Draft GSEs for RI Civics & Government and History

GSEs for Civics & Government Strand

|C&G 1: People create and change structures of power, authority, and governance in order to accomplish common goals. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|C&G 1 (K-2) –1 |C&G 1 (3-4) –1 |C&G 1 (5-6) –1 |C&G 1 (7-8) –1 |C&G 1 (9-12) –1 |C&G 1 (Ext) –1 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of origins, forms, |understanding of origins, forms, |understanding of origins, forms, |understanding of origins, forms, |understanding of origins, forms, |understanding of origins, forms, |

|and purposes of government by… |and purposes of government by… |and purposes of government by… |and purposes of government by… |and purposes of government by… |and purposes of government by… |

|a. identifying rules and |a. making, applying, and |a. identifying the basic functions|a. identifying and explaining the|a. describing or explaining |a. analyzing competing ideas about|

|consequences for not following |enforcing rules (home, school, |of government |origins and basic functions of |competing ideas about the purposes|the purposes and functions of |

|them in different settings (e.g.,|community) | |government |and functions of politics and |politics and government |

|home, bus, classroom, cafeteria, | | | |government | |

|etc.) and explaining why we need | | | | | |

|rules and who makes the rules | | | | | |

|b. evaluating the rules in |b. comparing similarities between|b. listing and defining various |b. comparing and contrasting |b. comparing and contrasting | |

|different settings (e.g., Is this|a rule and a law |forms of government (e.g., |different forms of government |different forms of government and | |

|a good rule and why/why not?) | |dictatorship, democracy, |(e.g., dictatorship, democracy, |their purposes | |

| | |parliamentary, monarchy) |theocracy, republic, monarchy) | | |

|c. exploring examples of services|c. citing examples of services |c. citing examples of when major |c. explaining what happens when |c. explaining how a political | |

|(e.g., post office, police, fire,|that local and state governments |changes in governments have |political structures do or do not|ideology is reflected in the form | |

|garbage collection) provided in |provide for the common good |occurred (e.g., American |meet the needs of people (e.g., |and structure of a government | |

|their own community | |Revolution, Hammurabi’s Code, |democracy v. anarchy) |(e.g., Democracy – Democratic | |

| | |Rhode Island Royal Charter/ RI | |republic) | |

| | |Constitution) | | | |

| | | |d. explaining how geography and |d. distinguishing between the rule| |

| | | |economics influence the structure|of law and the “rule of men” | |

| | | |of government |(e.g., Korematsu v. U.S. and | |

| | | | |Japanese internment during WWII) | |

|C&G 1 (K-2) –2 |C&G 1 (3-4) –2 |C&G 1 (5-6) –2 |C&G 1 (7-8)–2 |C&G 1 (9-12) –2 |C&G 1 (Ext) –2 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of sources of |understanding of sources of |understanding of sources of |understanding of sources of |understanding of sources of |understanding of sources of |

|authority and use of power, and |authority and use of power, and |authority and use of power, and |authority and use of power, and |authority and use of power, and |authority and use of power, and |

|how they are/can be changed by… |how they are/can be changed by… |how they are/can be changed by… |how they are/can be changed by… |how they are/can be changed, by… |how they are/can be changed by… |

|a. identifying authority figures |a. identifying authority figures |a. identifying and summarizing the|a. comparing and contrasting the |a. identifying how actions of a | |

|who make, apply, and enforce |who make, apply, and enforce rules|rule of law, using various |key stages of development of the |government affect relationships | |

|rules (e.g., family, school, |(e.g., family, school, police, |enduring/ significant documents |rule of law, as presented in |involving the individual, society | |

|police, firefighters, etc.) and |firefighters, etc.) and explaining|(e.g., Magna Carta, Preamble of |various enduring/significant |and the government (e.g., Homeland| |

|how these people help to meet the|how there are limits to their |U.S. Constitution, U.N. Rights of |documents (e.g., Magna Carta, |Security) | |

|needs of the common good |power (e.g., What are police not |the Child, “I Have A Dream” |Preamble of U.S. Constitution, | | |

