Draft GSEs for RI Civics & Government and History

GSEs for Historical Perspectives/Rhode Island History Strand

|HP 1: History is an account of human activities that is interpretive in nature. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|HP 1 (K-2) –1 |HP 1 (3-4) –1 |HP 1 (5-6) –1 |HP 1 (7-8) –1 |HP 1 (9-12) –1 |HP 1 (Ext) –1 |

|Students act as historians, using|Students act as historians, using |Students act as historians, |Students act as historians, using|Students act as historians, using|Students act as historians, using|

|a variety of tools (e.g., |a variety of tools (e.g., |using a variety of tools (e.g., |a variety of tools (e.g., |a variety of tools (e.g., |a variety of tools (e.g., |

|artifacts and primary and |artifacts and primary and |artifacts and primary and |artifacts and primary and |artifacts and primary and |artifacts and primary and |

|secondary sources) by… |secondary sources) by… |secondary sources) by… |secondary sources) by… |secondary sources) by… |secondary sources) by… |

|a. identifying and categorizing |a. describing the difference |a. identifying appropriate |a. identifying appropriate |a. formulating historical | |

|the kinds of information obtained|between primary and secondary |sources (e.g., historical maps, |sources and using evidence to |questions, obtaining, analyzing, | |

|from a variety of artifacts and |sources and interpreting |diaries, photographs) to answer |substantiate specific accounts of|evaluating historical primary and| |

|documents (e.g., What would this |information from each (e.g., |historical questions |human activity |secondary print and non-print | |

|artifact tell us about how people|asking and answering questions, | | |sources (e.g., RI Constitution, | |

|lived?) |making predictions) | | |art, oral history, writings of | |

| | | | |Elizabeth Buffum Chace) | |

|b. distinguishing objects, |b. classifying objects, artifacts,|b. using sources to support the |b. drawing inferences from Rhode |b. explaining how historical | |

|artifacts, and symbols from long |and symbols from long ago and |stories of history (How do we |Island History about the larger |facts and historical | |

|ago and today (e.g., passage of |today and describing how they add |know what we know?) |context of history (e.g., Opening|interpretations may be different,| |

|time documented through family |to our understanding of the past | |of Japan, Separation of Church |but are related (e.g., slavery in| |

|photos, evolution of household | | |and State, Industrialism) |RI v. economic benefit to RI) | |

|appliances) | | | | | |

| |c. organizing information obtained|c. asking and answering |c. asking and answering |c. identifying, describing, or | |

| |to answer historical questions |historical questions, organizing|historical questions, evaluating |analyzing multiple perspectives | |

| | |information, and evaluating |sources of information, |on an historical trend or event | |

| | |information in terms of |organizing the information, and |(e.g., mill worker v. mill owners| |

| | |relevance |evaluating information in terms |during Industrial Revolution in | |

| | | |of relevance and |RI; separation of powers in RI | |

| | | |comprehensiveness |government) | |

| | |d. identifying the point of view| |d. using technological tools in |d. using a variety of |

| | |of a historical source (e.g., | |historical research |technological tools in historical|

| | |media sources) | | |research and interpretation |

| | | | | |(e.g., master database of |

| | | | | |graveyards; census records, |

| | | | | |online school reports, online |

| | | | | |state tax records) |

|HP 1 (K-2) –2 |HP 1 (3-4) –2 |HP 1 (5-6) –2 |HP 1 (7-8) –2 |HP 1 (9-12) –2 |HP 1 (Ext) –2 |

|Students interpret history as a |Students interpret history as a |Students interpret history as a |Students interpret history as a |Students interpret history as a |Students interpret history as a |

|series of connected events with |series of connected events with |series of connected events with |series of connected events with |series of connected events with |series of connected events with |

|multiple cause-effect |multiple cause-effect |multiple cause-effect |multiple cause-effect |multiple cause-effect |multiple cause-effect |

|relationships, by… |relationships, by… |relationships, by… |relationships, by… |relationships, by… |relationships, by… |

