MGD School,Jaipur

CLASS 8HOME STUDYASSIGNMENTS - 3LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION – 30TH APRIL 2020ENGLISHHINDIFRENCHSANSKRITMATHEMATICSSCIENCESOCIAL SCIENCEMUSICMGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLCLASS – VIIIRESOURCE MATERIAL REQUIREDHoneydewE-content on YouTubeSYLLABUS TO BE COVERED The Best Christmas Present in the WorldGENERAL INSTRUCTIONSRead the given poem from your reader online if you don’t have the book.Print the given worksheet, write your name and class on it and complete it by 30th April 2020.Paste the completed worksheet in your English notebook to be submitted when the school reopens.Worksheet 3The Best Christmas Present in the WorldInstruction: Read the story carefully and answer the following questions carefully in the worksheet.1370330624205 Theme: The chapter lays emphasis on the innate quality of humanity and goodness in a person. Be it Tommy or Fritz coming together for a football match even though being at war with each other or the man going to return the letter to Connie because he knows it matters the most to her. The chapter reminds us that there are good people out there.Answer the following questions in 20-30 words each:1. Why was the author interested in a roll top desk?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What was Connie’s best Christmas present?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. How did the Christmas celebration between Tommy and Fritz go? Give some examples.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Did anyone want war? If no, give some examples from the chapter to prove your point.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????MGD GIRLS' SCHOOL JAIPUR?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? HOME? ?STUDY? ?ASSIGNMENT---3? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CLASS ----8? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 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First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.For example students of class 7f will send their completed worksheet of french to french7fmgd@ whereas students of class 8f will send their completed worksheet to french8fmgd@ Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class and section.VIII D- french8dmgd@VIII E- french8emgd@ VIII F- french8fmgd@ VIII G- french8gmgd@Name :Class & Sec.:Worksheet-31. Reliez les adjectives de sens contraire. gentil intelligent mécontent gaie timide contentantipathique bêtebeau sympathiqueméchant laid2. Accordez et placez les adjectifs. a. Nous sommes ……………….. . (amusant) b. Ce sont de …………………………..femmes . ( belle) c. Mon frère est ……………… . (petit) d. Je rencontre des gens ………………..( intéressant) 3. Complétez avec la forme de l’adjectif entre parenthèses. a. Des robes ……………………. (blanc) b. Un ……………………………monsieur (gentille) c. Un ……………………………..gar?on (grosse) d. Un ……………………………homme (vieux)4.?crivez cinq phrases pour décrire les qualités de votre meilleur(e) ami(e).___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-???????-3 (2020-21)????? – 8????-?????????????? - ?????????1.??????????? ???? ??? ? ?????? ?? ???? ?????????? (worksheet ) ?? ??? | E link - 2.??? ?????????? ?? ??? ????????????? ??? ?? ??? | ???????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????? | 3.????? ???????????????? ??e mail ?? ?????30/4/2020 ?? ?????? ?? | 1. Mail id - sanskrit8amgd@ – Mrs. Geetesh Sharmasanskrit8cmgd@2.Whatsapp to Mrs. Seema Sharma-viii-B 9414320963_________________________________________________________________________________???? :- ????????? (??????-?????-??????)???. 1. ??????? ??????? ?????????????—i) ???? + ?????? = ...........................ii) ???????_= ...........................iii) ??????? = ...........................iv) ??????? = ...........................v) ????? +?????? = ? + ?? + ????? ...........................???. 2. ??????????????????????????????????????????? /????? / ?????? ?????????????????????: ??????????????????—???— ?: ????????????(? + ?? + ?????) ????????: ??????????????(?? + ??????) ????????i) ???: ???????? .................... (? + ?? + ?????) ????????ii) ?????: ???????? .................... (?? + ??????) ???????iii) ???: ??????? .................... (????? + ??????) ????????????????iv) ?????: .................... (?? + ??? + ?????) ??????????????v) ???: ???????? ................. 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Click a clear picture using CamScanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment-III: Maths and attach it as a pdf document to mail id.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020.First, student must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to the following email id mentioned in the worksheet, according to their class and sectionClass and sectionSubject teacher Email ID8AMrs Shweta Goyalmath8amgd@8BMrsMamta Khatrimath8bmgd@8CMrsEkta Bhatiamath8cmgd@8DMrsSrishtiChoudharymath8dmgd@8EMrsMamta Khatrimath8emgd@8FMrsSrishtiChoudharymath8fmgd@8G MrsSarika Joshimath8gmgd@Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class and section.WORKSHEET-3SUBJECT- MATHSCLASS-VIIISolve:8x + 3 = 27+ 2x5x + 7 = 2x -82z – 1 = 14 – z9x + 5 = 4(x-2) + 823x + 1 = 73(23) of a number is 20 less than the original number. Find the number.If 10 is added to four times a certain number, the result is 5 less than five times the number. Find the number.The width of a rectangle is two-thirds its length. If the perimeter is 180 meters, find the length and breadth of the rectangle.Four-fifths of a number is greater than three-fourths of the number by 4. Find the number.Find three consecutive even numbers whose sum is 234.