| |allowed to do?) |speech) |U.N. Rights of the Child, “I Have | | |

| | | |A Dream” speech) | | |

|b. recognizing and describing the|b. recognizing, describing, and |b. identifying and describing the |b. explaining why the rule of law |b. explaining how political | |

|characteristics of leadership and|demonstrating the characteristics |role of individuals (e.g., Thomas |is necessary to the role of |authority is obtained and | |

|fair decision making, and |of leadership and fair decision |Jefferson, George Washington, |government (e.g., debate/ Robert’s|legitimized | |

|explaining how they affect others|making, and explaining how they |Thomas Paine) as authority |Rules of Order, classroom | | |

|(e.g., line leader, team captain)|affect others |figures/ leaders in the creation |procedures) | | |

| | |of government | | | |

| | | |c. defining and identifying the |c. examining the historical | |

| | | |nature of authority and sources of|origins of power and how that | |

| | | |power |power has been exercised over time| |

| | | | |(e.g., divine right, popular | |

| | | | |sovereignty, social contract, | |

| | | | |“regime of truth”) | |

|C&G 2: The Constitution of the United States establishes a government of limited powers that are shared among different levels and branches. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|C&G 2 (K-2) –1 |C&G 2 (3-4) –1 |C&G 2 (5-6) –1 |C&G 2 (7-8) –1 |C&G 2 (9-12) –1 |C&G 2 (Ext) –1 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of United States |understanding of United States |understanding of United States |understanding of United States |understanding of United States |understanding of United States |

|government (local, state, |government (local, state, |government (local, state, |government (local, state, |government (local, state, national)|government (local, state, |

|national) by… |national) by… |national) by… |national) by… |by… |national) by… |

|a. identifying elected leadership |a. identifying the levels (local,|a. identifying and describing the|a. identifying the functions of |a. evaluating, taking, and | |

|titles/basic role at different |state, national) and three |function of the three branches |the three branches of government; |defending positions on a current | |

|levels of government (e.g., mayor |branches of government, as |(i.e., checks and balances, |and analyzing and describing the |issue regarding the judicial | |

|is the leader of a city, governor |defined by the U.S. Constitution,|separation of powers) |interrelationship among the |protection of individual or state | |

|is the leader of the state, |and the roles and purposes of | |branches (i.e., checks and |rights via judicial review | |

|president is the leader of the |each (e.g., checks and balances) | |balances/ cause and effect, | | |

|country) | | |separation of powers) | | |

| |b. describing the U.S. |b. identifying how power is |b. explaining how and why power is|b. analyzing the basic structures | |

| |Constitution and Bill of Rights |divided and shared among the |divided and shared among the |of government in the U.S. (e.g., | |

| |and explaining why they are |levels of the United States |levels of government (federalism) |national, state, local; branches of| |

| |important |government | |federal government) through | |

| | | | |researching a current or historical| |

| | | | |issue or event | |

| | |c. explaining how a bill becomes |c. tracing the process of how an |c. identifying and describing ways |c. analyzing how people gain or |

| | |a law |idea transforms into a bill and |in which people gain or fail to |fail to gain access to the |

| | | |then becomes a law |gain access to the institutions of |institutions of the U.S. |

| | | | |the U.S. government (local, state, |government (local, state, |

| | | | |national) or other political |national) or other political |

| | | | |institutions (e.g., access to the |institutions (e.g., access to the|

| | | | |U.S. political process) |U.S. political process) |

| | | | |d. critically examining the | |

| | | | |principles, traditions, and | |

| | | | |precedents of American | |

| | | | |constitutional government | |

|C&G 2 (K-2) –2 |C&G 2 (3-4) –2 |C&G 2 (5-6) –2 |C&G 2 (7-8) –2 |C&G 2 (9-12) –2 |C&G 2 (Ext) –2 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an understanding|Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of the democratic |understanding of the democratic |understanding of the democratic|understanding of the democratic |of the democratic values and |understanding of the democratic |

|values and principles underlying |values and principles underlying |values and principles |values and principles underlying|principles underlying the U.S. |values and principles underlying |