|a. describing and organizing a |a. describing and organizing a |a. investigating and summarizing |a. investigating and analyzing |a. explaining cause and effect |a. analyzing cause and effect |

|sequence of various events in |sequence of significant events in|historical data in order to draw |historical and visual data in |relationships in order to |relationships showing multiple |

|personal, classroom, or school |Rhode Island history (e.g., |connections between two events |order to draw connections between|sequence and summarize events, |causation (e.g., |

|life (e.g., organizing and |interpreting and analyzing data |and to answer related historical |a series of events |make connections between a series|industrialization and |

|interpreting data in timelines) |in timelines) |questions | |of events, or compare/contrast |immigration, King Philip’s War; |

| | | | |events |detribalization and |

| | | | | |retribalization) |

|b. explaining how a sequence of |b. explaining and inferring how a| |b. developing, expanding, and |b. interpreting and constructing |b. analyzing visual data in order|

|events affected people in home, |sequence of events affected | |supporting an historical thesis, |visual data (e.g., timelines, |to explain historical continuity |

|classroom, or school (e.g., |people of Rhode Island (e.g., | |based on a series of events |charts, graphs, flowchart, |and change (e.g. timeline of |

|getting a new student in the |settlement or changes in | | |historical films, political |Rhode Island’s path to |

|classroom) |community/ Rhode Island, | | |cartoons) in order to explain |Revolution) (How did |

| |Hurricane Katrina) | | |historical continuity and change |architectural changes in RI |

| | | | |(e.g., timeline of Rhode Island’s|mirror historical trends? – Mills|

| | | | |path to Revolution: Why is Rhode |transformed into living and work |

| | | | |Island first to declare |spaces) |

| | | | |independence, but last colony to | |

| | | | |ratify the Constitution?) | |

|HP 2: History is a chronicle of human activities, diverse people, and the societies they form. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|HP 2 (K-2) – 1 |HP 2 (3-4) –1 |HP 2 (5-6) – 1 |HP 2 (7-8) –1 |HP 2 (9-12)– 1 |HP 2 (Ext)–1 |

|Students connect the past with |Students connect the past with |Students connect the past with |Students connect the past with |Students connect the past with the|Students connect the past with |

|the present by… |the present by… |the present by… |the present by… |present by… |the present by… |

|a. recognizing the origin, name, |a. investigating and explaining |a. identifying sequential events,|a. determining the cause(s) and |a. explaining origins of major |a. tracing and analyzing how a |

|or significance of local |the origin, name, or significance|people, and societies that have |effect(s) of specific historical |historical events (e.g., |present situation or problem has |

|geographic and human-made |of local and Rhode Island |shaped RI today |events that impact RI today |Industrial Revolution in Rhode |been constructed/affected by its |

|features (e.g., school, street, |geographic and human-made | | |Island) |historical roots |

|park, city, river, monuments) |features | | | |(e.g., deindustrialization in |

| | | | | |Rhode Island) |

| | |b. comparing and contrasting the |b. analyzing the impact of RI’s |b. identifying and linking key | |

| | |development of RI ethnic history |ethnic development on local, |ideas and concepts and their | |

| | |to the nation’s history (e.g., |state, and national history |enduring implications (e.g., | |

| | |What historical factors makes RI | |separation of church and state in | |

| | |unique?; immigration, settlement | |Rhode Island) | |

| | |patterns, religion, resources, | | | |

| | |geography) | | | |

| | |c. identifying and describing how|c. analyzing and evaluating how |c. analyzing and evaluating how |c. researching a current state, |

| | |national and world events have |national and world events have |national and world events have |national or world issue and |

| | |impacted RI and how RI has |impacted RI and how RI has |impacted Rhode Island and how |predicting future implications |

| | |impacted world events (e.g., |impacted world events |Rhode Island has impacted national|for RI or propose a course of |

