01) The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Henry was called to order

at 6:30 p.m. by the Mayor, Doug Wilson, April 17, 2017 at the Municipal Building. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was directed by the Clerk.

Present: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Absent: Alderman Bergfeld, Carr

Administrative: Absent, Treasurer Young

Also Present: Gary Smith, Peoria Journal Star, Chief of Police, Steve Maurer

Supt. of Public Works, Tom Maubach, Sewer Operator, Bill Lester

Bing Wilson, Joyce Wood, Diana Williamson, Jim Cimmins, Pat

Selquist, Ione Glatz, Mary Ann Magnuson, Harold Sprague, Joe

Louis, Dan Keith, Dale Marliere, Bill Maupin arrived at 6:38

02) Mayor Wilson welcomed everyone to the April 17th council meeting. Mayor

Wilson commented on the very nice Annual Easter Egg Hunt which was held Saturday, April 15th in Stoner Park.

03) Regular Minutes and Closed Session Minutes for March 20, 2017 were presented,

dispensing with the reading, all members had previously received copy of the minutes. A motion was made by Alderman Schrowang and seconded by Alderman Friedrich to approve the Regular Minutes and Closed Session Minutes as presented. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

04) Accounts Payable were presented, dispensing with the reading as all members

had previously received copies. A motion to authorize payment of the accounts as presented was made by Alderman Karls and seconded by Alderman Friedrich. (For itemization see Accounts Payable for April, 2017). Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

05) Treasurers report for the Month of March, 2017 was presented, dispensing

with the reading as all members had previously received copies. A motion was made by Alderman Friedrich and seconded by Alderman Karls to accept the reports as presented. (a copy to be place on file.) Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

06) Mayor Wilson acknowledged the visitors: Mary Ann Magnuson thanked the City

of Henry, Mayor Wilson and the Henry Police Department for helping at the Annual Henry Easter Egg Hunt that was held Saturday, April 15th in Stoner Park. There were 150 plus children in attendance and approximately 400 people. Breakfast was served in the Henry Grade School gym. They had crafts, music and a puppet show. Mary Ann spoke on the upcoming Summer 2017 Events that will be happen in town. The Artist Residency will again return for a second year, June 2nd thru June 25th. The goal in 2017 is to expand the residency to three artists. The resident artists will live with host families and be provided with free studio and exhibit space. They will also receive a $750 stipend and exhibit their work at a reception June 23rd and 24th. This year, they will be asked to lead two art workshops as part of a strategy of deepening the resident artists’ interaction with the local community. This program is part of Henry COMMUNITY CHARACTOR COUNTS! and is funded by the Sun Foundation and the Illinois Arts Council. Applications are being accepted for the Artist Residency, through May 2, 2017.

The second event will be the Norm Crook Memorial Decoy Carving Class that will be held June 16, 17, 18 and June 23, 24, 25 from 9 to 4 at Henry High School Industrial art class room. Donations were given in memory of Norm Crook, an accomplished wood carver, with the goal of continuing the art of wood carving. Gregg Everett will be instructing how to carve a bluebill duck at the cost of $125 for the decoy kit. Anyone interested the class is limited up to 8 students, ages 18 and above. Contact Henry Community CHARACTER COUNTS! by June 2nd.

Beautification: Last October, 2016 tulips were planting at the intersection of Rt. 18 & Rt. 29. Please go by and see the tulip bed, everything is in bloom. One of the project for this spring is to plant more pots of flowers around town. For the last 15 years volunteers have been taking care of the Downtown Square, everybody is getting older and I would like to see the City take over the square and keeping it mowed and weeds pulled. That was some of the good things, now the bad things, suggest having volunteer projects monthly, clean the waterfront and downtown sidewalk and gutters. Also the Prairie Grass in Stoner Park needs to be mowed down. According to Mary Ann it looks terrible. The council tried to explain that the Prairie Grass is burnt off like every two years.