|the U.S. government by… |the U.S. government by… |underlying the U.S. government |the U.S. government by… |government by… |the U.S. government by… |

| | |by… | | | |

|a. identifying symbols and national|a. identifying and explaining the |a. exploring democratic values |a. explaining how democratic |a. interpreting and analyzing the | |

|holidays used to depict Americans’ |meaning of symbols and national |such as: respect, property, |values are reflected in enduring|sources of the U.S. democratic | |

|shared democratic values, |holidays used to depict Americans |compromise, liberty, |documents, political speeches |tradition in the Declaration of | |

|principles, and beliefs (e.g., |shared democratic values, |self-government, and |(discourse), and group actions |Independence, U.S. Constitution, and | |

|American flag, Pledge of |principles, and beliefs (e.g., |self-determination | |other documents (e.g., RI | |

|Allegiance, Presidents’ Day, |colors of the American flag, | | |Constitution, Seneca Falls | |

|Independence Day) |Pledge of Allegiance, bald eagle, | | |Declaration of Sentiments & | |

| |Presidents’ Day, Independence Day)| | |Resolutions, Supreme Court decisions,| |

| | | | |Pledge of Allegiance) | |

|b. using a variety of sources |b. using a variety of sources |b. identifying enduring |b. using a variety of sources to|b. analyzing the inherent challenges | |

|(e.g., trade books, picture books, |(e.g., Bill of Rights, Declaration|documents (e.g., Bill of |identify and defend a position |involved in balancing majority rule | |

|songs, artwork) to illustrate the |of Independence, trade books, |Rights, U.S. Constitution) that|on a democratic principle (e.g.,|and minority rights | |

|basic values and principles of |picture books, songs, artwork) to |reflect the underlying |self-government in Declaration | | |

|democracy (e.g., Statue of Liberty|illustrate the basic values and |principles of the United States|of Independence, women’s rights | | |

|represents freedom, Independent Man|principles of democracy (e.g., | |in Seneca Falls Declaration, | | |

|on State House represents |Statue of Liberty represents | |Habeas Corpus in Laws of 12 | | |

|individual rights, Grand Old Flag |freedom, Independent Man on State | |Tables, freedom of religion in | | |

|represents national unity, This |House represents individual | |Washington’s letter to the Touro| | |

|Land is Your Land represents |rights, E Pluribus Unum represents| |Synagogue) | | |

|respect for diversity) |national unity, This Land is Your | | | | |

| |Land represents respect for | | | | |

| |diversity) | | | | |

|c. identifying individual roles in |c. exhibiting and explaining what |c. exhibiting and explaining |c. exhibiting and explaining |c. identifying and giving examples of|c. analyzing the discrepancies |

|a group and acting as a productive |it means to be a responsible |what it means to be a |what it means to be a |the discrepancies between democratic |between democratic ideals and the|

|member of a group |member of a group to achieve a |responsible citizen in the |responsible citizen in the state|ideals and the realities of American |realities of American social and |

| |common goal (e.g., problem |community |and nation |social and political life (e.g., |political life (e.g., equal |

| |solving, task completion, etc.) | | |equal protection under the law and |protection under the law and the |

| |and self-monitoring effectiveness | | |the reality of discrimination) |reality of discrimination) |

| |in a group | | | | |

| | | | |d. discussing different historical | |

| | | | |understandings/ perspectives of | |

| | | | |democracy | |

|C&G 3: In a democratic society all people have certain rights and responsibilities. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|C&G 3 (K-2) –1 |C&G 3 (3-4) –1 |C&G 3 (5-6) –1 |C&G 3 (7-8) –1 |C&G 3 (9-12) –1 |C&G 3 (Ext) –1 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of citizens’ rights|understanding of citizens’ rights |understanding of citizens’ rights |understanding of citizens’ rights |understanding of citizens’ rights |understanding of citizens’ rights|

|and responsibilities by… |and responsibilities by… |and responsibilities by… |and responsibilities by… |and responsibilities by… |and responsibilities by… |

