Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO) Regional Transportation Planning Work Program FFY 2018 ProgramAdopted October 26, 2017South Western Oklahoma Development Authority P.O. Box 569 Burns Flat, Oklahoma 73624580-562-4882Association of South Central Oklahoma GovernmentP.O. Box 1647Duncan, OK.73534580-736-7965This project is financed with Federal SPR and SWODA and ASCOG funds. FFY October 1, 2017- September 30, 2018 TOC \f \* MERGEFORMAT \l "1-3" Table of ContentsIntroduction1SORTPO1Transportation Planning Products1Planning Work Program (PWP)1Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)1Public Participation Process (PPP).1Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan…………………………………………………………...1Planning Priorities2PWP Revenues2Table 1: FHWA SPR Budget Summary2Table 2: Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Total Budget, Including Federal, State and Local Sources……2Element 1.0 - Program Support & Administration 3Table 3: Program Support & Administration Funding3Element 2.0 - Data Acquisition and Management4Table 4: Data Acquisition & Management Funding4Element 3.0 - Long Range Transportation Planning5Table 5: Long Range Transportation Planning Funding5Element 4.0 - Short Range Transportation Planning6Table 6: Short Range Transportation Planning Funding6Element 5.0 -Public Education and Participation7Table 7: Public Education and Participation Funding7List of Acronyms 8APPENDIX A: Resolution 9Appendix B: SORTPO Boundary Map 10APPENDIX C: SORTPO Technical Committee11APPENDIX D: SORTPO Policy Board 12APPENDIX E: PWP Resolution………………………………………………………………………….13I INTRODUCTIONThe Planning Work Program (PWP) for the Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO) defines the planning priorities in the region and describes all transportation-related planning activities anticipated in the program year. The objective of the PWP is to ensure the transportation planning activities for SWODA/ASCOG region supports the regional transportation planning needs of the area. The PWP is developed by SWODA/ASCOG in collaboration with Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT). IISORTPO In April 2012, ODOT entered into an agreement with OARC to oversee development of the regional transportation planning process and the regional public participation process in the non-metropolitan areas of the state. The South Western Oklahoma Development Authority (SWODA) by Resolution 16-06 created the Southwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization (SORTPO). In FFY 2016, the SORTPO region was redefined to include both SWODA and ASCOG Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments. The Resolution 16-06 is found in (Appendix A). (Appendix B) is the SORTPO Region. The Transportation Technical Committee (Appendix C) reviews the transportation planning process and provides recommendations to the SORTPO Policy Board (Appendix D). The Policy Board reviews and makes final approval on transportation planning products such as the PWP, Long Range Transportation Plan, Public Participation Plan and other transportation planning studies. IIITRANSPORTATION PLANNING PRODUCTS tc \l 1 "IV TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PRODUCTS" tc \l 2 ""SORTPO’s regional transportation planning process results in the development of planning products, including the PWP, data collection, Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), short range studies and the Public Participation Plan (PPP). Planning Work Program (PWP)tc \l 2 "Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)". The PWP is one element of the transportation planning process that SWODA/ASCOG will follow in support of development of transportation planning products. The PWP will document the transportation planning activities and projects to be accomplished with SPR funds in SORTPO region. Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The LRTP is the centerpiece of the transportation planning process. Since 2015, SORTPO has developed LRTPs for 8 counties, Custer, Beckham, Roger Mills, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Jefferson and Stephens Counties. The remaining counties Caddo and Comanche will be developed in subsequent years.Public Participation Plans (PPP).tc \l 2 "Public Participation Process (PPP)." The intent of the Public Participation Plan is to encourage and support proactive public participation throughout the planning and decision-making process related to the development of proposed transportation plans, programs, and projects so that a safe, efficient transportation system reflecting the needs and interests of all stakeholders can be provided. Public