City of Oregon Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission met Tuesday July 17, 2018 at 5:30 pm City Hall Council Chambers.

Members Present: Craig Carpenter, Jeff Hallock, Rick Ryland, Karly Spell, and Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Absent: Mark Herman and Roger Cain.

Also, Present: Mayor Ken Williams and City Clerk Charlene Ruthe.

Commissioner Kurt Wilson called the meeting to order, Chairman Mark Herman was unable to make meeting tonight.

The Public Hearing was opened for the rezoning change request from R-3 Multi Family to Residential R-1 Single Family for lot submitted by Rebecca Hazzard of Stone Gate Ridge Subdivision. No one spoke for or against the request. The Public Hearing was closed.

Rick Ryland moved to recommend the zoning change request submitted by Rebecca Hazzard for Stone Gate Ridge to rezone lots from R-3 Multi- family to Residential R-1 Single family, Seconded by Jeff Hallock.

Motion carried. No Nays.

Craig Carpenter moved to approve the June 19, 2018 minutes, Seconded by Rick Ryland.

Motion carried. No Nays.

Kurt Wilson moved to set a public hearing August 21st, 2018 for the zoning change request from Commercial Highway Business District to Residential R-1 Single Family submitted by David Wiehle for 201 McCanse Drive, Seconded by Jeff Hallock.

Motion carried. No Nays.

Craig Carpenter let the Mayor know that he is stepping down from the committee. Kurt asked if anyone knew of someone interested to let him know. Karly Spell will become a full member and not an alternate.

Since it’s within a mile and half of the city limits, the Ogle County Planning and Zoning received a map amendment request submitted by Connie Bader 813 W Devil’s Backbone Rd from Ag1 to R-1 Single Family. No objections from the committee. The City Clerk will send a letter letting them know.

Two sections of the Municode Updates were handed out signs and zoning. Mayor Ken Williams is working on a two- tier sign ordinance one for historic downtown and the other for the other zoning districts. Rick Ryland asked about the section on trash enclosures. Hands on Oregon would like to help hide the dumpster located at Conover Square; however, sounds like it’s on the right of away. He was asked to talk to Mike Bowers about the location. Mayor Ken Williams said the Downtown Beautician Committee is working on ways to beautify the areas where dumpsters are located. Rick also asked about trees in the downtown area. City of Dixon has, and he feels it looks nice. The Beautician committee is also looking into that however, would have to make sure it meets ADA requirements as far as being able to get around the area. They are looking into what needs to be done to move Iron Mike inside the sidewalk on County Property. It’s a landmark and want to preserve it. Craig Carpenter also asked that under definitions in the zoning chapter that retarded be taken out.

Mayor Ken Williams met with County Board Chairman Kim Gouker and Long-Range Planning Committee Chairman Don Griffin about the design of the new proposed jail. Looks nothing like the original design submitted when the public meetings took place. An Inter-Gov Agreement was signed and in there it stated that the design be similar to the Courthouse and Judicial Center. Mayor and committee members were not happy with the design they are proposing now. They are supposed to bring the design to the County Board tonight.

Karly Spell moved to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Craig Carpenter.

ermanMotion carried. No Nays.

Adjourn: 6:15 PM

Charlene Ruthe, Secretary


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