Mr. Currin 360

Final Exam Study Guide for Semester 1 US HISTORYThe Second Industrial Revolution was a period of explosive growth in _____________________________________.A steel mill that owns every part of the manufacturing process from the iron mines, railroads, and steel factory is an example of _____________________ __________________A business that has sole economic control of a business or product is a _____________________________.In passing the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890, Congress attempted to….Although U.S. workers gained some improvements from strikes in the late 1800s, the labor movement (unionization) suffered a setback because…The formation of national labor unions in the late 1800s was mainly a response to…Which act strengthened federal laws against monopolies?Labor unions, corporations, and all private citizens were promised a "Square Deal" by President _____________________________________________________.The Bessemer Process…One reason the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was successful was that this organization…Most “new immigrants,” who came to the U.S. during the 1880s and after, settled in…Before the 1880s, many “old immigrants” came to the United States from…What is the melting pot theory?Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr at Hull House to…What was the common belief of nativists?What issues concerned the Populist Party?Farmers who hoped to raise prices and increase their income were in favor of…Define free coinage:What did trusts do?By the late 1800s, charities had received millions of dollars from…The political party that supported government ownership of railroads and telephone and telegraph systems was the _____________________________________________________.The Populist Party ended with…The Progressive movement supported the idea that the federal government should ____________ big business.Tammany Hall was a ____________________ __________________ in New York CityUpton Sinclair, Frank Norris, and Ida Tarbell made their greatest contributions to the Progressive movement by ____________________ books and articles to expose the problems of society.Progressive journalists who wrote about corruption in business and politics, hoping that their articles would lead to public awareness and reform, were nicknamed ______________________.Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle influenced public opinion to such an extent that President __________________ __________________ persuaded Congress to pass the __________ _____________ and ___________ Act.One of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was ________ ___ _______.The leader of New York City's political machine of Tammany Hall in the late 1800s was ____________ ______________ Marcy _______________.The __________ amendment in 1920 gave the vote to women in the United States?Reformers opposed to the spoils system wanted a system that used competitive exams to award government jobs based on ______________ or Qualifications.What did author Mark Twain mean by "The Gilded Age?Before the Progressive Era ___________________ machines _______________ people to vote. A political machine a group or organization that __________________ city and county politics. The Pendleton Civil Service Act was important because it put an end to the ______________ systemThe Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) were led by ___________ “_________ _________” HaywoodThe leader of the progressive crusade against child labor was F________________ ______________. The National American Woman Suffrage Association was founded in 1890 by Elizabeth _________ _______________ and ___________ B. ______________.The 1901 New York State Tenement House Act outlawed the construction of ___________ and airless tenements. Which labor organization intended to eventually overthrow capitalism?______________ __________________ doubled the number of national parks, created 16 national monuments, and established fifty-one wildlife refuges was:In the 1880s, Republican reformers came to be known as __________________.The recall measure allows voters to ______________ an elected official from office before the end of his or her term.Capitalism is when _________________ businesses run most industries and __________________ determines how much good cost and how much workers are paid.A nation that extends its power by gaining colonial territories is practicing:Which war is most closely associated with the emergence of the United States as a world power?The United States was primarily interested in Hawaii in the late 1800s because:William Randolph Hearst got support for military action in Cuba by:America and Mexico stood at the brink of war when U.S. Marines prevented Victoriano Huerta from receiving weapons supplied by:In order to open trade with Japan in 1853, President Millard Fillmore:In 1893, wealthy planters in Hawaii revolted because:Secretary of State William H. Seward approached Russia in 1867 to do what?When nations first began to negotiate for the right to build a canal across Panama:Imperial powers first became interested in Hawaii after:As a result of the McKinley Tariff in 1890…Of the few thousand U.S. forces who died during the Spanish-American War most died from…The Open Door Policy's main argument was that:President Theodore Roosevelt added to the Monroe Doctrine through his Roosevelt Corollary by:William Howard Taft wanted to enforce the Monroe Doctrine by:In 1898, Congress approved $50 million that President William McKinley requested to prepare for war after:Which of the following is true about the United States' interaction with Japan?The "belief that a specific nation, language, or culture is superior to all others?" is called ____________________________________________Germany issued the Sussex pledge, which included a promise not to:The war which later generations would know as World War I was originally called the:The United States tried to avoid involvement in World War I by following a policy of ______________________________.As a part of the 1918 cease-fire agreement following World War I, Germany had to surrender….President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points outlined… What countries belonged to the Central Powers?Germany violated the rules of neutrality in the Atlantic when:President Woodrow Wilson envisioned the League of Nations as an international congress of nations designed to:The fuse or spark of World War I was:What were the roles played by German U-boats?The Paris Peace Conference at Versailles saw a clash between:What was the purpose of the Committee on Public Information?Under the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, more than _________________ people were ___________________.Due to congressional opposition and President Woodrow Wilson's refusal to negotiate, the United States the senate did not approve the _________________ of __________________ and the United States did not join the _____________________ of ___________________. United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and other senators opposed ratification of the Treaty of Versailles because they believed the treaty:The Zimmerman Telegram was written to allow Mexico to join _________________________ if the United States declared war. Publication of the telegram in United States newspapers helped to:The first country to declare war in 1914 was:Germany had to pay _______________________ as a clause of the Treaty of Versailles. The action of countries building up their armed forces to prepare for war refers to which cause of World War I?By the fall of 1918, Germany was facing:Upon entering World War I, the United States supported ____________________________.During WWI, the Western Front stretched from _______________________ to __________________________________.Define Bootlegging:Define fads:Young writers who criticized Post War America were called ______ _________ ________________________.The first pilot to complete a nonstop, solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean was ______________________________________.Who were the Ohio Gang?What was the significance of the Teapot Dome Scandal?________ _______________ ______________________ popularized African American contribution to the arts.The repeal of national Prohibition in 1933 showed that…What was the purpose of the Universal Negro Improvement Association?Why did many African Americans migrate north?The Red Scare refers to American's fear of _________________________________.Crime became big business because of ______________________________.The 1920s are referred to as _________ _______________ _____________.What were the Palmer Raids?The Scopes Trial was a battle between ______________________ & ______________________.Why was the assembly line important?What were the major causes of the great depression?Under the Emergency Banking Act, the U.S. government planned to…The Black Cabinet referred to the many…Congress rejected President Franklin Roosevelt’s Judicial Procedures Reform Act or “Court Packing” because…President Herbert Hoover did not enact programs to end the Great Depression because he…During the Great Depression, young men between 18 and 25 years old from families on relief helped their families by planting trees, fighting forest fires, and improving national parks while working for the ____________________________________________________________.______________________________________ said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”_____________________________ proposed the “share our wealth” plan which increased taxes on the wealthy.The New Deal changed American political thinking because it was based on the principle that the…Eleanor Roosevelt supported ____________________________.What is Black Tuesday?What was the hundred days?____________________________________ helped FDR created the New Deal.Why did millions lose their savings during the Great Depression?The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, created during the Great Depression, continues to…Why was the social security act passed?The New Deal's first goal was to….As the U.S. presidential election of 1932 approached, most Americans…Where did the Dust Bowl occur?How did people react to the Dust Bowl? ................

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