Year 7 Assessment Task Sheet - General Curriculum

5029200114300004843780-9461500Year 7 Assessment Task SheetStudent Name:Date Commenced:Date Due:Name of Task: Ancient Egypt – What’s all the Fuss? Teacher:Learning Area/s: History, Technology, English, ICTType of Task: FORMCHECKBOX Oral FORMCHECKBOX Written FORMCHECKBOX OtherTask Conditions: FORMCHECKBOX Individual FORMCHECKBOX Pair FORMCHECKBOX Group Work FORMCHECKBOX In Class FORMCHECKBOX Homework FORMCHECKBOX OtherAccess to: FORMCHECKBOX Books FORMCHECKBOX Notes FORMCHECKBOX LibraryAssessed By: FORMCHECKBOX Self FORMCHECKBOX Peer FORMCHECKBOX TeacherTask Description: Students will create a museum display or an exhibition that highlights the significance of the ancient Egyptian culture in today’s society.You work for a curator of the National Museum Of History in Canberra. An email has arrived from Bob Carr the Federal minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade informing you that a group of Egyptian Foreign Affairs and Trade diplomats will be visiting Australia to join discussions on the issue of ‘live cattle trade’ on the 30th October, this year. To coincide with this visit and to enhance relations between our countries, Bob Carr has asked you to organise an exhibition (see guidelines below) that highlights the importance of the Egyptian culture in present day society. He will view the display on the 23rd October, a week before the official party arrive for the summit. Below is an excerpt of the Bob Carr’s email.“The Ancient Egyptian civilisation was dominant in the Mediterranean region for approximately 3000 years, between about 3000 bce and 30 bce. During that time, the Ancient Egyptians made huge improvements to their lifestyles in many different ways. Egyptian inventions, ideas, theories, skills and crafts were adopted by later civilisations. Our modern world has greatly benefited from these early developments in Egypt. Ancient Egyptian legacies can be grouped under the following headings:?buildings and building interiors—such as pyramids, obelisks, locks and keys, furniture, clocks?communication—paper, ink, hieroglyphs, calendars, maps?personal grooming and appearance—wigs, make-up, toothbrush and paste, perfume, scissors?farming—domestication of cattle and donkeys, irrigation, sickle blades, ox-drawn plough?human anatomy—identification of internal and external organs, mummification, surgery, surgical instruments, – work, leisure, education, family lifereligion – gods, book of the deadProcedure: Your team’s task is to prepare an exhibition or display that highlights the significance of ancient Egypt in today’s society. Select the categories you will include in your exhibition.Discuss what needs to be done.Discuss how you will present the exhibition.Allocate roles.Prepare a graphic organiser that clearly displays responsibilities and roles. Include: dates and expectations.Refer to both primary and secondary sources of information such as letters, photographs, paintings, books, documentaries and the internet.Keep a list of sources you have used.Choose a title or theme for the exhibition.Resources:Books/Library Class Notes Internet Year 7 – History – Semester 2Why is ancient Egypt important today?Modified assessment for special needs studentsName:Date:The student demonstrates:ABCDEHistorical Fact FileCommunicates substantial historical knowledge on this topic Communicates thorough historical knowledge on this topicCommunicates some historical knowledge on this topicCommunicates basic historical knowledge on this topicCommunicates limited historical knowledge on this topic.Describes the features of the prehensive description, interpretation and explanation of past events, developments and perspectives of ancient Egyptian civilization. Effective description, interpretation and explanation of past events, developments and perspectives of ancient Egyptian civilization.Relevant description, interpretation and explanation of past events, developments and perspectives of ancient Egyptian civilization.Basic description, interpretation and explanation of past events, developments and perspectives of ancient Egyptian civilization.Limited description, interpretation and explanation of past events, developments and perspectives of ancient Egyptian civilization.Explains how the invention worked.Identifies how the invention was used.How is the invention significant today?Referencing conventionsAccurately uses a recognized convention of referencingAccurately uses a recognized convention of referencing with some technical lapses.Uses some elements of a recognized referencing system.Uses some elements of referencingProvides no system of referencing.Feedback:Year 7 – History – Semester 2How is ancient Egypt significant today?Name:Date:The student demonstrates:ABCDEExhibition IdeasStudent has created a comprehensive and creative exhibit that accurately depicts their chosen artifacts. Great care and attention are given to details.Student has created a detailed exhibit that fairly accurately depicts their chosen artifact. Care and attention are given to details.Student has created a quality exhibition that depicts that fairly accurately depicts their chosen artifact. Care and attention are given to detailsStudent has created an exhibit that minimally depicts their chosen artifact. Minimal care and attention are given to details.Student has created a poor quality exhibit that makes it difficult to identify their chosen monument or artifact.Identifies legacies Accurately and independently identifies six or more ancient Egyptian legacies.With limited assistance, accurately and independently identifies five ancient Egyptian legacies.With some assistance, accurately identifies four ancient Egyptian legacies.With significant assistance, accurately identifies two or three ancient Egyptian legacies.With considerable assistance, accurately identifies one or two ancient Egyptian legacies.Identifies how the legacy is used todayAccurate and comprehensive explanation of the significance of the invention, skill, concept, idea or craft in today’s world including:How it is used?Who uses it?What it’s used for?Accurately explains the significance of the invention, skill, concept, idea or craft in today’s world including some information about:How it is used?Who uses it?What it’s used for?Simply explains the significance of the invention, skill, concept, idea or craft in today’s world with some reference to:How it is used?Who uses it?What it’s used for?Simply explains the significance of the invention, skill, concept, idea or craft in today’s world with limited reference to:How it is used?Who uses it?What it’s used for?Limited explanation of the significance of the invention, skill, concept, idea or craft in today’s world with no reference to:How it is used?Who uses it?What it’s used for?Referencing conventionsAccurately uses a recognized convention of referencingAccurately uses a recognized convention of referencing with some technical lapses.Uses some elements of a recognized referencing system.Uses some elements of referencingProvides no system of referencing.Feedback: ................

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