Soil Information System as a basis for measures against ...

Spatial Information Systems for Environmental Impact Assessment in the UK


This paper describes the development of spatial systems that use soil and related information for environmental impact assessment in the UK. Over the past 17 years, the Soil Survey and Land Research Centre (SSLRC) has developed a computerised land information system, LandIS, that has spawned a number of stand-alone applications targeted at environmental protection. These address the risks of pollutant transfer, ground instability, and corrosion.

M.J.D. Dufour

S.H. Hallett

R.J.A. Jones

J.W. Gibbons

Soil Survey and Land Research Centre, Cranfield University, Silsoe,

Bedford, MK45 4DT,UK.

Other applications also exist for assessing suitability for alternative crops, abatement strategies, and planning the sustainable management of land.

CatchIS, the Catchment Information System, was developed for assessing the vulnerability of ground and surface water to contamination from a range of commonly used pesticides. It is now operational with one of the largest water supply companies in the UK, which has also shared the development costs of the system. LEACS is a system for evaluating the risk of soil-based corrosion to underground assets (pipe networks) and as such provides a framework for asset management in both the water and utilities industries. INSURE is a geo-technical application for assessing environmental risks (subsidence, flood and storm) for the construction and finance industries. All three applications operate as stand-alone systems, but they all rely directly on the provision of data from the central database (LandIS).


The Soil Survey and Land Research Centre (SSLRC) has been collecting information on soils for over 50 years. The Centre has been responsible for developing a comprehensive soil classification system, collecting soil samples and subjecting them to physical and chemical analysis, and mapping the distribution of the different soil types. SSLRC has also developed the computerised Land Information System; LandIS, for storing all the data collected during survey work (Ragg and Proctor, 1983; Hallett et al., 1996). Development of LandIS commenced during the 1980s, and SSLRC is currently engaged on a four-year programme, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), to re-engineer the software and hardware platforms to take account of current industry standards (Proctor et al., 1998).


LandIS is one of the most comprehensive computerised land information systems of its kind in Europe. It allows groups and organisations in environmental, engineering, and agricultural fields to access valuable information and expertise that would otherwise need to be extracted from paper maps and log books.

• A key database in LandIS is NATMAP: a 100m x 100m resolution raster version of the 1:250 000 scale National Soil Map of England and Wales, published in six sheets (Soil Survey Staff, 1983). The 1:250 000 scale National Soil Map was originally digitised in vector format, but until recently, versions of NATMAP in raster format have been used in most applications. Summaries of NATMAP at 1km and 5km resolution have also been compiled, and are stored in LandIS as separate databases.

• The 100m resolution data has one map unit code for each unique Easting and Northing (map coordinates). The map unit code represents an association of soils; a group of soil series that are associated in a related pattern within the landscape. The system also holds information from the National Soil Map legend; for example, the percentage of each soil series in a map unit, where a soil series is the basic level of soil classification (Clayden and Hollis, 1984).

A number of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) projects have been developed using LandIS data. These assess environmental risks such as pollutant transfer, ground movement, and corrosion. They have been designed as Decision Support Systems (DSS), operating on UNIX workstations or PCs, to address specific business problems that cannot be solved using LandIS alone. These systems include:

• CatchIS - Catchment Information System

• LEACS - Land Evaluation for the Assessment of Corrosion and Subsidence

• INSURE - Information System for Underwriting Risk Evaluation

A fourth system SEISMIC, Spatial Environmental Information System for Monitoring the Impact of Chemicals has been developed for PC. It is a product developed for commercial sale with funding from the Pesticide Safety Division; an Agency of the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the British Agrochemicals Association (BAA). SEISMIC is described in detail by Hallett et al. (1995).


CatchIS, the Catchment Information System, is a spatial application developed in association with Severn Trent Water (STW) Ltd. CatchIS was originally developed in 1994 (Breach et al., 1994) as a research tool for assessing the vulnerability of ground and surface water to contamination from a range of commonly used pesticides. This is achieved by simulating the attenuation of these compounds in the natural environment using the logical and intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) presented in Figure 1. The results are presented as thematic maps and as statistical tables, which could be used to support business decisions. The system has been used as an operational tool since 1995.

