Assessment Rubric for Class Presentation

Assessment Rubric for Class Presentation

| | | | | |  |

|CATEGORY |A  |B  |C                    |D  |F  |

|  | |  |  |  |  |

|Content |Shows a full |Shows a good |Shows a good |Does not seem to |Does not understand|

|   |understand-ing of |understanding of the |understanding of |understand the |or address any |

|20 pts. |the topic. |topic. |parts of the topic. |topic very well. |topic. |

|  |   |  |  |  | |

|Audience Engagement |Makes good use of |Makes fair use of |Makes some use of |Makes little or |Makes no real use |

|  |the chosen medium |chosen medium to |medium to engage |any use of |of any medium. No |

|20 pts. |to engage the |engage audience |audience attention. |medium, or does |audience engagement|

| |audience's |attention. | |not attempt to | |

| |attention. | | |engage audience | |

| | | | |attention. | |

|  |  |  |  | |  |

|Preparedness |Student is |Student seems pretty |Student is somewhat |Student did not |Student did not |

|  |completely |prepared but might |prepared, but it is |seem at all |present. |

|10 pts. |prepared and has |have needed a couple |clear that rehearsal |prepared to | |

| |obviously |more rehearsals. |was lacking. |present. | |

| |rehearsed. | | | | |


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