Rule R8-1. Rule R8-2. Rule R8-3. Rule R8-4.

ARTICLE 1. General Provisions.

Application of rules. Definitions. Records. Reports to Commission.

Rule R8-5. Rule R8-6. Rule R8-7. Rule R8-8.

ARTICLE 2. General Service Provisions.

Inspection of plant and equipment. Complaints. Information for consumers. Meter readings and bill forms.

Rule R8-9. Rule R8-10. Rule R8-11. Rule R8-12. Rule R8-13. Rule R8-14. Rule R8-15.

ARTICLE 3. Meters, Meter Tests and Records.

Location. Testing facilities. Method of determining average error of meters. Meter accuracy. Periodic tests of meters. Meter testing at request of consumers. [Repealed.]

Rule R8-16. Rule R8-17. Rule R8-18. Rule R8-19. Rule R8-20. Rule R8-21. Rule R8-22. Rule R8-23. Rule R8-24. Rule R8-25. Rule R8-26. Rule R8-27. Rule R8-28.

ARTICLE 4. Operation.

Standard frequency. Standard voltage. Voltage surveys and records. [Rescinded.] Discontinuance of service for violation of rules or nonpayment of bills. Replacement of meters and changes in location of service. Utility may withhold service until customer complies with rules and regulations. Extent of system on which utility must maintain service. Extensions. Rate schedule; rules and regulations. Safety rules and regulations. Uniform system of accounts. Retention of records.

Rule R8-29. Rule R8-30.

Rule R8-31. Rule R8-32.

ARTICLE 5. Assignment of Areas.

Application for service area by electric supplier; publication of notice. Petition to intervene by other suppliers; consolidation of applications for same service area. Hearing at least sixty days after publication. Assignment of service areas on Commission's motion.

Rule R8-33. Rule R8-34.

Rule R8-35. Rule R8-36. Rule R8-37. Rule R8-38. Rule R8-39.

ARTICLE 6. Electric Membership Corporations.

Rate schedules, rules and regulations; underground wiring; promotional payments. Title and docket assignments for rates and regulations of electric membership corporations. Requirements as to size and form of rate filings. Filings to reflect effective date, changes and previous filings superseded. Copies required. Time requirements for filings. Transmission of filings.

Rule R8-40.

Rule R8-40A. Rule R8-41.

ARTICLE 7. Power Reliability.

Report of impending emergencies, load reductions and service interruptions in bulk electric power supply and related power supply facilities. Service Reliability Index Reporting. Filing of Emergency Load Reduction Plans and Emergency Procedures.

Rule R8-42. Rule R8-43.

[Rescinded.] [Rescinded.]

ARTICLE 8. Electric Energy Supply Planning.

Rule R8-44.

ARTICLE 9. Overcharges and Undercharges.

Method of adjustment for rates varying from schedule or for other billing errors.

Rule R8-45. Rule R8-46. Rule R8-47. Rule R8-48. Rule R8-49. Rule R8-50. Rule R8-51. Rule R8-52. Rule R8-53. Rule R8-54. Rule R8-55.

ARTICLE 10. Fuel Based Rate Changes.

[Rescinded.] [Rescinded.] Requirements of minimum standard offerings of lighting luminaries. Information to be provided to new consumers. Notification to consumers of tariff changes. Notification of available rate schedules and breakdown of company operating expenses. Provision of past billing history upon consumer request. Monthly fuel report. Monthly power plant performance report. [Repealed.] Annual hearings to review changes in the cost of fuel and fuel-related costs.

ARTICLE 11. Resource Planning and Certification.

Rules R8-56. through R8-59. [Repealed] Rule R8-60. Integrated Resource Planning and Filings. Rule R8-60.1. Smart Grid Technology Plans and Filings. Rule R8-60A. Biennial Integrated Resource Planning and Carbon Plan Filings. Rule R8-61. Preliminary Plans and Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity for Construction

of Electric Generation and Related Transmission Facilities in North Carolina; Construction of Out-of-State Electric Generating Facilities; Progress Reports and Ongoing Reviews of Construction; Project Development Cost Reviews for Nuclear Generating Facilities.

Rule R8-62. Rule R8-63. Rule R8-64. Rule R8-65. Rule R8-66. Rule R8-67. Rule R8-68. Rule R8-69. Rule R8-70.

Rule R8-71. Rule R8-72. Rule R8-73. Rule R8-74.

Chapter 8.

Certificates of environmental compatibility and public convenience and necessity for the construction of electric transmission lines in North Carolina. Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Merchant Plant; Progress Reports. Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity by CPRE Program Participant, Qualifying Cogenerator, or Small Power Producer; Progress Reports. Report by Persons Constructing Electric Generating Facilities Exempt from Certification Requirement. Registration of Clean Energy Facilities; Annual Reporting Requirements. Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS CEPS). Incentive Programs for Electric Public Utilities and Electric Membership Corporations, Including Energy Efficiency and Demand-Side Management Programs. Cost Recovery for Demand-Side Management and Energy Efficiency Measures of Electric Public Utilities. Cost Recovery for Costs Incurred by an Electric Public Utility to Acquire, Operate and Maintain interest in Electric Generating Facilities Purchased from a Joint Municipal Power Agency. Competitive Procurement of Renewable Energy. Community Solar Program. Applications for Certificate of Authority to Engage in Business as an Electric Generator Lessor; Transfers; and Notice. Financing for Costs Associated With the Early Retirement of Subcritical Coal-Fired Generating Facilities.



ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Rule R8-1. APPLICATION OF RULES. (a) These rules shall apply to any person, firm, or corporation (except municipalities, or agents thereof) which is now or may hereafter become engaged as a public utility in the business of furnishing electric current for domestic, commercial or industrial consumers within the State of North Carolina. (b) The rules are intended to define good practice which can normally be expected. They are intended to insure adequate service and to protect the public from unfair practices and the utilities from unreasonable demands. The cooperation of the utilities with the Commission and the Public Staff is expected. (c) In any case where compliance with any of these rules introduces unusual difficulty, such rule may be temporarily waived by the Commission upon application of the utility. If in such case compliance with the rule would cost more than the results of such compliance are worth to the public and consumers of electric current, it may be permanently set aside by the Commission. (NCUC Docket No. M-100, Sub 75, 10/27/77.)


Rule R8-2. DEFINITIONS. In the interpretation of these rules the word "utility" shall be taken to mean any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of supplying electric current to domestic, commercial, or industrial users within this State except a municipality or electric membership corporation organized under G.S. 117-6 et seq. and the word "consumer" shall be taken to mean any person, firm, corporation, municipality, or other political subdivision of the State supplied by any such utility. Unless specifically stated otherwise, capacity of generation facilities is provided in alternating current (AC) delivered at the point of interconnection to the distribution or transmission facilities. (NCUC Docket No. E-100, Sub 134, 3/18/2015.)



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