Second Class Work – Week beginning 18 / 05 / 2020Hello everyone,I hope that you are all still keeping well. It was great to see some of the children’s work last week. It is clear that you continuing to work hard in these difficult times. Below is the suggested work for this week. As always it intended to be helpful not a cause of stress or anxiety. Please choose what is doable in your home.Please contact me if you need anything or if you child has completed something that they would like to share. Kind regards,Mrs. E. StoreyEmail: e.storey.bgns@English: Reading Class novel (read at own individual pace) while engaging with comprehension and reading strategies Before reading: Predict what is going to happen next.During reading: Questioning. Include questions to which the answers can be found in the story, as well as ‘I wonder why…’ questions (the class have had lots of practice with this)Find and take note of 5 words that you are unsure of exact meaning.Explore:How do you feel about the main character? Why?Why does the character act / feel a certain way?Does the story make sense to you?Can you link or relate anything you have read to your own life? / How does this story remind you of your own life?After reading:Summarise what you have read.Discuss favourite part of story. Why? Is there anything you don’t like about the story? Why?Use dictionary to find definition of above 5 words. Either write out the definition or put the words into your own sentence to show your understanding. Complete diary entry of character.Sequence events (either orally or pictorially).This is a link to the scholastic Charlotte’s Web Activity Site this website you can complete online activities such as:Pick-the-Perfect-Word Game, Make-Your-Own Comics, see snapshots from the Movie and more.* If you have managed to complete Charlotte’s Web. Let me know how you got on with the book and any activities. Please try and keep up your reading by practicing the above reading strategies with different books and novels. ** Note: Fry’s lists available in the learning support section of the school website for those children who had been working on these previously. Story Please the Bees (Duration 5:11 mins)This story is about a bear called Benedict. Life is sweet for Benedict. Every morning he wakes up to find jars of fresh honey on his back porch. He makes honey?toast for breakfast, bakes honey cake in the afternoon, and drinks honey tea before bed. But one day, the jars on?Benedict’s porch are empty. The bees in his backyard have gone on strike! They are tired of doing all the work around?the hive. What can Benedict do to make the bees happy and bring sweetness back to his days?ActivitiesThe bees said that Benedict was ‘taking us for granted’. What does this mean? Benedict has a daily routine each day? What routine do you have? How have they changed since the schools have closed? Why did the Bees start to make honey again?Writing Handwriting book – continue Procedural writing: A simple recipe.I have heard that lots of you are helping in the kitchen to make lots of nice treats. Therefore this week I wold like you to write out a recipe of something that you have made or would like to make with help from an adult. Things like rice crispy buns and pancakes can be simple things to write about. Remember when you are writing include a title, the ingredients and steps to follow. Bossy verbs are important when writing recipes. Words like melt, mix and stir will be useful during your steps. If you have made the recipe you could include a photograph or you could draw a picture. I have attached a sample recipe to help.Oral I have attached name 5 things challenge cards. This exercise will help to expand and categorise vocabulary. The idea is to name 5 things in 30 seconds. If this is too tricky increase the time. If it is too difficult try to name 10 items in in the same time.Spellings & grammar Weekly spellings and spelling activity in Spell well. Spelling websites : and (see below); choose list -> Curriculum -> Curriculum yr 1 -> adding –un as a prefix -> click on spell tab below picture Try to put some of these words into your own sentence.Grammar: Antonyms – antonyms are two words with the opposite plete Worksheets 1 and 2 below. Gaeilge:Sa BhaileGo to: and register in the teachers section using Prim20 as the roll numberSearch Abair Liom 2nd classEbook pgs 124 – 129. EadaíLch 124 & 125 – become familiar with vocabLch 126: Rólimirt. Roleplay / drama if possible. (Or use it to practice reading)Lch 127: Fill in in the blanks.(Ar chaill tú _________? = Did you loose?)lch 128: Exercise C: Listen, draw and colour. Press the read speaker icon to play the instructions. Press pause after each character to get a chance to complete the task for each character. Exercise D: True or FalseLch 129: fill in the ‘ea’ sound and complete the word search.Resources: When you have page 124 open, in the green tool bar at the bottom you will see the number 6 – click on it to access resources. (Comhrá, Póstaer, Pléasc an Balún, Luas Cártaí, srl.)