No. 004 – 005XXX009-XXX006001-005


Master Planning and

Engineering Design Services for

North 5th Street Super ArterialCraig Ranch Regional ParkNew City Hall



Area Command Improvements

MaJuly 6June 526rch 221, 20065






1.0 3



4.2 Addenda And Clarifications 4

4.3 RFP Withdrawal 4

4.5 Pre-Agreement Expenses 4

4.6 Joint Offers 4

4.7 Exceptions And Deviations 4

5.0 5






3.0 2


3.1 Minimum Qualifications And Experience 2

3.1.1 Experience 2

3.1.2 Credentials 2

3.1.3 Staffing 2

3.1.4 Work Plan 2

3.1.5 Affiliations 3

3.1.6 Workload/Timeliness 3


4.1 Proposal Format 3

4.2.1 3

Section I – Transmittal Letter 3

4.2.2 4

Section II – Proposer Qualifications 4

4.2.3 4

Section III – Project Staffing and Project Organization 4

4.2.4 Section IV - Work Plan and Schedule of Performance 4

4.2.5 Section V - Affiliations 4

4.2.6 Section VI - 4

Appendices 4

5.0 Proposal Withdrawal 5

6.0 Rejection Of Proposals 5









SECTION IV – attachments 1




1.0 INTRODUCTION: This Request for Proposal (RFP) provides the eight (8) pre-qualified firms with information to prepare and submit a Proposal for consideration by the City of North Las Vegas (City) to satisfy its requirements for the engineering design services for the North 5th Street Super Arterial Project. This RFP process is intended to identify potential Consultants with which the City may, at its sole discretion, choose to enter into a professional engineering services agreement for the proposed project. 2

2.0 DEFINITIONS: The following terms and phrases shall have the meanings assigned unless the contract has a contrary meaning: 2

2.1 City – The City of North Las Vegas, a municipal corporation of the State of Nevada. 2


4.2 Addenda and Clarifications: Requests for clarification or modification of this RFP are to be submitted in writing. A firm may submit to the City requests for interpretations or clarifications to this RFP or any addendum thereto. The City must receive any such request in writing by April 11, 2005 at 12:00 p.m. All requests must be accompanied by all relevant information supporting the request for modification, interpretation, clarification, or amendment of this RFP. Firms shall acknowledge receipt of addenda by written notice thereof to the CITY. Where such addenda require changes in the services, the final date set for proposal receipt may be postponed by such number of days as in the opinion of the CITY will enable prospective firms to revise proposals. 3

4.3 RFP Withdrawal: The City reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time without prior notice, and makes no representations that any agreement will be awarded to any Proposer responding to this RFP. The City expressly reserves the right to postpone proposal opening for its own convenience, to waive any informality or irregularity in the proposals received, and to reject any and all proposals responding to this RFP without indicating any reasons for such rejection. 3

4.5 Pre-Agreement Expenses: The CITY shall not be liable for any pre-agreement expenses incurred by Proposers in the preparation of their proposals. Proposers shall not include any such expenses as part of their proposals. 3

4.6 Joint Offers: Where two or more Proposers desire to submit a single proposal in response to this RFP, they should do so on a prime-sub-consultant basis rather than as a joint venture. The City will contract with a single firm and not contract with multiple firms doing business as a joint venture. 3

4.7 Exceptions And Deviations: Any exceptions to the requirements in this RFP must be included in the Proposal submitted by the Proposer. Such exceptions must be identified in Section I of the Proposal within the Cover Letter. 3

5.0 INSURANCE: The successful Proposer shall procure and maintain, and shall cause each subconsultant to procure and maintain, at its own expense, during the entire term of the agreement, the following insurances against claims for injuries to persons, damages to property, or other losses which may arise from or in connection with the Proposer’s negligence or fault in the performance of the work hereunder by the Proposer, his agent, representatives, employees, or subcontractors of any tier: 3

6.0 INDEMNITY: The successful Proposer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from any and all causes of action or claims arising out of or related to the Proposer’s performance on this project, including negligent acts or omissions. 4



1.0 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: The City has developed a schedule for RFP events and deadlines. The City’s intent is to adhere to this schedule; however, all dates are subject to change at the City’s discretion. Refer to Attachment A, Required RFP Schedule. 2

2.0 PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: a pre-proposal conference is schedule for March 30, 2005, at 2:00 p.m., in Council Chambers at 2200 Civic Center Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030. Prospective firms are encouraged to attend the meeting and obtain any needed clarification to this RFP or other needed information. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is not mandatory. 2


Min 2

3.1 imum Qualifications And Experience: The firm will have demonstrated experience and a verifiable record of success in providing the services outlined in Attachment #1, Scope of Work, and the availability of appropriate technical support for the duration of the work. The firm should be experienced in providing such services or similar services. 2


4.1 Proposal Format 3

5.0 PROPOSAL WITHDRAWAL: The Proposer at anytime up to the RFP Submission Deadline date and time identified in the Required RFP Schedule may withdraw their Proposal. If the Proposer desires to re-submit their Proposal, it must be re-submitted by the Proposal Submission Deadline as identified in the Required RFP Schedule. 4

6.0 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS: The City reserves the right to reject, at any time and for any reason, any and all Proposals received as a result of this RFP. The City’s intent is to enter into a Contract as a result of this RFP. However, if after reviewing the Proposals received, the City determines that the City should not enter into any Contract, or to enter into a partial or different contract from the Contract contemplated by this RFP, the City will act in accordance with what the City determines at that time to be in its best interest. No Proposer or any other party has any entitlement, interest, or right in this decision by the City, and by submitting a Proposal, acknowledges the City’s right to exercise its discretion in this regard without any right of recourse by the Proposer. 5

7.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND AWARD: Since the service requested in this RFP is considered to be a professional service, award will be in accordance with the provisions of the Nevada Revised Statutes, Chapter 332, Purchasing: Local Governments, section 332.115. Fees for the professional services will be negotiated with the Proposer(s) selected. 5

8.0 NEWS RELEASES: By participating in this RFP, Proposers agree that the City will review and approve all news releases pertaining to this RFP and/or subsequent Contract. All news releases will be submitted in writing to the City’s Director of Information Technology. The Director will review and submit the news release to the City Manager for final review and approval. 6



1.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND PURPOSE: The Project is located along North 5th Street from Owens Avenue to the Northern Beltway, a distance of approximately 7 miles, as shown on the Vicinity Map included as Attachment “C”. The purpose of this Project is to develop construction plans and establish development guidelines and implementation strategies for the North 5th Street Super Arterial Improvements. The intent of these improvements is to provide the community with a multi-purpose, multimodal transportation corridor that provides a new high-speed, enhanced north-south route, with limited access, transit, pedestrian and other modal characteristics. 2

