Zion-Benton High School ..::ART::..

 Sketch Ideas1. Overlapping Cubes with light on one side2. Draw a scrap of a treasure map3. Your day as a comic strip4. A city on another planet5. Something you miss6. Yourself as a Robot7. How you feel right now8. Favorite flower9. Close your eyes and draw a self-portrait10. Redesign the letters in your name to create a logo11. Draw a light object in a dark environment12. Draw a dark object in a light environment13. Something that you need to make art14. A teapot15. An insect with wings16. An apple17. A brown paper bag18. A spoon, and color it. Write a short note about the last thing you ate with a spoon.19. A bar of soap20. A set of salt and pepper shakers21. A pair of scissors from the art room22. A light bulb23. A lock of hair24. A set of colorful rocks25. An explosion26. Your favorite food27. Create five new patterns28. Your favorite holiday, and write a quick note about why that’s your favorite29. The sky with lots of fluffy clouds (IN PEN)30. Five different cartoon facial expressions31. Something that is inspirational to you, can be a quote or something else.32. Doodle and fill it in with color - Fill page33. Something fruity34. Something that you want35. Something you need36. A moment that you had today that made you happy37. A place that you want to live someday38. A place that you’d like to visit39. Something that you don’t like40. A bird41. A bird house42. A big dollhouse43. A bat44. An insect without wings45. A nose- cat, dog, or friend’s nose46. Your favorite Movie47. Your dream car48. Your favorite game49. Your favorite internet meme50. Something that you can't live without51. A city skyline52. Close your eyes, and draw Batman53. A real or made up dinosaur54. Create a super villain55. A man eating plant56. A hover vehicle57. A Tank58. A robot army59. Your shoe60. A bottle, jar or tin from the art room61. Your watch or other piece of jewelry62. Your opposite hand63. A tool from the art room64. A musical instrument65. The antique saxophone in the art room66. Something old/vintage/antique in the art room67. An open book68. Draw a chair69. Something you collect70. Something metallic71. An eye72. Falling leaves73. A part of a bicycle, but not the whole thing74. Your keys, or those nearby75. Something you’d wear in the winter76. Something that you’d wear in the summer77. Your toothbrush78. A landmark of Texas79. A mouth80. Someone or something you love81. A fancy door knob82. A hat, cap or other headwear83. A sign of spring84. A part of an automobile85. Items that you’d find on the ground on a walk86. A group of two or three things from your bag87. A nose: cat, dog , or friend88. What you are afraid of89. Coins or money in your pocket90. A crumpled towel91. A basket92. A close up part of something in your pocket, fill the space93. Favorite drawing tool- fill the space94. Something that should have been invented by now95. Something that starts with the first letter of your name96. Something that starts with the last letter of your name97. Something you see every day98. Something shiny99. Something dull100. Something that loves the sun101. Main Street New Hampton102. Something colorful103. A night scene104. Something made of glass105. Toast106. A bottle of water107. A table108. Your favorite time of day109. Your sibling (or pet)110. An umbrella on a rainy day111. A saying112. Anything in the room in an abstract way113. A monster without lifting up your pencil114. A muppet115. Your favorite thing to do116. Your favorite sport117. Your favorite movie118. Your favorite drink119. Your favorite ride at the amusement park120. Your favorite bird121. A memory that makes you laugh, and write a bit about it122. What you want to be when you “grow up”123. Your favorite mythical creature124. Your worst punishment125. What would be your last request if the world was ending126. Your favorite fish and color it in127. Outer space128. Something silly that you’re embarrassed about129. A useless superpower130. Your favorite toy from when you were a child131. The scary monster that could live in your closet132. Draw a hobo, and the trains he uses to get around133. Your dream car134. Your favorite game135. Your favorite internet meme136. Something that you can’t live without137. Something yellow138. A favorite band logo139. Something purple140. A city skyline141. A town skyline142. Something in your room143. An exotic pet that you’d like to have144. A dream that you had145. Yourself as a superhero146. The President147. A scary moment and write about it148. Your favorite snack149. Yourself winning something150. Yourself at 99 years old151. Outdated technology152. A sports mascot153. An inspirational teacher154. A zombie155. Create a new disease and draw what it’ll look like under the microscope. Name it!156. A bad habit of yours157. Anything you want (IN PEN)158. A scene for the season159. Your favorite video game160. Illustrate a song161. In values of grey- draw your face162. A good monster163. A small inanimate object coming to life164. A hybrid animal- made of two (or more) animal parts165. CLose your eye and draw Batman166. Create a battle suit designed for doing something extremely normal167. An alien species that looks scary but is peaceful168. An old person doing kung-fu169. An animal that doesn’t exist170. A person falling171. A mug or cup172. Your bed173. Your hands174. What you ate for dinner175. Your glasses or sunglasses176. A piece of clothing177. Your foot, with your socks on178. A piece of fruit179. An appliance in your kitchen180. A building that you can see three sides of181. Something you are thankful for182. Something made of china or ceramic183. A cup of pencils184. Draw a pine cone185. An old factory machine186. Old farm equipment187. A sailboat188. Eggs on a surface189. Insides of a watch190. A candle in the dark191. A bird in flight192. A water sprinkler193. Show part of the process of making your favorite food194. A hot food195. A cold food196. A souvenir from a place you’ve been197. An ear198. Something that makes you happy199. Something that makes you sad200. A streetlight201. A fire hydrant202. A beverage203. Bread204. A store you shop at205. Your lunch206. A group of buttons207. Something sweet208. How you get your news209. Something round210. A flashlight211. A bell212. A sponge213. A view through the window214. People doing something around you215. A spray bottle216. A chain217. A salad218. A plant or animal219. Something with a handle220. Something square221. A tree in autumn, add color222. Something made of wood223. A broom224. A candle225. Free choice226. A set of steps227. A sandwich228. Popped popcorn229. Favorite cooking utensil230. A trophy or award231. Something you think smells wonderful232. Your breakfast233. A camera234. A deck of cards235. Something that needs fixed236. A piece of cake237. A zipper238. A bridge239. Something that reminds you of summer240. Something red241. Free choice- in Pen242. Something dangerous243. A truck244. A park bench245. A cat246. A dog247. A fan248. Something you’ve always wanted249. Paper money250. A fork251. A remote control252. Something lucky253. Noodles254. A stapler255. A cookie256. Glass of juice257. A soda can258. A shadow259. Crazy socks!260. Your thumb261. The moon262. Favorite drawing tool263. Your favorite sound264. A jug or pitcher265. Something sticky266. A group of screws267. A map of the town268. Your junk drawer269. The last thing you bought270. Something that belongs to someone else271. A butterfly272. The palm of your left hand273. The view from under your bed274. A lock and key275. Something you got for free276. A pine or fir tree277. Your socks278. A houseplant279. The inside of your closet280. Things that come from eggs281. Things that come from the sky282. Create an imaginary alphabet283. A pile of unfolded laundry284. Something you use everyday to get ready for school285. A new Monopoly game piece286. A crumpled piece of paper287. Anything made of metal288. Ocean waves289. Tree bark- up close and fill the space290. A Storm291. A garden292. A container filled with liquid293. Your hand holding a ruler294. Invent eight funny things that you can do with raisins295. Melted ice cream296. World from an ant’s point of view297. Create a maze in an outline of