|a. exhibiting respect (e.g., |a. exhibiting respect for self, |a. defining the concepts: |a. defining and applying the |a. comparing and contrasting |a. evaluating, taking, and |

|waiting one’s turn, respecting |parents, teachers, authority |“civic”(adj.), “civics”(n), |concepts: “civic”(adj.), |different perspective on provisions|defending positions on provisions|

|differences, sharing, etc.) for |figures (police, fire, doctors, |“civil,” and “citizen” |“civics”(n), “civil,” “citizen,” |found in the Bill of Rights (e.g., |found in the Bill of Rights |

|self, parents, teachers, |community leaders), and others, | |and “rights” |flag burning and the first | |

|authority figures (police, fire, |and demonstrating an understanding| | |Amendment) | |

|doctors, community leaders), and |of others’ points of view | | | | |

|others | | | | | |

| |b. using a variety of sources |b. identifying citizen’s rights in|b. evaluating and defending a |b. comparing and contrasting human | |

| |(e.g., primary sources, secondary |a democratic society (personal, |position on issues involving |rights provided for in various | |

| |sources, literature, videos) to |economic, legal, and civic) |individual rights (personal, |seminal documents or materials | |

| |provide examples of individuals’ | |economic, legal, or political |(e.g., Declaration of the Rights of| |

| |and groups’ rights and | |rights reflected in the Bill of |Man, Universal Declaration of | |

| |responsibilities (e.g., justice, | |Rights) |Rights, International Convention on| |

| |equality, and diversity) | | |the Rights of the Child, and other | |

| | | | |international documents) | |

| | |c. identifying a citizen’s |c. analyzing and defending a |c. evaluating, taking, and | |

| | |responsibilities in a democratic |position on an issue involving |defending positions regarding the | |

| | |society (personal, economic, |civic responsibilities (personal, |personal and civic responsibilities| |

| | |legal, and civic) |economic, legal or political |of individuals | |

| | | |rights) | | |

| | |d. identifying conflicts between |d. providing examples that reflect|d. analyzing the scope and limits | |

| | |individual rights and the common |conflicts between individual |of personal, cultural, economic, or| |

| | |good (e.g., Eminent domain, |rights and the common good, within|political rights (e.g., freedom of | |

| | |airport expansion, Scituate |the context of civic |expression vs. school dress codes, | |

| | |Reservoir, Coastal Access) |responsibility |speaking one’s native language vs. | |

| | | | |English-only legislation; living | |

| | | | |wage vs. minimum wage; civil | |

| | | | |liberties vs. national security) | |

| | | | |e. describing the criteria used for|e. critically examining the |

| | | | |admission to citizenship in the |criteria used for admission to |

| | | | |U.S. |citizenship in the U.S. |

|C&G 3 (K-2) –2 |C&G 3 (3-4) –2 |C&G 3 (5-6) –2 |C&G 3 (7-8) –2 |C&G 3 (9-12) –2 |C&G 3 (Ext) –2 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an understanding |Students demonstrate an understanding |

|understanding of how |understanding of how individuals |understanding how individuals |understanding of how of |of how individuals and groups exercise |of how individuals and groups exercise|

|individuals and groups |and groups exercise (or are |and groups exercise (or are |individuals and groups exercise|(or are denied) their rights and |(or are denied) their rights and |

|exercise (or are denied) their|denied) their rights and |denied) their rights and |(or are denied) their rights |responsibilities by… |responsibilities by… |

|rights and responsibilities |responsibilities by… |responsibilities by… |and responsibilities by… | | |

|by… | | | | | |

|a. demonstrating personal and |a. demonstrating and explaining |a. identifying and explaining |a. identifying an issue, |a. identifying a policy at the school, |a. evaluating, taking, and defending a|

|group rights and |how personal choices can affect |specific ways rights may or |proposing solutions, and |local, state, national, or |position regarding a policy at the |

|responsibility (e.g., |rights, responsibilities and |may not be exercised (e.g., |developing an action plan to |international level and describing how |school, local, state, national, or |

|self-managing behavior, time, |privileges of self and others |civil rights) |resolve the issue |it affects individual rights |international level that affects |

