secretary: L. D. Snow

1945-46 President: G. A. Bracher

Vice-President: E. A. Vaubel

Secretary: L. D. Snow

1946 President: L. D. Snow

Vice-President: Frank Baldwin

Secretary: E. A. Vaubel

1947 President: Frank H. Newnam, Jr.

Vice-President: W. Mack Eliot

Secretary: E. A. Vaubel

1948 President: W. Mack Eliot

Vice-President: J. M. Nagle

Secretary: E. A. Vaubel

1949 President: Frank Baldwin

Vice-President: George H. Lacey

Secretary: Codie E. Wells

1950 President: S. W. Oberg

Vice-President: Charles R. Haile

Secretary: A. S. Hatch

1951 President: George H. Lacey

Vice-President: E. N. Gustatson

Secretary: A. S. Hatch

1951-52 President: Charles R. Haile

Vice-President: A. S. Hatch

Secretary: Robert A. Rait

1952-53 President: Al Bahn

Vice-President: Adrian Pauw/

A. J. Bonar

Secretary Robert A. Rait

1953-54 President: N. P. Turner

Vice-President: Robert A. Rait

Secretary: Bramlette McClelland

1954-55 President: Robert A. Rait

Vice-President: L. A. Loggins

Secretary: John A. Focht, Jr.

1955-56 President: L. A. Loggins

Vice-President: R. M. Collie

Secretary: John A. Focht, Jr.

1956-57 President: W. O. Swift, Jr.

Vice-President: Bramlette McClelland

Secretary: Norman E. Hueni

1957-58 President: Bramlette McClelland

Vice-President: Norman E. Hueni

Secretary: James A. Cummins

1958-59 President: R. M. Collie

Vice-President: Louis D. Spaw, Jr.

Secretary: James A. Cummins

1959-60 President: James R. Simms

Vice-President: Jose Correa

Secretary: G. L. Cubbison

1960-61 President: H. N. Stamper

Vice-President: Kenneth W. Lange

Secretary: G. L. Cubbison

1961-62 President: Louis D. Spaw, Jr.

Vice-President: Robert S. Braden

Secretary: Murphy H. Thibodeaux

1962-63 President: Jose J. Correa

Vice-President: James A. Cummins

Secretary: Hodge E. Mason

1963-64 President: E. A. Vaubel

Vice-President: Virgil A. Walston

Secretary: A. P. Wenzel, Jr.

1964-65 President: John A. Focht, Jr.

Vice-President: Richard H. St. John

Secretary: Donald Van Sickle

1965-66 President: James A. Cummins

Vice-President: Al Bonar

Secretary: Donald Van Sickle

1966-67 President: Richard H. St. John

Vice-President: E. D. Morse

Secretary: Jack Watkins

1967-68 President: Virgil A. Walston

Vice-President: Donald Van Sickle

Secretary: Jack Watkins

1968-69 President: Robert S. Braden

Vice-President: Hodge E. Mason

Secretary: A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

1969-70 President: Jack Watkins

Vice-President: Anthony P. Wenzel, Jr.

Secretary: A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

1970-71 President: Hodge E. Mason

Vice-President: A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

Secretary: Fenley Ryther, Jr.

1971-72 President: Anthony P. Wenzel, Jr.

Vice-President: H. Dale Thompson

Secretary: Fenley Ryther, Jr.

1972-73 President: Donald Van Sickle

Vice-President: Fenley Ryther, Jr.

Secretary: A. Frank Marshall, Jr.

1973-74 President: Ardis White

Vice-President: A. Frank Marshall, Jr.

Secretary: Robert R. McBride

1974-75 President: Fenley Ryther, Jr.

President-Elect: A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

Vice-President: Cecil Allen

Secretary: Robert R. McBride

1975-76 President: A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

President-Elect: A. Frank Marshall, Jr.

Vice-President: Robert R. McBride

Secretary: Louis Fontenot

Branch Director: Stan Sarman

1976-77 President: A. Frank Marshall, Jr.

