a newsletter of

Fountain City Presbyterian Church

500 Hotel Road

Knoxville, TN 37918

June 2012

Phone: 865-688-2163

Fax: 865-281-0300

E-mail: fcpcoffice@

Web address:

Sunday morning worship services

8:55 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY: If you have an emergency and do not reach anyone at the Church Office or on weekends, please call one of the ministers at their home: Max Reddick at 219-9262 or Darryl Baker at 803-4158.


“I declare to you that in name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.” These are the familiar words that conclude the Prayer of Confession as the Assurance of Pardon. The Easter season raises our consciousness about forgiveness, reminding us that forgiveness is at the heart of the faith. Forgiveness, however, is only the means. You have heard the saying about “a means to an end” - this is true of forgiveness; it is a means to an end. Forgiveness is not the last word of Easter.

When we have been wronged or take offense, we work through a myriad of feelings to forgive the other person. In this respect, forgiveness is an attitude that we take toward another person. We acknowledge what has been done, and we put it behind us. We move on. To go forward requires a type of acceptance of what has happened: not an approval, but an acknowledgement of the wrong and a recognition that it happened. Some people never get beyond how unacceptable a behavior is – notice the word unacceptable because this is the obstacle to forgiveness. Forgiveness allows a wrong to have occurred without repercussion. We decide to forego punishment or revenge and accept what has happened; we forgive. This is an important first step of the good news of Easter, but to stop here misses the full wonder of the cross and resurrection.

There is more. “This is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ . . . that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them (2 Cor 5:18-19).” Reconciliation is the end for which forgiveness is the means. Reconciliation is about repairing the relationship between us and God and restoring fellowship with our creator. If sin separates us from God, then forgiveness reunites us with God. The whole point of Easter is the restoration of this relationship. We see the point emphasized in the parables where Jesus seeks out the lost sheep and brings it back to the fold. The parable of the prodigal son is replete with the meaning of restored relationship. Forgiveness allows us to reunite with God. I think of the reunion that takes place when a soldier returns from battle – his family streaming across the tarmac and the heartfelt embrace of husband and wife. In reconciliation, God brings us home.

The work of reconciliation that God has done on our behalf becomes a model for our relationships with others. There are times where all that we can offer is forgiveness because reconciliation is impossible. Establishing a relationship with someone who continues to seek our harm or do wrong is unlikely because the other person is unwilling to engage, or is even dangerous. The responsibility to try is a tremendous challenge. Pope John Paul II reminds us of the high calling of the gospel. In 1981, the Pope was shot six times at close range. The Pope survived the assassination attempt. His attacker, Mehmet Ali Agca, was sentenced to prison. The Pope could have forgiven Mehmet and left him to rot in jail, but he went to visit him instead. Would we? Restoring a right relationship is the ministry of reconciliation. It involves restoring the relationship with God whom we wrong and with our brothers and sisters who wrong us. In the larger sphere of common relationships, forgiveness is a half-measure, with reconciliation being the whole enchilada. Would we forgive someone without attempting a renewed relationship with them? Too often, the answer is yes. What God has done for us is our model. This is hard to accept when two little-league parents are arguing about whose child should play center field, but when the intensity of the moment passes and cooler heads prevail, the Christian has an obligation to repair the relationship. John tells of Jesus saying, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." It is far easier to say that we forgive than it is to repair a relationship, but the world is watching. The true power of the gospel is demonstrated through the humility, self-sacrifice and courage of reconciling with those who have wronged us. It is hard. It takes the power of the living Christ to attempt such an audacious act of love. The world is watching.


If you have information for the next newsletter, please call, email, or drop a note by the church office.

Requests from Christian Ed:

How would you like to help plan the worship and programming for WOW for 2012-13?  Are you willing to moderate a small group study?  We are looking for WOW help in these areas.  Please contact the church office or Lyn Oakley (lynfcpc@) or Darlene Miller (darlene.miller@) if you are interested in helping with either of these. 

We also are in need of someone to go around on Sunday morning and collect the Sunday School offering envelopes from the classrooms.  Again, contact Lyn, Darlene, or the church office if you can help or can share this job with another person.  Thanks! 


Memorial Fund gifts have been given in memory of Evanne Elliott by Margaret Ann McFadden, Morgan and Christine Cantey.

A Memorial Fund gift has been given in memory of Austin Suneson by Anne Bilbrey.

A Fountain City Ministry Center gift has been given by the Waystation Class in honor of Don Schiesswohl.