| | |China Trade, WWII, Industrial | |and world events (e.g., women’s |action |

| | |Revolution) | |liberation movement; Commodore | |

| | | | |Matthew Perry of RI opens trade | |

| | | | |with Japan; Quonset Hut; slave | |

| | | | |trade) | |

|HP 2 (K-2) – 2 |HP 2 (3-4) – 2 |HP 2 (5-6) – 2 |HP 2 (7-8) – 2 |HP 2 (9-12) – 2 |HP 2 (Ext) – 2 |

|Students chronicle events and |Students chronicle events and |Students chronicle events and |Students chronicle events and |Students chronicle events and |Students chronicle events and |

|conditions by… |conditions by… |conditions by… |conditions by… |conditions by… |conditions by… |

|a. describing, defining, and |a. describing, defining, and |a. placing key events and people |a. identifying key events and |a. creating narratives based on a |a. critiquing historical |

|illustrating a sequence of events |illustrating by example Rhode |of a particular historical era in|people of a particular historical |particular historical point of |narratives for historical accuracy|

|from personal, classroom, school, |Island historical individuals, |chronological sequence |era or time period (e.g., |view (e.g., unemployed WWII vet, |or points of view |

|or community life (e.g., timeline |groups and events (e.g., Roger | |centuries, BCE, “The Sixties”) |home front in WWII, oil refinery | |

|or self-made informational text |Williams, Native Americans, | | |promoter, environmental activist | |

|showing key events) |immigrant groups) and how they | | |in Rhode Island; slave or free | |

| |relate to the context (e.g., | | |black in Newport, slave holder, | |

| |conditions of the time, events | | |trader or investor) | |

| |before and after) | | | | |

| | |b. summarizing key events and |b. correlating key events to |b. synthesizing information from | |

| | |explaining the historical |develop an understanding of the |multiple sources to formulate an | |

| | |contexts of those events |historical perspective of the time|historical interpretation (e.g., | |

| | | |period in which they occurred |document-based questions, | |

| | | |(e.g., Jacksonian Democracy and |quantitative data, material | |

| | | |Dorr’s Rebellion, water power and |artifacts of RI) | |

| | | |steam power, WWII and women at | | |

| | | |work) | | |

|HP 2 (K-2) – 3 |HP 2 (3-4) – 3 |HP 2 (5-6) – 3 |HP 2 (7-8) – 3 |HP 2 (9-12)– 3 |HP 2 (Ext)– 3 |

|Students show understanding of |Students show understanding of |Students show understanding of |Students show understanding of |Students show understanding of |Students show understanding of |

|change over time by… |change over time by… |change over time by… |change over time by… |change over time by… |change over time by… |

|a. exploring and describing |a. interpreting and explaining |a. establishing a chronological |a. establishing a chronological |a. tracing patterns |a. tracing patterns |

|similarities and differences in |similarities and differences in |order by working backward from |order by working backward from |chronologically in history to |chronologically in history to |

|objects, artifacts, and |objects, artifacts, technologies, |some issue, problem, or event to |some issue, problem, or event to |describe changes on domestic, |describe changes on domestic, |

|technologies from the past and |ideas, or beliefs (e.g., |explain its origins and its |explain its origins and its |social, or economic life (e.g., |social, or economic life and |

|present (e.g., transportation, |religious, economic, education, |development over time |development over time; and to |immigration trends, land use |predicting events that might occur|

|communication, school and home |self-government) from the past and| |construct an historical narrative |patterns, naval military history) |in the future, based on those |

|life) |present (e.g., transportation or | | | |patterns |

| |communication in the community, | | | | |

| |RI, U.S.) | | | | |

| | | | |b. documenting various groups |b. documenting various groups and |

| | | | |(e.g., formal: non-government |their ideas that have remained |

| | | | |organizations, religious; |constant over time and analyzing |

| | | | |informal: family, clan) and their |why they have or have not endured |

| | | | |traditions that have remained | |

| | | | |constant over time (e.g., | |

| | | | |religious denomination, fishing | |

| | | | |industry, formal and informal | |

| | | | |design, town financial meeting, | |

| | | | |lotteries) | |

|HP 3: The study of history helps us understand the present and shape the future. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|HP 3 (K-2) – 1 |HP 3 (3-4) –1 |HP 3 (5-6) – 1 |HP 3 (7-8) –1 |HP 3 (9-12) – 1 |HP 3 (Ext) – 1 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of how the past |understanding of how the past |understanding of how the past |understanding of how the past |understanding of how the past |understanding of how the past |