STW is one of the largest water supply companies in the UK and is responsible for the operational management of the water resources in an area of central England, serving more than 8 million people. Water resources in this area are under considerable threat from pollution by industry, agriculture (particularly agrochemicals), transport, and waste disposal (both agricultural and industrial). CatchIS was developed largely to support the work of the Water Quality and Planning Department of STW and contains data on soils, climate, water resources, and basic spatial features such as transport networks and administrative boundaries. These data sets can be used for navigational as well as modelling purposes. Provided the appropriate data are incorporated, CatchIS can be used to support the management of water supplies in any other region in the UK or Europe.

Figure 2 presents a thematic overview of CatchIS which shows the modular structure of the system. This modular approach enables enhancements and conversions to be incorporated with maximum efficiency.


Figure 1: The CatchIS Environment.


Figure 2: Thematic overview of the CatchIS application.

Since it was commissioned in 1994, CatchIS has been operated on an IBM/RS6000 RISC workstation running the AIX (UNIX) operating system. The data sets are manipulated using the object oriented APIC spatial development environment produced by APIC S.A. (Timms, 1992). APIC possesses powerful spatial object data modelling capabilities (APIC, 1994a; 1994b; 1994c), and is particularly appropriate for spatial environmental information systems such as CatchIS. Despite the complex hardware and sophisticated underlying software platforms, CatchIS has been developed as a comprehensive solution to a specific business requirement, to deliver clean water to the public, in such a way that the user of the system does not have to be an expert in UNIX or GIS.

CatchIS Models.

Two environmental fate and behaviour models are encapsulated in CatchIS. These are SWAT; Surface Water Attenuation model, and AQUAT; Aquifer Attenuation model, (Hollis et al., 1993). These models have been developed to predict the leaching and surface run-off, respectively, of applied organic compounds such as pesticides. AQUAT is based on the work of Rao et al., (1985) and Leonard and Knisel, (1988), and calculates the attenuation factor; the fraction of applied pesticide in recharge water, corresponding to the amount of pesticide impacting the groundwater surface for specific pesticide, soil and climate parameters. This factor is used to estimate the likely annual average concentration of pesticide in recharge waters, based on the crop-specific pesticide application rate, with adjustments to take into account any likely crop interception and the average annual volume of recharge.


Figure 3: Runoff vulnerability for the Bow Brook sub-catchment.

The SWAT model is a further development of the concepts encapsulated by AQUAT, and estimates the average pesticide concentration likely to enter streams during peak drainage from fields following the first rainfall event after pesticide application that initiates run-off. By combining the vulnerability of soils to pollution by pesticide compounds with land use data, the actual risk for any given region can be estimated. Therefore, it is possible for users to visualise the potential for resource pollution, and the areas where this potential is likely to be realised.

CatchIS also incorporates soil-based interpretations such as pesticide run-off potential classes that can be thematically mapped as well as vulnerability assessments from AQUAT and SWAT. Figure 3 presents an example of such an interpretation as a thematic map.

CatchIS Data

The core databases of the CatchIS system include a regional soil map derived from the 100 m resolution NATMAP data set stored in LandIS. Associated data include: soil attributes, agroclimate, land use, aquifer, catchment and sub-catchment boundaries, river networks, surface and groundwater abstraction point data, administrative boundaries, and pesticide-compound data. The digital soil and climate data sets are derived from LandIS. Other digital data sets include Ordnance Survey Strategi data. Figure 4 presents a typical report comprising data held at any given point both in terms of agroclimatic variables and spatial location. In addition raster maps at scales of 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 are included. Thematic maps may be overlaid on these data sets to create maps of use in the field or in the office.

Potential Uses and Users

The CatchIS system can be customised to cover any area in the UK for which the appropriate spatial databases exist.

Report for Selected Point: Grid Reference: sj76503844


Field Capacity Days : 198

Excess Winter Rainfall : 0310

Return to Field Capacity : -79


Soil Association : 551a

Rank Series Code % Leaching Runoff

1 BRIDGNORTH 0144 50.00 H2do S4v

2 BROMSGROVE 0149 20.00 H2do S4v

3 NEWPORT 1310 10.00 H2mo S5v

4 CUCKNEY 0282 15.00 H2do S4v


The following describe the properties of the dominant series


Leaching Potential

Sandy soil with low organic matter over soft sandstone with deep


Runoff Potential

Soils with low run-off potential but very low adsorption potential


Currently selected Landuse Group: Grass : 5.40%

Category %

set-aside 5.40

Miscellaneous Spatial Features:

Point falls in Catchment : Upper Severn

Point falls in Subcatchment : Tern and Roden

Point falls in Water Supply District : ST

Point falls in Water Supply Zone : ST15B

Point falls in District Health Authority : North Staffordshire

Point falls in Local Authority : Newcastle-under-Lyme

Point falls in Nitrate Sensitive Area (NSA) : Wellings

Point falls in Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ) : Swynnerton A (G)

Figure 4: Sample CatchIS data.