participation provides citizens, affected public agencies, private providers of transportation and other interested parties reasonable opportunity to comment, participate in goal-setting, problem solving, and expand the focus of transportation decision making. In addition, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) requires transportation agencies to develop and implement a proactive approach to ensure that transportation services are extended to those traditionally underserved.Limited English Proficiency Plan (LEP). SORTPO is represented by a diverse population residing in sixteen counties. SORTPO must prepare for and provide the opportunity for all its citizens to participate in the transportation planning process – regardless of their proficiency in speaking the English language – as required by Executive Order 13166 signed on August 11, 2011. IV.FFY 2018 PLANNING PRIORITIEStc \l 1 "VLMPO PLANNING ISSUES" The FFY 2018 SWODA/ASCOG planning priorities are reflected in the various elements of this document. The major products or activities in this FFY will include: Program Support & Administration: PWP, Audit, TrainingUpdate the PPP and website.Develop the LEP.Data Acquisition and Management: Social, economic and environmental data, (population and employment projections, traffic counts, safety data compilation)Long Range Transportation Planning: Regional transportation planning, safety and incident management, transportation data coordinationShort-range Transportation Planning: Transportation Alternative Program and similar programs, Bike/pedestrians projects & programs, local studiesPublic Education and Participation: Information distributed at civic club meetings, senior centers, schools, speaker(s) available for any gathering. Surveys distributed and on-line V.PWP Revenues The primary source of federal transportation planning funds is the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) State Planning and Research (SPR) Funds. FHWA funds cannot exceed 80 percent of the total PWP revenues. The remaining 20 percent is provided by SWODA and ASCOG. Total federal SPR funds for the transportation planning program applied for is $ 225,000. Funds shown in Table 1 summarize the budget by funding categories and source of funding. Table 2 identifies the funding by PWP work element for FFY 2018.Table 1: FHWA SPR Budget Summary?SPR FundsSORTPO MatchTotalPersonnel$88,561.00$22,140.00$110,701.00Travel$9,600.00$2,400.00$12,000.00Supplies, printing, copying$1,200.00$300.00$1,500.00Advertising/Public Awareness$2,400.00$600.00$3,000.00Consultant$104,000.00$26,000.00$130,000.00Indirect / Bldg. Allocation$19,239.00$4,800.00$24,049.00Total$225,000.00$56,250.00$281,250.00Source: SWODA Table 2: FFY 2018 Total Budget, Including Federal, State and Local Sources tc \l 1 "Table 2: Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Total Budget, Including Federal, State and Local Sources "SPRProjectSPR FundsSORTPO MatchTotal1.0Program Support & Administration$12,000.00$3,000.00$15,000.002.0Data Acquisition & Management$25,224.00$6,306.00$31,530.003.0Long Range Transportation Planning$172,248.00$43,062.00$215,310.004.0Short-Range Transportation Planning$9,408.00$2,352.00$11,760.005.0Public Education & Participation$6,120.00$1,530.00$7,650.00?Total$225,000$56,250.00$281,250.00Source: SWODAElement 1.0 - Program Support & Administrationtc \l 1 "Element 1.0 - Program Support & Administration"OBJECTIVE: Compliance with administrative, financial, and legal requirements for development and maintenance of the regional transportation planning process. TASK DESCRIPTION: This Task includes the?coordination?of?the Technical Committee and Policy Board meetings, training and travel, preparing the work program, program expenses (office supplies, software, technology, printing and mailing) and the maintenance for the SORTPO website. The following products or activities will be the responsibility of the SWODA/ASCOG staff in cooperation with ODOT.Tasks: Prepare agenda, minutes and support documents for the Transportation Technical Committee and SORTPO Policy Board. Prepare and submit monthly claims statement to ODOT. Maintain financial records and submit SWODA’s and ASCOG’s annual financial audit, the audit will be performed following guidance from OMB Circular A133 Coordinate with ODOT, and other Regional Councils in the RTPO process. Training and Travel: This task provides funding for travel to attend meetings in support of the program priorities identified in this document. Travel to include meetings at ODOT and other Regional Councils, and NADO as appropriate. Consult with ODOT on the purchase of equipment and/or technology to manage