2.0 BACKGROUND: The I-15 Northeast Corridor Study, prepared by the Nevada Department of Transportation in 2002, recommended that North 5th Street be extended across the I-15 Freeway Corridor to provide a continuous north-south arterial street extending from the urban core of the Cities of North Las Vegas and Las Vegas to the Northern Beltway. The study identified several shortcomings of the existing transportation system in providing for the long term travel demand in the City of North Las Vegas. These included: 2

3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The selected firm will be required to perform or provide some or all the following services: 3

4.0 PROJECT ESTIMATE: As identified in the North 5th Street Corridor Study, the total project cost for the initial construction phase along North 5th Street, from Owens Avenue to Cheyenne Avenue, (also identified as Stage Two) is estimated to cost approximately $65 million, including design, right-of-way acquisition and construction. 5

5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA: The North 5th Street Super Arterial Improvements shall be designed to AASHTO standards using a Design Speed of 55 miles per hour in accordance with the following locally adopted standards and procedures. 5






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INTRODUCTION: The City of North Las Vegas (City) has experienced tremendous growth as the secondsecond-fastest growing large city in the United States. This growth has placed an increasing demand on the City’s infrastructure needed to provide services to residents. The services provided by the elected and administrative functions located in City Hall have been particularly strained and a new City Hall facility is required. In addition, the existing facility utilized by the City Police Department is no longer capable of supporting Police Operations in the mature areas of the City. A new Police Area Command, with enhanced training facilities, is needed to properly support this area of the City. A third important program element will be a civic plaza capable of supporting some of the City’s public events.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) provides prospectivethe eight (8) pre-qualified firms with information needed to prepare and submit a Proposal for architectural/engineering services for consideration by the City City of North Las Vegas (City) to satisfy its requirements for the mMaster pPlanning, and EengineeringdDesign, bid support, and construction management support dDesign ssServices for the North 5th Street Super ArterialCraig Ranch Regional ParkNew City Hall and Downtown Area Command Project. This RFP process is intended to identify potential Consultants consultants with which the City City may, at its sole discretion, choose to enter into a Pprofessional eEngineering sServices aAgreement(s) for the proposed projectProject. The City is interested in obtaining a high degree of creativity, skill and sophistication for the Project and encourages Proposals from all consultants who can meet these needs, including those that are not necessarily located in the immediate area.

It is expressly understood and agreed that the submission of a Proposal does not require or obligate the City to pursue an agreement or contract with any ProposerProposer. PPlease note that the CityCity may opt to contract with multiple firms for the Master Planning services and the actual design servicesrequired. All negotiations are subject to the consideration and approval of the Council of the City of North Las Vegas, which may, at its sole discretion, accept or reject any proposed agreement or contract.

The selected Consultant will have demonstrated experience and a verifiable record of success in providing the services outlined in Section III, Scope of Work, and the availability of appropriate technical support for the duration of the work.

DEFINITIONS: The following terms and phrases shall have the meanings assigned unless the contract has a contrary meaning:

1. City -– The City of North Las Vegas, a municipal corporation of the State of Nevada.

2. Consultant -– The vendor or its assignee chosen by the cCity to perform the requested services.

3. Contract or Agreement -– The Professional Services Aagreement between the City and consultant chosen as a result of this Request for Proposals, which addresses the requested services.


5. Improvements – The New City Hall, and Downtown Area Command and Civic Plaza facilities.

6. Project – The completion of master planning, design, bid support, and construction management support services as necessary to allow construction of the Improvements.

7. Proposal -– The written document submitted to the Engineering Services Division of the North Las Vegas Public Works Department in response to this Request for Proposals.

8. ProposerProposer or Respondent -– The individual, partnership or corporation submitting a proposalProposal.

9. Request for Proposal (RFP) -– The written notice inviting the submission of proposalProposals for the specified requirements.



1. 3.1 The Engineering Services Division of the City of North Las Vegas Department of Public Works Department issues this RFP on behalf of the City.

2. 3.2 The following is the designated City contact for questions pertaining to this RFP:

Thomas F. BradyWilliam KnightRobert E. Huggins, P.E., Principal EngineerProject Manager

Engineering Services Division/Public Works Department

City of North Las Vegas

2288 Civic Center Drive2829 Fort Sumter Drive2288 Civic Center Drive

North Las Vegas, NV 89030

Phone: (702) 633-200331227

Fax: (702) 642-0390633-1158

TDD (800) 326-6868Email: HugginsR@


1. Examiniation of Proposal Documents: The information provided herein is intended solely to assist ProposerProposer in the preparation of their proposalProposals. To the best of the City’s knowledge, the information provided is accurate. However, the City does not warrant such accuracy, and any errors or omissions subsequently determined will not be construed as a basis for invalidating this RFP.

By submitting a proposalProposal, the ProposerProposer represents that it has thoroughly examined and become familiar with the work required under this RFP and that it is capable of performing quality work to achieve the objectives of the City of North Las Vegas. The Proposer further represents that any Architect or other person required to be licensed to perform the work indicated in this RFP is properly licensed in the State of Nevada. Per NRS 623.182, temporary registration may be available to Architects holding an NCARB certification who make proper application to the Nevada State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design. Architects not licensed in the State of Nevada must follow the requirements of NRS 623.182 and must include a realistic schedule for licensing in the State of Nevada as part of the Work Plan in Section II, 4.2.4.

2. Addenda aAnd Clarifications: Requests for clarification or modification of this RFP are to be submitted in writing to the designated primary contact. A firm may submit to the City requests for interpretations or clarifications to this RFP or any addendum thereto. The City must receive any such request in writing by April 11July 21nely 221314, 20065 at 12:00 p.m. All requests must be accompanied by all relevant information supporting the request for modification, interpretation, clarification, or amendment of this RFP. Firms shall acknowledge receipt of addenda by written notice thereof to the City in Section I of the ProposalITY. Where such addenda require changes in the services, the final date set for proposalProposal receipt may be postponed by such number of days, as in the opinion determined ofby the City, whichITY willas needed to enable prospective firms to properly revise proposalProposals.

3. RFP Withdrawal: The City reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time without prior notice, and makes no representations that any agreement will be awarded to any ProposerProposer responding to this RFP. The City expressly reserves the right to postpone proposalProposal opening for its own convenience, to waive any informality or irregularity in the proposalProposals received, and to reject any and all proposalProposals responding to this RFP without indicating any reasons for such rejection.


5. 4.4 Submission of Proposals: All proposalProposals are to be submitted to the attention of Thomas F. BradyWilliam Knight, P.E., Principal EngineerProject Manager, City of North Las Vegas, 2288 Civic Center Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030.

Proposals must be received by the CITYCity no later than 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, April July 2528, 2005. Proposals time stamped 2:01 p.m. or later will not be accepted, and will be returned unopened to the ProposerProposer.

The ProposerProposer shall submit an unbound original and six (6) copies of its proposalProposal in a sealed envelope plainly marked "MASTER PLANNING AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR NORTH 5TH STREET SUPER ARTERIAL IMPROVEMENTSCRAIG RANCH REGIONAL PARK, RFP NO. 0041-0055”, with the name and address of the ProposerProposer in the upper left hand corner. No responsibility will be attached to the City, or any official or employee thereof, for the pre-opening of, post-opening of, or the failure to open a proposalProposal not properly addressed and identified.

