Very Short Answer Type Questions

INDEX1 English2 Biology3 Biotechnology4 Chemistry5 Physics6 Maths7 CSC8 IP9 Home Science10 Accountancy11 BST12 EP13 History14 Geography15 Political Science16 Psychology17 Sociology18 PE19 CA/ Painting20 Hindi21 Sanskrit22 EconomicsMGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPUREnglish Assignment for Class 12General InstructionsDear StudentsWelcome to session 2020-21!As you are aware that we are sailing through troubled waters at the moment and the entire world is facing a severe crisis which no doubt will end soon with our patience, positivity and perseverance.Following is the first round of English assignments which needs to be submitted/completed by 10th of April 2020. The tasks to be done in notebook can be done in any old notebook or your English notebook or a bunch of pages stapled together and will be submitted and marked as English activity or portfolio work when the school reopens. Tasks to be submitted online can be sent by 10th April to the email id of your subject teacher as under-english12amgd@- for students in 12th A- Subject teacher: Ms Cherry Goyalenglish12bmgd@- for students in 12th B- Subject teacher: Dr Anju Jaideepenglish12cmgd@- for students in 12th C- Subject teacher: Dr Swapna Chandraenglish12dmgd@- for students in 12th D- Subject teacher: Dr Swapna Chandraenglish12emgd@- for students in 12th E- Subject teacher: Mrs Divya Sonienglish12fmgd@- for students in 12th F- Subject teacher: Ms Cherry Goyalenglish12gmgd@- for students in 12th G- Subject teacher: Mrs Anjana Handooenglish12hmgd@- for students in 12th H- Subject teacher: Mrs Geeta Saxena Round 1Imagine the following situations and write your reaction/response to them in about 100 words each, do any 2 in your notebook-You have to live without social media for 24 hours.Your parents always get a notification whenever you post something on social media.Your father has sent you a friend request on Facebook.Write a script for a ten minutes tragic performance for the school’s Annual Day and email it to your subject teacher.Download Flamingo from and read the poem “Keeping Quiet”.Copy the following concept map and attempt the questions given in your book in your notebook.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XIISUBJECT : BIOLOGY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -1 “Reproduction in organisms” from the NCERT book( Download the chapter from the link given below)The tutorial links are also given for the support.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assessment-I :biology and attach it as a pdf document to biology12bmgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 10th April, 2020. TOPIC : REPRODUCTION IN ORGANISMS –UNIT-VILife spanDifference between asexual and sexual reproductionModes of asexual reproduction : Fission, budding,fragmentation,spore formation, regeneration and vegetative propogation.Juvenile phaseDifference in oestrus and menstrual cycle.Prefertilisation, fertilization and post fertilization events.MeiocytesASSIGNMENT – IQ.1. How does amoeba reproduce? A) binary fission B) budding C) sporulation D) both A and C Q.2. In which plants motile ciliated spores are produced during spore formation – A) spirogyra B) chlamydomonas C) fucus D) dictyota Q.3. Which of the following group of animals show regeneration – A) Amoeba, Planeria, starfish B) Planeria, Hydra, Starfish C) Starfish, Amoeba, Plasmodium D) Amoeba, Hydra, Paramoecium Q.4. Isogamous conditions with non- flagellated gametes is found in – A) chlamydomonas B) spirogyra C) volvox D) fucus Q.5. The type of asexual reproduction found in Hydra is – A) multiple fission B) budding C) sporulation D) gemmule formation Q.6. Unicellular organisms are immortal, whereas multicellular organisms are not. Justify? Q.7. Differentiate between zoospore and zygote? Q.8. All papaya plants bear flowers, but fruits are seen only in some. Explain? Q.9. Mention the site where syngamy occurs in amphibians and reptiles, respectively? Q.10. Why is the offspring formed by asexual reproduction referred to as clone? Q.11. Match the organisms given in Column-’A’ with the vegetative propagules given in column ‘B’. Col. A Col. B Bryophyllum a. offset Agave b. eyes Potato c. leaf buds Water hyacinth d. bulbils Q.12 Why do gametes produced in large numbers in organisms exhibit external fertilisation? Q.13. Between an annual and a perennial plant, which one has a shorter juvenile phase? Give one reason. Q.14. Rearrange the following events of sexual reproduction in the sequence in which they occur in a flowering plant: embryogenesis, fertilisation, gametogenesis, pollination. Q.15. How does zygote usually differ from zoospore in terms of ploidy ?Links to be used:Download NCERT/CBSE Book: Class 12: Biology Ncertbooks. You tube videos : Reproduction in organism -Neela Bakore TutorialsYou tube videos : Reproduction in organism –Shomu’s Biology____________________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS XII – SUB- BIOTECHNOLOGY Chapter 1- Recombinant DNA TechnologyGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -1 “Recombinant DNA Technology” from the NCERT book((Class%20XII).pdf Download from the link given)The tutorial links are also given for the support.