President-Elect: Robert R. McBridge

Vice-President: Louis Fontenot

Secretary: Stan Sarman

1977-78 President: Robert R. McBride

President-Elect Cecil Allen

Vice-President: James A. Chapman

Secretary: Stan Sarman

Treasurer: Ray Young

Branch Director: Harry Corder

1978-79 President: H. Cecil Allen

President-Elect: James A. Chapman

Vice-President: J. R. Collins

Secretary: Ann Marie McCormick

Treasurer: D. Ray Young

Branch Director: Harry B. Corder

1979-80 President: James A. Chapman

President-Elect: Stan Sarman

Vice-President: Thomas J. Rolen

Secretary: Bryant P. Marshall

Treasurer: J. R. Collins

Branch Director: William S. St. John

1980-81 President: Stan Sarman

President-Elect: Thomas J. Rolen

Vice-President: B. Kent Merritt/

Bryant Marshall

Secretary: Edwin C. Fredrichs

Treasurer: William S. St. John

Branch Director: O. Ray Lester

1981-82 President: Thomas J. Rolen

President-Elect: Jerry R. Rogers

Vice-President: O. Ray Lester

Secretary: Edwin C. Fredrichs

Treasurer: Strato Batmanis

Branch Director: Cathy Prachyl

1982-83 President: Jerry R. Rogers

President-Elect: J. R. Collins

Vice-President: Joe F. Skelton

Secretary: Leo P. Garcia

Treasurer: R. Worley/

Ronald T. Grimes

Branch Director: William Hlavacek

1983-84 President: J. R. Collins

President-Elect: Joe F. Skelton

Vice-President: Edwin C. Fredrichs

Secretary: D. Wayne Koltz

Treasurer: Ronald T. Grimes

Branch Director: Robert Deden

85. President: Joe F. Skelton

President-Elect: William S. St. John

Vice-President: D. Wayne Klotz

Secretary: Ronald T. Grimes

Treasurer: Robert Deden

Branch Director: M. Deede Murrell

86. President: William S. St. John

President-Elect: O. Ray Lester

V.P. Education: Robert Deden

V.P. Technical: Tom Reeder

V.P. Administration: Ron Grimes

Secretary/Treasurer: M. Deede Murrell

Branch Director: Maureen Sullivan

87. President: O. Ray Lester

President-Elect: D. Wayne Klotz

V.P. Education: Thomas J. Reeder

V.P. Technical: Michael W. O’Neill

V.P. Administration: M. Deede Murrell

Secretary/Treasurer: Maureen F. Sullivan

Branch Director: Jeffrey W. Davis

News Editor: Susan Fitzgerald

88. President: D. Wayne Klotz

President-Elect: Ronald T. Grimes

V.P. Education: Donald L. Collins

V.P. Technical: David A. Eastwood

V.P. Administration: Steven R. Neely

Secretary/Treasurer: John A. Focht III

Branch Director: Gary L. Struzick

News Editor: Janice E. Kruse

1988-89 President: Ronald T. Grimes

President-Elect: David L. Collins

V.P. Education: Michael S. Marcotte

V.P. Technical: Tom S. Ramsey

V.P. Administration: David E. Winslow

Secretary/Treasurer: Gary L. Struzick

Branch Director: Mike Lacy

News Editor: Janice E. Kruse

1989-90 President: David L. Collins

President-Elect: Tom S. Ramsey

V.P. Education: Gary L. Struzick

V.P. Technical: Chuck Williams

V.P. Administration: Ray Helmer

Secretary/Treasurer: Martha F. Juch

Branch Director: Cecilia Shappee

News Editor: Cynthia Kelsch

1990-91 President: Tom S. Ramsey

President-Elect: Steve Neely

V.P. Education: James M. Symons

V.P. Technical: Douglas J. Ivor-Smith

V.P. Administration: Martha F. Juch

Secretary: Cynthia Kelsch

Treasurer: Jeff Collins

Branch Director: Lynn Mazur

News Editor: Gary Green

1991-92 President: Steve Neely

President-Elect: Martha F. Juch

V.P. Education: Gary Green

V.P. Technical: Richard L. Patrick

V.P. Administration: Gary L. Struzick

Secretary: Cecilia Shappee

Treasurer: Jeff Collins

Branch Director: Janice Kruse

News Editor: Andrew Paderanga

1992-93 President: Martha F. Juch

President-Elect: Gary L. Struzick

V.P. Education: Cynthia Kelsch

V.P. Technical: Maureen Cook

V.P. Administration: Richard L. Patrick

Secretary: Kevin St. Jacques

Treasurer: Janice E. Kruse

Branch Director: Melvin Spinks

1993-94 President: Gary Struzick

President-Elect Rich Patrick:

V.P. Education: Janice Kruse

V.P. Technical: Gary Green

V.P. Administration: Jeff Collins

Secretary: John Hewitt

Treasurer: Melvin G. Spinks

Branch Director: Brock Miller

News Editor: Ben Bates

1994-95 President: Rich Patrick

President-Elect: Cynthia Kelsch

V.P. Education: Larry Goldberg

V.P. Technical: John Grounds

V.P. Administration: Melvin G. Spinks

Secretary: Rich Squire

Treasurer: Brock Miller

Branch Director: Martin Gonzalez IV

News Editor: Ben Bates

1995-96 President: Cynthia Kelsch

President-Elect: Melvin G. Spinks

V.P. Education: Jesse Salinas

V.P. Technical: Benjamin Whisler

V.P. Administration: Brock Miller

Secretary: Lea Sanford

Treasurer: Rich Squire

Branch Director: Alisa Acheson

News Editor: Chris Cotter

1996-97 President: Melvin G. Spinks

President-Elect: Brock Miller

V.P. Education: Rich Squire

V.P. Technical: David W. Peters

V.P. Administration: Janice E. Kruse

Secretary: Van Short

Treasurer: Benjamin A. Whisler

Branch Director: Loretta L. Schietinger

News Editor: Martin Gonzalez

1997-98 President: Brock E. Miller

President-Elect: Rich Squire

V.P. Education: Chris Cotter

V.P. Technical: Tim Newton

V.P. Administration: Lea Sanford

Secretary: Henry C. K. Chang

Treasurer: Larry Goldberg

Branch Director: Veda Montalbano-Donati

News Editor: Vern Hegwood

19982-99 President: Rich Squire

President-Elect: Janice Kruse

V.P. Education: Alisa Acheson

V.P. Technical: Carol Ellinger

V.P. Administration: Tim Newton

Secretary: Martin Gonzalez

Treasurer: Chris Cotter

Branch Director: Patricia Frayre

News Editor: Chris Kuykendall

1999-00 President: Janice Kruse

President-Elect: Larry Goldberg

V.P. Education: Brian Manning

V.P. Technical: Chris Cotter

V.P. Administration: Joseph Cibor

Secretary: Loretta Schietinger

Treasurer: Tim Newton

Branch Director: Leanne Napolillo

News Editor: Richard Ruchhoeft

2000-01 President: Larry Goldberg

President-Elect: Chris Cotter

V.P. Education: Michael Lacy

V.P. Technical: Van Short

V.P. Administration: Martin Gonzalez

Secretary: Patricia Frayre

Treasurer: Brian Manning

Branch Director: Andrea Cheng

News Editor: Jeff Bostick

2001-02 President: Chris Cotter

President-Elect: Tim Newton

V.P. Education: Jeff Bostick

V.P. Technical: Steve Hrncir

V.P. Administration: Brian Manning

Secretary: Steve Gonzales

Treasurer: Joseph Cibor

Branch Director: Richard Ruchhoeft

News Editor: Xudong Zhang




YEAR ________NAME_______

52. T. Spence Love

53. W. E. Dickerson

54. W. E. Dickerson

55. N. P. Turner

56. R. A. Rait

57. L. A. Loggins

58. L. A. Loggins

59. Bramlette McClelland

60. Bramlette McClelland

61. R. M. Collie

62. R. M. Collie

63. W. O. Swift, Jr.

64. W. O. Swift, Jr.

65. Jose Correa

66. Jose Correa

67. Louis D. Spaw, Jr.

68. Louis D. Spaw, Jr.

69. John A. Focht, Jr.

70. Donald Van Sickle

71. Donald Van Sickle

72. Donald Van Sickle

73. Jack Watkins

74. Jack Watkins

75. Tony Wenzel

76. Fenley Ryther, Jr.

77. Fenley Ryther, Jr.

78. Fenley Ryther, Jr.

79. Robert R. McBride

80. Robert R. McBride

81. A. Frank Marshall

82. A. Frank Marshall

83. Thomas J. Rolen

84. Thomas J. Rolen

85. J. R. Collins

86. J. R. Collins

87. William S. St. John

88. William S. St. John

89. D. Wayne Klotz

90. Ronald T. Grimes

91. David L. Collins

92. J. R. Collins

93. Steve Neely

1993-94 Steve Neely

1994-95 Gary Struzick

1995-96 Gary Struzick

1996-97 Rich Patrick

1997-98 Rich Patrick

1998-99 Melvin Spinks

1999-00 Melvin Spinks

2000-01 Rich Squire

2001-02 Rich Squire


June 22, 1983 Infrastructure in the Houston/Harris County Region

The seminar was attended by 200 people at the Shamrock Hilton. The program was very comprehensive and eleven speakers covered water supply, sewage disposal, storm drainage, flood control, transportation and financing of these systems. John H. Wiedeman, National President, ASCE, Robert H. Dedman, member, State Department of Public Transportation Commission, and Louie Welch, President, The Houston Chamber of Commerce, were prominent speakers in the program. Ray G. Helmer, Jr. Chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 19, 1984 Regional Water Infrastructure Seminar

The seminar was held at the Shamrock Hilton Hotel by well over 200 people. The program addressed the national water picture, water needs and sources for the Houston area, land subsidence, water systems in the Houston region, water conservation and reuse, financing and implementation. Russell Stearns, National President, ASCE, H. W. Hoffman, Jr., Head of the Water Use Technology Unit of the Texas Department of Water Resources and Jon C. Vanden Bosch, Director of Public Works for the City of Houston were special speakers in the program. Ray G. Helmer, Jr. chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 19, 1985 Regional Flooding and Drainage Seminar

