JANUARY 13, 2014

The City of Starbuck Regular City Council Meeting was held on Monday, January 13, 2014, at 6:30pm at the Starbuck Community Center located at 307 E 5th Street in Starbuck, MN. Present: Bakewell, Gorder, Spore, Katzenmeyer and Moen. Mayor Bakewell called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

On a motion by Gorder, second by Moen council approved the agenda. Motion carried.

On motion by Katzenmeyer, second by Gorder council approved claims for payment as presented. Motion carried.

On Motion by Moen, second by Gorder council approved the Minutes from the December 9, 2013 regular council meeting and December 28, 2013 special meeting as amended. Motion carried.

Tom Beuckens was not present due to illness.

Nick Koos was present from WSN with an update on the Phosphorus project. He informed the council that it should be able to close out the project in early March. A dehumidifier was purchased with PFA grant money in the amount of about $3500. They are still working on the possible purchase of a generator with the remaining grant money. Katzenmeyer asked that Koos make it clear to Larry VanHout that we want to know if the upgrade to the substation located near the Inhered Church was completed as Xcel stated it would.

No one was before the council.

Mayor Bakewell spoke about the progress of the first year of his term. He thanked the Council, Staff, Volunteers and residents for all their help in making it a success.

Chief Minion presented his report. In the packet he had the total calls for the year summarized for their review. Mayor Bakewell questioned why the City of Starbuck does not publish in the paper the actions of the department like the City of Morris. Resident from the audience then asked Zach from the Starbuck Times why they were not in the paper, he stated that he did not know why. Mayor Bakewell wondered about the possibility of being more aggressive with fines and ticketing. Council felt that because it has been know in the past not to go to Starbuck because of all the tickets they issue, and that we are a tourist city, that the police department

should not be doing any additional ticketing. They did recommend however that maybe the administrative citations that keeps the money within the city and off the record of the person receiving the ticket is an alternative Minion agreed that it is a tourist town and would not want a bad reputation for the hard work the department has done over the last six to seven years.

On a motion by Katzenmeyer, second by Spore council approved the transfer of all funds from the forfeiture fund to the capital outlay for incidentals on the new squad car. Motion carried.

On a motion by Katzenmeyer second by Moen council approved a raise of .50 per hours for all part-time police department members effective January 1, 2014. Motion carried.

Chef Minion talked to the council about the possibility of purchasing an automated pawn service software. It would cost $204 per year and the department would be able to look up items that have been pawned throughout Minnesota. Currently they have to rely on the county and that is not always timely.

On a motion by Gorder, second by Katzenmeyer council approved the purchase. Motion carried.

Lyle Katzenmeyer asked if the council could receive some sort of an overview or synopsis of training when they return. He stated that we approve these trainings but never hear about them after that. Minion agreed and will ask that of his officers.

Lyle Katzenmeyer would like to have on the record that the monthly People Services reports for the month of November, and December will not be accepted as presented due to their tardiness. He also wanted to note that no one from People Services was in attendance at the November or December meetings and no one was in attendance at this meeting. Council is upset with all the promises that are not being followed through with.

On a motion by Katzenmeyer, second by Gorder council directed Clerk Swenson to notify City Attorney Tom Jacobson and have him proceed to discontinue the service agreement with People Services due to no reports, no attendance at meetings and all the insurance claims that they seem not to take care of. Motion carried.

Clerk Swenson presented her report. Council would like to see a couple of them meet with the Starbuck Fire department and the township representatives to look over the 2014-2015 contracts.

Clerk Swenson stated that the costs incurred for the surveying and legal's of the portion of property between Johnshoy Plumbing and Charles Wesen was $445. Council directed Swenson to send letters to both parties indicating the price and about the possibility of purchasing it from the City of Starbuck.

On a Motion by Katzenmeyer, second by Gorder to authorize Clerk Swenson and Mayor Bakewell to sign official papers to quit claim the vacated railroad property near Polar Street and East Depot Lane. Motion carried.

On a motion by Katzenmeyer, second by Gorder council approved Resolution 2014-02 removing and replacing names on signature cards at Glenwood State Bank and Lowry State Bank. Motion carried.

Clerk Swenson brought to the attention the council the cost of snow removal for the community center parking lot for one month was over $700. Swenson suggested that they have The Public Works Supervisor remove that snow and that if a large amount has fallen the office staff would make a path or two on the sidewalks until other staff can get it cleaned completely. Swenson will send a letter to West Central Tree Service notifying them of the change.

Council discussed the 2014 Organizational resolution. Within the resolution were things such as who is on which committee, liaisons for other organizations, official depository, and news paper. Mayor Bakewell asked the remaining council what their thoughts were on changing the meeting date. He noted that he had been approached by individuals in the community about the possible change. Other organizations meet on the second Monday so would be nice to have them on different nights. The four remaining council were not in favor of the change so it did not change the resolution presented.

On a motion by Katzenmeyer, second by Gorder council approved Resolution 2014-01. Motion carried.

On a motion by Katzenmeyer, second by Gorder council approved the equipment rental agreement with Mike Erickson. Clerk Swenson informed those in attendance that no work could be done with this rented equipment until it is first approved by the Mayor or City Clerk. Motion carried.

Jake braking was discussed among the members present. Council directed Clerk Swenson to receive advice from other cities on ordinance wording and requirements to have the ordinance prepared and ready for adoption at the February 2014 regular City Council Meeting. Chief of police Minion will order the signs.

Work was done by council and staff to create a 2014 fee schedule. Clerk Swenson presented a draft copy to work from. This draft included rates for Hobo Park and the Community Center. Clerk Swenson will make all necessary changes and bring it back to the council for adoption.

Animal waste in the city parks has become an issue in the past and council would like to see if they can put some sort of stop to it by placing larger signs at the entrance of the park. They also directed Chef Minion to order signs that are attached to bags dispenser and garbage cans to be placed throughout the parks. Council directed Clerk Swenson to look into the ability to change the speed limit near the beach to 30 rather than the current 40. Council also asked Chef Minion to look into the speed limit clock that is placed in different places through Pope County. Motion by Katzenmeyer, seconded by Gorder, to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted

Andrea Swenson


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