an animal298. A picture of someone defying gravity299. A sandcastle300. Write a large number in the middle of the page. Turn it into a person or an animal.301. Draw the inside of your fridge.302. What is living under your bed!303. A genie lamp with a genie coming out!304. Create an aerial view of the Art Room.305. Your home, as close to how it REALLY looks as you can!306. Get a mirror (you may have to share) and draw your eyes.307. Get a mirror (you may have to share) and draw your nose.308. Get a mirror (you may have to share) and draw your mouth.309. Get a mirror (you may have to share) and draw your mouth and chin310. Get a mirror (you may have to share) and draw your eyes and nose311. Get a mirror (you may have to share) and draw your forehead and eyes312. Get a mirror (you may have to share) and draw your whole face313. A tube of toothpaste314. Your favorite candy315. Your most recent accomplishment316. Your favorite fairy tale317. Your favorite plant318. Your family319. A couple holding hands320. A baby owl321. A window to your room322. A group of five flowers323. A set of leaves324. Circles that overlap and fill them in with color325. Something with a lot of texture326. Something with a lot of pattern327. Something with a lot of lines328. Sea shells329. Funny creatures with big eyes330. The beach with the sea331. A tiny village332. An elderly person, with lots of lines and character on their face!333. Something geometric334. A lemon and a lime335. The stars in the sky336. A peacock337. A lemur338. A tiger339. A bear340. A wolf341. Your favorite zoo animal342. A man343. A woman344. A flower, make it appear dangerous345. A construction site346. A sandcastle347. A house built underground348. A scientist’s top secret project349. A new piece of sculpture for the museum’s sculpture garden350. An idea that came into your head by thinking of food351. Combine a plant and an animal352. Combine a plant and a person353. Something’s with a flavor354. From a pet’s point of view355. A filled suitcase356. Your shower or tub357. Your floor358. Your neighbor next to you359. Something you cherish360. Something flexible361. Something annoying362. Something you’d like to preserve363. A group of tools364. Something you can tie365. Something huge366. Something slippery367. Something with more than two legs368. Something military369. Something you look at from below370. Something you look at from above371. Something that has a knob372. Something underwater373. A travel memory374. Something with numbers375. Condiments on the dinner table- ketchup/mustard/salt/pepper, etc376. A garden tool377. Something super378. Something that has buttons379. Corn380. Favorite food to eat on the holidays381. A silhoutte382. A horse in motion383. An owl384. A bouquet of flowers385. A missing tooth386. An empty room387. A snowflake388. A nut and bolt389. Something with wheels390. Things that remind you of your favorite song391. A desert animal392. An arctic animal393. A boat394. A jar of something395. Something with lights396. Something peaceful397. The highlight of your day398. Something melting399. A hobby400. A hairbrush401. A memory from this summer402. Imaginary friend403. Scenery404. A baby405. Draw with your eyes closed406. Your zodiac sign407. Meaning of your name408. What you wore today409. Form of transport410. Use a pen and draw a panda411. An animal you’ve never drawn before412. Your current emotion413. A personified fruit414. A troll face415. An x-ray version of an animal416. Find a leaf and put it under your paper, color on top of it and trace the patterns417. Use your non dominant hand to draw a landscape418. A sunset on the beach419. A person sitting down420. A person lying on the floor421. Cut out part of a magazine, glue it down, and draw the rest of the picture422. A grid across your paper and fill each piece with a new pattern423. A still life of writing utensils424. Fill the page with a drawing of your eye425. A bubblegum machine with lots of colored gumballs426. A jungle at night427. An animal in the jungle428. A new invention429. A city in the past430. A view from an airplane window431. Draw the imaginary skeleton of an apple, pear, and banana432. Make a drawing of what you’d see at McDonalds433. Draw a transparent object434. Draw a translucent object435. Draw a translucent object that is inside a transparent object436. Draw a mysterious doorway or staircase437. Draw a woman wearing a big hat438. Draw a masked man (not a superhero)439. Draw a flower, make it appear dangerousSpring 2016440. Draw the contents of your desk drawer441. Just before your room is cleaned, draw it442. Draw the contents of your refrigerator443. Draw the contents of your medicine chest444. Draw the contents of your garage445. Draw your dad’s work table after he’s worked on a project446. Before the dishes are washed, draw them447. Draw a pile of laundry waiting to get washed448. Draw your brother/sister practicing his/her instrument449. Draw your friend shooting hoops in the driveway450. Draw yourself painting your toenails (if you do)451. Draw your hand in multiple positions452. If you had an octopus for a furnace, draw it453. Draw the guests at your parents dinner party454. Crumple a photograph, draw it455. Make a drawing of a machine that oozes456. Draw the Brooklyn Bridge457. Draw a form fitted case made of wood and lined with velvet for an apple, pear, and a banana458. Draw a moving object459. Draw an apple, pear, and banana in outer space460. Draw a dead bird in a beautiful landscape461. Draw a piece of cake and make it look delicious462. Draw a bag of popcorn463. Draw something floating464. Lie on the floor, draw what is eye level465. Draw an object that is lit by the light coming through mini blinds466. Draw a scoop of ice cream and an old shoe467. Copy any work of art older than you468. Draw an apple, banana, and a wrench469. Look out your bedroom window, draw what you see470. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of hair471. Draw an insect under a magnifying glass472. Change the size relationship (scale) of the insect and something else (i.e. building, ships, cars)473. Draw an apple, pear, banana inside out474. Crumple a drawing, redraw it crumpled475. Look out your bedroom window, draw what you would like to see476. Draw the reflection from a store window477. Draw life in the city478. Draw a person looking in a window479. Draw a person reading a letter480. Draw a message from a homing pigeon481. Draw a heartbeat482. Draw a soup spoon483. Draw a baby’s bootie484. Draw a reflection in sunglasses485. Draw a burr486. Draw an emoji487. Draw a pepperoni488. Draw a spot on leopard489. Draw wet spaghetti noodles490. Draw a crochet stitch491. Draw an area code492. Draw dirt road493. Draw a lavender sachet494. Draw a water faucet handle495. Draw a pom pom on a winter hat496. Draw a sunspot497. Draw a 45 record label498. Draw a fire499. Draw a doodle500. Draw an answering machine cassette501. Draw a flat tire502. Draw a nightlight503. Draw a pinball bumper504. Draw an Elvis keychain505. Draw a sink drain506. Draw a horn of a narwhal507. Draw a skipping stone508. Draw a graduation tassel509. Draw a pressure cooker dial510. Draw a rollerblade wheel511. Draw a cupcake512. Draw a foam design in a latte513. Draw a foothold on a climbing wall514. Draw rock candy515. Draw a solar panel516. Draw orange zest517. Draw a crab claw518. Draw lock-picking tools519. Draw moss on a rock520. Draw a peck on the cheek521. Draw a fang522. Draw a wonton523. Draw a twist tie524. Draw a snow globe from Paris525. Draw a pocket first aid kit526. Draw a shower curtain hook527. Draw mistletoe528. Draw a strand of dental floss coming out of the box529. Draw ticker tape530. Draw a hood ornament531. Draw a diamond in the rough532. Draw an x-ray of a finger533. Draw a hand buzzer534. Draw an evil eye535. Draw a pile of bicycles on the sidewalk536. Draw a flower growing next to a turned over garbage can537. Draw 2 eggs in the shell538. Draw moving water539. Draw the contents of a light room when sitting in a dark room540. If you were to climb a mountain, draw what you’d see below541. Draw your sibling by the light cast by the TV or computer screen542. Draw a portrait that is lit by the light coming through mini blinds543. Make a drawing that says something about the environment544. Make a drawing that is totally truthful545. Draw a portrait inside out546. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of a dollar bill547. Draw an apple, pear, and a banana that is tightly wrapped in aluminum foil, plastic wrap548. Make a drawing that looks sticky549. Draw the Brooklyn Bridge over a small body of water i.e. bathtub550. Draw a bed551. Make a portrait of yourself as you see yourself in twenty years552. Draw a sleeping person553. Draw an apple, pear, banana that is wrapped in an apple, pear, banana554. Draw a detailed drawing of a nut and bolt555. Draw a friendship bracelet556. Draw a nail hole557. Draw a mortar between bricks558. Draw a pop can top559. Draw a whiff560. Draw a medal of honor561. Draw a spaghetti strap562. Draw a spaghetti noodles (dry!)563. Draw a pulley564. Draw a lever565. Draw the motor of a remote control plane566. Draw an ampersand567. Draw photo corners568. Draw a water hose nozzle569. Draw a pencil sharpener570. Draw chain mail571. Draw a root572. Draw an element on the periodic table573. Draw a gate latch574. Draw a pig’s tail575. Draw a sideburn576. Draw a two-word crossword puzzle577. Draw a snake rattle578. Draw a wire barb579. Draw a magic bean580. Draw a wheat berry581. Draw a moldy piece of food582. Draw the last bite of a donut583. Draw a number written on a matchbook584. Draw hound’s-tooth jacket585. Draw a fuel gauge586. Draw a gecko587. Draw kindling588. Draw a trigger589. Draw a sticky note590. Draw a poison dart591. Draw a round peg592. Draw a honeysuckle blossom593. Draw an origami hedgehog594. Draw a hedgehog595. Draw Easter grass596. Draw a radar blip597. Draw a driver’s license photo598. Draw a cowboy spur599. Draw a rubber gasket600. Draw a decoder ring601. Draw a skull602. Draw a monocle603. Draw a teddy bear nose604. Draw a hieroglyph605. Draw a teacup handle606. Draw a carabineer607. Draw a leprechaun's belt buckle608. Draw a pipe cleaner609. Draw what is in the rear-view mirror of your car610. Draw raw chicken parts611. Draw 2 eggs fried612. Draw an object when looking through a tube (microscope)613. If you were to climb a ladder, draw what you’d see below614. Dig a hole, put a whole in the hole, draw what is in the hole615. Draw your parent/guardian by the light cast from the TV or computer screen616. Draw an apple, a vacation photo, a hammer and a goldfish617. Draw a figure that is lit by a candle618. Make a drawing that is pure propaganda about any issue you feel strongly about619. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of a feather620. Draw a portrait of your best friend as an insect621. Crumple a magazine ad, draw it622. Make a drawing that oozes623. Draw a monument for a bagel624. Draw a portrait of you and your friends as cards; the queen, king, and jack of spades625. Make a drawing of a fine mechanical instrument (camera) underwater (use your imagination)626. Draw your portrait from the reflection of a shiny chrome object i.e. toaster, bowl, spoon627. Draw a person looking out a window628. Draw lasagna noodles629. Draw the reflection of reflection630. Draw a succulent clipping631. Draw a rivet632. Draw a bud vase633. Draw a bike bell634. Draw a bacteria635. Draw googly eyes636. Draw a merit badge637. Draw a drink umbrella638. Draw a wax seal639. Draw a toy boat anchor640. Draw a reading light641. Draw a knuckle642. Draw an electric plug643. Draw a packing peanut644. Draw a Chihuahua puppy645. Draw a fly-fishing lure646. Draw a slight tremor647. Draw a dog treat648. Draw a money clip649. Draw a potato eye650. Draw a cotton ball651. Draw a canary beak652. Draw a trail of breadcrumbs653. Draw a sand dollar654. Draw a lump of coal655. Draw a deep-fried grasshopper656. Draw an artist’s signature657. Draw a finger bandage658. Draw a wedding cake topper659. Draw coconut flakes660. Draw a terrarium in a jelly jar661. Draw a granola bar662. Draw a jellyfish tentacle663. Draw a student ID Photo664. Draw a travel shampoo bottle665. Draw a fish bowl castle666. Draw a scorpion667. Draw a pilot light668. Draw your favorite teacher669. Draw a caption670. Draw a seam of your shirt671. Draw a garlic clove672. Draw a bouncy ball673. Draw an ice cube674. Draw saltwater taffy675. Draw a mechanical pencil tip676. Draw a modem activity light677. Draw a speck of dust678. Draw a talk balloon679. Draw a shoe tread680. Draw a golf ball681. Draw a snow angel682. Draw a bindi683. Draw cufflinks684. Draw a monogram on a handkerchief685. Draw a hat pin686. Draw your hand holding a variety of objects687. Draw your hand against other parts of anatomy (chin, knee, etc.)688. Draw what chicken looks like after it’s cooked689. Draw a raw steak690. Draw an object seen through glass (how does the glass make a difference)691. Draw a crowd692. Draw an apple, pear, banana693. Copy the Mona Lisa694. Make a drawing that says something about the world situation695. Make a drawing that is full of lies696. Draw two squares of a sidewalk and make it look interesting697. Draw a self portrait of you as a beautiful insect698. Draw yourself in a mirror699. Make a drawing of grass, hair, feathers and a dollar bill700. Draw a slice of the best pizza you have ever seen701. Draw the reflection from light bouncing off a motorcycle702. Draw the reflection from a body of water703. Draw an aerial view of your back yard704. Drape a mysterious object in cloth, draw it705. Draw a jeweler’s tool kit706. Draw a translucent apple, pear, and banana707. Draw a little devil708. Draw fish gills709. Draw a pat of butter710. Draw a cherry blossom711. Draw a shrunken head712. Draw bubbles in bubble wrap713. Draw a toothpaste cap714. Draw a finger skateboard715. Draw a winning lottery ticket716. Draw an animal cracker717. Draw a spool of thread718. Draw a nap719. Draw a razor blade720. Draw a computer memory stick721. Draw a nesting doll722. Draw a moustache comb723. Draw a glimpse724. Draw a cicada shell725. Draw a coat hook726. Draw an oboe reed727. Draw a nose ring728. Draw pool chalk729. Draw a musical note730. Draw a gingerbread man’s hands731. Draw an incense cone732. Draw an owl pellet733. Draw a bubble734. Draw a tiny robot735. Draw a dentist’s hand mirror736. Draw a spinning top737. Draw finger cymbals738. Draw a pile of ashes739. Draw a cat’s eye740. Draw a rubber stamp741. Draw gum under a desk742. Draw one degree hotter743. Draw a drip744. Draw a “Made in China” label745. Draw confetti746. Draw an arrowhead747. Draw a mosaic tile748. Draw a drill bit749. Draw a posy of flowers750. Draw a light switch751. Draw a fish bowl752. Draw a thermostat dial753. Draw the mouth of a cola bottle754. Draw a rose hip755. Draw a dashboard statue756. Draw a tube of lip balm757. Draw a perfume sample758. Draw a tree ornament759. Draw a bar code760. Draw leather fringe761. Draw your bird, cat, dog, fish, snake, leopard, lobster doing something strange762. Draw what a turkey looks like after it’s been cooked and cut apart763. Draw one popcorn kernel764. Draw a wet object, make it look like it’s dripping water765. Draw a dark object in a dark environment766. Shine a light through an open weave structure, draw the cast shadow767. Draw an object that is lit by a candle768. Put Mona Lisa in a contemporary setting769. If you were to tighten a C clamp on a banana, draw what it’d look like770. Draw an apple, pear, and a banana that is tightly wrapped in string771. Make a drawing that is completely impossible772. Draw a form fitting case made of steel that would fit an apple, pear, banana773. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of grass774. Draw a family insect portrait775. Make a drawing of a mechanical structure or machine776. Make a drawing of all your drawing materials777. Make a detailed drawing of a rock778. Make a drawing of a machine so that the parts are sticky779. Make a drawing using a map of the USA as a motif780. Draw an empty room, make it interesting781. Draw a building in which you would like to live782. Draw an alfalfa sprout783. Draw an inch of rain784. Draw a jelly bean785. Draw a fortune in a cookie786. Draw a tater tot (USE TEXTURE)787. Draw a price tag788. Draw a seashell789. Draw a walnut shell790. Draw a tiny ship in a bottle791. Draw a porcupine quill792. Draw eyelashes793. Draw a garden gnome794. Draw a carrot stick795. Draw a coffee stirrer796. Draw strands of cotton candy797. Draw a refrigerator magnet798. Draw a branch of a bonsai tree799. Draw a bottle opener800. Draw a disposable razor801. Draw an engineer on a model train802. Draw the narrowest part of an hourglass803. Draw a reflection from a mirror ball804. Draw the straw that broke the camel’s back805. Draw a fuse806. Draw paint brush bristles807. Draw a discrete tattoo808. Draw a sweet gum ball809. Draw a cube of Swiss cheese810. Draw a compass dial811. Draw a person smiling812. Draw a crystal shard813. Draw an eye glass lens814. Draw a fish fossil815. Draw a scratch and sniff sticker816. Draw a ring box817. Draw a quill tip818. Draw a fifteen second workout819. Draw a bacon bit820. Draw a piece of tape on a wall821. Draw a firefly at dusk822. Draw a gumdrop823. Draw a tickle824. Draw a cowlick825. Draw a file in a Swiss army knife826. Draw static electricity827. Draw a cribbage peg828. Draw a rough texture829. Draw olive pits830. Draw a rip in a carpet831. Draw a doorbell buzzer832. Draw earplugs833. Draw a pineapple chunk834. Draw a dog whistle835. Draw a frank and bean836. Draw an eyedropper837. Draw a souvenir pen838. Draw 2 eggs over easy839. Draw a dovetail joint840. Draw a receipt841. Draw a tire patch842. Draw yeasty bread843. Draw broken chalk844. Draw a knick-knack845. Draw silver dollar pancakes846. Draw a campaign button847. Draw a cocoon848. Draw tentacles849. Draw fish food850. Draw a woodpecker hole in a tree851. Draw a casino chip852. Draw a snake scale853. Draw tweezers854. Draw wooden beads855. Draw a brain856. Draw a blister857. Draw a guitar pick858. Draw a spider859. Draw a radish top860. Draw a brooch861. Draw a tuning fork862. Draw a pretzel863. Draw a caterpillar864. Draw kittens865. Draw a black-eyed pea866. Draw a cherry on top867. Draw a gummy bear868. Draw nostrils869. Draw a music box ballerina870. Draw a flashlight bulb871. Draw a ticket stub872. Draw a safety pin873. Draw a golf tee874. Draw a piece of sushi875. Draw a firecracker876. Draw a cherry tomato877. Draw a pearl in an oyster878. Draw a padlock on a diary879. Draw a jewel880. Draw an espresso cup881. Draw a scarab882. Draw a ketchup packet883. Draw a four leaf clover884. Draw fork tines885. Draw a message on a candy heart886. Draw a crib887. Draw a logo on a dress shirt888. Draw a fish egg889. Draw an ink stain890. Draw stained glass891. Draw mini-blinds892. Draw a volume knob893. Draw a parsley sprig on a steak894. Draw a link in a bike chain895. Draw a window smudge896. Draw a chess piece897. Draw a hamster’s birthday cake898. Draw rabbit whiskers and nose899. Draw a sliver of the moon900. Draw the engine of a tiny car901. Draw a necklace cameo902. Draw spiral rings in a notebook903. Draw one frame of an old movie904. Draw a saddle for a seahorse905. Draw a peanut shell906. Draw one panel of a comic strip907. Draw a shoelace bow908. Draw a vial of poison909. Draw a binder clip910. Draw a spot of mold on bread911. Draw a fern frond912. Draw a clothespin913. Draw an elbow macaroni914. Draw a pigeon hole915. Draw a Spy Camera916. Draw a gum wrapper917. Draw an eraser918. Draw a chewable vitamin919. Draw a button on your tv remote920. Draw Cupcake Sprinkles921. Draw the eye of a sewing needle922. Draw a rifle bullet923. Draw a coat button924. Draw a chocolate chip925. Draw a snowflake926. Draw a robin's egg927. Draw a spark plug928. Draw a cornflake929. Draw holes from a bookworm930. Draw a glass of water931. Draw a furry ice cream cone932. Draw a watch on a chain933. Draw a mouth harp934. Draw a worry doll935. Draw spilled salt936. Draw a little shop of horrors937. Draw a castle made out of ten grains of san938. Draw a frilly toothpick939. Draw a water droplet940. Draw an army ant941. Draw a flea circus942. Draw your house- from SPACE943. Draw a geometric paperweight944. Draw a dollhouse kitchen945. Draw a plastic thumbtack946. Draw a mouse on a motorcycle947. Draw a typewriter key948. Draw a microbe949. Draw an earlobe950. Draw a fingerprint951. Draw a vacancy sign on a mote952. Draw a lizard’s foot953. Draw a bar of hotel soap954. Draw a match head955. Make a design using your address956. Draw things that come from the sky957. Create an imaginary alphabet958. Draw a lost dog959. Draw your pet as a robot960. Draw what’s in your pocket961. Draw a crumpled pop can962. Oh, No! Earth Invaded – Draw what the invaders look like963. Use the letters of your name – Resize, stretch, and compress the letters into a page-filling composition.964. Draw a calculator battery965. Draw a squashed mosquito966. Draw a coffee bean967. Draw a mocha truffle968. Draw the shutter speed selector on a camera969. Draw an icon for an app970. Draw a crumble of feta cheese971. Draw a cell in a beehive972. Draw your big toe973. Draw a sea monkey974. Draw t-shirt tag975. Draw the face of a calculator watch976. Draw a half-truth977. Draw a doughnut hole978. Draw the great seal on a one dollar bill979. Draw a twig in a bird’s nest980. Draw a fuse981. Draw a toothbrush head, UP CLOSE982. Draw a pinky ring983. Draw a coin slot in a pay phone984. Draw a lizard’s footprint985. Draw a mouse hole986. Draw the core of a crab apple987. Draw a hermit crab988. Draw a toy soldier989. Draw a mini ukulele990. Draw a ladybug991. Draw a microchip992. Draw a lobster993. Draw a blade of grass994. Draw small change995. Draw doll shoes996. Draw a school of minnows997. Draw smoke in the distance998. Draw the crest of a wave999. Draw a spark1000. Draw pieces of a shattered bottle1001. Draw a puzzle piece1002. Draw a glass strand on a chandelier1003. Draw a tiger’s paw with claws out1004. Draw a parachutist, from the ground1005. Draw a stitch in a baseball1006. Draw the last bite of a cookie1007. Draw sea glass1008. Draw an anglerfish1009. Draw Pluto- the planet!1010. Draw a koala bear1011. Draw a thimble1012. Draw a snail shell1013. Draw a hat for an elf1014. Draw a zipper pull1015. Draw a picture locket1016. Draw an acorn1017. Draw a charm bracelet1018. Draw a marble1019. Draw a bottle cap1020. Draw a window prism1021. Draw an olive oil bottle1022. Draw a pipsqueak1023. Draw nose hair clippers1024. Draw a portrait on a stamp1025. Draw an inkwell1026. Draw ear buds1027. Draw ball bearings1028. Draw a set of sprockets1029. Draw the inside of a clock1030. Draw an airline pack of peanuts1031. Draw a cork1032.Draw a toasted mini marshmallow1033.Draw a matchbox made into a bedroom1034.Draw something in your eye1035.Draw a rusty screw1036.Draw beard stubble1037.Draw a pea pod1038.Draw a roofing nail1039.Draw a deflated balloon1040.Draw a neuron1041.Draw a pixie1042.Draw a number on a rotary phone1043.Draw the eye of a tiger1044.Draw a birthday candle1045.Draw a shoe horn1046.Draw a squirrel skull1047.Draw sequins1048.Draw the emoji for how you feel1049.Draw a spoonful of alphabet soup1050.Draw a finger puppet1051.Draw steak bones1052.Draw still water1053.Draw an object seen through glass (how does the glass make a difference)1054.Rearrange the Mona Lisa to suit yourself1055.Redesign an insect to make it scarier1056.Make a pastoral drawing1057.Draw an apple, pear, and banana in outer space1058.Five different kinds of flowers1059.Something sharp1060.Fill the page with FISH1061.Draw junk food and their wrappers1062.Draw the contents of a trash can1063.Draw three items that normally don't go together1064.Draw something unappealing1065.Draw an object melting1066.Draw an imaginary place1067.The inside of a peanut butter jar1068.Show your school books stacked or positioned in a creative way1069.Draw an object with surface texture1070.Draw something not “pretty”1071.Part of any object, fill the space!1072.Draw an object from 3 different points of view1073.Draw Popcorn1074.Draw a set of tools that relate to a profession1075.Draw a colorful pile of leaves1076.Draw a house plant (art room plant)1077.Draw a large jar and fill it with something1078.Write a large number in the middle of the page. Turn it into a person or an animal1079.What does the inside of a machine look like1080.Draw things that come from eggs1081.Lay a piece of fabric over something and draw the folds in the cloth1082.Draw the world from the point of view of a frog1083.Draw a