Monday, August 3, 2020 5:00 P.M.


Mayor Scholtes called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.


Councilmembers Gaylord, Huisman, Erichsrud, Cassem, Warner, Cole and Mayor Scholtes Present.

Staff members present: City Attorney David Frundt, City Engineer Wes Brown, and City Administrator Mary Kennedy.


Quorum present.


Mayor Scholtes led the pledge of allegiance.


Public Present: Chuck Hunt Faribault County Register, Norm Hall KBEW, Ann Hanna and Echo Roggenkamp.

Public Present by phone: Public Works Director Jamie Holland

Mayor Scholtes requested a change to the agenda, moving 7.2d South Sailor sidewalk assessment for the improvement of the replacement of all property sidewalks on 6th street to meeting open to public due to COVID so that Mr. & Mrs. Murra would not have to wait until that part of the agenda. Brown review the assessment for the additional sidewalk replacement for the Murra property for additional $780.06 to that property assessment, Scholtes explained to the Murra’s the reasoning behind replacing all the sidewalk in that area suggesting that if they would have gone with the filling in, the property owners would not be happy. Murra suggested that there was nothing wrong with his sidewalk that it was in perfect condition. Brown indicated that at the beginning of the project only 30% of sidewalk removal was intended, but more areas where being utility impacted, over 50% of the sidewalk had to be removed making them alter the project and requesting the Council to make an approval for the entire sidewalk replacement. Gaylord questioned what the Council could do in assisting the Murra’s. Frundt reviewed the deferment options, and the guidelines of deferments at this time the Murra’s do not own the property, the property belongs to his mother who is transitioning into nursing home care with the property in a trust, which its stated in the trust if the Murra’s were to live at the property it would transfer to him. Frundt suggested that pending situations that the Murra’s could very well qualify. Erichsrud questioned if the sidewalk discount would still qualify for a discount if it was replace 15 years or newer. Frundt suggested that it would need a right of way permit or invoices. Gaylord mentioned that in the beginning we told property owners that this was not going to happen. Scholtes reminded the Council at the last meeting this was voted on and the decision was made instead of piecing it together, the plan was to remove it all of the sidewalk and redo everything so it would be uniform. Murra felt that he could make this work and apply for a deferment in a couple years.

Approval of the Minutes

Approval of the Minutes from the Council Meeting of Monday, July 20, 2020.

Motion by Cassem, second by Erichsrud to approve the Minutes from the Council Meeting of Monday, July 20, 2020. The motion was approved unanimously.


Scholtes brought forth the consent agenda for the approvals of Kaylynn Smith memorial service event request to be held on Saturday, August 22nd at the fairgrounds, next the Youth for Christ event Request for Friday , August 28th from 5-9pm on the property of their refuge on the lawn , the Ross Pollard Donations and the letter of intent for retirement from Bonnie Ankeny.

Motion by Gaylord, second by Huisman to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion was approved unanimously.


Scholtes address the mask memo regarding mask voting, Roggenkamp reviewed what the County plans on regarding supplies and what they plan to offer to assist voters. The County intent is to supply N95 mask to all the judges and disposable mask to voters, sanitizers, cleaners, and pens that are given to the voters to keep. Cole questioned any concerns with the judges with the feeling of not partaking in the voting and the COVID, Roggenkamp indicated that there has been a few, at this time Roggenkamp is unsure that they will have enough for the November elections. Huisman questioned having security for the judges. Scholtes recommended speaking with Chief Fletcher to see if he can make sure there is a part time officer on duty.

Relay for Life

Airport Zoning Status Update

Public Hearing

No Public Hearings


City Attorney David Frundt: Frundt indicated that he did not have anything pacific to discuss currently on the agenda, bringing forth 906 Valley Drive for discussion of the bid process. Mayor Scholtes is addressing the situation currently. Scholtes suggested that he had reviewed the property sale and is listed for $38,400.00 and after reviewing the photos online and the property could come into issues with investors not seeing the properties actual slightly conditions. Frundt suggested that the other aspect of this is the city order has been made part of the county to make public record forever who chooses to buy it. Scholtes suggested that that means that if someone chooses to buy it , before they can move in they would be required to do the requirements that the Council put on the property to get it up to code.