|space, and materials) |(e.g., bullying, breaking rules, | | | |individual rights |

| |intruding on others’ space, | | | | |

| |interference with others’ rights | | | | |

| |to learn) | | | | |

|b. working cooperatively in a |b. working cooperatively in a |b. recognizing potential |b. identifying and explaining |b. accessing the political system | |

|group, sharing |group, demonstrating |conflicts within or among |how an action taken by an |(e.g., letter writing, researching an | |

|responsibilities or individual|individual/personal |groups, brainstorming possible|individual or a group impacts |issue and communicating it to the | |

|roles within a group |accountability (e.g., dividing |solutions, and reaching |the rights of others |public, organizing, petitioning, | |

| |responsibilities, taking on |compromises (e.g., | |boycotting/buycotting) | |

| |individual roles) to complete a |discrimination, bullying) | | | |

| |task (e.g., in-class group | | | | |

| |projects, civic or community | | | | |

| |activities, school-wide groups or| | | | |

| |clubs working toward a common | | | | |

| |goal) | | | | |

|c. identifying feelings and |c. explaining different ways |c. explaining the judicial |c. identifying the impact of an|c. describing and giving examples of |c. analyzing how access to |

|situations that lead to |conflicts can be resolved, how |process - due process – local,|historic court case |how access to institutions can affect |institutions affects justice, reward, |

|conflict and describing ways |conflicts and resolutions can |state, and federal (e.g., | |justice, reward, and power in the U.S. |and power in the U.S. |

|people solve problems |affect people, and describing the|school discipline policy, | | | |

|effectively |resolution of conflicts by the |truancy court, appeals | | | |

| |courts or other authorities |process) | | | |

| | | | |d. identifying and explaining ways |d. critiquing and proposing |

| | | | |individuals and groups have exercised |alternatives to social, political, or |

| | | | |their rights in order to transform |economic injustices; using evidence to|

| | | | |society (e.g., Civil Rights Movement, |make predictions about how society |

| | | | |women’s suffrage) |might be transformed in the future |

| | | | |e. participating in and reflecting on a|e. reflecting on participation in |

| | | | |decision-making experience as part of a|school governance and/or youth |

| | | | |group in your classroom, school, or |leadership development |

| | | | |community (e.g., developing classroom | |

| | | | |norms, School Improvement Team member, | |

| | | | |response to community needs, such as a | |

| | | | |food drive) | |

|C&G 4: People engage in political processes in a variety of ways. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|C&G 4 (K-2) –1 |C&G 4 (3-4) –1 |C&G 4 (5-6) –1 |C&G 4 (7-8) –1 |C&G 4 (9-12) –1 |C&G 4 (Ext)–1 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an understanding|

|understanding of political |understanding of political systems|understanding of political |understanding of political systems|understanding of political systems|of political systems and political |

|systems and political |and political processes by… |systems and political processes |and political processes by… |and political processes by… |processes by… |

|processes by… | |by… | | | |

|a. identifying forms of civic |a. identifying forms and levels |a. explaining how leaders are |a. explaining how various factors |a. comparing and contrasting U.S. | |

|participation (e.g., voting, |(e.g., voting vs. running for |selected or elected (e.g., |affect how leaders are selected or|systems of government with others | |

|conducting a survey) |office, organizing a meeting vs. |election process, appointment |elected through an election | | |

| |attending a meeting) of civic |process, political parties, |process (e.g., election process, | | |

| |participation and how it affects |campaigns) |public agenda, special interest | | |

| |the common good (local, state, | |groups, and media) | | |

| |national, world) | | | | |

| | |b. listing the “labels” that |b. describing how and why |b. interacting with, analyzing, |b. interacting with political |

| | |individuals may give themselves |individuals identify themselves |and evaluating political |institutions and/or political parties|

| | |within a political process (e.g.,|politically (e.g., Federalist, |institutions and political parties|in order to evaluate how they shape |

| | |radical, liberal, conservative, |Anti-federalist, suffragette, |in an authentic context (using |the public agenda |

| | |environmentalist, Democrat, |pacifist, nationalists, |local, national, or international | |