scientist’s top secret project1084.Draw things with a flavor1085. Draw an old ratty chair1086.Draw an old shoe1087.Draw a child's toy1088.Three different things that begin with the same letter as your first and/or last name1089. Draw a picture of you if you grew flower’s instead of hair1090.Directional Lines – Fill the page with groups of lines which move together, change direction with angles1091.Roller Coaster Contrast – Create interwoven loops and turns.1092.Draw who you are1093.Junk Drawer – Draw the inside of a real or imagined junk drawer1094.Draw colorful coral1095.Draw a creature from the swamp1096.Typography Testers – Fill the page with as many different types of lettering as possible1097.Make a detailed up close drawing of your eye1098. Design your own building1099.Draw a close up of a piece of a board game1100.Draw a large bowl and fill it with something1101.Draw old-fashioned puppets1102.Draw a dog tag1103.Draw a photo booth picture1104.Draw a pearl onion1105.Draw a spitball1106.Draw toenail clippings1107. Draw engraving on a wedding ring1108. Draw a wild strawberry1109. Draw a drawer pull1110. Draw wood grain1111. Draw a holiday light1112. Draw a barrette1113. Draw a moth eating a sweater1114. Draw a wall with a door and window1115. Draw a window with something on the inside and the outside1116. Draw the kind of plant that would survive in the desert1117. Draw dishes that are drying, add in shading1118. Draw a photograph of an apple, pear, and banana at an angle tilted away from you1119. A line drawing with no shading1120. A shading drawing with no lines1121. Draw something Yellow1122. Draw a pile of chairs stacked up with a box of matches that will light a bonfire1123. Expressive Lines – Fill the page with as many different kinds of lines as possible1124. Edvard Munch “The Scream” what happened before that made him SCREAM?1125. Draw the trail of an imaginary insect1126. What would your house look like if you lived beneath the ocean?1127. Draw the high E string on a guitar1128. Draw a wart1129. Draw a spring inside a clickable pen1130. Draw a security code on a credit card1131. Draw skeleton keys1132. Draw a butterfly wing1133. Draw a jalapeno slice1134. Draw a sorbet spoon1135. Draw a jack1136. Draw a tuning peg of a mandolin1137. Draw the boat you would like to travel in around the world1138. Draw things that close1139. Create an object with the wrong texture1140. Draw a copy of your favorite Master's painting1141. Door knobs, hinges, and handles found on doors. What if we used something else? Ex: Banana for a handle1142. Design a vehicle1143. Draw freckles on a nose1144. If you had a magnifying glass what would you look at?1145. Draw a fence with a gate1146. Design a fake tattoo with someone specific in mind1147. Draw the billy goats gruff1148. Draw a fast food mascot gone insane1149. Draw a hammerhead shark1150. Draw a snapping turtle1151. Draw a water elemental1152. Draw a serpent witch1153. Draw a shrimp monster1154. Draw something that keeps us warm1155. Draw something that keeps us cool1156. Draw something that can jump1157. Draw something that starts with Y1158. Draw something on a big river1159. Draw something very tall and green1160. Draw something with five legs1161. Draw something by the window1162. Draw something to play with1163. Draw something that starts with W1164. Draw something that has happened today1165. Draw something that tells time1166. Draw something that can swim1167. Draw something that you see on the road1168. Draw something that’s fat & round1169. Draw something on my table1170. Draw something that you find in a kitchen1171. Draw something that grows in your backyard1172. Draw your car1173. Draw your bathroom sink1174. Draw your hair1175. Draw your socks1176. Draw a personified fruit1177. Draw nail polish as it spills1178. Draw a pile of paper clips1179. Draw a baking dish1180. Draw a camel crossing the desert1181. Draw a Doberman Pinscher playing with a frisbee1182. Draw a bearded dragon eating fruit1183. Draw a pink fairy armadillo1184. Draw a yeti crab1185. Draw a snub nosed monkey1186. Draw an otter holding paws with another1187. Draw a star-nosed mole1188. Draw a markhor goat1189. Draw a goblin shark1190. Draw a panda ant1191. Draw the saiga antelope1192. Draw a blue parrotfish1193. Draw a tree kangaroo1194. Draw an Axolotl1195. Draw a gharial crocodile1196. Draw a coconut crab1197. Draw a clouded leopard1198. Draw a black swan1199. Draw a harpy eagle1200. Draw a leaf tailed gecko1201. Draw a luna moth1202. Draw a person based on an animal1203. Draw whatever song was stuck in your head last1204. Draw an iconic scene from a fairy tale1205. Draw a hospital waiting room1206. If you were forced to wear a warning label, draw what yours would be1207. Draw crystals growing up from the ground1208. Draw crystals growing down from the ceiling1209. Draw a historical figure that you relate to1210. Draw a famous monument1211. Draw something in water1212. Draw a container1213. Draw a nontraditional way of travel1214. Draw your name as graffiti1215. Draw a science project gone wrong!1216. Draw something on fire1217. Draw a famous person as a vegetable1218. Draw an emotion or feeling1219. Draw something being smashed1220. Draw a friend as a zombie1221. Draw broken cups1222. Draw your backyard on a snowy day1223. Draw a steaming cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows1224. Draw the first robins of spring1225. Draw a bowl of uncut fruit1226. Draw a bowl of cut fruit1227. Draw a hot dog stand1228. Draw vines ripe with berries1229. Draw a cornfield1230. Draw a pitcher of lemonade1231. Draw your grocery store1232. Draw baled hay in a field1233. Draw a holiday package1234. Draw your doorbell1235. Draw your mailbox1236. Draw your street sign1237. Draw your house or apartment numbers1238. Draw a wedding cake1239. Draw something made of fabric1240. Draw a dancer dancing1241. Draw a carpenter working1242. Draw an accountant working1243. Draw an archeologist working1244. Draw a brain scientist working1245. Draw a car mechanic working1246. Draw a dog trainer working1247. Draw a dentist working1248. Draw a fashion model working1249. Draw a judge working1250. Draw a lawyer working1251. Draw a baseball player playing basketball1252. Draw a musician playing1253. Draw an oceanographer at work1254. Draw a photographer working1255. Draw a teacher at work1256. Draw a veterinarian at work1257. Draw a zoo keeper at work1258. HYPERLINK "; Draw a fire escape1259. Draw a cabin1260. Draw bubbles1261. Draw a trumpet1262. Draw the Milky Way1263. Draw a gold medal1264. Draw a jar full of pennies1265. Draw a bag of hammers1266. Draw a sundial1267. Draw a crystal ball1268. Draw a synthesizer1269. Draw a paper airplane1270. Draw a water tower1271. Draw a surfboard1272. Draw New Jersey1273. Draw Fiji1274. Draw a layer cake1275. Draw Charlie Chaplin1276. Draw a tree limb1277. Draw a mirage1278. Draw smoke1279. Draw mold1280. Draw a rainbow1281. Draw a dollar bill1282. Draw a bone1283. Draw a glass of milk1284. Draw dance steps1285. Draw the Empire State Building1286. Draw a cinder block1287. Draw swim fins1288. Draw a barbell1289. Draw a spiral staircase1290. Draw a ponytail1291. Draw a campfire1292. Draw a squirrel1293. Draw a thumb1294. Draw a book1295. Draw tangled ribbons1296. Draw noodles1297. Draw a melting candle1298. Draw a phone booth1299. Draw a geode1300. Draw dice1301. Draw ointment1302. Draw a bucket1303. Draw a digital watch1304. Draw a typewriter1305. Draw a flamingo1306. Draw a scallion pancake1307. Draw a time machine1308. Draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex1309. Draw a music box1310. Draw a candelabra1311. Draw a quarter1312. Draw a watermelon1313. Draw a piece of bacon1314. Draw a newsboy cap1315. Draw a seed pod1316. Draw a board game1317. Draw daffodils1318. Draw a dish of leftovers1319. Draw a ghost1320. Draw a vampire1321. Draw the Sunday paper1322. Draw a helicopter1323. Draw a warthog1324. Draw a basket1325. Draw a skateboard1326. Draw sea spray1327. Draw seaweed1328. Draw hills and valleys1329. Draw an umbrella1330. Draw a hamburger1331. Draw a pair of sunglasses1332. Draw a seal1333. Draw twenty thousand leagues under the sea1334. Draw a shooting star1335. Draw handprints1336. Draw a rotary phone1337. Draw