6. Pre-Agreement Expenses: The CityITY shall not be liable for any pre-agreement expenses incurred by ProposerProposers in the preparation of their proposalProposals or the negotiation and drafting of the Agreement. ProposerProposers shall not include any such expenses as part of their proposalProposals.

7. Joint Venture Offers: Where two or more ProposerProposers desire to submit a single proposalProposal in response to this RFP, they should do so on a prime-sub-consultant basis rather than as a joint venture. The City will contract with a single firm and not contract with multiple firms doing business as a joint venture.

8. Exceptions And Deviations: Any exceptions to the requirements in this RFP, including exceptions to the City’s Sample Agreement shown in Attachment C, must be included in SectionTab 1I of the Proposalthe Proposal submitted by the ProposerProposer. Such exceptions must be identified in Section I of the Proposal within the Cover Letter.

3. 5.0 INSURANCE: The successful ProposerProposer shall procure and maintain, and shall cause each subconsultant to procure and maintain, at its own expense, during the entire term of the agreementAgreement, the following insurances against claims for injuries to persons, damages to property, or other losses which may arise from, or in connection with, the ProposerProposer’s negligence or fault in the performance of the work hereunder by the ProposerProposer, his agent, representatives, employees, or subcontractors of any tier:

1. Nevada State Industrial Insurance and Occupational Disease Acts; such insurance will protect the ProposerProposer and the City from employee claims based on project-related sickness, disease or accident.Worker’s Compensation Insurance. This insurance must be provided by an insurance company authorized to provide worker’s compensation insurance in Nevada by the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, Division of Insurance. This insurance must protect the Proposer and City from employee claims based on Project related sickness, disease or accident.

2. Comprehensive ggeneral lliability (bodily injury and property damage) insurance with respect to the ProposerProposer’s agents and vehicles assigned to the prosecution of work under theis Agreement in a policy limit of not less than $1,000,000 for combined single limit per occurrence. The ProposerProposer’s general liability insurance policies shall be endorsed as to include the City as an additional insured.

3. Professional liability insurance, for the protection from claims arising out of performance of professional services caused by a negligent act, error, or omission for which the insured is legally liable; such professional liability insurance will provide for coverage in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate for the period of time covered by theis Agreement.

4. The ProposerProposer’s comprehensive general liability and professional liability insurance policies shall automatically include or be endorsed to cover ProposerProposer’s contractual liability to the City, to waive subrogation against the City, its officers, agents, servants, and employees, and to provide that the City will be given thirty (30) calendar days notice in writing of any cancellation of, or material change in, the policies.

5. 5.5 The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer and licensed by the State of Nevada. All deductibles and self-insured retentions shall be fully disclosed in the Certificate of Insurance. No deductible or self-insured retention may exceed $250,000 without the written approval of the City.

6. 5.6 Certificates indicating that such insurance is in effect shall be delivered to the City before work is begun under the agreementAgreement. If the ProposerProposer is underwritten on a claims--made basis, the retroactive date shall be prior to, or coincident with, the date of the agreement, and the Certificate of Insurance shall state that coverage is claims-made and the retroactive date. The ProposerProposer shall provide the City annually with a Certificate of Insurance as evidence of such insurance. It is further agreed that the ProposerProposer and/or Insurance Carrier shall provide the City with 30-day advance written notice of policy cancellation of any insurance policy required to be maintained by ProposerProposer. In addition, the ProposerProposer shall notify the City within 30 days of any reduction in coverage or limits.

4. 6.0 INDEMNITY: The successful ProposerProposer agrees to defend, protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from any and all causes of action or claims arising out of or related to the ProposerProposer’s performance on this projectProject, including negligent acts or omissions.





1. 1.0 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: The City has developed a schedule for RFP events and deadlines. The City’s intent is to adhere to this schedule; however, all dates are subject to change at the City’s discretion. Refer to Attachment A1, Required RFP ScheduleSchedule of Events.

2. PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS: Paper copies of the proposal documents will be available on June 26, 2006 at the Public Works Department, Engineering Services Division, 2266 Civic Center Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030. The proposal documents may also be retrieved through or on the City of North Las Vegas website at Departments//Engineering on June 26.


4. 2.0 PPRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE: Aa pPre-proposalProposal Cconference is scheduled for MarchJuly 307nely 2011, 20052006, at 32:00 p.m., in Council Chambers at 2200 Civic Center Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030. Prospective firms are encouraged to attend the meeting and obtain any needed clarification to this RFP or other needed information. Attendance at the prePre-proposalProposal Cconference is not mandatory. For special assistance or accommodations at this pre-proposal conference, please contact the ADA coordinator at (702) 633-1510 at least 72 hours in advance.



1. Min


3. 3.1 Minimum Qualifications Andand Experience: The firm will have demonstrated experience and a verifiable record of success in providing the services outlined in Attachment #1Section III, Scope of Work, and the availability of appropriate technical support for the duration of the work. The firm should be experienced in providing such services or similar services.

Listed below are the qualifications and information that must be submitted in response to this RFP.

1. 3.1.1 Experience: Provide a profile of the firm including types of services offered, the year founded, form of organization (corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship), a brief resume of similar projects that the firm has performed within the last five (5) years that the firm has performed with references stating contact name and telephone number. For each of the projects cited, indicate when it was completed and the status of its implementation. Also, provide resume information on the key principals and employees who will be directly involved in this projectProject. Describe the firm and project teams'steam’s experience in performing work related to the scope of work, which includes cost estimation and control, quality of work, timeliness of performance, familiarity with building/site code and zoning requirements, access management techniques, traffic forecasting and modeling, transit mode characteristicsregional park master planning and design, concept and preliminary design documentation, park and off-site design and construction support, and experience in preparing assorted reports and designs contract documents relevant to the scope of work.

2. 3.1.2 Credentials: This section of the proposalProposal should establish the qualifications of the proposed project staff in terms of education, experience, and professional credentials. Project staff includes key members of the ProposerProposer’s’ Firm and any affiliated firms, their specific role or duties, and the year in which they worked on projects cited in their qualifications or resumes. Only projects completed in the last five (5) years should be provided. Projects outside the five (5) year window may be included in an Appendix.

3. 3.1.3 Staffing: Indicate tThe number of appropriate professionals and support staff to be assigned to this projectProject and to the extent proposed for the duration of this projectProject acknowledging that no person designated as "key" to the projectProject shall be removed or replaced without written concurrence of the CityITY. Identify key personnel proposed to work in various tasks, and include major areas of sub-consultant work, if any.

4. 3.1.4 Work Plan: TThe firm should provide a detailed, well-conceived work plan, methodology and approach to be used to accomplish the services required in this RFP.