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assessment-I :biotechnology and attach it as a pdf document to biotech12mgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 10th April, 2020. Topics:After revisingStructure, Components of DNA and DNA ReplicationI )Basic Steps in RDTII)Tools of RDT a)Restriction Enzymes and other enzymes b) RFLPc)VectorsIII)Polymerase Chain ReactionAssignment -IVery Short Answer Type QuestionsQ.1. How is the copy number of plasmid vector and yield of the recombinant protein related to each other?Q.2. Can exonuclease be used while producing a recombinant DNA molecule?Q.3. What are the features of a plasmid being used as a cloning vector?Q.4. What are competent cells? What does the word “competent” refer to?Q.5. What do “Eco”, “R” and “I” refer to in the enzyme EcoRI?Q.6. Why are proteases added while isolating the DNA?Q.7. If the “denaturation” step is missed during PCR, what would be its effect on the entire process?Q.8. Name a recombinant vaccine.Q.9. Do biomolecules such as DNA, proteins exhibit biological activity in anhydrous conditions?Short Answer Type QuestionsQ.1. What do you understand by gene cloning?Q.2. Name the regions A, B, and C.Q.3. Identify the steps A, B, C in the following diagramQ.4. A gene was being ligated to the plasmid vector to prepare a recombinant DNA during bacterial transformation. An exonuclease was added to the tube accidentally. How will it affect the next step of the experiment?Q.5. What would happen if the restriction enzymes do not cut the DNA at specific recognition sequences?Q.6. How is a DNA viewed on an agarose gel?Q.7. What would happen if a plasmid without a selectable marker was chosen as a cloning vector?Q.8. How are competent cells prepared by the action of CaCl2?Q.9 A mixture of the fragmented DNA was run on an agarose gel. The gel was stained with ethidium bromide but no bands were observed. What would be the cause?Q10. What is a polymerase chain reaction? What are the steps involved? Mention its applications.Q.11 What are the properties of a good vector?Q12. Mention any three vector-less methods that are used to introduce recombinant DNA into a competent host cell.links for Reference;1.Neela Bakore TutorialsCharacteristics of vectors & important vectors like PBR322, PUC, YAC, BAC etc2. . . GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XIISUBJECT : CHEMISTRYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -“Solutions” from the NCERT book( Download the chapter from the link given below)NCERT book “Chemistry part I” of class XII.[available at ](optional) E-Content from resources like NDLI , YouTube [ ]Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assessment-I :Chemistry and attach it as a pdf document to chemistry12amgd@; chemistry12bmgd@The last date of submission of the assignment is 10th April, 2020. MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLSubject: ChemistryClass: XIIDue date: 10th April, 2020, 10:30 amQ1. Concentrated nitric acid used in laboratory work is 68% nitric acid by mass in aqueous solution. What should be the molarity of such a sample of the acid if the density of the solution is 1.504 g mL–1?Q2. A solution of glucose in water is labelled as 10% w/w, what would be the molality and mole fraction of each component in the solution? If the density of solution is 1.2 g mL–1, then what shall be the molarity of the solution?Q3. How many mL of 0.1 M HCl are required to react completely with 1g mixture of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 containing equimolar amounts of both?Q4. A solution is obtained by mixing 300g of 25% solution and 400g of 40% solution by mass. Calculate the mass percentage of the resulting solution.Q5. An antifreeze solution is prepared from 222.6 g of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) and 200g of water. Calculate the molality of the solution. If the density of the solution is 1.072 g mL–1, then what shall be the molarity of the solution?Q6. A sample of drinking water was found to be severely contaminated with chloroform (CHCl3) supposed to be a carcinogen. The level of contamination was 15 ppm (by mass):(i) express this in percent by mass (ii) determine the molality of chloroform in the water sample.Q7. Heptane and octane form an ideal solution. At 373 K, the vapour pressures of the two liquid components are 105.2 kPa and 46.8 kPa respectively. What will be the vapour pressure of a mixture of 26.0 g of heptane and 35 g of octane?Q9. Calculate the mass of a non-volatile solute (molar mass 40 g mol–1) which should be dissolved in 114 g octane to reduce its vapour pressure to 80%.Q10. A solution containing 30 g of non-volatile solute exactly in 90 g of water has a vapour pressure of 2.8 kPa at 298 K. Further, 18 g of water is then added to the solution and the new vapour pressure becomes 2.9 kPa at 298 K. Calculate:(i) molar mass of the solute(ii) vapour pressure of water at 298 K.____________________________________________________________________________________M.G.D.Girls’ School,JaipurHomeStudy Assignment I CLASS –XII (Physics)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Revision of Fundamentals of Electricity that you have learnt in class 10th.2.The tutorial links are also given for the support. Resource;NCERT book of 10th or 12th Volume I (you can download also)You can use any refresher or link the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 4.Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assessment-I : physics12a@ or physics12b@ 5.The last date of submission of the assignment is 10th April, 20206.You can register on for course on PHYSICS by Dr.H.C.Verma .This course will start from 2 nd of April 2020 online.Activity 1Write brief note on each of the topic mentioned--Concept of charge, Properties of charge ,Coulomb.--Electric Current and SI unit and Electric potential and SI unit--.Potential difference .Electric circuit.--Symbols in electric circuit..--Ohm’s Law with Statement and graph between V and I..--Circuit diagram to prove Ohm’s Law. Resistance its unit and definition..--Combination of resistances :Series and parallel--.Factors affecting Resistance and Define Resistivity with formula and SI unit..--Cause of resistance. Difference between Resistance and resistivity.