transportation data.Products and Schedule:ProductStartCompleteEstimated HoursFFY 2018 PWP1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 45Audit3rd Quarter4th Quarter50Monthly Claims1st Quarter4th Quarter50Maintenance of Website1st Quarter4th Quarter30FFY 2019 PWP3rd Quarter4th Quarter40Tech and Policy Board meeting preparation1st Quarter4th Quarter130Table 3: Program Support & Administration Fundingtc \l 1 "Table 3: Program Support & Administration Funding"FUNDING SOURCEFUNDING AMOUNTSPR Funds$12,000.00SORTPO Match$3,000.00TOTAL$15,000.00 Element 2.0 – Data Acquisition and Management tc \l 1 "Element 2 - Data Collection & Information"OBJECTIVE: Develop and maintain a current and future socioeconomic database to support the transportation planning process. Task Description: Identify resources, collect and maintain demographic and other data elements. The following products or activities will be the responsibility of SORTPO staff:Tasks:Coordinate with SWODA/ASCOG ODOT Divisions (3, 5 and 7) to collect and share data such as functional classification, vehicle traffic count data, transportation projects, and accident data.Continue development and maintenance of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and other information reporting, and continue efforts to incorporate new or revised data into GIS mapping.Physical and operational characteristics of the transportation system will be collected, analyzed and integrated in GIS. Such as street characteristics, major traffic routes, bridges, functional classification, rail system characteristics, bicycle, pedestrian usage and infrastructure. Identification of transportation impediments i.e., low water crossings.Develop Traffic Analysis Zones for the region.Develop Maps that display transportation characteristics and location of transportation facilities.Coordinate with local and state partners in development procedures to identify data needed, and a procedure for collection and distribution of data. Collaborate with ODOT regional freight stakeholders and major employer’s to identify current inventories of intermodal facilities, goods movement and number of employees.Products and Schedule:ProductStartCompleteEstimated HoursDevelop procedures for data acquisition and development1st Quarter2nd Quarter20Coordinate with ODOT to share data1st Quarter4th Quarter25Data Acquisition, Development and Management3rd Quarter4th Quarter400Identification of transportation impediments2nd Quarter3rd Quarter15Develop Traffic Analysis Zones1st Quarter4th Quarter324Develop Maps that display transportation characteristics1st Quarter4th Quarter50Table 4: Data Acquisition & Management FundingFUNDING SOURCEFUNDING AMOUNTSPR Funds$25,224.00SORTPO Match$6,306.00TOTAL$31,530.00Element 3.0 – Long Range Transportation Planning Objective: Development of long-range transportation plans for the counties of Cotton, Grady, Kiowa, McClain, Tillman and Washita. Preliminary development of a regional long range transportation plan. Task Description: Coordination of the transportation planning process with community values and goals, land use plans, and other various transportation data to complete a Long- Range Transportation Plan.Tasks:Develop a long-range transportation plan reflective of the community and local plans, and for incorporation into the future Regional Transportation Plan. Coordinate transportation planning efforts with consultant. Transportation Planning Consultant development of 4 long range transportation plans and provide transportation planning guidance, training and technical assistance. Ensure the transportation planning process is in compliance with applicable federal legislation.Develop and outline a preliminary scope for the regional transportation plan.Products and Schedule:ProductStartCompleteEstimated HoursDevelop Long Range Transportation Plan (Kiowa and Washita Counties)1st Quarter3rd Quarter 1400Assist Consultant in development of Long Range Transportation Plans for the counties of Grady and McClain1st Quarter 3rd Quarter500Monitor federal legislation3rd Quarter4th Quarter 15Oversight and coordination of planning effort with consultant3rd Quarter4th Quarter300Consultant will prepare Long Transportation Plans for the counties of Cotton, Grady, McClain and Tillman1st Quarter4th Quartern/aOutline and Scope for Regional Transportation Plan1st Quarter4th Quarter248 Table 5: Long Range Transportation Planning Fundingtc \l 1 "Table 4: Data Collection & Information Funding"FUNDING SOURCEFUNDING AMOUNTSPR Funds$172,248.00SORTPO Match$43,062.00TOTAL$215,310.00Element 4.0 – Short-Range Transportation Planning Objective: Development of activities and studies to support the