5. 3.1.5 Affiliations: If the projectProject is to be accomplished through an affiliation (see Section I.4.6, Joint Offers) of more than one firm, the company name, address, telephone number, project function, and the information requested above should be provided for each firm. In addition, the primary firm's experience working with each of the affiliated firms should be described.

6. 3.1.6 Workload/Timeliness: Indicate the firm's capability to accomplish current projects and this projectProject with its current work force, and their ability to complete this projectProject within the required schedule. The firm should also indicate past projects accomplished within schedule to substantiate the firm's ability to adhere to approved schedules and completion dates.


1. Proposal Format

1. P

4.1 Proposal Formatroposals s

2. 4.1.1 Proposals shshshhall be submitted in 8 ½" x 11" size, using a simple method of fasteningcomb binding. The proposalProposals should be typed single- spaced, portrait-oriented, with size 12 font. Lengthy narrative is discouraged, and presentations should be brief and concise. The proposalProposal submitted should not exceed 25 40 single-sided pages and should be sectioned pursuant to the headings indicated herein. Federal Certifications do not count toward the 25 page25-page limit. Do not send marketing brochures or bind the proposal into supplemental materials. Other attachments may be included after the first 25 pages, with no guarantee of review.

3. 4.1.2 One (1) unbound originalelectronic version in PDF format and six seven (67) comb-bound copies of the firm's or team's proposalProposal must be submitted to Thomas F. BradyWilliam KnightRobert Huggins, P.E., Principal EngineerProject Manager, City of North Las Vegas, Engineering Services Division, 2288 2266 Civic Center Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030, by April 25July 28July 28625, 20065, no later than 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. ProposalProposals time-stamped at 2:01 p.m. or later will be returned unopened.

4. 4.1.3 All proposalProposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope plainly marked, "MASTER PLANNING AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR NORTH 5TH STREET SUPER ARTERIALCRAIG RANCH REGIONAL PARKNEW CITY HALL AND DOWNTOWN AREA COMMAND IMPROVEMENTS (RFP 0041-0055XXX-XXX009-006),” with the name and address of the ProposerProposer in the upper left hand corner. No responsibility will be attached to the City, or any official, agent, or employee thereof, for the pre-opening of, post-opening of, or the failure to open a proposalProposal not properly addressed and identified.

2. 4.2 Proposal Organization: In submitting the Proposal, the following information must be included in the following order and with numbered, tabbed dividers:

1. 4.2.1 SectionTab 1 - 1I – Transmittal Letter L: A letter of Ttransmittal: A Letter of Transmittal signed by an authorized representative of the firm and addressed to Thomas F. BradyWilliam KnightRobert Huggins, P.E., Principal EngineerProject Manager, City of North Las Vegas, Engineering Services Division, 2288 2266 Civic Center Drive, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030, and at a minimum must contain the following:

1. 1. Identification of the offering or prime firm, including name, address, and telephone number of each firm. Identification of each subconsultant including name, address, and telephone number.

2. Proposed working relationship and duties among offering firms (e.g., prime-subcontractor), if applicableof the proposed prime and subconsultants.

3. Provide a profile of the firm including types of services offered, the year founded, form of organization (corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship)..

43. Acknowledgment of receipt of RFP addenda, if any.

54. Identification of any exceptions to or deviations from the requirements of this RFP.

665. A statement to the effect that the Proposers Project Team as provided in Section II will be available to work on the Project in the roles as proposed and will not be reassigned, removed or replaced without the consent of the City.

576. Name, title, address, and telephone number of contact person during period of proposalProposal evaluation.

687. A statement to the effect that the proposalProposal shall remain valid for a period of not less than 120 days from the date of submittal; and

798. S

7. Signature of a person authorized to bind the offering firm to the terms of the proposalProposal.

2. Tab 2 - Project Team: The Proposer shall provide an organizational chart of the project team which clearly delineates communication and reporting relationships among the project staff and among the major subconsultants involved in the Project. Identify key personnel proposed to perform work in the various tasks, and include major areas of subcontracted work. Indicate the expected contributions of each staff member in time as a percentage of the total effort.

Using Federal Standard Form (Form) 330E as a basis, cClearly establish the qualifications of the proposed project staff in terms of education, experience, professional credentials, awards, and licensing status. Describe in detail each team member’s responsibilities for the Project and indicate the number of years the individual has had this responsibility on similar projects. For the projects indicated in Tab 3, indicate those team members which were directly involved and the nature and duties of their involvement using Form 330G as a basis. Specifically show, for each team member, a list of projects for which they served in the role they are expected to serve in on this project. Show, for the team as a whole, their achievements in designing similar projects. This information, at a minimum, will be provided for the Principal, Project Manager(s), Project Architect(s), and Job Captain(s) for the prime consultant and major subconsultants proposed for the City’s Project.

4.2.3 3.2.3 4.2.2 4.2.2 Section ITab 3 -I : – Proposer Qualifications

3. Experience: Using Form 330F as a basis, tThe Proposer shall demonstrate successful experience by showing technical competence and specialization in projects similar in scope and complexity to the proposed facilities indicated in Section III. Clearly show this experience for large administrative municipal facilities and police operations commands. Evidence of the qualifications and ability to successfully address major design issues related to facilities of this type must be shown. Show experience with fast-tracking design of large municipal building projects. Specifically show any involvement in local (within the Las Vegas Valley) projects which would demonstrate experience in dealing with the local design climate and issues. Specifically show experience in similar local environments that involve extremely fast growth in communities of approximately 200,000 residents.

Provide a two to four page description of the last five similar projects for which the Proposer has had significant design responsibility. For each of the projects cited, indicate the project name, when it was completed, total cost, and the name of an owner’s representative with phone number who will serve as a reference. References which may not be contacted due to outdated contact information will be considered non-responsive. Total cost information must include the final Architect’s estimate, selected bid cost and final constructed cost. Illustrations of each project are desirable. In addition, for each similar project, list the three most challenging design issues faced by the Proposers team and how each issue was solved satisfactorily. List the names of the team members proposed for the City’s project that participated in these similar projects. Clearly indicate the role each team member played in the successful completion of the similar project.

Experience and qualifications as defined in Section II-3.1.1.

4.2.3 4.2.3 Section III – Project Staffing and Project Organization:

4. Proposed project staffing and project organization as defined in Section II-3.1.2 and Section II-3.1.3. This section of the proposalProposal should establish the qualifications of the proposed project staff in terms of education, experience, and professional credentials; the logic of the ProposerProposer's proposed project organization as measured by lines of reporting and control; and the adequacy of labor resources as evidenced by the proposed distribution of labor hours.

Identify key personnel proposed to perform work in the various tasks, and include major areas of subcontracted work, if any. Include a project organization chart whichchart, which clearly delineates communication and reporting relationships among the project staff and among the various firms involved.