The seminar was held at the Shamrock Hilton Hotel and was attended by approximately 200 people. The program covered the national flooding and drainage picture, historic floods in the Houston area, the flood insurance program, flood control regulation, regional detention concepts, the HCFCD flood monitoring system, the State Water Plan, land subsidence, financing and implementation. Richard Karn, National President ASCE, Herbert Grubb, Texas Department of Water Resources, and James Green, Director of Harris County Flood Control District, were special speakers in the program. Ray G. Helmer, Jr. chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 18, 1986 Regional Transportation Seminar

The seminar was held at the Westin Galleria Hotel and was attended by 280 people. The program addressed the national transportation situation, Houston area transportation improvements planned by the Texas Department of Highways, Harris County Engineer’s Office, Harris County Toll Road Authority, City of Houston and Metro, innovative transportation technology socio-economic considerations, environmental factors, financing and public/private partnerships. Special speakers included Omer Poorman, District Engineer Texas Dept. of Highways and Public Transportation, Judge Jon Lindsay, Harris County Commissioners Court, and Jon Vanden Bosch, Director of Public Works, City of Houston. Ray G. Helmer, Jr. chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 17, 1987 Regional Wastewater, Hazardous Waste and Pollution Abatement Seminar

The seminar was held at the Westin Oaks Hotel and was attended by approximately 250 people. Subjects addressed by the program included national and state perspectives on wastewater and hazardous waste, the City of Houston wastewater system, a developer’s viewpoint on wastewater, regionalization of sewers for the area, industrial wastewater pretreatment and minimization, wastewater re-use, groundwater contamination, Superfund sites in the area, environment problems. Prominent guest speakers included Russell Rhoades, Divisional Director of Environmental Services, U.S. EPA, Dallas, Texas; John Vanden Bosch, Director, Department of Public Works, City of Houston. Ray G. Helmer, Jr. chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 22, 1988 Houston Region Infrastructure Systems Seminar

The seminar was held at the Westin Oaks Hotel and was attended by approximately 190 people. Subjects addressed by the program included the national public infrastructure situation, comprehensive regional plans for water supply and distribution, a broad review of regional drainage issues together with environmental and aesthetic considerations, current pollution abatement concerns of residents of the Houston area, and transportation plans and programs as related to mobility for private vehicles and public transportation, as well as airport and ship channel improvements. Special guest speakers included Stephen Mitchell, Zone III Vice President ASCE; Colonel John Tudela, District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, and Robert Lanier, Chairman, Metro Board of Directors. Gary L. Struzick chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 29, 1989 Resource Recovery Potentials For The Houston Region Seminar

The seminar was held at the Westin Oaks Hotel and was attended by approximately 75 people. Subjects addressed by the program included State and Federal Resource Recovery Regulations, Waste to Energy Technologies, Recycling, Waste Reduction, Environmental Issues and Economic Considerations. Special speakers included A. C. Burkhalter, Jr., Director for District 15 ASCE, Hector Mendieta, Director Solid Waste Division, Texas Department of Health, Ulysses Ford III, City of Houston Director of Solid Waste, Mayor Kathy Whitmire and Senator Chet Brooks. Melvin Spinks chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 20, 1990 Redirections for the 90’s Seminar

The seminar was held at the Westin Galleria Hotel and was attended by approximately 60 people. The seminar featured presentations by the “new” leadership of many county and city agencies, such as Anthony Hall with Metro, Art Storey with Harris County Flood Control, Terry Anderson with Harris County Engineers, Al Haines with the City of Houston, Patti Knudson with City Planning and Chuck Settles with the “new” city Public Works Department. The Highway Department spoke on the future of highway construction and funding while a future alternative to travel by car, the Texas Triangle High Speed Rail, was presented by Bill Jameson with Lichliter/Jameson and Assoc. The afternoon showcased panel discussions on the implications of the new Wetlands regulations. Judge Jon Lindsay was the luncheon speaker. Mike Lacy chaired this seminar for ASCE.

June 18, 1991 Investing In Our Quality of Life Seminar

On June 18th, The Houston Branch hosted the Tenth Annual Infrastructure Seminar at the Westin Galleria Hotel. The theme for the seminar was “Investing in Our Quality of Life” and to consider the many demands on tax dollars in Texas and the world in general, a highly appropriate theme. The seminar featured presentations by Privatization Firms, Harris County Toll Road Authority, Texas High Speed Rail, Texas Highway Department, City of Houston, Metropolitan Transit Authority, and other Infrastructure Financing Groups.

With the increase in public participation in taxation issues, the Infrastructure Planning Committee did a showcase with a panel discussion on the Methods of Financing Infrastructure Projects, which are the most economically efficient. There was a panel discussion with representatives from Privatization Firms, User Fee Groups, Local Municipal Taxing Agencies and Citizen Tax Groups. A local television personality moderated this panel discussion.

