Paper Guidelines EWRT 1A

Paper Guidelines EWRT 1A

Always bring 2 copies of your paper on the due date for peer editing

Assignment: Write a multi-paragraph essay approximately 3-4 pages (750-1000 words) in length based on the writing topic choices from the following pages of The Sundance Writer.

Essay #1 This essay is the only one not based on The Sundance Writer, but instead springboards from the sample essay read in class entitled “My Name, My Self.” Write an essay about your name analyzing how it is or isn’t a reflection of your culture and identity.

Essay #2 Description 162-163 (Choose a topic that is a person, place or thing NOT an event) or 172


Example 239-240 or 250

Essay #3 Compare and Contrast 314 or 318


Process 351 - 352 or 378

Essay #4 Argument 478 - 479 or 483


Narration 196 or Relate your life in some way to Frederick Douglass

Paper Format: All papers must be typed, double-spaced, on 8.5 x 11 white paper, with once inch margins, and a reasonable size font (similar to this paper, size 12). This is an MLA style paper, and therefore should have your name, professor’s name, course name, and date on the top left hand corner and the title centered. Please staple your pages together at the top left hand corner and no folders or covers. For a visual, see:

Acceptable English Paper Specifications:

- No ambiguous or vague language (don’t use the word “thing”)

- No slang or profanity unless quoting

- No grammatical errors or typo’s


1)An introductory paragraph, which includes and introduction to the subject matter and the thesis statement.

2) Multiple body paragraphs with a topic sentences and lots of detail that directly support the thesis.

3) A conclusion that does not begin a new idea or subject

4) Logical transitions between paragraphs

Sample Outline

Each week students will prepare an outline for the following week’s essay.

Please type and include the thesis and at least three supporting topic sentences.


Thesis – Analyzing my own name, Julie Pesano, makes me understand that our names are inherently linked to our identity.

Support – 1) Pesano. My last name identifies me with a group, a culture, and a history.

2) Julie. My first name contains lots of meaning around my parents’ values and my own sense of self.

3) Nicknames. My nicknames allow me to change roles in certain groups and situations.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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