|frames the present by… |frames the present by… |frames the present by… |frames the present by… |frames the present by… |frames the present by… |

|a. identifying how events and |a. recognizing and interpreting |a. identifying historical |a. analyzing and reporting on a |a. gathering evidence of |a. tracking implementation of a |

|people shape family and school |how events, people, problems, and|conditions and events that relate|social movement from its |circumstances and factors |decision; analyzing the interests|

|life (e.g., How would your life|ideas shape life in the community|to contemporary issues (e.g., |inception (including historical |contributing to contemporary |it served; estimating the |

|change if you moved to another |and in Rhode Island |separation of church state, |causes), its impacts on us today,|problems (e.g., civil rights |position, power, and priority of |

|place? What would happen if | |treatment of Native Americans, |and its implications for the |movement, sexual revolution) |each stakeholder; and predicting |

|your school closed? What would| |immigration, gender issues) |future | |continuing costs and benefits |

|happen if there were no school | | | | |from a variety of perspectives |

|buses?) | | | | |(e.g., public school funding in |

| | | | | |RI or U.S.) |

| | |b. answering “what if” questions |b. evaluating alternative courses|b. formulating a position or course|b. formulating and presenting a |

| | |and using evidence to explain how|of action, (keeping in mind the |of action on a current issue from a|position or course of action on a|

| | |history might have been different|context of the time), ethical |choice of carefully evaluated |current issue in a public forum |

| | |(e.g., How might history be |considerations, and the interest |options, taking into account the | |

| | |different if Anne Hutchinson |of those affected by the |historical underpinnings (e.g., | |

| | |hadn’t dissented?) |decision, and determining the |casino issue and American Indian | |

| | | |long- and short-term consequences|sovereignty; current national | |

| | | |(e.g., Post WWII use of |border debate and RI historical | |

| | | |Narragansett Bay - tourism vs. |perspective) | |

| | | |oil refinery) | | |

|HP 3 (K-2) – 2 |HP 3 (3-4) – 2 |HP 3 (5-6) – 2 |HP 3 (7-8) – 2 |HP 3 (9-12) – 2 |HP 3 (Ext)– 2 |

|Students make personal |Students make personal |Students make personal |Students make personal |Students make personal |Students make personal |

|connections in an historical |connections in an historical |connections in an historical |connections in an historical |connections in an historical |connections in an historical |

|context (e.g., source-to-source, |context (e.g., source-to-source, |context (e.g., source-to-source, |context (e.g., source-to-source, |context (e.g., source-to-source, |context (e.g., source-to-source, |

|source-to-self, source-to-world) |source-to-self, source-to-world) |source-to-self, source-to-world) |source-to-self, source-to-world) |source-to-self, source-to-world) |source-to-self, source-to-world) |

|by… |by… |by… |by… |by… |by… |

|a. using a variety of sources |a. using a variety of sources |a. explaining how the |a. recognizing and reflecting on |a. articulating an understanding |a. using knowledge of historical |

|(e.g., photographs, written text,|(e.g., photographs, written text,|similarities of human issues |how the similarities of human |of the meaning, implications, and|ideas and concepts and their |

|clothing, oral history) to |clothing, oral history) to |across time periods influence |issues across time periods |impact of historical events on |enduring implications, to |

|reconstruct their past and |reconstruct the past, understand |their own personal histories |influence their own personal |their lives today (e.g., closing |formulate a philosophy statement |

|understand the present. |the present, and make |(e.g., so what? How does this |histories (e.g., so what? How |of the Navy in Rhode Island at |based on personal values |