(For second experiment read Wheatstone bridge and meter bridge from module)*.This will help you to understand experimental part of this Assignment I.. You can use link given below for Practical Work ; Experiment 1 and 2 an attachment is given if you are not able to download.In a practical file write following as given below:1.Experiment 1 2.Experiment 2-Aim -Aim-Apparatus Required -Apparatus required -Principle - Description of apparatus ( meter bridge )-Procedure - Principle with the diagram (fig E 2.2)-Result - Procedure-Precautions - Result -Sources of Error - Precautions -Sources of errorIn plain side of file In Plain side of file Fig E1.2 –Fig E 2.1 (Do not connect Rheostat Rh ) -Observations(leave it blank) --Observation -Table E 1.1(leave it blank) --Table E2.1 and E2.2(leave it blank) -Calculations(Do not write error) --Calculations(Do not write error)#Read all self assessment part and additional activities given in the manual.WORKSHEET I (To be solved in a sheet or printout and get a photo with mobile and mail scanned copy with your name mentioned at the top with the section )1.The Potential at a point is 20 V. The work done in bringing a charge of 0.5 C from infinity to this point will be --------- 2.Joule/Coulomb is the same as---------3.A voltmeter is used to measure -------4.An ammeter is always connected in------------ and a voltmeter in ------------- in the circuit.5. The current in a wire depends on potential difference applied or on the resistance of the wire -- -------6. Three identical bulbs are connected in parallel with a battery . The current drawn from the battery is 6 A . If one of the bulbs gets fused, what will be the total current drawn from the battery ? 7.A uniform wire of resistance R is cut into three equal pieces, and these pieces are joined in parallel. What is the resistance of the combination? 8.(a)How will you join three resisters of resistances 4 ohm,6 ohm,12 ohm to get equivalent resistance of 8 Ohm.(b)What would be the highest and lowest equivalent resistances possible by joining these resistors?9.How will the resistance of a wire change if its diameter (d)is doubled, its length remaining the same?10.A copper wire has a resistance of 0.6 ohm. Another copper wire of the same mass as the first one is doubled in length of the first .Find the resistance of the second wire?11.Draw at least 5 circuit diagrams with different values of resistances and combination of series and parallel resistors .Connect ammeter and voltmeter ,key also. Calculate equivalent R in each case.(Minimum 4 resistors of different values to be connected)Show direction of current also._____________________________________________________________________________ MGD SCHOOL JAIPUR Subject -Mathematics (work sheet 1 ) class 12 Instructions : Do the following questions in a new register/ class 11 register before 7/4/20and submit when school reopen. Keep all worksheets in the same register and copy questions before doing sums. Do revise differentiation from class 11 notes. Contact on WhatsApp for doubts SALY 946166550 and REKHA ph: 9680553994. From 26th March onwards I have been(saly) teaching class 12C through zoom app and completed chapter 12, those who wish to join the new batch( will start on April 1st) contact me or your class whatsapp group for further information. Now u have enough time and utilize it properly for better performances in the upcoming exams.Solve the following inequality and find the feasible region ,find corner point of the feasible region and find the value of Maximum / Minimum value of Z .( refer NCERT exercise 12.1 example questions)1.Maximise Z= 3x + 4y subject to the constraints x + y ≤4 , x ≥0 ,≥y ≥0 . 2.Minimise Z = -3x + 4y subject to x+ 2y ≤ 8 ,,3x+2y ≤12 , x ≥0 ,y≥0 .3.Maximise Z= 5x+3y subject to 3x+5y ≤15 ,5x+2y ≤10 x ≥0 , y ≥0 .4.Minimise Z= 3x+5y subject to x+3y ≥3 ,x+y ≥2 , x ≥0 ,y≥0 .5.Maximise Z= 3x+2y subject to x+2y ≤10 ,3x+y ≤15 ,x ≥0 ,y ≥0 .6.Minimise Z = x+2y subject to 2x+y ≥3 , x+2y ≥3 , x+2y ≥6 , x ,y ≥07.Minimise and Maximise Z= 5x +10y subject to x + 2y ≤120 ,x+y≥ 60 x-2y ≥0 , x ≥0 , y ≥0 .8.Minimise and Maximise Z = x + 2y subject to x +2y ≥100 ,2x-y≤0 , 2x+y≤200 X ≥0 , y ≥0 .9.Maximise Z = -x +2y, subject to the constraints: x ≥ 3 , x +y ≥5, x+2y ≥6, x,y≥0.10.Maximise Z = x + y, subject to x – y≤-1 , -x+y ≤0 , x , y ≥0 . Find the derivative of the following functions with respect to the variable x .Y = cos2x 2. Y = cos x2 3. Y = cotx 4. Y = cot x 5. Y = x tanx 6. y = 2x –a 7. Y = 3 x7 8.y = x-3 cos x 9. Y = sin x . cos x 10. Y = e5x 11. y = esinx 12. Y = sinnx . cosn x 13. Y = x2cosx 14. y=x2.cos2x 15. y= sin3 x cos3 x 16. y=(3x+5)(1+tanx) 17. y= ax+bcx+d ----------------------------------Home StudyClass :XIISUB: COMPUTER SCIENCEAssignment 1Note:Download and refer NCERT book from the link below (DO NOT BUY for now) – Instructions:Do the given assignment in a separate notes register A Practical file should be a Hard Bound Computer Practical file with proper index.Divide the Practical File & Notes Register for Python & MySql.Those have made a genuine Practical file in XI…may continue with the same.Students to submit their worksheet on before April 10,2020A Google Meeting will be scheduled to cover those topics of Unit -3 that haven’t been taught in class XI…date for the same will be conveyed.Students to submit assignments/worksheets on at cs12mgd@ 6. Assignment to be done from Unit–3:Databases Management Systems and SQLWORKSHEET 1 and WORKSHEET 2 (SUBMISSION DATE – APR 10, 2020)Worksheet-1Category: Fill in the blank/ True & False/ MCQ’s/ Match the followingQNo.Question Answer1._______ query language is the full form of SQL.2.The ____________ keyword used to eliminate data.3.The ___________ operator is used for making range checks.4._____________ command is used to create a table.5.______ command is used to drop a table. 6._________ command is used to see the structure of a table.7.The ____________ operators find rows that do not match in the list. 8.Patterns are described using _________ special wild card symbols.9._________Key is used to uniquely identify a row in a table.10.__________ command is used to modify data in a table.11.In update command _______ keyword is used to update data.12.___________command removes the entire rows of table. 