Huisman indicated that the Tobacco 21 went into effect August 1st, questioning if the city entities are aware of this and who is notifying them and if the sellers of tobacco are fully informed and willing to comply. Frundt suggested that he is not aware of what has been done and who oversees notifications. Scholtes recommended having Kennedy address this issue with letters and notify the entities of these changes. Frundt addressed the parking of vehicle on unapproved surfaces, suggesting that currently the code is that you can’t have anything parked in the yard that’s not on a improved surface, or anything that is inoperable parked in a yard it would have to be inside a building. Scholtes recommended having the planning commission review this and come forth with recommendations. Cole suggested recommendations on how many vehicles and location of vehicles and where vehicles can be parked.

City Engineer Wes Brown: Brown addressed Leland Pkwy Pay Estimate 3 and South Sailor Pay Estimate 3 for approval. Next, the revised Assessment Roll for the North Sailor Street project 2019. Brown reviewed the map of the North Sailor Street with the Council explaining that the parcel is owned by MN DOT suggesting MNDOT had received the assessment letter and inquired the assessment because that area is part of the highway 169 right away. Brown reviewed the request and determined that there would be no assessment for that area as it is not an assessable parcel, making the revision to the assessment roll. Frundt indicated that the vote was unanimous making anyone able to bring forth that motion.

Motion by Gaylord, second by Erichsrud to approve the modification to the assessment roll $3500.00 to remove the section located in the states right away. The motion was approved unanimously.

Warner brought forth the Leland Pkwy Pay Estimate 3 and South Sailor Pay Estimate 3

Motion by Warner, second by Gaylord to approve Leland Pkwy Pay Estimate 3. The motion was approved unanimously.

Next, South Sailor Pay Estimate 3.

Motion by Warner, second by Cole to approve South Sailor Pay Estimate 3. The motion was approved unanimously.

Brown brought forth APX updated to the buildings on 8th & Rice street housing development project, clarifying the elevations, utilities on site. Initially the plan was to start this week, decision was made to do reviews of the plans. Gaylord questioned tree removal on the sites. Brown suggested that there would be some tree impact and removals.

Next,Construction progress has been moving along nicely on the Leland Parkway Project. As of now, all underground utilities have been completed in Phase 1 and 2 from 1st St to Highway 169. The street in this portion of the project has been restored with gravel, and concrete curb and driveways have been placed. Today, Ulland Brothers will begin placing the first two lifts of asphalt on Phase 1 and 2. These phases will remain closed to thru traffic during the duration of the project. Ulland Brothers is currently scheduled to begin Phase 3 work on Wednesday, August 5. Phase 3 will start at 1st St and go to Grant St. Traffic control will be installed Wednesday morning. Dirt Merchants underground crew has continued to install sanitary sewer and watermain in Phase 3. Next week, they will finish watermain installation and start installing sanitary and water services. Dirt Merchants grading crew has finished restoring 5th Street to gravel. Nielsen Concrete has been in town installing concrete curb, driveways, and sidewalk on Phase 1. Starting on Monday, Nielsen Concrete will be installing concrete curb on Sailor from 6th Street to 5th Street and along 5th Street. Nielsen Concrete will then spend the rest of the week pouring driveways and sidewalk in Phase 1 and 2.


Economic Development Authority Minutes 6-11-20

Housing and Redevelopment Authority Minutes 6-22-20

Joint Animal Control Minutes 11-25-2019

Motion by Gaylord, second by Cassem to approve the reports from our Boards and Commissions. The motion was approved unanimously.

Old Business

Scholtes addressed Resolution 20-XX (updated) 2020A Bond Sale, Roggenkamp explained that there was a date change and that this is an updated resolution. This item will be brought back to the next Council meeting.

Next, Scholtes addressed the Energy Insight Audit for the city. Scholtes requested a motion allowing Energy Insight allowing them to follow through with the recommendations and to proceed with the recommended lighting.

Motion by Gaylord, second Huisman to approve Blue Earth Light & Water continue moving forward with their recommendations including lighting replacement. The motion was approved unanimously.

