Class Schedule.doc

CSU Bakersfield School of Education


  Spring Quarter 2008                   CRN 22671-2     EDSE 400

Introduction to Teaching/CTAP Level I Certification (6 units)

Spring Quarter 2008 March 24th - June 2nd

Instructor:       Javier Ruiz, M.A.               Office phone: (661) 654-2377

Email:                 Office:     EDUC 138

Day/Time:       Thursday  4:00 – 8:10        Location:   EDUC 128

| Class |Lecture Topics |Assignments Due |

|March 27th |-  Review syllabus, class information |o       Get TB test ASAP |

| |-  CTAP-- Introduction to LiveText |o       Obtain Runner ID and Runner e-mail |

| |-  Pass out forms: get LS at County Office/Certificate |o       Get LiveText subscription |

| |of Clearance back before student teaching |o       Begin journal electronically, or hard-copy |

| |-  TB Test at Student Health |for class notes and field observations |

| |-  WebCT DBAs: Login with Runner ID and use last five |o       Show me Live Scan Application and TB |

| |digits of CSUB ID password. |Clearance before going to  placement |

| |-  CSUB Runner e-mail is the only official student |Field Placement Requests (sign hold-harmless form) |

| |account. Any course related information from the |Field Waiver forms out |

| |instructor will be delivered through this account, |Field Log forms out |

| |please activate it. |Intro letters out |

| |-  email me if you drop or change name |400 letters out |

| |-  Collect items for Introduction |Parent Permission forms out |

| |-  Tell me if you have a better idea or resource: |o       Practice Posting in WebCT Discussions |

| |"None of us is as smart as all of us." | |

| |Tip of the Week: Zero Noise Signal | |

|April 3rd |-   Introduction to  each other |o       CTAP8 1.1, 1.2 due next Sunday |