Potential users of the CatchIS system include the following:

• The Water Industry

• Water Regulators

• Public Utilities

• The Agrochemical Industry

• Contract Laboratories

• Environmental and Agricultural Consultancies

• Government Departments and Agencies

• Universities, Colleges and other Educational establishments

• Research Institutes

Further Developments

CatchIS is under continuous development and is currently installed at STW as version 3.4. Future enhancements will include the introduction of a vector format 1:250 000 scale National Soil Map, to supersede the raster based NATMAP described in this paper. CatchIS is also in the process of being ported to run on an HP platform running under the HP-UX operating system. The system may also be further developed to include the assessment of other hazards to water supplies such as farm waste disposal.


LEACS; Land Evaluation Assessment for Corrosion and Subsidence, is a system evaluating the risk of corrosion or fracture to underground pipe networks. It is of particular interest to the water industry. Mechanical failures in the water distribution network are a major problem to many water companies and the costs of amelioration are high. LEACS uses the relationship between soil characteristics and failures to predict areas where the mains pipes and other underground assets are liable to fail. The results from the system allow water industry users to establish protocols to facilitate the repair and replacement of buried assets. There are a number of soil characteristics that can cause corrosion. These are described in the sections below.

Soil Corrosivity Potential

The corrosion of metal in soil is a complex electrochemical process and it is difficult to identify all the contributing factors. There is no national standard for assessing the corrosivity of soil, although there are standards for some individual tests, and standards produced by interested organisations. However, the soil properties that are considered to be the most important in having a significant effect on the corrosion of buried metal pipes are presented in Figure 5.


Figure 5: Corrosivity factors modelled.

Soil Fracture Potential

Clay particles occur in most kinds of soil, but they only begin to exert a strong influence on the behaviour of the whole soil where there is in excess of 35 % clay-sized (< 2(m) material present. Since clay particles are very small and commonly platy in shape, there is an immense surface area to which water can be attracted relative to the total volume of the soil material. In their natural undisturbed condition, the moisture content of clays does not change greatly, and consequently there are no changes in volume leading to soil fracture. However, the situation is very different when clays are exposed at or near the ground surface, especially if vegetation is rooting in them. When rainfall is small, and is exceeded by evapotranspiration, a soil moisture deficits occur. This leads to a reduction in soil volume, and the consequent shrinkage causes stress in the soil materials, and on the structures that are resting in the soil. These structures may then move, thus causing damage.


The basic soil data are derived from the 100m resolution NATMAP data set stored in LandIS. Using these data, two soil characteristics - soil corrosivity and soil fracture potential, that have a significant effect on the failure of underground assets, can be modelled spatially.

Two types of failure data are collected by the water companies, both of which are spatially referenced to the Ordnance Survey National Grid. The data sets are:

• Pipe Mains - geometric data on the location of underground water mains.

• Pipe Bursts - georeferences of the locations of known pipe bursts.

For a given section of pipe mains, there is a considerable chance that the pipe will fall within different soil types, with different soil characteristics (Figure 6). It is therefore, important to know which portions of the pipe mains will be more susceptible to failure due to the effect upon the pipe of the soil characteristics.


Figure 6: Spatial distribution of soils with different characteristics.

Assessment of Potential Risks

Six soil corrosivity classes are identified, with two additional classes, water and unclassified, to account for non-soil data. These categories are presented in Table 1. Six soil fracture potential classes are defined, with two additional classes, water and unclassified, to account for non-soil data. These categories are listed in Table 2.

Table 1: Soil corrosivity potential. Table 2: Soil fracture potential.

|Class Symbol| |Class Symbol |

|Non-Aggressive NoA | |Very Low VL |

|Slightly Aggressive SA | |Low L |

|Moderately Aggressive MoA | |Moderate M |

|Highly Aggressive HA | |High H |

|Very Highly Aggressive VHA | |Very High VH |

|Rock R | |High* (Alluvial) H* |

|Unclassified Un | |Unclassified Un |

|Water H20 | |Water H20 |

*Alluvial soils are treated separately


The results of the LEACS analysis can be expressed as a function of mains length per modelled risk class, or as a function of burst occurrences per modelled risk class. More importantly, these two results can be combined to produce a burst index (burst rate), which normalises results on a uniform ratio scale. Intra-comparison of these normalised results can be achieved in this way. The burst index is produced by dividing the number of bursts observed within a given class by the mains length (in km) within that class. This provides a figure for the number of bursts per kilometre of mains pipes:

Burst Index = Number of Bursts in class x / Mains Length in class x

Based on a study which was carried out for North East Water (unpub), using a simplified soil corrosivity scheme, it has been shown that there is direct link between soil corrosivity and pipe mains failure.

