University of California, Irvine

CURRICULUM VITAEWENDY A. GOLDBERGDepartment of Psychology and Social Behavior4564 Social and Behavioral Sciences GatewayTelephone: 949 824-5219University of California, IrvineFax: 949 824-3002Irvine, CA 92697-7085wendy.goldberg@uci.eduPOSITIONS AND EMPLOYMENT1983Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine 1989 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine 2005-Joint Appointment/WOS, Department of Education, University of California, Irvine2006-2011Vice Chair, Department of Psychology and Social Behavior 2008-presentProfessor, Department of Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine2012-presentCo-Director, Brain and Behavior Core, UCI Center for Autism Research and Treatment2015-presentInterim Associate Dean, School of Social EcologyEDUCATION1975Wesleyan UniversityB.A.Psychology1979University of MichiganM.S.Psychology1981University of MichiganPh.D.Psychology Major area: Developmental Psychology1983Northwestern University Postdoctoral Fellow Major area: Child Social PolicyFELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS1975 B.A., magna cum laude, Wesleyan University1975Honors in Psychology 1975Walkley Prize for undergraduate research 1979-1980 C.I.C. Traveling Scholar, University of Chicago 1977-1979Predoctoral Traineeship, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, University of Michigan 1980-1981Predoctoral Traineeship, Bush Program in Child Development and Social Policy, University of Michigan 1981-1983Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Health and Social Policy, Northwestern University 1987Faculty Career Development Award, UC Irvine1997Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research, UC Irvine2010Faculty Mentor of the Month, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), UC Irvine2013 International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Co-author on one of six papers chosen from over 1,000 abstracts to be featured during the IMFAR press conferencePUBLICATIONSBooksMichaels, G.Y. & W. A. Goldberg (Eds.), (1988). The transition to parenthood: Current theory and research. NY: Cambridge University Press.Goldberg, W.A. (Ed.), (2009). Current directions in gender psychology. Boston, Massachusetts: Association for Psychological Science and Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.Goldberg, W.A. (2014). Father time: The social clock and the timing of fatherhood. London, England: Palgrave Macmillan.Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals= student co-authorBrush, L. R., & Goldberg, W. A. (1978). The intercorrelation of measures of sex-role identity. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 19, 43-48.Easterbrooks, M. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1984). Toddler development in the family: Impact of father involvement and family characteristics. Child Development, 55, 740-752.Goldberg, W. A., & Easterbrooks, M. A. (1984). The role of marital quality in toddler development. Developmental Psychology, 20, 504-514.Herz, E. J., Goldberg, W. A., & Reis, J. S. (1984). Family life education for young adolescents: A quasi-experiment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 13, 309-327.Owen, M. T., Easterbrooks, M. A., Chase-Lansdale, L., & Goldberg, W. A. (1984). The relation between maternal employment status and the stability of attachments to mother and to father. Child Development, 55, 1894-1901.Easterbrooks, M. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1985). Effects of early maternal employment on toddlers, mothers, and fathers. Developmental Psychology, 21, 774-783.Reprinted in Courage, M. (Ed.). (1988). Selected readings in Developmental Psychology. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press.Goldberg, W. A., Michaels, G. Y., & Lamb, M. E. (1985). Husbands' and wives' adjustment to pregnancy and first parenthood. Journal of Family Issues, 6, 483-503.Greenberger, E., Goldberg, W. A., Crawford, T. J., & *Granger, J. (1988). Beliefs about the consequences of maternal employment for children. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 12, 35-59.Greenberger, E., & Goldberg, W. A. (1989). Work, parenting, and the socialization of children. Developmental Psychology, 25, 22-35.Goldberg, W. A., Greenberger, E., *Koch-Jones, J., *O'Neil, R., & *Hamill, S. (1989). Attractiveness of child care and related employer-supported benefits and policies to married and single parents. Child and Youth Care Quarterly, 18, 23-37.Greenberger, E., Goldberg, W. A., *Hamill, S., *O'Neil, R., & *Payne, C. K. (1989). Contributions of a supportive work environment to parents' well-being and orientation to work. American Journal of Community Psychology, 17, 755-783.Goldberg, W. A. (1990). Marital quality, parental personality, and spousal agreement about perceptions and expectations for children. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 36, 531-556.Goldberg, W. A., Greenberger, E., *Hamill, S., & *O'Neil, R. (1992). Role demands in the lives of employed single mothers with preschoolers. Journal of Family Issues, 13, 312333.Goldberg, W. A., Greenberger, E., & *Nagel, S. K. (1996). Employment and achievement: Mothers' work involvement in relation to children's achievement behaviors and mothers' parenting behaviors. Child Development, 67, 1329-1344.NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (1997). Familial factors associated with the characteristics of nonmaternal care for infants. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59, 389408.*Hamill, S. B., & Goldberg, W. A. (1997). Between adolescents and aging grandparents: Midlife concerns of adults in the "sandwich generation". Journal of Adult Development, 4, 135-147.*Strauss, R., & Goldberg, W.A. (1999). Self and possible selves during the transition to fatherhood. Journal of Family Psychology, 13, 244-259.Clarke-Stewart, K.A., *Fitzpatrick, M., Allhusen, V., & Goldberg, W.A. (2000). Measuring difficult temperament the easy way. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 21, 207-220. Clarke-Stewart, K. A., *Fitzpatrick, M., Allhusen, V. D., & Goldberg, W. A. (2000). Placing the PAT in proper perspective. Journal of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics, 21, 223. Goldberg, W.A., Clarke-Stewart, K.A., *Rice, J.A., & Dellis, E. (2002). Emotional energy as an explanatory construct for fathers’ engagement with their infants. Parenting: Science and Practice, 2, 379-408. *Himsel, A.J., & Goldberg, W.A. (2003). Social comparisons and the division of housework among dual-earner couples: Implications for satisfaction and role strain. Journal of Family Issues, 24, 843-866. Goldberg, W.A., Osann, K., Filipek, P.A., *Laulhere, T., *Jarvis, K., Modahl, C., Flodman, P. & Spence, M.A. (2003). Language and other regression: Assessment and timing. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33, 607-616.Reprinted in P. Howlin & E. Fombonne. (Eds.). (2005). Advances in research on autism and developmental disorders (pp. 148-165). Toyko, Japan: Seiwa Shoten Publishers. *Keller, M.A., & Goldberg, W.A. (2004). Co-sleeping: Help or hindrance for young children’s independence? Infant and Child Development, 13, 369-388.Featured in Bower, B. (2005, January).? Good night moon, Hello mom and dad. Science News,?167 (4),?61. Luyster, R., Richler, J., Risi, S., Hsu, W-L., Dawson, G., Bernier, R., Dunn, M., Hepburn, S., Hyman, S.L., McMahon, W.M., Goudie-Nice, J., Minshew, N., Rogers, S., Sigman, M., Spence, M.A., Goldberg, W.A., Tager-Flusberg, H., Volkmar, F.R., & Lord, C. (2005). Early regression in social communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A CPEA Study. Developmental Neuropsychology, 27, 311-336. Goldberg, W.A., *Jarvis, K., Osann, K., *Laulhere, T., *Straub, C., *Thomas, E., Filipek, P.A., & Spence, M.A. (2005). Early social communication behaviors in the younger siblings of children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 657-664. Richler, J., Luyster, R., Risi, S., Hsu, W-L., Dawson, G., Bernier, R., Dunn, M., Hepburn, S., Hyman, S.L., McMahon, W.M., Nice-Goudie, J., Minshew, N., Rogers, S., Sigman, M., Spence, M.A., Goldberg, W.A., Tager-Flusberg, H., Volkmar, F., & Lord, C. (2006). Is there a regressive ‘phenotype’ of autism spectrum disorder associated with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine? A CPEA study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 36, 299-316. *Germo, G., *Chang, E., *Keller, M.A., & Goldberg, W.A. (2007). Family sleep arrangements and family life: Perspectives from mothers and fathers. Infant and Child Development (special issue on parent-child co-sleeping, W.A. Goldberg & M.A. Keller, Guest Editors), 16, 433-456. Goldberg, W.A., & *Keller, M.A. (2007). Parent-infant co-sleeping: Why the interest and concern? Infant and Child Development (special issue on parent-child co-sleeping, W.A. Goldberg & M.A. Keller, Guest Editors), 16. 331-339. Goldberg, W.A., & *Keller, M.A. (2007). Co-sleeping during infancy and early childhood: Key findings and future directions. Infant and Child Development (special issue on parent-child co-sleeping), 16, 457-469. Goldberg, W.A., *Thorsen, K.L., Osann, K., & Spence, M.A. (2007). Use of home videotapes to confirm parental reports of regression in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 38. 1136-1146. *Thorsen, K., Goldberg, W.A., Osann, K., & Spence, M.A. (2007). Birthday and non- birthday videotapes: The importance of context for the behavior of young children with and without autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1147-1158. Goldberg, W.A., Prause, J.A., *Lucas-Thompson, R., & *Himsel, A.J. (2008). Maternal employment and children’s achievement in context: A meta- analysis of four decades of research. Psychological Bulletin, 134, 77-108. *Germo, G.R., Goldberg, W.A., & *Keller, M.A. (2009). Learning to sleep through the night: Solution or strain for mothers and young children? Infant Mental Health Journal, 30, 223-244. Goldberg, W.A., *Tan, E.T., & *Thorsen, K. (2009). Trends in academic attention to fathers, 1930-2006. Fathering: A Journal of Research, Theory, and Practice. 7, 159-179. *Lucas-Thompson, R., Goldberg, W.A., *Germo, G.R., *Keller, M.A., Davis, E.P., & Sandman, C.A. (2009). Sleep arrangements and night waking at 6 and 12 months in relation to infants’ stress-induced cortisol responses. Infant and Child Development, 18, 521-544. *Tan, E.T., & Goldberg, W.A. (2009). Parental school involvement in relation to children’s grades and adaptation to school. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 30, 442-453. *Lucas-Thompson, R., Goldberg, W.A., & Prause, J.A. (2010). Maternal work early in the lives of children and its distal associations with achievement and behavior problems: A meta- analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 915-942. *Matthews, N., Goldberg. W.A., Lukowski, A., Osann, K., Abdullah, M.M., Ly, A.R., Thorsen, K., & Spence, M.A. (2012) Does theory of mind performance differ in children with early-onset and regressive autism? Developmental Science, 15, 25- 34. DOI:?10.1111/j.1467-7687.2011.01094.x *Abdullah, M.M., *Ly, A.R., Goldberg. W.A., Clarke-Stewart, K.A., Dudgeon, J.V., Mull, C.F., *Chan, T.J., *Kent, E.E., Mason, A.Z., & Ericson, J.E. (2012). Heavy metal in children’s tooth enamel: Related to Autism and disruptive behaviors? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 42, 929-936. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-011-1318-6Goldberg.W.A., *Kelly, E., *Matthews, N.B., *Kang, H., *Li, W., & *Sumaroka, M. (2012). The more things change, the more they stay the same: Gender, culture, and college students’ views about work and family. Journal of Social Issues. (special issue on sustainability in work and care), 68, 814-837. DOI:?10.1111/j.1540-4560.2012.01777.x Middlemiss, W., Granger, D., Goldberg, W.A., & *Nathans, L. (2012). Asynchrony of mother-infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity following extinction of infant crying responses induced during the transition to sleep. Early Human Development, 88, 227-232. doi:10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2011.08.010Middlemiss, W., Granger, D.A., & Goldberg, W.A. (2012). Response to “Let’s help parents help themselves: A letter to the Editor supporting the safety of behavioural sleep techniques”. Early Human Development, 89, 41-42.Goldberg, W.A., *Lucas-Thompson, R.G., *Germo, G., *Keller, M., Davis, E.P., & Sandman, C.A. (2013). Eye of the beholder: Maternal mental health and the quality of infant sleep. Social Science & Medicine (special issue on sleep, culture, and health), 79, 101-108. *Matthews, N.A., Goldberg, W.A., & Lukowski, A. (2013). Theory of mind in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Do siblings matter? Autism Research, 6, 443-453. DOI:?10.1002/aur.1308 Goldberg, W.A., *Tan, E.T., *Davis, C.R., & Easterbrooks, M.A. (2013). What predicts parental involvement by psychosocially at-risk young fathers? Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers, 11, 280-291. DOI: 10.3149/fth.1103.280 Goldberg, W.A. & *Lucas-Thompson, R.G. (2014). College women miss the mark when estimating the impact of full-time maternal employment on children’s achievement and behavior. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 38, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/0361684314529738*Ly, A.R., & Goldberg, W.A. (2014). New measure for fathers of children with developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 58, 471-484. DOI:?10.1111/jir.12044 *Matthews, N., *Ly, A., & Goldberg, W.A. (2014). College students’ perceptions of peers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 90-99. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-014-2195-6 *Shenhav, S., Campos, B., & Goldberg, W.A. (2016, online). Dating out is intercultural: Experience and perceived parent disapproval by ethnicity and immigrant generation. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, DOI: 10.1177/0265407516640387Book and Encyclopedia ChaptersParsons, J. E., Goldberg, W. A., Kinghorn, S., Goff, C., Cohn, D., Favor, C., Hogeterp, H., & Rebecca, M. (1978). Professional women: Coordinating careers. In S. Golden (Ed.), Work, family roles and support systems (pp. 91-97). Ann Arbor: Center for Continuing Education of Women.Lamb, M. E., & Goldberg, W. A. (1982). The father-child relationship: A synthesis of biological, evolutionary, and social perspectives. In L. W. Hoffman, R. Gandelman, and H. R. Schiffman (Eds.), Parental behavior: Its causes and consequences (pp. 55-73). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.Goldberg, W. A. (1988). Perspectives on the transition to parenthood. In G. Y. Michaels, & W. A. Goldberg (Eds.), The transition to parenthood: Current theory and research (pp. 1-20). NY: Cambridge University Press. Goldberg, W. A., & Easterbrooks, M. A. (1988). Maternal employment when children are young. In A. Gottfried, & A. Gottfried (Eds.), Maternal employment and children's development: Longitudinal research (pp. 121-154). NY: Plenum.Goldberg, W. A., & Michaels, G. Y. (1988). The transition to parenthood: Synthesis and future directions. In G. Y. Michaels, & W. A. Goldberg (Eds.), The transition to parenthood: Current theory and research (pp. 342-360). NY: Cambridge University Press.Easterbrooks, M. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1990). Security of attachment to mother and father during toddlerhood: Relation to children's socio-personality functioning during kindergarten. In M. Greenberg, D. Cicchetti, & M. Cummings (Eds.), Attachment in the preschool years: Theory, research and intervention. (pp. 221-244). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Goldberg, W.A., & *Lucas-Thompson, R. (2008). Effects of maternal and paternal employment.(pp. 268-270). In J.B. Benson & M.M. Haith (Eds.), Encyclopedia of infant and early childhood development.Vol. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Reprinted in J.B. Benson & M.M. Haith (Eds). (2009). Social and emotional development in infancy and early childhood. (pp. 229-240). Oxford, UK: Elsevier *Lucas-Thompson, R.G., & Goldberg, W.A. (2011). Family relationships and children’s stress responses. In J.B. Benson (Ed.), Advances in child development and behavior, Vol. 40 (pp. 243-299). Amsterdam: Elsevier. *Lucas-Thompson, R.G., & Goldberg, W.A. (2013). Maternal employment and achievement. In J. Hattie & E.M. Anderman (Eds.), International guide to student achievement. (pp. 104-106). New York: Routledge. *Lucas-Thompson, R.G., & Goldberg, W.A. (2014). Gender ideology and work-family plans of the next generation. In M. Mills (Ed.), Gender and the work-family experience: An intersection of two domains. New York: Springer.Goldberg, W.A., & *Lucas-Thompson, R.G. (2016). Maternal work status. In C. Couchenour & K. Chrisman (Eds.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Journal, otherGoldberg, W.A. (2010). Fathers as very important attachment figures. Psychology Review, 16(1), 16-19.Published MeasuresEasterbrooks, M. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1990/2001). Parental attitudes toward childrearing (PACR). In J. Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter, & M.A. Straus (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement techniques. Vol. 1 (pp. 34142/167). Newberry Park/Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publ.Goldberg, W. A. (1990/2001). Allocation of household tasks (AHT). In J. Touliatos, B. F. Perlmutter, & M.A. Straus (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement techniques. Vol. 1 (pp. 34142/224-225). Newberry Park/Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publ.Greenberger, E., Goldberg, W.A., & Crawford, T.J. (1990/2001). Beliefs about the consequences of maternal employment for children (BACMEC). In J.Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter & M.A. Straus (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement techniques. Vol. 1 (p. 175). Newberry Park/Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publ.Clarke-Stewart, K.A., Goldberg, W.A., & Fitzpatrick, M. (2000). The Pictorial Assessment of Temperament (PAT). Irvine: University of California, Irvine.Greenberger, E., Goldberg, W.A., & Hamill, S.B. (2001). Spousal support for work and parenting (SSWP). In J. Touliatos, B.F. Perlmutter, & G.W. Holden (Eds.), Handbook of family measurement techniques. Vol. 2 (p. 101). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publ.Goldberg, W.A., Osann, K., Filipek, P.A., Laulhere, T., Jarvis, K., Modahl, C., Flodman, P. & Spence, M.A. (2003). Regression Supplement Form. Appendix to Goldberg et al., (2003) Language and other regression: Assessment and timing. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33, 607-616. Available online and from the first author.Other Published WritingsGoldberg, W. A. (1988). Review of Walter, C., The timing of motherhood. Journal of Marriage and the Family (Feb.).Keller, M.A., & Goldberg, W.A. (2003). Co-sleeping and independence. Mothering, 113. 27.Goldberg, W.A. (2004). Home videos and parent reports of regression for young children with autism. Autism Research News – Orange County and the Rest of the World, Volume 1 (1).Working PapersGoldberg, W. A., Greenberger, E., Koch-Jones, J., O'Neil, R., & Hamill, S. (1988). Employed parents' preferences for corporate benefits and policies. Working Paper #388, Public Policy Research Organization. University of California, Irvine.EXTRAMURAL RESEARCH GRANTSMichigan Department of Mental Health1981"Determinants of child-parent attachment:Contributions of maternal employment, maritaladjustment, and parental sensitivity."Role: Co-P.I. (with M. A. Easterbrooks)($1,000)Illinois Department of Child and Family Services1982-83"Evaluation of the primary prevention initiative against child abuse and neglect." Role: Co-P.I. (with J. Reis and L. Rowitz)($55,000)Foundation for Child Development1984-85"Continuity in social and affective developmentfrom toddlerhood to kindergarten: A family perspective." Role: Co-P.I. (with M. A. Easterbrooks)($16,000)Spencer Foundation Small Grant Program1987"Impacts of parental employment on the socializationof children.” Role: Co-P.I. (with E. Greenberger)($7,500)Spencer Foundation1988-91"Work, parenting, and the socialization of children." Role: Co-P.I. (with E. Greenberger)($229,150)National Institutes of Health (NICHD)1990-95"The national study of young children's lives."Role: Co-PI (with E. Greenberger; P.I.: K. A. Clarke-Stewart).