a top hat1338. Draw a turtle1339. Draw a baseball1340. Draw flags1341. Draw an airplane1342. Draw a microphone1343. Draw a county fair1344. Draw a electricity1345. Draw a treasure chest1346. Draw a pair of binoculars1347. Draw a loading crane1348. Draw a reflection1349. Draw a jungle1350. Draw a spelunker1351. Draw a calculator1352. Draw a baby monster1353. Draw a transportation system1354. Draw a swamp1355. Draw an invitation1356. Draw an oven1357. Draw a train1358. Draw the Bermuda Triangle1359. Draw a heart1360. Draw a movie star1361. Draw a spider web1362. Draw paisley1363. Draw a grandma1364. Draw lightning1365. Draw wind1366. Draw a tuxedo1367. Draw a mayonnaise jar1368. Draw a lemon meringue pie1369. Draw a sea urchin1370. Draw a canyon1371. Draw a cave1372. Draw a concert1373. Draw a viper1374. Draw a phonograph1375. Draw a bow1376. Draw a convertible1377. Draw ski slopes1378. Draw a mummy1379. Draw a broken glass1380. Draw a bar of music1381. Draw polka dots1382. Draw woodgrain1383. Draw plaid1384. Draw a zigzag1385. Draw a tacky rug1386. Draw a plastic bag1387. Draw a muffin tin1388. Draw a sweater1389. Draw a tuba1390. Draw a big spooky old house1391. Draw animals with antlers1392. Draw people falling out of boats1393. Draw people singing badly1394. Draw Wizards1395. Draw tentacles coming out of containers, bags, windows, etc1396. Draw animals wearing glasses1397. Draw snooty butlers carrying things on trays (telephones, food, unopened envelopes, small people)1398. Draw people standing behind one of those cartoony x-ray screens1399. Draw suits of armor1400. Draw government spy drones1401. Draw a sentient brick wall1402. Draw a Ferris wheel1403. Draw people stranded on desert islands1404. Draw things popping out of toasters (bread, pizza, books, etc)1405. Draw people trapped in the belly of a whale1406. Draw people knitting scarves1407. Draw tents in the woods1408. Draw arctic explorers1409. Draw PEZ dispensers1410. Draw people wrapped in blankets1411. Draw Icebergs1412. Draw carnivorous furniture1413. Draw hermits and their hermit houses1414. Draw lizard men1415. Draw campfires1416. Draw cliffs by the ocean1417. Draw dogs trying to reach food on tables1418. Draw slime creatures1419. Draw ceiling fans1420. Draw dentures1421. Draw giant objects crashing into earth (giant baby, giant motorcycle, giant anvil, etc)1422. Draw exercise machines that could be mistaken for torture devices1423. Draw things hatching out of eggs (birds, lizards, guys in business suits, etc)1424. Draw people flying around with jetpacks1425. Draw squirrels trying to drag things up into trees (an entire pizza, a piano, an old man, etc)1426. Draw vehicles that are shaped like food (hotdog car, banana car, pretzel car, etc)1427. Draw chain link fences1428. Draw donuts1429. Draw people wearing ridiculous puffy shirts1430. Draw dartboard with darts in it (or around it)1431. Draw people being thrown or falling through glass windows1432. Draw puddles1433. Draw people who are melting for some reason1434. Draw plumbers tinkering with complicated pipe systems1435. Draw smelly cheeses1436. Draw spooky caves1437. Draw moss1438. Draw cereal boxes1439. Draw people frozen in of giant hunks of ice1440. Draw people modeling really complicated outfits1441. Draw old people trying to make sense of technology that they don't understand1442. Draw things on shelves (bottles, tools, etc)1443. Draw dogs peeing on things they're not supposed to pee on1444. Draw UFOs abducting things (people, cows, trees, cars, etc)1445. Draw a bucket full of worms1446. Draw giant floating eyeballs with telepathic powers1447. Draw a shady looking man trying to sell lizards out of a suitcase1448. Draw people falling off of trampolines1449. Draw animals wearing really expensive people clothes1450. Draw sunken ships at the bottom of the sea1451. Draw the tooth fairy1452. Draw wet dogs1453. Draw aliens hiding in craters1454. Draw talk show hosts interviewing inanimate objects1455. Draw a high speed car chase (or horse chase, rollerblade chase, helicopter chase, etc)1456. Draw bank robbers1457. Draw really big telescopes1458. Draw someone who hasn't yet realized their clothing is on fire1459. Draw people painting graffiti1460. Draw people with really complicated braces on their teeth1461. Draw a tornado1462. Draw dump trucks1463. Draw an x ray version of an animal with four legs1464. Make a series of positive and negative space designs1465. Draw part of a vehicle1466. Draw an animal eating another animal1467. Draw your art teacher in a fight with an animal.1468. Draw an animal playing a musical instrument.1469. There is an animal living in one of your appliances. Draw it1470. Draw an animal taking a bath.1471. Draw an animal taking a human for a walk.1472. Draw the most terrifying animal you can imagine.1473. Draw the most adorable animal you can imagine.1474. Draw junk food and the wrapper1475. Draw family members with things that are important to them.1476. Draw a broken wristwatch1477. Draw a family heirloom1478. Draw a futuristic motorcycle1479. Draw a talisman on a chain. It’s blue gem glows with power1480. Draw a four-wheeler1481. Draw a Mech knight1482. Draw an ornate magic book that is bound with a lock. it glows with purple fire1483. Draw an anthropomorphic creature1484. Draw a deer bounding through the field1485. Draw the strange creatures that lurk in the mist between the trees1486. Draw a ship lost in time1487. Draw a med kit1488. Draw a robot beetle1489. Draw a love note1490. Draw hand bones1491. Draw a dash of paprika1492. Draw a blood vessel1493. Draw a tweet1494. Draw a bee’s knees1495. Draw a dab of wasabi1496. Draw a kumquat1497. Draw a carbon atom1498. Draw a roly-poly1499. Draw the weave of a wool blanket1500. Draw the spray of an atomizer1501. Draw a drop of morning dew1502. Draw the Little Dipper1503. Draw a splinter on a thumb1504. Draw dice for a travel Yahtzee set1505. Draw the legroom on an economy class flight1506. Draw the creases in a bendy straw1507. Draw a sesame seed1508. Draw a studio apartment in Manhattan1509. Draw a retina1510. Draw a belt loop1511. Draw a peephole1512. Draw a dictionary illustration of a chipmunk1513. Draw a water sprite1514. Draw a one word message in a bottle1515. Draw one “like” on Facebook1516. Draw a pupil1517. Draw a paper clip bent in the shape of a violin1518. Draw panko chicken1519. Draw a redwood seedling1520. Draw a taste bud1521. Draw a dot1522. Draw glitter1523. Draw a tea sandwich1524. Draw a sugar cube1525. Draw a paint chip1526. Draw a pebble1527. Draw a shooting star1528. Draw a rolled oat1529. Draw the last rays of sunlight1530. Draw a hairline crack1531. Draw raisins on a bagel1532. Draw a paper cut1533. Draw a dandruff flake1534. Draw a cactus thorn1535. Draw the head of a cotton swab1536. Draw a bent staple1537. Draw the belt on a pet’s collar1538. Draw a scar1539. Draw an ice cream bar melting1540. Draw a record player needle1541. Draw a grain of rice with “hello” written on it1542. Draw a milky way candy bar1543. Draw a saxophone mouthpiece1544. Draw a fishhook1545. Draw a lemon drop candy1546. Draw a rose petal1547. Draw a Twix Bar1548. Draw a Reese’s Pieces candy1549. Draw a peppermint candy1550. Draw a cinnamon stick1551. Draw a jolly rancher1552. Draw a nerd rope1553. Draw an accordion1554. Draw an accordion button1555. Draw a whisper1556. Draw a dandelion seed1557. Draw a crawl space1558. Draw tea leaves1559. Draw a bull’s-eye on a dart board1560. Draw a mushroom1561. Draw arm hair1562. Draw a clove1563. Draw a 1/16-teaspoon measuring spoon1564. Draw a sunflower seed1565. Draw a ball of lint1566. Draw a miniature statue of Mt. Rushmore1567. Draw an eyeglass screw1568. Draw a window catch1569. Draw a loose thread1570. Draw an atom1571. Draw an egg stand1572. Draw a minor celebrity1573. Draw a hot pepper flake1574. Draw a one line joke1575. Draw a first lost tooth1576. Draw the date on a penny1577. Draw a garbanzo bean1578. Draw an apple stem1579. Draw a yellow polka dot bikini1580. Draw a chin cleft1581. Draw a fiber optic cable1582. Draw your own game board1583. Design a new license plate for Iowa1584. Draw how you would be if you were the last person on earth1585. Draw a scene in a restaurant1586. Draw a flower that has lost its leaves.1587. Create