13.We can use ______ command for adding columns.14._________ is also known as Cross Join. 15._________ command is use to change the name of one of your columns.16.The ___________ data type is variable length data type.17.Referential Integrity is ensured through ___________ key constraints. 18.Condition based on a list is done through ________ operators. 19.________ command is used to open a database.20.To select a particular row in a table ________ clause is used.21.___________Constraints ensure that a column cannot have Null values.22._________ number of primary key can have a table.23.___________ combines rows from one or more table.24.Mysql is a ____________ database management software.25.Degree and Cardinality are also known as respectively ______ and _____. WORKSHEET 2 (SUBMISSION DATE – APR 10, 2020)Worksheet-2(Category- Practical based & Theory based Imp Questions)Solve Ex of this Unit ( Page 196 onwards)Practical file – Q.No 27 to 37Notes Register - Q.No 1 to 20.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M.G.D. GIRL’S SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1CLASS : XIISUB: INFORMATICS PRACTICESGeneral instructions:1.Students to refer to the book: Informatics Practices class XI written by Sumita Arora2.Assignment to be done in a register3.To submit by 10.4.2020 on ip12mgd@4.In case of any query send on ip12mgd@ASSIGNMENT 1Write algorithm, draw flowchart and write a python program:to swap the value of 2 variables without using a 3rd variableto find the sum, difference, product and quotient of 2 numbers to find the greater of 3 numbersto print the following:-if class 1 to 5-“sub-juniors”if class 6 to 8-“juniors”if class 9 to 12-“seniors”.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XIISUBJECT : HOME SCIENCEDue Date- 10th April 2020, 10:30amGeneral Instruction- 1.Read “Meal planning from NCERT books and solve the following questions. Reference-NCERT Books of Home science as Human Ecology And Family Science part-I, II. On website: https//ncertbooks/2. You can solve on any sheet of paper. 3.Write your name on top right corner of the first page. Send the document on Homescience12mgd@. 4.Write your name, section and assignment 1 in the subject field of the mail.ASSIGNMENT – IAnswer the following questionsQ.1 What do you mean by meal planning?Q.2 List the principles of meal planning?Q.3 Explain the five food groups and their functions?Q.4 Define the balanced diet ?Q.5 Why meal planning is important?Q.6 What are the factors affecting meal planning ?Q.7 How does composition of a family influence its meal planning ?Q.8 What do you understand by serving size in meal planning ?Q.9 How the religious beliefs affect meal planning ?Q.10 Write a short note on ICMR.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLSUBJECT :ACCOUNTANCYHOME STUDY -ASSIGNMENT -1CLASS :XII (2020-21)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1 ALL WORK HAS TO BE WRITTEN IN THE REGISTER . 2 THE LEARNING CONCEPTS HAS TO BE COMPLETED BY( APRIL 10 ) 3 BOOKS : NCERT, T.S GREWAL, D.K GOEL, YOU TUBE CONTENT, EXTRAMARKS. . CHAPTER 1 ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRMS: FUNDAMENTALS THESE ARE THE FOLLOWING LEARNING SUB DIVISION OF THE CHAPTER MEANING OF PARTNERSHIP FEATURES OF PARTRNERSHIP PARTNERHIP DEED , CONTENTS PROVISION IN THE ABSENCE OF PATRNERSHIP DEED PROFIT AND LOSS APPROPRIATIONACCOUNT , NEED, CONTENTS DIFFERNCES BETWEEN P&L A/C AND P&L APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT CAPITAL ACCOUNTS OF PARTNERS FIXED AND FLUCTUATING CAPITAL ACCOUNTS INTEREST ON CAPITAL INTEREST ON DRAWINGS INTEREST ON PATRNER’S LOAN NOTE: ONLY THEORY QUESTIONS FROM THE EXERCISE NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN IN THE REGISTER. NUMERICALS BASED ON THE ABOVE CONCEPTS FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS HAS TO BE PRACTISED, AND ONLY ( CBSE) QUESTIONS HAS TO BE WRITTEN. Please send your submissions at- acc12dmgd@ acc12cmgd@ acc12emgd@ left38989000 MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XIISUBJECT : B.Studies GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Read the chapter -1 “Nature and Significance of Mangement” from the NCERT book( Download the chapter from the link given below)The tutorial links are also given for the support.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assessment-I :bstudies and attach it as a pdf document to bstudies12cmgd@, bstudies12dmgd@, bstudies12emgd@The last date of submission of the assignment is 10th April, 2020. TOPIC :Ch 1Nature and Significance of Management –UNIT-IManagement-concept ,objectives and importanceNature of Management –Management as Art,Science and ProfessionLevels of managementManagement Functions-Planning,Organising,Staffing,Directing and Controlling.Coordination –concept and importanceASSIGNMENT – IThe welfare and survival of an organization are the main functions uncertainty uncertainty of management.The overall organization goals and strategies of organization are formulated by level of management.Divisional heads, department heads belongs to -------- level of managementThe operational level managers are also termed as --------------------------Lower level of management comprises of and ____________ Interpretation of the policies are done by________ level of management.Co-operation with various departments for smooth functioning of organization is done by ______ level of management.Quality of output and safety standards are being maintained by level of managementCo-ordination is a _______ function of managementCo-ordination act as a ________ force between various departments to ensure unity of action.After going through the chapter Try the SELF –TESTMM:30 Time: 45 minutesQ1.Alia Enterprises, a company was initially producing grinders and mixers. Now, with the changing scenario and emerging trends of working women there is a greater demand for a product which is more efficient and a multi-tasker. On analysing the situation, the company decided to penetrate into the market for producing Food Processor. Which feature of management is highlighted here? Which level of management will take this decision (1)Q2. How does management help in achieving personal objectives? [1]Q3. Ms.Bharti passed her MBBS examination in the first division in 2008 later on in the year 2011 she passed her MS examination as an eye specialist. She was awarded a gold medal in this examination. After completing her studies she joined a big hospital as an eye surgeon. She is performing 10 operations successfully every day. State which aspect of Ms. Bharti’s above experience is a science and which one is an art? [1] Q4. Shreya is a branch manager at ‘Zara’, a popular brand of designer clothes. She performs several different tasks in a single day. Sometimes she spends more time in planning a future exhibition and sometimes in sorting an employee’s problem.