| | |Republican) |socialists) |issues/events that are personally | |

| | | | |meaningful) | |

| | |c. identifying, comparing, and |c. evaluating the strengths and |c. analyzing and interpreting |c. critically analyzing a media piece|

| | |contrasting different “political |weaknesses of various political |sources (print and non-print |(e.g., political advertisements, news|

| | |systems” (e.g., monarchy, |systems (e.g., dictatorship, |discourse/media), by |broadcasts, talk radio shows) and |

| | |democracy, feudal) |oligarchy, monarchy, democracy, |distinguishing fact from opinion, |assessing its impact on public |

| | | |theocracy) |and evaluating possible |opinion and behavior |

| | | | |bias/propaganda or conflicting | |

| | | | |information within or across | |

| | | | |sources | |

| | | |d. examining how elections are/can|d. selecting a landmark campaign |d. evaluating the significance of |

| | | |be vehicles of change |or election in the American |landmark campaigns and elections in |

| | | | |political system, explaining the |the American political system |

| | | | |historical context and its | |

| | | | |significance, and evaluating its | |

| | | | |impact | |

| | | |e. recognizing multiple |e. analyzing multiple perspectives|e. analyzing multiple perspectives on|

| | | |perspectives on historical or |on an historical or current |historical or current controversial |

| | | |current controversial issues |controversial issue (e.g., |issues to illustrate the complexity |

| | | | |immigration, environmental policy,|involved in obtaining political |

| | | | |escalation of the war in Vietnam, |agreement on contested public issues |

| | | | |Brown v. Board of Education) |(e.g., perspectives on immigration) |

|C&G 4 (K-2) – 2 |C&G 4 (3-4) – 2 |C&G 4 (5-6) -2 |C&G 4 (7-8)-2 |C&G 4 (9-12) –2 |C&G 4 (Ext) –2 |

|Students demonstrate their |Students demonstrate their |Students demonstrate their |Students demonstrate their |Students demonstrate their |Students demonstrate their |

|participation in political |participation in political |participation in political |participation in political |participation in political |participation in political |

|processes by… |processes by… |processes by… |processes by… |processes by… |processes by… |

|a. experiencing a variety of forms|a. engaging in a variety of forms |a. using a variety of sources to |a. expressing and defending an |a. using collaborative decision | |

|of participation (e.g., voting, |of participation (e.g., voting, |form, substantiate, and |informed opinion and presenting |making/problem solving to consider| |

|conducting a survey, writing a |petition, survey) and explaining |communicate an opinion and |their opinion to an audience |multiple perspectives on a current| |

|class letter about an issue of |the purpose of each form |presenting their opinion to an |beyond the classroom (e.g., |political, social, or economic | |

|concern) | |audience beyond the classroom |political cartoon, letter, speech,|issue, evaluating the consequences| |

| | |(e.g., letter to the editor, |emailing Congressional membership)|of various options, and developing| |

| | |student exhibition, persuasive | |a plan of action (e.g., new school| |

| | |essay, article in school | |policy or local, national, or | |

| | |newspaper) | |international public policy) | |

| | |b. describing the voting process |b. describing their role and |b. working individually or with | |

| | |for a local, state, or national |impact in the voting process |others to identify, propose, and | |

| | |election | |carry out a community/civic | |

| | | | |engagement project/initiative | |

| | | | |(e.g., making the community aware | |

| | | | |of an issue, organizing a | |

| | | | |workshop) | |

| | |c. engaging in the political |c. engaging in the political |c. engaging in and reflecting upon| |

| | |process (e.g., voting in school |process (e.g., mock elections) |an electoral process in a class, | |

| | |elections) | |school, or community (e.g., become| |

| | | | |a candidate and carry out a | |

| | | | |campaign, participate in | |

| | | | |party/school nominations, work on | |

| | | | |a political campaign, volunteer to| |

| | | | |serve on a board, do polling) | |

|C&G 4 (K-2) –3 |C&G 4 (3-4) –3 |C&G 4 (5-6) –3 |C&G 4 (7-8)-3 |C&G 4 (9-12) –3 |C&G 4 (Ext) –3 |

|Students participate in a civil |Students participate in a civil |Students participate in a civil |Students participate in a civil |Students participate in a civil |Students participate in a civil |

