School closure activities for 3rd class

DatesMaths ActivitiesSee notesTables ChampionGaeilgeFuaimeanna & FocailJolly GrammarReading/ WritingOther SubjectsMon04/05/20Area: We count area in squares. Count each square to find the area of each shapeTC WK 27 - MonOcht (eight)Ochtar (8 people)Bocht (poor)Déan A agus BJG pg. 60 First 4 words into a sentence Activity 1- Draw the correct pictureDEAR Time: 20 minsWordwise: p88 Comprehension/ Cloze ParagraphSPHE: Each day write 5 things that you are grateful for. Gaeilge: see notesMovement Breaks MonopolySESE Project.Covid19 Time CapsuleHistory Project.You are living through history right now. Never before have we in Ireland gone through something like Covid19.Maybe in the future we will be reading about this in our history books and you will be able to tell your children and grandchildren about it. We need to gather some evidence - photos, artefacts, interviews. That’s your SESE project this week. See the notes below.Tues05/05/20We can find the area by counting the squares. We can also find it by multiplying the length by the width. TC WK 27 – TuesSeacht (seven)Seachtar (7 people)Seachtain (week)Déan C agus DJG pg. 60 Next 4 words into sentencesDictionary work- write the meaning of each wordDEAR Time: 20 MinsFree Writing 10 mins in joined writingWed06/05/20Do Q 1,2 & 4TC WK 27- WedsAg teacht (coming)Ag casachtach (coughing)Ag cleachtadh (practicing)Déan E agus FJG pg. 60Next 4 words into sentencesSyllables and parse sentencesDEAR Time: 20 minsWordwise: p89A,B,CThurs07/05/20Solve: The Back Garden TC WK 27 – ThursAn Nuacht( The News)Sneachta (snow)Ag fanacht (waiting)Déan G agus HJG pg. 60Next 4 words into sentencesp 61 Homophones-Choose the correct word there/their/they’reDEAR Time: 20 minsFree Writing 10 mins in joined writingFri08/05/20Revision pageAsk a family member to test your tables- multiplication and divisionAsk a family member to test your spellingsAsk a family member to test your spellings.DEAR Time: 20 minsWordwise: p89C & DNotes:Maths Activities MondayTuesdayIn Q1 below there are 8 squares counting across and 8 squares counting down. If we multiply these 2 numbers we get 64. This is another way of finding area. Multiply the length by the width 8x8=64 squaresWednesdayThursdayFridayWordwise 3. P88 Cloze ParagraphP89 Revision pageTranslation: Ruairi got up early in the morning.He went to the bathroom. He washed his face and hands.He brushed his teeth with a brush and toothpaste.He combed his hair.He took off his pyjamas.He put on his school uniform.He ran downstairs as fast as the wind.Mammy and Daddy were eating breakfast.Why have you got your uniform on?It is Saturday.I forgot.Everybody started laughing. Answers: D’eirigh, Chuaigh, Nigh, Scuab, Chíor, Bhain, Chuir, RithChoose the correct answers: Ar éirigh? D’éirigh/ Níor eirigh … Ar nigh? Nigh/ Níor nigh.. Ar scuab? Scuab /Níor scuab…. Ar chíor? Chior/ Níor chíor….Ar bhain? Bhain/ Níor bhain…Ar chuir? Chuir/ Níor chuir…Ar rith? Rith / Níor rith. Cuirtíní- curtains, dallóg- blind, fuinneog- window, cuisneoir-fridge, doirteal-sink, sáspan-saucepan, citeal-kettle, reoiteoir-freezer, an t-urlár- the floor, inneal níocháin- washing machine, triomadóir- dryer, cófra-press, cuntar- counter, cupán- cup, gréithe- crockery, miasnitheoir- dishwasher, sorn- ovenFill in the blanks. Draw and label a kitchen in your copy. SESEI suggest doing a page or two of this project every day and spread it out over the whole week. You don’t have to do all the pages. Pick the ones you would like to do. Below are some suggestions as you work.My 2020 Covid19 Time Capsule The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic will go down in the history books, but a time capsule will teach future generations all about what lockdown was really like.What is a Time Capsule? Time capsules are containers of some kind which hold a selection of objects, picked because they have a special meaning in the time that we’re living in. For example, time capsules have been found from as early as 1874 in the UK with photographs and letters, describing daily events happening that year.So, there’s two parts to the project. The template with the writing element and then the box or container you might like to keep your capsule in or maybe bury it in the garden for someone in the future to find. Before you start your project. Think. If you were to explain to someone in 50 years, or an alien from other space maybe, what it was like during the Coronavirus lockdown in Ireland. What would you tell them? Part 1Here is the link for the template to use. Or I include the pages below also. If you cannot print the template, use an old copybook or notebook and make your own scrapbook using the ideas in the pages below. Colour in the headings for each page. Page 1Your name and colour in the page and titlePage 2A picture of those of you that are social distancing in the house. This is also where you collect photos, newspaper