Civil War USI - English & History with Mr. Graham

Civil War USI.9

A. Differences between the North and South

( A the US grew, strong differences developed between the North and South

( Economic -In 1828 Congress set a high tariff (tax) on some imports (goods brought in from another country)

- The North liked the tax because it made good from out of the country cost too much, so people would buy good made from the North.

- The South did NOT like the tax because the bought a lot of European good in exchange for selling them cotton and tobacco. They were mad they had to start paying extra.

( Cultural / Political

- The North was mainly a city society in which people had jobs.

- The South was mainly a farming society in which people lived on farming and plantations.

(( Because of their cultural differences people in the North and South did NOT agree on political issues

- The south favored states rights, while the north favored a National government.

( Slavery

-The biggest difference between the north and south was their views on slavery, and if new western states should become slave states or free states

- South favored slaves because their economy depended on it.

- The north thought it was morally wrong.

B. Attempting to resolve differences

( Missouri Compromise

-In 1819 settlers in Missouri wanted to join the US (union) as a salve state. This causes a lot of controversy.

-In 1820 the Missouri Compromise was passed. It said that Missouri could enter the union as a slave state, if Maine entered as free.

( Compromise of 1850

- Said that the land the US won from Mexico could form the state of California as a free state and the rest of the territories could decide for themselves.

( Kansas-Nebraska Act

- In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed. It said that the people in those territories were allowed to decide for them selves to be a slave state or not by popular sovereignty.

- Popular sovereignty = people make the decision by voting

C. The Union Breaks Apart

( Abraham Lincoln thought slavery was wrong and should NOT spread west. He was an excellent speaker and worked his way up in the political system.

( In 1860 Lincoln was elected president.

( The South did NOT like Lincoln because they knew he would start to change things.

-Following Lincoln’s election the Southern states seceded from the Union (December 1860)

Secede = leave or break apart from a group

-They called themselves the Confederate States of America, or The Confederacy.

-Jefferson Davis, a senator from Mississippi was elected President

( Feelings About Secession

-Lincoln and many Northerners believed the US was one nation that could NOT be separated or divided.

- Most Southerners believed that states had freely created and joined the Union, so why couldn’t it leave freely as well.

D. Fort Sumter (April 12, 1861)

( After Lincoln’s election and the secession of the southern states people wondered what the new President was going to do about it.

( At a US fort in South Carolina supplies were running low. This fort was in the South and had not yet been taken over by the Confederate troops.

( Lincoln sent supply ships to the fort and waited to see how the confederate leaders would react.

( The Confederate leaders demanded that the Union forces surrender, and the union refused.

( So Confederate troops fired their cannons for the next 34 hours, until the union surrendered.

( When Lincoln heard of what happened there he called for Americans to join an army to stop the southern rebellion and preserve the US.

(( The firing on Fort Sumter, S.C. began the Civil War!!

E. Battle of Bull Run (July 1861)

( In Virginia (Manassas)

( First major battle of the Civil War

( The Union (North) was winning and the Confederate army was about to retreat when new troops arrived, headed by Thomas Jackson (Stonewall Jackson- wouldn’t back down, was a skilled confederate general from VA)

( Confederates (South) won

F. The Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863)

( The signing of the Emancipation made freeing the slaves the new focus of the war.

( It said that all slaves living in parts of the South that were still fighting against the Union would be freed.

( Many freed slaved joined the Union army.

G. Battle of Vicksburg (May 1863 - July 1863)

( Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Army to capture the Confederate headquarters on the Mississippi river.

( The people at Vicksburg surrendered.

( HUGE victory for the Union (north)

(( The battle of Vicksburg divided the South because the North now controlled the Mississippi River

H. The Battle of Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)

( In Pennsylvania

( Robert E. Lee (Confederate leader) thought that winning there would turn the war in their favor.

( North won

((Was the turning point of the war; it gave the North the control of high ground

( The south would never again be able to launch a major attack

I. Appomattox Court House (April 9, 1865)

( Gen. Grant and Gen. Sherman slowly surrounded Lee and his troops.

( With nowhere to go Lee was forced to surrender

( Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia

(( After 4 years of bloodshed the Civil War was over!

J. Four Major Deciding Factors in the North Winning the Civil War

1. The Union blockade of southern ports

(Savannah, Charleston, New Orleans

2. Control of the Mississippi River

( Battle of Vicksburg

3.Battle locations influenced by the struggle to capture capital cities

(Richmond, Washington D.C

4. Control of the high ground

( Battle of Gettysburg

K. Effects of the Civil War

( Families and friends were often pitted against one another.

( Southern troops became increasingly younger and more poorly equipped and clothed.

( Much of the South was devastated at the end of the war

- The burning of Atlanta, and Richmond

( Disease was a major killer.

( Combat was brutal and often man-to-man.

( Women were left to run businesses in the North and farms and plantations in the South.

( The collapse of the Confederacy made Confederate money worthless

L. Civil Wars affects on African Americans

( African Americans fought in both the confederate and Union armies.

( The Confederacy often used slaves as naval crew members and soldiers.

( The Union moved to enlist African American sailors early in the war.

( African American soldiers were paid less than white soldiers.

( African American soldiers were discriminated against and served in segregated units under the command of white officers.


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