The seminar was a great opportunity to find out which direction the city, county, and state are headed to finance our deteriorating Infrastructure. Special guest speakers included Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Texas State Treasurer, and Harris County Judge Jon Lindsay. Denis Lloyd chaired this seminar for ASCE.

December 10, 1998 Houston's Infrastructure: Turning Vision into Reality

The full-day seminar was scheduled for Thursday, December 10, 1998 at Westin Oak Hotel, Galleria and featured speakers from local agencies, organizations, and companies. The various speakers provided updates on their organization's ongoing and upcoming infrastructure projects. Also, Houston Major, Lee Brown had been invited to be the keynote luncheon speaker. The seminar planning committee was chaired by Loretta Schietinger. The speakers and their subjects were:

Charlie Savino, Executive Vice President & COO Great Houston Partnership, "Economic History & Overview".

Robert Litke, Director of the Planning and Development Department of the City of Houston, "Redevelopment".

John Walsh, President, Houston Renaissance, Inc., "Master Planned Communities".

Herb Appel, President, Greater Fort Bend County Economic Development Council, "Suburban Commercial Development".

Jody Sinclair, Director of Public Relations & Communications Downtown District, "Downtown Development".

Jack Raines, Chairman, Harris County - Houston Sports Authority, "Sport Facilities".

Dana Cote, RLA, Director Landscape Architect, TxDOT Houston District, "TxDOT's Corridor Aesthetics and Landscape Plan (CALM)".

Beto Bautista, Deputy Director of Facilities Development and Maintenance, City of Houston Parks Department, "City of Houston Park Redevelopment".

Alan Clark, Transportation Manager, Houston Galveston Area Council, "TEA-21".

Art Storey, Executive Director, Harris County Infrastructure Development, "Harris County Infrastructure".

James Darden, Director of Project Development, TxDOT Houston District, "Corridor Studies".

James Sedlak, Assistant General Manager - Capital and Long Range Planning, Metropolitan Transit Authority, "Light Rail Transit".

Tom Komegay, Executive Director, Port of Houston Authority, "Port Facilities".

Rick Vacar, Director, City of Department of Aviation. "Aviation Facilities".

Mike Talbott, Director, Harris County Flood Control District, "Federal Demonstration Projects".





Monuments: Tallest Column: San Jacinto Monument

570 Feet Tall (1936-39). Commemorates 1836 Battle of San Jacinto.

Highest Structures in the United States:

9. Texas Commerce Plaza, Houston, Texas, 1,000 Feet, 79 Stories. Completed in 1982.

10. Allied Bank Plaza, Houston, Texas, 970 Feet, 71 Stories. Completed in 1983.

Bridges: Longest: Concrete Arch: Jesse H. Jones Memorial Bridge, 1,500 Feet Long Over Houston Ship Channel

Night Clubs: Largest: Gilley’s Club: Pasadena, Texas 4 Acres Under one roof, seating 6,000


World’s First Large Domed Stadium: Harris County Domed Stadium: Completed in 1965. Expanded to over 60,000 seats.

World’s Tallest Soil Supported Structure: Texas Commerce Bank Building: Houston, Texas (1982), 1,000 feet, 79 stories.

Tallest Building Outside Downtown Area: Transco Tower, Houston, Texas (1982), 909 feet, 64 stories.

Downtown Houston Tunnel System: 6.3 miles. Largest system of tunnels for pedestrians.

World’s Tallest Offshore Platform: Bullwinkle Offshore Oil & Gas Platform – Gulf of Mexico, 1,615 feet. Partially designed in Houston by Shell Oil. World’s Largest Launch/Transport from Japan to Float Platform to Gulf. 1989 ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award.

Largest Petro-Chemical Complex: Located along Houston Ship Channel and Gulf of Mexico.

Largest Space Training Facility: National Aeronautical and Space Administration Complex, Clear Lake Area.


Houston Ship Channel (1987): Dredging 50 miles inland. More material moved some months than the Panama Canal. Innovative 50% local cost sharing in 1909. Completed in 1919. Marker at Port of Houston Authority Visitor’s Center. Third busiest U.S. Port in tonnage.

San Jacinto Monument (1992): World’s Tallest Monumental Column, 570 Feet Tall (1936-39). Marker inside. Engineers were Designer-Robert J. Cummins, Foundation – R. F. Dawson, Contractor – Warren Bellows. Commemorates 1836 Battle of San Jacinto. Highest attendance of Texas parks.

National Bank of Commerce Building (1997)

Galveston Seawall and Island Raising (2001): Flowing the greatest natural disaster in the U.S. history with the loss of 6,000 lives. Civil Engineers designed and built a seawall and raised the level of Galveston Island (1902-1904 construction), using pioneering materials and methods, so that in about 100 years and 10 hurricanes, minimum damage and loss of life has occurred.