| |predictions for the future |relate to me?) |does this relate to me?) |Quonset Point; volunteer army; | |

| | | | |ratification of RI Constitution; | |

| | | | |whaling industry, access to the | |

| | | | |shore, declining birth rates) | |

| | |b. explaining how the differences|b. recognizing and reflecting on |b. analyzing how an historical |b. presenting an analysis of an |

| | |of human issues across time |how the differences of human |development (e.g., cycle of |historical development to a |

| | |periods |issues across time periods |poverty or prosperity, low |public forum |

| | |influence their own personal |influence their own personal |educational attainment, | |

| | |histories (e.g., so what? How |histories (e.g., so what? How |“Independent Man”) has | |

| | |does this relate to me?) |does this relate to me?) |contributed to current social, | |

| | | | |economic, or political patterns | |

| | |c. identifying the cultural |c. comparing and contrasting the | | |

| | |influences that shape individuals|cultural influences that shape | | |

| | |and historical events |individuals and historical events| | |

| | | |(e.g., Conversion of Quakers from| | |

| | | |slave holders to abolitionists, | | |

| | | |emergence of mill villages, | | |

| | | |Gordon Trial) | | |

|HP 4: Historical events and human/natural phenomena impact and are influenced by ideas and beliefs. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |0BGSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|HP 4 (K-2) –1 |HP 4 (3-4) –1 |HP 4 (5-6) –1 |HP 4 (7-8) –1 |HP 4 (9-12) –1 |HP 4 (Ext) –1 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding that geographic |understanding that geographic |understanding that geographic |understanding that geographic |understanding that geographic |understanding that geographic |

|factors and shared past events |factors and shared past events |factors and shared past events |factors and shared past events |factors and shared past events |factors and shared past events |

|affect human interactions and |affect human interactions and |affect human interactions and |affect human interactions and |affect human interactions and |affect human interactions and |

|changes in civilizations by… |changes in civilizations by… |changes in civilizations by… |changes in civilizations by… |changes in civilizations by… |changes in civilizations by… |

|identifying geographic factors |identifying how geographic factors|identifying and explaining, using|a. citing specific evidence to |utilizing maps, graphs, and charts| |

|that can affect how people |impact interactions (e.g., |specific examples, how geographic|explain how geographic factors |to draw conclusions on how | |

|interact (e.g., students in the |distance between settlements; |factors shape the way humans |impacted a civilization’s |societies historically were shaped| |

|same desk cluster are more likely|rivers can be barriers to movement|organize themselves in |adaptation, development or |and formalized. | |

|to interact). |or facilitate transportation). |communities, government, and |decline (e.g., Fertile Crescent, | | |

| | |businesses. |China, Westward Expansion)U. | | |

|identifying events that can |identifying how events impact |identifying and explaining using |citing specific evidence from a |analyzing conflict that is based |analyzing current events and |

|affect how people interact (e.g.,|interactions (e.g., arrival of the|specific examples, how shared |society/civilization to explain |on unresolved |historical events to predict |

|beginning kindergarten means you |Mayflower initiated interactions |events affect how individuals and|how shared events affect how |historical-geographical |and evaluate potential |

|play with classmates; moving to a|between British colonists and |societies adapt and change. |individuals and societies adapt |differences (e.g., religious, |conflicts that may occur in the|

|new place means you need to make |Wampanoag tribe). | |and change (e.g., language, |racial, and socio-economic). |future. |

|new friends). | | |religion, or customs). | | |

| | | | |citing historical evidence that | |

| | | | |geographic factors affected | |

| | | | |decision-making by policy-makers. | |

|HP 4 (K-2) –2 |HP 4 (3-4) –2 |HP 4 (5-6) –2 |HP 4 (7-8) –2 |HP 4 (9-12) –2 |HP 4 (Ext) –2 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding that innovations,|understanding that innovations, |understanding that innovations, |understanding that innovations, |understanding that innovations, |understanding that innovations, |