|society by… |society by… |society by… |society by… |society by… |society by… |

|a. identifying problems, planning|a. identifying problems, planning|a. demonstrating respect for the |a. demonstrating an understanding|a. critically reflecting on their| |

|and implementing solutions in the|and implementing solutions, and |opinions of others (e.g., |and empathy for the opinions of |own civic dispositions (e.g., | |

|classroom, school, and community |evaluating the outcomes in the |listening to and asking relevant |others (e.g., listening to and |tolerance and respect, concern | |

|(e.g., problem of |classroom, school, community, |questions, taking turns, |asking relevant questions, |for the rights and welfare of | |

|litter/solutions -each picks up |state, nation, or world (e.g., |considering alternative |considering alternative |others, social responsibility, | |

|one piece of trash, recycle, plan|problem of global |perspectives) |perspectives, voicing alternative|and recognition of the capacity | |

|a clean-up day, etc.) |warming/solutions - recycling, | |points of view, recognizing bias)|to make a difference) | |

| |energy conservation) | | | | |

| |b. explaining how individuals can|b. demonstrating the ability to |b. demonstrating the ability to |b. identifying and describing the|b. understanding and analyzing |

| |take responsibility for their |compromise (e.g., offering |compromise (e.g., offering |role that various institutions |the assets and needs of their |

| |actions and how their actions |solutions, persisting to resolve |solutions, persisting to resolve |play in meeting the needs of the |communities and the interactions |

| |impact the community |issues) |issues) |community |with various institutions (e.g., |

| | | | | |interest and advocacy groups, the|

| | | | | |not-for-profit sector) |

| | |c. taking responsibility for |c. recognizing the cause(s) and |c. identifying and analyzing the | |

| | |one’s own actions (anticipating |effect(s) of taking a civil |conflicts that exist between | |

| | |and accepting consequences) |action |public and private life (e.g., | |

| | | | |issues related to Homeland | |

| | | | |Security, Eminent Domain, civil | |

| | | | |liberties) | |

| | |d. identifying and accessing |d. utilizing a variety of | | |

| | |reliable sources to answer |reliable sources to develop an | | |

| | |questions about current important|informed opinion | | |

| | |issues (e.g., news media, | | | |

| | |children’s news magazines) | | | |

|C&G 5: As members of an interconnected world community, the choices we make impact others locally, nationally, and globally. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs Grades 5-6 |GSEs Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|C&G 5 (K-2) -1 |C&G 5 (3-4) –1Students |C&G 5 (5-6)– 1 |C&G 5 (7-8) – 1 |C&G 5 (9-12) – 1 |C&G 5 (Ext) – 1 |

|Students demonstrate an |demonstrate an understanding of |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of the many ways |the many ways Earth’s people are |understanding of the many ways |understanding of the many ways |understanding of the many ways |understanding of the many ways |

|earth’s people are interconnected|interconnected by… |Earth’s people are |Earth’s people are interconnected|Earth’s people are interconnected |Earth’s people are interconnected|

|by… | |interconnected by… |by… |by… |by… |

|a. exploring and discussing ways |a. explaining how current events |a. identifying, describing, and |a. tracing and explaining social,|a. identifying the ways the world | |

|we interact with others around |around the world affect our lives|explaining how people are |technological, geographical, |is organized: politically, | |

|the world (e.g., food, clothing, |(e.g., trade, war, |socially, technologically, |economical, and cultural |socially, culturally, | |

|transportation, tourism, news) |conflict-resolution, global |geographically, economically, or|connections for a given society |economically, environmentally | |

| |warming) |culturally connected to others |of people (e.g., trade, |(e.g., nation-state) | |

| | | |transportation, communication) | | |

| |b. locating where different |b. locating where different |b. identifying, describing, and |b. organizing information to show | |

| |nations are in the world in |nations are in the world in |explaining how people are |relationships between and among | |