articles etc. to go with your project. The newspapers are full of photos and stories. Maybe you might put the whole newspaper in your capsule. Maybe you might make a collage of photos from the newspaper or the internet. Don’t forget the good news stories as well. How the people were clapping for the frontline workers at 8 o’clock each night, or lit candles in their windows, or collected money to order and deliver food into the people who were working so hard. My favourite part of the newspaper these days are where people write about what they promise to do when the lockdown is finished. Page 3Is all about youPage 4How you’re feeling – We are all going through so many feelings these days. We have good days and not so good days. And that’s totally understandable. This page allows you to put all those feelings down on paper. What have you learned from this experience? Is it that I miss seeing all my friends and family? And that I will make more of an effort when the lockdown stops. Is it that you find it hard to do work at home? What have you learned? Page 5Your house. You could draw a different picture of your house and stick it over this page. You could draw a map or a floorplan of your house. Also list how you are connecting with other people – are you using video calls? Did you write letters or postcards? Write down all the things here. Page 6Draw and colour the things that you are doing at home. Baking, crafts, going for walks, talking on video calls, doing my school work on the laptop????? Add a little note to each drawing. Page 7Our handprints. I think some families may need a bigger page for this one. You could outline your hand prints and maybe each person could colour it in, or you could use paint. It’s up to you. Be creative. Page 8Special Occasions. How did you celebrate these this year? Or how was it different to how you would celebrate it normally. Page 9Letter to myself. Include in the letter how you are feeling, was it a very crazy time for you, did you like being out and about and spending time with your family? You could write to yourself that you are very proud of how you worked so hard or helped out at home. Maybe you helped your little brothers and sisters when mam and dad were very busy working. When you open your time capsule in 50 years’ time imagine reading this.Page 10Interview your parents. I know lots of mams and dads are very busy these days. Some are working away from home, some working at home, so pick a time that suits mam or dad to do this. Maybe make them a cup of tea while you do this. Page 11Oh no – mam or dad has school work to do too! When and if they have time, they might write a letter to you that you will read when you open your time capsule in 50 years’ time!Part 2: Making your time capsule.Choose your box to keep your time capsule. If you’re burying your time capsule, it’s important to use a sturdy container that won’t rot or fall apart over time. Especially if you’re thinking of burying it in the garden. The link below gives great ideas about the different kinds of boxes. Or maybe you will hide it up in the attic. Photographs – Photos are a great way to show future generations what your life was like. For a time capsule to remember COVID-19, you might want to include photos of what kind of things you did at home. Maybe talking to grandparents on the phone, baking, learning to ride a bike etc.Newspaper -show the date, different stories (positive and not so positive), maybe a local paper and a national paper. Letters or postcards sent during this time. Maybe the little yellow brochure that came in the post explaining what the Coronavirus was.These are just some examples of what you could include in your time capsule. I’m sure you can think of lots more things. This link gives some good ideas note:The following link is to a book published by the UK Health board. It explains Covid-19 in a child friendly manner. It may give your child a better understanding of what is happening at the moment. It is additional reading (not mandatory reading) at the discretion of each parent. websites:Multiplication – Loads of fun games for practicing and revising tables.IXL – Great for practicing maths activitiesTopmarks – the button - pop - : Free home trial for mathseBook library: app – free resource from the library. Use the barcode from the back of your library card to log in. You can access eBooks and also audio books. Super resource for children and adults at this time!Twinkl – A really useful website with lots of resources for free that they have make accessible to everyone at this time. Use the code IRLTWINKLHELPS to get free access to all resources for a month. Art PowerPoints – step by step instructions: Stamping: Lightbot - Coding websiteDuolingo – or as a free app on the phone. Great opportunity to practice Gaeilge in a fun, interactive way.Cula: en/ GoNoodle: Yoga: ................

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