($1,700,000)National Institutes of Health (NICHD)1997-03“The neurobiology and genetics of autism.” Role: Co-investigator, PPG (P.I. M.A. Spence) ($5.8 million over 5 years for PPG) Role: P.I., Project 3 “Regression” of PPG ($375,000 over 5 years for Project 3)National Institutes of Health (NIH)2009-11 “Quality of maternal care moderates the consequences of prenatal stress.” Role: Co-investigator (P.I.: E. Davis, UCI School of Medicine)Thompson Family Foundation2012-present “Brain and Behavior/Clinical Trials” Core 5 of UCI Center for Autism Research and TreatmentRole: Co-P.I. (with R. Srinivasan, Cognitive Sciences)($190,000)Thompson Family Foundation“Autism: Biobehavioral assessment”2012-present Seed 4 of UCI Center for Autism Research and TreatmentRole: Co-P.I. (with R. Srinivasan, V. Kimonis, D. Blake, G. Hayes)($250,000) INTRAMURAL RESEARCH GRANTSAcademic Senate Grant Award, UC Irvine1984-85"Couples adjustment to pregnancy and parenthood."Role: P.I.($4,000)Faculty Fellowship Program, Program in Social Ecology,1984-85UC Irvine"Continuity in young children's social and affectivedevelopment."Role: P.I.($2,000)Center for Orange County Research, UC Irvine1985-87"Effects of corporate policies on parents who work." Role: Co-P.I. (with E. Greenberger)($15,000)Academic Senate Faculty Research Fellowship, UC Irvine1988-89"The timing of parenthood in men's lives." Role: P.I.($10,000)CORCL, UC Irvine 2005-07 “Cortisol in breast milk influences infant HPA function and cognitive development.” Role: Co-investigator (P.I.: L. Glynn, UCIMC) ($15,000)CORCL, UC Irvine2008-10 “Immigrant Asian fathers’ involvement in their school-aged children’s education” Role: P.I. ($1000)CORCL, UC Irvine2011-12 “Early identification of Autism through a Virtual World Parent-Training Model” Multi-investigator Faculty Research Grant Role: Co P.I. (with M. El Zarki, Computer Science) ($16,000) Multidisciplinary Design Program/TheCalifornia Institute for 2013-15Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit-2), UC Irvine.“Emotion Regulation Patterns in Interactions Between Parents and their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Novel Application of a Dynamic Systems Approach”Role: Co P.I. (with Y. Guo, Nursing Science) ($3,000) Multidisciplinary Design Program/The California Institute for 2015-16 Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit-2), UC Irvine.“Physiological and Behavioral Regulation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Context of the Strange Situation: An Innovative Dynamic Systems Approach”Role: Co P.I. (with Y. Guo, Nursing Science) ($3,000) INSTRUCTIONAL GRANTSUniversity of California, Irvine1984"Development of a new version of S9 [Introduction to Social Behavior]" (with E. Greenberger)CONFERENCE PRESENTATONSGoldberg, W. A. (1977, February). The intercorrelation of measures of sex-role identity. Paper presented to the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.Parsons, J. E., Goldberg, W. A., & Cohn, D. A. (1978, August). Family and career integration patterns of academic women: A generational analysis. Symposium paper presented to the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.Goldberg, W. A., & Easterbrooks, M. A. (1981, August). Development of patterns of family interaction: Interdependencies among child-parent attachment, maternal employment, and marital adjustment. Paper presented to the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Toronto, Canada.Goldberg, W. A. (1982, March). Marital quality and child-mother, child-father attachments. Paper presented to the International Conference on Infant Studies, Austin, TX.Michaels, G., Hoffman, M., & Goldberg, W. A. (1982, August). Longitudinal investigation of value systems changes at transition to parenthood. Paper presented to the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.Musick, J. S., Weissbourd, B., & Goldberg, W. A. (1982, November). Ounce of prevention fund: An innovative plan for statewide primary prevention services. Paper presented to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington, D.C.Easterbrooks, M. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1983, April). Family characteristics as predictors of parenting quality. Paper presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit, MI.Goldberg, W. A. (1983, April). Invited chair, research reports session on Family Stress and Divorce. Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit, MI.Owen, M. T., Easterbrooks, M. A., Chase-Lansdale, L., & Goldberg, W. A. (1983, April). Infancy to toddlerhood: Effects of maternal employment on infant-mother and infant-father attachments. Symposium paper presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit, MI.Goldberg, W. A., & Reis, J. S. (1983, August). Evaluation of primary prevention of child maltreatment: A multidisciplinary approach. Paper presented to the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA.Herz, E. J., Goldberg, W. A., & Reis, J. S. (1984, August). Family life education for young adolescents: A quasi-experiment. Paper presented to the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.Goldberg, W. A., & Michaels, G. Y. (1985, April). Effects of a first baby on marital and parental satisfactions. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, Canada.Easterbrooks, M. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1987, April). Consequences of early family attachment patterns for later social-personality development. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.Goldberg, W. A., Greenberger, E., Keenan, C., & O'Neil, R. (1987, April). Working parents' expectations and perspectives of their young children. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.O'Neil, R., Hamill, S., Greenberger, E., & Goldberg, W. A. (1988, August). When maternity leave is over: How employed parents cope. Symposium paper presented to the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.Easterbrooks, M. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1989, April). Family correlates of parental agreement on child rearing. Symposium paper presented to the Society for Research in Child Development. Kansas City, MO.Goldberg, W. A., & Easterbrooks, M. A. (1990, April). Family relations during infancy: Predictions to children's socio-emotional development four years later. Poster presented to the International Conference on Infant Studies, Montreal, Canada.Goldberg, W. A., & Nagel, S. K. (1991, April). Maternal employment and children's achievement: Good for girls and bad for boys? Symposium paper presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.Goldberg, W. A. (1991, April). Sex, work and videotape. Symposium co-organizer and co-chair (with E. Greenberger). Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.Clarke-Stewart, A., Goldberg, W. A., & Fitzpatrick, M. (1992, April). The great temperament race. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Miami, FL.Goldberg, W. A., Greenberger, E., Nagel, S. K., & Maguire, M. (1993, March). Wives' power during decision-making in relation to children's behavior. Poster presented to the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA.Hamill, S. B., & Goldberg, W. A. (1994, February). Influence of adolescent development and relations with aging grandparents on the midlife transition of middle-aged parents. Poster presented to the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.Fitzpatrick, M., Clarke-Stewart, K. A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1994, August). Retrospective views of temperament: Parents look back to infancy. Poster presented to the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA.Fitzpatrick, M., Goldberg, W. A., & Clarke-Stewart, K. A. (1996, April). Maternal sensitivity and the stability of infant temperament. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Providence, RI.Goldberg, W. A., Dellis, E. M., Clarke-Stewart, K. A., Nagel, S. K., & Zimmerman, C. (1996, April). Interactions between fathers and their six-month-old infants during caregiving and play. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Providence, RI.Strauss, R. M., & Goldberg, W. A. (1997, April). Self and possible selves during the transition to fatherhood. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C.Goldberg, W.A., Strauss, R., & East, A. (1998. July). Family, school, work: A look atparental involvement during the transition to kindergarten. Poster presented at Head Start’s Fourth National Research Conference, “Children and families in an era of rapid change”. Washington, D.C.Strauss, R., & Goldberg, W.A. (1999, April). Self and possible selves during the transition to fatherhood. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.Goldberg, W.A., Strauss, R., & Gray, K. (1999, April). Links among school, family, and community. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.Himsel, A.J., & Goldberg, W.A. (2001, April). Division of labor and social comparisons among dual-earner families: Implications for role strain. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN.Goldberg, W.A., Jarvis, K., Laulhere, T., Tanabe, M., Yang, M., Endres, J., Ferrouge, J., & Straub, C.(2002, May) Early social communication behaviors in siblings of children with autism. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA.Keller, M.A., & Goldberg, W.A. (2003, April). Young children’s independence and co- sleeping: Help or hindrance? Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.Goldberg, W.A., Osann, K., Laulhere, T., Strauss-Swan, R., Jarvis, K., Filipek, P., & Spence, M.A. (2003, April). Use of home videotapes to confirm parental reports of regression. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.Chang, E., Goldberg, W.A., Keller, M.A., Brown, S., & Germo, G. (2004, April). Relations between sleeping arrangements, maternal employment, and preschoolers’ independence.? Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, AZ.Goldberg, W.A., Brown, S., Lee, L., Martinez, J., & Keller, M. (2004, May). How culture relates to issues of family sleep arrangements. American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL. Goldberg, W.A. (2005, April). Co-Chair, New Research on Fathers: Contextual, Family, and Mental Health Influences on Father-Child Relationships. Paper symposium, Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA.Goldberg, W.A., Osann, K., Thorsen, K., Abdullah, M., & Spence, M.A. (2006, March). Young children with autism spectrum disorder: Consistency between home videotapes and parent reports of language onset and loss. Gatlinburg Conference, San Diego, CA. Lucas-Thompson, R., & Goldberg, W.A. (2006, May). Gender communication in same- sex dyads: Testing the gender cultures hypothesis in early adolescence.American Psychological Society, New York, NY.Lucas-Thompson, R., Miner, J., Goldberg, W.A., Davis, E.P., & Sandman, C.A. (2006, July). Mothers and infants at play: Links between maternal and infant behaviors. World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference, Paris, France.Keller, M.A., Germo, G.R., & Goldberg, W.A. (2007, March). Sleeping through the night: Family solution or family strain? Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.Lucas-Thompson, R., & Goldberg, W.A. (2007, March). Associations between adolescent gender ideology and behavior in romantic relationships. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.Tan, E., & Goldberg, W.A. (2007, March). Fathers’ involvement in their children’s adaptation to school. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA. Blair, M., Keller, M., & Goldberg, W.A. (2008, March). “Mommy, where are you?” Maternalresponsiveness at night and toddler’s security of attachment. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada. Abdullah, M., Ly, A. , Goldberg,W.A., Clarke-Stewart, A., Chan, T., Kent, E., Dudgeon, J., Mull, C., Osann, K., Spence, M.A., & Ericson, J. (2008, May). The Tooth Fairy Project: Heavy metal concentrations in the baby teeth of children with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at the International Meeting of Autism Research (IMFAR), London, England. Glynn, L., Davis, E., Goldberg, W.A., & Sandman, C.A. (2009, April). Maternal programming: Prenatal hormone exposures predict postnatal maternal sensitivity. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO. Goldberg, W.A., Tan, E.T., & Thorsen, K. (2009, April). Historical trends in academic attention to fathers. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO. Goldberg, W.A., & Middlemiss, W. (2009, April). Physiological correlates of young children’s sleep: Associations with salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase. Paper symposium, Co- organizers and co- chairs. Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO. Lucas-Thompson, R., Goldberg, W.A., Germo, G.R., Keller, M.A., Davis, E., & Sandman, C. A. (2009, April). Sleep arrangements and night wakings at 6 and 12 months. Symposium paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.Tan, E.T., Davis, C., Easterbrooks, M.A., Goldberg, W.A. (2009, April). Young fathers’ involvement: Individual and contextual antecedents. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO. Abdullah, M.A., Ly, A.R., Thorsen, K., Grondhuis, S.N., & Goldberg, W.A. (2009, May). Parenting children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Unique challenges for individual and family functioning. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL. Lukowski, A., Basehore, N., Osann, K., Abdullah, M.A., Ly, A.R. (2009, May). Is language regression related to a theory of mind? Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL. Ly, A.R., Abdullah, M.A., Thorsen, K., Grondhuis, S.N., & Goldberg, W.A. (2009, May). Father involvement in families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Chicago, IL.Goldberg, W.A., Prause, J.A., & Lucas-Thompson, R. (2009, August). Extent and stability of maternal employment in relation to children’s achievement. Symposium paper presented at the Academy of Management meeting, Chicago, IL. Basehore, N.. Lukowski, A., Abdullah, M., Ly, A.R., Thorsen, K., Osann, K. & Goldberg, W.A. (2010, May). Characterizing theory of mind in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The importance of siblings. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research,Philadelphia, PA.Ly, A.R., Kao, L.S., Richland, L.E., & Goldberg, W.A. (2010, May). What do pre-service teachers believe and feel about teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorders? Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA.Goldberg, W.A., Germo, G., Ly, A.R., Lucas-Thompson, R.G., Davis, E.P., Glynn, L., & Sandman, C.A. Eye of the beholder? (2011, March). Maternal characteristics and the quality of infant sleep. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.Ly, A.R., Lucas-Thompson, R.G., Goldberg, W.A., Glynn, L., Sandman, C.A., & Davis, E.P. (2011, March). When mommy feels daddy shares the care: Links between marital equality, maternal sensitivity, and infant behavior. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.Matthews, N. L., Lukowski, A.F., Goldberg, W. A. (2011, May). Understanding people and understanding objects: Characterizing folk theories in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Diego, CA. Matthews, N. L. & Goldberg, W. A. (2012, May). Can children with Autism Spectrum Disorder catch theory of mind from their sibs? Paper presented at the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior’s Developmental Brown Bag, Irvine, CA. Lucas-Thompson, R.G., & Goldberg, W.A. (2012, June). The importance of gender ideology for college students’ current gendered behavior and expected work-family roles. Paper presented at the Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, NY. Kelly, E., Goldberg, W.A., Lucas-Thompson, R.G., & Li, W. (2012, June). What college students value and prefer in their future jobs: Variations by gender and acculturation status. Paper presented at the Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, NY. Goldberg, W.A., Lucas-Thompson, R.G., Keller, M., Davis, E.P., & Sandman, C.A. (2013, April). From infant sleep to toddler attachment. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, WA. Kelly, E., Lucas-Thompson, R., Li, W., & Goldberg, W.A. (2013, April). A melting pot of ambition: Variations in student aspirations by gender, culture, and immigrant status. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, WA. Ly, A.R., & Goldberg, W.A. (2013, April). Fathers’ reported and observed coparenting quality in families with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Symposium paper presentation at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development, Seattle, WA. Ly, A.R., & Goldberg, W.A. (2013, May). Marital and coparenting quality in families with children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Sebastian, Spain. Matthews, N. L., Ly, A. R., & Goldberg W. A. (2013, May). College students’ attitudes toward peers with High Functioning Autism. Symposium paper presentation at the International Meeting for Autism Research, San Sebastian, Spain.Shenhav, S., Goldberg, W.A., Campos, B. (2013, May). Intergenerational conflict over intercultural relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science Convention, Washington, D.C. Phung, J. N., Goldberg, W. A., Srinivasan, R., Horton, C., Hayes, G. R., & Custodio, E. (2013, November). Sleep quality and daytime functioning in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the UC Insights Symposium, Newport Beach, CAShenhav, S., Goldberg, W.A., Campos, B. (2014, February). Culture or prejudice? Perceived parent disapproval and conflict over intercultural dating relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. Abdullah, M. M., Phung, J. N., & Goldberg, W. A. (2014, May). Sleep quality among adolescents with ASD in relation to internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA. Phung, J. N., Goldberg, W. A. (2014, May). ?Sleep quality and daytime functioning in adolescents and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Oral presentation given at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Atlanta, GA.Lam, T., Raju, M., Shenhav, S., Goldberg, W.A. (2015, March). College students’ willingness to convert for a romantic partner. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Shenhav, S., Campos, B., Goldberg, W.A. (2015, February). Family disapproval of intercultural romantic relationships. Poster presented at the 2015 Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA.Matthews, N. L., & Goldberg, W. A. (2015, March). Theory of Mind as a ‘Developmental Pathway’ to School Readiness in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. Posterpresented at the Society for Research in Child Development Bi-Annual Conference (Philadelphia, PA)Shenhav, S., Goldberg, W.A., Campos, B. (2015, March). Interracial/intercultural dating as a potential source of parent-child conflict. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.Aristoo, S., Youssef, J., Abdullah, M.A., Goldberg, W.A., & Lakes, K.D. (2015, April). Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Communication and correspondence among classification, diagnosis, and parental concern. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies, San Diego, CA.Lakes, K.D., Abdullah, M.A., Taylor, C., Youssef, J., Arastoo, S., Viray, L., Guo, Y., Goldberg, W.A., & Radom-Aizik, S. (2015, May). Parent perceptions of physical activity in toddlers with Autism: Associations with BMI and sedentary behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA.Shenhav, S., Campos, B., & Goldberg, W. (2016, January). The rising trend of intergroup romantic relationships: Capturing the family context. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference, San Diego, CA. INVITED LECTURES AND ADDRESSES"When mothers work: Exploring the daycare alternative." Invited colloquium speaker, Women's Studies Colloquium Series, UCI, October, 1989.“Parental employment and children's achievement." Invited colloquium speaker, Department of Psychology, California State University, San Bernardino, January, 1991."Consequences of parental work for boys' and girls' achievement." Invited colloquium speaker, Department of Psychology, UC Riverside, January, 1992."Workplace flexibility and parental school involvement." Invited colloquium speaker, Department of Psychology, UC Riverside, June, 1997.“ Early social communication behaviors in siblings of children with autism”. Invited colloquium, Department of Psychology, California State University, Long Beach, September, 2002. “Regression in Autism”. Invited presentation, CPEA Network Conference. Yale Child Study Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT. May, 2003.“Fathers and attachment”. Invited discussant for Drs. Klaus and Karin Grossmanns’ keynote presentation to the Southern California Consortium on Families and Social Development. Laguna Beach, CA. May, 2004. “Maternal employment and children’s achievement: What have we learned?” Invited address, Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA. April, 2008. “To what extent is maternal employment related to children's achievement and behavior?" Invited colloquium speaker, Department of Psychology, University of California, Riverside, CA. March 2009. “Maternal employment and children’s achievement: What have we learned?” Invited presentation, Western Psychological Association, Irvine, CA. June, 2009. “Early identification of autism: Improving detection through parent training.” Invited colloquium speaker (with Kara Thorsen), Neurodevelopmental Center Seminar Series, For OC Kids Neurodevelopmental Center, Orange, CA. May, 2011. “Autism: A family affair.” Invited address. KiDA/UCI/CHOC/For OC Kids/Autism Science Foundation, Third Annual Summit on Autism. September, 2011. “Fathering children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Invited colloquium speaker (with Agnes Ly), Neurodevelopmental Center Seminar Series, For OC Kids Neurodevelopmental Center, Orange, CA. October, 2011. “Bidirectional paths of association between the child with ASD and the quality of family relationships.” Invited workshop speaker, UCI/CHOC Autism Workshop, October, 2011. “Correlates of theory of mind development in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Invited colloquium speaker (with Nicole Matthews), Neurodevelopment Center Seminar Series, For OC Kids Neurodevelopmental Center, Orange, CA. January, 2012. “Stereotype accuracy: Do college women miss the mark when estimating the impact of maternal employment on children’s development?” Invited speaker, Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School, Cambridge, MA. March 2014. "College Women Miss the Mark When Estimating the Impact of Full-time Maternal Employment on Children's Achievement and Behavior". Invited speaker, Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality, UCI, Irvine, CA. May 2014. “The timing of fatherhood”. Invited speaker, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Irvine, CA. January, 2015.“Brain/clinical outcomes: Sleep”. Invited speaker, UCI Center for Autism Research and Translation, Annual Board Meeting, Irvine, CA. December, 2015.“Brain/clinical outcomes: Sleep”. Invited speaker, UCI Center for Autism Research and Translation, Annual Board Meeting, Irvine, CA. December, 2016.PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND ACTIVITIESAd hoc Service to Editorial Boards in recent years:Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Family Issues, Fathering, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal of Autism and Allied Disciplines, Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships; Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Journal of Adult Development, Social Development, Men and Masculinity, Monographs for the Society for Research in Child Development, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Ad hoc Book Manuscript reviewer in recent years: Pearson, Erlbaum Associates, Families and Work Institute, Sage Publications, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, American Psychological AssociationSt. Martin’s GriffinInvited Grant and Conference Reviewer: Program Reviewer, Evaluated submission to the Parenting and Parent-Child Relationships Panel, Society for Research in Child Development, 2014.Program Reviewer, Evaluated submissions to the At-Risk Panel, Society for Research in Child Development, 2009-2012 Program Reviewer: Evaluated submissions to Family Panel, Society for Research in Child Development, 2005, 2007 Program Reviewer. Evaluated submissions to Panel #2, Infancy: Cognition and Communication, Society for Research in Child Development, 1999 Grant Reviewer, APA Science Directorate’s Dissertation Research Awards, 2009-2012 Grant Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation, 2010 Grant Reviewer, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, 2004 Grant Reviewer: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1984 Program Reviewer: Evaluated papers submitted to Division 35, American Psychological Association, 1984External Referee: External Referee, Promotion to Full case at other U.S. universities, 2010, 2016 External Referee, Promotion and Tenure case at another U.S. university, 2003Consortia and Center/Institute Associations:Faculty Associate and Co-Director of Core V, Thompson Center for Autism Research and Treatment, 2012-present Faculty Associate, UCI Institute for Computer Games and Virtual Worlds, 2012-presentFaculty Associate, Arts Bridge/da Vinci Center for Learning through the Arts, UCI School of the Arts, 2001- 2006 Faculty Associate, Southern California Consortium for Families and Social Development Faculty Associate, UCI/SDRI, Perinatal Stress Outcomes Project, 1991-1993 Faculty Associate, Public Policy Research Organization, UCI, 1984-1992Professional Memberships (current): American Psychological Association (APA, Division 7, Developmental Psychology) Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)Appointment to Committee on