Furnish brief resumes (not to exceed two pages each) for the proposed Project Manager and other key personnel. Resumes must feature experience most directly relevant to the work proposed for such key personnel on this projectProject. The year in which projects cited in the resumes were performed shall be clearly stated. Include a statement that key personnel will be available to the extent proposed for the duration of the projectProject, and acknowledging that no person designated as "key" to the projectProject shall be removed or replaced without written concurrence of the CityITY.

4.2.4 3.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 Section IVTab 4 - Work Plan - Work Plan and Schedule of Performance

: TUtilizing the program elements and project objectives shown in Section III, tThe firm shouldProposer shall provide a detailed, well-conceived work plan, showing the methodology , and approach proposed to be used to successfully accomplish the projectProject. Indicate as part of the Work Plan the Proposer’s capability to accomplish other current projects and this Project with its current work force, and the Proposer’s ability to complete this Project within the required schedule. Form 330H may be used for this information.



44.2.5 3.2.5 Tab 5 - Quality Control: The Proposer shall demonstrate an ability to undertake and complete complex municipal projects on time, within budget and with a high degree of quality. Provide an explanation of the consultant’s quality and cost control philosophy, procedures and goals. Due to the magnitude and importance of this project and the volatility of the construction market in the Las Vegas Valley, a cost estimating subconsultant with a local office will be required. Specifically show the cost estimation subconsultants experience in estimating large municipal projects in the Las Vegas Valley. Provide a statement of the cost estimating subconsultant’s philosophy for value engineering and a plan for implementing it for the Project. Provide specific examples of how value engineering was implemented on previous projects. EInsure that the cost estimationng subconsultant isand other required subconsultants are listed in Tabs 2, 3 and 4 above. Specifically show the cost subconsultant’s experience in estimating large municipal projects in the Las Vegas Valley. The Proposer shall state whether or not it has ever been involved in litigation, arbitration or mediation as a result of design errors and/or omissions and the circumstances of any involvement. Form 330H may be used for this information.

5. Section V: - Affiliations


7. If the projectProject is to be accomplished on a prime consultant and sub-consultant basis, the company name, address, telephone number, project function and the information requested above should be provided for each sub-consultant. In addition, principal firm's experience working with each of the affiliated firms should be described. The percentage of work to be performed by each party should be indicated.

4.2.6 3.2.6 4.2.6 4.2.6 Section VTab 6 - LEED Standards/Energy efficiencyI - Appendices

8. : The Proposer shall demonstrate experience with the design of buildings based on the principals of energy conservation, indoor air quality and sustainability. Provide specific information concerning the experience of the project team members with LEED Standards for new construction and the LEED certification process. The Proposer shall demonstrate knowledge of local utility programs/incentives which may be available to aid energy conservation designs and/or offset capital costs. Form 330H may be used for this information.

Information considered by the ProposerProposer to be pertinent to this projectProject, and which has not been specifically solicited in any of the aforementioned sections may be placed in a separate appendix section. ProposerProposers are cautioned, however, that this does not constitute an invitation to submit large amounts of extraneous material; appendices should be relevant and bri


8. 5.0 PROPOSAL WITHDRAWAL: The ProposerProposer, at anytime up to the RFP Submission Deadline date and time identified in the Required RFP Schedule, may withdraw their Proposal. If the ProposerProposer desires to re-submit their Proposal, it must be re-submitted by the Proposal Submission Deadline as identified in the Required RFP Schedule.

9. 6.0 REJECTION OOF PROPOSALS: The City reserves the right to reject, at any time and for any reason, any and all Proposals received as a result of this RFP. The City’s intent is to enter into an Contract Agreement as a result of this RFP. However, if after reviewing the Proposals received, the City determines that the City should not enter into any AgreementContract, or to enter into a partial or different Agreementcontract from than the oneContract contemplated by in this RFP, the City will act in accordance with what the City determines at that time to be in itsits best interest. No ProposerProposer or any other party has any entitlement, interest, or right in this decision by the City, and by submitting a Proposal, acknowledges the City’s right to exercise its discretion in this regard without any right of recourse by the ProposerProposer.


7.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND AWARD: Each Proposal will be reviewed and individually ranked by members of an evaluation panel selected by the City. The City reserves the right to conduct interviews/presentations with any or all Proposers. Proposers invited for interviews/presentations will be notified of their appointment at least fourteen (14) days prior to their scheduled date/time. The interview/presentation will give the project team personnel of the highest-ranking Proposers an opportunity to elaborate further on their qualifications. Following the review or interviews (if applicable), evaluators will submit their rankings, scoring, and notes on each of the firms and participate in a post-evaluation conference to discuss the final ranking. The compiled individual rankings will be used to determine the final ranking. In the event of a tie, the evaluation scores will be totaled and averaged with the highest and lowest scores of each firm excluded.

Negotiations will begin with the Proposer ranked first in the final ranking. If an Agreement satisfying the needs of the City and mutually beneficial to the City and the Proposer can be negotiated, the Agreement shall be presented to City Council for awarded to that Proposer. Otherwise, negotiations with the first-ranked Proposer shall be terminated and negotiations started with the Proposer ranked second in the final ranking. This process may continue, based on the final rankings, until an Agreement satisfying the needs of the City and mutually beneficial to the City and the Proposer can be negotiated. Since the service requested in this RFP is considered to be a Pprofessional Sservice, negotiation and award of the Agreement will be in accordance with the provisions of the Nevada Revised Statutes, Chapter 332, Purchasing: Local Governments, Ssection 332.115. Fees Compensation for the Pprofessional Sservices Agreement will be negotiated with the ProposerProposer(s) selected.

The following is a list of measures criteria to be used as a guideline for scoring the proposalProposals submitted in response to this RFP. Evaluators will use the scores to rank each firm in order of preference with one (1) Proposer being the highest ranked and no ties allowed.

The CityITY reserves the right to conduct interviews/presentations with any or all ProposerProposers. Firms invited for interviews/presentations will be notified of their appointment at least seven (7) days prior to their scheduled date/time. Following interviews (if applicable), evaluators will submit their rankings, scoring, and notes on each of the firms and participate in a post-evaluation conference to discuss the selections.

The compiled rankings will be used to identify the preferred firm. If in the caseIn the event of a tie, the evaluation scores will be totaled and averaged with the highest and lowest scores of each firm excluded. The evaluation criteria are listed below in order of importance.

A. Professional Qualifications, Knowledge, and Experience (Experience (25 points)

This factor involves an evaluation of the qualifications, knowledge, and experience of the Respondent, the Project Manager, and the key personnel proposed to perform the Scope of Services. It will involve a review of the background, experience, performance records, competence, and integrity of the Respondent, as well as an assessment of the qualifications of the personnel who will be responsible for the performance of the Scope of Services. The overall team capacity, balance, and organization will also be evaluated. This factor will also include an assessment of the availability and ability of the firm (including the Project Manager and key personnel) to perform the Scope of Services in a timely manner. An evaluation of the Respondent’s experience in the performance of other similar projects, including cost control, quality of work, and timeliness of performance, will also be conducted.

