Warranty Letter - Free Sample Letters

Included:IntroductionWarranty Letter TipsSample Warranty LetterWarranty Letter TemplateWarranty IntroductionThe warranty letter is written in case of a claim of a warranty of any product or service. The product may include refrigerator, cooler, DVD player, microwave etc. the letter contains the details about the product warranty number, period etc. This letter can also be included in the category of complaint letter. The letter is written in a professional manner.Warranty Letter TipsSome tips to write a good warranty letterWrite all the details about the warranty, the product, the warranty period, number etc. This will help the reader to get the exact idea.Write the exact issues precisely what is the product, what has happened to it, etc. This will help the person to understand the problem. Write that the warranty period is not yet competed and hence you are entitled a repair. Also request to make the repairs as soon as possible so that no issues take place in future. Write this letter in very professional style. Do not use simple way to write.Sample Warranty LetterFrom ____________________________DateTo_____________________Subject – Warranty letterDear Mr A.K. Waswani I am writing this letter to you to claim the warranty of my laptop which was purchased from your shop. The details of the same are as follows, Order No.51489 dated 06.10.2013 date of delivery 07.10.2013. The product is in its warranty period of one year that expires on 06.10.2014, the warranty card number being 54187. The laptop has created many issues. The mouse does not work properly and also the scroll lock is inactive due to which I am unable to work with the same. It also gets booted automatically but takes lot of time to reboot again. You are requested to consider my problem and take the required steps accordingly as soon as possible. You are requested to repair the laptop at the earliest to avoid the inconvenience. I hope you will do the needful at the earliest.Yours sincerely Jitendra ChavanWarranty Letter TemplateFrom ____________________________DateTo_____________________Subject – Warranty letterDear _________ (name)I am ___________ (name) writing this letter to you with regards to the repair of my laptop. The laptop is in the warranty period and hence I am requesting you to repair the same. There are many issues with the laptop. It reboots automatically, the mouse is inactive and the booting process is also very slow. I have purchased the said laptop from your outlet on _________ (date) the order number being ________ (number). The warranty period is one year and hence you are requested to do the needful at the earliest. An earlier response is highly appreciated. Looking forward for a positive reply from your end. Yours Sincerely,Thanking You.DisclaimerThe author and publisher of this Ebook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Ebook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Ebook. The information contained in this Ebook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Ebook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties.The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this Ebook.All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.No part of this may be copied, sold, or used in any way other than what is outlined within this Ebook under any circumstances without express permission from ................

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