Guess Paper – 2013





This paper consists of four sections:

Section. A - Reading (15 marks)

Section B. – Writing (20 marks)

Section C. – Grammar (15 marks)

Section D – Literature (30 marks)



1. Attempt all questions

2. Do not write anything in the question paper

3. Answer the questions in each section before going on to the next section

4. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.

5. Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.

6. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions



1. Read the following passage carefully: [8]

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a common problem of people living in northern United States. People who are affected by this disorder commonly suffer from depression, lethargy, inability to concentrate, overeating and weight gain. People from the north tend to suffer more from this disorder because of the shortened days. It appears, that due to the deficiency of sunlight some people suffer from these symptoms. The shortened days have a hormonal effect on the body that causes these symptoms, and the use of artificial sunlight is the best way to relieve the disorder.

Serotonin is the chemical that regulates a person's appetite for carbohydrate rich foods. A patient who suffers from SAD,is given an artificial shot of serotonin called d-fenfluramine "leads to a decrease in stress-induced eating" (Scientific American 1986). In each person’s blood stream we have a hormone known as trypton that is a derivative of serotonin. When it enters the central nervous system and reaches a group of cells called raphe nucli it is converted into serotonin. The amount of trypton in the blood is increased when carbohydrates are consumed.

This may explain why many people who suffer from SAD have an increase their intake of carbohydrates. In testing results it patients who suffer from SAD when given "an 800-calorie, high-

carbohydrate meal (six cookies), they reported feeling vigorous and energized" (Health 1989).

Evidently, the best treatment for those who suffer from SAD is light therapy. Although, we still are not for sure what the cause of SAD is we do know that light therapy suppresses the symptoms. The human body needs to be exposed to the daylight, and our everyday lives may hinder our exposure. For example, most people work inside in either an office or some type of building. This significantly reduces our exposure to daylight. It was found in San Diego that the male spent in a day an average of seventy-five minutes in the sun, and the female spent an average of twenty.

The human body needs more exposure to the light to regulate the secretion of serotonin and melatonin. There is still much testing that needs to be done on SAD. We still are not sure of the cause but we do have a solution. The best way to help suppress SAD is by artificial sun lamps, but these lamps are expensive. Many of the bulbs that are used cost over one-hundred dollars. Carbohydrates are an alternate way to suppress the symptoms, but the side effect is weight gain. It

has been proven in studies, that those who crave carbohydrates also put on significant weight which is lost in the spring. Exposure to daylight will suppress the symptoms without any side effects. The best method to regulate the hormonal balance is by regular exposure to daylight.

1.1 Based upon your reading of the passage, answer the following questions:

1. What do you understand by SAD?

2.What is trypton and how it forms serotonin?

3.How does carbohydrates help people suffering from SAD?

4.What is the best way to cure SAD?

5.What is the side effect of the intake of carbohydrates?

6.Why is light needed for our body?

1.2 Find out words from the passage which mean the same as:

1. lack of something (para 1) have strong desire for something (para 5)

2. Read the following poem and answer the questions given below: [7]

It was many and many a year ago,

In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of ANNABEL LEE;

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,

In this kingdom by the sea;

But we loved with a love that was more than love-

I and my Annabel Lee;

With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven

Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,

In this kingdom by the sea,

A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling

My beautiful Annabel Lee;

So that her highborn kinsman came

And bore her away from me,

To shut her up in a sepulchre

In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in heaven,

Went envying her and me-

Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,

In this kingdom by the sea)

That the wind came out of the cloud by night,

Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love

Of those who were older than we-

Of many far wiser than we-

And neither the angels in heaven above,

Nor the demons down under the sea,

Can ever dissever my soul from the soul

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes

Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side

Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,

In the sepulchre there by the sea,

In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Edgar Allan Poe

1. the winged seraphs refer to

a) Annabel Lee

b) angels in heaven

c) the kingdom having wings

d) the sea god

2. What did the wind out of a cloud do?

a)it froze Annabel Lee to death

b) it carried away Annabel Lee with her

c)it threw Annabel Lee into the sea

d)it made the atmosphere cool and comfortable

3.Sepulchure refers to

a) sea


c) grave

d) kingdom

4. which reason is mentioned responsible for the death of Annabel Lee?

a) the angels in heaven hated her beauty

b) the angels were fond of Annabel Lee

c) the angels wanted safety of Annabel Lee

d)the angels were envious of the Annabel and the poet’s love

5. The poet’s and Annabel’s love was stronger than of those

a)older to them

b)wiser to them

c) both a and b

d)none of the above

6.the moon and the stars

a)remind the poet of his love

b)make the poet forget the world

c)do not affect the poet as he remembers just of his love

d) have stopped shining in the sky

7. Which of the following words in the poem means “to split up”?

a) coveted





3. Read the following notes from the notepad of Mr S. P Sharma , School Inspector,Rainbow School, Mumbai. He asks his assistant to draft a message for the Principal , Mr R. S Khare. Use the information given below and draft the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.