Table 3: Soil corrosivity analysis (corrosivity class).

|Soil Corrosivity Potential Class |Burst Rate |

|Slightly Aggressive |0.24 |

|Moderately Aggressive |0.78 |

|Highly Aggressive |N/A |

As a function of corrosivity class, Table 3 shows that there is a marked increase in the burst rate, and hence pipe susceptibility between the slightly and moderately aggressive soil types. In this instance, no pipes occurred within the highly aggressive soils.

Table 4: Soil corrosivity analysis (pipe type).

|Pipe Type Class |Burst Rate |

|Cast Iron |1.12 |

|Lead |0.60 |

|PVC |0.33 |

As a function of pipe type Table 4 shows that pipe mains constructed of cast iron are more susceptible to failure than other metal (lead) pipes, and that plastic (PVC) pipes are the least susceptible to failure.

Table 5: Soil corrosivity analysis (pipe type within corrosivity class).

| | |Soil Corrosivity Class |

| | |Slightly Aggressive |Moderately Aggressive |Highly Aggressive |

|Pipe |Cast Iron |0.15 |1.14 |N/A |

|Type |Lead |0.07 |0.65 |N/A |

|Class |PVC |0.02 |0.25 |N/A |

As a function of pipe type within soil corrosivity class, Table 5 shows that the marked increase in burst susceptibility affects all pipe types, but that cast iron pipes have nearly double the burst rate of lead pipes, and nearly five times the burst rate of PVC pipes, within the moderately aggressive soil types. No pipes occurred within the highly aggressive soils.

Similar studies for a major water company in Southern Britain confirmed the trends established in the North East Water LEACS analysis. The LEACS analysis was extended to include the effect of soil corrosivity on burst susceptibility of pipes with different diameters. It was shown that pipes of smaller diameters were more susceptible to failure in all soil corrosivity classes. In addition, the effect of soil fracture potential was investigated, and it was shown that pipes located in soils of higher fracture potential were more susceptible to failure than pipes located in soils of lower fracture potential (the precise results of this LEACS analysis can not be included, for reasons of commercial confidentiality).

It has been shown that soil data can be interpreted to identify corrosion risk and in practice these predictions correlate closely with the actual occurrences of pipe bursts and failures where such data are available. The corrosivity classification has been shown to be a good first approximation for identifying areas of land aggressive to buried ferrous pipes, confirming a relationship of soil type to mains bursts (Jarvis and Hedges, 1994). Furthermore, it is clear that spatial soil data at 1:250 000 scale (NATMAP) can broadly discriminate areas of risk of pipe bursts, although inevitably a proportion of corrosive interaction will not be identified because corrosive soils can be of very limited extent and therefore not easily delineated at this scale. The soil classification system used by SSLRC, with its most precisely defined unit the soil series, allows a rapid appraisal of any area in England and Wales where soil maps exist. It also ensures that there is a consistent national approach to the assessment of soil corrosivity.


The INformation System for Underwriting Risk Evaluation, INSURE, is a geo-technical application developed for the UK insurance industry for assessing the risk of subsidence, flood and storm. The background to the system is described by Hallett et al. (1994). It was developed on an IBM RS/6000 UNIX workstation, using the APIC object-oriented development environment. The subsidence risk assessment module is based on the type of soil (e.g. the potential to shrink and swell, SSWELL, or the origin of the parent material), and the climate (e.g. the potential soil moisture deficit; PSMD). The flood risk assessment module is based on the origin and type of the soil parent material. Alluvial areas delineate the extent of floodable land and these are the areas most at risk. The storm exposure risk assessment module classifies risk, based on wind exposure, in which average wind speeds, and field survey information are taken into account. INSURE is fully geo-referenced, using the Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference and the Royal Mail Post Code resolved down to Unit level.


Figure 7: The INSURE Environment.