(a) At what level of management does Shreya work in this organization?(b) What are the functions performed by Shreya [3]Q5. A student of MBA has to give a presentation on management in his class. The main points of his presentation were: “Several representative associations have been set up in India like Bar Council, Medical council and ICAI. Similar organizations have been set up all across the world for management. Like in India All India Management association-AIMA is set up. But in order to become a manager, it is not obligatory to be a member of AIMA. On the basis of the above discussion, explain whether management is a profession. Explain any characteristic of profession on the basis of which management can be called a profession [3]Q6. ‘Coordination is required at top level of the management only ’. Comment [3]Q7. Gemini Circus is organising shows internationally for the last thirty years. Their shows have been successful across the globe. Of late, their shows are not as popular as they were in the past. After analysing, they are thinking of bringing necessary changes in their shows to gain popularity.(a) Identify which characteristics of management is reflected in above situation?(b) Which function of management is indicated here? Explain (c) Also identify value which the company wants to communicate to the society [3] Q9. To save the electricity the government decided to encourage the general public to use LED lights. Seeing the opportunity the directors of Electricals Ltd. decided to manufacture LED bulbs to boost its profits. The management of the company has asked Mr. Simon the production manager to work for long hours to meet the expected growing demand for bulbs in the market. He demanded extra salaries for over time but the company ignored his request.(a)Name and explain the objective which the management has focused to achieve by quoting the lines(b)By quoting the line indicate the objective which it has ignored and explain it also. [3]Q10.“A manager is continuously engaged in maintaining an orderly arrangement of his group efforts so that their actions move in the same direction and common purpose of the company can be achieved.”Which concept of management is referred here? Discuss the importance of this concept. [3] Q11. Effectiveness and efficiency are two sides of the same coin.” Comment. [3]Q12. Shiv Nadar, chairman and CEO of HCL attributes the success of the group to its management team and their entrepreneurial spirit which together have enabled it to handle rapid changes in the environment and technologies. At HCL management believes that happy, satisfied and self-motivated employees help in reducing costs and increase productivity. It also has a strong sense of social responsibility and has set up educational institutions in the field of management, engineering, computers etc. Identify and explain the significance of understanding management by quoting relevant lines from the case study(.6) Links to be used:Download NCERT/CBSE Book: Class 12: BusinessStudies Ncertbooks.Go through the given Video links of ch 1- Nature and significance of Management attempt the questions given in your book.Make mind map of the chapter (specimen given below)Make a list of important Key- words for each concept given in the chapterAlso solve board asked Questions especially case studies based on this chapter in your notebook s Please send your submissions by 10th April to your respective subject teachers according to your sections : Mrs.Nirmala Sharma- bstudies12emgd@ , Mrs.Anjali Jagdev- bstudies12emgd@, Mrs.Chandeep Kaur -- bstudies12emgd@-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGD GIRLS SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT-1CLASS- 12SUBJECT- ENTREPRENEURSHIP.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1. Complete the below project work by 10th April 2020.2. Do this work on any sheet of paper clearly mentioning the name, class and the product.3. Click a picture of the same and send it as a pdf document to ep12mgd@4. In case of any doubt whats app on 9587652910 (11a.m to 1 p.m)Entrepreneurship students need to first complete their market survey project.Till questionnaire we have discussed for the promotion exam. Please specify your full name and a brief about your product. Now we need to analyse and interpret the findings of our questionnaire. For this you will have to calculate percentage of total responses. For ex: If 15 out of 30 respondents responded yes so % = 15/30*100 . Also you will have to calculate degree for drawing pie diagram. For eg- if in the above eg it comes to 50% so degree calculation will be 50/100*360.Above 2 calculations have to be done for each question.You can round off 0.5 n above to nearest number.After the calculations for each question now interpret and analyse them. For eg- if your product is pen and 20 out of 30 respondents say they prefer gel pen in this case % = 20/30*100. (66.67%) so you interpret it: As per my survey as many as 66.67% of the respondents prefer to use gel pen over ball pen.....