Meeting at 9 am in Audio-Visual room

Teachers teaching Class IX and above must attend

Feedback and follow-up of previous meeting and aims for future as agenda points

4. Imagine that you are Kevin and you went on a tour during the holidays. A friend of yours, Mohit wanted to know all about your tour. Write a dialogue between you and your friend.The beginning of the conversation has been given to you.[5]

Mohit: Where were you since so long?

Kevin: I had a very nice time.

Mohit: Is it? How?


Mohit:[b] -------------------------------------------------------------




5. You are going to appear in the final examination . Write an e-mail to your father from your hostel about how you wish to score well in the exam. The format of the e-mail has been provided to you. [6]

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|From: |

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|To: |

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|Date: |

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|Sub: |

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|Dear father |

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|Yours lovingly |

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6.You are an active member of the Youth Wing of your society. Your organisation has planned to organise Anti Smoking Campaign in the nearby slum areas. Draft a speech which you have to deliver on the occasion. [6]


7. Fill in the blanks with the apropriate options given below the paragraph: [3]

It was [a]----------------[get]too late when Tom saw the watch. He was taken over by the old fear that he might [b]----------------[miss]the train. Once he had missed the train and was stranded for whole night. He [c]----------------[hurry]up and a taxi [d]---------------[hire]by him. He rushed to the platform and [e]------------[take]a huge sigh of relief. The train [f]--------------[board]by him.

[a] (i)getting (ii) got (iii) gets (iv) had got

[b](i)missed (ii)have missed (iii)miss (iv)misses

[c])i)hurries (ii)hurried (iii)would hurry (iv)hurriedly

[d](i)was hired (ii)is hired (iii)hires (iv)hiring

[e](i)was taken (ii)takes (iii)taking (iv)took

[f](i)boarded (ii)was boarding (iii)was boarded (iv)is boarded

8. Given below is a conversation in direct speech. Write the correct answers in indirect speech choosing from the appropriate options given below: [3]

Arunima: How will I finish up this task today?

Meghna: Why don’t you take my help?

Arunima: Help me if you have time now.

[a] Arunima asked her friend Meghna

(i) how will she finish her task today

(ii) how would she finish her task that day

(iii) how she would finish that task that day

(iv) how can she finish her task that day

[b] Meghna suggested her

(i) why she didn’t take her help.

(ii) why she didn’t took her help

(iii) why she hadn’t take her help

(iv)Why she won’t take her help

[c] Arunima requested her

(i) to help her if you have time now

(ii) to help her if she wanted

(iii) to help her if she had time

(iv) to help her if she had time then

9. The passage given below is unedited. There is an error in each line. Identify the error and write the correction in your answer sheet against correct blank number. The first one has been done for you.[3]

Incorrect correct

The peddlar stolen thirty kronors [a]

And escaped through the path [b]

That led to a forest. By than he was [c]

Quiet hungry and he started searching [d]

For a shelter for the night. He sees [e]

A iron mill and went inside to have [f]

A look.

10 .Fill in the blanks selecting correct prepositions from the alternatives given:[3]

[i] kindly send me my book as soon as you are-------with it.


[ii] two great tears ran slowly -------the corners of her eyes.


[iii] I do not know how to manage -----------four hundred francs.


11. Given below is a conversation. Fill in the blanks with appropriate dialogues: [3]

Rahul : [a] ----------------------------------------------------------?

Divya: I was unwell and could not come to the school.

[b] -----------------------------------------------------------?

Rahul: No,the test was postponed and it would be conducted next week.

Divya: [c] ----------------------------------------------------------------?

Rahul: I am not very sure but I think the chapters which are completed would be taken up.


12.1 Read the following poem passage and answer the questions given below: [3]

[a] Which of the two roads did the poet take?

(i) the one that was fairer

(ii)the one that had no grass in it

(iii)the one which was less travelled by

(iv) the one which had been more travelled by

[b] Which road according to the poet had a better claim?

(i)the wider one

(ii) the longer one

(iii)the fairer one

(iv) the grassy one

[c] How were the two roads similar up to the point where the poet stood?

(i) they had been used almost equally

(ii)they both had lots of grass on them

(iii) they were equal in their width and length

(iv) they were both parallel to each other

12.2 Read the given extract and answer the following questions: [3]

But even Duke’s presence didn’t reach Chuck.The once muscles slacked on the rangy frame. Secretly,Marcy cried as she watched the big man’s grin fade away. Sever face lines set in like cement as Chuck stared at the ceiling for hours,then out of the window,then at Duke. When two fellows stare at each other day in, day out and one can’t move and the other can’t talk,boredom sets in.