Texas/Louisiana OCEA Award Shell Oil Company for the Auger Tension Leg Platform (1995).


Fred Hartman's Cable-Stayed Bridge Between Baytown and La Porte (1996)

Sonny Carter National Buoyancy Laboratory (1997), the country's largest enclosed diving facility, serves as a simulated weightless training and testing facility for NASA astronauts preparing for the assembly of the future international space station.

Reconstruction of the Pierce Elevated Interstate Highway 454 (1999 Merit Recipient)

Enron Field (2001), a new standard in ballparks.


Galveston Seawall and Grade Raising (1976): Designed by Engineers: Gen. Henry M. Robert, Alfred Noble, and H. C. Ripley. Construction (October 27, 1902 – July 30, 1904) with Engineer George W. Boschke & Contractors John M. O’Rourke, George N. Steinmetz. Protected Galveston after 1900 hurricane killed more than 6,000 people.


The Texas Turnpike Authority Bridge (1987-88, longest concrete arch bridge) over the Houston Ship Channel

Sam Houston Tollway/I-10 Interchange in a fault area (1988-89).

ABT Automated Bag Handling and Ship Loading Terminal, Port of Galveston, Texas (1996)

TxDOT Houston Gateway Project Tie-Arch Bridge (2002)


The Houston Branch Award of Honor is conferred on a subscribing member of the Houston Branch who has supported the Branch through active participation in committee activities and who has served ASCE at the State and National levels.

1962 – Louis D. Spaw, Jr.

1978 – Robert M. Collie

1979 – Richard H. St. John, Sr.

1980 – Anthony P. Wenzel, Jr.

1981 – James R. Sims

1982 – Jose J. Correa

1983 – John A. Focht, Jr.

1984 – A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

1985 – Frank H. Newnam, Jr.

1986 – Robert R. McBride

1987 – A. Frank Marshall

1988 – H. Cecil Allen

1989 – J. R. Collins

1990 – Jerry Rogers

1991 – Stan Sarman

1992 – Bramlette McClelland

1993 – Wayne Klotz

1994 – Don Van Sickle

1995 – Hodge Mason

1996 – Robert S. Braden

1997– David L. Collins

1998 – Martha F. Juch

1999 – Gary Struzick

2000– Steven Neely

2001 – Thomas J. Rolen

2002 – Melvin Spinks


Members of the Houston Branch who have been selected:

1951 Warren S. Bellows - Industry

1953 Robert J. Cummins - Consultant

1954 Howard T. Tellepsen - Industry

1955 Mason G. Lockwood - Consultant

1956 George R. Brown - Industry

1957 J. M. Nagle – Government

1959 Noah E. Hull - Industry

1962 Professor L. B. Ryon - Education

1963 Lowber B. Snow - Industry

1965 Frank H. Newnam, Jr. - Consultant

1966 M. P. Anderson - Industry

1969 Joseph B. Dannenbaum - Consultant

1970 N. P. Turner - Consultant

1971 E. B. Cape - Government

1974 Walter P. Moore, Sr. - Consultant

1976 James R. Sims - Education

1978 Frank J. Metyko - Consultant

1980 Richard Parr Doss, Sr. - Government

1982 Bramlette McClelland - Consultant

1984 Richard H. St. John, Sr. - Government

1985 Walter P. Moore, Jr. - Consultant

1986 Judge Jon Lindsay - Government

1987 John A. Focht, Jr. - Consultant

1988 Louis D. Spaw, Jr. - Construction

1989 James B. Green - Government

1990 Robert G. MacLennan - Government

1991 William J. Harper - Consultant

1992 Richard E. Wainerdi

1993 Daniel Clinton - Consultant

1994 Jimmie Schindewolf


1996 Jerry R. Roger

1997 George C. Love

1998. Dionel E. Aviles

1999 A. C. Burkhalter

2000 James E. Moffatt

2001 Elbert W. Link

2002 Arthur L. Storey - Government


1997 Lea Sanford

1998 Alisa Acheson


2000 Brian Manning

2001. Martin Gonzalez IV

2002. LeAnne Napolillo


2002 Burton L. Johnson


Members of the Houston Branch who have been selected:

1975 Dr. Jerry R. Rogers - Education

1978 C. Rick Coneway - Consultant

1986 Victor Zepeda - Consultant

1989 Billy M. Cooke - Consultant




April 1921; February 1951; February 1962; October 1972; October 1983

October 2001


1966 Harris County Domed Stadium

1988 Harris County Tollway/I-10 Interchange

2001 ENRON Fields


National ASCE President:

1957 Mason Graves Lockwood

1969 Frank Hastings Newnam, Jr.

1982 James Redding Sims

1990 John Arnold Focht, Jr.

National Vice President:

31. Joseph Milton Howe

1954-55 Mason Graves Lockwood

1970-71 James Redding Sims

1984-85 John A. Focht, Jr.