the History of Child Development, 2009-2013 International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN)UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL, AND DEPARTMENT SERVICE Systemwide Service (UC):Invited Participant in University of California Work/Life Symposium, Summer/Fall 1998Consultant to the Office of the President, Faculty Work/Life Planning, 1998 University Service (UCI):Equity Advisor, School of Social Ecology, 2013-2015Co-organized CAP Workshop for Assistant and Associate Professors in 3 Schools, 2014Co-organized Best Practices in Graduate Mentoring Workshop, 2014 UCI Representation, Compact for Faculty Diversity: Institute for Teaching and Mentoring, 2013Faculty Mentor, HBCU program, Summer 2014Pilot Grants Program Proposal Reviewer, Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS), 2014Faculty Panel, UCI Student Support Services, Preparation Course on Graduate Education OpportunitiesNSF ADVANCE Mentor, Assistant Professor in School of Education, 2012-2014Faculty Participant, Faculty Fairs for Division of Undergraduate Education, 2006-07, 2010Faculty Participant, Rhodes and Marshall Scholar Mock Interviews, 2007Member, Faculty Board for Undecided/Undeclared Students, 2004-2009 Faculty Advisory Board, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Division of Undergraduate Education, 2004-2009Faculty Participant, Honors Day Recruitment Luncheon, Campuswide Honors Program, 2003, 2004Member, Committee on Committees, 2001-2004 Committee Representative, Academic Senate retreats for Chairs of Committees (substituted for Chair, CAF, 1997; substituted for Chair of CoC, 2002)Faculty Mentor, SURP/SURF Program, Summer 1999, 2002, 2003, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015Faculty Mentor, Faculty Forum for Freshman, 2002, 2003Faculty Mentor, McNair Program, 2001Member, CAP Ad Hoc Review Committee, 2002Moderator, Campuswide Undergraduate Research Symposium session, 1997, 1998, 2006Member, Academic Freedom Committee, 1996-1998Member, Faculty Judicial Panel for Undergraduate Grievances, 1996Faculty Advisor and Mentor, Campuswide Program for Undeclared Majors, 1994-2006Member, Campuswide Executive Committee, 1990-1991Member, Human Subjects Review Committee, 1990-1991Member, Honors Program Council, 1988-1991; 1992-93; Chair, 1990-91 Degree Proposal Reviewer, UCI-UCLA Doctoral Program in Educational Administration, 1989-90Invited Participant, Faculty Retreat on Cultural Diversity, May, 1988Faculty Sponsor, Campuswide Mentor-Mentee Program 1988-2003Member, Committee on Courses, 1984-1987Member, Advisory Committee for UCI's Extension Mental Health Program, 1984-1988Member, Representative Assembly, 1984-198 School of Social Ecology and Department of Psychology and Social Behavior: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, 2015-presentGraduate Admissions Committee, 2014-2015, 2015-2016Reviewer, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Application ReviewReviewer, Graduate Division, Faculty Mentor Program Fellowship ApplicationsExecutive Committee, School of Social Ecology, 2011-12 Vice Chair, Department of Psychology & Social Behavior, 2006-2011Promotional video, School of Social Ecology, 2011Initiated and organized quarterly Student-Faculty “Meet and Greet” program for PSB undergraduates, 2010-2011Member, Schoolwide Curriculum Review Committee, 2006-2011Member Ex-officio, Department Curriculum Committee, 2006- 2011Search Committee Member, Lecturer with Potential Security of Employment, 2006-07Search Committee Member, Student-nominated Lecturer, 2006-07Faculty Presenter, Student Awards Ceremony, June 2007 Member, Dean’s Strategic Planning Committee, 2004-2006Member, Undergraduate Education Committee, 2004-2006Member, NIMH Predoctoral Awards Selection Committee, 2004Co-coordinator of month-long visit of Distinguished Professor Janusz Reykowski to PSB, 2003Search Committee Chair, Junior Faculty Position, 2001-2002PSB Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2001- 2004PSB Faculty Workload Committee, 2001-2002Search Committee Member, NIMH Postdoctoral Position, 1999-2000Search Committee Member, Junior Faculty Position, 1997-98, 2001-2002Search Committee Member, Senior Faculty Position, 1999-2000Co-administrator of practicum in autism, 1999-2000PSB Representative to Schoolwide Computer Committee, 1999-2009Chair, PSB Website Committee, 1998-99PSB Colloquium Committee, 1998-2000PSB Representative to Schoolwide Executive Committee, 1994-96PSB Representative to Schoolwide Undergraduate Awards and Honors Committee, 1994- 2001PSB Department Chair Nominations Committee, 1997Chair, PSB Curriculum Review Committee, 1991-1993Faculty Mentor, Social Ecology's Mentor-Mentee Program, 1990-2005PSB Search Committee, Faculty Position, 1990-91Liaison, Campuswide Honors Program, 1988-91Member, Target of Opportunity, 1989-1990Member, PSB Curriculum Committee, 1989-90Search Committee, Director of Social Ecology, 1988Member, Executive Committee, 1985-86Co-chair, Behavioral Lab Committee, 1986-1995Member, Graduate Student TA Awards committee, 1985-86Speaker, Advisory talk to undergraduates interested in careers in psychology, 1985Speaker, Convocation for entering undergraduates, 1984Speaker, Convocation for prospective undergraduates, 1984COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE Advisory Board Member, Autism News Orange County, 2003-2013Community Leader, Summit on Autism, Sponsored by KIDA, UCI, CHOC, & Autism Speaks, May 2010Ad hoc consultant to families of children with autism in the greater community (not study participants). (Pro bono), 1998-presentConsultant to the Families and Work Institute, New York, on parent and child surveys for the Ask the Children Project, Winter, 1998Filmed participant, BBC Panorama Series Public Affairs Documentary on Maternal Employment, January, 1997Volunteer in support of school-related measures, funding, and districting issues, Irvine Unified School District, 1996-2006Volunteer, Turtle Rock Elementary School, 1994-2006Advisory Council member, KOCE Foundation, Speakout for Children! Project, 1991-92Member, City of Irvine, Community Facilities and Services Element Project Management Group and Working Group, 1989-92Member, Founding Board of Directors, Irvine Child Development Center, 1988-1989Member, Family Services Advisory Board, City of Irvine, 1987-1989Commissioner, City of Irvine, Department of Community Services, 1985-1990; Vice Chair, 1987-1990Member, Child Care Committee, City of Irvine, 1985-1989Member, Women's Advisory Board, Irvine Medical Center, 1986-1988Advisor, United Way Needs Assessment Project, 1985 ................

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