Lab Safety Poster Rubric:

Lab Safety Poster Rubric:

Create a poster on an 8.5 X 11 white sheet of paper on one of the major lab safety rules discussed in class. Be creative and colorful. The rubric below will be used to grade your posters.

|Criteria |Exceeds |Meets |Approaching |Below Approaching |Well Below |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|GRAPHICS: Originality & |Several of the graphics used|One or two of the graphics|The graphics are made by |Graphics made by the |No graphics are |

|Creativity |on the poster reflect an |used on the poster reflect|the student, but are |student are included, or|included. |

| |exceptional degree of |student creativity in |based on the designs or |graphics done entirely | |

| |student creativity in their |their creation and/or |ideas of others OR was |on computer, or graphics| |

| |creation and/or display. |display. |done mostly by computer. |show little or no | |

| | | | |creativity. | |

|CAP, PUNCT., & GRAMMAR |Capitalization and |There is 1 error in |There are 2 errors in |There are more than 2 |No text was used |

| |punctuation are correct |capitalization or |capitalization or |errors in capitalization|for the poster. |

| |throughout the poster. |punctuation and/or there |punctuation and/or there |or punctuation and/or | |

| |There are no grammatical |is 1 grammatical mistake |are 2 grammatical |there are more than 2 | |

| |mistakes on the poster. |on the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |grammatical mistakes on | |

| | | | |the poster. | |

|REQUIRED ELEMENTS |The poster includes all |All required elements are |All but 1 of the required|Several required |Required elements |

| |required elements as well as|included on the poster. |elements is included on |elements were missing. |were not present on|

| |additional information. | |the poster. | |poster. |

|TIMELINESS |Poster was turned in on |Poster was turned in one |Poster was turned in 2 |Poster was turned in 3 |Poster was turned |

| |time. |day late. |days late. |days late. |in more than 3 days|

| | | | | |late. |

|GENERAL FORMAT |Unlined paper is used. |Unlined paper is used. |Unlined paper is used. |Lined paper is used |Lined paper is |

| |Poster is on entire paper. |Poster is on at least ¾ of|Poster is on ½ of the |AND/OR the drawing is |used. Name, class,|

| |Name, class, and date are in|entire paper. Name, |entire paper. Name, |much too small or much |or date, missing. |

| |the back of poster. Poster |class, and date are in the|class, and date are in |too large. Name, class,| |

| |is kept neat and unfolded. |back of poster. |the back of poster. |and/or date not on back | |

| | | | |of poster. | |

|OVERALL PRESENTATION |The poster is creative, |The poster is somewhat |The poster is somewhat |The poster is severely |The poster has no |

| |colorful, and appropriate. |creative colorful, and |creative and somewhat |lacking creativity |color or |

| | |appropriate. |colorful. |and/or color. |creativity. |

Teacher Comments:

Lab Safety Poster Rubric:

Create a poster on an 8.5 X 11 white sheet of paper on one of the major lab safety rules discussed in class. Be creative and colorful. The rubric below will be used to grade your posters.

|Criteria |Exceeds |Meets |Approaching |Below Approaching |Well Below |

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|GRAPHICS: Originality & |Several of the graphics used|One or two of the graphics|The graphics are made by |No graphics made by the |No graphics are |

|Creativity |on the poster reflect an |used on the poster reflect|the student, but are |student are included. |included. |

| |exceptional degree of |student creativity in |based on the designs or | | |

| |student creativity in their |their creation and/or |ideas of others. | | |

| |creation and/or display. |display. | | | |

|CAP, PUNCT., & GRAMMAR |Capitalization and |There is 1 error in |There are 2 errors in |There are more than 2 |No text was used |

| |punctuation are correct |capitalization or |capitalization or |errors in capitalization|for the poster. |

| |throughout the poster. |punctuation and/or there |punctuation and/or there |or punctuation and/or | |

| |There are no grammatical |is 1 grammatical mistake |are 2 grammatical |there are more than 2 | |

| |mistakes on the poster. |on the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |grammatical mistakes on | |

| | | | |the poster. | |

|REQUIRED ELEMENTS |The poster includes all |All required elements are |All but 1 of the required|Several required |Required elements |

| |required elements as well as|included on the poster. |elements is included on |elements were missing. |were not present on|

| |additional information. | |the poster. | |poster. |

|TIMELINESS |Poster was turned in on |Poster was turned in one |Poster was turned in 2 |Poster was turned in 3 |Poster was turned |

| |time. |day late. |days late. |days late. |in more than 3 days|

| | | | | |late. |

|GENERAL FORMAT |Unlined paper is used. |Unlined paper is used. |Unlined paper is used. |Lined paper is used |Lined paper is |

| |Poster is on entire paper. |Poster is on at least ¾ of|Poster is on ½ of the |AND/OR the drawing is |used. Name, class,|

| |Name, class, and date are in|entire paper. Name, |entire paper. Name, |much too small or much |or date, missing. |

| |the back of poster. Poster |class, and date are in the|class, and date are in |too large. Name, class,| |

| |is kept neat and unfolded. |back of poster. |the back of poster. |and/or date not on back | |

| | | | |of poster. | |

|OVERALL PRESENTATION |The poster is creative, |The poster is somewhat |The poster is somewhat |The poster is severely |The poster has no |

| |colorful, and appropriate. |creative colorful, and |creative and somewhat |lacking creativity |color or |

| | |appropriate. |colorful. |and/or color. |creativity. |

Teacher Comments:









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