Name ________________________________________ Date ...

Name __________________________________ Date __________________ Class 6-____

Chapter 10 – Byzantine and Muslim Civilizations

Section 3. Muslim Civilization

Read pgs. 300-304

This sheet should be used as an aid only. Remember that it is your responsibility to re-read the chapter and to know all of the ideas covered.

Identify the following:

• Omar Khayyam -

• caliph -

• Sufis -

• Sultan -

• Khwarizmi

Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Why might the Arabs have chosen Baghdad as their capital?


2. How did the Muslims treat people with different religions?


3. Name three Arab contributions to mathematics and science.


Fill in the blanks.

4. The _____________________________ of Muslim civilization brought about many new breakthroughs in mathematics, science and the arts.

5. Arab merchants and armies helped spread _____________________________ to neighboring regions.

6. The defeat of Arab forces at the Battle of Tours in 732 stopped Muslims from advancing into ______________________________.

7. Unlike Byzantine leaders, Muslims __________________________ other faiths.

8. The Arab world’s great __________________________ helped create the golden age of Muslim culture.

9. The capital of the Muslim empire during Islam’s golden age was ___________________.

10. Muslim scholars made great advances in ____________________________________,

____________________________ and __________________________________.

11. The most famous Sufi poet, Rumi, founded a religious group known to Europeans as the _________________________________________.

12. Constantinople was conquered in 1453 by the __________________________.


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