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Class XName of Chapter: 6, LIFE PROCESSES (BIOLOGY)(40 mins per day)Week 3: 27th April to 3rd May 2020Period – 1: 108 – 110Step – ICarried forward from week 3planStudy the following topic from textbook6.4.2: Transportation in plants Transport of water.TranspirationTransport of food and other substances; TranslocationStep – IIStudy the same topic in the following part of Extramark app:Ch – Life processes Detailed learning Understanding concept Transportation in plantsVideo TranspirationStep – IIIIf you have any doubt clear them with your subject teacher (Please check name and number of the subject teacher from the school website)Step – IVRevise using following Bullet points:Transportation in Plants-Involves two types of tissuesXylem helps in transportation of water and minerals from the soil to the leaves Phloem helps in the translocation of food from the leaves to different parts of the plant ponents of Xylem tissueVessels, tracheids, xylem parenchyma, xylem sclerenchymaComponents of Phloem tissuesieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma, phloem sclerenchymaPhysical forces are required to lift water by xylem whereas ATP is required to transport food.Transpirationloss of water in the form of vapour helps in upward movement of water and minerals from roots to the leaves (At night when transpiration is not there root pressure helps in lifting water in the xylem)regulates temperature.Step – VSolve the following questions in CW copy: 4,5 (pg 110) Q. No 12 (pg 113) NCERT bookXylem and phloem are vascular plant tissues.Which of the following statements about the differences between xylem and phloem is incorrect?The flow of substances in xylem is unidirectional, whereas it is bi-directional in phloem.Xylem transports water in plants, while phloem takes part in the translocation of food.Xylem is made up of vessels and tracheids, while phloem is made up of sieve tubes and companion cells.The transport of substances in xylem requires energy, whereas in phloem, the transport of substances is based on physical forces.End of Period – 1Period 2: Pg: 110 – 111Step – IExcretion,6.5.1: Excretion in human beings. Diagrammatic explanation of human excretory system and role of kidneys.Step – IIStudy the same topic in the following part of Extramark app:Ch – Life processes Detailed learning Understanding concept of excretory system Video on excretionStep – IIIIf you have any doubt clear them with your subject teacher (Please check name and number of the subject teacher from the school website)Step – IVEXCRETION IN HUMAN BEINGS Biological process of elimination of harmful metabolic waste products from the body of an organismParts of excretory system pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.Structure and Position of kidneybean shaped structure located in the abdomen, one on either side of the backbone.Function of renal arterybrings blood containing waste substances into the kidneys and Function of renal vein carries away the filtered / clean blood from the kidneys.Functions of kidney:removes poisonous substances like urea, waste salts and excess water from the blood excreting them in the form of urine. regulates the osmotic pressure and pH of blood.Step – VSolve the following questions in CW copy: 1. Name any two excretory organs in human.2. Name the excretory unit of a kidney.3. What is excretion? Name some parts in our body involved in this life process?4. What are the two vital functions of the human kidney? Draw a labelled diagram of human urinary system.End of Period – 2Period 3: Pg: 111 – 112Step – IStructure of nephron and its role in the process of excretion.6.5.2: Excretion in plants different methods used by plants to excrete wastes.Step – IIStudy the same topic in the following part of Extramark app:Ch – Life processes Detailed learning Understanding concept of ExcretionVideo on urine formation.Step – IIIIf you have any doubt clear them with your subject teacher (Please check name and number of the subject teacher from the school website)Step – IVNephrons Structural and functional filtration units present in the kidneys.Structure of nephronBowman’s capsule – a cup shaped double membrane bound structure which contains a tuff of capillaries (Glomerulus) in the concavity of the cup shaped structure.long coiled tubuleFunction of glomerulus filter the blood that passes through it.Function of tubuleallows selective reabsorption of the useful substances into the blood capillaries.Artificial kidney glomerulus whose function is to filter the blood that passes through it.removes nitrogenous waste products from the body through dialysis.Process of dialysis- dialysing solution having same osmotic pressure as blood in taken in a tankblood of the patient is allowed to pass through tubes of semi permeable membrane.the waste substance diffuses out of the blood into the tank the clean blood is returned back into the patient body through vein.EXCRETION IN PLANTS:Wastes in plants areWater removed by transpiration oxygen, carbon dioxide gaseous waste through stomata and lenticelstannins removed in the falling leaves or excreted into the surrounding soil. resins, gums stored in the cell vacuolesStep – VSolve the following questions in CW copy: 1,2,3,13 (pg 112,113 NCERT book)1.The given illustration represents the human excretory system.Urine is stored in which labelled structure until it is released out of the body?A) IB) IIC) IIID) IV2. The given illustration represents the structure of nephron, which is the basic unit of kidney.In the given illustration, label X representsA) Bowman’s capsuleB) Henle’s loop C) renal artery D) renal vein3. Blood is filtered in the kidneys. The filtrate collected in this process is processed further to form urine. Which of the following substances is not re-absorbed into the body from the filtrate during urine formation?A) Amino acidB) Uric acidC) GlucoseD) Water4. Plants remove excess water from their body byA) digestionB) respirationC) transpirationD) translocation5. Resins and gums are types of waste materials produced by plants. They are stored in which plant structure?A) Old phloemB) Old xylemC) VacuoleD) PlastidEnd of Period – 3Period – 4: Short Test on Above topicsStep - IRevise the bullet points from excretion in humans and in plants.Step - IIAnswer the following questions: (10 marks)1) How do unicellular organisms remove wastes from the body? 1 2) Why it is said that we can control the urge to urinate? 1 3) Name the substances that are reabsorbed back into the blood during formation of urine. 14) What are the various strategies used by plants to get rid of wastes? 2 5) a) Define excretion. (b) Name the basic filtration unit present in the kidney.c) Draw excretory system in human beings and label the following organs of the excretory system which perform following functions:(i) form urine.(ii) is a long tube which collects urine from kidney.(iii) store urine until it is passed out. 1+1+3=5 ................

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