Soil-related building subsidence is the result of ground movement. The kinds of soil materials directly associated with ground movement and their effects (Jarvis, 1993) are listed below:

• Clay shrinkage and swelling

• Sand and erosion

• Peat and shrinkage

• Silts and frost heave

• Soft soils and compressibility

With its current configuration, INSURE predicts subsidence risks caused primarily by Shrink-swell (SSWELL) of clays. It can also identify the occurrence of sands, silts, soft (alluvial) soils and peat soils, but clay shrink-swell is by far the most extensive cause of subsidence in England and Wales. Other natural mechanisms associated with and/or causing ground movement include mining subsidence, land-slips and the formation of swallow holes, but these are not assessed by INSURE.

Clay-related subsidence

Cracking caused by shrinking soils is not uncommon in summer months; it is particularly noticeable in soils with high clay content. The exact amount of shrinking and cracking depends upon the soil type, density, and field conditions (Hall et al., 1977). The shrink-swell potential of the soil has been determined from direct measurements of shrinkage and an understanding of the mineralogy of soil clays. Cracking affects structural development (Reeve and Hall, 1978; Reeve et al., 1980) and this knowledge has been used to classify each of the national soil series on the basis of its potential to shrink and swell (SSWELL) when moisture is expelled and absorbed.

Shrinkage is the reduction in volume of a soil when moisture is expelled through drainage, evaporation and transpiration. It depends on the amount of clay and the type of clay minerals present. Measurements have been made under specific conditions and the soil Shrink-Swell (SSWELL) potential at 1m depth has been made for all nationally important soil series portrayed on the National Soil Map of the UK. Five classes of SSWELL are recognised on the basis of predicted volumetric shrinkage between 5 and 1500 kPa, expressed as a percentage of the volume at 5 kPa.

In some parts of Britain, particularly in the South and East, summer rainfall is relatively low, and is exceeded by evapotranspiration. At this time of year water reserves are not replenished by rainfall, and soil moisture deficits occur. The water being removed from the soil by the plants leads to reduction in soil volume, and the consequent shrinkage causes stress in the soil materials, leading in turn to stress on foundations that are resting in the soil. The foundations themselves may then move and thus cause damage to building structures. This problem can be exacerbated by the fact that the soil beneath the structure may not dry out uniformly, so that any lateral pressure exerted on the building foundation is made effectively greater.

In predicting subsidence risk for clay shrinkage, it is important to know the cycle of wetting and drying in soil at different locations in the country. Using rainfall and evapotranspiration data, the cycle of wetting and drying can be expressed in terms of the potential soil moisture deficit; PSMD (Smith, 1967; Jones and Thomasson, 1985).

PSMD = (R-PT), expressed in mm

The PSMD is accumulated over a season and represents the excess of evapotranspiration (PT) over rainfall in that season. Average values, expressed in mm rainfall equivalent, are combined with SSWELL data for assessing clay-related subsidence risk. Data are included representing 15 years of measurements of weather parameters collected from field meteorological stations, representing the full range of conditions expected in England and Wales. Data at a resolution of 5km x 5km from the agroclimatic databank (Jones and Thomasson, 1985; Ragg et al., 1988) are used in this study.

INSURE uses the mean maximum PSMD which represents the maximum deficit under a short green crop such as grass. This is a conservative estimate because where large trees with deep roots occur, the maximum PSMD can be significantly greater than under grass.

Other Soil-Related Subsidence

There are other soil properties which can cause ground movement (Jones et al., 1995). Sandy soils do not shrink when moisture is abstracted, and are generally non-compressible. However, if a water pipe buried in loose sandy material bursts, severe erosion can occur below ground and cavities can form, posing a danger to buildings founded in such material. Many insurance claims for subsidence damage in the UK are preceded by bursts in the water pipes proximate to the property.

The heaving of silty soils under frosty conditions can also lead to significant damage to building structures. Silty soils often form platy structures, and in moist conditions, water is held against gravity in the pores between grains and on the surfaces of the plates. Heave is caused by migration of this water to sites in the soil subjected to sub-zero temperatures. The subsequent freezing causes expansion, particularly in the vertical dimension.

Peats are subject to a considerable degree of shrinkage when they are drained, and thus buildings located on such materials are vulnerable to subsidence. Peat is also soft and very compressible and consequently there is a increased risk of subsidence when such land is loaded by building structures.

