Cornerstone Academy Charter

19JANUARY20 No School (MLK)21 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):Reconstruction Basics: Lecture-SFI’s Due-Ch. 16 Quizlet and Cornell Notes 22 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):23 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):DBQ- In Class24 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):Quiz Grade DBQsHW: Two Viewpoints: Compromise of 1877; students will write 1 page, 12 pt, TNR, double spaced on their stance2526JANUARY27 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):Reconstruction Lecture28 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):Reconstruction LectureHW: The End of Reconstruction Graphic Organizer- Due: 29th29 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):FRQ Day30 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):FRQ GradingEnd of Lecture- Reconstruction31 Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877):QuizReconstruction- The Second Civil War DocumentaryHW: Read Ch. 17- Quizlet and Cornell Notes Due Monday12FEBRUARY3 Westward Expansion: 1860-1900-Lecture Day- The Closing of the WestHW: SFI’s (due Tues)4 Westward Expansion: 1860-1900-Lecture Day- The Closing of the WestHW: Read and Answer Guided Questions: “A Century of Dishonor”(due Wed)5 Westward Expansion: 1860-1900-Lecture Day- The Closing of the West6 Westward Expansion: 1860-1900-DBQ7 Westward Expansion: 1860-1900-QuizDBQ GradingHW: Read Ch. 18- Quizlet and Cornell Notes Due Monday89FEBRARY10 Industrialized America (1865-1900): Lecture Day-Rise of Big BusinessHW: SFI List11 Industrialized America (1865-1900): Lecture Day-Rise of Big Business12 Industrialized America (1865-1900): FRQ13 Industrialized America (1865-1900): FRQ GradingLecture- Rise of Big Business14 Industrialized America (1865-1900): QuizFinish LectureHW: Howard Zinn- “A People’s History of the United States” Ch. 11- Read and Answer Attached Questions, SFI List1516FEBRUARY17NO SCHOOL (President’s Day) 18 Industrialized America (1865-1900): Rise of Big Business Chart19 Industrialized America (1865-1900): Rise of Big Business Chart20 Industrialized America (1865-1900): DBQ21 Industrialized America (1865-1900): DBQ GradingQuizHW: Read Ch. 19- Quizlet and Cornell Notes Due Monday2223FEBRUARY24 The New Urban Nation (1860-1900): Lecture Day-“life in a big urban”HW: SFI list (Tues)25 The New Urban Nation (1860-1900): Lecture Day- “life in a big urban”26 The New Urban Nation (1860-1900): In Class: Read Articles Comparing Viewpoints of Urbanization- Pros and Cons27 The New Urban Nation (1860-1900): In Class Debate- Pros and Cons of Urbanization28 The New Urban Nation (1860-1900): FRQHW: Read Ch. 20-21- Quizlet and Cornell Notes Due Monday12MARCH3 Populists and Progressives (1877-1917): Lecture Day- Populism and the Election of 1896HW: SFI List (Tues)4 Populists and Progressives (1877-1917): Lecture Day-Populism and the Election of 1896HW: Populist Party Platform Preamble- Online Text and Questions (due Weds)5 Populists and Progressives (1877-1917): Lecture Day-Progressive Era6 Populists and Progressives (1877-1917): Lecture Day- Progressive Era7 Populists and Progressives (1877-1917): Lecture Day- Progressive EraQuizHW: Read Ch. 22- Quizlet and Cornell Notes Due Monday89MARCH10 Emergence of America as a World Power (1902-1920): Lecture Day-Imperialism Through The PresidentsHW: SFI List (Due Tues)11 Emergence of America as a World Power (1902-1920): Lecture Day- America Becomes A Colonial PowerHW: President Foreign Affair and Policy (Due Weds)12 Emergence of America as a World Power (1902-1920): Lecture Day- America Becomes A Colonial Power13 Emergence of America as a World Power (1902-1920): Lecture Day-America Becomes A Colonial Power14 Emergence of America as a World Power (1902-1920): Lecture Day- WWIQuizHW: Study for Midterm, Read: CH. 23-Quizlet and Cornell Notes (due Mon)1516MARCH17 Mid-Term Test: Pre-Columbia-WWI18 Roaring 20’s Great Depression, and the New Deal (1920-1939):Lecture Day- Roaring Twenties19 Roaring 20’s Great Depression, and the New Deal (1920-1939):1920s Film Analysis20 Roaring 20’s Great Depression, and the New Deal (1920-1939):1920s Film AnalysisHW: Howard Zinn: A People’s History of the United States- Ch. 15- Read and Answer Questions; Txtbk: Ch. 24- Quizlet and Cornell Notes (due Mon. after Spring Break)21 NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)22 ................

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