| |relation to the United States |relation to the U.S. |politically, economically, |various individuals, systems, and | |

| |(e.g., related to current events,| |environmentally, militarily, and |structures (e.g., politically, | |

| |literature, trade books) | |(or) diplomatically connected |socially, culturally, | |

| | | |(e.g., World Bank, UN, NATO, |economically, environmentally) | |

| | | |European Union) | | |

|C&G 5 (K-2) –2 |C&G 5 (3-4) –2 |C&G 5 (5-6) -2 |C&G 5 (7-8)-2 |C&G 5 (9-12)-2 |C&G 5-2 (Ext) |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of the benefits and|understanding of the benefits and|understanding of the benefits |understanding of the benefits and|understanding of the benefits and |understanding of the benefits and|

|challenges of an interconnected |challenges of an interconnected |and challenges of an |challenges of an interconnected |challenges of an interconnected |challenges of an interconnected |

|world by… |world by… |interconnected world by… |world by… |world by… |world by… |

|a. using a variety of print and |a. exploring current issues using|a. identifying and discussing |a. identifying and discussing |a. describing the interconnected | |

|non-print sources to explore |a variety of print and non-print |factors that lead to the |factors that lead to the |nature of a contemporary or | |

|other people and places |sources (e.g., Where does our |breakdown of order among |breakdown of order among |historical issue | |

| |food come from and what happens |societies (e.g., natural |societies and the resulting | | |

| |if there is a drought?) |disasters, wars, plagues, |consequences (e.g., abolition of | | |

| | |population shifts, natural |slavery, terrorism, Fall of Roman| | |

| | |resources) |Empire, civil war) | | |

| | |b. citing a social, |b. considering competing |b. analyzing and evaluating a | |

| | |technological, geographical, |interests on issues that benefit |contemporary or historical issue | |

| | |economical, or cultural issue |some people and cause other |(e.g., free trade versus fair | |

| | |that provides an example of both|people to suffer (e.g., slavery, |trade, access to medical care and | |

| | |benefits and challenges |whaling, oil exploration) |terrorism) | |

|C&G 5 (K-2)-3 |C&G 5 (3-4) -3 |C&G 5 (5-6) -3 |C&G 5 (7-8) -3 |C&G 5 (9-12) -3 |C&G 5 (Ext)-3 |

|Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |Students demonstrate an |

|understanding of how the choices |understanding of how the choices |understanding of how the choices |understanding of how the choices |understanding of how the choices |understanding of how the choices |

|we make impact, and are impacted |we make impact, and are impacted |we make impact and are impacted |we make impact and are impacted |we make impact and are impacted |we make impact and are impacted |

|by an interconnected world, by… |by an interconnected world, by… |by an interconnected world by… |by an interconnected world by… |by, an interconnected world by… |by, an interconnected world by… |

|a. listing the pros and cons of |a. listing and explaining the |a. identifying and analyzing the|a. making predictions as to the |a. predicting outcomes and | |

|personal decisions (e.g., |pros and cons of personal and |effects of consumer choice |effects of personal consumer, |possible consequences of a | |

|littering, recycling) |organizational (e.g., businesses,|(environmental, communication, |environmental, communication, and|conflict, event, or course of | |

| |governments, other groups) |political) |eventual political choices (e.g.,|action | |

| |decisions (e.g., donations to | |hybrid cars, local v. imported) | | |

| |global charities) | | | | |

| | |b. explaining how actions taken |b. summarizing a significant |b. identifying and summarizing | |

| | |or not taken impact societies |situation; proposing and |the intended and unintended | |

| | |(e.g., natural disasters, |defending actions to be taken or |consequences of a conflict, | |

| | |incidences of social injustice or|not taken (e.g., pollution, |event, or course of action | |

| | |genocide) |consumption, conservation) | | |

| | | | |c. using deliberation, | |

| | | | |negotiation, and compromise to | |

| | | | |plan and develop just solutions | |

| | | | |to problems (e.g., immigration, | |

| | | | |limited energy resources, nuclear| |

| | | | |threat) created when nations or | |

| | | | |groups act | |


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