(language can be modified) . It has to done for all questions .And lastly you need to write conclusion of around 100 words as to whether you would continue with the product or service or not.Links to be used:You can check the cbse project guidelines on the site. cbse.nic-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Home Study AssignmentHistoryEmail ID: hist12mgd@Class XII:Book: Themes in Indian History (part 1)Read these chapters after watching the videos accompanying the mentioned links and frame 1-mark questions. Chapter 1: Bricks, beads and bones Chapter 2: Kings, farmers, and towns 3: Kinship, caste and classWatch Mahabharat on DDChapter 4: Thinkers, beliefs and buildings work- Watch episodes of Bharat ek Khoj, epic channel, Ramayana and Mahabharata, and stories by Devdutt Pattanaik, and topics from NCERT books, discuss and finalize topics for the project.____________________________________________________________________________________HOME STUDY-2020-21POLITICAL SCIENCECONTEMPORARY WORLD POLITICSCLASS XIIPlease read carefully and make serious effort to understand the following Chapters.The links provided here will help you a lot. From every page of every lesson, make maximum questions with weightage of one mark.It may be a True and False, Rewrite the correct statement, Fill up, MCQs, Match,One liner or one word.Please don’t forget to mention your name, class and sectionAssignment given to be done strictly in Microsoft word format. Practice each and every map given in the chapters. Email me the assignment given on polsc12mgd@ as instructed.WEEK 1/ LESSON 1-THE COLD WAR ERAOVERVIEWThis chapter provides a backdrop to the entire book. The end of the Cold War is usually seen as the beginning of the contemporary era in world politics which is the subject matter of this book. The chapter shows how the dominance of two superpowers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union, was central to the Cold War. It tracks the various arenas of the Cold War in different parts of the world.It views the NonAligned Movement (NAM) as a challenge to the dominance of the two superpowers and describes the attempts by the non-aligned countries to establish a New International Economic Order (NIEO) as a means of attaining economic development and political independence.It concludes with an assessment of India’s role in NAM and asks how successful the policy of nonalignment has been in protecting India’s interests. YOUR QUESTIONS ALONG WITH ANSWERS BY APRIL 10,2020 WEEK 2 / LESSON 2: THE END OF BIPOLARITY OVERVIEWThe Berlin Wall, which had been built at the height of the Cold War and was its greatest symbol, was toppled by the people in 1989.This dramatic event was followed by an equally dramatic and historic chain of events that led to the collapse of the ‘second world’ and the end of the Cold War. Germany, divided after the Second World War, was unified. One after another, the eight East European countries that were part of the Soviet bloc replaced their communist governments in response to mass demonstrations. The Soviet Union stood by as the Cold War began to end, not by military means but as a result of mass actions by ordinary men and women. Eventually the Soviet Union itself disintegrated.In this chapter, we discuss the meaning, the causes and the consequences of the disintegration of the ‘second world’. We also discuss what happened to that part of the world after the collapse of communist regimes and how India relates to these countries now. YOUR QUESTIONS ALONG WITH ANSWERS BY APRIL 20,2020 WEEK 3/ LESSON 3-US HEGEMONY IN WORLD POLITICSOVERVIEW We have seen that the end of Cold War left the US without any serious rival in the world. The era since then has been described as a period of US dominance or a unipolar world. In this chapter, we try to understand the nature, extent and limits of this dominance. We begin by narrating the story of the rise of the new world order from the First Gulf War to the US-led invasion of Iraq. We then pause to understand the nature of US domination with the help of the concept of ‘hegemony’.After exploring the political, economic and cultural aspects of US hegemony, we assess India’s policy options in dealing with the US. Finally, we turn to see if there are challenges to this hegemony and whether it can be overcome YOUR QUESTIONS ALONG WITH ANSWERS BY APRIL 30,2020 HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENTDETAILS OF PROJECT WORK1.The Project work is implemented in class XII from the session 2019-20. 2. Out of 20 marks, 10 marks are to be allotted to viva voce and 10 marks for project work. 3. For class XII, the evaluation for 20 marks project work should be done jointly by the internal as well as the external examiner. 4.The project can be individual/pair/group of 4-5 each. 5.The Project can be made on any of the topics given in the syllabus of your class. Select your topic very carefully from any one lesson of prescribed books and confirm with me after a thorough discussion6. The suggestive list of activities for project work is as follows:- - Role Play, Skit, Presentation, Model, Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Event etc. May prepare a file also6.You can start researching so that you get ample time for preparation of the Project Work. Do revert back.Dear girls,Please find other URLS or websites related to your respective topics/ lessons. You may refer to Extramarks App , Khan Academy,Diksha app of cbse, Umang app or BYJU’S as well. to this site for the syllabus, blueprint and project work. (May be updated soon)Just relax, eat ,exercise, play, read and study. Take care of your health and everyone around you.We have a very promising life ahead.God BlessSEE YOU SOON__________________________________________________________________________S.NO1CLASSXII2SUBJECT &SUBJECT TEACHERPSYCHOLOGY, TEACHER; GIRIJA SINGH3CHAPTERCHAPTER 1) Variation In Psychological Attributes4LEARNING OBJECTIVE# To understand Individual differences(Intelligence)# Assessment, Theories, Culture and