1990-91 Jose J. Correa

1995-97 A.C. Burkhalter, Jr.

2001-02 Jerry R. Rogers

National Treasurer:

1990-91 A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

National Board of Directors:

1924-26 Joseph Milton Howe

1963-65 Frank Hastings Newnam, Jr.

1966-68 James Redding Sims

1981-83 John A. Focht, Jr.

1984-86 Jose J. Correa

1987-89 A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

1992-94 Jerry R. Rogers

2001-03 D. Wayne Klotz


1954 Robert J. Cummins

1971 George R. Brown

1974 N. P. Turner, Jr.

1981 Robert M. Collie

1986 Bramlette McClelland

1996 Louis D. Spaw, Jr.

1997 Anestis Veletsos, Walter P. Moore, Jr.


John Fritz Medal:

1977 George R. Brown

The Hoover Medal:

1982 Michael T. Halbouty


James Laurie Prize:

1959 Bramlette McClelland

John A. Focht, Jr.

ASCE State-of-the-Art Civil Engineering Award:

1971 Bramlette McClelland

John A. Focht, Jr.

William J. Emrich

1974 Nat W. Krahl

1979 John A. Focht, Jr.

Leland M. Kraft

1984 Michael W. O’Neill

Nathan M. Newmark Medal:

1978 Anestis S. Veletsos

Thomas A. Middlebrooks Award:

1957 John A. Focht, Jr.

1976 John A. Focht, Jr.

1984 W. David Carrier III

1990 Edward J. Ulrich, Jr.

Norman Medal:

1958 Anestis Veletsos

1990 Anestis Veletsos

Arthur M. Wellington Prize:

1959 Frank H. Newnam, Jr.

1964 H. W. Reeves

Moisseiff Award:

1958 Walter J. Austin

Stephone D. Bechtel Pipeline Engineering Award:

1971 Joesph B. Spangler

1976 Kenneth E. Britain

Karl Terzaghi Lecture:

1972 Bramlette McClelland

1993 John A. Focht, Jr.

1999 Michael W. O'Neill

Raymond C. Reese Research Prize:

1987 Cheng-Tzu

Thomas Hsu

Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize:

1961 Anestis Veletsos

1986 Michael O’Neill

Ernest E. Howard Award:

1990 Anestis S. Veletsos

Civil Government Award:

1984 Jon S. Lindsay

Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement:

1985 Edwin Friedrichs

2000 Kelly Payne

ASCE President’s Award:

1978 George R. Brown

2000 James Van Hoften

ASCE President’s Medal:

1989 Harold B. Loyd


1951 Edgar G. (Jack) Baugh

1957 Robert S. Braden

1960 James M. Abernathy

2000 Gonzalo Comacho (Zone III)


1990 Martha F. Juch

1991 David L. Collins


John A. Focht, Jr.

1997 Jerry R. Rogers


2000 A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.


1997 Chris Cotter




1979 Jerry R. Rogers

1984 Thomas J. Rolen Stanley J. Sarman

1987 A. Frank Marshall Ray G. Helmer, Jr.

1995. David L. Collins

1997 Martha F. Juch

1998 Melvin G. Spinks

2002 Richard L. Patrick, Steve R. Neely


2000 Michael D. Lacy Linda D. Pechacek


1933 J. Milton Howe

1959 Mason Lockwood

1969 Frank H. Newnam, Jr.

1973 Lowber D. Snow

1977 Robert M. Collie Robert A. Rait

James R. Sims W. O. Swift, Jr.

1981 Jose J. Correa John A. Focht, Jr.

1982 A. P. Wenzel, Jr.

1984 Richard H. St. John

1985 Bramlette McClelland

1989 A. C. Burkhalter, Jr.

1992 Jerry R. Rogers

1994 D. Wayne Klotz

1998 Stanley J. Sarman

1999 Louis D. Spaw, Jr.

2002 Martha Juch


1987 James D. Dannenbaum Richard Parr Doss, Sr.

Robert S. Braden Bill W. Klotz

Harry E. Bovay, Jr.

1992 Judge Jon Lindsay

1997 Terrence S. Cheng

1999 Edwin C. Friedrichs


1951 Edgar G. (Jack) Baugh*

1957 Robert S. Braden*

1958 Donald R. Van Sickle

1960 James M. Abernathy*

1961 F. Tim Pease

1966 Clair A. Carden

1972 Charles M. Wilcox

1977 D. Wayne Klotz

1978 Robert Worley

1979 Charles R. Coneway

1992 Brock E. Miller

1996 Gonzalo Camacho

*Awarded prize in nationwide ASCE contest.