Joe Louis representing the Henry Senior Baseball League will be having another baseball team and will be affiliated with the Henry American Legion. The league is seeking monetary donations to help defray the cost of equipment, umpires and supplies. Last year Joe stated the council was very generous with a gift to the organization and would like to know if at all possible that the city could donate again. Alderman Fountain made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to donate to the Henry Senior Baseball League $200. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Bill Maupin: Ask the council if there was any response on the presentation from last meeting on presenting the proposal submitted to and considered by the task force on consolidation of townships. Does the council have any question? It was stated that 1430 townships are in Illinois. Alderman Karls stated communicating some about the consolidation through our representatives and the liability of the foundation of consolidation. A board has already been formed at state level and different people appointed to seat on the tasks force promoting township consolidation. Nothing has been brought to township government boards. Nothing has been mandated for the township, it is all at the state legislatures. Harold Sprague, Road Commissioner was in attendance and also spoke. Harold stated several bills are at the state level which has never been passed through the legislatures. A lot of your bigger townships have been involved but nothing informed about the smaller townships. The Township Official Offices in Springfield are pretty much up to date and are kept informed and nothing has come through Henry or Marshall County. The township will be the first to get notification.

Alderman Karls made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve Resolution #01-17- Resolution for Levy for a Repair and Maintenance Fund for the Henry Public Library for the Fiscal Year 2017-2018. Roll call.

Yeas: Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Karls stated this is the end of the fiscal year and reminded all chairman of their committees to finish their budgets and actual spending. Show what projects each department is going to be working on and turn everything in hopefully the next two weeks.

07) Building & Grounds Chairman Friedrich made a motion and was seconded by

Alderman Karls to approve a New 2017 Exmark Lazer Mower at a cost of $6,950. The bid price was $11,297.00, trade in of $4,347 on the 2011 Woods FZ28K which had 546 hours. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Friedrich, Karls

Present: Alderman Schrowang

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Friedrich made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve purchasing mower tires from Robert Bros. Tires at a cost of $970. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Friedrich made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Karls to approve Ordinance #1702 – AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE SOLE BID AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CITY-OWNED REAL ESTATE. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountian, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karl

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Friedrich made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve Wallace Engineering the Final Plat for Real Estate Subdivision at a cost of $280. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Friedrich made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve hiring Rick Fansler part-time, which is replacing Todd Berger, mowing the city parks. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Friedrich made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve advertising for cleaning city hall and the police department. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Friedrich announced that City Wide Clean-up will be held Saturday, May 13th at Hartwig Trucking from 8:00 am until noon. The cost is remaining the same that Hartwig charged the city last year. The electronic recycling is free, no charge to the city, which is a savings to the City of approximately $2300. Alderman Friedrich stated articles will be in the paper reminding the residents that small household items can be put in the garbage totes and not the recycling totes.

Supt of Public Works, Tom Maubach stated mowing has started which is about two (2) weeks behind schedule.

08) Police & ESDA Chairman Karls made a motion and was seconded by Alderman

Fountain to approve repairing the repeater antenna by Ragan Communications at a cost of $2,398.56 Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Karls made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Fountain if needed the seconded repair on the antenna by Ragan Communication at a cost of $619.73. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Karls made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Friedrich to approve Door Control System from Security Electronics Integration Company (SEICO) at a cost of $3,027. The access control of the doors would utilize electric door strikes. The system would require the use of a credential to be held near the card reader to unlock the strike. This will not change any of the existing door locks since the strike will allow entrance. The price includes parts, installation, testing, and training. This expense is under this year’s budget. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Karls brought to the council attention all emergency departments, Police Departments, Fire Departments, and all local government officials will need to complete Nims training and become certified. The city might get hit with some kind of emergency and becoming certified the city would qualify for emergency funding.

Chief of Police, Steve Maurer stated some people are following through on cleaning up their properties, but the weather has not really co-operated.

09) Street and Lights Chairman Fountain made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve repairs on the 2003 Ford 1-ton Truck at a cost of $3087.29. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Karls, Friedrich, Schrowang, Fountain

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Fountain made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve street sweeping thru out the year and before the holidays, Memorial Day, 4th of July. Especially all of the streets with curbs & gutters will be swept and not to exceed $3,000. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Fountain made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve Vacto Truck for sump cleaning and not to exceed $3,000.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Fountain discussed in removing two (2) parking spaces for Marshall Putnam Farm Bureau on Edward Street. Marshall-Putnam Farm Bureau would like to black top the parking area between them and the Dairy Queen and if that is done parking spaces will be limited. The parking lot will be exist only. It was suggested the Farm Bureau sends an agreement to Dr. June (dentist) and the Henry Dairy Queen explaining the removal of some parking spaces and replacing curb and sidewalks on Edward Street.

