Contact:  Brie Turek (407) 246-3106

Heather Allebaugh (407) 246-3423


Next Step of 3-Year, Comprehensive Safety Initiative Launched to Engage Community

Orlando, FL (August 14, 2006) – Public safety has always been a top priority of Mayor Buddy Dyer and the Orlando City Council. While Orlando is not alone in the recent escalation of violent crime, cities across the country are facing similar challenges, and this is a great concern for the Dyer administration and the Orlando Police Department (OPD).

As a continuum to the City’s recently announced 3-year Public Safety Initiative, Mayor Dyer has established the Mayor’s Neighborhood Safety Task Force, composed of representatives from the entire community, to work in tandem with OPD to tackle crime-related issues and education, and to help develop a strategic action plan using police, volunteer and community resources.

“Ultimately, we want to create safe communities for each of our neighborhoods, for our visitors and for our business sector, said Mayor Dyer. “We want to achieve that by empowering the entire community to play an active role in crime reduction initiatives and programs.”

The Mayor’s Neighborhood Safety Task Force, chaired by Dr. Stanley Stone, the Vice-President of Human Resources and Diversity at Valencia Community College, will meet over a 120-day period to recommend proactive initiatives to the Mayor, City Council, OPD and other City departments and local agencies. These recommended initiatives will focus on reversing the current trend of rising violent crime rates and enhance community safety; discussing ways to reduce crime in Orlando; and empowering the entire community to play an active role in crime reduction initiatives.

Community partners such as the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Juvenile Justice system, social service agencies, faith-based groups and neighborhood associations will be engaged to discuss crime-fighting and community safety issues relevant to their agencies with the task force.

“The benefits of this type of task force to the community are twofold,” said Task Force Chair Dr. Stanley Stone. “First and foremost, the community becomes active participants in identifying crime concerns in specific areas of the community and secondly the task force provides an opportunity for active participation in the process of developing both short-term and long-term strategies to significantly reduce crime from our community.”

Mayor’s Neighborhood Safety Task Force Objectives:

· Analyze current crime data and concerns in specific areas of the community

· Review of best practices proven successful in other communities

· Define the community “call to action” and develop action plan to increase and promote community education/engagement

· Identify available community resources, any gaps and disconnects

· Make recommendations for proper allocation of community-based resources, services and programs, or creation of additional ones if needed.

In the next week, Mayor Dyer will announce the community members appointed to this task force, as well as convene the group’s first meeting.

Editor’s Note:

Included below, please find a brief update regarding the Orlando Police Departments efforts to address the recent escalation in homicides and violent crimes:

Public safety is a community wide responsibility. The Orlando Police Department’s 3-point approach includes: Enforcement: proactive tactical efforts based on crime statistics, Education: community outreach initiatives and Engagement: how you can make a difference to create safe and livable neighborhoods.


Based on the analysis of the current homicide data the City has identified areas where a majority of the homicides have taken place, and are mobilizing resources to increase presence in those areas.

In addition to the assigned patrol officers, the Orlando Police Department is deploying uniform and non-uniform specialized units as well as drug enforcement officers to these identified areas.

These deployment efforts will not have an impact on our patrol coverage in those areas not affected by the current homicide trend.

The Homicide Unit has solved approximately 73% of the cases since the beginning of this year by arrest or the suspect has been identified and an arrest is pending.

In 70% of the homicides, the victim has been involved in the use or sale of drugs.


Citizen Police Academy- A program that introduces citizens to police work from how to patrol neighborhoods to tactics used in high-risk incidents. This academy is also offered during the day for senior citizens and in Spanish. Call 407.246.2461 for class times and dates.

Faith-Based Neighborhood Outreach- A partnership between the City and local faith based leaders with a focus on educating and engaging the community. For more information call 407.246.2104.

School Educational Programs- The Orlando Police Department offers “Super Kids", an elementary school program and the GREAT Program "Gang Resistance Education and Training", which is included in the Middle School curriculum and addresses community service and drug awareness and prevention.


Crimeline- Citizens are encouraged to anonymously notify the Orlando Police Department with information and suspects involved in crimes. The Crimeline phone number is (407) 423-TIPS.

Drug Hotline- An anonymous hotline where citizens can report drug activity to the Orlando Police Department. The Drug Hotline phone number is 407.246.CRAK(2725).

Citizens for Neighborhood Watch- Citizens for Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that provides home and personal safety training including free home and business security surveys; hosts Operation I.D. to engrave personal items for easy identification; and regular updates on neighborhood crimes statistics and crime alert bulletins. To get involved call 407.246.2461.

Citizen Observer Program (COP) - Volunteers help police maintain livable neighborhoods by performing crime watch duties and alert the police department of hazards and unlawful behavior. To get involved call 407.246.2461.

Kicks for Guns- A gun exchange program for shoes. A yearly event hosted by the Orlando Police Department, Real Radio 104.1 and Reebok. For more information call 407.246.2461.

The Orlando Police Department will continue to offer services and programs that focus on reducing crime and maintaining safe and livable neighborhoods. For more information on how to get involved, call 407. 246.2461 or visit .






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