Ed W. Clark High School

Chapter 14/15 Guided Reading1. What group made up the largest part of the population in late medieval Europe?2. How did Europe’s overall population change during this period?3. How did the three-field system work?4. What were some of the symptoms of the Black Death?5. What were some social changes brought about by the Plague?6. What are some examples of early “industrial” technology in this period?7. What were some environmental changes that occurred as a result of this technology?8. What was the main cause of the urban growth in Western Europe?9. Which Italian cities were known as major centers of trade?10. Where is Flanders? (might have to look this up)11. Which European country had the largest Jewish population? Why?12. What is a guild?13. What kinds of things did the new class of “merchant-bankers” do?14. Which city became a center of banking services?15. What was significant about Strasbourg Cathedral?16. How did the university system work?17. What are some similarities between the medieval university system and the university system of today? What are some differences?18. What is scholasticism?19. What inventions weakened the role of knights as a military fighting force?20. What did the Magna Carta do?21. What was the cause of the Hundred Years War?22. How were the new monarchies of England and France different from the versions that existed before the Hundred Years War?23. What strategies did monarchies try in order to get funds for their standing armies?24. In the English Parliament, who did the House of Lords and House of Commons represent, respectively?25. What event completed the “re-conquest” of Iberia? In what year did this happen?26. What evidence supports the claim that the eastern Pacific islands were intentionally settled by the Polynesians?27. What event led to increased Indian Ocean trade?28. What is the evidence for African voyages across the Atlantic in this period?29. What are the two main reasons for Iberian overseas expansion?30. What made the Portuguese and Spanish more willing than the Italians to find new routes across the Atlantic?31. What did Prince Henry the Navigator establish that led to a variety of maritime advancements?32. What were caravels and why were they effective?33. Who was the first Portuguese explorer to reach the Indian Ocean? Who was the first to reach the Indian mainland?34. In what year did Columbus first start trying to convince leaders to finance his plan to sail west?35. Whose voyage led to the colonization of the Philippines?36. Describe the meeting between the Portuguese and the African king Caramansa. What leverage did Caramansa have if the Portuguese failed to be “peaceful and honest?”37. What kinds of products were traded between the Portuguese and the Kingdom of Benin?38. How was the trade relationship between the Portuguese and the Kingdom of Kongo different from the Portuguese-Benin trade relationship?39. Why did Portugal and Ethiopia seek to establish an alliance?40. How did the Portguese change the political/military state of Indian Ocean trade?41. In a few sentences, describe the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs.42. In a few sentences, describe the Spanish conquest of the Incas.43 – 47. Fill in the SPICE chart below with accurate information from the chapter. You may use information from any civilization discussed in chapters 14 and 15.S(social)P(political)I(interactive)C(cultural)E(economic)1.2.3. ................

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