Supt. of Public Works, Tom Maubach had nothing to report.

10) Zoning and Planning – Announcement was made that two Public Hearings will

be held. Zoning & Planning Board of Appeals Public Hearing, Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 6:30 pm for Final Plat of Subdivision. Zoning & Planning Board of appeals Public Hearing, Thursday, April20, 2017 at 6:30 pm on Reclassification Zoning on B-1 to R-2.

11) Water and Sewer Chairman Schrowang made a motion and was seconded by

Alderman Karls to approve repairing two (2) water meters at the trailer court and the Marshall-Putnam Fairgrounds at the a cost of $5,200. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Schrowang made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Karls to approve Ordinance #1703 – AN ORDINANCE O THE CITY OF HENRY, MARSHALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AMENDING CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE IV OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF HENRY TO REVISE WATER AND SEWER RATES. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Schrowang made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Karls to approve Giffin Engineering Electrical Building Model review at a cost of $940. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Schrowang made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Fountain to approve installing a 6” Lateral for Larry Johnson’s new building at a cost of $13,781.23. This would include 8” sewer main, install 6” sewer lateral from the main to the north side of city sidewalk. Prevailing wage rate is included in the proposal. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Karls, Friedrich, Schrowang, Fountain

Nays: None

Motion carried

Update from Supt. of Public Works, Tom Maubach stated Larry Johnson will pay the City of Henry for the water line tap fee.

12) TIF Committee Chairman Bergfeld was absent. Alderman Karls made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve TIF Façade Application for April Hofer/Hofer’s Pub in the amount of $1,430. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Present: Alderman Fountain

Nays: None

Motion carried

Alderman Karls made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve TIF Façade Application for Shandy’s Pub & Grub in the amount of $784. Alderman Karls explained 56% actual gutters facing front of building and 44% is excluded from the façade project. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: Alderman Fountain

Motion carried

Alderman Fountain: Feels as though I get less opposing. If the city gives one (1) time I feels as though it is free hand outs. Alderman Karls stated that the city is moving forward on the TIF Program, it is not a hand out, if the city didn’t received this money it would go to the State of Illinois. Alderman Fountain had an article that he presented to the council and read some of comments on TIF Program.

13) Economic Development: No update

14) Communication –Perdew Association Board Meeting/6:00 pm Wed., April 19th

Perdew house/Carroll Street

-Arbor Tree Planting/Friday, April 23rd @3:30 pm Stoner Park

Henry Rotary Club furnishing the Tree

-Henry Chamber of Commerce Meeting/5:30 pm Tues., May

2nd River Park Visitor Center

- Tree Commission Board Meeting/Thurs., May 4th 7:00 pm

River Park Visitor Center

- Henry Senachwine High School 2017 Baccalaureate/Fri.

May 26th 8:00 am/Henry United Methodist Church

15) Old Business:

16) New Business: Alderman Friedrich made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Schrowang to approve with regrets resignation of 3rd Ward Alderman Shawn Carr. I feel that the decision of not finishing my term is best for the City of Henry and its council members. I have enjoyed working with the Mayor and all the council members for the past four (4) years. I feel that we have made some really positive changes to the City of Henry and wish the Mayor and the council good luck in the future. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich

Nays: Alderman Karls

Motion carried

Alderman Schrowang made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Karls to approve $500.00 to The Future of Henry Events Program. Roll call

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

Mayor Wilson presented the Freedom House Proclamation on SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH, APRIL 2017. Freedom House provides advocacy services to victims of sexual violence, their children, and significant others. They serve the residents of Bureau, Henry, Marshall, Putnam, and Stark Countries in Illinois and are supported by public, corporate, and private funds. Alderman Schrowang made a motion and was seconded by Alderman Friedrich to accept the Proclamation from Freedom House on Sexual Assault. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain, Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

17) At 8:30 p.m. a motion was made by Alderman Karls and seconded by Alderman Schrowang to adjourn the meeting. Roll call.

Yeas: Alderman Fountain Schrowang, Friedrich, Karls

Nays: None

Motion carried

_____________________ _____________________

Clerk, Jean Goldner Mayor Doug Wilson


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