Scholtes brought forth the COVID-19 Cares Act relief fund. The Cares relief fund is $241,000.00, Kennedy requested from department heads items that are needed and put together a proposal. Scholtes reviewed with the Council timelines are from March 1st through November 15th and the type of relief the funds could assist with. Kennedy explained the Cares Act funding with the recommendation that $100,000.00 be set aside for small grants of $500.00 to assist business as well to help with cost that occurred because of the COVID-19, leaving the total of remaining funds at around $11,000.00. Kennedy indicated that whatever money is not used will be forfeited to the County and if at that time the county does not re-allocate the funds, the funds will go back to the federal government. Frundt recommended that staff communicate with other cities to gather as much information as possible for potential suggestions. Scholtes requested a motion for the items that the department heads are requesting for the PD for seat covers, Fire for Tyvek suits and supplies, liquor/Agg Center store floor scrubber, EDA free standing sanitizer dispenser, Senior Center vacuum and mops and a water bottle filling station at the Ag Center.

Motion by Gaylord, second Cole to approve the Small business grant program and items listed. The motion was approved unanimously.

Scholtes addressed Dave Olson Liquor Store manager for a discussion of employee and store hour updated schedule. The Personnel Committee has been in discussions of schedules and store hours. The Personnel committee put together possible changes to store hours. The schedules were giving overtime to the full-time staff at the liquor store, suggesting that no employee out at the liquor store would be approved for overtime hours. Gaylord questioned who had come up with the new schedule, inquiring why the manager is not doing his own managing. Scholtes suggested that staff had been questioning hours of operation, and the hiring of the 2 full time staff and the adding additional cost of insurance. Gaylord questioned Olson on his preference, Olson suggested going from 9am-9pm. Scholtes indicated that the recommendation from the personnel committee is that Olson open at 9:00 but he would have to manage it until 10:00 until employees arrive, the hourly sales report don’t show the sales for 2 employee’s at 9am, it’s not able to support those hours. Scholtes suggested that COVID has not changed and that it still exists, and the reasoning the hours had changed in the first place. Warner suggested that those hours may work now but things are subject to change, we do not know 6 months from now, advising keeping the store hours as they are. Gaylord mentioned letting the manager again decide on the store and employee schedules.

Motion by Gaylord, second Erichsrud to keep the liquor store open from 9am-9pm with Gaylord requesting a roll call.

Gaylord requested a roll call.

Roll Call:

Councilmember Gaylord Aye

Councilmember Huisman Aye

Councilmember Erichsrud Aye

Councilmember Cassem Aye

Councilmember Warner Aye

Councilmember Cole Nye

Mayor Scholtes Nye

The motion passes 5-2.

New Business

City of Blue Earth Audit Presentation - not completed

Fire Dept. Travel Request – Cancelled due to COVID

Next, Scholtes addressed Gallagher a small consulting firm. Kennedy explained that Gallagher represents a Human Resource firm that does reviews of health insurance and benefits, cost reviews, retirement, and then also prepares and presents the benefits to employees for yearly benefit review. Scholtes recommended additional information for review of what the firm offers and returning to the Council for further discussion.

Scholtes addressed the retirement of Bonnie Ankeny reviewing the Office Specialist job description, posting the position and timelines for the replacement. Gaylord question timelines and overlapping the position. Scholtes felt 3 months would give adequate time. Warner suggested he like the post of the position early but felt that having the position open longer would be more beneficial to those who had been put on leaves and furlough due to the COVID. Gaylord felt 3 months is too long of a time frame. Huisman suggested 8 full weeks of training would be most beneficial to the position.

Motion by Huisman, second by Warner to approve the posting of the Office Specialist position and have the official start date be November 2nd. The motion was approved unanimously.

Transfer of Funds and Other Budgetary Matters.

Investment Schedule 2020

Payment of Claims and Approval of Claims and Appropriations.

Consideration of payment of the bills.

Motion by Cole, second Warner by to pay the bills. The motion was approved unanimously.

City Administrator's Report.

Payroll summary 7.29.20

Administrator report

Kennedy reviewed an update from Holland, Public Works have completed a lot of black topping around town, surface repair on Ramsey and on upper & lower Valley Drives in prep for seal coating. Next, there has been some unknow flooding issues around town, prompting a no wipe down the pipes letter with thoughts of doing something more direct. Next, Kennedy did receive an update on the fire truck closing and updates on the Public Works equipment 180,000.00 plus a grant of $50,000.00. Kennedy reviewed the additional city sales tax just being under a $150,000.00 to date.

Motion by Huisman, second by Cole to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Scholtes adjourned the City Council Meeting at 6:40 P.M.


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