Intelligence, Creativity and Intelligence.5LEARNINGOUTCOMEYou will be able to know why individuals differ in Intelligence,Influence of Heredity and Environment on Intelligence.6MATERIAL TO READI have shared the synopsis, flow chart on WhatsApp group,Read the chapter from the Textbook.Questions given, which is to be answered in the register.7LINKS , WEBSITES AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS FOR REFERENCEncert.inhttps:8PROJECT/CASE PROFILECase profile (Individual) Please read page 199 of the textbook and decide on the topic accordingly and collect secondary data.9SELF CARETake care of yourself and the members of the family.Be happy and keep others happy.10HOBBIESWork on your hobbies like Dance, Music, Art, Reading, Writing.You can also learn from YouTube.11HOME/ FAMILYMANAGEMENTHelp your mother in daily chores, have story telling sessions with siblings,Spend time with Grandparents12Practical exposureChoose at least 10 people and do the following (collection of information over phone)Find individual difference on # Intelligence # Aptitude #Personality.Email: girijas13@, 9928836945,those yet to join WhatsApp group may joinFor teaching learning .PSYCHOLOGY MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL JAIPUR (2020-21) WorksheetQ1. What is individual difference?Q2. What is Situationalism?Q3. What is Assessment?Q4. What are the various methods of assessment?Q5. What is intelligence?Submit on or before 11/04/2020 0n the email id shared above--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPUR- 2020-21 HOME STUDYSOCIOLOGY CLASS-XIITo read and make an effort to understand the following Chapters in reference with the links provided Demographic Structure of Indian Society: * Look at Khanacademy for various subtopics of the chapterSocial Institutions: Continuity and Change: Khanacademy for subtopics The Market as a social Institution: at any other relevant URL/Website for the above topicsTO MAKE AS MANY FILL IN THE BLANK QUESTIONS FROM THE ABOVE CHAPTERSProject Work:To shortlist a relevant topic for research.To collect adequate information available on the topic ( Not to exceed more than 5-6 pages)To prepare the Research Design for the topic( Objectives, Hypothesis, Research Method and tool for data collection, Sample Site and SizeIf using Survey, prepare the Questionnaire / Interview Schedule to be distributed/ askedIf using Case Study (Comparison) then identify 5 cases to be studied in depth. All matter to be collected in detail for the same.If using Observation- make a list of things to be observed( Participant or Non Participant) in the research*** Send the above at sociology12mgd@ for approval.Once approved then collect data.Collected information to be tabulated for inferencesConclusions to be drawnSuggestive remedies to be providedLimitations to be mentioned.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPUR HOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT CLASS XII SUBJECT- PHYSICAL EDUCATION “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there’’ -Bo Jackson GENERAL INSTRUCTION;1.RESOURCE MATERIAL-*Any physical education reference book ( Ratna Sagar) which you can easily get.*You can download from the website CBSE.nic.in2. Topics UNIT-1: PLANNING IN SPORTS *Meaning and objectives of planning *Various Committees and its responsibilities *Tournament-Knock-out, League or Round Robin and Combination *Procedure to draw Fixture-Knock-Out and League *Intramural and Extramural- Meaning, objectives and its significance *Specific Sports ProgrammeUNIT-2: SPORTS AND NUTRITION *Balanced diet and nutrition- macro and micro nutrients *Nutritive and Non-Nutritive components of diet *Eating for weight control- A healthy weight.The pitfalls of dieting and food myths *RECORD FILE3.You are allowed to submit your work through email- pe12mgd@or dr.monikamathur9@ 4.Students can contact for any doubt through email.-Submission date:Submission of worksheet-1 on 15th April WORKSHEET-ISUBJECT–PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS-XIINote: Read unit-1 before attempting the worksheet. 1. Which committee is responsible for selecting the officials involved in a sports event?2 .Name the tournament which are organized to give a second chance to the defeated playersIn knockout tournament.3. Which of the following is not a major game?(a) Hockey (b) Football (c) Badminton (d)Karate4. Which sports competition is organised within the school itself?(a) Extramural (b) Intramural (c) Inter- state (d) None of these5. What do you understand by planning in sports?6 .What do you mean by tournament?7 .write any three objectives of planning.8. write any thee differences between intramurals and extramurals.9. Describe how various planning committees function in sports events.10. Describe five specific sports programme in detail.11. Differentiate between the cyclic method and staircase method.12. What is a health run?13. What are the three types of tournament?14. Draw a knockout fixture of 24 teams.15. Draw a fixture of 12 teams on a league basis according to the staircase method. How will you decide a winner in league tournament?.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XIISUBJECT : PAINTING AND COMMERCIAL ARTS1) Research on-a) What are miniature paintings. FOR REFRENCE: .comb) Method of preparing paper -wasli and brush to do miniature work.c) Sub schools and important centres of miniature painting. 2) Make 5 FLORAL cards (only front sheet) of size 10x14 cm. each, keeping in mind best out waste through REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE with all resources available at home like colours ,coloured sheets, newspapers ,buttons, laces etc. FOR REFERENCE:crafts.3) FOR PAINTING STUDENTS ONLY: Make 2 painting compositions on half imperial suitable sheet with poster or acrylic colours-a) PHAD PAINTINGb) WARLI PAINTING FOR REFRENCE:FOR COMMERCIAL Art STUDENTS ONLYDesign 2 posters on half imperial sheet with suitable colouring medium on-a) AWARENESS ON COVID -19b) CONSERVE NATURAL RESOURCES (any 1) e.g. water, trees, petroleum.NOTE: for further queries and to upload the given work please mail at painting12mgd@commercialarts12mgd@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------?????? ????? ?????