War - Iosco County Michigan, Veterans Honor Roll

|War |Citations[1] |All Veterans |Dead-Missing |

|Civil War |72 |35 |0 |

|Spanish American War |210 |56 |1 |

|Philippine American War |34 |23 |0 |

|World War-1 |3,267 |737 |14 |

|World War-2 |4,326 |1,294 |57 |

|Korean War |1,427 |471 |12 |

|Vietnam War |1,684 |691 |15 |

|Totals |11,020 |3,307 |99 |

Above are the current totals of veterans developed by the Huron Shores Genealogical Society for the City of Tawas City for their new Veterans Memorial/Monument. A second phase of this project, that will include the wars after the Vietnam War, will be completed later this year.

Since most of the data needed is restricted because of privacy laws, public information such as newspapers and other local documents were used. Provisions exist to allow the public to fill in any veterans that were missed. See the web site at .

The 3,307 veterans identified plus the estimated 10% miss computes to be 3,638 vets from the Civil War through the Vietnam wars. It is estimated when the project is finished through all war the total will be over 5,000 veterans.

HSGS’s original estimate was that about 90% of the veterans could be found in from pubic records. The first four type of records list below are available for analysis and tend to validate HSGS’s estimate of 90 being fairly accurate:

• WW-2 Federal Enlistments for Iosco County MI (Veterans over 70 years old). Analysis shows that 91% of these veterans were also found in the public records.

• WW-2 Federal KIA & MIA records for Iosco County MI. Analysis shows that 92% of these veterans were also found shown in the public records.

• “Hale Moms Memorial” was located on the lawn in front of the Hale Town Hall, and dedicated July 4 1946. It is now on the wall in the American Legion in Hale. This memorial listed 145 veterans. Analysis shows that 94% of these veterans were also found in public records.

• The Iosco County Draft board published 290 veterans names, that they drafted or enlisted to avoid the draft, in the Tawas Heralds 12/27/1918p3c4. Analysis pending.

• The WW-2 honor roll (bronze plaque) had 1,024 Iosco Veterans listed according to the Tawas Herald (11/09/1945 p1c3). The plaque was placed on the courthouse front yard in November 1945, and dedicated June 1946. It was removed in 1952 when the new courthouse was built. The current location of the plaque is unknown. If anyone knows where this is at please advise HSGS. No list of name for the 1,024 veterans has been found, therefore no analysis can be done.

HSGS’s original estimate was we would probably have 2-3% entries that looked like they met the criteria for inclusion using only the incomplete public data, but will not meet the complete criteria contained in the military discharge form DD-214: There is a block on the DD-214 titled “Home Town.” HSGS has no data to validate this.

Alonzo J Sherman, Database Manager

Huron Shores Genealogical Society


[1] Indicates the number individual references looked at.


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