|inventions, change, and |inventions, change, and expansion|inventions, change, and expansion |inventions, change, and expansion |inventions, change, and expansion|inventions, change, and expansion|

|expansion cause increased |cause increased interaction among|cause increased interaction among |cause increased interaction among |cause increased interaction among|cause increased interaction among|

|interaction among people (e.g.,|people (e.g., cooperation or |people (e.g., cooperation or |people (e.g., cooperation or |people (e.g., cooperation or |people (e.g., cooperation or |

|cooperation or conflict) by… |conflict) by… |conflict) by… |conflict) by… |conflict) by… |conflict) by… |

|identifying innovations or |explaining how innovations or |citing examples of how science and|identifying and describing how |evaluating the effect of |exploring the consequences of |

|inventions that have impacted |inventions have impacted |technology have had positive or |traits of civilization develop in |technology and innovation on |territorial expansion on the |

|interaction between people |interactions between people, |negative impacts upon individuals,|response to innovations, |promoting territorial expansion. |contracting society. |

|(e.g., the invention of the |communities, regions, and |societies and the environment in |inventions, change and territorial| | |

|telephone allowed people to |nations. |the past and present. |expansion. | | |

|talk to each other at a | | | | | |

|distance). | | | | | |

| |identifying how expansion has |providing historical examples of |explaining the impact of |proving whether innovation and | |

| |influenced interactions between |factors, causes, and reasons that |interactions. |invention have been beneficial or| |

| |people. |lead to interactions (e.g., | |detrimental to society. | |

| | |exploration of worlds). | | | |

| | |describing important technologies |c. describing how inventions and | | |

| | |and advancements, including |technological improvements (e.g., | | |

| | |writing systems, developed by a |irrigation systems, road | | |

| | |particular civilization/ country/ |construction, science) relate to | | |

| | |nation. |settlement, population growth, and| | |

| | | |success of a civilization/ | | |

| | | |country/ nation. | | |

|HP 5: Human societies and cultures develop and change in response to human needs and wants. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|HP 5 (K-2) – 1 |HP 5 (3-4) –1 |HP 5 (5-6) – 1 |HP 5 (7-8) –1 |HP 5 (9-12)– 1 |HP 5 (Ext)–1 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding that a variety of|understanding that a variety of |understanding that a variety of |understanding that a variety of |understanding that a variety of |understanding that a variety of |

|factors affect cultural |factors affect cultural diversity|factors affect cultural diversity|factors affect cultural diversity|factors affect cultural diversity |factors affect cultural diversity|

|diversity within a society by… |within a society by… |within a society by… |within a society by… |within a society by… |within a society by… |

|recognizing cultural |comparing cultural differences |comparing and contrasting the |identifying how movement (e.g., |identifying patterns of migration | |

|differences and similarities |and similarities between |diversity of different groups, |ideas, people, technology) |and evaluating their socio-cultural| |

|between individuals, groups, or|individuals, groups, or |places, and time periods or |impacts cultural diversity. |impacts. | |

|communities (e.g., customs, |communities (e.g., customs, |within the same group over time. | | | |

|beliefs, language, religious |beliefs, language, religious | | | | |

|faiths). |faiths). | | | | |

| | |b. providing examples of cultural|b. applying demographic factors |investigating the role of |b. critiquing the role of |

| | |diversity. |(e.g., urban/rural, religion, |demographic factors (gender, |demographic factors (e.g., |

| | | |socioeconomics, race, ethnicity) |ethnicity, class)U in creating |ethnicity, class, gender) in |

| | | |to understand changes in cultural|cultural diversity in a society. |creating cultural diversity at a |