[Hint: Let the required numbers be 2x, (2x + 2) and (2x + 4)]NOTEResoure material Ncert book of class VIII Any maths reference book of Class VIII, you can easily getE-content from digital apps like Diksha, Youtube etc.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -3CLASS – VIIISUBJECT : SCIENCEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -Microorganisms : Friend & Foefrom the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below) book is also available on ePathshaala appDo the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name,Assignment-III : Science and attach it as a pdf document to mailid The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.For example students of class 7A will send their completed worksheet of science to science7amgd@ whereas students of class 6B will send their completed worksheet to science6bmgd@Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & section8A- science8amgd@8B -science8bmgd@8C - HYPERLINK "mailto:science8cmgd@"science8cmgd@8D- science8dmgd@8E-science8emgd@8F- science8fmgd@8G- science8gmgd@WORKSHEET 3Subject: -SCIENCEClass -VIIIDate of Submission-30/04/2020(I) Choose the correct option.1.Which of the following cannot be classified as either living or non-living?a. fungi b. bacteria c. viruses d. protozoa2. Amoeba belongs to which of the following ?a. bacteria b. virus c. fungus d. protozoa3. Which of the following can make their own food by photosynthesis?a. algae b. viruses c. fungi d. protozoa4. The microorganism that help to make curd from milk is aa. bacterium b. viruses c. fungi d. protozoa5. Which of the following is responsible for making bread soft and fluffy?a. finely ground flourb. alcohol given off during fermentation of sugar c. sugar d. carbon dioxide gas given off during fermentation of sugar6. Which of the following does not prevent growth of bacteria?a. salt b. sugar c. water d. oil7. Carrier of malaria causing protozoan isa.Aedes mosquito b. butterfly c. female Anopheles mosquito d. cockroach8. Which of the following is not a communicable disease? a. cholera b. cancer c. chickenpox d. malaria9.Which of the following disease is not caused by virus?a. measles b. chicken pox c. cholera d. polio10.Microorganisms spread througha. air b. cuts c. water d. all of theseAnswer the following questions.How does a vaccine work ?What are antibiotics ? What precautions must be taken while taking antibiotics?How do microorganisms help in cleaning up the environment?What is fermentation? Discuss its use in making alcoholic beverages.What is nitrogen fixation ? Name two biological nitrogen fixers?What is meant by communicable diseases ? Name any two communicable diseases.(a)How does housefly carry disease causing microorganisms and spread diseases ? (b) How can spread of disease by houseflies and mosquitoes prevented?How is food poisoning caused ?(a) What is meant by food preservation ? Name any six methods of preserving food.(b) Describe the method of pasteurization for the preservation of milk.Draw the Nitrogen Cycle. What is its importance ?MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT – 3CLASS – VIIISUBJECT – SOCIAL SCIENCEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Read the chapter – THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below) Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.Click a clear picture using cam scanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment – 3: subject and attach it as a pdf document to mail idThe last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020.First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and sectionFor example students of class 7A will send their completed worksheet of science to science7amgd@ whereas students of class 6B will send their completed worksheet to science6bmgd@Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionVIII A- sst8amgd@VIII B- sst8bmgd@VIII C- sst8cmgd@VIII D- sst8ddmgd@VIII E- sst8emgd@ VIII F- sst8fmgd@VIII G- sst8gmgd@_____________________________________________________________________________WORKSHEET 3Subject: - SOCIAL SCIENCE Class – VIIIDate of Submission 30/04/2020The written document in which we find rules formulated through consensus is called a __________________________. 2. Who is known as the father of the Indian constitution? 3. Which is the most important fundamental right guaranteed by the Indian Constitution? 4. The term ___________________ refers to the existence of more than one level of the government of the country. 5. Picture reading:- In what way is the class monitor misusing his power? 6. Draw a flow chart showing the three organs of the state and explain. ” THREE ORGANS OF THE STATE” 7. Define:- (a) Polity (b) Secularism (c) Tyranny 8. Write any three features of the Right to Equality? 9. Which Fundamental Rights will the following situations violate?? ? ? ? ? (a)?If a 13-year old child is working in a factory manufacturing carpets.? ? ? ? (b) If a politician in one state decides to not allow labourers from other states to work in his state. ? ? ? ? ? (c)?If a group of people are not given permission to open a Telugu-medium school in Kerala. 10. “The constitution serves several purposes” Give three reasons in support of the statement. 11. What were the challenges before the members of the Constituent Assembly? 12. Name the fundamental rights in the Indian constitution? Explain any two in detail. 13. Explain briefly the five features of the Indian Constitution. 14. Why does a democratic country need a constitution? Explain______________________________________________________________________________ ................

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