City of Oregon Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission met Tuesday December 11, 2018 at 5:30 pm City Hall Council Chambers.

Members Present: Mark Herman, Roger Cain, Randy Cropp, Jeff Hallock, Rick Ryland, Karly Spell, and Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Absent: None

Also Present: Mayor Ken Williams and City Clerk Charlene Ruthe.

Chairman Mark Herman called the meeting to order.

No Public Comment.

A Public Hearing was opened for the Annexation Agreement submitted by William and Nancy Messenger for 794 North Illinois Route 2, it’s a wo story single family house. They will also be hooking on to city water and sewer. No one spoke for or against. The Public Hearing was closed.

Rick Ryland moved to recommend the Annexation Agreement submitted by William & Nancy Messenger for 794 N Illinois Rt 2, Seconded by Jeff Hallock.

Motion carried. No Nays.

Roger Cain moved to approve the November 20, 2018 minutes, Seconded by Kurt Wilson.

Motion carried. No Nays.

Rich Rhoads, 205 N 14th Street, wants to know why Tim and Kim Krug need to apply for a variance for their business, Main Street Machines located at 103 W Washington Street, they have parked cars out front of the building even before they owned it. Why brought up now? Complaint? Commissioner Kurt Wilson said, Chief DeHaan had complaints and he needs to address them as they come in. We don’t allow parking on the sidewalk in other areas of the city.

Cory Buck, City Engineer, had information on the sidewalk/right-of-way. The original plat of the city had a right-of-way of 80’, which is what it is currently. An easement plat prepared by IODT was handed out because they plan on replacing all sidewalk ramps at the intersections along Rt 2 and Rt 64, and some will require temporary construction easements on private property. In the exhibit, the existing sidewalk edge is very near the property line, which is also the front of the building at Main Street Machines. This is another indication that the right-of-way has not changed.

Tim Krug, owner of Main Street Machines, said he was told they needed a survey of the property. It would be costly to have done and feels it is not necessary. He and Joe Pendergrass (old owner of Jay’s Drive In) had the tanks removed that were underground several years ago. It was very costly, why did he have to pay to have done? Parking was allowed there even before he bought the building. The parking is for people to drop off vehicles and have estimates completed. Is that hurting anyone? Why back to Plan Commission again? He knows the city has a future put together on what the area could look like, however that won’t be for several year. He hopes to be retired by then and he will let the city have first bid on the property.

The public hearing will be January 15 at 5:30 pm for the variance. Just a reminder to Mr. Krug will need to publish in newspaper of record and notify adjoining property owners of public hearing date, time, and place of submitted variance.

Randy Cropp said, the Police Department has put up a speed trap at the bridge to clock how fast vehicles are traveling. Average speed was twenty-three miles per hour.

Mayor Ken Williams said, the City does have a Master Plan, TIF Plan, and Riverfront Plan for future projects. So, the area by Main Street Machines might have more foot traffic in the future.

Kurt Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Rick Ryland.

ermanMotion carried. No Nays.

Adjourn: 6:11 PM

Charlene Ruthe, Secretary


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