| | | |diversity in an historical and | |variety of scales (e.g., |

| | | |contemporary context. | |neighborhood, country). |

| | | | |analyzing the contribution of |c. investigating the dichotomy of|

| | | | |diverse cultural elements (e.g., |diversity between urban and rural|

| | | | |norms, beliefs, religions, |settings. |

| | | | |ideologies, languages, cuisines). | |

|HP 5 (K-2) – 2 |HP 5 (3-4) – 2 |HP 5 (5-6) – 2 |HP 5 (7-8) – 2 |HP 5 (9-12) – 2 |HP 5 (Ext) – 2 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an understanding |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding that culture has|understanding that culture has |understanding that culture has |understanding that culture has |that culture has affected how people in a|understanding that culture has |

|affected how people in a |affected how people in a |affected how people in a |affected how people in a society |society behave in relation to groups and |affected how people in a society |

|society behave in relation to |society behave in relation to |society behave in relation to |behave in relation to groups and |their environment by… |behave in relation to groups and |

|groups and their environment |groups and their environment |groups and their environment |their environment by… | |their environment by… |

|by… |by… |by… | | | |

|describing daily life for |comparing how members within |identifying how cultural |comparing and contrasting how |analyzing how membership in particular | |

|individuals in a cultural |cultures interact with each |expectations impact people’s |cultural expectations impact |cultural groups has affected civic | |

|community. |other and their environment. |behavior in their community. |people’s behavior and role in |engagement on the local, regional, and | |

| | | |different communities/ societies |national level, citing evidence. | |

| | | |(e.g., student protocols in 1800 | | |

| | | |vs. today). | | |

|b. identifying different |identifying how a culture has |using a historical context, |using an historical context, |contrasting how cultural groups have | |

|cultures present in the local |changed over time. |describe how diversity |describe how diversity contributes|conflicted over land use issues. | |

|community. | |contributes to conflict, |to cultural diffusion, | | |

| | |cooperation, growth, or |acculturation, or assimilation | | |

| | |decline. |(e.g., “Melting Pot”). | | |

| | |describing challenges or |describing how environment (e.g., |evaluating how societies addressed | |

| | |obstacles a civilization/ |physical, cultural, etc.) or |environmental challenges in ways that | |

| | |country/ nation faced as it |changes in that environment |shaped their cultural practices. | |

| | |grew over time. |affects a | | |

| | | |civilization/country/nation (e.g.,| | |

| | | |settlement, conflicts, | | |

| | | |transportation, climate change, | | |

| | | |commerce). | | |

|HP 5 (K-2) – 3 |HP 5 (3-4) – 3 |HP 5 (5-6) – 3 |HP 5 (7-8) – 3 |HP 5 (9-12) – 3 |HP 5 (Ext) – 3 |

|Various perspectives have led |Various perspectives have led |Various perspectives have led |Various perspectives have led |Various perspectives have led individuals|Various perspectives have led |

|individuals and/or groups to |individuals and/or groups to |individuals and/or groups to |individuals and/or groups to |and/or groups to interpret events or |individuals and/or groups to |

|interpret events or phenomena |interpret events or phenomena |interpret events or phenomena |interpret events or phenomena |phenomena differently and with historical|interpret events or phenomena |

|differently and with |differently and with historical|differently and with historical|differently and with historical |consequences by… |differently and with historical |

|historical consequences by… |consequences by… |consequences by… |consequences by… | |consequences by… |

|describing how people with |comparing how people with |identifying various factors |describing how and why various |utilizing sources (e.g., primary |comparing and contrasting the |

|different perspectives view |different perspectives view |that impact individual and or |factors impact an individual or a |documents, secondary sources, oral |distinct historical narratives of |

|events in different ways. |events in different ways. |group’s perspective of events |group’s perspective of events. |histories) to identify different |the same events and determining |

| | |(e.g., social, intellectual, | |historical narratives and perspectives |how the narratives impacted social|

| | |political, economic). | |about the same events. |events. |

| | |describing how an individual or|Uexplaining and analyzing how |describing how the historical | |

| | |group’s perspectives change |changing perspectives impact |perspectives of leaders and decision | |

| | |over time using primary |history using primary documents as|makers served to shape and influence | |

| | |documents as evidence. |evidence. |public policy using primary sources as | |

| | | | |evidence. | |


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