| |-   Form Teams of 2-5 |o       Show Live Scan and TB |

| |-   CTAP Level I Resources Link |o       You must have a LT subscription |

| |-   LiveText demo: follow format | |

| |-   WebCT demo | |

| |-   Attendance system | |

| |-   You cannot go to your placement school until you | |

| |show me your Live Scan app. and TB Clearance. | |

| |-   Use grammar/spelling check before posting anything | |

| |anywhere | |

| |Tip of the Week: Field = job interview | |

|April 10th |-  Team Time |o          CTAP8 1.3, 1.4 due next Sunday |

| |-  Update teams |o       Show Live Scan and TB |

| |-  Share 1.1 and 1.2 in teams |o       DBA 1 due by Friday and Monday |

| |-  Review last week: |o       You must have a LT subscription |

| |-  ID 2 important ideas | |

| |-  Demonstrate LiveText skils: must submit project to me| |

| |for review. | |

| |-  Teaching Profession nuts and bolts | |

| |- *MS/SS credentials | |

| |- *KUHSD Salary Scale | |

| |- *collective bargaining | |

| |- *teacher unions | |

| |- *tenure | |

| |- *public education mission | |

| |-  You cannot go to your placement school until you show| |

| |your Live Scan and TB Clearance | |

| |-  Re: Census Day  -- Be in Banner or be purged | |

| |Tip of the Week: WebCT has big brother option | |

|April 17th |-  Team Time |o       CTAP8 1.5, 1.6 demo in class or do folio |

| |-  Update teams |o       DBA 1 discussed |

| |-  Share 1.3 and 1.4 |  |

| |-  Last week: | |

| |-  ID 2 important ideas | |

| |-  CSUB's Single Subject Program | |

| |-  Avoid professional misconduct | |

| |-  Good health for teachers | |

| |-  Pensions | |

| |-  Teaching in prisons | |

| |-  Teacher as mandated reporter | |

| | Tip of the Week: Classroom as sanctuary  | |

|April 24th |-  Team Time: |o       CTAP8 1.7, 1.8 demo in class or do folio |

| |-  Update teams |o       DBA 2 due by Friday and Monday |

| |-  Share 1.5 and 1.6 |o       Report on School placement |

| |-  Last week: |  |

| |-  ID 2 important ideas | |

| |-  TPEs & TPAs | |

| |-  Character education in schools | |

| |-  School Finder | |

| |-  APLE | |

| |-  Job fairs | |

| |-  SLICC and Professional Organizations | |

| | Tip of the Week: Forgiveness  | |

|May 1st |-  Team Time: |o       CTAP8 1.9/10  due next Monday |

| |-  Share 1.7 and 1.8 |o       DBA 2 discussed |

| |-  Last week: |  |

| |-  ID 2 important ideas | |

| |-  Teaching Strategies: Theory and Practice | |

| |-  Teaching profession perks | |

| | Tip of the Week: Teacher as entrepreneur | |

| |Another Tip:  Meaning of sensei  | |

|May 8th |-  Team Time: |o       CTAP8 1.11/12 due this Monday |

| |-  Share 1.9 and 1.10 |o       DBA 3 due by Friday and Monday |

| |-  Last week: |o       Post your lesson plan to 1.11 to get credit.|

| |-  ID 2 important ideas | |

| |-  Demonstrate TidBits | |

| |-  How to use LiveText to access a "Secondary Lesson | |

| |Plan Template" | |

| | Tip of the Week: Bookmark useful sites  | |

|May 15th |-  Team Time: |o       CTAP8 1.13 due this Sunday |

| |-  Share 1.11 and 1.12 |o       DBA 3 discussed |

| |-  Last week: ID 2 important ideas |  |

| |-  Teaching Learning Interchange | |

| |-  Complete CTAP I eFolios ASAP | |

| |-  NBPTS | |

| |-  Generic Letter of Recommendation for eFolio | |

| | Tip of the Week: Use Online Social Networks in your | |

| |work.  | |

|May 22nd |-  Team Time: |o       CTAP8 Appendices due next Monday |

| |-  Share 1.13 |o       Field Logs due by next week |

| |-  Last week: |o       Show me your Journals |

| |-  ID 2 important ideas |·        Online |

| |-  Handling Student Misbehavior |or |

| |-  Check my grade sheet for assignments done |·        Hardcopy |

| | Tip of the Week: Brainstorm How to avoid Teacher | |

| |Burnout  | |

|May 29th |-  Team Time: |o   All assignments are due by last day in LT. |

| |-  ID 2 important ideas |o   Check your eFolio "View Assessment" to be sure |

| |-  Review Online Resources |all assignments are "acceptable." |

| |-  NAEP is national report card |o   Check my spreadsheet to be sure you have all |

| |-  I will post final grades to Banner on 06/09/08 |assignments done. |

| |-  Class Closure: Edward de Bono's PMI |o   If you have assignments to show me, I will hold |

| | Here's how you get your CTAP8 Level I certification: |office hours. |

| |- You can get the application in Word from HERE. | It takes CTAP more than two months to process an |

| |- Fill it out, (put you cursor where you want to enter |application and send you the certificate.  If you |

| |text and click your mouse). Leave "School" blank unless |don't receive it by then, fax your signed |

| |you have a job at one. Post it in your eFolio |application to CTAP8 at 636-4571. |

| |Introduction | |

| |- Give me a hard copy. I'll sign mine and mail it to | |

| |CTAP. I'll also send a copy to CTAP and to your | |

| |credential file. | |

| |Tip of the Week: Make teaching and learning fun | |

|June |ePortfolios review |o   If you cannot complete all assignments, you must|

|2nd | |get a "Request for Inc" form from me and have me |

| | |sign it with a due date next quarter, and submit it |

| | |to secretary in the Teacher Ed Dept. |

Rubric for rating participation in DBAs

|  |Effective   |Developing   |Emerging  |

| |   3 points |   2 points |    1 point |

|Number of posts |Averages one post and one response per|Averages one minimal post and one |Averages three posts for every two |

| |question. |response per question |questions. |

|Netiquette |Is able to convey opinions without |Seeks not to offend. Attempts to |Rarely shows consideration for |

| |obviously offending colleagues; shows |consider the feelings of others. |feelings of colleagues. Posts have |

| |evidence of consideration for | |edge of sharpness. |

| |colleagues when responding. | | |

|Timeliness |Generally posted during the week with |Posts at end of week; often done on|Posts often done after new assignments|

| |some evidence of checking back. |one day. |for a new week have gone up. |

| | | |Frequently the posts are in a burst |

| | | |with multiple weeks being posted. |

|Quality |Generally accurate factually and |Posts not targeted clearly on the |Posts are not focused on the initial |

|initial posts |generally focused. May be some |initial question. Information often|question and often are more responses |

| |misspellings and grammar errors that |accurate, but limited in scope. |than initial posts. Limited or dubious|

| |do not detract significantly from the |Misspellings and grammar may be a |information. Grammar and spelling are |

| |post. |problem. |a distraction. |

|Quality |Response relates to something said by |Response may relate to something |Response is short without any |

|replies |colleague, but does not carry the |said by colleague, but lacks |specificity. “Nice work” is an |

| |discussion forward. |specificity. |example. (While such a comment is |

| | | |fine, it is not a quality reply.) |



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