John Knox

2012 Summer Camp Schedule

Critter Day Camp June 11 - 15 Ages 4 - 10           

Native Days Day Camp July 9-13 Ages 4-10

Mini Camp              July 5 - 7 2nd - 4th grades         

TBA Elementary Camp June 10 - 15 4th-6th     

Native Ways       July 8 - 13 4th - 6th grades         

Marathon          June 17 - 30 4th - 12th grades    

Middle Adventure  July 15 - 22 6th - 9th      

Night owl            July 15 - 20 4th - 9th grades       

High School Adventure July 5 - 13 10th - Graduates       

Covenant Partners June 3-15 Ages 16- 18            

*Rising grade in fall 2012.

Christian love and sympathy to the family of former member Ethel Hickox Story who passed away on April 24, 2012.

Christian love and sympathy is extended to Marion Phifer and family on the loss of her brother, Tom Hollingsworth in South Carolina.

Christian love and sympathy is extended to the family of Richard (Dick) Ogdin, former member living in Hendersonville, TN who passed away on May 20, 2012 after a brief illness with cancer.

Christian love and sympathy is extended to Glenn Hancock and family on the loss of his father.


FOUNTAIN CITY MINISTRY CENTER needs men to help with moving groceries from room to room on Tuesdays 2-4 p.m. Contact Pat Wyrick, Gail Giffin or Bill Keeler if you can help.

College Graduates

Marlee Dennis, daughter of Dale and Candy Dennis, is graduating from Carson Newman College on May 11, with a Degree in Advertising/PR with a minor in Political Science, Cum Laude. She is currently employed with Wintellect here in Knoxville.

Chris Hill is graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of Tennessee, with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. After his marriage to Rachel Bales on June 9 they will be living in Johnson City where he will be attending ETSU Quillen School of Medicine.

Kelsey Rohwer graduated in May from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.  She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science.  Kelsey plans to attend Physical Therapy school next year.

High School Graduate

Congratulations to Katherine McGaha, daughter of Greg & Genny McGaha who will be graduating from Central High school. Katherine participated in GSA all 4 years at Central. She was in the Ethics Bowl Senior year (a competition at UT) with a team judging ethical situations and how they should be handled. She was in the Select Choraliers at Central and performed in the Phantom & Les Miserables. After graduation Katherine will be attending Pellissippi.

Former Member Cares for God’s Children

Darrell and Barbara Rice were active members of our church in the seventies before moving to Kingsport. Barbara’s parents, Frank and Dorothy Slagle were also members. Darrell’s dream was to build a playground for handicapped children. Though planning for the playground began in 2001, Darrell died in 2004. Now his dream is a reality. The News Sentinel has this to say, “Warriors Path State Park officially opened the newest and final addition to the Darrell’s Dream Boundless Playground – a 200 seat amphitheater designed for a variety of uses . . . Darrell’s Dream Boundless Playground is a unique play area that accommodates any child regardless of physical obstacles with learning opportunities for children of all abilities.” This is a legacy of love from one of our own.

Inasmuch United Knoxville Fountain City Church Cluster

Some Stats and Stories from April 21, 2012

Thank you, church families, for serving the community so well through Inasmuch United Knoxville! When church members are mobilized outside the walls of the churches, God connects us to people to do His kingdom’s work in amazing ways.

Here are some overall stats of the compassionate service:

• 27 projects

• 354 volunteers

• 1,228 volunteer hours served

• 4,403 people served

• $5,570 of value in donations given

Here are just some of the story highlights from the day:

• A home repair project was done for a family. The husband is disabled due to heart/kidney issues and the wife is a FCMC board member. Twenty-one volunteers served 126 hours to complete many jobs needed to maintain the home.

• Over 2,100 cans of beans were collected at area stores. This bean supply will last the FCMC 4 months of distribution.

• A young family whose trailer was burned down on 4/20 was able to receive special help/services from local agencies as a result of a “divine appointment” meeting during a project.

• Future ministry plans were made between people from a church and school as a result of serving together during a project.

• A relationship was renewed between a person and her Sunday School class members after a lapse in time of over 20 years.

• A woman living in her car was offered special services at one project site.

• Many home repairs/visits were made for our own homebound/sick church members.

FCPC and Community Garden

On the church property next to the parking lot a new garden project has begun in 3 stages. A special thank you goes to John Keith and his young men from Restorative Justice for stage 1 in preparing the ground to start a garden. A special thank you goes to John French for stage 2 of our garden by roto tilling the ground. Now we are ready for stage 3 and need help. We need someone with experience in gardening to set out 20-25 tomato plants. The plan is for Mission Possible Kids to pick the tomatoes and give to people in the community and the Fountain City Ministry Center. If you can help with this project call Bill Keeler at 660-9931 or Lyn Oakley at 688-2163.