-XII ????- ????? ??? ???:- ?????????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? (01.04.2020 to 10.04.2020):-??????? ???????????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?????? - ?????? ????? , ????? , ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? /???????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? (01.04.2020 to 10.04.2020):- ???????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? ???? ???? ???????? , ???????? ??? ????????????? ?? ????? ? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????????, ?????? ?????,?????????? ???? ,?????? ??????, ???????? ??? ?? ???????? ?? ????? (?????? ????, ???-??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ) ???????? ????? - 1 ????? - 12 ????? - ?????????????? - ????????? 1 ??????????? ???? ??? ? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?????????? (worksheet ) ?? ??? | 2 ??? ?????????? ?? ??? ????????????? ??? ?? ??? | ???????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????? | 3 ????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? whatsapp ?? ????? 10/4/2020 ?? ?????? ?? | 1 ????????????? - ? ????? -???????? ? ?????????? ? ???????????? 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(?)__________ ??????? ?????? ? ??????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? ? ?? (?)___________ ?????????? ? ????? ??????????? ??? (?)__________ ?????? (?)__________ ?? ??????????? ??? ???? ? ???? ???? ????????? ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?? ????? ,??????????????????????????????????? (??)___________ ?????????? ? ????????????1 ???????-??????? -????????????????? ?????????? ????????? ????? ? 1/2x10=5??????????????? ??????? -(?? ?????????? , ????????????, ???????,?????????,??????,???????,????????????,???? ,???? ,??????? )? ???????????????? (?)___________ ??????????????(?)_________ ????????? ??? ???????(?)________ ????????? (?)_________????????????????????? (?)________ ????? ? ?? ????????? ????(6)______ ??????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????????? ??????( ?)_________??????? ?????? ??? ????????? (?)__________ ?? ??????? (?)_________?? ????? ? ???? ??? ?????( ??)_________ ?????????-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------M.G.D Girls’ School, JaipurHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -1CLASS : XII SUBJECT : ECONOMICSGeneral Instructions : 1)Read the chapter Poverty from NCRT Book. 2)Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper. 3)Write your Name, Class & Section on the top right side corner along with the options. 4)Click a clear picture using Cam Scanner App & Rename the file as your name, Assessment 1 Economics & Attach it as a PDF document to “mgdclass12economics@”. 5) The last date of submission of the assignment is 10th April 2020. .Prescribed Books 1.Macro Economic, NCERT, V.K. / Ohri & Jain, J.P. Goyal. 2. Indian Economic Development, NCERT. 3. Supplementary Reading Material in Economics, CBSE. Meaning of Poverty Poor in Urban Areas Poor in Rural Areas Common characteristics of the poor people m Measures of Poverty Relative Poverty , Absolute Poverty Causes of Poverty m Poverty Alleviation Programmes Government's approach to Poverty reduction I MARKQUESTION AND ANSWERS1) Poverty data collected officially by ... (a) National Sample Survey Organization (b) National Rural Development Programme (c) National Statistical Department (d) National Census Survey 2) In which year "National Food for Work" programme was launched? (a)2008 {b)2004 (c)1999 (d)2010 3) Minimum calorie requirement in rural areas for per day is _ (a) 1400 calorie (b) 2100 calorie (c) 2400 calorie (d) 2800 calorie 4) Self Employment programmes include ... (a) Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana (PMRY) (b) Sampooma Grameen Rojgar Yojana (SGRJ) (c) National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) (d) National Food for Work Programme (NFWP) 5) The earlier "Food for Work Programme" has now been converted into (a) Intensive Area Development Programme (b) Integrated Rural Development Programme (c) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Programme (d) Minimum Needs Programme 6) Who introduced the concept of "Jail Cost of Living"? (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Dadabhainaroji (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Sardar Vallabhai Patel 7) Which standard is used by the concept of absolute poverty to measure number of poor people? 8) What is meant by H.C.R (Head Count Ratio) ? 9) Mention two wage employment programmes initiated by the government? 10) Name the programme initiated by the Government to help the elderly people, poor and destitute woman. (HOTS) 11) Under MNERGA, What is the minimum number of days of employment in a year guaranteed? (HOTS) 12) Name the two measures of poverty II. Short Answer Questions 3/4Marks 1) What is the difference between Relative and Absolute Poverty? 2) Name some of the Poverty Alleviation Programmes initiated by the government of India 3) Write a short note on "Minimum Needs Programme" 4) Explain "Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005" Ill LONG ANSWER 6 MARKS1) What are the causes of poverty in India? Give Brief Explanation 2) What are the steps taken by the government to remove poverty in India? 3) Write a short notes on (i) National Food for Work Programme (ii) National Social Assistance Programme 4) What is the criticism against the Poverty Alleviation Programmes (PAPs) A) ?The assignment is to be submitted by 10th April, Over E-mail : mgdclass12economics@------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................

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