an image using found objects.1588. Draw what happens when a six-foot squirrel shows up in your yard?1589. Design a new map1590. Design a costume for 20901591. Draw yourself as a space ship commander1592. Draw an idea that came into your head by thinking of food1593. Favorite animated character1594. Make a drawing that illustrates the phrase “I have come to a juncture in my life”1595. Rearrange, redesign the insect1596. Draw pretzels1597. Design an advertisement for yourself1598. Illustrate “if you were the tallest person in the world”1599. Imagine an object and draw it as though it were collapsed, melted, exploding, or in some other state.1600. Echoes – Begin with one freeform line and echo it with many variations.1601. Choose and arrange three related objects, draw them using a distinct light source.1602. What if your big toe became its own person?1603. What if you suddenly became very, very small?1604. Draw a tooth filling1605. Draw what a space ship commander would see on his video screen1606. Draw new piece of sculpture for the museum’s sculpture garden1607. What if you were a reptile?1608. Draw the blink of an eye1609. Draw a little brother1610. Draw a forehead wrinkle1611. Draw a hair curl1612. Draw a kit kat1613. Draw a butterfinger bar Draw a bat-themed dragon1614. Draw an Owlbear1615. Draw a bus transfer1616. Draw a shoelace hole1617. Draw fresh fruit or vegetables1618. Draw something fresh from the oven1619. Draw the oldest thing in your refrigerator.1620. Create a cartoon portrait of a realistic character1621. Draw the interior of something (a room, a box, a shoe, a peanut butter jar, mechanical object, etc.)1622. Draw something purple1623. Draw what you’d look like if you were the opposite gender1624. Draw an x ray version of an animal with two legs1625. Draw Monday if it were a person1626. Draw Tuesday if it were a person1627. Draw Wednesday if it were a person1628. Draw Thursday if it were a person1629. Draw Friday if it were a person1630. Draw Saturday if it were a person1631. Draw Sunday if it were a person1632. Draw your spirit animal1633. Draw Presidential pets1634. Draw a zit1635. Draw the space between your toes1636. Draw a Cyclops1637. Draw the ruins of castles1638. Draw the ruins of ancient temples1639. Draw Harrison Ford1640. Draw pi?atas1641. Draw farmers planting things1642. Draw farmers harvesting crops1643. Draw tree stumps1644. Draw gondoliers1645. Draw playground slides1646. Draw playground swings,1647. Draw playground monkey bars1648. Draw a shopping cart full of groceries1649. Draw video game controllers1650. Draw pinball machines1651. Draw the Statue of Liberty1652. Draw a person trying to chop down a tree1653. Draw tacos1654. Draw people hiding in trees or bushes1655. Draw ink in a bottle1656. Draw Grumpy cat1657. Draw a Printer printing1658. Draw a scanner scanning1659. Draw a hooded cloak1660. Draw a book of spells1661. Draw a backpack for school1662. Draw the power cord to your computer1663. Draw a bowler hat1664. Draw a witches broom1665. Trace your hand and decorate it1666. Draw the first drink you had today1667. Draw an animal from a photo1668. Draw a crazy show design1669. Draw a leaf, but FILL the space (show the veins!)1670. Draw a bonfire- what crazy things are in it?1671. Draw a Serval cat1672. Draw a catfish1673. Take a line for a walk- what happens in your space?1674. Draw someone’s first time on a plane1675. Draw your knees1676. Draw an apple race!1677. Draw a beard growing championship1678. Draw a mustache growing championship1679. Draw camel wrestling1680. Draw doggy dancing1681. Draw cheese rolling1682. Draw toad racing1683. Draw chicken racing1684. Draw cockroach racing1685. Draw Cornish Hurling1686. Draw cows dancing1687. Draw a Fishing Cat1688. Draw Cows Racing1689. Draw dog surfing1690. Draw egg rolling1691. Draw spoon racing1692. Draw EXTREME IRONING1693. Draw finger jousting1694. Draw hamster racing1695. Draw Hide & Seek1696. Draw a hot dog eating contest1697. Draw a pie eating contest1698. Draw a rabbit show1699. Draw a cat show1700. Draw a dog show1701. Draw a cow show1702. Draw llama show1703. Draw a juggling contest1704. Draw lizard racing1705. Draw a marbles contest1706. Draw a monster truck rally1707. Draw an orange race1708. Draw a white water rafting excursion1709. Draw the running of the bulls1710. Draw a Siberian Husky1711. Draw a Labrador Retriever1712. Draw a Pug1713. Draw a Shetland Sheepdog1714. Draw a Beagle1715. Draw a German Shepherd1716. Draw an Afghan Hound1717. Draw an Azawakh (dog breed)1718. Draw a Basenji1719. Draw a Boston Terrier1720. Draw a Chinese Crested dog1721. Draw an Ibizan Hound1722. Draw a Papillon1723. Draw a coyote1724. Draw a wolf1725. Draw a crab eating fox1726. Draw an Ethiopian wolf1727. Draw a Side-Striped Jackal1728. Draw a Fennec Fox1729. Draw a Sphinx cat1730. Draw a Peterbald cat1731. Draw an American Curl Cat1732. Draw a Highlander Cat1733. Draw an Egyptian Mau cat1734. Draw a Scottish Fold cat1735. Draw a Lion1736. Draw a Sand Cat1737. Draw a school Mascot1738. Draw a Monster1739. Draw your best friend1740. Draw your most recent accomplishment1741. Draw something orange1742. Draw a couple sitting on a bench1743. Draw your most recent dream1744. Draw a childhood memory1745. Draw something in your bag1746. Draw a hybrid animal1747. Draw a scene from a movie1748. Draw a set of Siamese Twins1749. Draw a Triceratops1750. Draw a zombie1751. Draw a sea creature1752. Draw your dream job1753. Draw an instrument1754. Draw your zodiac sign1755. Draw the meaning of your name1756. Draw your favorite outfit1757. Draw the offspring of two impossible animals1758. Draw an unlikely candy1759. Draw a monster driving a car,1760. Draw a monster playing a sport1761. Draw a monster brushing his teeth1762. Draw a monster painting her nails1763. Draw a monster eating cereal1764. Draw a CRAZY house1765. Draw a make-believe job1766. Draw a liquid in motion1767. Draw a mysterious device1768. Draw a science project gone wrong1769. Draw any word as graffiti1770. Draw a favorite character as a zombie1771. Draw a horrible monument1772. Draw instructions to a simple task1773. Draw an animal with a super power1774. Draw an unlikely pair1775. Draw a treehouse1776. Draw a destructive force1777. Draw a futuristic kitchen appliance1778. Draw something on fire1779. Draw a famous person as a vegetable1780. Draw a historic figure doing a modern job1781. Draw vegetation consuming something1782. Draw someone as YOU see them1783. Draw an action scene1784. Draw something evolving1785. Draw a form of transport1786. Draw what you wore today1787. Draw something green1788. Draw a panda- using PEN1789. Draw a “Imma eat YOO” face1790. Draw something magical1791. Draw an animal you’ve never drawn before1792. Draw a pony race1793. Draw a cake1794. Draw a personified fruit1795. Draw a foot1796. Draw a sandwich1797. Draw a tattoo design1798. Draw a troll1799. Draw a clumsy ninja1800. Draw an object in the art room1801. Draw a Monopoly board game piece1802. Draw a Sorry board game piece1803. Draw a LIFE board game piece1804. Draw a Muppet1805. Draw a clock melting in the sun1806. Draw a chocolate melting in the heat1807. Draw the ocean from your seat on the beach1808. Draw a travel poster1809. Draw a bar of fancy soap1810. Draw a power plug1811. Draw a piece of exercise equipment1812. Draw a fancy crystal bowl1813. Draw a shopping cart basket1814. Draw something round1815. Draw some crazy rocks1816. Draw a hair style1817. Draw anger1818. Draw a celebration1819. Draw a discovery1820. Draw an imprisonment1821. Draw a panic1822. Draw a memory1823. Draw stubbornness1824. Draw time1825. Draw an amphibian1826. Draw a burrowing creature1827. Draw an Air Elemental1828. Draw an Earth Elemental1829. Draw a Fire Elemental1830. Draw a Water Elemental1831. Draw a flying creature1832. Draw a Plant Creature1833. Draw a huge pile of leaves1834. Draw a touchdown1835. Draw a pumpkin being gutted1836. Draw a barn in the winter1837. Draw an abandoned house1838. Draw a cornucopia1839. Draw a bag of candy1840. Draw a spider web1841. Draw a hooded sweatshirt1842. Draw a full moon1843. Draw a dog costume1844. Draw a goat ladder1845. Draw a Bee Keeper1846. Draw a Ghostbuster1847. Draw a Combine1848. Draw a hay ride1849. Draw a football