June Birthdays

1 Carole Davis, Jerry Kiliszewski

3 Nina Wyrick

4 Ashley Wynne, Alec Humphrey

5 Judy Hagan

6 Stan Pozega, Cidney Coppock, Caroline Coppock

8 Shirley Elder, Grover Silvius

9 Carrie Garrison

11 Shannon Terry, Chris Rohwer, Bree Bjorholm, Haley Mullins, Laurel Mosley

12 Bill Keeler

13 Ron Huskey, Andrew Biddle, Michael Barrett

14 Jim Giffin, Cecilia Willis

15 Kelli Hurt

16 Madeline Reddick, Treyson Derry

17 George Jones, Scott Tarver, Jeni Sharpe, Janet Kendrick, Jeff Carr

18 Sam Crockett

19 Wil Phifer, Walt Tappan, Kaylynn Gardiner

20 Casey Phillips, Britton Barrett

21 Amy Nutter, Quinton Wright

22 Stewart Carnes, Tammy Reed

23 Faye Jones, Jessica Walton, Janice Huskey,

24 Bob McGehee

25 Debby Dowling, Stephen Babelay, Kacie Grogan

26 Don Lucas

27 Jacob deVente, Ryan McKenzie

28 Joan Biddle

29 Kelli Carr

30 Sue Street

The Fellowship Group

will meet Thursday, June 14 at 6:30 PM at Bravo's on Bearden Hill. The sign-up sheet is on the Fellowship Board. For further information call Susan or Dave Lloyd at 524-7852.

Friendship Bible Class

It is with much sadness that I must report on the demise of this beloved Sunday school Class.  During the 

last three years, the class has lost a number of members to death, illness and nursing homes.  Other members have joined other classes or have left the church.  The consensus of our remaining members is that we should disband and join with other classes.

A gift has been given in honor of Don Schiesswohl to the Fountain City Ministry Center by the Waystation Class.


|The people of FCPC | |

|Senior Minister |Max Reddick |

| |f1gp@ |

|Parish Associate |Darryl Baker |

| |darrylfcpc@ |

|Dir. Chr Ed & Missions |Lyn Oakley |

| |lynfcpc@ |

|Director, Youth |Alfred Huffaker |

| |alfsmart@ |

|Director, Music |Bob Eubanks |

| |beubanks@ |

|Organist: |Matt McCurry |

| |mjm70742@ |

|Office Admin. |Cindy Ricker |

| |fcpcoffice@ |

|Admin. Asst & |Tammy Reed |

| bookkeeper |tamfcpc@ |

|Custodian |Terry Rouse |

|Asst Custodian |Ron French |

|Dir. Davis Ctr for Child Dev. |Sherry Moore |

|Treasurer |Dawn Headrick |

|Co-Treasurer |Pat Armstrong |

|Librarian |Paula Rhea |

|Clerk of Session |David Noel |

|Parish Assoc Sr. Care |Bill & Dorothy Wadsworth |

|Moderator, Board of Deacons |David Decker |

|Nursery Coordinator |Joan Biddle |

| | |

We have several copies of Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover books. Call the church office at 688-2163 or email fcpcoffice@ if interested in one.

Fellowship Event

We will be going to see the TN Smokies play on Friday, June 29th at 7:15 PM.  Meet in the church parking lot at 5:15 to take church vans for whoever needs/wants transportation.  You can also meet us at the ball park at the will call booth to get your tickets.  Tickets will be $8.00 each and money needs to be turned into the church office prior to going to the game.  Sign up sheet on the Fellowship board outside the office.  Please indicate whether or not you will ride the church vans that evening so that we can plan for space and van drivers.


Youth Director:

Alfred Huffaker – 249-6445 

Fun / Fellowship, Missions, and Spiritual Growth


Month To Date Year To Date

Revenues   36,102  143,375              

Expenses       42,639              141,079

Net              (6,537) 2,296


Dear Fountain City Presbyterian Friends,

The two lunches you prepared for us during Teacher Appreciation Week were very delicious. Thank you so much for all you do for us. We all appreciate your efforts for Fountain City Elementary.

Sincerely, Fountain City School Faculty and Staff

Congregation and Staff,

Thank you so much for all your love, prayers, support, meals and the use of your church during Joshua’s illness and death. Your church has showered us with love! Thank you! Sherri Moore


Matt McCurry has been named the Rotary Club Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Knoxville Rotary Club.  Susan Espiritu has been named the NAESP Tennessee State Winner of the National Distinguished Principal Award.   


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