implementation of the transportation planning process. Task Description: Undertake studies when needed to address emerging transportation needs through cooperation, participation and initiation with relevant regional agencies and affected parties.Tasks:Facilitation and coordination in development of a regional advisory task force/committee to review, identify and evaluate economic vitality of transportation linkages with regional national and state significant resources.Review transportation planning procedures with assistance of Consultant as needed.Collaborate with ODOT on the Transportation Alternative Program grant process and other funding programs.Assist SORPTO entities in identification of federal and/or state transportation funding sources.Products and Schedule:ProductStartCompleteEstimated HoursTask force/Committee 3rd Quarter4th Quarter10Planning Procedures Manual3rd Quarter3rd Quarter125Grant Funding assistance2nd Quarter4th Quarter153 Table 6: Short Range Transportation Planning Fundingtc \l 1 "Table 4: Data Collection & Information Funding"FUNDING SOURCEFUNDING AMOUNTSPR Funds$9,408.00SORTPO Match$2,352.00TOTAL$11,760.00Element 5.0 – Public Education and ParticipationObjective: Build awareness, interest, and support in the general public and stakeholders.Task Description: Public outreach and education on the transportation planning process.Tasks: Participate on state, regional, and local committees regarding County transportation issues.Educate the public and elected officials, in order to increase public understanding of both the options and the constraints of transportation alternatives.Facilitate stakeholder meetings.Revise the Public Participation Plan (PPP) with consultant.Develop Limited English Proficiency Plan (LEP) with consultant.Visualization techniques will be used to communicate transportation information for public outreach.Provide telecommunication services for outreach to other agencies and hosting of board meetings.Products and Schedule:ProductStartCompleteEstimated HoursParticipation on committees1st Quarter4th Quarter20Procedures and information to educate 2nd Quarter3rd Quarter30Public Participation Plan (PPP)1st Quarter3rd Quarter20Limited English Proficiency Plan (LEP)2nd Quarter3rd Quarter 20 Table 7: Public Education & Participation Fundingtc \l 1 "Table 4: Data Collection & Information Funding"FUNDING SOURCEFUNDING AMOUNTSPR Funds$6,120.00SORTPO Match$1,530.00TOTAL$7,650.00 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1ACRONYMSASCOGAssociation of South Central Oklahoma GovernmentFAST ActFixing America’s Surface Transportation ActFHWAFederal Highway AdministrationFYFiscal YearFFYFederal Fiscal YearGISGeographic Information SystemLEPLimited English ProficiencyLRTPLong Range Transportation PlanODOTOklahoma Department of TransportationMAP-21Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century ActPPPPublic Participation ProcessPWPPlanning Work ProgramRTPORegional Transportation Planning OrganizationSPRState Planning and ResearchSORTPOSouthwest Oklahoma Regional Transportation Planning Organization SWODASouthwestern Oklahoma Development AuthorityAppendix A: Resolution 16-06Appendix B: SORTPO Boundary MapAppendix C: SORTPO Technical Committee MembersBryce BohotJefferson County Commissioner District #2Elesia ChurchCity of Elk City, TreasurerBecky CockrellStaff- SWODA/ SORTPOJana HarrisSWODA/ 911Steve KellyStaff- ASCOG/SORTPO*Lisa LamStrategic Assets Performance Management Division, ODOTLee LitterellCity of Elk City, AdministratorJim MasonCity of Elk City, Economic DevelopmentKevin OuelletteCouncil Member City of FredrickBasil WeatherlyCity of Elk City John SheppardCity Manager City of Walter Cole VonfeldtConstruction Engineer, ODOT Division 7*Non-Voting MemberAppendix D: SORTPO Policy Board MembersBrent AlmquistDivision Engineer, ODOT Division 5Anita ArcherElk CityDale BunnCity Manager of PurcellKirk ButlerJackson County CommissionersJerry DeanCircuit Engineering District #7Jay EarpDivision Engineer, ODOT Division 7Marilyn FeaverExecutive Director, Southwest Oklahoma Impact CoalitionShawn FreieDirector of Economic Development Caddo Kiowa Technology CenterMike GallowayCuster County Emergency ManagementDebora GlasgowSWODA, Executive DirectorLyle MillerCuster County CommissionersCendie NewmanRed River TransportationLyle RoggowPresident Duncan Area Economic Development Heather SheppardFarmrail Corporation.Mark SkilesMunicipalities of Custer CountyClark SouthardOklahoma Southwest Alliance Bill SpurlockElk City Municipal Airport BoardLarry ThomaMayor of ElginTom ZiglerStaff- ASCOGAPPENDIX E: PWP RESOLUTION ................

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