Engineering Aide Trainee Examination Breakdown

|Engineering Aide Trainee Examination Breakdown |

| |

|Subject Areas: |

|Arithmetical Reasoning |

|Vocabulary |

|Elementary Engineering Principles |

|Following Instructions |

|Recommended Study Guides: |

|ARCO. |

|Supervision Course |

| |

|ARCO. |

|Beginning Office Worker |

| |

|ARCO. |

|Civil Service Quizzer and Guide |

| |

|ARCO. |

|Junior and Assistant Engineer |

| |

|ARCO. |

|Civil Engineer Technician |

| |

|NLC. |

|Engineering Trainee |

| |

|You may want to use any available resource materials relative to the above subject areas. |

|Sample Test Questions |

|Arithmetical Reasoning |

|Directions:  Work the following problems using the information provided. |

|1) When a certain gasoline tank is filled to capacity, it holds 420 gallons. If it is 3/4 full, the number of gallons of |

|gasoline it is holding is: |

|(1) 280 |

|(2) 315 |

|(3) 360 |

|(4) 375 |

|2) Eight men working full time take 16 days to do a job. How long should it have taken if four men did this job: |

|(1) 26 days |

|(2) 28 days |

|(3) 32 days |

|(4) 38 days |

|3) If 20 feet of lumber costs $62.00, the cost of 45 feet would be: |

|(1) $136.25 |

|(2) $139.50 |

|(3) $144.25 |

|(4) $149.50 |

|4) An administrative assistant can process a certain type of report in 25 minutes. How many such reports can she finish |

|processing in a work-day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm., with a 45 minute lunch break and two 10-minute coffee breaks? |

|(1) 16 |

|(2) 17 |

|(3) 18 |

|(4) 19 |

|5) If the scale on a detail drawing is 15/32"=2', a scaled measurement of 4 7/32" represents an actual length of? |

|(1) 14' |

|(2) 16' |

|(3) 18' |

|(4) 20' |

|6) If 2 2 pounds of aluminum cost $.20 how many cents will 10 pounds cost? |

|(1) 100 |

|(2) 40 |

|(3) 80 |

|(4) 160 |

|7) What is the mean of 4, 12, 2, 0, and 2? |

|(1) 0 |

|(2) 2 |

|(3) 4 |

|(4) 5 |

|8) Express 1/8 as a percent? |

|(1) 25% |

|(2) 12.5% |

|(3) 8% |

|(4) 80% |

|Vocabulary |

|Choose the word that means the same or about the same as the underlined word. |

|1. quickly repair |

|(1) charge |

|(2) fix |

|(3) refuse |

|(4) remove |

|2. definitely famished |

|(1) famious |

|(2) completed |

|(3) starving |

|(4) destressed |

|3. soon contaminate |

|(1) pollute |

|(2) commingle |

|(3) erodicate |

|(4) contemplate |

|4. A vernier is a device used to: |

|(1) measure fractional parts of a scale division |

|(2) measure the flow of water |

|(3) measure fluid pressure |

|(4) magnify objects |

|5. A protractor is used to: |

|(1) measure area |

|(2) draw parallel lines |

|(3) draw guidelines for lettering |

|(4) measure or layout angles on a scale drawing |

|6. The term bond, as used in connection with brick work refers to the: |

|(1) adhesion of mortar to brick |

|(2) metal anchors used to tie beams to walls |

|(3) arrangement of the bricks within the wall |

|(4) ties used to hold the brick to the backing |

|Elementary Engineering Principles |

|1. In surveying, double hubbing or double reversing is done with a/an: |

|(1) transit |

|(2) level |

|(3) tape |

|(4) alidado |

|2. The inner surface of forms for concrete are oiled: |

|(1) to prevent rusting |

|(2) to make removal of forms easier |

|(3) to prevent honeycombing |

|(4) when a stiff concrete mixture is being used |

|3. In unlined tunnel work, survey points are usually located on: |

|(1) the floor |

|(2) the walls |

|(3) the roof |

|(4) suspended plat forms |

|4. A stadia survey would mast probably be made in connection with: |

|(1) a building layout |

|(2) a topographic map |

|(3) the location of bridge piers |

|(4) the erection of steel |

|5. The sum of the interior angles of a five-sided polygon is: |

|(1) 390 |

|(2) 480 |

|(3) 540 |

|(4) 660 |

|6. A true meridian on a map indicates: |

|(1) true north |

|(2) the equator |

|(3) the latitude |

|(4) the direction of the magnetic pole |

|Following Instructions |

|1. Look at the letters below. Draw a circle around the letter that comes first in the alphabet. |

|E G D Z B F |

|2. Draw a line under the odd number below that is more than 5 but less than 10. |

|8 10 5 6 11 9 |

|3. Divide the number 16 by 4 and write your answer on the line below. |

|__________________ |

|4. If in any week Wednesday comes before Tuesday, write the number 15 on the line below. If not, write the number 18. |

|__________________ |

|5. Count the number of B's in the line below and write that number at the end of the line. |

|A D A E B D C A |

|__________________ |

|Answers to Sample Questions/Engineering Aide Trainee |

|Arithmetical Reasoning |

|1) 2 |

|2) 3 |

|3) 2 |

|4) 1 |

|5) 3 |

|6) 3 |

|7) 3 |

|8) 2 |

|Vocabulary |

|1) 2 |

|2) 3 |

|3) 1 |

|4) 1 |

|5) 4 |

|6) 3 |

|Elementary Engineering Principles |

|1) 1 |

|2) 2 |

|3) 3 |

|4) 2 |

|5) 3 |

|6) 1 |

|Following Instructions |

|1) B |

|2) 9 |

|3) 4 |

|4) 18 |

|5) 1 |


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