helmet1850. Draw a sunflower field1851. Draw a half eaten lollypop1852. Draw a water bottle1853. Draw a pair of clown shoes1854. Draw a spooky tree1855. Draw a marching band1856. Draw Darth Vader1857. Draw colored eggs1858. Draw tall grass1859. Draw potatoes growing in the bag1860. Draw a pop bottle1861. Draw a bowl of Chili1862. Draw an iPod1863. Draw training wheels1864. Draw a pond1865. Draw a roller skate park1866. Draw a vegetable garden1867. Draw someone mowing the grass1868. Draw an ant farm1869. Draw a curved straw1870. Draw eggs benedict1871. Draw light1872. Draw a swing1873. Draw decay1874. Sketch your hands1875. Sketch your nose1876. Draw someone who is lost1877. Draw someone laughing1878. Draw a lost sock (where do they REALLY go?)1879. Draw a Stinking Corpse flower1880. Draw a gardening tool1881. Draw a mandrake1882. Draw a sand dollar1883. Draw a sand box and toys1884. Draw a sunrise1885. Draw a hatching egg1886. Draw a dragon egg1887. Draw a camera1888. Draw a meteor1889. Draw a tube of lipstick1890. Draw an old telephone1891. Draw a steampunk heart1892. Draw an engagement ring1893. Reflect on your drawing of reflection, draw your retrospection1894. Find a leaf and put it under your paper, color on top of it and trace the patterns1895. Find a leaf and put it under your paper, color on top of it and trace the patterns1896. Tape a pencil or marker to a yardstick or long rod: use this to draw from far away1897. Draw an idea that came into your head through your fingers1898. Fill in the hole, cover up the whole, draw the covered hole1899. Find a quiet place, draw the quiet1900. Find a noisy place, draw noise1901. On the school bus, draw your friends on the way to school, draw your friends on the way home. Is there a difference?1902. Remake the above work of art in your way1903. Cut out a photo into small pieces, rearrange the photo in some other order, draw it1904. Draw the concept of the uses of a chair (sitting) without the chair1905. Draw the concept of the uses of a bed without a bed without the bed1906. Make a drawing that illustrates the phrase “There is an insufficiency of intellect”1907. Make a careful drawing that illustrates the word “Haste”1908. Draw bottles and cans. Use broken and crumpled ones too.1909. What does the holiday season mean to you?1910. Draw reflective objects.1911. Put on a silly face and draw a self-portrait. Do the same with other emotions1912. Create a pretty flower with lots of leaves.1913. Draw an idea that came into your head through your ears1914. Draw an idea that came into your head through your feet1915. Draw a bitcoin1916. Draw small talk1917. Draw a bit part in a play1918. Draw the speed of light1919. Draw the small hours of the night1920. Draw a microcosm1921. Draw a lighter1922. Draw a laser pointer dot1923. Draw a little later- what does that mean to you?1924. Draw an eight word short story1925. Draw the dot on an i1926. Draw gold dust1927. Draw an eyelash1928. Draw a drop of blood1929. Draw the “fine print”1930. Draw a being from the planet SmAAll1931. Draw a tilde1932. Draw a centimeter mark on a ruler1933. Draw one pixel on a computer screen1934. Draw the first second of January 11935. Draw a short syllable1936. Draw the edge of a penknife1937. Draw a pinprick1938. Draw a crack in a lip1939. Draw a slipknot1940. Draw a lentil1941. Draw an asterisk1942. Draw a stud on a leather jacket1943. Draw a dried currant1944. Draw a due date on a library card1945. Draw a pomegranate seed1946. Draw goose down1947. Draw a saffron thread1948. Draw a smiley face 1949. Where the deceptively beautiful creature’s foot fell, the earth died.1950. Draw someone you sit by in an odd pose.1951. Draw yourself (or someone else) painting toenails.1952. Draw yourself as an original superhero.1953. Create a series of before and after pieces on the theme of lunch1954. Fill a page with overlapping shapes. Show where the light would come from and shade accordingly1955. Create a fantasy building in a fantasy landscape1956. Draw dirt1957. Draw a blender (draw it before, during and after blending stuff!)1958. Draw a bike1959. Draw a Child Rolling Down a Hill1960. Draw a squirrel1961. Draw a track medal1962. Draw a trash can1963. Draw a black cat1964. Draw a robin’s egg1965. Draw a Lily1966. Draw a flower vase1967. Draw a safe place1968. Draw winter1969. Draw what you hear – Visualize sounds without drawing an object.1970. Fill in missing parts of a magazine photograph.1971. Draw a promise1972. Draw draperies around a window1973. Draw a bubble bath1974. Draw a puddle1975. Draw a caterpillar1976. Draw a goldfish1977. Draw a top hat1978. Draw seeds1979. Draw a kazoo1980. Draw a puzzle1981. Draw a cheeky groundhog1982. Draw flowers with faces1983. Draw ice cream sandwich1984. Draw an elaborate kite1985. Draw a tooth- if teeth had feelings1986. Draw a wedding band1987. Draw Oscar the Grouch, in his trash can1988. Draw a cupid1989. Draw an unpopular shape for chocolate1990. Draw a puppy1991. Draw a pistachio1992. Draw a pig1993. Draw a peach blossom1994. Draw gold in an unusual container1995. Draw an angry butterfly1996. Draw a passive-aggressive robin1997. Draw a shamrock shake1998. Draw a tulip in full bloom1999. Draw a runny egg2000. Draw a sassy crow2001. Draw an abstract butterfly2002. Draw something on a stick2003. Draw a mirror image of your t-shirt2004. Draw a clam2005. Draw a character from a children’s book2006. Draw rain2007. Draw a cozy nook2008. Draw how mushrooms feel about rain2009. Draw the Titanic bow2010. Draw a Willow Tree2011. Draw a garlic bulb2012. Draw a mysterious puzzle box2013. Draw the Earth2014. Draw a pig in a blanket2015. Draw a compass2016. Draw an earthquake2017. Draw a constellation2018. Draw a faerie chair2019. Draw a magic carpet2020. Draw an oyster with a pearl2021. Draw a Hawthorn flower2022. Draw a museum artifact2023. Draw an earthworm2024. Draw a succulent2025. Draw a yoyo2026. Draw an oak leaf2027. Draw a beach ball2028. Draw a silly tie2029. Draw a log cabin2030. Draw a pair of sunglasses2031. Draw a UFO2032. Draw a series of fireworks2033. Draw a videogame character2034. Draw a egg frying on the sidewalk2035. Draw a teddy bear2036. Draw a shark2037. Draw a hot dog2038. Draw a meadow2039. Draw the moon’s surface2040. Draw a hammock2041. Draw a Ferris wheel2042. Draw a 777 plane seat2043. Draw a weird way to travel2044. Draw a clown2045. Draw a book cover2046. Draw something with a monocle2047. Draw a vinyl record2048. Draw a fainting goat2049. Draw a funnel cake2050. Draw an old radio2051. Draw a honey bee2052. Draw a volcano erupting2053. Draw a mouse2054. Draw vine covered wall2055. Draw a skyscraper2056. Draw a bathtub race2057. Draw a raspberry2058. Draw an iguana2059. Draw a peanut turning into peanut butter2060. Draw a glass doll2061. Draw a ventriloquist dummy2062. Draw a swamp monster2063. Draw a voodoo queen's tomb2064. Draw a chupacabra2065. Draw an ogre2066. Draw Medusa2067. Draw a mask2068. Draw a grave2069. Draw a fairy2070. Draw a magic wand2071. Draw a potion- what kind is it?2072. Draw a dead tree2073. Draw a deviled egg2074. Draw a beard on something that normally doesn’t have one!2075. Draw a piece of origami2076. Draw a fancy pearl button2077. Draw a grandfather clock2078. Draw a hooded cloak2079. Draw an Elder tree2080. Draw homemade bread2081. Draw a campfire2082. Draw a set of steps2083. Draw an open trail2084. Draw a cooked turkey2085. Draw a small business from your town2086. Draw Mars2087. Draw a penguin2088. Draw a pair of wedding or sports shoes2089. Draw a pair of mittens2090. Draw Krampus2091. Draw something strange to catch while ice fishing2092. Draw a brownie2093. Draw a frost design2094. Draw icicles2095. Draw a poinsettia2096. Draw a violin playing2097. Draw a holly sprig2098. Draw a cup of hot chocolate2099. Draw a snow owl2100. Draw an evergreen tree2101. Draw a stunning snowflake2102. Draw an ice creature2103. Draw a candy cane2104. Draw a mistletoe sprig2105. Turn around and draw with your book behind you2106. Try to draw something life-size (even just part of it!)2107.Draw while walking (bump, bump)2108.Draw with water-soluble graphite, then brush with water2109.Draw yourself drawing yourself…2110. ................

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