B. Technical Capabilities and Specialized Knowledge (3540 points)

This factor involves ann evaluation of the quality of the technical capabilities and specialized knowledge of the Respondent Proposer needed to successfully perform the specific Scope of Services listed in Section III, and a review of the Proposer’s previousthe ability to deliver the work required in a timely and proficient manner. Specifically, this will involve a review of the evidence that the ProposerRespondent can successfully provide in a timely manner the following: (1) master planning, engineering design and construction management services for large municipal facilities and police operations commands of comparable scope and complexity,experience in development of roadways with provisions for transit servicemaster planning regional or large community parks of comparable scope and complexity, (2) ongoing, accurate construction cost estimates which may be successfully used to plan the final scope of work,experience in providing engineering design and construction management services (3) timely, consistent and helpful support during all phases of the project, and (4) creative, innovative and cost efficient solutions to challenging design issues. .

B. Work Plan (255 points)

This factor involves an evaluation of the quality of the work plan and submittals made by the RespondentProposer. This factor will include an assessment of the ProposerRespondent’s understanding of the RFP’s requirements; the logic, clarity, and specificity of the work plan; management methods to oversee (including cost control), monitor, and report on the Project; creative and innovative problem solving approaches; demonstration of creative approaches to seeking publicmanaging stakeholder involvement and input; and the methodology and approach to be used by the RespondentProposer to accomplish the work plan . The work plan must show an aggressive proposed schedule meant to expedite the Project and minimize construction cost escalation.

and perform the Scope of Services.C. Work Plan (25 points)

This factor involves an evaluation of the quality of the work plan and submittals made by the Respondent. This factor will include an assessment of the Respondent’s understanding of the RFP’s requirements; the logic, clarity, and specificity of the work plan; management methods to oversee, monitor, and report on the Project; creative and innovative problem solving approaches; and the methodology and approach to be used by the Respondent to accomplish the work plan and perform the Scope of Services.

C. Professional Qualifications, Knowledge, and Experience (3250 points)

This factor involves an evaluation of the qualifications, knowledge, and experience of the ProposerRespondent’s project team including, the Principal, Project Manager, Project Architect and the key personnelJob Captain proposed to perform the Scope of Services. It will involve a review of the background, experience, performance records, competence, and integrity of the RespondentProposer, as well as an assessment of the qualifications of the personnelproject team who will be responsible for the performance of the Scope of Services. The overall team capacity, balance, and organization will also be evaluated. This factor will also include an assessment of the availability and ability of the firm (including the Project Manager and key personnel) to perform the Scope of Services in a timely manner. An evaluation will also be conducted of the project team’sRespondent’s experience in (1) the performance of other similar projects, including cost control, quality of work, and timeliness of performance,design of LEED certified buildings and (2) knowledge of local energy efficiency incentives will also be conducted(3) value engineering, and (4) fast-tracking large municipal building projects..

D. Knowledge of Local Conditions (10 points)

This factor will evaluate ProposerRespondent’s knowledge of and experience with local processes, conditions, transportation structure, regional needs, and its understanding of theany other conditions affecting the successful completion of the projectProject.

8.0 8.0 NEWS RELEASES: By participating in this RFP, ProposerProposers agree that the City will review and approve all news releases pertaining to this RFP and/or subsequent ContractAgreement. All news releases will be submitted in writing to the City’s Director of Information TechnologyPrimary Contact. The Primary ContactDirector will review and submit the news release to the City Managerappropriate City staff for final review and approval.




1.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND PURPOSE: The Project location of the Improvements has been narrowed to two possible alternatives: (1) the land currently utilized for the Silver Nugget Recreational Vehicle Park on Las Vegas Boulevard South and the land south to Hunkins Drive, approximately 16.6 acres, and (2) the southern area of the existing City Hall Campus on Civic Center Drive south of the Library, approximately 10 acres. is currently undecided, however, it is shall be located on the north side of along North 5th Street from Owens Avenue to the Northern Beltway, a distance of approximately 7 milesCraig Road west of Commerce Streeta parcel of approximately 15 to 20 acres in the downtown area of the City of North Las Vegas, asThe two possible locations are shown on the Vicinity Maps included as Attachment “BC”. The purpose of theis Project is to develop a mMaster pPlan for a site to include a new City Hall facility of approximately 220,000 square feet and a separate new Police Downtown Area Command facility of approximately 31,000 square feet. Other site elements will include a parking structure of a size to be determined, a civic plaza of an undetermined sizeapproximately two to four acres, and approximately 10,000 square feet of mixed-use space on the ground floor of the City Hall building. After approval of the master plan, regional park and to prepare construction plans contract documents and project schedules and cost estimates and establish development guidelines and implementation strategies for the North 5th Street Super Arterial Improvementsfor the selectedapproved elements fromof the Mmaster Pplan will be prepared. Bid phase support and construction management support may also be a part of the Agreement. The City may elect to award separate contracts for master planning and design services. The intent of these improvements is to provide the community with a multi-purpose, multimodal transportation corridor that provides a new high-speed, enhanced north-south route, with limited access, transit, pedestrian, and other modal characteristics regional park that is connected to the Las Vegas Valley regional trail system.

Multiple development phases are proposed for implementation of the overall North 5th Street Super Arterial Improvements. The Scope of Services identified in this RFPrequired for the Project will include, but are not limited to: architectural, landscape architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, multi-media communications, and cost estimating. The includes the initial twofive primary tasks include phases:

Task # 1 – MMaster planning of the entire site including off-site improvements necessary to efficiently provide ingress and egress of anticipated traffic volumes, utilization of existing facilities and/or demolition recommendations, and utility requirements for the completed parkfacilities. Master planning of on-site circulation as needed to satisfy required adjacencies, customer service and public safety. Review and update of the City’s space planning analysis including office standards. Preparation of materials and presentations for local Council, Commissions, Boards, and citizen groups as needed. Ongoing conceptual-level cost estimation and analysis as needed to allow the City to make cost efficient decisions regarding the final scope of the master plan.

StageTask One # 2 – Schematic design and pPreliminary design engineering of the selectedthe corridor under ultimate conditions that specifically identify the characteristics and operating environment for limited-access arterial, potential transit modes, and trail improvements, including six (6) travel lanes, two (2) dedicated transit lanes, landscaped multi-use pathways, urban interchanges, grade separations, interim traffic signalsregional parkfacilities from Task # 1. Detailed site analysis as needed to prepare a preliminary design report (30% Submittal) addressing all relevant on-site/off-site issues. Ongoing schematic-level cost estimation and analysis as needed to allow the City to make cost efficient decisions amenities that will be selected from those identified in the Master Plan; and

StageTask # 3Two – Design development to include fFinal design and development of construction planscontract documents suitable for public bidding. Submittals are expected to include 70%, 90%, Pre-final and Final. Preparation of all materials and drawing/specification changes as necessary to obtain City Building Safety Division approval in a timely manner. Ongoing design-level cost estimation and analysis as needed to allow the City to make cost efficient decisions, bid phase, and construction management support of improvements developed in Stage One for the segment from Owens Avenue to Cheyenne Avenue, including a grade separation over I-15, limited-access arterial, transit, and trail elements.;

Task # 4 – Bid phase support while the construction contract is advertised and awarded including the preparation of addendums and attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference;

Task # 5 – Construction management support services during the construction phase including the approval of all material submittals and providing responses to requests for information.