(i) But even Duke’s presence didn’t reach Chuck. Why?

(ii) Why did Marcy cry secretly at times?

(iii) Who are the two fellows mentioned in the passage?

12.3 Read the given extract and answer the following questions: [3]

Jeanne: What on earth are you driving at?

Gaston:Just trying to please you, darling

(i) Why does Jeanne say to Gaston “ What on earth.......”?

(ii)What’s the true reason behind Gaston’s generosity?

(iii) Why did Jeanne want to buy the villa?

13. Answer any two of the following questions in 30-40 words each: [3*2=6]

(i) How does Juliette describe her house to Jeanne and Gaston?

(ii)What do we learn about Triveni from the fiction?

(iii)What happen to the two lovers in the end in the poem” Lord Ullin’s Daughter”?

14. Answer any one of the following questions in 150 words: [ 5]

(i) How does the life of the brook appear similar to the life of man?

(ii) Decribe the contribution of Duke in the life of Chuck Hooper.


15. Relate the incident regarding the writer’s visit to the doctor.

16. How did Uncle Podger cut his finger? What did he want his handkerchief for and why could he not find it? OR

What was the cheese incident?

Listening and Speaking skill: 10 marks – To be judged at Vidyalaya Level.








|READING |8+7 |15 |

|WRITING |3+5+6+6 |20 |

|GRAMMAR |3+3+3+3+3 |15 |

|LITERATURE |3+3+3+6+5 |20 |



|TOTAL | |90 |









1.1 (a) Seasonal Affective Disorder

(b) trypton is a derivative of serotonin. When it enters the central nervous system and reaches a group of cells called raphe nucli it is converted into serotonin.

(c) in feeling vigorous and energized.

(d) The best method to regulate the hormonal balance is by regular exposure to daylight.

(e) Carbohydrates are an alternate way to suppress the symptoms, but the side effect is weight gain


(f) deficiency

(g) crave


2.1 b) angels in heaven

2.2 a)it froze Annabel Lee to death

2.3 c) grave

2.4 d)the angels were envious of the Annabel and the poet’s love

2.5 c) both a and b

2.6 c)do not affect the poet as he remembers just of his love

2.7 d)dissever



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|Date: |

|Time: |

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|Content: 2marks |

|Fluency:1 marks |

4. Appropriate dialogues to explain the given situation.

Fluency: 3marks

Accuracy: 2 marks

5. Content: 3marks

Fluency : 1 ½ marks

Expression: 1 ½ marks

6. Content : 3marks

Fluency: 1 ½ marks

Expression: 1 ½ marks

7. (a) getting



(d)was hired


(f)was boarded

8. (a) (iii) how she would finish that task that day

(b) (i) why she didn’t take her help.

(c) (iv) to help her if she had time then

9. Incorrect Correct

. (a) stolen - stole

(b) the -a

(c)than -then

(d)quiet -quite

(e)see -saw

(f)a -an

10. (a)through

(b) down

(c) with

11. Any appropriate sentence, grammatically correct can be deemed as correct.

12.1 (a) (iii)the one which was less travelled by

(b) (iii)the fairer one

(c) (i) they had been used almost equally

12.2(a) because Chuck was completely disappointed and had no desire to be amused.

(b)Marcy remembered her husband’s support and lively nature. She was managing everything alone now.

(c)the two fellows are duke and Chuck

12.3(a) because Gaston suddenly got ready to buy the villa

(b)he wished to earn profit

(c) Jeanne wanted to buy the villa for her parents

13. (a) as having all facilities and comfort and fit for both of them

(b) She used to write for the common people and the problems connected with them

(c) the two lovers get surrounded by high waves and could not escape meeting a tragic end to their life.

14. The brook also passes through various stages in it journey towards its final destination just like man.

The only difference is that man is mortal whereas the brook is immortal.

Duke inspired his master to walk and then helped him to take initial steps which were followed by a determined struggle leading to success.

15. The writer rushed to the doctor who prescribed him a normal diet and also suggested never to consult a medical book. The writer was delighted that he was cured of his sickness.

16. As Uncle Podger lifted up the picture, he dropped it on the floor. He cut his finger while trying to save the glass. He himself danced round the room looking for handkerchief and engaged others too in the work. Finally he found it in the pocket of the coat on which he was sitting. OR

Tom tried to get rid of the cheese into a canal, in a mortuary and finally at the sea side. The place gained a reputation for the pungent smell that filled the air above it.


Paper Submitted By:

Name Preeti shrivastava

Email preety0907@

Phone No. 9586907057


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