

Centennial Essay Contest

The city of Winston-Salem is having a birthday! The city is turning 100 years old in 2013. To celebrate our city’s rich heritage, we are encouraging students to reflect and participate in an essay contest.

Schools may submit up to 5 entries per grade level span.

1. Learn about an era! Study the events/influences in Winston-Salem for your grade level listed below:

Grades 4-5 1981-2013

Grades 6-8 1947-1980

Grades 9-12 1913-1946

Topics to consider include, but are not limited to, the following: agriculture, transportation, work, home, worship, school, government, commerce, and recreation.

2. Ponder the prompt:

According to your assigned era,

what can you learn from Winston-Salem’s history,

and how does it apply to you?

3. Write your essay according to the following guidelines:

Grades 4-5 250-500 words

Grades 6-8 500-750 words

Grades 9-12 750-1000 words

All entries must be typed with 12 pt. font, 1” margins, and double spaced.

The rubric to be used for evaluation is available.

4. Submit your essay to the contest.

• Attach a completed cover sheet.

• Submit all entries for a school through school mail to Alexandra Hoskins, Instructional Services by Friday, March 22, 2013.

5. Hope to win!

• Winners will be selected in each grade span and each grade level.

• Selected winners will be invited to read their essays at Centennial events, May 9-12, 2013.

• Winners will be notified by mail and/or phone.

Please send all questions to Alexandra Hoskins,


Centennial Essay Contest

Essay Cover Sheet

Student Name ________________________________________________________________

Essay Title _________________________________________________________________

School _________________________________________

Grade __________________

Home Address ____________________________________________________________


Home Phone ____________________________________



Centennial Essay Contest

Rubric for Evaluation

|Category |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Organization |Structure is accurate and easy|Structure is accurate. Details|Structure may be inaccurate. |Structure is faulty. Many |

| |to follow. Details are in |are in logical order but |Some details are not presented|details are not in logical |

| |logical order and effectively |presented in such a way that |logically, which may distract |order. There is little sense |

| |presented to maintain the |makes the writing less |the reader. |that the writing is organized.|

| |interest of the reader. |interesting. | | |

|Support and Evidence |One clear, well-focused topic |Main idea is clear, but the |Main idea is somewhat clear, |The main idea is not clear. |

| |is presented. Main idea stands|supporting information is |but some details are vague or |There is a seemingly random |

| |out and is supported by |general about the history of |missing. Details may not be |collection of information |

| |detailed information about the|Winston-Salem. |related to the history of |which may not relate to the |

| |history of Winston-Salem. | |Winston-Salem. |history of Winston-Salem. |

|Focus on Topic |Relevant, telling, quality |Supporting details and |Supporting details and |Supporting details and |

| |details about Winston-Salem’s |information about |information about |information are typically |

| |history give the reader |Winston-Salem’s history are |Winston-Salem’s history are |unclear or not related to |

| |information that goes beyond |relevant, but one key issue is|relevant, but several key |Winston-Salem’s history. Many |

| |the obvious or predictable. |unsupported. Sources are cited|issues are unsupported. Some |sources are cited inaccurately|

| |Sources are cited accurately |accurately. |sources may be cited |or not cited at all. |

| |and completely. | |inaccurately or not cited. | |

|Connection to Self |Connection to self is |Connection to self is |Connection to self may lack |Connection to self is |

| |presented in a sophisticated |presented in a logical way |logic or reflection on the |typically unclear or not |

| |way indicating mature |indicating reflection on the |history of Winston-Salem. |related to Winston-Salem’s |

| |reflection on the history of |history of Winston-Salem. | |history. |

| |Winston-Salem. | | | |

|Conventions |Writer makes no errors in |Writer makes 1-2 errors in |Writer makes 3-4 errors in |Writer makes more than 4 |

| |grammar or spelling that |grammar or spelling that |grammar or spelling that |errors in grammar or spelling |

| |distract the reader from the |distract the reader from the |distract the reader from the |that distract the reader from |

| |content. |content. |content. |the content. |


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