Soft soil material, e.g. sands, silts and clays, deposited in rivers, lakes, and seas as lacustrine, riverine and marine alluvium, are weakly consolidated. Such materials have very low bulk densities (< 1.0gcm-3) and are compressed when subjected to loads. The weight of building structures is such that, in many cases, the vertical stress exerted is greater than the bearing strength of the soft soil material and this can lead to consolidation and subsidence. Areas most at risk from this kind of subsidence are largely confined to the floodplains of rivers and streams, the coastal flats underlain by marine alluvium, and areas covered by lacustrine deposits and peat (Jones et al., 1995).


The INSURE system integrates a number of discrete data types. These data are brought together and manipulated by the risk models encapsulated within the system. The principal data types include soil data, climatic data and geo-referencing/cadastral data. Figure 8 presents a thematic overview of INSURE showing the modular structure of the system.

Developed to run on a UNIX workstation, INSURE uses 100m resolution NATMAP soil data derived from LandIS, which means that subsidence risk can be identified in the UK at Postcode Unit level (typically representing groups of 15 - 50 residential properties).

All spatial data in the INSURE system are geo-referenced through the Ordnance Survey National Grid system, allowing direct comparison of differing data types. INSURE data can also be accessed geo-spatially through the Royal Mail Postcode system (Chorley, 1987). The Postcode system offers a common reference for locating properties and linking with the exposure-to-subsidence-risk data. In its core implementation, INSURE works at all Postcode levels: Areas, Districts, Sectors, and Units. INSURE also retains the National Grid referencing system for accessing and manipulating the spatial data as an alternative to the Postcode data sets. For navigation, INSURE is capable of supporting both vector and raster overlay information, such as the Ordnance Survey ‘Strategi’ and 1:50,000 scale Landranger map data (roads, railways, canals, major and minor settlements etc.).


Figure 8: Thematic overview of the INSURE application.

INSURE in the Finance sector

INSURE provides a decision support system for underwriters in the UK Insurance industry. It uses the best available data on the soil material directly in contact with the foundations of most domestic housing. It uniquely overlays climatic data, thus giving the best measure of the realisation of the potential risk of shrinkage and swelling in soils. INSURE also contains information on the origin and nature of soil parent materials. This information is used to assess the risk of subsidence caused by compressibility of soft soils and also to identify the area of floodable land.

One of the advantages of INSURE is that it uses soil data that specifically relate to the nature of the material present at the surface and to a depth of 1.5m depth, and not only to the geological deposits from which some surface materials derive. The soil data in LandIS therefore more accurately reflect the thin superficial drift deposits, resulting from alluviation and glaciation, that commonly overlie the solid geology in many parts of Britain.

The object orientated framework of INSURE integrates a powerful object modelling capability with rapid data visualisation within a single comprehensive application package. INSURE is now available as a commercial product under the name of VENTECH.

Overall Conclusions

This paper describes spatial applications developments relevant to the real world, that are soundly based on comprehensive digital soil and land data (from LandIS). These applications illustrate the importance and the benefits that can be gained from using spatial data from a secure central source.

The use of soil and related data has moved on from the traditional areas of research into agricultural productivity of land and land capability to the protection of the soil itself and the natural environment as a whole. The growing concern over the impact that everyday human activities, and particularly climate change, are having upon the environment has led to a marked increase in applications centred on environmental risk assessment.

The development of CatchIS has demonstrated how soil, climatic, and land use data can be combined in one system directed at the protection of water supplies from pesticide leaching and runoff. Not only can CatchIS act as a tool for assessing the potential risk, but it can also provide a platform, based on sound scientific principles, for reducing this risk.

LEACS is an application that addresses a major problem for the UK water industry: the leakage of underground water pipes through corrosion and fracture. Some water companies lose large amounts of potable water in this way and the industry is now striving to reduce these losses though pipe rehabilitation with the aid of the LEACS system.

In the case of INSURE, digital soil and climatic data, coupled with other spatially-referenced data such as national postcodes, are used to discriminate between groups of residential properties situated in areas of the country which have high as opposed to low risk of subsidence. In general, the growth in the availability of administrative data sets, such as UK Postcode and County boundaries, allows the financial institutions to manage their assets on the basis of the environmental risks that can now be identified by INSURE (VENTECH).

In planning environmental research during the next few years, it is important to remember data collection is an expensive process. However, experience shows that soil and land data, originally pertaining to the needs and requirements of the period when they were collected, have proved to be invaluable for tackling the environmental problems today.


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