(if you need any help with specific vocabulary please don’t hesitate to contact me.)There are very good interactive pieces in these resources that I would encourage the children to use – particularly in Comhrá and Póstaer. Maths:Measures: Area. Estimate and measure area using no standard units.(area is a new topic for 2nd class) Area definition: the?area?can be defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object.Online Activities: on the first game named area. The children have to count how many squares the shape covers.Planet Maths book pgs 119 & 120The activities in the book such as estimating and counting the numbers of playing cards it takes to cover the maths book can be adapted for use outdoors using larger items eg. How many doormats would you need to cover an area of grass?Weekly practice Daily practice in maths homework book.Daily tables practice (addition, subtraction and skip counting)Suggested Tables app – Maths Duel Mental Maths & Quick sums. Planet Maths pgs 125 & 126SESEProject : Time Capsule(To be completed over a number of weeks)As you all know we are living through history at the moment. In years to come we will all look back and tell people about the time we lived through the Covid 19 pandemic. To help with this I thought that it would be a nice idea for the children in 2nd class to create a time capsule. A?time capsule?is a container that is filled with present day things, such as newspapers, photos, letters etc., that is then hidden away in a closet or buried in your garden, for a?time, and then opened by your future self, or someone of your choosing. A present for the future!I have attached some worksheets to help to create the time capsule. You can include as much or as little as you like. It can be a personal capsule or a project for the family. Ice cream/butter tubs are useful or just about any container that isn’t needed anymore. It is not essential to dig up the garden either simply putting the container in a cupboard or in the attic is perfect.Below are some YouTube links one to a school who buried a time capsule in the year 2000 and then excavated it in 2015 and another to a group of Wexford students who have decided to make a digital time capsule during the pandemic. 1st CommunionAs this Saturday would have been 2nd classes 1st Holy communion day. I encourage you all to make it as special as possible. Maybe the children in 2nd class can be in charge for the day. Picking their favourite food, favourite games and favourite things to watch on tv. I know this went down well with my nephews who also missed their big day.Physical exerciseP.E. Joe Wicks daily workout (televised at 9am)Gonoodle (children have used this every day in class and really enjoy it)Cosmic kids on youtubeJoin Fyffes Fit Squad on Instagram and Facebook every Monday – Friday at 10am.Play outside as much as possible.SPHERandom act of kindnessComplete one random act of kindness (either for a family member in your house or by making contact with someone you feel might need a chat)Record your random act of kindness (either pictorially or in writing… or both) in the copy you got home… I look forward to hearing all about these.Farm Safety(To be completed over a number of weeks)I am aware that many children are currently spending more time on their family farms than ever before.I am also very aware of the dangers associated with this. Therefore, I have decided to add Farm Safety to this week’s plan of work.Please talk to your child/children about farm safety and complete thefollowing activities;1. Visit and play the following Farm Safety games; Spot the Dangers, Follow the Signs and Off to Work.2. Read and discuss the HSA Farm Safety. You can access it here.. Watch these videos with your kids and discuss them. Discuss the Farm Safety Notice below.Design and make your own Farm Safety Poster.Art Colouring CompetitionThe national rural network have created a colouring competition linked to farm safety. The details can be accessed in the following link. The closing date is May 22nd. You print off, colour and then email back the finished work. have attached a copy of the colouring pages also.Interesting websites:*Tune into RTE 2 primary school educational Programme Monday to Friday from 11 to 12Procedural Writing SampleHow to Make Jelly Ingredients: ? Jelly Squares? Water What we need: ? Kettle ? Water ? Litre Jug ? Spoon ? Bowl Method: 1. Fill the kettle with water and bring to the boil. 2. Break up the jelly into small pieces. 3. Put the jelly pieces into the jug. 4. Pour the boiling water over the jelly in the jug. 5. Stir well until all the jelly has dissolved. 6. Pour into the bowl. 7. Leave in a cold place to set. 8. Serve with ice-cream.Oral Languageleft000-48260-264922000Worksheet 1Worksheet 2-81898413800-572770000left30400left22100-890905000-906780000left57900left800600left-11000left13800left11000SPHENow create your own farm safety sign.-1016635139700000-1925955143319500-1950085141732000 ................

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