Chapter 7 Study Guide - MR. HILBERT'S HISTORY CLASS

Chapter 7 Study Guide:


A. Section 7.1 (254-259)

1. Ellis Island

2. Angel Island

3. Melting Pot

4. Nativism

5. Chinese Exclusion Act

Section 7.2 (262-266)

1. Urbanization

2. Americanization Movement

3. tenement

4. mass transit

5. Social Gospel Movement

6. Settlement Houses

7. Jane Addams

B. Section 7.3 (267-271)

Political Machine

1. Graft

2. Boss Tweed

3. Patronage

4. Civil Service

5. Rutherford B. Hayes

6. James A. Garfield

7. Chester A. Arthur

8. Pendleton Civil Service Act

9. Benjamin Harrison

Key Ideas

Make sure you understand these! Main part of the test!!!!!


How did the United States change after the Civil War because of Industrialism?

a. What are some examples of the new technologies and inventions that were developed during this time period?

c. How did railroads and new technologies lead to the creation of national markets?


a. What caused factories to move from the countryside to the cities?

b. What caused migration to the cities in the United States?

c. What affects did immigration have on America? Socially? Economically? What problems arose because of Immigration?

d. Why did immigration cause a surge in Nativism in America?

e. What is a “machine?” How does it function? Why did this lead to political corruption? What is the name of the most famous machine?

Early Reforms in the Gilded Age

a. Describe the concept of Social Darwinism.

b. What is the Social Gospel movement and how does it compare to the Social Darwinist movement?

c. What impact did the novel “The Jungle” have on America?


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