1962 Donald R. Van Sickle

1984 Gordon D. Zwillenberg

1991 Theodore G. Cleveland


1976 Michael W. O’Neill

1980 Bryant P. Marshall and Bill R. Elsbury

1981 Michael W. O’Neill and Larry Mahar

1982 Alan G. Young, Bernard D. Remmes, and

Barry J. Meyer

1983 Barry J. Meyer

1984 Charles Rivette and Michael Schultz

1988 Charles E. Williams

1989 Daniel P. Wong, Michael W. O’Neill and

C. Vipulanandan

1991 Keh-Han Wang, Theodore G. Cleveland and

Steven D. Fitzgerald


1975 D. Wayne Klotz – University of Houston

1979 Kenneth Rainwater – Rice University

1991 Linda D. Pechacek – University of Houston

1996 Kenneth Aubuchon – University of Houston

1999 Burein Ozcan - University of Houston


1994 Jerry R. Rogers

1998 Gary L. Struzick


1992 David L. Collins

1994 Lawrence D. Goldberg

1996 Terence S. Cheng

1997 Georgia A. Wilson

1999 Dionel E. Aviles


2001 Ben G. Watts


1994 Jose J. Correa


1999 Dan Feldstein, Houston Chronicle

PAST OFFICERS OF THE TEXAS SECTION (Past Presidents and President-Elects are not listed):

J. C. McVea 2nd Vice President 1921 & 1924

1st Vice President 1925

President 1926

Director 1927-28

W. W. McClendon 2nd Vice President 1935

1st Vice President 1936

John H. Bringhurst Vice President 1939

President 1943

Director 1945

Robert J. Cummins President 1940

Director 1942

Ross White Vice President 1945

Lowber D. Snow President 1950

Frank H. Newnam, Jr. Vice President 1951

President 1962

Mason G. Lockwood President 1953

James R. Sims Sec/Treasurer 1954-58

President 1961

Lydon A. Gilman Vice President 1956

President 1959

Noble D. Jones Vice President 1963-64

President 1966

Bramlette McClelland Vice President 1965

John A. Focht, Jr. Vice President 1970

President 1971

Jose J. Correa Vice President 1971

President 1979

R. H. St. John Vice President 1972

President 1975

R. Joe Sewell Ex. Secretary 1973-75

Vice President 1976

A. P. Wenzel, Jr. Vice President 1974

President 1977

Donald R. Van Sickle Vice President 1975

Philip B. Rapstine Vice President 1976

A. C. Burkhalter, Jr. Vice President 1979

President 1983

A. Frank Marshall Vice President 1980

H. Cecil Allen Vice President 1981

President 1986

John R. Collins, Jr. Vice President 1983

Jerry R. Rogers Vice President 1983

President 1989

O. Ray Lester Vice President 1984

Thomas J. Rolen Vice President 1985

D. Wayne Klotz, Jr. Vice President 1986

President 1991

Joe F. Skelton Vice President 1986

Stanley J. Sarman Vice President 1989

President 1994

David L. Collins Vice President 1992

Martha F. Juch Vice President 1994

President 1998

Gary L. Struzick Vice President 1996

Steven R. Neely Vice President 1999

Brock E. Miller Vice President 2000

Richard L. Patrick Vice President 2002

Melvin G. Spinks Vice President 2003


1973-75 J. R. Collins, Jr.

1975-77 David L. Collins

1977-79 Thomas J. Rolen

1978-80 Stanley J. Sarman

1980-82 William S. St. John

1983-85 Edwin C. Fredrichs

1986-88 Robert T. Deden

1989-91 Martha F. Juch

1992-94 Melvin G. Spinks

1995-97 Brock E. Miller

1999-01 Lea S. Sanford

2001-03 Martin Gonzalez IV


1954-57 James R. Sims – Rice University

1972-75 Kenneth J. Tharp – University of Houston

1975-76 R. Joe Sewell – University of Houston


1914 November 13-14 (H)

1916 May 19-20 (G)

1920 April 15-16 (H)

1921 April (H)*

1923 October 5-6 (H)

1926 April 20 (H)

1930 October 24-25 (H)

1933 May 5-6 (G)

1934 October 26-27 (H)

1938 April 29-30 (H)

1940 April 26-27 (G)

1942 November 5-6 (H)

1947 May 15-17 (H)

1951 February 20 (H)*

1954 September 23-24 (H)

1962 February 20 (H)*

1968 April 18-20 (H)

1970 April 30 – May 2 (G)

1972 October 16-20 (H)*

1976 October 21-23 (H)

1981 September 24-26 (H)

1983 October 17-21 (H)*

1987 October 1-3 (H)

1992 October 1–3 (H)

1997 April 4-9 (H)

2001 October 10-13 (H)*

*National ASCE Convention with Texas Section Meeting


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