Future phases will extend super arterial characteristics from Cheyenne Avenue to the Northern Beltway and are anticipated to reflect the following:

• Stage Three – Final design and construction of limited-access arterial improvements from Cheyenne Avenue to the Northern Beltway;

• Stage Four – Design and construction of a multi-use trail system along both sides of the North 5th Street corridor;

• Stage Five – Implementation of potential transit modes within the corridor; and

• Stage Six – Design and construction of urban interchanges at Cheyenne Avenue, Craig Road and Ann Road; and grade-separated east-west crossings from Cheyenne Avenue to the Northern Beltway.

2.0 BACKGROUND: The I-15 Northeast Corridor Study, prepared by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) in 2002, recommended that North 5th Street be extended across the I-15 Freeway Corridor to provide a continuous north-south arterial street extending from the urban core of the Cities of North Las Vegas and Las Vegas to the Northern Beltway. The study identified several shortcomings of the existing transportation system in providing for the long term travel demand in the City of North Las Vegas. These included:

➢ The need to increase the capacity of the north-south arterial street system;

➢ The need to provide additional crossings of I-15; and

➢ The need to provide an enhanced transit system.

Accordingly, the NDOT Study recommended that North 5th Street become one of three arterial streets, the other two being Martin L. King Boulevard/Camino Al Norte and Lamb Boulevard which would extend continuously across the northern portion of the Las Vegas Valley, providing an alternate to I-15 and serving the region’s future transportation needs.

According to the I-15 Northeast Corridor Study, by extending the road across I-15, North 5th Street would provide the only north-south crossing of I-15 directly linking the growing areas northwest of I-15 to the City of North Las Vegas urbanized area, southeast of I-15. It would substantially increase the capacity of the north-south arterial system, an increase needed to accommodate growth within the City. It would also provide a route for enhanced transit to provide increased mobility and travel options for the growing areas north and west of I-15.

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) recently completed the Regional Fixed Guideway Feasibility Study, 2004. The Study identified North 5th Street as the preferred route through North Las Vegas for the northern leg of the proposed valley-wide Fixed Guideway Transit System. The Study cited the relatively early stage of development along North 5th Street, north of Losee Road as providing the flexibility to accommodate a transit system which could serve relatively large, future, transit-oriented populations.

Additionally, the RTC completed the North 5th Street Corridor Study, November 2004, which is also included as Attachment E. This Study built upon these previous studies and provided an evaluation of alternative improvements to the North 5th Street corridor to provide a basis for selecting the program of improvements which will best serve the transportation needs of the residents and businesses of the City of North Las Vegas. In particular, this Study examined the costs and benefits of constructing North 5th Street as a 150 foot-wide multi-purpose super arterial roadway.

Also considered in this Study, was North 5th Street’s value as a limited-access facility. Limited-access roadways favor the flow of through traffic over local accessibility. As one of the few north-south corridors in North Las Vegas, limiting access to reduce delays to north-south traffic would facilitate commuter trips and provide substantial benefits to regional travel time and modeling variables and air quality. Since the North 5th Street Corridor is in a rapidly developing part of the City, a balance is required between providing access to development and providing for the smooth flow of traffic.

In accordance with the North 5th Street Corridor Study’s recommendations, the City of North Las Vegas amendedVegas amended their Master Plan of Streets and Highways to reflect North 5th Street as a 150-foot-wide, limited-access transportation corridor. As stated herein, the issuance of this RFP and its scope of work is in accordance with the recommendations for multiple stages for implementation of the corridor improvements. The City of North Las Vegas has undertaken efforts to increase the amount of park land within the City after a per capita shortfall of park land was identified. The City received funding from the Bureau of Land Management under the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (P.L. 105-263) to purchase the 132 acre Craig Ranch Golf Course intending to convert the golf course into a regional park. The City closed escrow on the golf course in March 2005 and will continue to operate the golf course for no more than two years from the close of escrow. During this two-year period, the City plans to complete the master planning and design.

3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: The selected firm will be required to perform or provide some or all the following services:

Work closely with City staff to finalizeand hold public meetings to create a master plan that will provide amenities desired by the public in accordance with the City of North Las Vegas Parks Master Plan a detailed scope of services and design criteria.

Review, evaluate, and incorporate relevant design data from all available sources including existing plans, drainage reports, geotechnical investigation reports, utility maps, aerial photos, as-builts, studies, etc.

Prepare a forestry plan addressing the existing tree canopy and making recommendations for future tree plantings.

Develop a schedule prior to commencing work, including mutually agreed upon major milestones, dates, and review submittals.

Attend and record minutes of all projectProject meetings required by City staff, including but not limited to progress review meetings and public meetings.

Ongoing communication and informal contact with the City’s projectProject rRepresentative.

Prepare necessary exhibits as required by City staff to support public meetings, progress meetings, Planning Commission meetings, City Council meetings, etc.

Perform all necessary field survey work and aerial topographic mapping to accurately represent the construction requirements and methods.

Development and maintenance of a Project web site to include monthly status reports indicating progress of the design relative to the plan.

Development and maintenance of a projectProject web page site to include monthly status reports indicating progress of the design relative to the plan.

Provide the necessary coordination to insure that all City departments and local, state, and federal and regional agencies having an interest or authority over the work are contacted for their input prior to advancing the design. Coordination with NDOT’s consultant for design of the I-15 Widening Project and the City’s consultants for development of the North 5th Street Transit-Supportive Land Use Master Plan and for the update of the Comprehensive Plan should be specifically identified.

Evaluate existing and proposed conditions and prepare necessary reports to assess and mitigate impacts, including but not limited to, traffic analysis, geotechnical investigations, environmental analysis, a hydrologic/hydraulic analysis and drainage study, bridge type selection analysis, trail amenity study, etc. Provide a site inventory of existing facilities and features with recommendations for demolition or use in the regional park.

Provide the necessary coordination to insure that all City departments and local, state, and federal agencies having an interest or authority over the work are contacted for their input prior to advancing the design.

Perform site reconnaissance, potholing, and coordinate plan development with utility companies, as necessary to locate utilities and resolve conflicts.

Develop three schematic designsmaster plan alternatives and limited studies to further the design conceptual alternatives analysis.

Evaluate potential transit modes applicable to the corridor, with a high-level overview of operational attributes, services, characteristics, and overall corridor applicability. Also evaluate operational requirements for each alternative, and make design recommendations to accommodate those findings.

Prepare a preliminary-level design of ultimate improvements for the development in the corridorpark. Prepare preliminary-level contract documents, project cost, and schedule estimates for the ultimate design conditions along the entire corridor from Owens Avenue to the Northern Beltway. Incorporate this information and preliminary studies and the site inventory in a Preliminary Design Report.

EvaluateRecommend phasing of development trends and impacts of and the impacts of piecemeal construction on the ultimate improvements and establish design requirements to facilitate integration of future private development roadway construction with existing improvements and with the proposed ultimate improvements. Develop roadway cross-sections, templates, design standards, and exhibits to serve as guidelines for future construction and land development. Establish procedures for handling transitions between existing and ultimate alignments, tie-ins of the multi-use trail systems with development- constructed landscape buffers, pedestrian crossings and sidewalk alignments, transition from temporary traffic signals to grade separations and interchanges, and identify current City regulations, codes, and standards that need to be modified to accommodate these requirements.

Attend and record minutes of all project meetings required by City staff, including but not limited to progress review meetings and public meetings.

Ongoing communication and informal contact with the City’s project representative.

Prepare necessary exhibits as required by City staff to support public meetings, progress meetings, Planning Commission meetings, City Council meetings, etc.

Perform all necessary field survey work to accurately represent the construction requirements and methods.

Prepare construction contract documents, special provisions and project cost and schedule estimates for all design submittals, to include a Preliminary Design/Development Review Report, 60%, 90%, 99% draft 100%, and Final Design-level submittals. for the segment from Owens Avenue to Cheyenne Avenue..

Insure Perform right-of-way engineering; identification of that all the necessary right-of-way, permanent easements including and temporary construction easements and other conveyances; preparation of right-of-way plans and legal descriptions; appraisals; and negotiations necessary are indentified and notify the City to complete acquire the right-of-way, easements, permits, etcacquisitions.

Support project through the public bidding process.

Provide construction management support services.

Coordinate plan development with utility companies, as necessary.

Resurface, restore and rehabilitate the existing pavement on North 5th Street.

Widening of North 5th Street to accommodate a total of three travel lanes in each direction and transit only curb side lanes.

Design Develop of access management strategies necessary to maintain limited access travel through various stages of development along the corridor. Assist the City in modifying development requirements, master plans, codes, and regulations necessary to establish those strategies.

Develop pedestrian access policies and infrastructure necessary to make the corridor a pedestrian-friendly, ADA-compliant, multi-use corridorReview all access and circulation elements and park amenities to ensure compliance with ADA requirements.

Design areas for of multi-use trails (pedestrian/bike) and landscaping along both sides of the corridor and median landscaping. Develop themes, plant palettes, and amenity options to tie in the improvements with adjacent developments. Establish aesthetics and visual enhancements for proposed and future bridge structures and trail provide connectivity between park elements and the existing regional trail along the northern site boundary.

Assess feasibility of equestrian access.

Perform design of a grade separation over I-15. Also establish proposed footprints and prepare preliminary-level design documents for the proposed urban interchanges and grade separations along the corridor.

Installation of traffic signals, FAST/ITS interconnect infrastructure, including conduits, pull boxes, and fiber optic cables.

Integration of Installation of transit signal priority systems and other transit operation design features into proposed including queue jumps and necessary infrastructure.

Evaluate domestic and irrigation water demand, and sewerage flows demand, and fire flow requirements along the corridorfor the park, necessary to establish waterlines and sewerlines mainlineincluding and lateral sizes, and locations, and fire hydrant locations..

Development of traffic control plans for the Project.phasing and construction staging plans.

Prepare a management plan to guide park operations.

Prepare an opinion of probable operation and maintenance costs for the park.

Prepare a public safety plan for the park.

Support projectProject through the public bidding process.

Provide construction management support services.

42.0 PROJECT FUNDING ESTIMATE: As identified in the North 5th Street Corridor Study, the total project cost for the initial construction phase along North 5th Street, from Owens Avenue to Cheyenne Avenue, (also identified as Stage Two) is estimated to cost approximately $65 million, including design, right-of-way acquisition, and constructionThe City has an agreement with BLM that the Bureau will commit up to $21,120,000 in fundinganticipates a funding requirement of approximately $200135 million for master planning for the entire park and , preliminary engineeringdesign, final engineeringdesign, bid phase support, construction management support, construction management by others, and construction of park ithe Improvements. This is a current estimate and is subject to change..

53.0 DESIGN CRITERIA: The North 5th Street Super Arterial ImprovementsCraig Ranch Regional ParkNew City Hall and Downtown Area Command facilities shall be designed in accordance with the City of North Las Vegas ParkMunicipal Code and StandardsOrdinancesto AASHTO standards using a Design Speed of 55 miles per hour and in accordance with the following locally adopted standards and procedures.

1. International Building Code, current edition as adopted by the City of North Las Vegas.

2. Uniform Standard Specifications for Public Works’ Construction Off-Site Improvements, Clark County Area, Nevada, current edition.

3. Uniform Standard Drawings for Public Works’ Construction Off-Site Improvements, Clark County Area, Nevada, Volume I and II, current editions.

4. Hydrologic Criteria and Drainage Design Manual, Clark County Regional Flood Control District, current edition.


When the PROJECTProject involves other infrastructures, the adopted standards for such shall be recognized and followed. Such standards may include:

6. City of North Las Vegas Water Service District Rules and Regulations, current edition.

7. Uniform Design and Construction Standards for Potable Water Distribution Systems, Clark County Nevada, current edition.

8. Design and Construction Standards for Wastewater Collection Systems, Southern Nevada, Current Edition.

9. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Federal Highway Administration, current edition.

Special Improvement District Guidelines (SIDG) prepared by Clark County Public Works – Engineering Division.

1. Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Design Standards, current edition.

2. Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Design Standards, current edition.

3. A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), current edition.

4. AASHTO Design Standard Specification for Bridges with NDOT Supplement.

5. NDOT Standard Plans for Road and Bridge Construction.

10. AASHTO Roadside Design Guide.

9. International Building Code, current edition as adopted by the City of North Las Vegas.

6. Informational Guide to Roadway Lighting (AASHTO).






The following attachments are hereby incorporated into this Request for Proposals:

Identifier Title

Attachment A Schedule of Events

Attachment B Vicinity Map

Attachment C Sample Agreement

Attachment D North 5th Street Corridor Study





Request for Proposals Issued March 22July 6ne 51, 2005, 8:00 a.m.

Pre-Proposal Conference March July 19ne 2030, 20065, 212:0030 p.m.

Deadline for Ssubmitting Written Questions July 21ne 22,April 11, 20052006, 12:00 p.m.

Addenda iIssued to bBidders July 25ne 27April 18, 20065

Proposal Submission Deadline July 286,April 25, 20052006, 24:00 p.m.

Notification of Selected Firm NovemberAugust 30,May 12, 20052006

Anticipated Council Award of Contract January 4October, 2006July 20, 2005



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